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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1901, p. 2

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Pdnes2 -1 paniiv 1 yhot I ;isiie oiIobiidhj 800 yd isft ndresful10 ewor Q'ý aeasyonîansý,ge-thosgi \~ieîgttiseasbiglt.Gives v ou verlillelscust.Ourfe cat.alogue gives full particu- lrsWrite for il. AUER ICHT00.,MAliEns. MO'.TIS-AL. T i - ___________ evinivg; inembae alilpresent; Msyor Mlitchell prosiding; minutai of lasî 1-1 t. Lt i.t5±iJ L~~itu~.~t ta uflo., unrfrcet" tise ouciuil taleng tome nrneda'eý action hoprocuro hetter rail- nt u., u~ruuu> ru i it i'iiitt~ euuns Si Pr . R. or tisalnT . alwyoCr lad sae ffice i thi eve Sect urying 10 îgl hcttrfhe tepareiist r resaýry recaiveutilu reily, dateti Nov ait tisaistim n lscommnuicntlon riti tise GY. T. Pt. suîioritiee t.) tee uhthier sbi~ xceedd tiE>,iruimimiîc, ýwhich wmsaccotsnîc for"' by ilhe peaeueo e c , wiîh couid nomu he avode l or lurearem Tise appropriation haitig $650 Tise wor5t tbirug a, ~Ipainter lias la cons, tend svli iatu. Tis lad0oÇrue utthe iuneu .s f'ma v eakenIs painitor's life a dminý guroua and trouble- soe ne hueîî,a paýirtur'sblach:aches, ils lime fo him te begin treatin.- tlse kidneys. OAN1,1'S l IDNEY "I'ASpILLS f'ii ix threm up-talc. out tise inflamnmatiOu utdconlgestion, give case btiste achusgý Lack. >Ir. J. Evansori, tise 'wel-1znowms painter alad dcoralor, 5o Oxford St., Toronto, ont., aaid: About eight weeks agO 1t sa takers aitis an excruciating pain ini my bacle over tise lidneys. It 'vas su bad that muY aife bad to appiy bot-cluths t:llth ie doctor camne and gave me murpîsunle. He aadthse trouble ýwas due ta a stoue Pabsing f-outise idnyo tlise blatider. My atr we oadcd 'ith a brick dust de1uit ad scaldr(d in passing. Wh ill,3 tiucnitjin1t.huardof Doan'a Kidiey j uIsanid aartcd taking t tietu 'itiwasonullong before 1I got relief frutu pairs and 1l'ave been improviîsg is healtlisevzl Fmrt t rý nýý,d 1 fuel bette- thau-ilueaa uteaily and naturally on te sYsteus., ulaiug away ail bile ai il ef'te matterial. Couaupaton. ilkcusneRq, dyspepsia, Sieh apea lmes ey are ued. P1iaco ýmbi T 2UeGret JfnqfflaReuueuff. q Solti and recousmeudeti by a&D r .. rnggists ln canada. Only rdal aloesedicinte discuvered-. siX ackaegugaruuuseecf to cure ail forme 0fl Sexul Weakness, aIl effeels of abuse Cr excees, Mental 'Worry. L xuessive use of Ta- bacco. Opium or Stjmulants. Maled on reelpe 10prces, ona package $l'six, 1$5. Gnesfpt'tuts aîle w fcure. Pampllets free lu sur address. IlWho. o apany, Windsor, OMsI. Wo d'e Phosputiîs asold lno B'sssnavilie "Y J Iligfetuiluotiuami & Sois, Stoht & Jury aile J W M eiemiti, Dîuggists. "YOUK FAITH st-oun a oursif yeu try S'hiloh's Co0n su mption (ý1 j- .and oamiseso trouîg wa guaraîstec a cue or refuird f oe*na botti if" you write for il. c stso cnts and we scurd Co- aoupimPuIiuoja, Baiîchitis _"sd al ,is1g Trouhleacý. Wlt cure a rougis or cold luaday, suad Lgun p ereviit acriiltiarusalts. aL % 1 CIT L TR U Lare otle ,i a 1.0. erlSIPE B SI! or Tr