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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1901, p. 8

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)~ <~- f - -~- ~ ~ -~ -- - r- - - - ~ uni -~ - - - - uli cr~ev.~ -' ' - . -.~--r-'~ s~,rsur ~u n~t~ ,~ ~.~ to-. - ~ ~ ~ ne CU! Cp .~-I t ~ }~M4 r ~ S.leu v IrTaylor ias meoved to Mr $ 3 Wiiiams' farm. Wt1ýome.Mr R J MeRessock t, Clid iugtt htsworthi. ... Eeio of officers atilst bis ek ...istr:Mrand Mrs Winshtou Ith Clumbus frtends; Mr and Mrs Thos Pso with frtenjds at Courtice.. ledMr W Werry's card of stock for sale, etc. MiGoArgue received a bad shaktng and !om wbrkený boues by f alling fromalad of LIay SOath ofibis village. Loas o£ Flesh, cough, and pain on the Oheat may n71t mean consuniptien, put are bad siïgn. Allen'a Lung Balsam leOosens ,the cugl and heals inflamed air pasags.Ne a grain of opium in it. KIT. VEIINON. Vistr, -Mr Joseph Garfat, Woodstock, a t 1fr TaGarfat.l.; M, andI Mr ROrehard anid son, Miizn, ai Mr. Jno. Orchard's; Mr. and Yï.ra. I. Orzhard and son, Michigan, at Mr F Ocid';Mr Absoiam and Miss Ada Abra- ham nS issEihei Garfat at Mr J Emmer- son'.,.N.i.e.on Mt Vernon tijoir are ellghtedwith the very iîearty receptton ac- corded them by Cadmus friends.At the etloing ef school t Baker's Friday a niee 1Irogram was giveti by the pupils and Mr J A ercvaggart, teacher, whlis leaving the school, waýS the recipieni of--a gentleman's companton eund a b)eautif ni address. Morq Celds are cured by Pyny-Balsam than any other one remedy. It cures quiekly and certainly. Bronchial affec. tiens gzivýe wav readily teoit. Manufac- turedi by the proprietors of Perry Davis' l'ain Killer-. HIEÂL BROS* Now For NEW YEARS! N ew Figs. New Currants, New; R-ýaisius,New Lernon, Oî ange and Citron Peel, New 'Dates, Walnuts and Alrnonds- IIIIfiEffi NDIIMPflflWflUM BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 25, 1901. Township ofID alington Financial Statemeat of B ecelpts and Expedtre DecemUber 15th 1901 te Decebr151h 1900. Dec 15, Balance onhnd...$ 721 68 A EIClemeûs, timber sold.., 4 0 4 timber ani sand sold 4 25 A Sharp, rent road allowance 5 o0 School Fund depos t ... ,.. 108 85 S 1'ollatd, taxes.............. 863 73 Total,.... $1 707 51 Deduet payments ........... 838 66 Balance on hand $4 87) 85D DËEMBE. T J Clarke, adjusting boits ,_ .~ 75 W Creeper, teaming etc........ 1 0 T J Colo cleaning ditch........ 2 50 G Gilbert, breakinz stone ... 40 J Pye, work, Scugog road. 28 12 A W Allun, gravelliug9 ......... 14 50 J Curtis, drawing stone.......i1 0 J M Squires,drawing grav~el S650 B Moore, work,lot 11, cou 7. 2 50 J Ruindie, work, 1L 121 con 8' 15 o0 j Barton guwarding bridge ý, 2 0 AOmstn gravelling con9,. 12 85 P Mor-oney, gae.......... 8 JOe,4 50 J Woden, "... ..820 J Gaud il10 WW Goda£.........28 S Alinr, ".. . . V6 J SW!y, " . .. s6 J Bartoa cea an naitas 6 W Gilboert, cedlar........ ..i 6- -0 J Crumb,.................... 480 F G Byam nails............... 