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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1901, p. 8

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That16 Col or lit snay kili you. Take a cold at this Urnei of th.e year, andla inity-nine tirneS in a h-undred it will de-velop îinto G'rippe-and Gri'ppe- stands for a category of ailmenmts thaf tlias baffled. thle best physicians. Klta o4-a~ never-fail treatment UAT Uanâta GRI PPE"à C.,apsule when yoLIfeel the first "shiver "-01211 you feel the flrst -flush of fever- when yi ou feel the first hhint of anl aching hlead-when. yoýu feel tlie first st-ab -of pain in your back-these are.11 Grippe symiptom-js the,, thi6 potent, powerful but pleasant mnecine wvill knock Out ii on-e.two-thirec ordeýr-m you well andi keecip you weli-handy, too---- vnrr1Y thern ini youir pocket. Von duggist Shloî,ld have. '~i~flie hs' 2s direct toà &06At4. I Ottaw~, ~nt. Ir ROL E'lNIN G m ,11l nes_ of al hool Requis- -in great var- 3aders Ii m~ise Bo okS. F'tS I UOIf EY 1 p !i aare 3î '11, 1-X ext ,. Aucis Our popular tcacker Miss Campbell lias typlioid fever. but is recoverîng sliglitly. Miss Pari, Blac'lstock, lias licen cngaged to teacli for flie remainder of tlie year.. .. Mr. Theo. Siemon is visiting lis brother Cyrus at Omemee.. . ,Mr. S. 'Mountjoy lias put an addition to litsliouse. Better times eh 1 .-Miss Eva Brown attended tlie wedding of Miss Pethick in Bowman- vill.MnW. H Creepen is doing a rusing), business in the cutte. line... * Mr, R A. Asliton lias urcliased a new wind- miii and will sliortly erect it on lis barn D . on't icrget flie At Homne in connect- ion wifh tlie E. L. C. E. Thank sgiving IDay, Nov. 28th. G Cood program after wtich i eresh enswi esneilv personui welcome. .. . Mr. James Asliton lias purchascd from Mis, T. Gildens the Propcrty lately occupied- by James Camnpbell. Y'uU CA14 MAKE Hàndsoine Mats anld Rugs At a Smail Cost Thât Wi11 Oufwear Expensive Imported Goods. The mutking uùp of pre tfy mats and rugs in thé home is a work that is attracfing wide-spiread attention. Women of every social position are cultivating the art nnd making Up arfistie creations that compare favor- ably with expensive imported goeds. Thousands of womn point with pide and pleusure to thpir homemade mats and rugs. If veur dry goods dealer lias net yet put in a stock of these new patterns fer 3ou-- cenvenience, send youî name and address to The Wells & itichardson Co , imited, 200 Moue- t ain St., Montreal. P. Q , and they will, send you postpuid, sheets of designs te qelect from. Like the Diamond Des, the Diamond Dve Mat, and Rug Pat- ~trsare the best le tUte world, SOLINA. Evervone ln this vicinity sinceîelv svmpathizPs witl Mr. and ,Mri. David Montgomery lie 1 loss of the3ir second son Aldon who ias been living,, for some time ut Balard, Wshngon US. The fqe.ts as neur as we eue uscertain from lette3rs ire(ceived are. Aldon Mloncgomery wus employed as fireman on the "Ska7git Queen" a boat runeing bu o the Skugit River. Early on fii r nornîng of Oct Soth lie wus walhkiiartound the edge of tlie vessel, on the fender outside of the railing and lin some mannen losf lis fo oting und, feiu into the river. Being unabie f0 swim lie sauk before help could reaclhlm. The captain ofthfe boaf writing fo lis parents says : 1"He was a fine boy,' sober and industrious; I neyer lad a> tmue -in mv empiluv fIat gare botter effortilueoen madie te fnueit -lHe was a member o! Shilslole Lodge, No 48, A. 0. U M7., Ballard, 'A ashinZtoe, Uaving joineetinl J tilr