c ial ie 2tc Endoee i y nautwmao hav ldIî 1' urowark eus Cooc-.sýînio Urt K,, rapars1ien Is3, $1;Th, ir- McKce~Cous .7 75. hSAfc ofo e WorlÀ,b kforan a acnu,$4, wor-k du is y tsmj mcidnigts yer 9isey had ail worýrkedtog1- nd enuems smber led don hie e for tise RauIray Dusieitnrsi-eand Shool maltera rit o!cxlra work ha beau dnandi ho would lîke f te e ail-1tise mus'ursh savain for &no liserl u, as -conIse als- litaia sn hî1d 1 1 vpnlwKT fi.nTTiffrelii- 1.1 rk- v- - !.2-- y Cous T el uk nid ho was sîrpris- LdÈiTý illuiU3ne cosiifîno gosti SabI coumu iini lime Usrmen'svisit triToi on- t o. As rs-ne -wralgtt oppoce ied aooenîissent Gours ae' mmtietwas osIý and tise e ort wausdpe. Tise old at epcigqetofo eqîsalzaîlon o! tise minimpîahiîîs Fur and resmillo Ii -e-ynhktoîte( aiati lr'ngtiss- debateý, neri' il teenswWlei expressimmg tieir xis'.o As severn memmes iad f.uilti 0 li-ing lureports from ensieir respecti-e ýýmuîiicipalnties, ýCona-Jlamcsosituu,,scîi.ii t iaitnau- h ertuctae 1 - ??ýý - 'f -- i -.. - - - iatd th'q 1 - - e-----Lrare--jmèv-vv,-ý-ý - titig rouand aU pproved. A co-mmunication watt recelved frons- G UJ.Haýines, aaking rebase on watzr rate. NX;etec iud Fri .B XKent, anking for rebâte -fl reut o! Hall fer Asub 6a motion of Seer M Prcy sand Spîy tise Oms cf 8 as charged for Mr. T. G. Bragg ssked permission 10 cnt dowms trece. Re!erred ta Roas .n-l Streets Coin. wîîh power la Rot. Mr. Percy asked psýrrnîs8ou b onlt dO'5mm s trea un fHughi. ,,oppoaite Mis Yiiiloweee. Grauted. MesssTre 'ahlesck mand James id. urüeed thse Couneîl iu reference te, the maiuîaiuanice of tthe Bridge by tise Coucties O,,uuol, and seked Corinncil not ho taise auy action until sf,,rrthe iraI nmeeting in Jannar of thse Couni ties tjouui. Mr. Jamue alsu, polce is reference.to uble equalýz.itin u .!tise towntrsseas- M ved by Mr. 8urseeoonAed bx 4r. Worths, that ,sCotuoft Moaïre G .Ibrsltis Spry sud tse Mïyore, ba ap poirsued b; tisis C is-iil to gîve Msr irebicock'and Januresa, fair valliaiom c!' -hc realsate o! tisiamuooiaiuy lu reiercisezh o !lise reqse foà Ivea skinî,for s rehate o ae;at- i'ime dliseelon-', ou motion ofaIMeBarA, Gmlhrail h uttdKfi, hbcras iowrdû rebate of 85 70 freru last yeare taxes. Na acion uSd000 on s layesrs taxes. Dr. JgmsaCuyuhealth iflicer, presented a Report la refereuce ta tise Lenierpal istsof the town, Santtary, &cwhich on motion, was rs.ad andi (Joue K X g pressnted Report frons Flnane Cot.,,recommendune ravmnent f socoutîita ansoutino $250 16. Tisîs G!ý ekpresAtaaiensanutuai tate- .int sli-.wuugi amousot of montes pasa lu g ihrtougish ie hamida for thIe current year. Mr. G. C. Balises, Chie! o! Fire Deparussent, pte3 uted Report Ip eiumhcr o! irea and tiaes o! saine dur- îog tise yea; alao eqotioraet eoftise Fire Brigade. Reuceivîud sud !yled. Cotin. Worths, Giairinan o! Pour Re- lief, p-eceenttd report @howing amoun't expe ded for irnuiluemt purpoaca dunicug tise paai veau' $840 59; tukers over fru îi laait year, oid I'o.t' omec, $10 leaving a deicit o! $190. Mr. Peu cy, Chair niais o! Police