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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1901, p. 8

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ýi J, MouandageurernSeociationaad desporndenc Jno ko Tinso6n and wl Fe, Long Sault, ap titeofrebodins of evil, apttinwiworking lu a - ig o ition 1~~ dLjoe ts are he m danc omon te chiorosis visited hie 'so-n -law, Rd. Mattin, Sat- a ei tezLp litto!tdffci o stag î p c n i I M7trai Mr(2 Munjo hs reth smp-m of the heart and eonstipation, Dr. would fidt ficlalnd1 à teuRerom rm h Nrhwest, adaama urday. CaesNreFo eaoealaa once, and could only do se after ccuirrin th stîtmonts of the im- Ti-ese syrnptoms indicate that the Pain fron indigestion, dyspeýpsia andwon'emdcnbcusitepslrrpaedfote Wlenerey S i >±- w be o ps th ea oin .Mrte oo d a i s uthicn tn wat ery nd dos flot to ha rî e ti gis re i ve a o ce by fe y throngh this tr'ing eriod. it severe attacks of m v trouble, I becam e " i L f C * i .1 Giso am f d illremvetomsentasuet noupperhent-. hsm-tkigoeofCrersLtieLv entiches the blood, strengthiens the verv nervou and continually liad tired, Bcwanviletuf w3k. heyhave tm11aiaper,-nD. hss il imd ateyater dine. Dntnres euatefnton ftewrnout felins v test at night benod iieendail hete arei Nerve Food is used to build Up the evshofntattew- to ee~ axe,. M. eogebody and 1111 the shrivelled arterjes fre he einn r sadtones amn eeered to do me no good, as I alwaysiesiigr9tbar cferewith rich, ted, life-sustïiining blond. F idaliglit several new mmesate the whol)] dy feit tired in the morieg. I had bâecu Argue an famil3 o\e nto th Gibson Dr. Cas' Nerv e Food is a special joinied the A. O. L. W. at a Speciai ! oni i rvlMhtvbhtkn eiîe n a etn titcewie h a\e ptirclîad- formula cevised esPeciaiiy for alildis- meigTeabout dr main streel ronoitesl oeaki te imwe. atd as dcieto wehid them we1ccmE to; our \illage.., eases arlsing from ail exhausted condi-. s bot0o sre? rnies iean' eeyCmou ra, T~ aq i~ Our diepisncwsmau, Mr,. . - . ion of the blood and nerves, and bas Wîii!lIpesitiveiy c.ure sick hoadache and cant support yov l)onger on promisesa.otiad ok ta -S s le ging t: c9 rt the lower proved ignaliy successful as a cure prevnt ts return, Cartcr's Little Liver Abolish statutie labor andl en.gaze over c i bln ~ *j ps c th lLiisî~o tn delingfor anaem.aadClre5 Pilîs Thss not.taik but truth, OEe sece of brains and sand enotigh t ietd n en t fetwnefl lnues laean- 'eifctin ae In fctit anetfaîl to cure te pili a dseSee advertfsemcnt. Smaillundettake and carry out plane for a Beor Iharfnihedth fre btte bous Pans e 'u-t ae ~aliments, because it goe directiy te pl.Saids ml pie'e ytr f began to improve; after I had used the PhIî 8 oý ph o.Ye, ani co fotale tud form new ted corpuces ia tie biood, F__ econd boutle 1 feit as well as 1lever did I~ ll~ 0 l e It to yon'r irieliad i o yo1,r very ofralan commodious tes and se nourishes axo restores the sys- Fred, WVintern, etudent at Central A CARD. in mv life, It banished al mny aches x r-13 mait Ir, hve p * . oo re.id( lu orc1-ýr'v, t c rplish this ho tem te health and vigor. Buies ollege, T oronito, wae homean isadmnrouesdip msig a great clearing- sale of Car I eu nacib' ot ewmnSafuda1W1 b udecsgcd d hrby"c.e.I ean ge o tcdnew and sleep Corn 0ont tdo e W'lriaLceýýS bciel n,~o-j--- t Of thf uffering trom the weaknesses and jr- ethunrsgd do eebpae. mak asman neetiesa~ ~e s~c'~' - u~ ~iuusm r'î~andcoflnn Fll(, s eclr e .r ex nd Th ssentiaf lung hewaliug princip'e agree te tel uud the rnnev o 0cent well and risc in) the m rnîg resed and sec~. he ~s r uit ~d w w~'t ntrel voth, Fece uel éeviencd y t e ratfu tetîmn-of thepine eelias finahdly beeýn succese bottie of Gxrcenp_'s Wai-ratedSvtup of refre3sled." be sei bcdnu s you re. Nuw e th time oe bs!-ainjis pbihdfrom Urne to time in the fuiE.seaatdand re2flned into a e, -Tarfi ai itlur rcogio GEO. x FREELN abugg. Sc a ge.Mbr Ai Ndaily preýsa. fetcougýh mdcn.D.WodsNr od e iega tea 25-cent 1MfJLBURN's StET1LING EDA Dr. Chase'sMr. Nerve'. Food, the great wa Phe S.tu. old yai aesb otl epoeststeo<o nnyPODR<Ut ieworst eadiaehe lii R O O~ YU cIte , B.A , ~,roto, pentthe bleod buide,_r iaid nerve restorative; 50 gaatse aifcio.PierNdd Sî wSTT rm5f 0uInt.'ailaen a ar m eal omepI spet el a- arateeof atSfaý ïn.fruif5*to 2.miOIui, powad er en or 1 0 naPv eiiO liItiq4 n Ar tm ei O> .h ' nOEsKing'e irhd n t hIe ýolid homeý cents a box at ail deaiers, or Edmýn-VSOT - hYadOIpwe5.3o1 son, Bates & Ce.. Toronte. 125 cns .IIGNOHA Oo10fr2Su u.yuglLws Mr, Thos. Baker, C. Csofld te Mr- 1.. Miller, Claremont, six thorýo.bred I flM nEfl MSi ehearling rame and a short 1 em nbui 4îe a ughtNîr.M illet prese nîed M r. B aeri e e B r a i n D ass anith a prettve Shetian attended the funeral et their rohr-n A Slaughteri ng Sale on BOWMIANVI LLE Qu-lîy Is Eaje. îng..awMlest e bJoad db enoitlds- ~.uam y very hrn . i i aiwSaturday ....Recent visitors NQ EM BE11 ,I a d 6.- L and r. iî . -Hvn 1cddte go eut of the aragebusiness ad cnet ville; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williams etHof eîdde ectgea ovr - T he nU bu e-r. uOCLO tru oebransf tbgisa~ Port Perry ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert eýA* mv B1buildinz into dwelling,thfolwngmebeed:- SCristian and faiy of Brooklin;, Miss Extra fi ne s%,camoa.-re 'odied Mikadoc, regular $ 125. foi $95 ___________________________of___________...... piano bodied Buoegie8 in 22 in , 2-1 in., and 2(3 in., regular $8) Note2bgrod-Desale of bggiesed-a-lntt-e, ,4-5 Iloinfi tkererns nothing more killen. 5 comiing bodfed Buggies, regalar $80, for $60 eeI--- Bar -in ---s Iu-tase-ofslenesuin~tbe a god ~MAPE GOVE2 covered ÙPuggies, used a little, $350 Seveiai - of irt ClassOrrage Varnîshes, Bruehes, H OT WAT E R BOTT LE ~~~~~~~~ Special services commenced last week. *: No-w these ïigs are striti first class,all fitted with doubled collared_______________________________ 01L__'HOT _______________________,__'_*lTe pastor 1ev. J. Ward, was abya axIes, handIv detachable shatte, trimmed with hand-buff ed icather, W~ haveja~t reeived new suply etsisted!by Itevs T. J. lEdmison, Ne3w- be1!low backs aud cushions Strictly the most up-to-date rig amoeyne epa t aesm p~al COMBINATIO FOUNTAIN YRINGEe,> son, Hampton, and S. Crookohanks.