andi caînied $2000 l! einuac A tîetirW service lield i lte Pebtentun drci ut Bal l!ard S id7-ov 17t1 wsaîete l theninibre~stîue Lodga MRev AI- thIe service. -A ~mia evc ilh held le ~î 'd ~~s N. iîoe*~arevîsit- Broksla rtunoi rm u.u ting ftnb î'ar< secued tn, timr.Mr S J tc autn..,M Thics Pa',cce broke tii ena' "f wbic pi"ra'nd bis lurng. Uy . re . i ýlu agtiîs: a par fit IX' "viin îicey.... Miss Ett~ lx g a "Ir. A. L.Pascoe( Weîrrv uill represent S ~ ~ ~ ý hu i feGat Divisieti 't Brampu ýx wnî ...Four lait- u.;ious ut Dlvia,î,,7I astwueek slot a-Little- Auk -last week. It's a specimen of bird rarely. found in tliese parts....Fira damaged the Pediar Roofing Works last week f0 the- extent cf $150... Mr. Thos. Miller, sr., lias sold ouf lis business in Port Hope.. Miss H. E. Wigg was pîesented wifh the Governor General's silver medal for matliematics ut fhe Victoria Univer- sity convocation,,.. The newly elected Curling Cub officers are : Patrons, lon.. Y Dryden and W. Ross, M. P,;~ President, W.* A. Luke; Vice-President, W.W. Coulthard; Represeetative Mem- bers, L. G. Cassels, G. H. Pediar, Jr.; Chapflains, Revs. Talbot and Rae; Treasurer, L. G. Cassels; Secretaryv, E. I Rowse; Committee of Management, MessrsA, G. Lambert,_H. T. Carswell, .> A. oy~ts ~mr. n. _10DiOf, J 0 LeRoy and J. W Iro>van. Mr. Jas.Parr, Blacýkstock, was recent guesf of Dr. and Mi*,. Montgomery.... Mrs. Jolie Bellsnýif h and Mrs. A Chstl. lenger, Toronto, spent ling's .biîtlday withMrs.E.L.Vickery. Mrs.G.H.Top- hum, Brandon, Man., lias been speed- ing a few weeks with lier sister,* Mrs W. A. Kester...,. Misses Wilhelmina GuImpridlif and Ethel Bullock,of Ontario Ladies Colle e, Whifby, visited here recently-, ... gir. W.E. Phillips,nianagor of the Indepeedent, Grimsby. Ont., visited relatives here .... Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin, Toronto, and little Eva, Gananoque, visited lier mothen, Mrs'. W. A. Kester.. . .Mr. Chas. Kemp, ffrighton. called on friends recenfly . The Offiiai Board of the Simcoe Street Methodist dhurcI, have exfended a cordial and unanimous invitation f0 the pastor, Rev. J.ý J. Bue, f0 remuidaa t hird year. The invitation1 was accepf- ed. . . Mis F. J Pansons, Toronto, visited lier parents Mr and Mrs F. Glaspeli, Taunton.... Mr. and Mis. Butter, Sfraflrov, y^isited Mn. T B. Mitchll..». .Mr F. A. Hoar, and family have moved-te the residence of Mis. Lick, corner of Medealfauid Centre Sta. Mr8 H-oar will receive on' Wednesday and Tbuîýsday afternoons o! Dec, 4th and Sth'. .. .Tbunksgivieg services. 7will, be lield in- Medealf S.treet Met lodist church, ut Il a. m, Bey, J. Hiôdges, B. A.,1 wil preacli fhe sermon, and the' pastor, Bey. J. J. Liddy, will preside., ...Messrs. Harrv ~Williams, Harîy Mitchell. WilI. Kiîby, John Branton and Art. Bowmae aftended the dance given by the bachelors of Bowmanville on Tuesday nigit . . .. The Edmonson family is suffering fin an awful scounging from fever. J. E.. Ehi S., Edwand, miss Edmonson, and Wîlbert, Elis son , -nifler have been ili <or else are down now. Eli and lis son are ie fthe Toronto general hospital. Few People Escape The Torture of Piles &na Dr. Chame'm Ointment in the Oniy Potive and Guara.nteed Cure for Inz a case et piles,.len nn'e cases ont of ton he wiii recommnnda surgicul operation, foigetting, if may be, the risk, snfning and physical as weii as financuai exponse which this trnatmenf entais. Fer this reasen very many people are geieg about in misery wtt h pilies, beileving that they cannot be cured except by innans of