70 R Avery, 4 .. .. 18 W Short, etrr rin taxes.. 10 IL - Brown, attendance,mileage 2 25 R Fos9tsr, " 2 70 LAnni, " 2 80 AECleJens, "2 45 R Pascoe, 6 2 80 6, services on committee 2 0 * B Simpson, services and ex- exPenses,1oc~II opton,,,.1600 6 ..... 8 82 Indigents per lit..,..,. 21 0 Total . ......$ 836 66 ! 'Nrsc Werer - -.. A IMoo, work.. E J Clarke , ........ R Mcullogh,grader repairs Hl Elliott, Jr. naiLs.... ý.... M A James, printing.. G A Stephens, lumber..,. W Broat1, uail.,...,, S Allun gravel.... P Moroney, t..... J Stainton, t.... P Moroney, il..t ... BPowelll, ....... DGilbank, sheep damages.. w Colwill, i RUHill;-'9 G A Stephens, lumner, cedar Clatworthy, et ai work ... SEPTEMBRE. F Rogers, nails .,..........., A Aunis, gravel...... i..... T Elliott, go....... H Martyn, sheep damages ... G Taylor, work con. 7 ... H Elliott, Jr. 8 mos. salary., OCTOBER. , J Balson, gravel........... T Monntjoy, care gravel pit.. C Z Pollard, sheep damages. G SandercocIk, S JHone-v, 9 si JHlenry, Du-stan & bar,nas..,, T J Clarkz, spikes etc....,... M Dewell-, work town line. _ Selectora of Jurors, services,, M A ja&mes, rinting ...... Bear & Co, bridge con 7... Novi@mnp. Ontario Bank note-........ W JLagad W Couch, W %Io-ntoomuay, e S3 Bra-gz T' Baker, JCornish," H G Argue, grave!'........ J Stainon, '...... Mrs 'Webber, ...... G Moore, o ..... M Lvmer, 9 ..... L Potter, " ...... A W Annis, ..... S Ailun,...... J barnis J Treva'il, go J Gaud, J Sulley, R Avery. nails ........... J Grigg, sp)iKea, ý...,........ J Hocxen, plan ..... 481 8 20 5 80 8 (JO 50 650 5 0 5 60 30 6 0 6 0 40 70 68 6 40 2 50 70 89 87 210 ()0 500 0 8006(60 4500 2 Ci6 2 C65 50 46G7 5 3 7 65ý 70 75 2 0 2 25 3 70 8 45 3 30 4 20 a 10 13 20 1 55 4 90 111 ULU IIUII DlflIl [flhLf, 100RECIPS.G A Stephens. planxa........ 12 75 ~Vne.Balance on hand,... 84,80 8 R J Mallory, judge's courts., 3 Où Produce atd W Halfacre, st. labor cern,,, 1 50 W J Roy, I 4 90 'w Short, refunàdodg tex.., 1 60 H Eliiottjr. revision expenses 55 08 G Haines, P M, flues......... 1 0 iScott, timbe sd......20DEMBR j oesio' eni..... 4 0Ontario Baux, note ...... 10.. I~IIMiss Harnden.st labor coin,, l 87 66........ 9 00 66 E RU, ,Cietuena,cdr sold .. - 1 50 J J Smith, errer in taxes 1900 2 55 F McnahtLI 1oo gant 56560A Gibson, gae..,,, 9 0 T Baker, road rUt.,...0 0 E Prout, " ........ 1 25, 3O VM tN IL E.R oservood aoiÎ0d..,., 18 75 J Curtis, 140 2 00 T Snowden " .,......., 19 15 I Bewatneaod..J.70 Moun1tjoY, "........ 10 20 YaroBnknoesdscu-ed8 6825 Csrtis, roadway, ........ 10 S Pollaýrd, taxes 8190,,. 2 165 87 Hl Eliiot,, jr, spixes........, 1 80 do tae 1901 ....... 15 498 28MA postage etc..,, 12 O0 MAJames, printing ...... il 95 Toa Î25 646 67 Grant te Agriculturai Society 506 PAYENS.School Debenture No 2 sec 20 185 72 PAAYT Simipson & Blair "Law" suit, 4750 .1 uncipi orl ......,. ~R Foster,attendance mileage 45 10 Sick children'sfospital grant 5 60 A E Clemens,' 50 85 H Elliott, jr. registration fees 30 40 I LBrown ' 89 25 NFMacnechtan, county rates 3 444 40 B Pascoe, 44 40 ATrimm, gravel .....,. 