One Nîg ItCre for Rd R oug Hands, Itchillg Palmfs and Painfuli Soak the harndis on retringila astrçng, hot, zreamy lathrr of CUTICURA SOAP. !, hndganoint f rely with Cuticura Otlment, her't Skîn cure and purest of ernolients. Wear, during the night, oid loose kid gloves, wth the finger ends Cuti off and air ha.les cut S~ýý ther On o f hete.Under saine uNr ~ ~ oUtertre they ipe ul A sounti apple h unghîginsshe O IIon the tue c %li alwavs feel cool ta RAISIN AND'EEDING IG d"-rmtr ahin oe nt Ia arder ta be able ta feed hags detraýt froni eating qualitles. iRomne prafitably, it is necessary that they Beauty gatlîered befare being fully passess strang anti heatthy bodies, coiared were mnelaow two weeks later, says a wrlter. Tliese can best be x¶ile those on the trees were stitt ' taidt by usng only heath ad hard. ,Ben Davis in August vîgorokîs aninmals foi breeding stock were niellaw at thelitile af Se- anti al by feediîg the young pigs tember. on a variety of feetls the first foaur The most critical perlod la keeping or tive inanths. Select sucli feeti as apples is the hot weather turing anti is espetially rich ln protela la order just after gathering. As 1 have lia ta builti up lthe mluscles and real cool Place, I Want thera ta pass as meat of the bady, anti also develap imuchi of tis perlati on the trees as a strong bany frainework. Far Possible. -But it is nas, safe ta young pigs no feet'iqI beflter. than leave tlieni toa long, lest they drap.- skimnîillk anti middlings. Such feed When barreleti I keep la barn, woad- 'caîî usually bc obtaînieti at littie shedi ar aay outbuiltiing until- ap- expease, especially lu 'the districts praach of liard wiater. The instruc- where diversified farmiîîg is practie- tions often given ta gatlîer in a'sack eti. It is geaerally ativisable ta give swung araunti the shoulders is vcry hogs a variety aof other feetis, iuc perniclous. Every miotion 0of the as gluten mieal, bran, bariey, oats, pîcker's bady bruises every apple at etc. if tiosired, cora can also bce every paint where fit touches another useti to sarne extent. but for very! apple. 1 pick in 1-3-bu, baskets, voung pigs it shouiti iot excecd one- handling with malch cara. Froni tlîird of tlia grali ration. fte these they are poureti carefully into BJUG FRICJE8 FOR H ÂLI NOT PAID IN GOLD BUT COX- FORT AND H-APPIINESS, Cruîsed Througli Europe in a -Ca- noe for Two Years--Working With Fishermen. There iroulti nat seei very muccl chance for an elderly gentilemnan in very bat henîthi, usedti t every lux- ury, ibo iras forcedt t slccp in an open boat in aIt weatbiecs for two years, coak bis own ooianti dohis owa voyagiug. Put thiat is wlat a large number of pc-opt1e are mîaw do- ing, by dactor's orters;' anti the hast kas)nm of then is -Mc. Gilmoce, the Scottisb banker. Althaugh very stout, over ffty, andtifeeiag frani iiert-iisas, the,.daetuoî, wbo delin- et a gacate bi li efoc. tweaty- fau.r 1boucs, senit ihiim off with a pai- dling cnaoe anti $20 worîiî of gear, ta go and be a savage for two.years. Witb sanie îaisgiviaigs, i te olti gentle- man startedti t CIIIISE TIIIOIJGII'EUROPE. andi le paddledti tbcagb thle Scotch lakes anti ivers, downaial the, Eag- 115h canaIs, anti haLll way tirougli France. Healbas Dean eighteen L imited. T' HIIS COMPANY [S BEING ORGANIZED TO ACQUIRE AND TAKE over the Plant andi business of THE DETRaOIT FENCE COMPANY, a higblv suc- cessful goiag concera now manuiacturiug a very popuilar anti satisfactory ciass ai wiro fenciug and farm anti antomatic gates at the Town ai OshIaîva, and ta carry on and extenti sncb business andi include allier classes ios as beceunafter indicated. Ia view af the fart that similar factories ta the Unitedi States are over-loadeti xith orders, andt iat hartiwal e merchants ta this Province this season have bat their orters, excepi for very late delivery, cefuseti by Amenican factories, anti that the latter have la sevecal cases witbtirawn their travellers