Coun- mlitea, preBenled 11"p-,'ru siowing au s'xpendîuluue of 81 227 39, laaving a oantce on baud c! $42 60ý Mr. Perrv uhso pre8anbed R'ýpo (rom u ihutProp.onns , ehowînsi an expendiuue ofeu81 9 903, sud aaukitg loi- aenmPplaîemsîiay grant cf $170. Mr.' Spry, Cisairmaîs o! R 'deand Sutcatso preses'e Rportfrisoin Prn exeD ut eo! an21 3 exiug $71 mupplemeitof $1,41tfe 20 a nmiun eyComrs at prmented Ra p o fI axeeiueo 55 5 nd a-kinsg foraupieatr r tufpeelayu P362 83 Ho alto preaited Report u frint Ricad auundmS teetoui.,ug eco expenom hà! $59a2, o-1 kog for 0 35 Apperane- diCo6in. Ghalsiatdusmn o! Ceuse-. eyCoamissiPere, tsredene s ra ur o t-ia sprpnnexn 1 30, x nsu, S-f , tin ep aniaut04o ism aeieipanudu- St. to uew Fou'nlri sud froîi Teýnsper sruce St., aloig WalliBgrou St. Io Sil- vei St ; thea. item, slomme wffi faly e- courut fisc exe-,s,3ivarxpendiuure. Tisa Police Comuitteae xtoanrlpmm¶dur ing uhe year thse sons f $1,227 39, mise estumàtis wPra $1,270, leavurîg a bat- ance of $42 61. Tise aiuouïit ,xpnnrded 1by tisa Cae tory 0C msela" is $550 15 mise apprT. prisiion Wa550S, exoemi-t8$015 Tisa C 'sîtîtue on Printiu'g bave ex- psusded Se as o! f$59122, tise estu- mates utce 1$4.50 Thec ix-us expondi-. l'tira in thise D pir'meot ras noavoid hie, ûon6 o usnbsnntiug thse rseral Co'o. aubajuîrltoduced cs By law for thse iho dimoË mut luicptl c:tiorsî for lise jear 1002, ris ch ras 1lsly gaversiila sasûeta rradîogm aUnd i paserd. Tise uiai graýta macreraeta tise Azcd, sd i8îsoiotisù etMcmhustiet and 1) souple cisurcli siede, sud lise Counicîl adj aur1eti. CART~WRIGHTI'COUNCIL ToWmt HALL, Carlwrlgist, Duc lOsis, Î901. C unucII met un pur8aK)mo-.tf S abute, M-isera ail present. Rooeve Aiseon Iayior p'esidurg. Couansnic.tinmwere recets'ed ase fol- Fiomu Coco/s', Treasuser ris non-reai. dienst atndi rostn D INI ina, jr,, ansd R Mi-obobS s ppîymug for usee!fD 'iii S'ad for sk.ating tîok. From thas townrship Clark o! Muvore thleugue sorntof $13 35 &a b %lanje une tisa Coirporation ut Garer aigît ors âceceursî e!wo!k andi uatsraiou tise houndary usa betrenuManversansd Curtwrght for tise year lOtît; ausoueit isa'îded ntu t-Treasuîre" tof Cartwrugil. M<iveti by M-. MLu4sieos isy Mu' Jcihb, ithais- ýTreairer ba is. aStune e to psy barrI any usouey bor routai fuir usursmipiî:y asesouri se it douses into hieta bn la. Coanty Ceuurcuiisr J. El. Davlit Sp. p4pred before tise Couieil le referenme nu Coune-il hmkinsg @te,)@atowartia iavuuig us hauuiipality v luatcd fuir eq'sal zî litou peposet. 'After actriiiedscuscîon tise maltýýer urne laid over unnhl the firaI 'seetinA lu Jarmunry,iseCuuusci tissuto hav vlu'om apeîredfor the pur lYe refarrue fo tise aOliain o Oî motion By 1er Ž4ua. 421,-appolnsi- tugz Lh'puy Reuirniný-O1lîcera for tise lluulch-suui electîjo, ras amerded by ishdrawimsg tise naise o! W. Luscierne iD-PoîutY R urnmine Offier, sud ~uet *og tisaI (ÀJames liait, Tisa Clatemase lnqtrqected, ou motion uo! M eosrz. McLughinsud Bescocis, La wrise mii ti" S cretary o! tise Home for thz Aited St B wmanili, and- pro- cure secmesodation fer Mxr. Rcbert Burca, t.