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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1901, p. 5

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~an' .,,rqn.,,rnrqerqn~.7,rn,.,I.~wfl r * i z * g i Count Those items wec have lui our liues of Holiday,,Goods are sensible, plcasingonc8ý, thc kind thut give full returns, in usefuilnes and eujoymernt for evcry cent of coat. Wc have made an extra effort tis ycur te get practical as well as tic newcst and most attractive giftaln our hunes, and we ý),ve put pnices on them tiat will appeal-to those who want ýrthy goods at.the lowest possible cost. Iu justice to, yeursclt and those ven buy for you sliould sec what wc bave before making selections. We have told yoja prcvieuisly semething et thc articles carricd, bu~t telling la largcly in vain, yen will have tesec -them-te -apprecate gootis and pnices. We want you te sec them and save. NI EIïLlllUN 99t1 111 Sgigglious 3MI Rsilc ,, STOTT & JURY, Druggists and Optieians, Powmanville. 1 nE IMA SUGESlON. 1Hair B-rushes r FOR GENTS t Milit'ary Brushes......2. 50 te 85 .00 I Sbaving Mug .... 15 " 50 Razors Lbcst in thie woi-Id] 1,00 " 1.50 Ra-vor S tops- ..... 15 '100 Shavinz '4ets [Celluloid] ..1.00 "4.00 Collac audà Cuff Cases .... 75 "2oU Celluioid Neciktie Cases .,40 '1,25 flair ucd blat Brushes ... 14 "4.00 Pnrses................25 "200 FOR-) LADIES t Perftime -choce iported] $ 25 te $7.00 Haîr Brusies ....... ... .15...4.003 Hiat Brusies ..ý .....25 " .6) Copl exion Brshes .... 75 f1 loi Buses.......... .25 "2.00 I Teilet Cases of al! kinds j in cellnloid and leather .75 "7.00 Writing Cempunions .... 100 1 50 MNusic ReIls..............75 1.50 Purses..........25 "4.00 Card Cases..............25 1 I25 S'LE OUR 250 COUNTER. STOIT & jUL'RY, Dugssaud Opticians. Blowma uvi1lc. IBOWMANVILLE, DEC. 11, 1901. Oystecs in bulk or by plate ut Tod's. Mcs b. Baskervîl was in Toconto fast -week uattenting tic funeral ef a relative. Ai business places in to-wn will be epen. cvery evening until tic end of 9the year. Meni's and boy's ever couts lu al qualities and ail sizes ut Couch, Joinsý ton & Crydecman'"s. Miss Maud Bond and Miss Etta Brîrn- acombe, OSihawa, wcce gucats of Mr. John James eor Sunday. Mca. J L. Smiti, Wiitby, organizen of Womeu's institutes attcnded tic meeting here has;t Tnes.duty. Miss Ceca Gladneva, Ontario Ladies' Cliege, Witb)y, Sp eut Suu guest of ber cousin Miss Kathicen Meath. A lot of sterling Siiver novelties suýit- able foc Xrnas preseuts just received ut The Muson Ce's. JeweferyDpatet We~ have.imade a big cedýuction on ail oui SidUboýrds for Xmas. Now v-is tice tirne te get oeue ut youc ow icje . M D. WelIlarns&-,Sou. Ladies' Pur Ruifs, capcerines, Pur Lined Capes and Pur- Couts -ne fluer Purs and ne( betteru value anywhece. Couch, Johustoni, & Cryderman. A Chistmnas song service will be ivnby tic cihoir- of tic Methodist elvicci ou Sunday; Dec 22ndï. Au cx- cellont prog-rairn is bcing prepared., Speciai sale cjof Watcics foc Xrnas -prsent at tic Muson Co's Jcwelery Depactienent. Ahi watcies gnarauteed satiefatory. -Pnices wll surprise yen. boss e Apeie nt enerai Debility arc qnirkiy everco;ne by tic use of -a few betties of "Te). & L. " Emnision of Ced Liver Ou.l Manufactureti by tic Davis &,Lawr2ece Ce. , Ltd. Rey. J, b. Barnett has receiveti a unanimouis caîl te tic Cou)gregatienal curci ut Garafrax-a anti will remeve thie bs we Ia )setcn will c kýýplace on. Ncw Yeac's day. Next Sunday aening a t, Trinity ihý2rqp Mc.