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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1901, p. 6

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COUNTIES' COUNCIL. WARiIN'S ADOSSaSýý To thse Mulicipal oiuci fft; ni I bave ,beeon wà1cd wllh a icw tiilia beat 1în'erest$ cof 'i cncnd tn foreyou i nwbCb Iar a-sueîiwî reci(j>oVe <uncareýf Ul cud ra ila attentin. lu accrlance with the inqtrtetn- git en the RoRd sud Bridge Commîitre tite Wanîlen aud liairmnan o<f the' BrîdZi (omrnitte ni tbe Con <mlv nf Peiernro i n nîfeencA e tnD <n 'la' Bridge anld 3ci'ied to buii.i a îmew iroo bridze at an esîmteta e'îstif about $1 2 U O ___ endOlirswnavefr udil jab let. 'l'ho work is conniffet<-d, aaid the chairrîsu will lay ait parlictilar- before hou. Iver. înuch regret tliat f am noteable to sat; that %ve have arnivoîl at au sat- 1factor', Solution 'of the di liculV witiî the water St the ganic A f toi*n sevora1 vern thornugb tets we mut conclu e tkerà it is notsuitahle for lnitî purposes. The cause ni the con taiouatflun n n n o, sofar, h s beu ie te0 defloitteýix detille, but i mav se:' thal 1 have arnivt-d st solution, ouiy stitifactnrv to i> Vowitî mimid, anmi arn forceil to believe ibat 1' ars"fro'mn wro.Caryitg ou v our instructions St tbe Jitue session (ib rawimmg nif water te the gaoi was discolitiîoun(. .On lhi t'1h ni Jniv the Sher iii ro ceivoed a notice front Cobourg B nrd ofl Hlealli foridîing te e i<f the gPuo, wstor. eîthen directiy or indirectlv, feoi dlomestic p11rposr's A copy & ni (i letton %vas fnrwarded li) mmn with a ne usttoe<neet (ho Sheriti'ru'ganding- the ttev. i hi-i 1 imîndiately diii, sud, a!ter carefiîti C,-oniterallnI could seo tan wav to get afî<ly oVorthe tijfictieî other tbs n dnawinz thei wahîînr for dom estic use, aud, as ritee :;irifi was cal il- ed 10 have Ibis doua (bhroc timeoî a weîe inlead o! daiiy as heneto fi ner, I ordet ed il to be doue.ý lu accordance with thle Conucil, w'-, deterondob.i i bre fon water, an<d itav- igbpený;iorwnnod cfora Mn Mitchell, nf Mîlbrook wit nss lu the Du-ini'ss anud allter ascrtiniug:ý that te xvuid iwder- take the wnrk tihe chairmau o! uiw Couit.v Prrnpenlrt miîo cailed hi- special ecnmmitt'e t ogotbi'r tel meet Mn. Mitchell oit Aug 18 [, wflen ho entened loInit a wnitteu ag,.reemeint to do the- wnrk. cOmmejcing nue moutfroîn that date. Mn M itchell faîled lu keep iv- this azr, ement. sud was intriew üd by 'Mn. Fislien sud M. MaeNachtan, bath receiving ý-Promises, mysecIf by teleýphone aý well, dit ho wÏouid con taii prîîveed with tite work wîiti a crantinte; but the lime named ex pired anài uolhimîg was dîîn& As te malter was urgent, I thon doterin r-d( to look ion other parties lunlte husi zioss. I weut ho Toronto. sud tbron-bi the assistance of lte cily onygîneer, I [ounu ia praclical mnu ni god repulat ion, engagvad iiihnn wla i laie mea prve, Audvcr ioi roua. ,was fit-11p a finat- ats pa for hrigfan water. 1 I a t iCe o mslinicaled Xith irn bv 'vine, audiîsv- ing obhined .wbst Icougiden fsvorsbe te ansd as ho -,as resdy ho slîip his planit aI once, there beig n lime te, consult wilb Nlr. Fier, I ah once lot, the conttaact fte Mn. Harvey. I caa as- sure youltaIttis questiouniofwaien suppiv ah the gani bas caused me tmuelt trouble. 