20 L Annis, " ' 45 00 EOborne,45* * TSnowden ~ 1 95 .Itoning, Burning Skins GA Stephens, cedar ..... 9 50 Cracked lands, Sore Ear;- fH Wilcox, guarding road .... 1 50 -----I, Ontario Bank, draft.......... 3 10 Tro Illustrati~onOfHO4i' thase,,* East Whitby,wicrlk twn lino 24 58 1 i.% .~STV AS . S Polard, collectera salary., 100 00 Ointmnent Cure% itchinîg Kkin Dis- G A Stephens, Inuber, etc.,, 300 00 easez and ETuptioU,. FEBRuAny. Mr. James Mclsaacs, 25 Elgin St., G GREETINGC-S Municipal Worl,audit stamp 1 00 Ottawa, ont., writes:--"I suftared with J Frasier,work town lie... 2 loù sait rheumn for upwards Of tan years, Sim paon & Blair rev Guy deed 3 60 the skin on niy hands cracking and youbeîer ree a ried Hoper reît oat . , 2 Ut breakirig se as te miake theni usolesa. r-,ol)ard, extr services 20 66After trying al sorts. or remadies ta [,()1; ; l r, cXýý 2000 VPJgh1t1:bacamne Siscours-ged -'and w..s întuîh~r witl aphto- L Rlis udîtoa pa,,... 1260 Zsufferings weuld neyer enS. gr \&llhe 'cu nî'e t' aJJ Sitth 12 60 Last sprl g I1 useS Dr. Ohase's Oint- ftî n nner e jourfrîcus, MARLI. nent anS ini a short timne wareu J-W 1y C;nn S,,,, - 0crd apret CI~ý, r,îîgfo .20 Mr- B. Nicholson, Maner House, Win- OOA ~ Z Nl ool)vj -12 (0O nipeg, Ms-n., atates :-.For several 00 Ai '0 40 inonths 1 had' beautrouVIied with a ~ c i~ ~r Y( "'~tMa ses. rI, ...... 1.9 27 eczema on myas, and for weeks 1 f-do 1 1900 8 7dcoe haPoietWinnipeg te etsoe f urphto Ce)ates, gravel .........1 1,) physician, but te ne avail. 1 was ln- hoto 1 SuceS hy a fellow e-;--',erer te trY Dr. cal geiSo vews(f BOwuravpli -J Smitth aitîSothers revising Chases Oîntment, îandi arnmhappy te say iror u he..asesnett cotl oc_ 1.. 6 0thaýt the fireat applicaticu gave instant h )O, nl Liiott, jr, 1$ mus clry 65 t IV relief. 1 arn completelY cureS, and ZAPR 1% 1UI. ave had ne return cf this treublesoine ou- JRo, Sacsr' pv 125 00 There .,s ne lirnlt te the heaingu quai. Stu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U 'cdoU(Saieriî e ebc, itu bt (n., 12e(0 iIio f Dr. ChAqe',s Oirtment. It Laý AI i t-O 'itifj,,ii . IWS THAT ahngade-1 b..',tvely cures each adeeyferm ofi- -Wr ~ ~ ~ t t'îj'tr e. idejet ei.v' vtkn sef "IHRKS i 'l-,isas. 0-tsa bo, a n .Cbur-e iL,À--u Vu~lER LIN l1fi E v.CH )il POD EERIi 11.eal x o dmnonBte 0C' Tr ~~~on~Dz jodr e, o 0, 10 for 25e., Otote Jr Staricy,-work-K in-st orreu BMOOre, wvOrkýing gradler H Wilcox, ý F T Alin, E, J Clarke, ... J Wakelv, ... W 11 Woods, work base line... W RIobbins, work con 6........ R Reynolds, wor k town line.. JULY. JGuwrk,..,...,.. Ji McLaiighlin, cutting weeds. J Robbin s work con 5.......... M B Cryderm au team grading.. G Power, work con 38 ......... A L, Brunt, w ork con 6. .'