-W Kerr, Cornetist, wiîus s A~e choirin thne musîcut part ofthte eervice andi bey. B. Greenaway wiii pr-eaci on "ans" Eversbody wel- corne. Tie fine alarn mienidabout ,neeon Friday', a lire 1aving .-startedlu nconi- juectien wi01thibe citimne.stutmr J. B. Austen's residlecnear Scugog street.ý The flarne' were0 subdued bfee ny dmage was donc, Tic fotewiug are tic ue(-wiv eiected 4efficers of ïxceision ounc, RT. of T.: S.C., Mr. T.C Jwe-;V.*C,' M is s Lo i s Edfick; R. S , -, olnMeenF. S. Niss Pranki(ý.EiJcell ; Treasuce,.r, ilr s. W. W. A]linu HrltMc.re nCx Ciaplain, Re)v VB. b u tn;Ga Master Frank Mrrs;Sutne, c Wes. Pencyv; Ocgaist, Miss Lena Kcys;1 Auditors, Messrs F R- Dunhuean, J. J Tison rs, r Menti Aftec Ment iod sik.andi Geerns te tear idýes lu' yonr tlroaKt Anc von uw-anc tiat even a stubie"ýn îani long-neg-lected cold îscutred wilih Alhen's, Lunpr Balsuen? Cougi aLd err ne longer. flor Xmas We are showing the fiuest lines of flair Briishes in Ebouy and Roscwood that have ever been show,ýn in town and as we import direct -we can sa-ve our customners f uiiy iprice. Shouldeor Braces, ladies' or geuts,'....... ....... $ .75 to $2M0 chamois Vests ........... 1 00 2.50 Spectacles [solid gold 1.,.8.00 7.00 spectacles [gold filled., 1 '.00 400 Fine Toilet Sponges...... .25 1.05 Cream of Violets .....25 Mýanicure Scissors, Files, KniveoJ, Pol- ishers, Stocking Darners, Letter Open- ers, Erasers, Blotters, Smeiling SaIts- sterling, siiver aud cut glass, etC~ We will be glad to show you our goods and prices. Stott anld Jury, -Druggists and Optîiciaus, wmnie Miss Bilkey., Toronto, was ceceut guest of Miss Weich. Moasses Kisses Saturduy ouiy 9e per lb box at Tod's, Bowmanviîlc. SMc. D. L . Somervilie, Btiany, is tic new principal of Haveiock school. Xmas Notions-Handkecciifs,Purses, Cusiion devers, Kid gieves,Kid mitte ut McMurtry's. Buy yonc Christmnas Candies ut Tod's r the largest and bet stock lu towu te Mcs. R. b. Turner, Bowmanviiic, is visiting hec sister Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. COoley, Milton. James A. Campbell, tic ficst editor of tic Pickering News, died reccutly lu New York City, Rev. C. Parker, Coiborne, pceached anniversac 'v sermons iu Campielîford Methodist churci, Suuday., Mc. Piip Puiev was ut Fenelon, Falls lat week attending tic funcral of tic late Mca. Henry Puiey.j We arc pleased te note that Mr RH. Stepiens, Enuiskiiicn, bas been ne- engagcd as teacier ef Pickering school. Mc. G V Martin pr3sented Whitby Pire Brigade witi $25 for services cen- dered ut thiinlutic buekie factecy, Read tic Mason Co's. big New advt. lu tuis issue. Tbey are receiving im- mense quantities of new goode, suitable foc tic Christmnas trade. Mc. and Mrs.Thornus, Churchillihave becu visiting Mr. S Thomas, Oshawa. Thcy aise visited friends near Solina, wicrc ticy livcd over thicty ycars ugo. Miss Mattie Parier, accompauied by1 ber friend, Miss Ettie Lake, who have1 been atteudiug Albort (Joiiege, Belle- ville, spent their vacation ut tic Par- soiage.