1fIûmcit rbe-reltte deiay lu boring, but 1 do net tiik anynîte is ho bis me, as I arn sure thet Mn Mitchell sud myseli bave doue ail we cenu(! sud what ivo considened for te hot. Foliowing Instructions caîtaliied ln flesoîlion No 10M5niflteJueesin te Conulies' Solicilor., Mnrlhad proceeded tho quash thecomiet(l JartelHacet to gaol as3 an indigent, mnaking Ibis a-,te-,,tcase boleýr(!t-e Countt udewlîo dediasn i commitroon ,iarly ponti e t s il was ilhieaL", and thia n agsr 80 ornitîugwals hable le a ine( gienii lterepotsn th, Sp('im1 cern mi-le toco)nsdr lae8ofth yenr Cle.rk ntfilecen ei h m inrmunicipalilies ltIltyma i be prepaned fýtolaebc tmonbe bodiPed caes. Tb ev wenelo vdte eut, sud 'lu a shent tinte woro bhronglil1 bact, ctrgdwit ohstnncing the walk, heggiug sund bcbng a publît. nuisance. Iu seine cases, lte phs s(-i coifdition heiuig somewitfl he, i wst ap PeaiodAtC, I couid ettis sv hhat l wss hoî le u Ie mater, as 1 couic net sud wouald nlot try le evernulle thtj, action o!fte Council, sud, aI lthe sains ime, could net advise the lnrning of teomoutpossibly te peAii t hniteri uars- noxt, il will the-refore ba necces- sans' for N ou ho ask for a reuewsî e: malze olter provisions -I weuid suggost ltatinluCase n0rne tghie luise, Ibat Be'fOre Clo'inu, 1I deire lu express mv 4prcli;til hi baip andla5s5t l haercieiiii N'arinimus was froru -ur Ir amtd 1îilune, M r MacNach- raun 1Iiiîmd 't tlnsia itinouzit kiiowi o.lg f ( cuîmltN lmîters. m-aiîm-d b, o' 'peie W, cmaie nt t il u 1 quailes îî a gol ouie uit <tt'ttet'5 O ihuit ia <c 1eltaI I1,twàî,ildflot c'oee mv ad- .twa o! ant ex rn'ubsn i itis Conac(,li i r.'! r tl) Xlý ijo-r Fowlil,. Arthe asat L)eotubn ' essi'triinevas wiîh us-it active. u.fii<n,'«ier mii Ibis Couîmcii ,V(, bave umîli liîî cl'ut p 5-itrecjllrc 'bina nofihlmtaes a cail"azuenath tOccîuli- cil fimanil. le wass lîtelii;eit. am-iable kilitilydisigc s-Od w ai ait nuea apeî' fi'ct gein'loiaiî At the timueo!rlb' fanterai I iass an icimlaî laI 1 cixîif uit wYVtemi v îqînh -îstC.l oui- Clomk and TM'-m'ntr. îlacNacitan.te) i'preent the i 'nîtil theneo, andl ta cîmuvev 1 ' rFowid- e<id 1fnierl"tus sviritpli,; oi the mcmi- bairs oi this C.utcil. Revîî'witig the pvt t ear we note sortie ittiltarît eveitia irmlv <nit t výear oui- hisiîvedQîjeen, Victoria te G>o, îm sîi- ; a~5î wSîat rutal rma-t. said a worG'îhv Sonu f s svrîb',sire, now serti on Britainî's eh roue. An eecit lt ieho t 0b -miibrdw flid inl l:o v'il;ni lb-s Dqicte and iiî osa ni C irîtwîilland Yor'k tronîti-Dî)min- liti o!fC et At 11<-t wa apod <thi rheu-roia l iusamwouîlii h'vi favored s is'lbàscatiinlu oir Conios <thon B mn-iinaiiivule, Port Ilopeor oni. )ilre, btîiwbeu i it btttîî' eknîwn Ibai thiî wass aa t til< ie heisat iînmt vit ti) ot)iîuirttiiîitv (ncou-mit the' !Coutîcil, 1 dotormiuid,- pou ns' v n resîîoatibliltv witiott bî-iii g obhare0ali- hi) iho Cuities, la g(4pl u i i i <ttres- for~ pi'iseitatioit aonmoiî 1 aitdthbe aidness mîcels' eegiîs <di ad ernbeliish î'i anmd n-as plo-astedta in(,(t'o iblr ix- Warclýrts minltme Ciîiticil it Toroîtto te qii ite addrcss aud j )In iu tbo pro SeitIatisti, \Ve are sorry ltaitte ark sud dl-- mnal war i-iond atihi itangs heasv over ýtoitth AAu lus, but we Ca' e theo ulmosl confidence ila hue ultinato it î1s' -, 3iti-îb arias.'end we bear-il, cudorre' iJanilada staîîi;îi-i ovailv bv hien greai ruiti, asiiug attîlss,-tiîg ui-witi 1bolt mou sud monitf niiîeed ho; <ho i)lit- corne io e î wi yil 0ne < ic lhe n3 esteio!lte lIe Rmpunîiies, sud mono irîn- 1% cernoittiog toietber nycni p.irt o! the !reat Bitish Etuphe, thie arbitrar for~ liberty sud jnitiie 1 ail peoiplo. Iu conclusion lt o may I îagaiu shs cea-ely lbauk voit ffir voun kiaIi ess sand the itonor vout coiiienn'd <tenu tee lit îleting me 10 lite War4leu's chair for the first s car io hhehwenhiet.centîury sud aise for (he olntins' kîîiness sud holpfulnas wbteb I bave roeedived, For every motuber ni Ibis Couneil titnouiîgout the vtîsn 1 ask ion vôur for bearance aud eitanitvas I amu semnsible o! tai maris îsililîîtansd lshirlt CI)ilittog blittI assure voir t have been earuoesîiý muxitous te do lte best I could lu ai malIens ceming iefone me. 3 I1ha;ve fould the por;itioni of rVan don uis u nocue, here boin.g wonis sud duiles te peorm tilievnco i hi iîy lu ci'iiuecfion waîth o office. NnotwiîbSland(iiîg ail tIbis Iarnam rî tua tif(I arn spaned in the ita uri5ho look iack over !