- 0 Muckle Wilks Colt, rieing 2 years. Termas te suit customers. Tefll nt hnw anuc F0 INTIN adFUZAMIY SYRINGES, Tne1ev.tJEin s e ng cB A,, B . . é. your friende and come early se as te get a good choice. iveo- cingpene1aî weanar-c FONAI n FKL SRMGS ey .J.EmioB . .DNw- 0 ay gain Sale in any particular line you will 1idi xcl ULEan A YRNS cslpreached a Missionary sermon e enfl E R S q aindvris UL*11adEAR YbNohre on Sunday very acceptabi * Ha RUBRER TUBINGand ~ wihi always be weleome. 11e i-as ac-- ENNISKILLEN. ad0tsd ANTMIER. cempanied by Mr. J. M. Cobbledick. . . Th's week's off erings include a lot of Flo1at n AIkkZES. Mr. S.Snowden and Mr. R. Stevens are building fine lien lieuses... . Mr.Wilmot Rugs bought at special prices'anti imported ro Gea Wood, Simcoe, le visjtinig hie sister,__________________________________________- J. IIQGI'BT Il'V and OU meS. A. W. Foley ... . Our correspond- Birtain. We mention a few to give you someie fte elu-e h es dinheistiseOROeNO. Mr. Reuben Werrv wbe bouglit ive value BOWMNVTLE.Cheist andDrug %ss. fMm P. TvIer's sale was a decided suc- fowl for a Toronto firm, lias resigned lteNews. Help gtit when d rs aio adeertis. hfr ie oito.FANCY WOVEN MAT, size 17x32, regular value5a ,fr 4 e d 1efrgtinwsa- m.Swnothisrcund rm Miss Billinge, late et the Conscrvatory .~ ,~t..iu~t-e01-ît00011 v . ertised in TTms STATESmAN which ac- Marshalltown, Iowa., .. .Mr. and Mrs. et Music, is forming a clase licre for FANCY TAPESTRY IRUG, size 13x33, reguilar 6e e 3 '~i~ ~i~-i~ ~~'7i ~ '~ counts for the success. . .Mr. and Mrs, 1B. J. Wemrv, Eniniskiilen, visited hem veice culture. EXTRA FINE SMYRNA IIUG, size 30x68, reg. $,0 o 25 _________Ambrose Allun have gene te Toronto father, 1 -.'A.Famblyn recentl.y. 1Nothin- stronger or more to the t esd r ..M. and Mrs. A. W. Foiey Mrs. Jas. Mle is visiting lier dauglit The Dominion MrgJan.Dýa and Piano Co'syls; e,1have another addition t etfaiv-o, M P. Doncaster, Bowmanville.pouaaietMmJs styles;d same;ý, oî aouite oltiabcaougt-, thduete. e M. idGasb lastyhod evratinton ria. eaan ws ndmay thr izs nd prc. alSh whvicli has just been fougltin f New M onhpCuelfr10 et neseilvle 'York bas been writî en than Mr. Jacob BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 13,' 1901 Mme. Wmn Wood, Virginia, Ont , i the W'estern hospital, Toronto.M .r. TonipCuclfr10metoces calvuI A Hile' article ou Tairnmanv which visiting here..,. Mr. Chas. Axtord had Jes. Rcabaccompanied by Mr.W m. more, thon for' the g]ad hand, sweet, appeate in the Outi,)loo dated October a succestul husking bee... , Mies Eva Foley, Brooklin, visited hic tather, Mr. jolly and sunny smïle. We also offer this week the balance of oi tc ! ' 26. Mr. Riis bas fouglit Tammany inl SHAW'S SOHOOL, Foley isrcported seriously fil... *.Mr , John Rickaby, Sunday week .. ..Mr. JI Dr. Cee Gilfihian and Mies Nellie B. Tapestry and Chenille Curtains at prices ta ilsr wavavs in lower Ntw York, as lias Snowden, jr., rcceived- a liandeome P Wlimo attended tlie funeral et Hall, Bowmnanville, visited at Mr. J. J, maeny o, nbL Hwte te fYoung Durham buli iast week, purchas- hic sister in,-aw, Mmc T D.Williamson, Gilfillan's Sunday. prise you. They are [eautiful goods and mn s esent lie, ATen Year's War". and 'The Schoeî Report fer Oteber S. S. No. 1, ed at Orillia. Mr.A.W.Foley recently in Cartwrigh t, last week ...Mr. and 1Mr-. Lewis Clarkie, daugliter, grand. b d MaRkin,, ot an Amricaii," wici is juet Darlington, naines in order et menit: purcliascd Item Mr. Jas. Lenbon, Ocli- Mrs Josepli Hall Toronto, have been so n ra rnsnwr ht-b ppreciated coneludedý as a senti fla the OutIook, Sen. TV-R. Rickard, H. Kniglit, M. awa. bis breeding-pen ef Barred PIN- vîeîting lier tather at Cameron and hicson anbd Tgra g ra encerptio- andi is te appear in book torm. SS a Lovekin; Jr. IV-G.Moses, J.Galbmaith, mouth Rocks, Silver and Golden Laced fathet Mr. Daniel Hall...,,Mr. Wallace grapbed Thursday-teur enerations. it wilî r yeat. The Ouuleok Company, No. 287 N. Tmnwiui; Sen. 111-L. Galbraith, A Wyandottes, fHe aiselias a pen ef Sproule je home Item Oshawa Me- Feund at fast. A liver pili tbhat i syyut ecorW el aranofr n Fourth Avenue, New York. Allun; Jr 111-A. Soper, F. Bragg, W, Buif Rocks, from impoted cegge. Laughuin, Carniage Co's biacksmith emali and sure, that acte gently, quickly When goods are mentioned that you ncedcoe ocet _______________________Aluin, E. Kuiglit; Sen. Il-O. Bragg, ______she» nursng a sore arm.... .Mr. W. M, and thetouglily, that dees net g ripe tesoeat e hi steeaeu GK. iritb; , lt . Aln I], '1'Clayter, General Org-anizer for the A. Laxa-Liver Pille pesessoee qaiiS h tieadsete s these aixit,,, a K. TalbritGhluI.Au; Jr, l[1E lI ]L-T. COURTICE. O U W.,ý is womking in tlie1 interet ef anae a sure cure for Liver Complint, kî Blewîtl, E. Rickard, M.Galbraitli; Ciase Orono Lde A the Quarterlv Board Constipation, Sick Hleadachie, etc. '4 I-R Tî-ewin, R. Aluin. Average at- Mis.CrdmaTwtM. meetinget the Methodiet churcli it was Ont popular dreyer, Mr Wes. Thorn- tedance 20 EONA E J. FIELDING, Mi.M. Crice';Mies Twnr, Pcthr.decided te ex,,tend a call te R8v. W. B ton, eipdacria thg ePtr te M Jocs hîd beechntp.rM. n ThurscrecentMistsii .g D epa tnrehit ta -hem. Me hotOsaaguetetMisWellington ...Misa 'Bertlia bore and a carload et stock te Toronto _________- aler..o ferea large aD suc0.sF.,day et laet wcek and in the evenîng thc Nine times eut et ton Pain Kilier ill NENVTONVILLE. btrmak t clienfuat thera W '.party enjoyad a Taffy-piIl at tbe home lic found te fil yeur neede as a lieuse. ive have jus uchase a lot of traveles 11ev.T. J.Edmion, B D.,of the Misses Rcnwicks. .....Messrs H. bld remcdy. Used as a liniment forofOimpe The Royal Templars lield an open codevT.J d mîssonary D. Newcastle, fleoper, R. Moment, A. Caryetli and stiff isse and taeoftrnîy