î1r tise rinter menthea. Oa mott!on lise Reeve oîgrmad ordera gon as ro rc efoliowÉq, Truiesaý 'aea:s. isolS-ecino Na. LIlncluidirsg qsaî-a gant 13?3 08; 2, $684 64; 3, $37 4. 4(<284 4o)ui) I In tOuS' g5, $W00 58; n6 27t)Ji; 7, $33l4 16; 8, 8273~ 9228 22. Semis 1) ahi -A- -7; 1- -L p i CUTE'COUNCIL. The Council ïmet nI 9 a. îm, Warden I11ïkarin uehair lo-MacN cailed this roi! idrend îti e inutes.P CComnïmuîiicwa uons serie read . then iIcanne(ý ;DurhM egiaîv Okace Acdope teeýk- Frrim ?)hqi îiiui Mee. chooîs fird, SL67 75:; îîwî anvilie, $814 75; Poirt HPz, m$55on; Bi2hton, $281.12 818J iCm toeii i;i-omrj !Exaîiners $25 to eaeh Toau!hers' Iïristute and $50. ti) each lscriaef ir Promotion Exaîniatiizuis.Eort adopti-d. Wm. Gr4hamn was ï1ppo-irted student to Ont. ArciuaiChrgGuffph. pissed tu tise wo'w anîd relatitves o! tihe deceaseîl Nlj, y Fo ie iînber ofthlis There in WC Udtise Concii tri order a à1 * ,).but cmmiteesinug nt w'îrk teew-as use qirum an1tioicil wes aiuj mmciînd forYihe dan!o give lise Ckosuues tiîne to etq irots ruady. TucliuAx' MuRNI. Cîuncî me, W iieî ltthe chair. IAfier ruio t ise Ciu.i k rat aCtr) rit- îicîîiîfruim Cer o S' nor ncos- ig'aC p, !rsoinof s danw eruï Fiîmial tatosnt ! EatNorths- CruuitvProt'ry ommittee reursrtedl -Couti. Filîo i ýchai' ln Com., of tise whîle. Tise cI;zui tauiCoittender (Pr Gimo. P Ikt lrc i' nai at 85.50was accOjip;tisat c(iiltractfor boring at PUe g"!a csd 1Znliecnîeied, aii lie Wardeiî hïd iince ie it thi ecîntî'ct ;a IFrasr & I-= vP~; tiseWest Durham Ile4'istrv Ofic )toheai-epaired lu riccordutice wOih Gommî-t,sîoor James' recmîuîuîatrrrs ;Ilat a ston e he hutight iidieîst's wnrd bi he gauoi:t , a ne uise ('îIiît'.Offices, ietc . i Victo,,rî- iaIIimmi d n re ror otue cear, anuil it Cubuu. (otuci l e nîstîfied li, iiimor muiera s- e-t ta nof heatîîg ie nS~aIMdiftise tenahîe;C 5tii Ciattîar Tonreprt pas-ed lin1the Com!nsUue a:îd wsrtporteit wheui Ciui Spene iuaï I tise atonnr of i eiiew- i ineae ase C"M inîle lut ithse Couîsty Property Cunimiýtî1r(àport upon 'ouit jmsali t -v us too netr tile end ci' thse ear liipu p Inootiatioîîs uuiw. Repoýrt usjop,,ed Coun)imiiiio eprefroeinLeo-iq- latis itnite , .(cc uedîthst the %N ardenic itiî h ie Leisl>tîire askinixtatthiCnt rlsiig'bcattie gutis lbu mmunuld Adupted Commssioner Th cap e-in repu-rtd frota uîs Duoat i<gistrv Office, stntiig ti'a re)îii's., etc , orulered lsad beiml iAopcl Cours XVnIr rrpot frcom Conting- ences omîute, ounil asmoveti tutu ~ ~ ~ ývüIý omîitet'e ileChairmuan is tise chair TiseCoinmittee rec'smmenuded that notictiolili 1,o is l u r- teîe thîe Cmiudjan uuuiiiua n;ionwhicis e vok-el spîrm isusi n wisicis Couns Jainer lcii, iïaker, Treb- iicoek ansd tise Wnradeu tîooýk part. Coun. Jacnes ri Provincial meet- inz~s, at wiich sutîjocis were diseu4,ed affectîig OUCCi itnuuricipniites, eoui'i do îîîuch good. Iii, houglit tiîs Union was waîîteii lie did nef@t wi.ii tisee ,Unsitedl Counties lte folo , lie l hzlt ive rioulti lead îtl i easures for generai goond, Muvsed y Coun Jalons and SpenceI tisatishe report lie nmî'sdae1 rend tisaI ive take imenserchîp lu thét Union, and send a deleate. Cours Baker saili 'est Durhams ment a represnîntivetr tie airs'As-oca tion aI Troto ant mi Iturcoursty riitiii itions w %ere bete hfore tsais atter. 