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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1901, p. 8

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e, I e, This preparation fully 50 per cent of Pure Cod Liver 011 and is mnuch stronger than most of the Emnulsions sold. Tfhe taste is so disguised as to make it, as pleas- ant to take as any cough mixture. It is highly recommaended for bronchitis, coughs, colds and general debility. je, HIGGLNBTH m &SO, NEW BLACKSMITH. I wish to notify the public that I have bought out the Richard Darch, Blackç smith business and arn now rayt do shoein, anid ail kinds of jobbi ig, Having had nlri6 yeArs eýxperîene In a flrst-lass shop we feel satisfied we can suit you. Cali and see us. Prices are ri-ht, A. W. PICKARD. OSHAWA. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Argail visit- ed Mr. Richard Allin of Newcastle Sun- day week ...Simeoe St. Methodist choir are preparing a grand musical concert ... . The Scofield Woolen Co., are rebuilding that part of the building recently des royed by fire ...Geo. Brown, son of Mr. John Brown, fell and broke his arm. NESTLETON. Do you like Chicken Pie? Yes. So do 1. Weil, corne to Nestieton 'anniv- ersary Sunday week Ct 2oth. ilear our old friend, Rev. E. Roberts of Lindsay' preach at 10.30 a m. and 6."X p.m. And, then you enjoy good sing- *ng? Yes. Then the famous Cadmus choir are going to sing for this special occasion. Collections for clrurch funds. Monday evening we shall have a superb fowl supper-the ladies about HAYDON. Coal Bis are now a berlous item, Then why burn coals for the weekly wash ? Some Soaps ivon't wash linen without boiling, but SUNLIGHT SOAP wili. It's a wise econo.my to buy the best of all Soaps, whlent by doing so the quantity ,ýf coial used on washingý day can be Reduced 50 per cent Burning coal to help inferior and low-priced Soa ps to wash is like spending a 5 cent tram fare te puirchase a gio cent article for 9 cente. By uslng SUNLIGHT SOAP you save ta cost in the cost, of the coals un- used, not to mention the. longer life of the articles washed. A tablet of Sunlïliht Soap wIll do monre wn-r w1thout c,, If fan . t ilrileriraf intelii tG%Î! f"R1 XTitr eLn 'be . i ofarn li 1r1. ut s pro, r1P wVI' 0 -,rr' rtCn of tir' C p~u17f d .0 Crlefl(rrr ulrrfe ri'ieitfrdr Lo XFREE PAFATE 'CLOn 0 j cen ts a. Y A LADWS, MAIN tIr s,'; o mon. iv. lnuI.ir wil alwavs Ibe sure Mr. W. E. .erryxnan, Conductor on 0i a warm welcome bore.. MissWon- the c.P.R., St. Stephen, N.B., writcs- ctliciated as orgs-nir. Siindstnl the I have been railroading for 23 years, absence of Miss M. J. Elliotu w'ho is and for ten years suffered froni a severe yiiigin Hamilton. case of Kidney Disease and Eackzache, yisiinga trouble comnmon to rallroad men. It MAPL GRVE.usednie ail up toi- wallc, and after MAPLE ROVE,,walking up bill 1 would have téLie J down to get relief, my bacir was so fieDet visitors: Mr. and r~ bad. 1 could flot sleep more than haîf brose Trenouth and family, Hamptoni, the night and then didn't seeni to get with friends lbore; Miss Alice Power, any rest. I had u al sots cf medi- toi. u, at Mr-. J Stevens" -Mr. Jesse E. CI14Q4gd wâs pretty badly dlsdôUraged L. Colo. wife auj. fernlIy, Hampton, at whfin 1 hoard of Dr. Chase's Kidneyit à! r S oes.E.,Mr mTrdfE Liver Pis. .Ater uslng two boxt 0f ,Vm Trdif, n-this treatment 1 found l Î ças helping- niskilon, has ýboug,-ht and taken possess- me and five boxes ii&và;ýe made a co- ion