>3 spaýýt (bore wili ba maut pleasint renoliections lin uetii n-th the cCoanaîies', Gouiîteliand the tW;arde nship during lte -car 19 1. Eespectfully submihled. XVM PRîCKAPD TOWN UOUNOhL, Raýgulsi' mli.,niiy meeting lteld on lindiai eveulug iaat,tnermbens &Il pres- ÏM tMyor Mtj"t811 pr-sidiug. Min- uleo!fse iutu ,04ned nd con- A. rohbn uîunievEcI frein T. G. à1n rand 1, îh-ï laskig have the iVeltugîu Sreel. Alor imsdis, Spry ita ellîbn wa re!sred a îh Pnb.Prop Vy en ,CI cer wltîbh peýtirlen l acarau ilbywere w1 10 sdceiti sasîmeu, s lteprop2r- ny w',ne b iugiug ito lua uy nove- ue. PeOn motion, te luxas on te honte iý ocrapied by tlhe Misses ê; 'ipry, on lte tiei'h farta, was nemitteed, as tite hanse was part ni the brnpno;pýnty sud wa% iîtciuded Ila t a u-s ýstnc[i. Ceu King. C slrràn a or Finance Cernmitîe, prâexnod Itopcnt, recoin- M aui lte myin8l e!ofaceuts tenorluting te $547.55. An accoaI Ufoui lita EleotIaiLigitî tisitsg niediatis, Ttelangeuan sd entiaanumb"hof î~ ON ACTIVE SERVICE. Gond llousekeeping yel issuedt a it -'A. Glasgow votiunleer nutw iu Soitit fer December, wilh a Christmas cover Afri-ca, iii antcrstn letton tels in six etlors, qbowia,,-s neeno'msmuny" - boss'Le gaI ameai iiel its regi- bJiitging l ivte plumapudding; a de ail waît wa si Sfoi-cd îaarclî itit ed desenîption et a Chtristmas îflouer aitl - un atiais au nId enctea nîsîin, bY'MAC ISIAilaaOners -0 oi p iici-y strc gJsîfor- Moris rîshnanbteutemis niter ;nou srsDbu, Sta cipibeo 1, biscenply cockers; Gimpaceï aci sthHi Ufis tcci'îcutt mo e iatheIcsI ('uîro; îze 110< f --cm ailparts ai oa-làd. lieeuulrs' ou how 10 entetnin ttct Oiolnh0,i-cesvli i dlnI; dut- legsF Chridsms eîtî'taiumneut, Ce,,. uc, sileik igrl li oct (tood Ilcusceepiitg is puatlilitehi-ius udoueotln ' umouîhîy ta esoepv, sia vyir, hi 'llita A -,wvitîc Li P Oa andth ie luit- llPs Ptibhbg CeÏ,SFb'iHWdl, gry îolostcoa lidsite tisikey law Ma s , New Yorke, Chicago. wit a b1w fs-oahssueti-l John Merlev's fiehnîte tae , nj'herq ,btb!-lack P"ho ecdaisss G11adstonc, on-ithe e ea'inuofaie I e nott (d, sc c' prtced ilUP, -1 e1o umvus-iig ofttc Gladsîtt e oumetntejt îi-ul1 ii-n."aidho ti the iesa- shMacbstr~fo-us holodig rtcl Iic-soya s l'Ieq icîa tii-i inli The Living ýAgi' ior Deec.mber 7., il N 'di' ;s a 1 1d.militai-y discipliae of iteatîug be asked fitr. iîcdajuru-I sM <yNM GIa(stOne's choaceist I find lte Financial standing nf i, 11wf ograptor :sud the preseisl apprecia Co'unties at the present tinot e haa A f'hi' tsc a ais i- c'ce -!on nf hum furistes a soi-Ici foetaste iI' - ia xlaitc aeî dnis:c ash$4,0,ond, 56i,4s,(idr ied by a ceit1sw-mg. wlio i ~lt get oupots whielitMn. Me- ît'sn ' i-aiu"j ui dicun 14O0,ely $ti,4;30 a1 o yfiaîa U atloy is cngagd ye '4f " ~li' the ýtIs are pourîl ;-abilies wîl h 5alebe-it A-Nda f-t , ~'"io ftticts fi admnistration ni justice.,our stt iet- u'ioc fa-- OpcittIoîy To VWork "atîTheirHme THE Undler t"heDirection ci A Pair lin 30Miue MONE h37GLNA ST. , MNT . rEasl0 iEa EeY At lte Autuinn session of ltse Hi2it Court at CohouL-rg a Clan e case was lied -.Davisv oiiietl-Iunthis caseHermilu I)vi, i lakesued R ocnt, lte Executor o)flits fatiter s wni, claiming ltae farim udor a verbal agýrenerealsaid ho have hocu made wit itis fatitenud in tite(- alternative $4074 forvwages , !ap. cf toi ses, etc. TcEsctriulniin cd on a pt-omissnLî-y note foir$40 said tu bav een nade by iHermiartDavis te itis fater, aod s 16oo, arnecars cf reat