- Co1borne Enterprise. Tic London Imperial Movingf Pi=tr Ce., will appear ut Town bail1nex Friday evouing, December lBtb, pre seuting tic meet eiaboratenp te date collection of moving pictuces ever cx- hibited. Arnong tic vicws sbewu are1 ecenes of tic great International Yacht race betweun Shamcock and Columia. Tic Duke of York ut Ottawa, etc, thc funecai of President McKinley, tic gi-eut trotting match betwecn Cresceus and Tnc A.ibot, Tie funerul of hec lute Maj 3stv (4ueeu Victoria iu feur sections, Mns. Cannie Nation and lber hatchet brigade wreckisg a Kansas saloon andi 4J otier np te date subjeets. Admi ssion 25 cents. Chilîdren 15c. Reserved seuls 135 cents. ISeats on suie ut tic Big 20. Speaking ef tic above tic St John, N. B., Sun eft cet date suys :-"The cxbibition ef moving pic- turcs lust eveisg under tic auspices of tic Temple of Iboner baud was tic best even siowu in tie cit.v. Tic ligit was lear, tic films gooti, tic rnucbinccy steady and tic subjeets sbowu of vacied intereat. That tic enltentuixîmtnt was thorongily enjoyeti by tic audience was testif ieti by lie heacty andi frequent applaulse." NEW BLACKSMITH, I isbh te notify tic public, tiat -Ilhave bo)ugi.t ont tic Richard Durci, Blac-k. gmith business ati arn e Dw ready tCo do siocing aLdnd ahi kindstobf ug Haviug iad nine years expjernuceilua firat c]ass shtop wcfeel satisÜnd eti eau suit yen. CaR and ti sec u. prices are xvnegnÙ WflO Inn LtbLV~b bu DL~I V LU IUV oeVmic O~GUiC~ Glili grececy and provision trade and ha is puilding up a capital t rade by hie oblig- ing mannen, givirlg prompt service, keeping tic best gracies and mukes of goods anti selling tbem uat moderaute prices b is ncwr advertisemeut wil be foutid ou tic finit page. ORGAN SNAPS. Cleacing eut suie of second baud organs. I waut tbernahi te go before Christmas One six octave orgun, Dominion, 7 f t. bigi, 13 stops, price new $175. for $70. One Dominion five octave, a geod ongiu for $80, One six octave piano case. Deierty, never befen nsed, regular price $10 for $60. Oefive- octave, Bell, bigi top, a good organ, would be Ieap ut $50. for $85. Astejol gees witi evcny enga. Enquire at Big" 20. 3 A ME S DEYMýAN, Agent Dornîniou rg,9an & Pianos, 0»00 1 1 OIATs, white ~.. O00il Rr'...O 0 ei RUOKWIEAT ". .. 00 If PEAS, Biackeye, P biusi.- 0 0f 'iCunudian Beautieý1s O70 'i Mummcy ' O If ci Small ' e ;O)60 1'r Bine e JO ï f BUTTER, best table, P 1lb. o 00f Kl ,P o.O.. .,.. ti POTAâTOBs, 4Pbush----- - 0 0 H Âà, eton .............8 00e 0 45 0 53 o 50 O 0 0 74 0 00 Oý 6.5 0 65, 0 17 0 18 0 30) 9 00 ~ oSSrcomme-ce byonne peckgceguaanfmml to cure ail, forma oif Sexoal ekes i elso bs manville. 