from'Onturia on account of their inabiliiy ta fill orters ; ini view also ai the scaccity, expense and wat of dura- biliiy ai woodea feacing, the dangers ta cattle anti lorses atteadiag tlie use ai harbeti mire; anti the iacceaseti demauti for miles af woven-wire-iemîciag by Ratlway Comopaîîies anti farm.awne-rs genecally, anti ils cheapneýssdanti rability, it is heliev- ed that the proposeti Company can ant i wll do a large, a gwn anti a very profit- able business' The plant ta be taken avec incluties expýeuis!v up-ta date looms anti machtaery for the rapid maîîufactnreoai iis fencing, quanttes of irlicli bave alneady been manniactureti ai Osliawa this season, anti aconsiderable amoniai which bas been put up anti is in actual use on farms in the Counttes ai Omntario anti Durham, anti is givtng excellent satisfaction anti bciugtng numerous orders ta the faetory. Thel proposeti manager, Mc. A. Hesselbaclier, lias liat a thorougli training anti expeniene ta the business in Michigan, anti aow resides ta Oshiawa and gives bis personal superiatendance anti attention ta every detail of this business The pro poseti general sales agent, Mr, Thomas Mullieron, las proved very successfni ta securing orders ant initrodnctag the manufactureti goods protinceti at Osbawa, anti bans ha anc ei n-e.r-rl,înc asa çrn.,-,i nc " m, -:......... ALLAN LINE Steamer Mote! Quba Tunisien... Oct. 4. ......gbt.O n Iouian ........l12, 1.... . parisian .Il19, 1 .- l "1$ A ustralasian ,. I 25 1 0 a. m . 2.... Preor Na . N v. 2,:aayllgtî N v2 . Tuiin 7, I9 a.,m.n 9,1(1 a.m, Jonlian...... 16, daylight la, 5p. MONTRE&L-GLABCO)W SRaVseE.- Silinleaves Glascow, Ang. 10) anSSpt. 4, I nteýlAug. 28 aud Oct. 2nd, DIygh. Corinithian lbaves Olaseow Aug. i7th ,an(l lept 2lst, Montreal Sept. 4th and Oct, sili, Daiyligit. Siellian and Carinthian are both new stea mers of 6284 and 6226 tans, raspecti v el1y. Siciliuan carrnes only ona class of Cabln Passeit- gers. Rates $35 ta $50 according ta location) and number aofpersons lu Staternams-return. $66 50 and upwards (aecording te roam). Carluthiau carneS al classes, Piret Cabin $45 ta $60, Seconhl Cabin $35, Steerage, Glaseow, Liverpool, Bei- fast antid Pennyý, $25. RATES8 0Fl"PASSAGE FFrt Cabîn55.0 n uwrdretiunu $104 andiupwards. Se-ond tab ) $ 5 a $250, Lon- don $1.50 extra. Third lase 25 a1.d$2-Liver- Loo1andondery, LondonGsgv and W.Lls.Stilian. Montneal ta lsg direct, Aug. 28, $5 ta $50; ratunra i 6.0 Coritithlan Sept. 4 and Oct. 4, Carrnes alilcse. 1 or Tickets anti oe-y ifomai appl y to M. A. JAMES, Allan Line Agent. Bowmantvllle CURESi Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera, Choiera'. ?orbus, ChoeraIna tum, Cramps, Colle, Sea Sickness and ail Summer Complaints. Its prompt use wili prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer- Ing and often save life. PICE, -35ç. The T. Mlburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. R c M N OPI1YT1IVS ~OiqBurne, SprastWuns, r use Cohs, Cltian ai acidetlha hogs, as it will aid digestion. A Cremnation lias become se usuîal as libérai supply of charreti cora-cabs t excite littIe îemark. Eut the ýdis- shoulti alsa be furnisheti, especiaîîy P osai nf théercmains of Ernest Mer- îvhcn theanimais are nat lkept 1 ncen, the, inventor of the liquiti air Pasture. fuÉnace, was pecullar. ls bodiy was roducedtiet ashes iin one of his own TUE ART OF AGRICULTURE,' pa'tent furnaces. Evenste-lig ivill blaze furiausly ln liquiti air, It is impossible ta measure at this owiag ta the greait amounit of oxy- turne tlîe Iar-reacbuig elleet on se- gan availabte ta incerease the flamne. ciety oi the strideq being made in Mr. Merrin's body was sa coîaplete- firi r ation Carialy thPrf, iSi.vconsume~d that t-eu ashes-about va tisceriîible la our great ities anti'pint in the, usual procese 0f creîîîa- towns, as neyer before an apprecia- tioil-dli not1 amount to a cupful tion anti a recognition of tue cdaims wvhile thie timie was reduced ta 1-6ti. of agriculture whlchi s mosI liapeful. 