ilsie case was setîled, botit daim sud counler claim bcbg disottssed witbnul cesîs Ttc Executor's tolssc-ee rdered Ile bc paid ont ni the Estate île 'lurnîci & (Co.,,cf Toroun, for plaintiffs; Kerr & Kerr fon defendants %Ir. and Mrs. F. G. Byarn, Tynone, ivere int îexv the cter day, tir. Byam 1îuchased [rontmn'l J. E Richards lte ctdb[ëratd Auder EigIYt, (wvtcW so mniy business pis ýes use itere) sud cf wiih lie Oias ceuhîol in ttiïs district %I Byaîn inteuda placing tite systomin iis tore .nt Tynoiio; te sytî ho weil pleased wit il ton Riuk was openedlast sveek sud lte ice svas perfect. Tise Hocîýey goals were stat<ed by Dr \(IcEli-oy, Beilamy, j Rh iîards anîd Vincet.t Applicatiotiswill be recetvedap te Xras for lteInîeratcd ite membersipto 1 Dr. McElroy aI itis office - Miss Tioy Beer is iii with muscular rteumatisrn, WEST DURHAM COSTS. -Md, TIIORNrOX vo PAir 'ruMOST OF Tlllïî2s AND TiSa IlTi rNIttNG OffietsaR A PAun. kS'aesmian, Juîîe 19, 1901. Chiei J ustice F tleoti;n)id.-o sud Mn Jusieis Street Mouday gave thoin ilecisia ou lt'e que;tioýn o! cesîs in lte (Voat Darîtarn tolîî case. Mr.Thonît ton;, t b o laid ',Iîeudeit-Con.,ervstive à'oddte,mut pav ail]lte costs of vie ibni'podiit againel htm in wbictî lte jît iges at 'Cobourg' teid brîbory hy agonis of Vin. Uhorntla itd been aboivu. Intt ii-st netitidenby '%Ir. Ttirîutet agalîsat Iianiruing Oflicen Bingbnli c mîpel lte latter 10 "returu" lte poli- tiluuten as tieeolu-etedt candidate, ecd wilîl PSY tis ewn costs. We ne-publiai thlitoreoeoiug Zjust Iho mform Jouas Ttiorulaun how il happons tt a s ew eleclion la necessary lu Wiîst Duni-ain. T'Ibatorntie roiho rold 1 the eleclerq lte uîgb o!flte Feston ineoi.itg about Grilss toaling lte seat sbui (tever braîd Iim as a man un- n-onttsonitheoconfidence ni ail nî'specl- ible icitizdrtis Docs hoie iagine ltai te ititellig-ent eIieti)i-i niti indittg are ail Rip Van ,Vinkles wto ihave shepi duiag lte pasl iîsw yeara. Botter ho iîî,uest aud Irutîsinl witit your audieuc os, Mn. Thernnîo Modem('uture for Decem'enr con- talus a sliking poom oun- Immnril ils'," bs' a vuitis'aed, Chinarnan iving: iu Ciori,"A ,Chnisîhmts Gb)" Iy Fnedenick Ausîlu Ozg, A.M.: "De- bait P sud Clb;nbp, h'Edwîuý lxvi). CL, LL. Q. ; lwo ilusttat aï] papers on potteny. sud. the ususÀ detarrnts Metodist Mazazitie sud rs 1view bor December complotes ils 51th volume. wit an admîiable itumber, incîudiag, cpouslv iiluslralbed articles on Bonkîr P. asingau 'fseDoukitho . Citild Wlives atnd Chiid \idows, sud Sir E. Batrîte-Jfiuos antd luswonk: a nuinher iii ýl3bistmq8 stoî'les poisnsud pictures. l'ho aanunccotuut ifon 19-à2 hla s rougz prograi n sd iridieates a marked &i vance l intis ildesîCanadian magazin.. Ncvomher sud Dacembeon urnbîs frc te new u% niee Toronto: Williain iig ! -, p8isie 2.0j a 3ean; 8L.00 for six mfflba.U XVbal do our ilizens hh!iuik on lte m-falter eof a town cmnsiurfor readsansd stirceo, waîer am'nk, u itloa uloisAnia Bcnk INurubor ý la fld -itb rvi of n Llitebockls oi hboseaen prrst eo uotahie ûautîton, ft i' uîatdat ile on llerary hopies. t bas aise lteý wekl eviesv o! carrent histors'. sud the ju.dicial ediloniai comment wbich are alivays te strongoat featunesnif titis poiodical. Ametîil Ite conîibulers to titis îsumber are FEdward Evensît litie, AuZustine Birro,1 Kale;Donglas Wîg gins, Ilamilton W.Mablo, Frauk R. -ltocklon, Tbomasý,Wentworl1i 1Higgin- son, snd maayochier woil-kuown writens î$3 a vean 'flic loo'c Company, 287 Founii Avenue, New York.) lunitis record of "Thto Process cf tlue World"ifonrlte paI mentitlte oditor cf BUY ONLY CANADIA1N HORSES. The NMail Fand Emire onunna etandai) intervýicw with %Ir. Walter, llarland SrIth ni ofGrand"; Horse eps iro-v