the surgeon'e Ikuife. ItI la te snch persens that this ad- veitisement wiil bring geod nows ef great vaine. Dr. Cbase's Ointment has neyer falied te cure piles and ifta n e- eognized the wonid over as absolutniy the oniy preparation tlîat can bo relied upon te cure eveÉry form cf tht s fright- fully commen ailiment. If seemas strange that anycue shouid suifer the wretched uneasinessaend scute torture. of burning, itching pilns when if is se easy te procure Dr. flhasp&s Ointmelnt. Nearly every deiter in meÉCicine keeps Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, and yen can apPly if at home ,withen.t any inconvelbce.' If yenu prefer send 630 cents te Edr.îan, ' n Batos &,Co.,,Toronto, anxd a box wil be sent postpuaid te yonr addnnas. Ask yonn nolghber ordrnggis.f about this remankable remedy. 1Occupying tho cuýttng 0of tceeh, etc. Wha,13n babyv iscross"o-Lot, if you- value your child's future welfàre,,give it any of the so-called ..soothing" medicines, as they only stupify and deaden without removing the cause of the trouble. What is needed is a simple, vegetable compound sucii as Baby's Own Tablets, which reacli the root of ail the minor ailments of littie ones making tbem well and happy. The best proof of thîs is the higli praise AIl mothers who have used this medicine award it. Mrs. W. S Beaverstock, Church St., Brockville, says :-'I have used Baby's Own Tab- lots in my house for several vears and know of no mnedicine for littie oneq that (.au equal them. When my baby was teething, she was restless, cross- and peevishf, and 1T could do very little with lier. iý ave ber the f abletsand thev t 1 t-IF3 -w lm trLUir itelcs (!ri no ge1od. When baby was froubled withi constipation tbe tablets alwa3s gave prompt relief, but above ail things I thirik they une most excellent le midi. gestin; she vomited a greaf deal, was very cross and wouid scneam with paie and I1liad to g et uip wi h lier many trnes duing the niglit. No matter how mucli sUe ate she kepf giowîng thineer. If was tIen I began the use of the tablets and alie grew plump. and fut and I had no funthen trouble withf ber at inight. I can recommend fIe tablefs f0 any mother who lias a sicklv, cross or fretful baby and I am suie éfie will neven be withouf fhem again." Baby's Own Tablets are easilv admin ipfered and dissolved le wafeî can be given safely f0 fthe youngesf infant. If youî dîuggisf does net keep tliem send 25 centsf0 the Dr. Wfliams' Medicine Co., Bîockville, Ont., and a box will be s enitof0 ou bymail. post paid. OlON O. Bey..H. Bruce Kenny, Millbrook;> preached iu Methodist churdli Sunduv moring..' . Te present efficient staff of teadhers of Orono school have been re-enguged. for 1902...BRey. W. H. Chidley, Osliawa, will preadl inlethe Christian chundli Sunday . ...Mi BH Wood li a ov ed te fhe Hoskin, faim, Daîlingtoe ftownship, whicli le las leased.. . 97 panes of glass were broken le Waddell's factoîy duning Mr. Wad. dell's aboence in the old land,... Mr. G.- H. Linton goes f0 Bowmueville shoitly te take charge of the new foundry there, and in consequence lis foundry and residonce hene is offoeedfor sale.. .Mr. Jas Hullett receîved a. telegram announcing tUe death of lis son's wife Mis. John G. Hallett, ut Uer home in Woodbridge . ... Mr. Walter S. Stinson lus retuîned frem Noîthere Ontario where lie went on a visit te lis sou Boss. Mr. Stinson was s0 fuvorably impressed witI the prospects of the country and the quality of the soiltIat lie alsi teok u p laed. Mr. Fred. Winter, Toronto Business College was home recently.... Mis. Walker, Port Hope, lias been visiting .fr!end.