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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1901, p. 3

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1 ener ar eather soft.) paei l Pîeared. Kep -otwter. R euce!; coatof yo arnies NeyI er huma the icather; itýý ýfficiency is increased. c-,, re.q het service. ýZýýccakept fromi breaking OESAND COMMENPS The Government ia making strenu- ous efforts to miake St. Johin, N. 1., our front door for the winter mionths.' The St. Lawrence, our front porch, as it were, filis up witli snow and ice during that seaeon and we have been accustomed to pay our neiglhor for the privilege of using his exit at Portland, An arrange- Iment bas just been completed wherc- by the transfer 'of freiglit betweeii tho Canadian Pacifie and In- tercolonial railways has been facilitated, thus gîviag St. John a practicable land approach froma as far' as Vancouver. Its son- appron'ch will ho well provided for IrE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - 1 ... 1 - ,-- ,ï Ilo,': ,.- d torg rrtifls-I ,.. . .,l.m.tru tCa Ifd IJ Ladly of the bouseý lookzing into the) ernpty four barrel said- "U. 1. C. U. R. M. T." IlWell, I amri (1a as now I can get ail rny Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Ltittrell's and save ail the bother ofbaig ysf" Alox. 'ý t' L ttrllA Teleph onie ý97. BUSiNESS4 r*T i il rr nas it will ho the terminal of tho Ai- Ian Royal Mýail'steamers. Amongst other lhues te tie up there are the El- der-Dempter giving a fortuigbtly sr- sice to Liverpool, the Ijonaltisons giving a similar service wîth Glas- gow, the Mancliester liners doing the saine witb Manchester anti the Rend Lino with Dublin anti Belfast. Tise Franco-Canadlian lino fa considering the advisability of sailing from the saine port.' The various transport companies concerneti are tn.king stops te render the shippiug accom- modation, at St. John up-toj-dte in every respect. But the advantages whicli mny ac-, crue, to our trade frons this Cana- diani outiet for Canadian goods may easily honulifid y careesnsx -son the 1part of our- producera arsd sip- perýs. That onre or twe negligent firisma may do rnucli to destroy tise country's goti naine bas been re- coguized by the law-makers anti laws have heen enacteti previtiing for the classification and mark-ing of fruit packages, etc. The object la to pros'ent infer for urerchandise beiog placeci on tise foreigun markets as ure arnong the gs*at golti purveyora of the a orîti ? iVitis regard te this point cautions estirnates hiave been muade by cornpetent authorities. Be- fore hostilities brohie out, and wlscn the hardons borne hy the mhming In- dnstry were so grievolus that very careful pirckiug of the ore lad to be resos'ted to, it was computedti tit, crusbfng a itb tbe present numnber of stamps, the Crown Reef shoulti have l a further' existence of about eigbty yers ; the Bonianzn of ton 3yors ;1 i andtihte Croan fleep, of scoventeený years îigo by Je-suit fatheurs for an made wonderful progreas in their of- Emperor of thýe riigdyrsasty. AI ot ourvltemseiso semi-ojlicial atcm -0tepalliate this ot o nae h mseis0 1- 1 -man's mnentality anti spirituahity, as outrage lbas fietand accredited . apoksmen of to Geman eopl is sliowu by Professor G. Stanley nowdemndtý);ltý!, ýeretatos f iIRail. le goos back seventy years te, aowcieandtit te prptraorsofthe experiments of Weherupon tic it shall be exposed and,, puniishiet and ansfhsiility of the bumnan skin, the tea u the Chineson oveuret mTateresuits