iin the course of whiho sreport cýd ta have said(!. Mr Robert [3i, oI(n", othc 1best 1known beersluthe, Loinion, lbas be pooe to super,,- vise thbuyViti--;of the Iiolnuts. h will also bee cmnd!bY a Governmieut \eteinay srgen."AndI furt-her oni Vir. Smithpiud out ttpIathrsr e4tinare tha thre are full' 60o,1,0e horses i n, a.ioalone. Speaking of the aninaaN [ rom -ho North4voe-,t ho said the dllitt with, thexu was that the% vere grass leod Conseqtueurly their flhis ot liard and when thiey are plaed on board ship thev lose it rRpid I. and conitraýct pueurnonia. £hey were also brme outdoors aîid,Jike the Indiens, doejit tbriouder tShenewiion4iùms- Another thing that wag heipiriZ the Caniedian brtiedey,, Mr. Srnitti pointed> out, waq the acliievernents of three or four Ontario hor8emon ab the receut New York Horse Show. Mr. R. Beitt, Bowmnvilewtio will examine the, purchaqes madce 1w Mr. Smith, won the ike c4iam 1'ýpionsi.hip of the world with bis beautiful hoýrse "Robin Adair." Although the New York show closed onlv afw da' eï aga, enquÉries are ai ieady bei,;,,, received about Ontario b)100(1 toci- 'There ûis practicaîl', n telliug how, mnehci benefit wili corne ta can'aa asa rmi of te victories won tw Mr, i h îIand others at the New york loreShow,. Ottawa d'espach to Toroato World horme bec of B 3,wmauville3, bas been asked i), the inhierof Xllitia to act as adsvisor to the departrnent and se cepted, !'(e wililecamine and pass tipon thehor ) -,eswhich Mr. IHarlarid -,rith, coiitractnr, will furoi8lî The pos:;ii11n ilI fDot lutirfere witb Mr. iih'.ca ndidature in Vie approaching West nrhamb,(3-electîoui, as the work ho will ef! will hc for the War Office and ft foIýr the Canadian goverl Ment. THE CHRISTMAS GLOBE. Christras Globe for 1901 affords Strikinog ILustratioti O! the rapid ad- vauces Mado in Canada in the produe- tion of sncb haodsome journal. The oresent nnruber iN far in advane of proyioues suý,,d anaaians cau send it ta thOir friends in the motherland or oiswhee id the confideîit assurance ffhat it wIll sta'.nd the test of comoarison with anv ÉCliriinas number in the world.,Itctas 52 pages and its tx'pograptiy. prisswnrk and general i-afLc.uip ienre absoiutelv nothing ta bo dlesi ed. The, sanie tbon-ntful, care which bas resulî ti A in the production ni ,o excclleii nt nmber front the stand- point e the artist bas been exercised in the s"election oi t he storloî, tpoerps ad articles, As in p"evous ~arsthe editiop witl be limit- cd nuiiide-r iuncotsideration wiii a secon editon hopriuted. Orders thero for ohn1(dbe'lit a.t once to this office or icewibGoeagents. Pnice "-)O Te Yut«Ih's Crmp an i onýin i190-2. for 193 ir ltes. Not onlv will noiarlyto ndrdstory-writers, con- tribute to theý paper, buit'mauy of the moatemientof living statesmen, jurists, Mon o f siecend of lett ors, ~ctolas, ailrs, seldiors and travelleri, ïinc luiing' three members of the Presidentu's 'abinet. la a deliglit- fui sertes of articles on militarv and naval tonici tho Secretarv et the Navy Wili- tel 'iw JacIrt Lives;" Julian Ralp'h, the fumoný1s war correspondent. will darb"lwMen Peel in Battie,'f sud instn SoncerChurchill, M. P., whosodarigescpe mm aBoor prison peu s wol renombredwill describo semaexpnienes On the Flauk ni the iurin "And itis,;is but abeiin '-f tÉi *t i4 A comipleoeannounce- menft wl b et hoauadd(lresi lec The ublahes ase nn[oune ýthat evervuow unsciber ho snd 575, for tho,90 .nuren iilneeieal tho e iesforitherelu, nzweeks of aaeThe ComanoCaleudaipr for P) 12 -aýil iu addtionttho f1iftY.tWoisse oThe Cmpa ifor 19o,2. TuIEYOT'SCMA O, C9 0Col'm1but Ave., touMas Au en Ln in i ri 2 iîo mee ulihe flwmn- ville Ffockey Cub s hldluthe Cirnucil Chanos onTusdayevein~last, Mn.A Ilitcheli l dt f.'lt ollowiug were eieoed g iffie -, onPres- A.Mitchell. Fres-D.B.oueasle; in.Victe.pres.. idents.