50-tf. BOWMANVILLE EVAPORATOR, WxAîeTIo Potatoas,, Onio'-s, Turoips, Dricd Apples 5000 bushls poatas, osibe good quai- ty free frontirot anuS of fair size. XVe will also boy a qoauitity of Onons, d or yellow, oË gojod qualiîy, aud will pay te highest cashà pri'e toi, Sun-dried apples S clive, cd et dee Evaporator, Bowmaniville. GIIAHAM&CNIE 5O-2W THE 4ARMNY MALE QUARTETTE0 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. FILFROST, First Telor, mi li *l w Rcad Cawker & T&it's advt. Sauta Clans' head-quarters ut Nich- eus'. China Parior-cverytbing np to date Cawker & Tait's. Molasses Kisses 9c per lb Box, Satur- day only at To I's. Ebouy Mirrors, Brushes and all toilet articles at McDermid's Drng Store Miss Emma W. Kuiglit is visitiug relatives lu Barrie and Collingwood. Xmas Neckwear-Tbe biggest and swellest range.in town at McMurtry's. Ask to sec the- fancy pillews we, are shoiwing for Xmias. M. D. Williams & Sou, Hlandsome uew siiverware for Xmas jnst reccived at The Mason Co's, jcwel- ery department. 1Men's coliars, fies, gloves, shirts, hose, underwurc and braces at rcdueed prices at M. Mayer's. Xrnas Furs-Largest -assortmcnt of C-Gray Lamb furs lu town at smull figures at McMurtry's. Mr. ad MrsJacob -Pollard left ycsterday te spendlthe winter with ccl atives at Richmnond, Va. Don't worry ever making a Xmas Cake but get oee t Tod's, he has sorne- tbing extra good for the Xmas trade. Sec our hune of faney Rockers ut $2.50 and $8 00. Don't miss theen. They are a bargain. M. D. Williams & Son. Eaby'u cold may be cured in a niglit by uslng Vap)o-Cresolene, whieh lias been extensively in use for twenty-four years. Ail drnggists. Xmas Clotbing-Meu's Overcoats and Suite, Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, Meu's Fancey Vests, at MeMurtry's. Mrs. M Prout and Miss Gertrude and Mr. Wilbur Mollon, Toronto, were recent gucsts of their father Mr. Hl. Mollon, Couch. Johusten& Cryderman are showing a beantiful assortmnent of ncw goods suitable for Christmas presents. Sec them. Xmas Linen Goods-Tray cloths, Sideboard coers and table covers, Table Napkins $1.00 te 83.50 doz. at McMurtry 'o. Tic gentlemen of Bowmunvillc will hold their second Assembiy lu the Towu Hall, this (Wcdnesday) eveîeing from 8ý to 12 o'dlock. Do yenwanta bat? Huving alarge stock. of Christies and Fedora Rats, we have decided te mun them off at and below cost. M. Mayer. A 4tb. sbipment of Grey Beaver over- coats bias been received by tic Mason Co., tus, season. This is a ccmackably choice hune and extra value. Having bongiht a big lot of Blaukets direct froin tie manufacturers, we are selling tiem off at verv iow prîces- Couci, Joinston & Cryderman. Warden Chester of York connty was presented with a beantiful gold beaded cane by members of thc Counties' Concil at bis annual banquet, No lady sbonld buy a coat before sceing the superb stock at Couci, John. ston, & Ccydermau's. Tbey carry a clasm of coatssncb as yen wiil find nowiere cisc outside theceity stores. Puas! Puas ii FUns!!! -Yen Will flnd ut M. Mayer's tbe flnest selection of Caperineýs, Uo(llars, Ruifs, Coat-s,-Capes and Caps, Caîl ou hlm befora yen bu-y and lie Ywil oiieysave von rnoney. M. Mvayer, Pructical Furrier, Bowman ville Mc. John Bonathan, Jrý,, le home from a thrce mentis' sojonru lu Manit- oba. He and bis mother inteud start- ùng -to-day for Grass Lake, Mic , to visit ber brôther, Mr.Samuel, Lnxmocc, formerly of this town wbo is