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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1901, p. 4

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e*11,c 11c The Cjalldial Stlatsa, * BWMANVILLE. DEC. il, 1901'XM r Nomination Day this year occurs on Jkona Dec. 30ý. Coun ty CounicIl nomn LU nas ew's We have a large stc ck of bulk and + ea nat eios akelc on t hes Ud, t th fancy boxed Perfumes from which you* ?ute.inolcinintsentd will find it an easy task to select a suit- Theudcial Comrnittee 0f th___ v ____ ____ ___ X ma W allt tht Lowh Fig re Ma." +able gift . Legislature toenact prohibitory iquor +af Lord Mcagie eiee h + We also have a splendid assortment of + uget Manuhe eiee h + Buy Ony Canadia.n Horses is an article + COMBpearin on an inside page in which the~j COMBS H ES * Uaiil an Empire and The Toronto _ B.RUSHES, ~~~~~~~~~World make complimientary reference t ais n et'X a afecif Mr, Robt Beith and bis qualification for ftAIDD1nr for oss o h ouhArcr pIO S assn pnhrssfrteSot fia This store is the reuugnized headquarters for andkrciies ehv lvii * ~ 5 many different kinds to show and the range of prices wide. +E8ONY GOODS. * este Council doings shoitld inter~ Ladies' embroidered or lace edged andechefs, newest desu,50-5 es eey ani tes outis TEGents' llemstitched llandkerehiefs, a spec ai uine, per dozen ~ 0 Perfume ~~ ~~ io at m ze s etc.uc * dev tes n d thia wee G ents' llem stitched SiIk llandkerchiefs, $ , 5e 5 e an pu e sl on 2 e +* gives Warden Rickard's address on ak1 5c 1c n u +AT MeDERM ID'S + insidepg and report of first two days' 77ZXMAS UMBRELLAS. XMAS NECKWEAR. BOYS' 1RE'FRS + procednS, A brand- new lot of Ladies' and We can't express on paiper what wve What is better to îu h byta S GentLs' Umbrellas, choieest handies, $3.0() would like to say about our Men'a Neck- an up-to-date and goodwern'Rer + "i r gpreciatiye expressions from Public school inaltenwsapsadKlr-0 $250 Boys Frire ze RBo fers $27;o + teachers and uarents on our recent editor XMAS FURS. iand tene hp n coor5e.$.5;Bos Fleef e RegO ecot iason school matters. We hope to aonds 25.CeitRefr,$ rtr otesbetltrt ics teFu esnbsbea ueMN U LE .$60 onto $2.75. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _phases o dctoa atr hctosces u rcsaelwndthe FursX AS M LLW R . our mind require it. tne. New lot of Gry am Cas We start them at 25c. t)ut if you X A M L Gau--.bet, olar ad ufs n tok. want to buy th eta pleasing present Purses, large raigS o$.5 --nesh l ie teto Gaun ets CoE ar X A nd C PRuIf sst . buy o e fou Creseent Brand" $1.00 Faney llandkerehief Bagî 2e a d 5e t rrner ns) o gîe teno uring o la NEW XMAS APR INS Mufflers, either in the shaped or band- Ladies' Silk Tics, 25ce n 0; uh Q el aort e opins Secuing Ad wil b FUR IRUFFS 98e EACH. kerchief style. Tops, 25e and 50e; FaneyBoee n 4found on an inside page under Farm IMITATION PURS. MEN'S GLOVES.FayPns0e1ead2. toic Teatment of _Beef Cattle" is an- Our Gloves fit exaetly. The culors SILK DRAPS oer tîmely article. A iepresent for the baby-a are entirely new and the price 50c to Beautitul S i 1 k Pin1rpsi WW White Lamb Ruff, 50e, 35e and 25e $2,25. Big range to seleet from. white, pale blne, searletNegrean ¶9, [R NI [9~6IS ecember i5th falling this year on M Grey Lamb Gauntlets, $1.00 and 75e Men's Smoking Jackets. vera rose colors. 