Cenuine fln TT~TVuT lin ~tihe past that only a stretch o rfln flnh ~ IHI~I~fI'IÂ'U ce1estiai niemory çan recali that it 111Kever xisted at ail, flot until thon W ýT H V R O ?UR UNI IES0' il~ l we understand what Nehernial calls "the great kinidncss," and T14i TTC! Ail taTn1iTPiq-Tr Pr vTii0 --+- Lj~~L> UD flAJ.bi CIi U1 f JICJJJ V LLU lu oiy±LÂ 0f Kindness. BP1l1GJMT EYES, ROSY CII EEKS. That depressing "used-up" feel- TJSLEFIJL IN'TS. An economlical aqnd yet satisîac- ln 'ecM ARE WARDED PROM THE HOME BY USING ~u -