4 PUBLIHERS GOLMN. EW POSTAGE TML 'l ave receiveýd three u 4geý,ýts o! Thle Eglsh siguWim ShwA i new tsluiweekfrot'aBrktuoiynrUco edIlg of wisicisj"3 Up t'thie standard requireri 80o114e o' tbise x otae sup fuir i JIU STATli,',AN,. \Ve are ,Iiwaviz are 1 le sssd -a ntie!ev ig;n 10 recelve îews »rel ne, sut lXear, Te1 riial1da1c ta -sici nagns as seýven ruigistof thesi' theysiolhuebeniudoste paper T sr i utuihr hwxer mousbe oigt ise nficet un tlîliq nîiy wts iIlisu )ieh aimost nmero setaviîb atxlîg erIbin Try hîlm. ilt1;e1u lu e.hv Sec our new clubbing rates on an chiarge oS ise piims wic i bi nsdspagecrre uunr ieupvno o Tise rray)v duties outairie Cef issowtu Somerset ibs fieaa ski ise hitsitîess tiat tise puhuislier of th!t London flaily ILxprvss, i 'urnialihas to phrform makes il ne.eýs The dcaýigiisamoS l hmCxts stumopa av bar, tir li, awav frein tise ofisceqUite heen pr(,,pucd iy Vr. Einile Fuchs- r-qeii.but n.> one need suifer anmy scîmîpýtor. lic 'îveiiiehce (ui lisis accounit as evrr3 Tisebe-ad oniy o' tise King l nsusmlier o! tise staff mav sately lie en showil on tise new at-ap, anxd ho !3 tt'usued witis aux bu:siineso; or cuonfidence -portuaycd iai'eheaîde-'d anddîvithout ii lime absence o! tihi' proîsrietor and iý tise crown. This le na departuro troni authorized 10 receive snulnev atlis e tecýo htotie n rfitice andj aive receipîs fuir sanie. - ts cuto thtoiunr ude hav evry onfdene ii ur mpli elQuisen Victoria, though i t s inunsi- iavedevery cus ai e piiiii ir toplo'. h son with tise genQral practice of ani ssmeat esonihiîyinsusroligning Kings and pc-îsxvt Il ~athe ew .persons w-ho were exîsected tise exception o'Sthie YEmpll-o;snWilh to >iquare accoulis nt isis office befou'e eisîsna, who foltows the. examie of neww xiii do as elle sub'ucriber- did last our late queen. week il wili show thuir gisodwill in 'a Intise penny shamp tise mauve col- manulier tmaI wti sisaîl appreciatenaine- or wiii lie discolutinueri, its place h,- Iy, pnv for tise passî and one year il) ng tttken liy a duil crinsson Ths aivance..,,I color will probahly bce usedi for Nrw is tihe proper sesson for ortieriug stasupa o a igiser valu,?, tise price papei-s for îexî syenr, stlat no break ling plainly vindicated 50eias to mat occur anid papers hoe started aI avoid confuision. first o! vear. Tise d-geo'tansOf hiÉigh vabi P'lace , our orulers for winter rentitng h-as fltyî.heieeie upon, n t one.o î d '!tr lie hest T h e iogsiti ,bhe ia hs ises foi n orlmij'poslî will lie found in aa1moat i, ecoa uexri icfr' s fiîat îna lt-a paersucis as Trcp sîmed. SATESMAN UH ti.. ai tîi es of tise As in ise cas of inso ieVe istsliorii mî l an i up-to diate famnilay torian issue, it is intended bc keep We'iu'Nus citv weelis itso thorOngis ftise oid onea in use until tise roserve 1iy up to titens