-CJ. B. Kap nd J. Houeard Mae. 'Lfurtny; tiec-raae-G- B, MO'ellan; Mgr -W. J.Ftnza'; Cerl. cf M&naemenY-. W. 3. Farze. , C. 13K int and the Capi. o! the .Êeam, weo %ill te choisen by the and wilI sen.c te tci work at Gonce. references as le oui-itnety andiS înlsgnty, ve mueitasoIr ynu le do thte same, la erden Ihat ws may knoav avititeoi ave ara dealing. We have, In as hrlef s mannan asepsileeare wr te show vea witnon wnrk te, sud ws iîpl sy s o macihle, it is just lial ave nepreýesutL il le te, asud wili Po al- tivety de evaryilus w-e daim tor it, onrefond lte tuy Eaclitmachine', secursiy pacteed avit'an ou[fil, !l e-st p Ici' ai-aik,' lh.ro,-gity tes led, sud s socle or sete 'psi-tiatly knittod haief te xtgan sd stpis.Shloot yd ecdetS engaga wl-h os, il wilt bs ccsssnylesenS lus CashCoul- tract O'-d.e.r Formn, propanly sl&igaS by u, suid atI last oute gond refereence, to"gethar ailitlit emt11),ccidiny upan receipt of avitcit ae aili f0rýward m'iach1iqýnesdetfi ready le commsence. Repelfll urs. CLAC0OW WOOLLEN CO., 3 enaStreet,, Torontoi1 ag;ir ifîîsî'stxs'a cetpales, ittkor "o'T0rsýý io Basf i,,*ssiIiî,, If you aiaitle examine lte machine aud sec -ihe ma tealibafars uudstskiug lte avonl, you eau, do se b'Y seudins $t.00 as a gitaiantea cf goad faili, zsud b odsîi-ay etpeqc f stiippiug, sud we avitt sendtavnt tin -o yur mîai-asl express compsuy, leaviasg a aa nce of' ltýve dolai-s tla py lte agent sud 25 enLîafan lte ýrelunil. chargea We ara se freuently sud unuacessa-I'ily akedIf nue van isarn ate nil witiotnrals (acher. Vi/e sy, e;il auie n (saden; any person of ondinary iutaliec v ito eau rend thte Instruction Guida casn tu eh-i .eus E-5.00 Cash Contract OrdorFom Ta ltae Glasgowv Woaien Ce., 37 Mcliuda St., Teroule. Gcutiemel,-I dsaira te do ltse wnrlas descrited l tIni adv"i-lisemaut, euS enclose $15 to psy for onueAuma TKnitting Machine. ln'iettiei- vit mateniai, instructions, and evenytitins' ecesai-y for te aore, lt aCame Ite be seult te me by Expres, CHARlGES PREPAID. 1I l underateed and agreed ltat auy tinta allerI, fhave doue au anjountof avork eqs-uailte lte punclias piesý,, $15, sud aiait b disconinue, ltaIltseGlasgow 'WOots Ce('. aili (ah-e backtetemachineandsud eîi, sud sItar deductias' t teil ext-anse, i-clanS melte amut pald foi- santa. Sender or head cf famîly (if possible) muet aigu boe: Pl'al ame..... ................ ...... ............... P. 0 ..... .... .............. ......... Street ............... Couly ....... ............ ...... ..... Prov--------------- Nearest Express Office lna aI......... ........... .......... Fer neference I name lte foleavlg peron: ... .. ...... ........... . . P(csei210 05n-5 ltis foin-rn aitnspcudiug ynir remtit- lac o ite mYin]udc jl wtchs ynus aud tti lit~_ý s91av,0na y ttsa u gnod referculnita pi-pe plce Tenoff ans ri-dom l s, 'sud bi, -e it an mch tinta you eu7a vot t ltee - ai- itcw ,yuvi',.hte bha Paid, weeakly, mcnthly, Ou' as 5youseuacai ta1 lte aorte. .................. ...... . . ....... .... SenS ynîan ramillance by Express, Mnney Orden, PRagis- lered Latter, or P'osI-Qffice Monay - Qidan, zsud ave avil promplly faravard machine, oulfil, aud simple , guide for' deitg lte work. Tais leàlte beat offen avený maSs for lte henafit nf Canadîans avio avant le worh- anc m altemuey aj homte. A__ 0 T _7_ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ Sixty per cent,.nifEtitiait saimonu TiARRIAGE 111INFRANCE. la cauglitt uScoll-aU. ____Soute Striking l'actsansd Diffilcult r oblatsa reseisted. lite the individual, of an-1 ciity sud nt ite ate la bt-st esc by mi-naeasd