'lTho very latest la' funerals is ta be The vainable work done by the' burioti in a ball1(oon. This is the in- agriculture colleges, the experinientvention Of Lieutenant James O'Kel- .tations, the national aixtiproviacial ley, iormerly tn officer la the Brit- departmnents of agriculture, anti the ish iaavy. Uc akes a spécial bal- farna schools is beginniaig to tollit n'lon o! silk. which bce rails a "na- the mass. votti." This bas sufficient power ta Neyer was tuera a mare whalesoine lift the bodiy anti coffin. The latter respect for the ar't of agriculture. is lineti with wax, anti se is Neeless disposition on the part ait VIIY NFLAMM,ýAILE. city iolkta engage in cheap raillery V ati th -country * ays.- Neefr tii i %1n011al is rcndy 1the' body is plac- ag cluestanid on ighrgra)uîîd ,Cd in tue caketthe Llter is filleti ~hYTd ntitorftfl dTIildtyor thîe(L e t f~Yt1van Lactiï hîl'aiso s tac ýre2 mintis. over wastiiere mre pro- ti a sIlle Ullmrain ilt fauntiadmirtion mong lîougtful iat ttle lwe 'utfthle ca;illa. people for the aýttmospbe l ,oi0f1tue ani coa1sUuis it, froi the iýbottamn caUnýtrywbchiVs.omonlathe4( upwýards. At- thle sa]Ioeti, the ot ld y.lctg~eneidie h baýI 1Llon up Ltndr ties coditonsit s nt îithtrilie peai utit it disap- strage hat xiducesmaybe sc-apears aiiokeaiilame at a beiglît ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - oa rett ovmn a tî f four taulvetîmousaidfeet. tideiroI couriy ta ity ai inlts Turairg deati bodies imb perfect ai aI tisie tarctum- to lrurlat 11f e. statues of their living selvea is tic invention 0f Et'.,ltuolt. Colonel SERET 01'KEEPINi PPE. okod'iody, výwhiclî was inter- red rcnl aBniy Ccnîetery, Tieeis nea mystery nor secret il' uia ti, iva so treaet. The top Lkecpiiig nmy apples. I havenocot a ue"all i as, fiotei, anti inot -aiacool facilit tes, but sirnply a u lî ct cu ho een hy a visiter ta pan oulewail brick oasaetevnt tapaslk n exact foot, ic g, roundwîiî'thil[xho -iag, la ir f 1thw livinJgaman. cd ~ ~ ~ ~ Tl LLitafotoisd, ie osi. oy vse aiit hnlaid in cpu~~ ~~ A...r... 'et u fc ba;th 0f PiO boiiami, at tlia ony a ouai ataierau a cx ai era.l'is latei wth Itrite a pecicti b l~cep, antp tlpnt l 20sler,1110a;1y(;dlir ahooft -ogxuc-fO n -mi --r"iin-ys-cy-sc veya-yv n mrteïhstis'd tsiF lae for nerve antiboaicamptaints, anti sent ta bcd utterly exlîaustecl. Roîv- aaytiîing ta do with hlm; aîndi ihea aa the inethad t ili is camp')ete, isolation iag is tue principal itti.lai the sui-, few moattîs Inter, lîaving thouglît in a spot wlicýrc mac. The lavaliti is starteti at say. hatt'er of bis suicidai threat, lie TIIE BAltENFESSAI-IES ton miles a day, incrc-nsing a tul oght ta console hlînscif by paying of te ony ar ta e fantiThe adily, tu, keep up tic tiredaess; andt court ta Miss Ilarrict Grave, a pret- oflf nyalc',)IefuJ Tef-every niglit bc ty cousin, she was sa alarmed ti h is varite places aret(e sîîîaler unîn- habiteti isiýnis af the Pacifie, îvherc TURNS 1K SO WEAIÉD hoecrotioxies tbat she senît. hlmn very now tliei'e are over a score of pa- that he draps into a dreamîiess sieep dcsvl bu u uies tieîîîs about hall f ofthein Americanîs. for some eight boucs., When Sheridtan, foillwiag tecx- The ilivalid istae ont la at sailing This is onîy goat inl certaini cases, lampile o mamîy other arniorous., young sllip; and] "cIoo t"o, oaa of buît it hae a woatiurfut efi½e'+, ant ionamcmi, feli avec heti andt cars in. love those littlecat rilig,.wtieî'e thero drngs on earth cair comnpete with it, 1ixit l Miss Lialey, the heautiful sing- is always abuiaîîce 0iof fruit, fresh Next camnes borse-riding,' if the pa- atiai-,fae s y at l b is iird bis watei', anti bicîs, itýLî a. few small tient can affocti it; but cyclin .lnd mdgfcs ismblLi i animais. Tue jpatient is left, with bkrced as bati for the heart, andtinl- back";- anti vet lic useti that cloquemnt interials to buitti bis owa lîut, a dmcive to