Must Bear Signature of Se* Pec.SimlIe Wrapper Belôw. tg talae as i3ogar-.7 e Resolve to Do What Good You Can in Th-is World. A cespatch from Washington says -11ev. Dr. TalmInage preached from the Ifoitowing tent *.I-saiah xi, 22, "It is lie t!' at sitteth upon the circie of the earth." WXhile yet people thought that the world was fiat and thousands of years before they ond out that it was round Isaiah, in rmy text, ioli- mateca the shape nf it--God sitting upon the circie of tlie earth. The ý wost beautiful figure'la ail geometry is the circlo. God made the univorse on a plan of the ircle. There arau in the naturai world straighit Unes, angles, parallel-. oguanis, diagonals. quadrangles, but, these evidently arenont God's favor- stone fromi the quaruy and irt the pyramids. If nushort Uved can afb-ord to--work s,,, 3lowly as that, cannot God in the building nf. eternities afiord to wait '? Wlat thougii God should take 10,-i 000, years 10 draw a circie ? Shali w; tako our little watch whichi wei biave to wind up every niglit lest it rur down andi hold it. up boside the dlock of eteunal oges ? If, according to the Bible, a tiousaad years are in God's sight as one day, then, ne- Cording te that calculation the 6,- 000, years of the world's existence lias becii oaly b GCod as from MONDAY TO SATUIIDAY. flul 7-r+ ~ +,ss- l, risl i It 1 Coal Bille are icw ;a-seious itemn. Then, why bumn coals f'or the weekly wash? Somfe Soatp3, on't wamh linen without boing, but SUNLIGHT SOAP will. It'Ê a wÎse economny to buy the bestof ail Soaps, w'hen b doing sn the qunitocoal used on washing day car. be Burning cea'I 1toheïp !nferor andl low-Priced Soaps to wash is like spendiag a 5 cent tram fare te purchase a io cent article for 9 cents. SUNLIGHT SOAP yen gavie its r A sthmalene Bringïs listant- Relief Lnd Permanent Cure in Ail Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RKCE!PT 0F POSTAL,. <Write Your Name and Address Plainly. HOL14NG ON YIRSOK Tis xi xos al sewoa qesio CO conider. Ilow lg shah miený hold on to the stock whe fed scarce and high in price? 0fi course a a arft w t-id tempt any man' to seou, and npe fals stop xinight be taken, but to soul tho stock at a sacrifice is nearly alway s bad policy. Vot imany do this. They actuallygo into the cattie business as a sort of speculation. If feed aiid prices are satisfactory tixey wil inake money. if feed xs highi and prices have not advanced correspond- ingly, they Sell and lose. Such pol- le-y ruinous. It is niuch bototet exhiloit more of the gritty principies of the bulldog and bang on. There mnay sometiînes be danger noflîanging on too long, but asi a rui,-le mesicof us ~. ,~,, k It~.~~tia. il -~ ~ac.~tesI ,s,&,---t-..~~~~~~~~w ý aa. ,ll,&.e, az '~t' r e -, i - t.z.-~ t>, I s .-,-----.-.-. '-'-t- t-t, t-,! tsi -ttstt t ,tta~ 15! f-.tttt '-, fflflrn - tiîr .(s,, itsI,.s.,,s.o t ~ 1~ i t--. eut es a aunne ni cîwko..t m ~ t i tii ,t- ~ lb-t- Fa..~ .->, 6 . -<t-.,.. lave sa,.,s ,,.-att-s,-dttt '.s.tvt~ W tsa.~ ...-.. . ~.,>t' tp-p :... , - --s.-. .st-.'t..-'t.L,. t-st-r: t-ru a.sX I. t et" pn.vtrnn.- f-i,.ts- ,, i.-.' -* ;,-,..-.--. t-.,. - , 4 . - -- tontgood mort- jkolsWheeL.Ail commIentators agrepo ifunegr lthe earth s'ave the ~a EMCÀtenseract rocmaavlueatin sayiag 1Lb-tthce wheeýl imeans Gds00wois bseated 1on thecidrcle of -6m. - pr*ovýidenic, But a wheel is n nobforh b Lord Almigbîv. use ules lt riras, and if it turls it >j ' -(,11, 00w,'t sV sone, "buis, la tu-saon, ao.d if lbtom aoud oo esecs, a eygaihny ýýIU! fl- 1 'y ."!le. vava lii ji~ 1i0'la aepîhxztfoi -es-dlrohr ey' 0. W ~, 1' s- t--, 454t5~ 4 i -i T here is nothing-- lika AF;thmna7!,nc,i lirïliigaimstant r aef ven lu thewoa cases. It cures when a1l cîse fis The 11ey. C F. WELLS, of Villidge 111 m s-s"Your trial bottie ni Asthwia' lene received in good condition. 1 cannob tell howi thankfni I feel for the gondalt rived f. om it. 1 vas a slave, chained wjî putrid sore throat and Asthma for tî years. 1 despairec of eer being curf" 1 saw your advertisment for the cure Ô& this dreadful anatoc etigdiseasax Asthma, andi thnught ynu hati ove-rpokeù yourgelves, but r P-)vd e fv f a trial. Ta omy astonishment the trin1al ated 1 iLc a charm. Son&'me a full sizeb'ottle." a , v- ýf