82.5C n 30 SaveER H a IfMM Y ou Fuel.y ail stator metgoftonx, Sealett: antes $1.25and $1.00ktvnfh de o erPi L~ os i iage and township councils will bcheld Gntts$1.0There is nothing appeatdya XMAS GLOVS o s R~hes~r Radator.on Nionday 16th at the usual hour. In XMAS SHOES. prcaebman more tban to bnly him an elegantPensKiGovgartee -~HOW TO DOUBLE THE me t of taxes. Collectors mayi'ssue war- agood comfortable bouse Slipper, $1,50; smoke it inakes a comfortablc coat to quality, per pair 50e; hdrs P l c o h s e a i t r o n th e p ip e t e r x p n e to o . F l h e r , e a h r te nia s a t $ 5 .5 0 , $ 6 .5 0 a d $ 7 .5 0 . X A O L N G O S close to the stove. aoend 0e lfrtp,$.);WmnsM NSOECAS sole and heels tops $1.00; Wom ' DongO V IR O A S Umbrella Shawls, al colos 15 110W t Oe pieA ANrug U tPe ROOln., Annua- s.oo 1e g tei y-rwv o g la Si p r, eati r n, $ A n acceptable present for the boy Child's loods, 50 ; Chil d' a kes 0 bfer heita urday . 6 tIf deaypr Women-i's Felt Slippers, feit soit', covered and also the gent. Our range is large Doil Jace st 25;Di necting with Rochester Radiator aboye eit fe ug pe romwil e s ar a te neatluand the fnest of eloths. $5.00 to $18.00. Tamn 0'Shanters anTous up to date young men be elected trustees. 0JHWT ET NAJIIG T-here bas been a tendency in sonie XM)qýS GROCERY NEVW S. H O W ~~r i o T Ol H E A T An :DO N I Gei o k e p t e o rd L e t t he o e w r e e n b t e h p u o r G o e y D pn t to su p p ly y o u r X m a s w a n ts. O u r sto c k c o m p rise s n p r - r s un t h e c p i e th R o h st e r p dart o a l p r g e s i v m e n : e b a d e t h & B a c w e î 's C a n d ie d P e e lIs , C h o w -c h o w , W a ln u ts , M ix e c i P i ek e ls , B e v a n 's F iv e C r n V i t i a C s t s ,e a n s F vC o w %n c o n e i h R c e t r R i i t rf a t h eis g iv e w a y f o r th e s n fo r a c h a n g e . Fa n1 y -es r C l- a t e r s M ac tag a C- as erd S e e t V aBc a a s n svi e e Botti rooms wili then be heated alike. After ailsetteClesseanislaaaMalagaeGratsValeorida OranaresaFane Leto's anîjBled Yostigga Carrants, Faney Six CronTalFis ive or commscration. He s te leted risîs-BIsults. We ae a fine dispay of Fany Japanese China, French China, English Dinner Ware, Toilet St n ao Ssecretary of the Con serv atîve Association Lamps', whieh. make veny acceptable presents for Cbnistmas. W , H~ U S Nut for expediency sake they evidently nüû zÉi% A N object to allow bis namne to go on the IN Mo U T Y UN ofciai cali for a convention, He dont JOHNI ORcMURTRYRROD know the real diff erence between a Grit PRDCE. BOWMANVILLE. IIIGIIEST PRICE PAID O LRY andMA VI La CASH, OR TruADE FOR F011an Q 'Harry to. write is political articles apd wand a Try o theruts o Tom, icki lad eek, The green-eyed monster, envy, _____________________________________ c a u s e s jt ý h i s v s to b l e u , o , w e e e rC R S I S G u D C E B F A R M E R S ' P R O D U C E . estahllshed hoso sldfnaea sadn can t help it though, for- lie is a victmo i-oiuar onesodb onr -Sary70ayear and expeoiseS, ail paya le in circumstances and a, tool ofdeigin T on ustoln r widSt u safc wel un mero cntrye cash. ýNo eanvassing requred. Giva referaees men, > exrskoeseerphaisfo hi an eclsesefad ressed-stamped envelop. e' dfa; duiï or t t' eaî Ad dru MNAGM, M -axtn Bildngesteu r tý3past yermore up..±o-date and fashionable goods M1111901 COMPI Cht1~ cae MAÂG,35 axonBld No-noneet a enmd ani to sa,, tia wýe shah spart' no ýeffort ibch thçy'-seil cheaper also than toei far16 as w cannearntt banypro ale o supl ailP11 whof g-ive us their patron- neîgbborîng towns. Not oniy do buyera ollalsMabeWrs., IITANED-Iufaar Agnswocag wil e lae n J)rn t aproibgtln age with tu eybest quality that skill come here from Ontario county but some onsl Tht Trusts and Gî,arantee Conmpany. Lim- w can sel] a poîicy that proteets s'gainst Council at the nomination 1 Seldom bas aiîd good fou!r îad othe,' ingredients Toronto citizens are regular customers Slb 14 -oo itt' dministrators of the pronerty of the laie tiekness, accident and. deatti from any case a year passed witb less criticism of the eupoue ebv adiifl hmwyîbyb eewe hr s~, tenid Fer, deeesedfthery oferta or saaIsopays an old age benefit of $500 after 70 action ofy thisy ecoomca muniipa body thfr th'cocs hmscuetoa ocf the Years cf age. Address P.0. Box 410, winnipeg , Bet Materia"1/e rt arl;inarorUOMPa,Y Of a par Canada. 