by ear]y iarne on.Tite fa hlas toîestbiae fu- ury eo-sltat the calratei P ' ' I t O marrctiiste ; iltithat t ilte c ýira among i nind iotittu o'.e G i 7t 25 yara cf an la as itiththat' nmnong nrt larsitwol7sîeu. ttnfo t ' TIa homo teiigteanerfatýiof lteelstl-ica ieof mgte naion ls- f povoristtodb uteahhpeyre amI lu teirmis proorthon l10 ti lelna> fasrrs liasheaorîtgi sie atsteî itnu Franî c lit aî-tigfaýteltan hil-b" cing ni afegiî iaint mcasccîl a by lieprfî the ic n celibaIcy aore Iiu lli .The mt lortzmhall leW ousnsntryi-sceare nu- mineri-ed.the loi .igusutr uttct .............iautcomla to-largi-falot- týI Lt ofnatlai lureaso ait owîî pooj TheaciVebuinss n l , c1 1 iyis aentury togof "cd,îc tit s ialet tkecodpsopuLaion csatFrliec(t-X, I's o foiauony abtP ii. fi m i -fdi ýI feeelsuch I litarnnnot affos nworl lay-piwer"is unI gresvhsg.-'nsniPirci-,- - nalioni aotîteaca laa foi- elîlati Thd e atie îsiea -npyis11e oat 0 rîtoîalsi- grat shbeloaecl s rtr 1b rn'wi 'aseii -nips a cold in the bud-you feels its good effects in a jifry, and ilt cures like magie -no uced of layiug up-it heas wuleyou work. «--- - -'-il, ' a t'-,t"--Pr,~. hitin's ia, 5sys:"I atways cari-t Ulwanta Capsules ivitisnme, anS oute i-st aigu oi a colS 1 (ah-e tao, anS iliat settas il--i neyer have a cotS, ecuetitis litile wonmier worken wards ttimnif. - A-n Vtîea i-atIiîo-T'-25 CENTrS A BD%--OPa t-A iLED DIRECTs'13 t3WANTA M'r'IG CO., LtdY, ottawa, Osat. teco chai-ted ii stgla. ItS nantle, il il foes pal disoelthlie ob- i lci orflie Socie-ty. aI leilsh gi-tas jseîuo ind-icatiotn cf hos uicy beonag 11~o il. Il la called lte îbd-Ileadcd Club. Only Covormtuenl empinyca a-xe otigibie. Tite nîher qîtatiflvatîeu or [lame color prelerreci. About hali thle nienmbers arc worner. The Most LTurifi Luinary la the I itle nihi chiai f TC h lb, while Stlioand Lessier Lgh.arcthe, nain ,s of twoý siîb )rdinatcs. T1he protection of refi hlair fr 01(lho I nd f-olisli jes ts o nite direted aatn 1. is Nthe 'iese pqIs cura it isessu Ils- ni-dans siigfront weak iean, -ni-a nul u"rves or wrtariyblnsitisapt- lien, Skip Bas iiobuSoieig GemeralDeiiyadLaki tsty They are atre eet ouenrve fend sud 'blod ares.,bitdýiag ,Up sud rassaviug ah ýita avnPetsub.se Yne- un l Lo 1_4 e 'o 1.ef àeadCe lecodto FOR TI-E HOà E Mslts no b ias < owngCI * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ----e----o heeys n spledidfort edîa orsew aoesyt ra Yelrev Letuaed f lîp eCfo Z crn uv t yor xpc7 I 1 Il sol plus AND 'q Vie a a w mco e workers ln thie locality, at once, and ln orderto seurs0 yo r ccovpera>'ction without the deln.y nf * correspwoncGf, we lierewith explain * OuIr f0u p-.-n Inthis adii tiem-a - The wCwrk le,ý simple, and the Machine le easîly 0per ateti, anwiti the Guide, reqjuîreq no eoe* fyewish te jali îOur staff c01 r ors lt us hear from you n anntluwith the Ce, tract, odenr . f,'m rem Idacbie wegltSl7 Pouhde. Itliarmorewe!<' 11ý1'ittfl8, as a gi tierful thaut a sowiu<g machis ut.,$ me i and rutf- ase durable, and umigier speed. We wiset scur e lte services cf failles te deo knittng for us lu (hein homes. Our mnelhod l iesatte as adepted In Englaud. We are lte inîroduc--crs cf: this plan sud the tai-st kailtiug concaru in Canada. Af ter long expenleoce, we have been able te produce an Autornatin Machine by wtilcitail tOinds cf seamtess kait- ttcg ta now dons by on Fauîity Machine. tlteretiýy euabllng anynne of ordinary intelligence le oîîii-kiy lirn to do thea work front, the tus tructiotn Guida. Alil ws i-cuine laIlitat you use lte machine riccording ta directions. Tite IMachine beiug made expresaty fer titis puni-ose, and lteý operation se simple, Il cannt possiitty make a ntistaka lanls work. Thte gi-ast