e al vercoats, Suits both D. B. and S, B., also os u codceMsinrmeetings at ClStpe, hv eefe abt oc opakints A v ubsItul ohD .adS ,Bys efrS alBy'iu counicif in their hall on Fridny evdnngEenzr Sunday. preaching g o e d Cou.ntai eetonip M.W 2e.ad5c andgav anexellnt roRam ev. sermons ...Mr John Littiejolin andStanesthon ii i nship....rsr.an2c.sndv 5()orthcGBa.OcroasoTh s'are frm ebetfatry - -JGLewis and 1ev, W-'S. Wrighit Horace H-ancock have rcturned from a son lias gveos o heGBa vecas. Tes r fo ten ýj gave excellent speeches, Miss Loi e B3ms0soouru in %anitoba highly su e , horeOtn oe p an ,n .R. worked soutli et the village lastCa da ndWlbesdatm c lsst n th ruul __Sîceman, elecutioniet, Port Granby, pleased wfth their trip.... Messrs N J nwOtarie.. . .The Young son et Mr. weck. A. bad eplit in some geed farme aaaadwl esl tmc esta oave several recitations whfch delight etîe ndCpauabc ee Ernest iHawke, near Leekarti, whom itmyreut etfwih mewer ad is e ogthe AuIecl onk "wi eeeprice. Corne at once for price. -~~ cd the audience. Mrs. Lewis aise gave recent gueste at Mn EdwsnWrenwilbmeebre hdieigt foot recftatien; Miss IMeLtan, Bowman- Oreliard Lodge .. .. Mr Gorden Worde ebutlyffacete a oew oth gol As a great dr i ktbe ll ece a ville, deliglited ail present wsth lier thte Standard Bank, Port Pcry,spe nt MMicrte e ot ra age fi oaloe o À, snging. 'The Royal Templars et New- th igsBmba thm . ute recovered. Hielias perfetus tdewn Itemn the luxige te the thrat. If ~ touvillie d e x edit for the excellent tM Kng' Br -ayat om ... bush ý lfoot, aNip parue ntetio-a ait)guef gavew lingte oi ýhlm i t u tisteitni n s the prlin the bud wiîb Aîîen's T . ,~ ~&0/,' I dsrv .B1i urîeccan e soon, as piracticable te fumnicl i hm with Lnng Balsam, a sure remedy contaîn- Mande whieli tbey gv.. Mie' t hsinilu jlsgoing a riiilfo e h te . o n eoim Edars ntnd seuin te utwct e er apw colonsy vï twe weeke, or more Mn. W. Stinson, lot Mrs, Aun Armitage, a p 1opular old S wiuter lie...Miss Louise Siceman, understand lie is meet-'ng with unquali- 2 t o. n Fox-t Granby, and sister àlies Birdie, flcd succes ý., Mr. Walton Anis ý4wlie9, ico.an party eeamched fat and lady et the NorthbWamd - sold lier effecte Chicago, Ill., have been visiting lun our bas been plowing on hie farmnil inear voiaual brooti s50W which lie Saturday. Sho wiil live %ith lier sons PoRTui, ÈANL3y. 1ýlau oteb-r CanadanM,,az4 f lae. Ceaber haretmne hoe.M. biieed idstra ye(d trem hie premises. iu Toronto. -hum Hl. IU. Coloquhouii t and11Mr S . n dcrs,,o n,as t Tcreon te te on ek eewsfud Mr colde are oured ,bv Pyny-B-aleam Mr. Wm Brale, acnite u tDk iDceae a r u s e e M e i î e e h e e ~ ti h l e g d i i a s tr a w ta ck w e e th a n a n y o t le r e u e r em e d y . t c r e s o u r o d s u e t h g l e p c e J o a n uli a E . d, e NEW IGM'ai~me op iuertt S EJ1INxiT Suudiav morning 1ev. J. WýardMsr. t1 vd ihu oo rwte1n h-qikand certainly Bronchi affe- ihabitants, pa.ssed away nWeus t ort"Terirte - R ~E. Osbhrue andi A. , J.Courtic mwiî withonutair. The