of thle WhsUrwod nm ». lots cure. 1i now re-st and sleepewell, C. Wo% ln, asb-1u'ht the Word(,n rny back le strong and the nid trouble fa-rm cfo 81ace..Mr S. Sno-wdenjr., -bas entirely disappeared. Man.iy pec- hru th frsthu~kig be f the se3asoln pie to whom 1 have recommended these Friavuigt. ..Ro'.J, J Liddy, M, pis have been cured. Anyone wish- A., shaa, iIlpreach here next lng further particulars write me." Sabathiiitheintret o fle sporn- The sale of Dr. Chase's 1Kidney-Llver t1ic iltey6';t Oilhe sfaranexeeds that of any similar nuaior fnd ,.Miss Haucock, teach- remedy. O.ne trial is enough te con.. orcpen abt at rrn Rm vince anyo)ne that this is the greatest emboIr the E. L conventionl here on famlily miedicine that money wi buy. Thra'A lrcow n ood One plil a dose, 25 cents a box-,, at al oÂectoi. . 'ottorot us plenti- dealers or Fîdiransn, Bates & Ce., To- PubicScoolReor fr Sptmbr: Rudvlard Kipling'4s la iest animal I Sr' V-Lsle Cx, olaSnwde, sory "ow thle Leopad GotHi ~ Sowur; r V-Rssl owr;Spo)ts," has first placo fin the( October III-. 'crc aî,'c,-~Lne1 Ldies liom Jounal.wicis tuf lielamI;Jr lI-Pe rl ~ncwjenShir notble umbe 0ft hse x W cele t m g le~~~~~~ Su ' e . L ai c w e, M blJaîo Pa î g the Po Corec l (cx, k a Adats, Mîrie Mel'inold. ir. o' "dt 'Il(T a oun Ma IRsaSowo, aid1amicnlarl Aou e a-r, "h Eua'o0c i ciior; on lt-tt e.i Jeffr , Eth - Chidfrou lve 0 ig ten" "S c AdasINoma Wod;JrlI-'Eri- gTigsOtor. Sekn n pc:J -i-lRii.url Fo c urtisPuisigC payPhad- joîuo nasuechair wu nos io !tO Sept as 11 21s.11'. soveir,1bnt ý1il woe 10belhad in daily Use, tbat bh illigbt enjoy in h &Il the eomfort iA ûffld aff rd. To Ray. W. Jollîffe: DEAÂR FUIsaNDAND GLASS LfEADHsR-The' Preeent occasion xremindd oopemore of 4 be inevitabie flight o1 lime, and tbe Pas. ?ing 'A ano,1ber nMilletOn8 in yourlilfe, and il 18 with sineers pleesure thai W$ agaîn natt'e to celeinfite th1ý enniversary of yonr yeauYs QOM' cýe ni1 su nceîin ont indîvidual welfare tb b, of ihle te8m al true, and unnchuiani ehra trvd our intercouroe bsae tru8t, ba bib eneficlal. touclr kind. IY iUt2ereet nU cn elses a nd f&therly abris.- tlien cOtuniel a-nd iyLutitibyhyas hLaped 10ý develop lu ei ch of ns, , --trus, a deeper and nuý mo rai Fýt deSire for irgdaceMen1t rn sirb ol ldwe are lecut hank- f ni te cour Ravnl ather cth1ai Your 'f bas Lenmsparrd ii "iaOmhe "er' and that y ban hav een sd reBfiii abde t e ks auch u active pariýitLb. Worlç which lieneuet yoir brît.As s stul token cf1the Ligb esteamin vehbyenare ask y u te aecnpt Wt IC nm.ceir nus 0cr carniesi pr'ayer le, tha if ilh.' he b vin exemple Md Preet eoe s cf MChus5. 1 Lbasi cftImenus ans memberà ci yenr AS L.s ie n er w usy rapsy reture Cf du, W ierrte erg Mn j li ffe Ce Ye PM es. 0;a s ni eup yr e D2 arw e c hu % rn v e, fide: ï --ic LrSinln eir thwiabs encgh te sleep ie. ceased was borunoar Belfaît ,. Ireland, A IJUUJD MAX SAY$ lu 1821, came to Canada in 1841 and 64i FEIEL JUST AS B3RIGHT- AND settled lu Countv of Durham where ho YOUNG AS A BOY. taughit sehool for over 30 years. lu 1856 he married Miss Sarah Smith, of Cavan township. lu 1856 ho movod to After Many Fallures witli Physiclans Parry Sound where he has since lived. and Medicines, M1r. McGruer lHe was a member of the Methodist WsSvdB church and a Liberalinl po!ities. De- WsSvdB ceased snffered from n heuînatism for upwards of 35 years, which finally PAl NE'S CELERY COMPOUD, turned to paralysis. Two brothors and tvwQ sisterq survi*ve