...... T Power, work con 1, lot 18... T J Cole, work Kingston road.. J P Leask, work Sdugog road,, A Moore work Kingston road.. J Crum,.b breaking atone,.. ÏE J Clarke building culvert .... J L Johns, work bridge con 5.. AL Brunt, repairing bridge conO J Pye, work................. 1SEPTEMEBER,. A Peters, repairing bridge con 5 A Moore, work con 7 ....... E J Ciark,, ...-. J Snowdon, work, con 2 ........ J "rumb, breaking tone ... W Creeper, work Scugog road.. OCTOBER. J T Cole, work lot 19, con 7,.. NOVEMBER J W Little, painting bridge,. J Cowling-, woxk lot 14 con 5:. S Dean, work, town line Cartwr't J Pye, work Sugo road ....., J Moore, work lot 20, con 7.... DECEMBER. T Sowdnwork gravel pit..., 18 7,5 il 25 7 50 17 50' 2 50 3 0 15 0 25 0 2 50 2 50 1 25 1 25 2 50 15 0 22 81 20 00 25 00 50 1 25 21 25 2 50 2 0 4 68 8 12 1 50 7 50 7 50 16 0 13 75 80 25 2 50 860 5 0 5 0 7 50 18 24 8 0 Total . .$702 81 - DivisIoN No. 2. PIL. ý Fn 'itoadComtsoe J AN UAR Y. G-A Stehens, garding con 4.. J D Lioar, wnork on grader....., A Crago, 1" ... T Jeweli, cearing tone... B Moore, work on grader.. H WVilcox, " .... E j Ciarit, t A W Aluin, work on bridge t. JR R Cole, work con 5..,.. JUCLY A Trimmi, repairiPg road con 4. E Hc caingroad cou 4.. A W Allini, teaming .......... E Hiicks. gravelling...... J Heard, work bridge con 2., A W Allun, claying road con 4, SlIPTEMBER A Trimin, werk con 4 ....... J Gaud. repairing bridge con 2. A W Allin,g'ravelling road ... 0e-roBER. A W Aýllvna,gravelling, etc .,,,,. DECEmBER. G W Sope3r, work base uine..... A W Allin,gravellig road.,,,, 70 a 0 S0 3 5t) 4 25 10 O5 15 50 5 0 10 75 1 10 19 03 2 50 6 50 16 25 23 70 2 25 8 50 26006 17,25 a 0 14 10 Total ý...8202 23 Lzvi Aýuis, Roadî Comamiqssoner, 'J Found, fixinï bg e....$1 0 APJUL. Jj Aldsworth, fixing nridge..2 20' j C Trull,gravelling base line,. 35 0 J C' Truli, edrawing gravel ..... 8 40 - JULY. j Flijntoif, fixing bridge ....... 6 00 H Oke, gravelling .............. 14 80 T JCole, fi .1.....,l.17 50 AUGUST. W Stacey, breaking stone ...... 20 25 J Prouse, Il . .... 4 75 SEMPTEMBER. E Worden, drawIng9 eavel.50 j Snowden, Iaying ,cùlvert pipe, il0 J M Squîireý.'rwil gravel,... 18 Il J Balson, lft-ing bridgt4 , .. 2 00 j 1 lintoif , ,Il, 5 0 E Trull, gravelling........ 5 0 NOVEMBEUR Mr Cornish,, gravelling ......... i2-oi) J Crunli, breaking stone...... 18 C60 S Rundie, gravelling..... ... 20 0 M Lvmer, 9.. .. 200 GAliu " ..,,..,250 j Sulley, '........836 75 DEC-uRBER. W Stacey, b1reakýiug stone...... 4 0 JRundie, S. Brooks, $38 86 DIVISION No 4. A. E. CLEMENS, Road Commissioner. J ANUARY. R Lindsay,wori due lotlO,con 7$8 1 00 J Rundle,work done lot 12,con 8 3 65 FEHRUfAr.Y. J Bersbuidiu cuver..........75 C ooer, werigongaer. 12 rtG tGrnon, worR-i - (gfoer. 'fWakeley ~ - ' E J Clarke, J Hubbard, werk on con10 W Knapp, teaminZ .......... R Bentham, gravelling con 9 ... 