pig le uw de- lieus give waiv readily terit. Mauual dy,23d f ctbe, u heful a tl iatlati po rpe FE TO NIA RES give an acceunt et the S. S. convention nrîg ail ri ft....WVlilliamGllÎbankýagýed tured bv thse proprigtere 0f Perry Devis' ofeteraaift;e. Mn.Braiey was lhem bTe" ati Wiîd gosfbeigi e fa Te1116ente.D year4s_,Toseto in Devenshire, Eng., in 1830, came te -y____toîwnship, dîcd au the home ef his' ou18"and a"enase Mr. E <iibak, ot 9 Sîl con en Messs. 1R. Moment, II. -Hooper C. Canada in 1865. Aftex- twe yearsi Exiite" iô auai;naur OSHAWA. Mr.Nov . lb eaaeadlotas bei-n onk-Staples - and A. W. Carve l utreOrono, lie settîcti at Port Granby where Pulished ut Trent 25 a er The ýmautacturers et the popular- sbrngadfrem ieaer days îîear Yelvcrton baggd8 abt lie livcd untfi hie dealli. One son, Mr. ~ Diamoni Dye al andRug Patemue Mr. E.S. Edmondeon, Prospect Park, ceming te Ibis conantry carmfeti on aadeaprrde onBahv ciu-ece tNw are filling orders daihy trom aIl sections aud son Wflliamî, ara in the Teronto butcher buisiness in ibis vfllage, alter-' Imitations abounti, but insist upn csladoeduheMs es ef Canadaand the IUitedi States. The Generai Hospital, with typhoiti lever.. wards sattling with hie tamfly on the getting the genuine "The D. & L. at boeraie cahiedt t moumu the lose et THE PUBLIC LOKFO1T pretytieigs re ttuctngth aten ..Mr. Arthur Hoover,Tomonto. ex-chiaI 10th cou.. whZealie tooli np landi, anti Menthol PaIr Ti .&L"la a kint anti indulgent parant. Mr. WIte nmakfng of liomemade mats anti rugs. Anniversary sermons et Simcoe St. witb bis wife, lie went te resitie witli imitations une impotent "The D- & andiuguebe o IeMthde hoe ubli oopoxentiteunitu Each pattern Le breuglit eut in full, icli Mellodiet chinrcb will be preacheti by hiesouûn ,- whemelie passeti away. 1,isLawe e e lCe., Lîti.a*ions are taken terthe dmua- store.cal ______________ colore on the hast importeti Scotch lie- 1ev. Dr. Workm au, Teorente, next LwDnc __,___y_______*im, retaentot sian, reativ for hlooking. Scores et Sunday ... . Mrc. W m. Weekes pieketi a Drummorar unztbck as fles. The fine eompany was calheti eut mos,sib e te bsines ptvcetosmd rmteDaodquanlity o e ripe asperMS r m vstdTrnor. hrd ci tenwtn nSont-îmosilitiL J U I RRMVat.-. anti fi Patteswee e-ushe4 lu their gardon .....Mr. in. cauîw. Deucaster iisîtati Torente me r hdcoma !A Case of Kîildney Dîseasa That pïiute tiugesatq i'~~ at e hbibteti aI the autuma taire anti attract- Braeley was oper-atti ou for appendicit- . J _.Hall 'a ntwievstihe father lie would bave sean an exhibition that 1price's bave wouý foruapstinecn XeW Curants d mueliattention. Tha Wehls &Ricl-i. fe lul'omeute lasI week. Be le improv. ecennîlyvw(itiphese im.Cond noebeClier juullarV noule t gtratier . ý'e urnsardsou Ce,, Linited, 200 Mountuin St,,fuguerapidly as eau lbe xpecteti...Jo ora h etbs ilt f. Up laIe niglits, endîes engagements, C.d'noTHE KIND TnAv Cunus.r Selecteti Raisins, otel .Qwl et tspi eProf. Fummer, the laheuteti echolar antiddI e f any atidrese eliceett