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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1901, p. 4

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J IXmalïs PerfumIIes. We have aî lare stc ck of bulk and + +fancy boxed Perfumes from whichyo will find it -,an easy task to select a suit- able gift. We ilso have a splendid assortmnent of. BRUSHES, + MIRRORS, EBONY GOODS. Perfume atomizers, etc. + AT MeDERMID'S W West End Drug Store + oou * Rochester Radiator. * HOW TO DOUBLE THE CAPACITY 0F A STOVE. Place Rochester Radiator on the pipe 4 close to the stoVeý * * 11W TO HEAT AN UPPER ROON. * iun te pipe through the ceiiig, coni- l ne'iig with Rochester Raiato,,r above- the upper room will be as.warm as the one HOW TO HEAT AN ADJOINTNG. ýIRun the p5ipe through the partition wall ïï and connlect- with Rochester Radiator. BotrouTs wilî then be beated alike.. OUrRa(diators in any of these positionS - give entire stsain w ~u ~ * o o The PGanadian statesila WEST DURHAM ELECT.rION. The prjoclamatraion is out forteb- election in West Durham Nomination is oi Jan 8 and vtn on W"ednec-sdlay jan. 15 Mr, Samluel j. HllBowmanviie, isReur iOfficer. Thepolitical forces are now face to face anýd a ivlshýort an)d interesting conteatsî is beforeý us. Bohcandidates are in, the f!ield and arc giving the glad hand to the clectors. Vote for Beith and goad government. Last week we recounted tome of the conditions in favor of Mr. R. Bcitb's candidature, There are many more and we invite electors to think carefuily and intelligently ove-r the situation before deciding how to vote. Presuming that the reader bas rcad what we wrote last lwcek about M4r. Beith's ciaimý;, we invite ail interested to come and reason togeth- er over Mr, C. Jonas Thornton's dlaims to support In discu ssing bis candida- ture, we desire to be f air and respectful Wo him, disapproving of abuse and personality. We wish to be clearly, understood at this point, howevcr Mr. Thoraton is now a public man asking for public support la a political conteat, and as such ahaof bis public, actions and sayings arc fairly open to criticism and discussion. There are now only- two recognized p olitical parties in cîther House of Parliament in Canada, and we are informed that Mr. Thornton doca not dlaim allegience to cither party, there fore as we sec bis position lie bas no dlaim whatever an the adhcrcnts of either politicai Party, and sucli being bhis posi- tion no elector Gitl or Tory is under the slîghest obligation to vote for him at thîs election. W'e now appeal ta farmers and al engaed in pursuits outside, of the town. Aside from political bias altogether, is Robert- Beith or Jonas Thornton the better man to -look ai ter your interests at Ottawa? Make thisa personal question. Suppose you are personally interested in some scheme or enterprise that icquires recognition and financial assistance from t1his Government-a Liberal Goverament -and'you want to send thc man who will have the most influence with the Government, which of these twa genti- mien would you choose to tendý? Here isq Mr. Beith well and favorably known to every member of the Government, nat only to the supporters of the Goveraiment but a man highly thouglit of and whose opinion on agricultural and farm stock interesîs is always Foiight by members, of the Cabinet also when necessary. Further more. there is no Libera ate Hueo Commons, we are informed, wiho is more respected by the Conservative members than Mr Beith and lie bas the expressed desire of some of them at least that bce may be returned ta Ottawa. SThi,5 is precýisely thec posýitiîon ýof the electors in West Durham. The great T4e ann ual Commencement exercises of Bowmauville Higli Sehool are ai- ways iooked forward ta with a great deai ai pleasiire and intereet. This year -%vs no exception and, on Friday niglit long before thie hour came fur opeuing the Town flaîl was packed ta the doors and ma-ny titrned away un- able ta gain adruittance. Mr. J. B Fairbairu, P. M., chairman, preseuted a dligtfl pogrm.The Bols and Girls GlHee Clubs sang selections. and the choruises, solos, trias and quartettes by memnbers ai theore clubs under the leadership of Mr. F. H. Frost, B. A., were very pleasautfly rendered shawing careful thorougl) training. Mr. Fiast bas evidently sp!-ared n o- offo-t t a develop the miusical qualities ai the youug. people -Lnder his charge 'The Poacliers a f Lincolnshire", "UJncle Ne"and 'Hltli-Hallo" were amang the old sanrgs thauit caught the audience. The certifleates wr presenteid ta the different classe,ý bv Dr. J. C. Mitchell, EniskiIlen. R'ev. R. -eaborun, M. A., Mayor Miebeil, aud 11ev. W. J.Jalliffe, B C,L., ee adding a few cammenda- tory wards anid enugratulatioris as they presenteti theipainas and certificates Mr. R Normian Jolliffe was Verly en- thuiasicllyaplauedonbis rendition ai the solo Hos and Gentlemnen", and repueiwt necr.Mr.w. Packenham, B. A., Toronto, made a short. bumarousý address and Principal Gilifilan gave the aniuai report of the school. Mis ellie Hall, 1,erformed the duties af pianiist lu a very efficient manner. The principal'c, repart was a6 moet eu do 1 ragiug an,,, showîug that thée aThool wsa lolyrta'ning [ta pasit reputation. LE Waa iaicsdtatin tha senior leaviag (ffrsi ciasa) sud haor nsrcualuthere as no îgefailore, Alnd sïpeclal men- tion lghtba m tIeo kr. RRU. Wad- dei, wha obt[e ia-î honora iu mntb~n fl, Tnl-lnnhrpç, Larc '1 m , m ar a a a --a-m BWM AN VILLE. à! x9ka, --m>eýAk4, FOR ;AL'E-Tostrbrick but nd soft ,va ter, anid ooi barjn itlh tone foun îaion, he?' ery o O ,YUNG, Liberty St., QUARTLE TT E BOîWMý'ANVILLE, ONT. F I IOST, FrtTenor, H1. j, ENIGHT, FIraSt BSS, E. IGîINBOýTIIAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Addl-ess ail crepodneto T.