& er.e, ..,Mrs. Alfred . .Cliamu eastof ewcaste ki.rrsid an1v who is iii with t\ phoid fever. ut tUe Western hospital, Toronfo, Lt, reev,,er ing.. .. Mis. W. 1H1Bnownscombn. Port lore, was. guest of Mrs. S. Cuttel, ... Mr. aed .Mis. J. N. Falîbalîn and daugliter, Toronto, and Mn. Jas, Kelly, Illinois, visited at Mr. J. A. Jeromn's neýcently.... Nîi James MeMullen, and Misses Bella McIullen and Ruthella Humm,-visitnd at New Haven, Daniieg- ton,... .Mr. Geo. Johnson, Ioloain, Hast- ings Co., was bere assisfing lis mether dnnioig fIe sale.,. l'ho pupils of Orono sehools will liold f hein concert on Thlaeksziving niglit Nov 28.. .. Messrs. O A. Gamsby anîd C. G. Armstrong wili sing ln Oshanwa Tliaksgiving evenitic ,.. .11v. ',% C. Moon'ý, Canton, preached in fhe Methodist churdli Suni- day monniig.., . Mr. A A. Powerslias îuuihaedtI !e estafe o! Mis. A;-miîa..e, 4* acres o! iand and buildings foi $290 ... les 1), Williamson of Carit- wright vI,.>tî,;'oui rest-ernnd towusman, Mr J-1 n VieMulPen irecentl.v. Mr. Lb. D. (jiamo.1o!Brockport, .Y, aecompanied him. ILwwroncee o.,btd. Theo. A, -M-c Gili vray, Wlbl returned froina deer hiunt with two fine specirnens The breath of the -pinesis the breath of lîfe to, the consumptive. Norway Pine Syrup contains the pille virfues and cures couglis, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, sind ail throat and lung troubles, which if flot attended f0, lead f0o consumption. The Gerie homestead, Whifby, oc cupied by Mr. L. T. Barclay was des- froyed bv fire with mosf of the contents last week. Good healh is impossinle witliout regular action of the bowels. Laxa- Liver Pis regulafe the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, onk hoanonaaclnfnin orgaus o ieto.Pc 5cns Ail druggisfs. Mn. S. Beucoek, Myrfie . Station, lias boughftUe store foîmerly occupied by W. G. Armoun, wlio made an assiZn- ment ieeintly. Used -internally Hagyurd's- Yellow 011 cure-, Soie Throat, Hoarsenes, Quinsy, Paie in the Chest, Croup, etc. Used externallv if cures Blieumatism, Stiff Joints, ConÎtructed Cords, Sprains, Strains. Burns, Sculds, Cufs, and Bites of Insects. Mrs. Geo Devitf and ehild, Dominion City, Man., have been te Cuit wright owiLng te the death of 1er fut 1er, the lute Mr. Gune. PITIFIJL CASE 0F A LITTLB GIRLI flhîiild ut the &ge te Two a Crippled Vlctîm of Diseuse. Ecina Rathburnof flampsteud. N. B., f el and broke two ribs-Injul'ed the kidnieys and Diabetes developed-Dodd'a Kidney Pllls in curnmg Kidneys stnaightened injured spine. HAMPsTEnAD, N. B. Nov. 25 (Special.) Littie Ednau Ruflbure of this place bas lad a .,ud experience, for a dhild se voung. SUe !Bsuow neurly eleven years oldl Eiglit o! Uer few short years have been passed under fIe saddest, cloud possible in life At thie age of two tUe dhild met wifh un accident whicli left lier witli two iibs broken, splif off ut fhe buckbone. TIeugh fhey were set and liealed 1er lit fle body did nef strengtliee. For eighf years she could hardly wulk,beiug ulmosf being dloubled up. TPhe accident affected Uer Kidne3 s and Diabetes set9 in. Diabetes is a ,pàrticularlv severe1 by nature o!f te injuries te the spine. 