scciously iii. -A nice Xmas present te fricudsaut a distance, is a eopy of Tnas STATE SMAN for a year. It kceps them posted ou all tiat is goîng ou ut borne. saves letter writing, and wili give more satisfaction than uny other present of ten tirnes its value. PFrom now until Jauuacy, 1908 for $1 00., 'Weather se far ha3.boeun too rnild for selling fur geods. We have a fine stock and as tic seasen muet uew be short we are fixing onices to make quick sales. Every fur article in my store will bc sold ut rednced price. Pull lue of gents' furnîshings lu latest styleîs. Repairiug asusual. MMAYER, practic-al furricr. Ou)ýr report of tic New York Herse Snwlait week as iutended cbiefiy' for u- ladlyraes Ladies arc n(t ikel te oread about herse shows, !but ut tic New Yock k ýiud tic I lovely crea turcs attract t1ic greutattentontic creationus of tic milline3r,drsmkc reelîand hair dresser rnaking it se. ['urn 1np last week's STAT'ESMAN and read it. Those iuterested in Siorthaud and Tvpewritîng wili pIeuse scnd their narnes ut once te Lock Druwer 7, STATESMAN Office, Rowmaville. If twelve or more immediate answers te this advertisernent are received an expert toucher wll srunge te visit U& à DENTISTItY. Graduate lu Detistry of Toronto University OeFFde:-OVer Central Millinery« Entrauce first Soor west of Big 20, Bowmanville MILSS GALBRAITH, Tomcher of Piano. Organ, Harmouy and Thaory will receive pupils al the resideuce of Mr. M. C, Galbraith.,Cnc Ssin . ,W.,,Bowmanville. Terms modarmt. 19-4w. $ TO $1 6. A WE salarv for $115 au inelet, malnvorwoman ir eachtuwn. Permanet ueiio.80 Cee parj" hour for epara tme. Mu 1Acýr-aetn, B -58 Philadelphia, P'a.MnioSA'EÂN 42, F OR ,ALE-'I'wo storey brick boun and soft wr.ter, anS gooo bairn vdb atwoe ,ý dation.ý the proparty of C. Youau, Liberty Se. Bow ma ville 93 tf ofriebnpnkgeî,lMj Oaewiff11 uzu NI ANTED-TrustwonhMe . Wood Cesnpany, WnecQit .E JGîEîîaSen ss, IvvWomeotaelaSyvria ol' Woe)d's -Phosphodine lasoAli u Bow- CONCERT ENGAG7U'EENTS. Sir 70ayaaSexpeeces Ilpayb Mttt & u y tiJ . W . % t m c D& rS n d , - H I O O d iBeTII m, s p a n eets y B~ u A X . a n n c o e e f r e s s d i l o p e A1t e s Druggi.sts, -m441w Corne aiong, corne along- get in with the cro wd! and go te ihli' More goods, more room, more help, and bigger bargains at NIchjýoils'. Save your coal by using somne of Our new weather strir,. M. D. Williams & Son, g [Priucess Bouquet is an oûdor in Per- fume popular a t McDcerid's Drug Store. Mrs. W. R. Knight was in Lindsay last week attendiug the funeral of hier niece. Mr. C. Dunlop, College of Phiarmacy, Toronto, is visiting lis cuiMr, D.' Luttral. Cups and saucersY toye, dolîs, games, everythinZ to make the chîldren happy at Nicholîs'. Cawker & Tait hveS,%,iion Trout in haîf Bbl, Very fine ab~d -are selling at low prices. Tax payers wiil plea se noteý that 5% will be added1to i tax',ýes nýot paid be- fore Dec. l4tin. A wonderfulrag of uniderwea3r and gloves, mits, cýaps,,etc,, t!the Mason CIo 's. Sec adIvr. Very heavy rain teli Snnday buti the ground was frozen so that it raur to th'le brooks and ponds mostly. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. JohnDson and daughter Winnîo, Lindsay, are visiting Dr J. M. Brimacombe and other friends, Couch, Johnston & Crjderman are sbowing the best overcoat'for ten ($10) dollars to be found anywýhere at the price. We bave some of thie beast weather strip ever put. on th-e imarket for keep- ing ont' the cold. Try it. M. D. Wil- liams & Sou. Hockey Boots-We h-,ave the best values in skating boýots, ladies and gents. Cali and seco n.,r prices. FolEy's Parl or Shoe Store. Our ready to wear clothlng is ail uew and made Up in the iateststyle anidças cheap as aniy iouse in the4, trade. Ooiuchi, Johnston, & Cyemn Store open Qvery igbt I',this maonth. Seats free and everybodv -weleome. No charge for admission. ýrfing the chld- ren and let them enjoy tbemselves at Nicholîs'. Miss Luttreil requests ta ai er former pupils and othrs desiring to take music lessons shouýIld ealU during Christmas hiolidays and arrange for next terni We have laid aside tweuty Ladies' Coats aul of which wil ne (ceIared ont at Two Dollars echd. They are worth ail the way from $4,50 to $80. Couci, Johuston & Cryderman. Among those from West Duxrham whol aýtended the annuai meeoting of the Ontario Fruit Groywers,' Association at Cobourg last week are. MessrsD, J. Gibson, Jno. R, Cole, Ed. Proutt, W. H. Gibson, W. H. Chaplin, FP. R. Finkie and ail the Counties' Coutneillors at tended some sessions. Trulv mifurtunes doa not always corne singly. On the in'sbirtbday Leonard Bottercîl was shot accîcletally in tne leg- whieh wats snbsequcntly amn- putated above thc-k nce. A fe3w days ago his graudmothier, Airs. McCaffery who is nearly four score feil aud frac- tured one of lier hips s0 that she must spend hier remaiuing da «ys a hopeless cripple. Both live ini the oee ouse., Citizeus are vcry gcnero usly contribut- ing te a fuud te procure an artificial limb for the voung enan who we are glad to report is progressing as favor- ably as eau be epce from the nature of bis terrible acciIdent. Great svmpathy is feit for Mci. and Mr@. Bottereli in their family affliction, ceilar floors; Engisi Portland for pave- ments and cisterna, BILL STUFpijn e a n d lc Joists, Scuntling and I Bourda. rimBER-Pine a n d rCedar Sur Timben andSher. PLORIN--Rd ad Wi'àtte Pine 'ad and G,ýruined, Baddantid Jit SemNo-Bevecti oye, Sbiplapped andi Cîupboardiïng. SFIN'GLES-AiI rdslaiePn Sud Ce-dar anii B. C. red cour DOOLi -Gli ous'ptet lmbr. rd prices. SASH, BID niMUDNSGl rnenc's antid. bu' aufcue Suit, Paser ooa antIdEst FCleanl SceudCea-lia5rd anti Soit. 1 - --------- - 1 --- Toys ùoGames_ and Fancy ods EWe are again j4rmmed 'crammed. and E E crowded with goods suitabie for Xmas presents, E far too numerouis in kincis and prices for special Smention, but corne andi see for yourselves if you Swant the best assortment at the lowest prices. --Centrl NOTICE TO PAY, AIl accounts due the flrm of Dustan & Hoar, Bowmanville, must be settled by Tuesday Decômber Slst. 1901, for atter the above date they pass into other hands for collection. DUSTAN & bOAR. 5 w C. G ARMVSTRONG, ORONO. We have two many l and 2 Buckle Stub Proof Rubbers and will sell until further notice Mon's One Buckle Stub