-E. O~m- ~GODS OU~ANJ Andf e Must Sou. - a &Mr -%1 .%eaA ÂALSiIKE AâN»Pt UCLOVER WANTEl>. Seed wa-nted for which the ighelst ic wilbe paid. FarmerS would do wh to, caîl before '%elling. J. B. MAPTYN~ XMAS PHOTOS. Suceh as your friends will be pleased' to receive, we will make for you. What you ev er see diïSpla3ýed in our winnow or elsewvhere ls x~ti te quality you get. Remmber that, point. Any number ai sittings yNou require we will tate Reial pOiOsbear the naine of TAITv & Co.(Opst Town Hall ent ranle.) Cash- for Produce. The poultr3 rssged uthwllowyai in man- lesed nthil buy g ailn-a -fenthers dry picked exct - ---eazbers,. pull tail out andE une riciîng andt tis country are requir1ngý constant watching and legisiation There are a score of que-stions ta camec before parliant in wbich the farmeurs of thjis rîdng redeelyconcerned adtbey canotsen abeterman ta ersn parison bet-wEeen thIese twoc, an(ddaes for SUc- il utLY. The anc a 11ma igh course and la higli favor with the best Governmnent that vwc have had since' jConfedlerati6n,anid thie other a muan -whose public .course no 'fairminded mancan ,,ustifyor endorse and totally witbout inlenýe, aye, despised by all those ia Goveramentail autbority in the House. H1aving tbese abjects ln vieýv, it will be worse than £oîîy ta vote for Mr. Thorn- tan. The-e s aiso the matter ai patronage andIL lezîs1tin lathe intereats.ai West Durham. Does any one suppose for one moment that Mr. Thoruton could get any favors for us fram this Govern- mei t ? To imagine sucli a thiug- would he the beigLit ai absnrditv. Few people uow ýwhat Robert Beth bins alreadïy doue Faloug these ue.At 1this very tme the Rubber factary is supply- ing- guods ta the GovernImenIt rail- ways o; 9n orders secutred through Mr. Beithi's influence. ,Thien we have gat ta have a new past offie ýaud custom bose iTere must 1m longer be ailiorIbutùs on ptipbliecesit.Ths town n Ieedba a new Pest oceand rmuat have one veryv soon andI Mr. Beitbi th Qeonmauwbo îeau g-t!it il' auuy ian Fand seco'nd in Fr'enCb, alid mwho obtsined the rs fiatheatca holgrFhip, vAlned at $9168; also l!s/ I . Walbridge, who won honora la Egih Frencli aund Ger. man eHaalso ex beAedhavlew von ithe. presnttenlêuy q doaway witb maRy ai ou examnatl nd very poSitivelIy expreas d i' iapproval af thîIaCourse, and lowdasthtby takiîng into a c- coU;n fhe Cojnfidentlal reýport of thie taff, art quire d hy The EdcIational D1)paýrt- me oinjatie la lkikey to ccüur te soyons. liIL kstrongly urging the ne cessty ofi moral tr'aituing in our schools, and ehowlng t hec necessîty cf every teacher feeling thaýt re.ponlbility, ha was opposed to tberoduto of the Bible as à tExt book intýo our schools on se- connt oif the diffiîulty of teaching It in a country where therý e [snach a dlvera4ty of opinion -las to its teRching. fHe urge d the necesity of rcgularlty on the part of the pupil a8 one coDndition of uccasa, as no pupil could either eujay sohool work or inee u[ wilhout reguflaritY. if you have catrrh, why docn't you try to get, rid of it ? The first thing you know it will go clownint 'your lunigs or stoma-ch and SH [Nd) HIS.JoiiltyEEND 11ý011F / CHRISTMAS GOVD-CHEER lan~ maýniy course 1 [ '-"« - - -1 as-ellto e- Y, M. C. A. Building, , uaperîues, Flounr. and sel] :tiaw e eupright ai e lias nnrtned-L h %W 25%.f5 , Ont., i[Vp l s-Gilir THE FMLCLOOK FOR IT. The public look for and demanfi true andi honest dispeusing when lprescrip- tions aetakýen 'to t e-drug -store. Our dipuigdepartmeut is cauductedi on such perfect plans that errors, are im1pos- sibile. Strict attention te uies pure drugýs and mredicines and low prices have won for uis a position second to) nonle in the drug trade. Tins KiND :ýTIST CURES If you are zuff(eying fr-oku headache, indiestonheart trouble, liver coin- plaint, kidnîev disease or !Ils resulting from impurs blood, we strongly advise vou ta use Paiiae's Celery. Compound. It ia the greateat !banisher of d'sease, the only me0icinre that cau bring you health andc niew hf e. Tu-y h&bottie of Paine's Celery Compouand if ou feel weak or rundowu; it is a mparvellous strengthcn- er. Soid by J. HIGGINB07HAM & Son, Druii.Psts, Boýwmauville. Onit.' 45-9w COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. L -L ()-Ki A splendid assoi CrokiDole Bq t of --fancyl-

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