1 The family doctor was of course,1 consulted. He diagnosed lier case cortectly but couldnti' cure if. She vias sentt thte Public Hospitul ut Sf. John, ln the hopes'thutt fln greufer skill and facilities tfre wouldaxil They l could do nfhing for l"ir.The aufior-: ý god an wile aIe ived(, which would nef be v'erv long. The suffeing e!fIe lit fie one was he-,urt rending te fhe motlieruand frien. She- cried with. paie night and day. The mother grew despenate and determieed sUe would find a cure forrlien dhLd if if teck eveîy cent she pcssnssed. SUe saw Dcldd's, Kidney Pillsaudvertis- ed and imieediately pnrcîased some. Prom fhn fir4tfthe v wern bonnflciul. TUe liffe gil ic-,vncn .teget better. Evrv day saw an imprevemeef. Dodd's Kiýinev P;Lis were doing tUe wonk. Six boxes -in ail weren used and once more Diabetes was conquered', Not onvuh fat but wîfh the roture of health tUe spine eommenced te straiglit- enu. The iittln' girl is new almost physicail -V perfect Ss is hegrafefnl inoflier in lier own words: '-Tliee is nothing te be comparna te D,)dd's Kidue. Pilis. iVe îank Go)d we ever heurd o! tttern. Edna la ncw full cf color, -u- and ffla s about asi sart as a whip. wh4erîI oece -esUe was a1 PunY liff le thîng as pale us a gho l 1 1. iuaniy useful -and ha- iti=articles e tr ffering par- ticailarly in Our fancy Dry Goods Dept., and our J'eweL--, ery Dept. We. are quotiîig some special prices iii Watches for the Christmas trade, See Our, $5._00 Rail. ro4d Watch, it is a marvel of 'modern manufacture. THE MAOCo NEWCASTLE. Visitors: Miss Gerfie Young, Bow- manville, guest of Miss Lecali Chaplin; Miz:,Mabel Rickard, Hope. ut -home; Mis. Archer and son, Cob)ousrg and Mr. A- W. Piekard, Bowmaïvfflle, at Mr. G wAtflAS.~flL4 fI - MisesHauock NetonvilleandMissl Fielding, Bowmunvil-le, guesta oftUe Misses Clemenice; Mr, and Mrs. J. Peu warden, Newt.)nvillîe. and Miss Moul-_ ton, Cobourg, with friends ; Miss Olive Cobbledick, Clarke, und Bey. George Brown, Omeînee. ut Mr. J. M. Cobble. dick's.;,Mn..uand Mis Henry- Power, Kirby. ut Mr. Joln ieik&rd's; Mosas Symons,' Martin andi BieLle, Hope, ut Mn. Jas, Bickurd's. ... Mr. Geo. Gray lias been ili but is recoveing..,,Mr. WiII Law will teuch ut S .N.2 Clarke, for 1902... Aleiversuiy ser- vices of Methodist cdurch.were well ut- fended Sunday. Bey. George Brown, Omnemee, a formerpaster, preucled and deîighfed lis hearers by lis inspin-j ing and e'.evating discourses. Tie1 choir splendidiY assisted by Mis Arch - er, solodat, Cobourg, reedened several fine selections. The services waiq con- tinued Monday evening whee a fowl supper was seîved, .. .Speeiul evange- lisfic services wil be bld Wednesdayý, Tliursday and- Friduy eveuingà. Local Opinion is strong le favor o! Pyuy.Balsam. if cures couglis and colds wifh absolute cerfaity- Pleas- ant te take and sure te cure. Manu- factureti by' tUe propriefors o! Perry Davis' Pain- Killer. Read offer of Miontreal Daily Hlerald and THE STATESMAN for $2-. Invite your neiglibor f0 take thi& paper. The besft isthe icheapest-this is the best. The-lonian thle palatial new Allan T InA ~tpnmrn. ~aii~ fwn~ St .l~Ahi~, tboe~ 8 anid Iluifux 9tU. Ths s toeCb-qv The Christ mas number ofT7he Wowi.. an's Home Companiïon lais uel of âtter e! seasonuble interest. 'rhegre are ar- ticles descriptive o! hoidav enfert.ain. meets and munv suggestions about the tnakieg et smplegittu Mae interest- ing sternes complete a fine3 holiday( number o!,1t is fmoius îmagaziue, Publisheý-d bv TheCrwl & Kiîkpat- rick Ce., Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; tee cents; a copy;sample copy free. jUnsightly and F0111 Dîseases Arisîng Froff Impllre alld Pdoiso11e'l Blood a fie DOES THE GOOD WORK, A Cured Mau Saàys : "It Wtuld Tean the Use of Pages-to Teili b6e Hait of WIiat 1'lne's -4eery Co-m. RARE MUSICAL OPPORTUNITY. pou a oeFrM. If la wvitli pleusure-that