Proof Rubbers with tliick heavy soles, roiled edges, regular price $2.80 a pair for $1.75 a pair; Men's 2 Bucide same as above but higher eut, worth $2.60 for $2.00 a pair We seIl Groceries, Ready Made Clothing, Crockery, Glass. ware, Fur Coats, Caperines, Boots and Shoes. Coal Ol,Flour, and seil at prices that we ktiow you can make dollar buis by trading liere, We are running out the balance of this season's Ladies coats at 60e on the dollar The styles are up-to-date and yt'u should certainly see ,what we bave before sou buy. Our store is packed full of bargains from cellar to garret and we want you to bave a look over one stuff between now and Christmas BORN MÂs-On Dec. 5th, at 428 Spadina Avenue- Toronto, the wtfe of Wallace F. Maas, of a daughter, (stili-born)._ FARRELL-At 223 John St. south, HIamilton, to Mr. and Mms F. N. FARRELL,ý a son. PIIIrLips-At 452 West 57th St., New York City, Satnrday, Dec. 7th. to Mr, and Mrs. James A. Phillipst (nec Sophia James) a dangliter, FEWSTIR-In Oshawa, Nov, 28, the wif e of Mr. Ja-mes Fewster, of a son. Wm'rTE-In Oshawa, Nov. 801h, the Wife of Mr. Joseph White, of a daugliter., Li cx -In Irarmany, Nov. 28, the Mr. Elwood Liek, of a son, l4oeaoaoon-naE-l DauhinNov. Stb, by Rev. U. 1". Sot Mr. Samuel Rosehor ougli andMie Aniefonrth dianghter of à1r. D, ~U~TLE-LNTONlu shawa, Nov, 2ïLth, by< Rev. . J. lae, Mr. Edward Rundie aend Miss Lilian eldest daughtîer of Mr. James Lenton, East À hiitby, CRAWFOR-OEIAPV,ÂN--At Methodjst Parsoù- age, Blackstock, Nov._27th, by »ev. 31. R. But- ler, Miss Minniie Chapman and Mr. Samuel Crawford, both of Cartwright. CiORDOS9-SSECKLeToN-At Meihodlst Parson- agis, Blackstock, Dec. 4th, by Rev. J. R. But- ler Miss Ettie Sheckleton, Manvers, and Mr. WAllam Gordon, Cartwright. H-URLBUT-POTTER-At Gananioque, Nov. 27, by 14ev. J. ». Sereon Fred Watson Ifurlbut, Oshawa, and Melissa ý,velyn, daughter of Mr. Wm. Potter, Gananoque. DIED. COLTON-IU SCUgog, Nov. lBth, Elizabethi Ger 0w, beloved wlfe of Chester Colton, aged 76 years. A3 native of Darington. MA-Iu London, Dec. 4th, Carrne L Clarke beloved wife of Mr, W. H. May, forrnerly OÏ Bewrnanville, aged 50 y ears. WVaanaa-In Mariposa, Dee. let, Beatrice, second daughter of the late Albert Webber, aged 17 years, 6 monihe. BECKEL-In Bowmanville, Dec. 4, Mary, wife of Mr, Thomas Beekel, aged 82 vears. THiompsoN-In Whltby, Dec. Iet, Nellie, sec- ond danghter of the late Henry Thompson, aged 30 yeare. TomNiN-In Edwardsbnrg, Mich Dec. th, GraceBranton, relie t of the late John Tonkin, aged 69 years, formerly of East Whitby. ADAI -lu Darlington, Nov. 28, John Adair, aged 74 years. C ALVES ASTRAY-Came on lot 19, ]Broken Front, Parliinigton, on Satnrday, Dec. 7, 2Spring calves. Owner may have same by provinig prop erty anS paying expeuses. A. MÂNs, Bowmanville. 50-3w. A PPLES FOR SALE-A quantity of good wi,,ter appea, storeS ii n elar iu town. For particulars appiy to MIR. D. DAVIS or W. J. BnAGG, BowmanviL. 