disturbeti sleep fran ire !anti subtle tongue of lus to suchi pur- guni, ammuaitioiîj, anti sortie clothes nervous strala. pose thai fie ndtunlly rami aiay' wItlî anti cagtool s.g ber ta a French auaiiiery, antiu ma- lucre the sto leaes hlmn, antiled ei lie ....ugi bg eerni du el cxi sts like natua savage for FAM07US LOyERS, wit i is rivais antibe precutors. SWhen Burke, the great potitician tîvelva or eigiiceni nîanths, as tue- anti ornior, was a stutient ni Trini-' docior bas tecdti le caniiot starve, anti thece aie antLives;' dani- Somne Celebrated Mben Who Have tir Coltege, Publin, lie is saidti t have garons o otlierwse. Camptsioa, i Bee Bjetai. ncmnore tiînncrae love tilsappoimît- gerou ýi, s Ben Pejcment. 1 is llrst infatuation was for Ililcyntof the ure.The patient ment lias ta kep hL 4 1njd he ,may be sonne consolationi ta the! the tauglîter of asanibicn cases o0f f alle lan thîls cure arie ver eetdlover to cemember that many " dark eyes fiiedl theblot! o rae vler te nattiba to ou-suffereci equal paags anti survivetithe!qutia!ig with lm ii for a time s1 he ais t prtil l Ti pasisagef o u atisainieordeai ta finti marrieti happi),- tjittetihlm l th hLc, îe latter part of wlot bas taness elsewhere. MS ERLS AIIN Even Byron, that nmost euiu be dnc ii saiingvesel.Theýse is- mi; Is rolot "f te rci f l saanti giited ai mcin, lad more ttîaa bis isucs,1,ivtlsbatfu te ail'So iiere ,,is rîa chanýice ai the hrofeusiadnefteia, amatur Cusa gltingresue, h-least was accomîîpaniecl by iorti s na caernîtougi li- e rml fore bis iîn. cisa eadog,- wbîclîleft a sîing tiltluhis last day. nrloyal loi er t thelasi. Uset no îîuînnn ias oaly a Harrow schoolbay of It is weILl knowa Utat enBp Lessn druiaticbtvr ooi stosixteca îvhcn licfelt nmadly leî love tiste Bernadotte, wben lie Was a pri- "no oney cur, îvicb s c with Miss Chnîvorth, ofi Annesley, n vate of Marines, was intitgnantlyce mor ani nore iafavr. ming yountig beiress of seule benuty, wba fuseti by a girl of, very humble icaîîkl ilor in ii i eathwas two iyears oltier tlîan hiîusclf. -rouaguthuself "mnuch 100 goot( iiind la te way ;f a cue for, uer- But Miss Chiawo)rili trenteti ait thîe' ta narry a camomi soltiier." - a vou caîpainsfortheimvalti bov's sbyaivne with laughiterilier iMiections were i la Iter yenrs, CANNOT ENYIIMSLFatlDi aniînp, aii,, nthoagli lie ivas wlîen tie desiseti private wiras the tuxrie, i li bs Itlîonenyt gt"sfe In he ortresaithe lasi." Pal"ria Kig Ciristian ïlXIV. af thn. Tbo- alvi ibi icif o eruss,refuised ta take hm Srneî adNrîvay, lîistary tacs tasstifonl if getýng-1imta iesnîusy. Bu îetcoiiîgblirnaIrcai davîbs nayl 5d vn linam vefri uadaetron, Sloii baslthe.e been a imar reecr- lie ena tosîdl acimberccapital aooihal, iis,(inýi,-oetsy r ttol roc'tîînAeanirCîste iute s om t es ayar i i ie îai2Do o'tiko oîmith cearc okeler nti aCuhen c ri, nia i mani1 esc saJ, V" iaslkasottruuîyMi Any anlicrsoloigie aiboujt slavishly andxviting to or Calling oah lirdaily i spite of lier almost conteînptuous indifference ta hlm. Ile aven ivent Sa fuar, whenever she went on a jaurney, as to distri- bute circulai's inviting congregations ta pray for lier safety. But, aias! she wnýs obdurate, and refused ta bc knawn as 'Mrs. Critden." 'WUAT WON HUS VOTE. A palitîcat candidate, an paying a scanoid xisit ta the hause ao' a daubti- fut voter was weil pleaýLed but s0me- what surprisei at hecaring frani t)e electar thlt heli-wauld supot l. llt ahur i t. said he adiae 'Sa Ii1 1a !ist.reli.ed the peas- anit. We yau called l .,e heotHer dîay aLiîîdstooti by tue 3pig sty and-I( taîet fr hlaf an hour yvC in' b ii- meanincli; but afteryai' at gane away, sir, I gat t tinin io xedreachi yer hldovr h rail ýand scratchied the i's baýCk tilt lie iay dawa ivi' tlîe plea'.ur a-t I atide up nIle inliadtienthtwheai a man ivas sa soiable .is tlîat, wî\' a poorfcllw ceatue, Iwas't th- ,eî i 11E CAUSE. kaslee.Li 'Bb bratiwas sagy, ntiînyw; Fe anid theý ok hati war-nds abaut i