4R tf tba th euIl lsn,5 v ne httahs lc u re ai o such a craze among our own citizens for Dessts tble mf$60 8-f ntebe bavcoin weCife h t P'tc, erake rIV four ~ baigain hunting in tbe city department-Aise theome theirr dutiest~îmas FruîL Tv u Lave'rai.hysy Ail teniders to ha addressed in the under fathlya e well ome Itei b uie hdl.Thv wbiie some articles, -àYA stgnecL.,olicitors and marked "Tender Fisher fatflyadwi. I sto c hopedckan elIol. usoersy Esae"Tht bighest or- any tender not naces- N tc to Crdiosthey will feel'sufficiently liberal next year Élhev arne exceilent. Wishing ont' and usuaily eut of date, are sold in the city- _ ate~~~~~~rie nIotceasonableal vrv31-, Gariy aceped. Tcder wil bcrecive upat bargain prices really good staple goods to 1 o'loy aco cith Tner wll a ofecevad, uo geev tehe Christmas.ow hllthy Yours for can be bougbt for less money bere. 1901. anofte28hdy fDcebr meet iu painted, for wve neyer pass it gcood living Farmers tell us too that grain and pro- Tht f olicwing dsd haveý bean patd on In thte matter of thte Estate of HL4B- Without feigta ti tnigds XLUTRLE this ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eln sokdri 1 ls p er,19,% RITHARSltoftTw rc th at a stanin dims- ALf LUheL duce buyers in ot.her towns sometîmes re- 7893 stoc duin thJa896er,182 ~ /FTH lt fteTw rcet h at n csyhmso h sort to the trick of running up prices say I 117 f% I/oîvman ville 'n thte County of village anîd to the dignity of prgrssv leso hhckn wig acc te Sturday alternoon su that there 1898,d il% 119,1 90 1901, rh1%. dressmaker, meese. uniciality wbich use it as its legisiative, dent at Ottawa on 1Friday evening by lat Sa om curIeI3 and 15 OW NILLNT D ateàir ,4)eBerI, N O T art a m Sdeceased.l,11 b u id in g s C o n trasted w ith th e $ ,o , o h c i ) s-, E air a n d M r .' H. A . p twill in co e ur n th n dx fae rs toQ E 8I PO I IRvised tte o f 0nat" 1897 chaptr 129 it Hal in Toronto, if suffers slightly in H r e oth ir lie,,o' sw tým r find that the 1-igher price was only paid Solieýitcrt for the Trusts ihat ail ereditors and others liaving diaims the comparison. than passîng, sadnàïess teý THr STATESMANfoafwltscveyciera e 411-41w &Guarn ite Co , Limited againt the astata cf the said Ifarriat Hiarris Office f rsatAgs ,hnýradMýýrafwlt fvr hieganW oncrgf-hn_ who died on orabu p>A _fnqgri ar ~ ~ i -901 ar raqire onve orar befr tht ra ay D ,br go, rereuiedonorbfe town ft grtmay commg t e t inh the reou tNIng. tht'- Mariim ProiLcs twith bu! e srigoayuc grasionTF Noed~ V to ..o~ of'Jaary i9o2, tesend by post prapaid or de. aon rigtetshorngtw ae edMA aes 'iuindi iv(s wiycath rprith od toda utm A Llo hrt a gtbs vlt nsnl Bowmanville, solicitors, frWilliam F.Allen, and secular journals of btsieof1 Canadian Pîciss Associaitioni, Mvr. Hare odc akt hrscray nu _______________ Rugeprtties -f!"evfgentleman, adRichard Jas vis, chief police, tic onn thrh bitio q sinbuofadoere howîas assistant edtrof the Lab1Fspror t ioe Bmartnveeile Farme nrs t and ,fiteetd iî~ cii Educationi S boîti cf sald town cf Bowmianville, tha execut- ais stongl ase erhbt letonbtahr spio oBwavle ai tht' name etofn (It' idchool, tht' ors1 namaed ini the will of the saîd daceased, ve oteoiine-Gztewsoec h'cmayadwsknow this, too. We do not publisb false W haeafeasomntfrom, HorseBantsn rg'¶in- their christian and surnamnes, addresses and pressed Jast week that it sbouid not lie perhaps more than any ether young man market reports te deceive our farmer W haeafn sote tit's and vane atrspitsls CNRIdescriptions, the fuil particulars of their dlaims, ardized in a political election contest, th