flua opportun- Thuf. great and nobl e genlus, Pr<i lty la taken o! iniformlug you thut fUisEd season's concert by the "Mendelssohin Edaid E. Phelps, Mî. D , LL. O., th Choir" 6f Toronto will be given ie discoverer o! Puiue's Celeiy Conipon, Massev Hall on Tîursday evenîng Jan, spent iensl perfecting his prescnip 80th 1902. If is neeless te- enlarge flou bfoeie gave, ifte a woîldc upon tUe worfh anti efflciency o!ftIs saffering andi diseuse. Years of sever sccety wlîch unertUeaIl diectontests and tees o! thousanda o! preelou solives saveti, have ailhcemblnedirtetmu] of Mr. A S. Vogt, lus gulined A world Pieselheîy lComu ete pese wide repufation as being the finest day ps eplry fampudterso exponu f o unaccempanied choral da 1kva aml medicine singing lu America. Ie anticipation o! Faine's ,Celery Compound h. this evsuftUe choir o! Simcoe Sf. MetU- trlumpliet over numberleqs caseso odiaf church, Oshawa, have matie ai- fouI und deep-seated blooti diseuses.1 rangements wliereby a special train effectuully cleanses the blond, brace will le rn ou the eveeingof the concert thle weak nerves, builds up flesh and !îom Bewmanville,Osîuwa and Whifbv constitution capable o! resisfing sick allowing ulI desirous of liearng this neas anti diseuse Mr. A. Eý Hammond famed or-unizafion tUe privileg-e o! 2Mansonville, P. Q., eîed by Paine' doing se ivithout tIe accusfemed ex. Celery Compound, writes fhu-s: penditure anti bso!f ime. The neturn] 'Some five rouis ugo if was nmv aq arrangilea& Wii -seats for teis concert muy be subseîîbed for lu oeach o! tUe respective towns. Eacli subseniber will be nelieveti o! aIl resoonsibiiity le fhe ieserving e! seats Uaving only te desig-, nate fhe number.and pre e! fseats required. When ftle plan opens in Toronto tliey will fUon be selecteti for yeu by a local representative after whichtUe ticket o! -admission anti ne- serveti seat cfheck will Un forwartied te tUe uddress ofe! adlisubscribera. TUe fiast ballot for dchoc f seat s will Un tukee on Dec. 3rd anti ail subacribers are roqnested te enter t-loin subseniptions nef haîni tlian Nov. 830ýin le eder t-lut stîfficient time mav Un given for t-loir arnaunZement befoe taking te Toronto. TUe subseription lista, open te tUe public o! Bom aevllle may lbe founti nithor with Mr Ilenrv Kt)îîglit or ut, the big 9.0 bock store. For fui-then informaticui apfflv te ttUn abovo on atidresa W. F. Piekuard, ()'shawva Due notice hy pest ers andp~x will Lýe givon cf tUe-fin] fln .'pecial train wiîi leave mËach of tfie respective staflo us; runnîeg sores fer tour ycars.B j-ýi fiee t- t-L I wars take rlieumafism lifn (asmuitof nmv bt o badiy tînt I could neft get off nasîye andti fcfurther intensifyv mv sit4ferljs, I lad sick heudachù i le - wost form. "Whule in fis conditie,ý% a frieud of mine, Mr, Perk-ns, a meichant o!fia place, solti me a botfie cf Paine's Celery -ompounti, witU fln express untier.. standin;-zfIat iif dit ime ne goti 1 slionldpuy nef bing for if. 'Ie accepfieg t-hi, offor, I had ne idea o!e ovni!noinz under aev obligation ta~ pas ,for the Comp)ounti, as'I ad ne fuitis inlt-s doing me gooti. To îwv very grout surprise, Iowevt-ni, 1I anew better; and ti t-lime J 1dustiihce boffles J was us well asaven-, atiwlat I neyer- expocted toe nwasrelietviz : the -soies on îny legs we% utîr e iueti, "If woulti oefie s !pns toit one hlf o! wlihýt PlsCelery Compoundtibas doue fur me Tliis mar- veilons cure la s been luiieffeef foi neoar- iy a ya. rr Ir rt 7-t -ir- -L LL 1 -L 1 à

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