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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1901, p. 1

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b~y nti youpav trect ne..-~point to spare no expense in equipping S 0 N -,«emy shop w:ith the best goods and appli- . ances, giving my patrons opportunities IVI D.'V~ ILLIA~J[S ~ S ON ~ unobt:inable outside of large imanufac- M 0 ,W 1 L A 'Iv"i à"v-M turies A supply of highgrade sun- driesalwan kptinstock. Brazing, Undertaking receiveslprompt and personal attention. ~Gidn n eea Rearwork. Tire vulcanizing, a Sspecialty. Your esteemed Datronage BOWMAVIt~E. ~respectfully solicited. WM. FIS HLEIGH, 444; BowiANVILLII. Market Square. I eniTTfIlDnaonoln ixeaîgoUefle saîron tnauup tehue scale at54 pounds, and xwb have been caught whîch were of the respect- able weight of 40pounds eacbi. Salmon fishing beginis about the midudle )f May, and ail the rivers abouind wittUs great and gloriaus fIsh. Mr. L-. 13V, lliaos, son of Mr. Chas. Williams, Enû aukilienj, publishes a paper here butt we did not stay long cnough te sce bim and wife. It is ne idle boast [o say Cia the Restigouche is the fiuest slnriver in the world, It is imnpossibýle [oý do jus- tice te it in a limited spae. Wîih its cennecting streams it ofP orsposiite which are beyond the dreanis of a mbi- [ion in the mimd ofthe v %eteran fshe man. Dalhousie îs one of the fairest spots to be fonnd in this fair portion of thie continent. rt is the centre froiu whicli the best gaine regiens Caliho e achecd. The scenery is fine even fru comparison with other parts of the country wlere scencry worthy ofth[le best artist is found on every band. There ïti-6 splen- did opportunities for beating au bath- mng, and there are hotels wýhich,' wich- eut being pertentieus, meet every re- quiro3ment of the traveler. We next take our readers for a side tripin the land of -Gas6e. Duj he seasen cf navigation a steamer imakes regular bi-weekly trips [o Gaspe B3asin, calling at intermediate points cu-ýroute. In this trio [the visitor frein the T-lan<q Iv.VrI fUf~IUl~l ~cities can have an exriunience Yh-ich is PCI) C.-. tM~ ~ -he -fuifilment cf bis dream. Ga,,,,spe .. waters are [ho home cf the flnest ols f WhA2LV Shou 1d BuvaSewing on[ifaec[hg]btl'esetay VVUIOU uv a [buhecountry of fi, ad bee s wrl D. flfl dcight [ o bim wbîo vst as a Machine fromn T. N. RICKARD enqt a e tec)bdluou od IfJstranger from Oantarl ý o, As te thf en sblime. Hure, toc, anc emaof h r' saeTo becomoetheproecient lu buàs- Most wonderfilcf, aulmnon streauts and 1. H lia fersaleseveai o [ho j mss a ~and meanijs to a, [ho most abundn petnte o h 2.very best makes. oucffo deesof[o herman 2 lie sols [hem at [ho verv euntdBusiness Collaes cf ~Returnin,., [o tbu main 1îloaI the - vony lowcst prices. ~~~~~ Ontanloý, Limitcd, [bat max' bu laaius saoeo i ih 3. Bing se neýar 11eme youcau fouund lu Teronto, Lcndon. Hutm-41 wiil rcpay a visit.Itihotppn always eown aîît[bingî ye ltn awa, Sna eni p lace of '[hbe who wîsh te iah on le wish o uo abou a mahine. iGat, Gueipb, St, Catheinu. Nepisguit, a salmonriecfi[n- 4ï. Yeu eaudu;plicate [bu, part-i lu cise of au accident. Ticir [cachons are mca oifbf-'[louai and tnanscontiinenait reputo 5. acins prcasd ter ae ~iibtrunin."abiity and experieuce through K:aud fmcm Batlurst- ho flne1 ust prtf!a Swbose bauds have passed nma;uv biî,ýg amne countnr y beeas-vfech 8. leu ouhae buchic c sveaikidsand in making yeuoul ýectîoIl en ftbe ms[ snjccssful mon u a e This is a part c hawordwn ~ ncan led [bt yn*1wi not eed ta purcýhase again lun ourJfet qe s -fiCanada. For general inifo I Cmos, criboýu aod eer iere a co11 auythng Rihardadvisa ~-q te urc-hase wil bu bujtltpropeniy alnof :teY rt etc- o sctiw wr odaduin [ho bes[ matenials. ~~ton, w iite . anwîna abiinteshoeg 4, T.Nxikr eîga[eog ehanieù, 1buis competent te adviSe o iMliIý IifI ansar u lt i uido, wlb a in bu attr. nd f yn ~ht lo-pried drui-p lead stylae eu.v1, IIhi aioneasrac btto be[c i lie fia î' [a iucs machine tei.fr 2.3 j ,,,iJLLL iProwats[nelty H my 11e iasas relisem rui god Scon-bad lUchies oî S.Odsud$4.O. Y M.C. . Buldig i ga.e pe~evu l [lc wrid Nefondan. onnccýtingwi t this was calle-d the MNIodel Pair. 