48-tf. m ACHER WANTED-For Scho«l TLSection No. 7, Cartwright. Duties to eom- mence Jan. Brd, 1902. Experienced teacher pr eferred A-ldrese WM J. Betcocit, Secret- ary-Treasurer, Cenarea, Ont. 49-Sw Q REEP ESTRAY-Came on lot 19, KJYcon, 3, Darlington, about end of September, two sheep. Owner may have sanie by proveng property and paying expeuses, W. J. JEFFERv, Bowmanville, 49-3w. ýT Fr -1 -T iý-L 1 n 14 -L -1-- -1-1 BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correetedby JMMrr al nsa F ea,10 a..b W $24-0 F"EA , Pll, bush.. ,., o Sprîn........'f " Red Fife ....... 001)0,1 7 'iGoose........ 000 0OGa BARLEY, P~ bush, No. 1 ... O 00 0 O53 t il 2 ... 040 0 50 8f3. . 025 0831 'i Two rowàd 0 40 e,0O50 5 AMFRSALE-126 acces, more or less, best kuown as the propertv of the ai MLrsRogar Gaibraith, f lot 8 2 .,ar. lgon, 3 iles S E. fron Bowman:ville; in ex- eent state of cutivation' sI l ay blani, one of the very hast fans in thec counly, splendidly situnteS ovelooking Lake Ontario. Falpiow- inçr doue. Terme easy._ Apply to Miess ARY JUS THREE WEEKS -XMAS. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE To the people of West Durhiam thair Our Xmas Fruits have been carefully selected and bought for cash thus ensuring you value for every dollar spent with us. GROCERIES-é1To -TAQK -ABOUT- Fi every inch of space in the store. Every good things that'grows or is manuifactured, is here. We know each article will please, becaur-e it is in the best of coridit'ora and of the best quality. (MOMEZIES A~T LITTLE PIOS. Select ed Valencia Raisins, new, 3 lbs., for - 25c,I Choice Vastizzas Currants, new, 3 lbs. for.- -250. Very fine Cooking Figs, new, 6 lbs. for - -25c. Canned Tomatoes, 4 tins for - - 30c, Candie d Peels-Lemnon, Citron and Orange, a lb. 20c, Malaga Grapes, Lemons, Oranges, etc. at lowest prices. Higheat price paid, for Pouitry, Dressed or Rough DremBd. CNWKER & TANIT, L BOWMANVILLE. THE POPULAR GROCERS. We Ltead T raild ei11 Dry Go)ods Heavy Damask Table Linen, worth 35c, for 25e Extra Fine, Damask Table Linen, worth 45c, for 3ý5e Wrapperettes, good patterns, worth 10e and 124c, for 7c Prints, 37 juches wide, worth 12Tc, for Ce Flannelettes, 34 inches wdwrt Ofor 8 Renmuts, Dress GToodsb, alMkindts, at Hilf Priýce, 15 dozenl Ladies' llea-vy, alesHOSe, 2 pairs Yýý25c 10dozen e-xïtafnpr aheeioe ot 4epair,- 3pas$0 Meu's Fleece--lined Shirts anct Drawers,worth 50e,for3'-7-1-c Men's woolen, Scoteli-kuit Shirts and Drawers, worth 50c, for 3 7je Men's heavy w'ool Socks, -2:airs 25c, To Clear, only, 6 Men's -Suits, worth from $5.50 to -$8.00, fo LADIES' COATS. Only 31 lef t. To make a speedy sale we will elear them out at a reduction of 2b"/. per cent, Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Peajaekets Next Door to Standard Bank. BOWMANVILLE. MISS EDITH FREELAND Io prepared to give piano lassons at ber home on Beccl Avenue, Bowmanvillc. 37t MISS'BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pupil of Prof. A.S.Vogi, Toronto Conservatory of Music, will receive puplis in Piano and Thaory of Music, ai Concession St., Bowmnan- ville ý --ee-For a lIo1llatl If you are building on nepaing we can perieupa iclp yen te selve son s of tie difficulties incident te the under- takiug., Foc instance: CEENTS-We have Battle's Tiorohdl $357g

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