of whicli lie emibotiied in lus to te Chn(,-ý Tht iepoch-imaking article on the senso, of the in .umns bthae oV l Gormnyare be rodet o n hei touch publiahed lu 1846. This work, - i -Professor Hal helieves. marks the loer a dob, it latruc' that,;beginning of "theo new psychology," aouterti..,mitidiefSptrebrthe SVwhidliexperimenta on the soul, and l'aboutthe f h , asmade fnror r nnxlMo orit Hde-. ~em.Stili ssmigtint f. r-Clogue ( iiazluateern romuittcdbandtivtytet sen!t number of aztaruipaemplo' cd in BG1n. cies neatoi e h eoaci case weuid not be exceodd tiTeioEcalsett it h sr-~hough the skin, tIe etna' the oxe~sassigne;ti t tIcWemmer ai noiI r.tumns aI not been and the sensos of tasto ad nti ol furtlier life of se e ora; tL h rui wGemrya i aen'tho payobologiats have ptsontly Geldoeiliuis esta.te, svnanti a hll rn icCioe btht be ctaceti the way te maii's merself- years; te the Jubilee, cigfiri.yenrs;qurt prba. hoasrinteeutiatntegaltoct- tote ilenry Nourse, twelve yers; was alloeieroan nonruie-dol of tire seul. Tise ew psychology te the City anti Suburban, twelte oti for Iorie eos, utlt la now ne;- begins witlr the sensca anti insista te tire 1Reriot, feuýrteen; te tiee Rob- kno wledgcti t havebeen entirely upon an education tint opens tie inson, sixteeni; oant teeDurban without fon+aten I s aise) ad- , gates of the seusitory nerves. Since Ro odeoort, tst-esty,ý. 1It inuest net be mitted thaue h e laW e! 1cir0, 1']a-, tise vtdias of Weber anti Helmholtz tIhe luýFerredti tatthe 'thohe of the iVit- -tiens, the isrmnaiiqetinpyilgssby iureanuaof ingenieus- wntIerss-ant i nl hoexhaustetiut thse coulti net h rntbcs nftl5Ol*1 Ivosigneiapparatus, bave auceti- cid of tise perieti ast naicti. Ont TIins was tise cs vnncod eI et in rneasuring thse time rate at the principlos ofintrainllaw ilise cons rary, there are some mines Ihicli an impression mot os along a Il % amounting i 1 the aggýregnte to 106 per cent. of the capital stock, the Blonnnza, 100 diNidc.nds aggregntutg 697 per cent., and the Ferreira, 300 dividenda bhaving a total value of 2,015 per cent. Tihe reasoni for the dealy in opening other mines bas been the insufficienicy of labor, andi the conscquent inability to coninue developinent work, and thus ;toe- vent the ore reserve& from being de- pleteti. If it bc truc tl'at Leans have beeni found to mnake gooti this deficicncy, ste should soon witness a general resumiption of' m!irg andi mi1lling operationa on the Rand, which resumiption will have a potent effect on the aniount of gold in cir- culation. medi'ie year in andi vear out, yet 1 have on vanlous occasions, for different purposes, matie use of Ozone, with the most beneficent re- Suits. its eceçt (almoat magncai. InMay Say,) was demenstrated on a memnber of my fainily, viho uzeti Ozone for aa aggravated attack of Grippe, vith astonislîing andinstant results. Ozone bas a!so been uses on mny farnily for headacies (that aiWays painfumi, though littie sympathized wth cuniplaint). 'mihrevivifylur effect, 011cr cases have alsa corne under rey notice. and iu every instance, vihere taken under directions, Ozone bas proveti effectuai. It can alsn be appiied tu practical, every-day use in s many cases, such as woiuds, aprains and rui,-,scq, that ils valuable properties seeni as yet hardly to have been de.onstrated. Ozone is se safe and simple, whlile vionderful, that once it gels flîl control ofthlose -aho are smffering froi boti- il alments cf any nature whatsoever, it wii prove a sure reme dy. j rish iuMg yonr