'Thë, Newfoundland*railway svstem, Anoth- direcrors are doing ail in their power ci mostcenjoyable trnp is on a, Steamer [o make it still morewvrthy of Ibià de, te thc northeast coast, where may be sigliation this year. Prize lists may bc seen some of the most sublim3 SCenery had [rom M . A. JAMES, Sccretary, f ound on any coast'iu the world. . Bowmanville, with whom entries must Beyond Sydneyv we visited Louisburg jbc made ou or before Tuesda.v lOth, which was once known as the Duukirk inst. Return tickets at single [aregod of America, -the most famous forti[ied fromt Wednesday p m , up to Saturdav city of its time. The grass grows green niglit. See bis at ail post offices ln on what was once the theatre of combat district. Grand promenade, concert for supremacy betwecn two nations, Thursday nîght, and musical and liter- but everv outline of the last combat eau ary concert, Fiiday niglit Don't miss be traced. The Society' of Colonial this one of Canada's greatest' county Wars bas erectcd a monument in a Fairs. most suitable spot, butno monumen t- ne reacord-can tell the story to the student ot history until lie has bimself been on the gnound, " The nitcher that goes often to, the ~rp,~ 4 ~4 f- -With any park in Canada. One of the grandes[ receptiens on our whole trip wasgiven us at Truro, about wbich we will bave more tu say later, 'Prom Truro te Hlalifax is a jeurney cf only 62-miles. -IHalifax ieÏtnown ail over thie world as one of Great Briain's important military and naval depots. It is a city which cannot f ail te interest tourises of every ciass. Hlere may be f ound, in [be effiiency of the fortitioa- tions and [he admirable system of the diepartmients a portion of the secret of ho-wv"England. Iules the ivoild."' There are Imnyvbeauty spotsinaand around Iialifa bt the best local guide books whlý0jch have been. issucd falte do thesuec justice. The visiter umust sec forhimself. Prom Truro,there begins a delîgbtful jouirney te New Glasgow, Pictou, Mul- g rave and [hoeIsandci ofCape Breton. Thie places ni-ioiied have-each their spoeiai trcina have other points al(ong the Uine,snba Antig-orish,long ago deýiscribed Iby Sam Slickas "the petetvillage in Novacotia," and -tili barPîing[hderito of hlmi who was theforemos-)ýt wîorf lis liffe. These uae psedeU-ecesMl old ai Port 1p wsfot nth srions and track between there and Cobourg,Aug-.diaros fal bruises it was thouglit [at ho had [ai wlith a cougli. Ion off the bumnpers cf a freigbt train. TÊhe use of Dr. - Margaret Lylen, seven yvears eld.-and, Pience's Golden '.. an heiress,reported te be wontLh, $100.000 Medical Discevery was kidnapped ln Chicago Aug. 28th. flot only stops the 11cr capter was pursued cy policemen cogh but cures lu a patrol waggon. But flnaliy ail the cause. It cuires trace cf bim was lest. obstinate, de ep - Mr. John Grieor, jr., who resides in seatcd coghs, Cavan,,near Baliieboro, met wîth aul bronchitis, w ea k accident, on Tburs8day, C o se-rius 9a îungs, hemor- nature that-bu ma-9pssilr lose ane 0f -rhag es, diseases bis arms. Wiie attcing te a pea whlch if neglected or unskilfully treated, thresbcr, bis fingers caut leucog, find a fatal terminaticu in cosump[îou. drawing in bis; arm aud earing [bu Accept ne substit>- iefor I Golden Med- fleh l a nigtfl mnne. Bs tu , ical Discovery." T-here ils ne other med- and twoû of Lbsngr were mashed te icine Iljust as good", for wcak lungs. a pu p , and iad? te be aiuputated "1 was very sick l c c ." rt smirs M o ie E vcny effort is bcbig made, te save the jacohs, of Felton, Keoit k o., Delawar an ý' ld or arm Mic. Greer is a son of Mn. Jochu family doctor said 1I hi I onsumptinn. lIlhought Grper, Qr., one of theI mostr p ea1iu t die son for 1 fet so ba. Hd a brd Grer, r.,eueef he ostropeeta- cougli, spit hlood,vas v Iyisort iof, breat11 i 1tive farmiers in Cavan. faet could hardly g'.t y bîeah a;l so Mis E B. Roberts, the talentel Urnes. I ha.d painsi tj hatad igtlog iotbe able te keep her eon- also had dysppi.hteIto -Gle gagemn'ts te Oplay ntthe ûToronto so weak I could notseeparoanno Indus î-ýtril andl othen [ail fairs, ou ac - i cau doa oilwtig.Iokebth helf t aria rendiered a Jfatri, f.Il n ellt. nseless lulanena;ure by a srk fcn aes~dnvb a ikoe w paayss Vor a'ladplye33yrs o g to.tît thîlsofte'od der1 Advîsen papa cou'. rsilsat Il', o r-

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