TiseStîn. It gie s 'oun luhamtd 15 sexiausted, a fatll summary tif tise newe o! tise wek: frisî fuir tise iners' interets: it gîtes NIC.E LITTLE LUMP. excelluîentustres andi gciîeî-aifamiîx A trisolofacegy nwh i'eadinig o! th ise hest ortier: anmd its, ws etoy s toid of clergya wiz repoirts of f.rei'cus' metings, generai eeîycfcduo 0latz ag-rjiltur-al matter anti market report-, nmue cidren. Prom nuniber one te mutke il invialunhle fMr f su-mers. ý1ýî1ci .git nothing xx nt ainisa. Tise aimd tliQ. paper to end e! 1902 f ur $1,85. naîsti, hosxever, prove t o lie a iusly A nîi' maos presuumt Vte ilnî 1a boy, wlso soon succeeded in niraost eýnýs atalu-gging out of his, soniewhat scanty distace, s eps'o! Ta u olises Tihe -clergymian, graspsng foir a xear. It keeps thoin po-ulIon ail; h nat ytenp ftenc tisat is guuîisg on at lmusml. saves lbIter a iiatb ie aeo ienc writiîîg, and will give more satisfacion: is ucsga-otaue îi.rs thaîî ansy- tier liresent of ten tine seurinmoined securep, was proceeding witis vaille. Front nmmw uratit Jaunry, io'i 3tise serxice whv he's iseother, ovrr fo $ 0.corne wi îh(admiiration for her child, Boirn t tak oer wintpaprs ridand scarcely, realiing tise soiessînity 1eist t. vr la saeesdof tise occasion, remnarked irn a Souci matlgnie-i 3 ('51 it ini19,)2 wutis soi- oc:-1' ic iLelmsr f sîrîihs- NI A. JA.uEs mvi lie gladti1o inc e 9- s nc 111uspar furnîislîi mformatîonin se' 'I'iie Chris.mns hiumlier o! tise Canati- han Magti-;ziyie lias a distitsetiv~eiy înative DECEXBIER IWEDOIlM;. cove:-- iii wîich colored mnnpie lentes are lise leatiuipy fenure. T1he drawings AR-ITE anud ;)hougraphis are -by Canuaoin artists , and thse art icles anti stol-hes with A verv prettr wetiding look pince ons ormie exceptioni are liyCa nnuiuian writers W'iesiy Dec 41 Il, aItishe rak,ýiJence 1ise Yukon is -epreseîsîed hy one'o Mr. tnt Mrii John "Viite, Pteasaîst writlir, B. tisii Coluiliia liv one, the Valiev Furtu, Kendalîl, wlsen tiseir orsi' u'ir.tinse Pr,,vinces lis'two, Qu,-o-b, budasîgiher, ina E. wnstiarriedtiehoMr. two, Olitaris hv seven ansd Caiiadiaus Isanci B.,Stark, Srruii.Tise cere- liiliig ini thse UniterI States bvLx wo muon - %vas perfoî-îsed bx' les-. J. G writers G. Mercer Alatu, Damean Lewis, Newtonxille. Tise brite iookedA Caînu b,'IlScott, Mrs Cîmrmiugs, Jolin chnrri:nz ina lînautiful gown niÏwlîiîe A Ewvan, Joîhn A. Coioper, Noýrmna tafieta silk, wvith chiffomn andilae rlin- Sanmts are amng trie other naines. Abue ceia iiemiias oki iciv depmarns 'mmleîtihled tOdulrties andi pi-dIv lu wist opînlewihtri Luriosýities" is worthin îvesioatîng. Imîugs o! lace and iselie r!ion. Tise lu lse Dsiger fr Jmi îrv Fve 1 - room was Fuupported Ib%, lU, b)rother, lu~ theDsignar for a set 3,VW. j. Stark. Tise weldinIr marcls chnuni.