comypany e'rery muccess and a prosperoue career in alleviating the stîferings of hueranity, h arn, - Yours truly, (Signeti) H. N. W. DBaYANT, 585%4 Churcir St. Toronto. Appiied locally, its antiseptie action cleana and heals ail brokeri, brui sed or burned aurface. Tisere is J ne otherprýeparatioýn that bas se many difFerent uses. lfl ocaîly fream tise. P-ugoole' s iuietiyOzoe i Ail cl otetram s Pdu oterw iqiae oul gie te- thregreatest discovetY of the age. It Containa ne Ce4irol T1I~OZOI3 O.,o2TORON [O, Ltd. Il r w-t.nast<u rotat te a mena- gcrlo .tal avisa entea ~by one 0f tic wihti Sonars, svbat wonthd ho tic isour? Perisapa you'hl have to thini tifs over a hittle, Yet tire aîîswor la very simple. It N "8 p.nr." (ate P3t.), of courue. Anri bn-rn is tic latoat yot Il n goest at a restant- ant erdcr(d a bitter anti utc it, anti ariother ouest titi tic samo, a'iat roonîti tii' îattor's telepisone number 1~ ? t svouid lie "8-1---2." thnresa day yuwî or e ct{xrif tan nr 4 pamr!e miovmn.For î, hug y theBrtaitoos lm - tDi th as aîtofMyli icpo sent year, wb u tr'eo sft nn' Byt Ir ut f u m t a u permIjis-v i ftre a 4oras ag i 2 I970 staup'Fa Agua, 1899, wlren49 oaci starpcruistion naeae fu Vni l on 0f tOa ay Dr- 1: Iargr c~Idrn, rom ,haiT ta age disolcd n heir nil il y 0 s o'es eMUw Ivery soon show its great oursh WMikde not nourish thc RinsI wil show an eec at once bpth upon Mmther end c'hild. VI hUii * ity du"eGom roins the Chin-j ose ~ I G'veumt i ertain thýat GuottMr' wirerondt 1)RtAmr ais alieulfiCpovalue h hineso u- tics. u cithY' evnttieBrn phcsenceris ntonent witaumens omoion.i inuat ho inois Thon aL -haît talie thuoise Corîsn ren te tuthrdnIm lccUmmt OWer- ien intthcc r.nyhe sad teIhor' ONY NE3ESCAPE. A masnay break aray frOni prisoln but le cannotget avay fei fthe torture oU rheuIýImnahautil he taes. Hah' retdy on the nraïhket. M r. CisarIes iF. - Clake KutoQu, vuoforun e m yesrsLi riBUOe5s1in 1bel 'd the i;-,io 5ree t-,1 'cý wat', n ortabc"111-d rot put on H3s boots or walk for severaýl we i criced Dr, ai'aRhi7arruti o Curea nd Pile. omletiy urd hm.Thia r- biod purifer ; li put ril- botties *Cors.ý; toining test days treatment, Pric"f' cens ts ahi dug storesor Tire L-r. Hal IMedicine ',Co.Q,nrsonkOt. - j 1> "ul"WhY doca aman eep)? Why does ho laugb? Why dýoos ho get ngyandi vent bis rage laint!he idiotie language of hate andi denuniicintion?ý -The se are manifestations of mentali- ty wbicb lhave occupied the study of ascholars for agea, Man bas made some progresa in. traciing tirese le Thi tog's head rae-rar on 'oena to certain sensor nerxe la ever î ~ckae o thegeninements andi other physical causes, ati G rp-Qinne abltshas attenipted to present bis osr \ýI L'ins nd onclsios uderthe Th bnt tatcrecoiiad eeri on 0 psycliology.- But colds iii twe.nty-four heurs.o ______________________ &__e in spite of the payehologista acleoco fa still batlieci by many of the mani- festations of the human mnd. It is Pekin ans the Gobr 5 ie Cr- unmable te clasfy or explain what Mar contingýenýt ftbeinteresting ;are gonerally calleti "5oui plierin- anti valoable atooia ntu n. Carlaw Building-, 28 and 30 W. Wellington St., Toronto, suras tile mattêr very comprehensively in this letter. mast read il- TasE OzoNa COMP',NV, Ltd., ToSoNTO, ONTr, Gentleaen: Il is wifth great pleasure 1 add rny rnqualified en. dorsement to the value of Ozone. Aithounairr my ovýin part alwasav ------,'.-. . . . 1 1 r -Me 4e Meb -ut page -t U ý u 0', P

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