dcmand now is foi Bicycle Stolcinga, iVead- men's Sooks, and Matai-menas Mittens, sud as we are un- able te auppty lte demaud, hava talcea tiis inethod nI aS- vertiaing for moe hetp. The large export (rade teltse Nnith-waCl Ternilerlea. British Co'lumbia, and thte Britisht Coantes, furnlab.'i an un. Ilinited demand for on gonds, aud, wtitlte combineS ce- opanation of ltse maay famill es we are employiag, togethet witit the large amount cf kuittiug we are ale te tai-n eut, by w hidi we Cave renta, Insurance, lutereat on capital, etc., enablea us le underselt any manuffacturons of itis clasa of gonds, sud we have sale fon ail the kuitting we eau have turaed out. Tite prîce wre psyfG-f0Iiulshed bicycle saockîngs 13 $10.00 penritundred, on at lte rate cf 10e per pair; woodmen's sacits, 5c, aud moto rmcu's mnittens, 12e a pair. Altcter svork ln proportion le ize. Thte machine can ha nptnated by uy onue cf a family, and at our prices sut' enengetin farmi' atoutS ha able la sustain titnmsalves conmforlabiy, aud lunlime bhaa source of tadependeut comifer t Our plan le te senS oul sacit machine 10 baginuers witl, e, secte or slocking eartiatly kuilted, anS remnalning lunltae machine ready te he cantiuued, sud aise enougit yarn t, huitonue pain or sampla oks an stockings and a imrl' and cou-ilte Instruc-tion uGuide, shoiiasg hithe bi- scik ls te ha doue. Wten lte samples lisaeh-eu ftnisited aunt returned te us salis faclory, ave Send s quntiyof yann,' wbittrityou tenit sud neturnulikewîse wlieafituisita. ie pnepsy changes on alavork e n ay, and our n'on-ens oas returnuchtarges. The avart, as we have stated, lasSimple and ranldly doue, lte machine itaving s capacity of Iantou- sandstCitches a minuta. 5Va have msny pi-rasa uow in oui- emotloy wito can kuit Iraun twenty-five le tlilrty pairs of sCicts or stookinmas a day, sud witere te lime nf a fsmity la Sevoted (ctte wort, toit eau i-eaeil)' sesltaI$1500 or W.500 Tser -week can be eaiy eanned. M'a furnish aur wni-kers al lte maleniala,- yarn. etc., fi-ee, and everyling lîsat la uaceaaa-m-y fcr lteavorte. WP are furnisbihng lte machinas nnly for ltae exclusivse o5 f titoe Seau-ms' te lake emptoy-tent waviltus, avio must, in cidanta becouse a manthen, senS, us titis Contract Onden 1<-cm rroperly sie-oed hy (tem, aud aI least onue good refen- suce, &ud rearnlttance accnrdiun-ly, te give us lte uecesaarv "urueltat (hae uantities cf valuabte t-arna wAmay senS fr'î'ruie tri a (ina i-tv0,11ualbe waseted tî,îtcoi-taLd Or,- lutat-sats are mutuel, anS titis confidence muL eth es- tahîlsitad if ave areta succped. We guarnt sfat-detis aud prompt navmaul for wartc, se do ult 1us týe Stei from car lai-ms, as ave caunet malte a di ,nîenwthi ana anS nInttn ; ha ide-s, ave are dot,, an extesive hui0- naasu it - ha goverued by bsns nniis Tle- -u'fclrdpricecf lte ie l n$msd pasi-ý tls'elv -wili rnet ha s-M o auy qthernstitnltose who wili agi-s te do i-itigfor us. If at auly tite cf tan yen commence, aud have Sotte su 8mnunt cf w ei nual (oelite puncitasa prie, sud siisitte dl'cntiue ae wil l akes iaclk machine sud refudlte emi'îulnt aid for same, aI tan deduclies' coat of oun ex- peine nnily. Tb"re le a Targe Damand by ltae Trade for Ibis cascs of avorte. Our avorteens cari depsud upon It yaar afler year, andI if youeneasse with us' (whiole on epare lime> n-e wilt keD eravi ucol<aPd avitvantk as long as îcu do il satiafa-'- tom-Ils-foi, ns sud returu il ýprontly. We ctutmloui- aoriz- erg w1tit lai a qiantilles of valuabie yarn. sud as we gîve NO CNNECION ITH - - - - - - - - --- -lu- ---F wý AL- A 1 ý f -, 1 ni ; 8u. ý dpri%7Fý, addAri fmm the foet t at t ývkS relilxplcl 011 oe- i

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