~- was ;play'ed liv Mrs, J. G. Lewis. Mr forth, liosities ans alluring diis!a'. of!n Nr4Sakate-h edn u Winter tasisiotîs atimilliiîery. "becor nsiMsSnkute iewdigtp nive Dïriir"' andI directions andtipeîr xVelt 10 their futture bôeme lu ilusrations fuir kuitteul mittilns. bootee-sSaryhe cuti golf! iutockinoks otter fiensaut'and usef ai emplohi mit foixvihîtusr cveiin g's WE WANT MEN loints onu rsmtig, îtqet EVERY WEEK DAY, Hhîts""N rers'Lire," 'Fuir iloaltis atnd Beauty." "Seiections f;ir tise lie- citatiotisl" and "Ceokery Roeipe.s", are 1000 MIlS XVANTLD OO b ave tiseir somre o! tue otiier iseilul al-Lco inlutiis menr1usre for Fail aund 'ainter Suits teý exceedirigis' , iiteresing nuimber. Stanl- lie atie up iîvery iatest stxie atI fil da rd Fî7>tion Co., 8-2 W/est 141h St , Pgua rautet. We mal5a mens ansd bls New' York City, Il. s. siuits equni 10 any anti ps'ies iowertia Tise annar Deluento liasa rii a1V. Brinz u-; votîi riketlioie andt inviîing ,,table o! scîsutrlms anti lze pessami t mti lie nxv-ult. attractive fatro ae atitie t iiialithie Weke eplso it1ji-"srgl exvitî tepaîieurs.Ira 1D Sankiey. Joins T. Axtisefaioraetal, the fanisous aneiî vividiy descrhbes neariv opposite Sn'ArucsuAs affue. Oss- his iOurhmev thourhEzr.pIandi Pa'les- muilu.4.f Ille. Iecelut noiirnsug events ammd tise itense public sýnnîaîisy with rSUICL5lON AT . McIiriex-make vert tintels' an article -Tsý-TF 0 -Nr-,EiLoln-in leil wIlGgeaoSha,î a nd *Wero Mil 19 y S,','_Vi'_tiMAN:addtise faner-wodvertcseke î i ~te.-haxe a ismîschy setsomabl Sraassasnîlnd ruil-ýeis C 2 O) we A-tus.xhAs aisut Niomutroo-wi Wit1e- ' 1 76 flaoTieîtenick Pub., o,, n,1W.SIXTESMANa Iarmî else'Hmer I 2 to-ayte To ixiu AO o. BstnnTTE1 I&Nanti Toromnto Worid 8 001 Mass. for afrim smolecop-V.It i 85 TS I n al.Gub 7 xcears ijl antiih aF-huîrouglsly s;liibfiejI77 i STATES!AN andTi iorontoDailv Star 2 5b, IIETHODi ,sitîs 1ctf *1 1< Fih r Estato TiseTnute ad euranta CMJ~y InIII ited. admlnisloso iepd nnyo ie1 I aad lt.be. eeeeeedIserby flerfOaC)4, Talefo ! etSOi Dciie r ljcjor ad sake 'ener Phe Batate 'Tise lilIseal o r a t hîî e r usîiq ~ariiyaeeept & Tendra i iee . imed u Notice to Ceios In M/e Estale or MAR y BiE-Ci"~, l deeacd wfe of bmnsBctl cu-edîfier of 7"ary B"ckei, l'cof theTews e aied rxcuoroftie as WIlani leta otof aîddeesel u e'ted lý«' I v, 51-4w ouior efutue t dy ofFelî,uar uiext ats adler tI aai ue duy'ivIery tiiup ieretor lia"itreard osyohas-lls ol ai- îîotîertihaeli cn reulyi q iIy hl Dated t ins, Jv i lteSVieîtl a &1-4w ExecLormiiigîee.Laaîanli Chere f o eiay off;vr 5uplao qaccsfly anri higily bnu'f 10.000eproLadies. S ld in qeuýa ae a ook'$ Coit fori CoosCttCo RQUZCon pse.Take no othuir as ail Mixtures, plille and imttoeare dangerous. Prie.e, 11o. 1, $1 uer box; No. 2, 10 degree atronger,$3 per box. île. , or 2, mailed on reeeipt of pnice aud two ?-cent etampe 'lTW co.sk ionspany WIndgor Ont. M-~Noe. 1 aud 2iued anis rei'omieudediait ail Jîîî-y, J t-iggiblot hiu & Sua %V WMfl inirgod , akFg up uiow carda :oî,Ies eseaon ad ,dalCn spiecua gplace, autn!odititig mlaretic Muatter.Cmmsino ary600prmiI n caipenseanett 10exee 4.50 per day.e teady epynnt t, go, iene rlabe Noi, 4 cxperiance neeýdi ii V r5 tr us parlssus'ars, TII îlf MPîR IEDCuE GLastn, DR . 'lDDERG CI Do -L -r r'r 'r -L -L-1 -1-1 -r

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