him, LIso a family AIl the combined powers ou earth of elven.cannof stem the tide of trutli that swoep EgïDÂx. S)CuNsCjn A»AvÂcusIt nt 10I ovr this Dominion of our8 lu regard to. m ore than haîf a century ago that phys- the curing and iife-restoriug virtues of icians considered a surgical operation Paine's Celery Comnpound. The thtons- witbi ts risk, expense and pain as the ands cured year after , ear send such onfly cuire for piles. To-day it, is only' strong and convincing letters of tosti the onit of dlatedoctors that think ofî ..mony that the most hardenod skeptics suclu teame tI is cruel and ex., are forced to admit that Paino's Celer.y taantto oporato for a diseaso which 1 Compound does posses, medical powers is far, more certainfly cured by thoe pi unkown to other medicines. caio c D.Chase's intment. 'YouI The following lotter fromi Mr. A. R. may, be e, kuptical. but flor proof von' are"GroixnsCgrners,(Ont., assures referred ttons0ofthouisands ciae o ht omttrhwdseaoy tht av een cure-d by\ this faoscae aybPine's Cellery Compound prepraton.will do 1more for you than you cn ThcOadc orepnetof0the psibyhope for. 'Mr- McGruer sayvs: LiusyPost sys:Thle concert fair "Some tinie ago mniy conjditiIïon c nhtwsa' dcddsuce fwas ýhealith wsalarming, an It suffered the fret app ane u Oawood of Mr. very mch,fI was lidup fhree a Jos.Halpni',Peteboro an Mesrs ot cfever wek, ajdlIoffo sidt Armsron su CasbyOroo, rhomy rieds'hatiwul d bbe btteýr Ïf i bengonouagd y nc alagean asth Lrds il tatI holJb appreiatie auienc realy oceiid caled wayIThje cf -Io bFt dctoi tht'n'e;Wq E chp iee rn ee a te d dte u ol e elee m well oceivd onda gon uuan encees inany wv. Itwas to a die eueifth îostenhuiaticfainnsun cipcndlethe geaeiImedicine lu OPENING DUR Unes of 0.11 Books for ?ubglc and High Scjiook. School R quis- ites in. great var- iety. Serbblng a, n d "b COUNTIES' NEWS. iI Whitby Presbyterians are building a Tn.he entries at Whitby Fair wcre 500IE .N~A ON C . nexse ofsting ar $3000.LL Three candidates were initiated at B V N ANV LE Newcastle S. O. E, iast week. South Ontario District Council R. T, of T. will meet a t Brooklil, Oct. 24. Mr. Samuel Hlenry, Newcastle, lost $70 while returning from Ottawa fair. have removed from Newcastle to Tor- onito. Rey. E. B. Lancely, Port Hope, preached in Meteaif St. church.Oshawa, foir c older W e the Rev. Caleb Parker, Coîborne, preactied in Charlotte St. church, Peter- boro, Suinday. Brighton District Epworth League of Christian Endeavor will be held in Coîborne, Oct. 23.Oustrsaepldhg ihrcn ria fo alprs W. J. Coots, for many years a welî. Orsoe r ie ihwt eetarvi rmalprei known citizen of Port Hlope, died îast world, Goods suitabie for the season are here great in profusion. We cain weok aged 68 years.. seli a superior ciass of goods for less than Vou often pay for inferior lines, Business men of Cobourg are much the reason is this-becanse we buy direct-fromn the makers and save ourselves annoyed over a g-eneral increase in and Our customers considerable inoney. ingurance rates. Epworth Leagne of Whitby district TJIi E SF MIMN will convene in the Methodist Taber- M~SFR~IJLt8 naceWhibv Oc. 8.It has been our airn to have our neckwear a littie betterin quaiity, Miller's Worm Powders make the greater in variety and more and more select in style and pattern than the eilîdron healthy. Sold at Tole's drug neckwear shown. See our special 15c, 5ad50ues store. 2cad5Clns

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