'f Wilcox, working on grader.. H G Argue, work at gravel pit. W AshLton,gravsilling con G., S E Souàchgravelling con 7., B Mioore, working grader. G Reid, work at gravel pt ..... JUJLY. * G Argue, work at gravel pit. J Hll, graveiling con 9... F Smith, fixing railing con 8 ... W Knapp, digging ditch con 10 J Orchard,gravelling lot 25con 7 R B entham,gravellling con 10.. Mrs Webber,graveiling con 9... J Hubbard,gravelling con _10. AlIGUST. J Orchard, shoveling gravel... J Barton, grading con 8........, OcronuR. J Ashton, drawing lumber etc.. NovnanE. Mrs Webber graveling con 8 ... J Garfat, graveling con 6 ...... T Baker, 6 S Page, graveling con 10 ... Dj@EEMBEiR. W J Langmaîd, fixing bridge.. Januarv, February, March, April, May. June, July, A'uuat eptembe Otober, 250e 2 50 5 0 8 0 8 75 9 75 12 50 12 50 12 50 14 25 18 10 1 25 1 56 4 50 8 50 13 75 14 35 14 50 16 0 1 25 22 0 1 25 4 80 il 25 18 75 14830 4 50 .Total $261 6 INDIGENTS., paid as per lat $210 ....2100 .23 0 49 10 .....28 Co 30600 .100 ....ý2760O r, ..... 26 00 81 00 -400 GOVEREiMENT GRANT. S S No 1 J M Cobhbledicek...r.. $ 14 2) 2, Blythe............... 4 10 9, TPT Guv ............... 2J 05 4, Eli Osborne............ 26 70 5, A Aluin ......... ...... 24 10 6, J Snowden ..... ....... 28 0 7, G Simpson ............ 15 20 "8, W ECourtice ......... 80 40 9 J Gaud ..........31 80 10, wJà Roy.............15 60 11, WShort............ 50 80 12, T tano........27 66 "13, W Farrell..,........ 13 0 ~14, E Milîson ........... . 1380 "15,,JStark.... ........... 21380 "16, Dr J C Mitchell....... 48 50 "17, F Griffun ............. 9 50 "18, T Creeper ............866 30 "19, J JSmith ............. 885 20, J Reynolds, ........... 41 55 21,'W H Creeper ......21,80 «22, W H Kelley........... 4 65 23, B G Carscadden....... 480 1Total ......... $505 0 SOHOOL RATIES. 5 16 0 500083 - 7o 12oô dec$3 0$1600 0 $236 60 8 " 200 00, 256 0 225(10 9 " 20060 ,0 450 00 410 200600 200 00 4000 il " 86004100 0 83664 13 " 200600 17500 37500 714 2000 150060 30 0 15 " 200 231000 40 00 96 " 200000 200500 17 " 200 00 20000 46 060 il " 834 450 00 7833 3 19 200 00 175 0(1 825 0 20 " 200 00215 00 415)00 215 200 00 215 0048500 29 200 15 20 775 20 23 " 44 00 11W0 65500 Total,. $5587 AssETS. Balance on hand.-......... .$2 959 29 Taxes uncoilected...........83 361 74 Township property ....... 400 0 Total . $...ý6 721 08 C(-ountfy 'tnd special rates..,, .;3 657 10 Collecter e saiary. ..........1000 H. ELLIOTTJR. Tre-asurer. , $6 72 o The Tet-it Annuel Convenutn o! the Eastern Ontarie Dairvmen's As- soci!ation wilý )libe olSPt 'Vhitiv On WednesdavThusAM pand FidvJan nar 8,9, nd 0,Lealdinlg spe ar enco D.DERvSMREBrockville PtRs. , G. MUPHY Elzin, Secretary. INow is the Bargain i-lunters best seaisoni, thc, wint, is nearly ail yet to corne and our stocks are ýshiowing- a nie assortrnent of seasonable goods. Buy now aind save mor.e 'AilLadies Manti .es Must be Sold. Cail and'select what yoa want and we garanitee the~ price wilI please yûu. Now is a good time to buy Tea and Sugar fort summer. We will give a sample to any per;son desiring test values. Try our 25e black, equal to whbt is often s at 40c. per pound. THEMABON Go LESKARD. Mr. Jos. Lawson la making ail