ieo h aît cwsacee edrEvery forda almoa anyôr XEW 7made 'r the ttemaent cf their accoîînts, and the gets-iypeian anre hn is g AnCfnthe tke otce ha afarsuc lsigreat moral issue and at a tîme wben the Young gentleman. Miss Blaiir was a the latest quotations and these prices are TORONT0. cnenlioned date tht samd exeentors, will proceed quiet, sober, sensible and independent cx- yBlair dautcr t ane HonA. G paid regularly when the quality anti cou- PrettY SATA.6 CLe~~DSSipr te distributa tha assets cf the daceased among prsinof the mmid of the can be MUisS etRalwysaneCo is We tboýrougblyh! prepa-re voun,- people the Parties entited thereto having regard oniy given. We yield greater tp an the who was alnoun-(,ci nljastùweek'sSTATES piisaris I ha been aid i owa- Fo t e i'i~ ùrtý leta tht dlaims of which thay shahl thon hava not- fdeiity tote-higher prcshv enpi nBwa-tl n .J. S.R NDL S for ht' usinss dtifl et lite by eur ice and that the said exeeneors wiii net bc liable ca'use ta ne man living than we MAN ta speak at WetDurbham Reform vlefrot h atwe hnby -cmpee orsslut Accouutiug, IT'le- forthes alC asts or a't> part thereof t anypsesburgatlscfaynialCovtonesriyAskigprt bilenra quthe ay neboi twn. maeenvepri b y th i gnti e o f lumi e Ph c a h v e na r lo r S h o e , S to r e . a t E d H n e s a t W0 prevoýide 12 catpable teachers and 70 sncb distribution, the light of past history On th question, River when Mir Alex Creelman and Miss farmers of West Durham ta bring their OposteT typcwri.tiuo'- machiines ant-4produce gooti Dated tht 25th day cf Novamber 1901. the peol Hhudfrtso nBarpr stinthr :ew f i ot and grin an t prouc here tes anti ta, Fre j results. Êinter any timie. ,Cii culars oiitr o SIMPS0N & LI oi hut is hw mistakc' Blair R.t ontiFc n wn on r &BARcaC terdeiefrat by ne 2tlu tai, cu thgoulay and nd rc here t oivn bywl it VmnITht vandors shall net ha required to fnrnish The vaporizer and Lampwhhscudliaife s o far been unsl bic learn who is respen. Their purpose wîll be te tel tht' begin-$10 A ZEBos C zbina,ý Ornamients, Flowen Tubes, any abtat0 il rpodc n addcime, anC a botule hc scl at ai50 ie fo h uc tbudr nceinrhw a make himselt mort' val.$OOAD Z NSegs ndG es fai Cupa ~ ~ ~ lr antirae ofces teordancef till eepi those îîu-ae oke cîiigpyiin'~~e.'tee ~lyacbî ftesdwl on nable te his employers. Tht'se newN l h & l a r a t i o n s~~t e t ' o rr e o t h a r a u r aa l oup l e c f C eL àn 5 c n t n a n d a s m u c h h i g h U r a s y e n l i k e , k i n d s . B e d n s a d C r - mn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thi ossin oti rtao aui. v p-asas J tat stret w s orri a t ivly ncew anti departments wiîî btglf eary in J n-B o e ou el whenec tanat was' tomt desine thcidr aank nanvner ant willal bre matie aeuet permanent"UI sCetO.,o ht sfrLdis a j....v. all D O II'till theine 2n thto ec S lti by Stott & Ju rv, B ow m anville ho ulti ha been t rag t fr m K ing t e featUre et T h t' S atur tav E v tning .ost calendars w ith view S ef B ow rmanville W o rk . 1 h a g s a e Wait. , 1at9i0 nan.l htm ayc eem e Lowe stireets. V. ce etreyignorant Mibr' trig Heatiache Pow- and the Harbor, en thern.Gocsitwn PIPO TRBLCO& beB91LfrTtrssAIR Promise ne living man corode o f -wbcre the blamne lies for ibis bnl ders give wemen prompt re'lief frein tnyLimted Vedors; aersfor1902 thll vou iearn whtM. anti tisgraceful pîcte of puiblic wvork, but monthly pains and leave ne bati after GEO. F. rr FELNDr 1edr. iamsa do r yeu. Something it is a staning tsgaete thet' ten effects whatever.Besr ogt P. S. .m.iIuW T.A., BO W ANVI LEaetio ner 49-3w. J big coming. -_ nevertheiess, Milburn's. Price 25c. Ail dealers. Studio next'door te Statesian Office fIG 20, Bw~ ŽI,~ -- -- ----

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