ofnew-designs te theelegical teaclier et MeMuster IUniv- iting- friand' e'ir. geueruhiv mna dowu ? Take ,"'Tie ilfli'ncçcyai-e su feiigfo haul pounde ,4for 25e , enable ladies te make preper sehetieus. areity. Toronto, preuclietiin the Buptit Mn. IR. Z Hiall matie a business trp iîîLtoe uIsyonuý,f (y. Li>i n muil e Drgs nd- phanintigetinhay ieueorfletsut Figs, ~~~~~~churcli Sunday.. .. Mr Frati Kirbv is ePotpolWensdyfeed xourseeiîazalri. tadie br7 Davis & TED~ IESEWSBAàN to muebotw togyuvs -PROVIDENCE. . becu engageti by the Canada Papar Reival serviýes lu Methotiiet churcli Law-rTHEee Ce,, Ltd . you te use Imn ùrPaiae Ceer Cepdn 1iIYatès~~~~~ Ce.. Toronto, as their agent fat Ithe sale wili ba continuati ibis weak, M.Wetu 0u11,vlhn mr IHD FERUE F1'OIl hege ajeetbsha tdeae Swect Ptotoe~lThe foliowfng is tlie standing, et the eCa pon aer . eaulhn Mm.r. D. Austin blas moeatinfte the chant, lias retix-ectfuon the wintcr, hav BOT'FLES OF th(, oulnIcinat]u a nfgy ,~~~~'- t. Ca~~~~~rriage Ce., defiveret i lut wa6ek'0te boliuse lataly vacateti by H. Hill. igslihchraV m m aiil utiat e ia-T etee ries sehool of S. S. No. 5,--Darlinglon, tfon T. Eaton Company, Terouto, Mm eoatiGasytacmao, iinWestel ias pumsealo t or Wn ColHl PIE EER OION aixI Clmvcw iEmpu fyu Cran bebe NamNaines rtier etemeo t mandeem- deiiveme wagons.....................Mr...........................................a.............a.lo......C..........ekAor muudowu; iCOMPaOmNDvhil""' aîda new fie of fancy Jr. IV -Millile L. Jackson, Melbeurne J. Haggcrty bas eau transfareti from srearanietie work au tàîa-kiIe. anti will bufid a comfertable, dwelinig. eko JWight, Ediwin C. Hein Sm. 111-Ithe Dominien Bank, Oshawa, te the liispectar Tillay visiteti our echool D4IGaSTION WIrneUr A STOMAuII-Tha -Streugtlieîer. Biýscuits and Candies. i Tenu Prout, Helena M. Bragg, Irwin bad tta akf oet.M.Fritay a nti ava a giewiug report. fuel thal people live anti digest fond A Stateent Carrying Wamnlng andi Solti by J liconru O R. Bragg, Normmt B Etforti, Myntha V. Cveaflar the eloînacli bas been remeved .nomgmn eDuggiste, BewmanilOt -- TR U E YRJ.Ba (lnes)JC11-ileL i a yfeyj. vWhiîliy, suceetis hlm .... .1ev. MsBreil oBwmunvilla, was proves Ibat the impertant part et Ecuemfent.- to________________ W.Fe.Fiee, Rowcna J. Buagg. Sm. alliediMicsurli, anmeuces aspecia TRYOUt NE SR1iIPBra-g(iluas) J. lI-ihie. Her, . t Ritue,asto cte sim ec tges tMieLn Mmn Fîa. digestion tukes part in bbc intestines. l TTA T 11--Dora Prout, Ofive J. Colwill, Fred- sarias of Suutiay avening sermons en Jeliuuy Couali, a familfar figure lie Heuce it comas thal Dr Cbasa's Kidnav- wa dia J. Wfght, Leenarti J, Fiee, Arthur "The Seven Deatily Sins," Pnide, seaN3aar,,,'age, was lu towu Friday. Liver Pille arease wontierfuily suce esst ni While tlie blooti is -the lite etfIlie C. rugnJ.10AFlrci AlnGreeti Luet, -EuvyAppetile, Auger, Mr n A Oticî P .9 T ani ý cting indigestion anti ti3epspia, evstem, euryiug toe ery part ils lare

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