ex- tension te bis stable.. .. -the miii man- ager Mr. Jos. Spry is oxceedingly buay -M. miMs. ilin sentertalned friends frow- Orono Thursday Ist,,.. ,BigXmaîs time thýe Corner Store is l doinGg arsigbsns.. ayf hiere attendctd Kirb)y entertainmnn and rheort a succes. About 4 visitera were present at thie Public Seol itclo- ing Friday last. The afternoon ended with a program prepared by the schol. ara consisting ef dialogues, recîtgtions. music and readings. t muat ho grati- fying te Mr. W, J. Inch, teacher, te see the intorea ,t taken t-y the parents. -1 Woman is as Oid as She Looks -Lt is not age but disease, weakness and ffi- heaith that makes women look old, care- worn ami wrinkled. Yen caninot look your beat until you feel weli, strong and vigorous, with pure, rich biood. and steadviierves. Dr. Chase'sNe3rve Food makes god looks because itmiakes good health, restorea the health fut giow te the complexion, rounds ont the formi and gives elasticity te every motion of the body. ENNISKILL EN, -The Presbyterians- are- expecting ai royally good timie at their anniversary1 on SUnday Dec, 29th and Wednesday1 Jan lat. Rev. W. S. Wright, M. A.,j Newcastle, will proach andcoltin will be taken in aid o! church fna on Wednesday aftcer a very good sup-, par a splendid proiýram wili be given cousisting, o! mustc bythe FHarmÏoîîy Maie Quartette o! Bownianvillespeech- es byRevs. J B Mcbaren, J. R. utieri and S. Crookshanks and readinga by Dr Trebilcock and others. Tickets 25c. If you would spend a pleasant evening,,come te Enniakîllen on New Years. SOMETHING ABOUT FAITU CUREMS. What a great variety of faith cures theremuat be seme have faith in so. caiied divine healers, others in certain doctora and stili others in medicines they use. Every person who bas teated Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pilla bas, faith in themn, but faith or no faith they cure juat the saine, for they act directir ands aýcifical- ly on the kidneya, liver and bowelOs, an-d make these organs healthy, vigýoous. Jud&ing frein the eeiormousd an for these Pilîs there mnust be hosa o people that have faith in them, Amng tbe.Ohristmnas guests are: Miss Lizzieý Milis, Miss E.R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Gamnsby, TorontI; Miss Minnie Rogerà borne from Otta- wa Normail;Mr. anidMrs. MartituLee, Pichýet-1 ing; Mr AUf N Mitcheli, B A Toronto; Ili and Mrsi H I3oubt, Port Perry; Mr and Ms T PauLl, 'id ,ay;Mss Leona W illams ho e f rom Port 'op Mo e *oo;Mr TCs arfa, 1Woostoc auine, is illiam, eanglt, er wihbl teloeadb wisesof theetr ,.,,,,,,,-,ir i±t.,,,r,±mn, ,rv, in o Holiday visiters: Miss paWarnBes Ms l r Oeean51, 0 he t Pikad'; ish o e Hensrn ho Ic; & i oqu; is MbelRika%,ilmel, It h lirs. A. RLlswort 11 a' ewt'onvi e; ýr .1lic kaýr d, .Bowma 1, s -tb Alpin, ihtui ope ïmý,,8,tt, - .The Presb ~.ter ta in tth HailMendy evnl'gweek wia , ecijd ces îhabundamiteei 1i roision"Sse, cd in thLm!1 tepinmn oawuer h ef t nothIL te e dsird. 1ev Jon eil, jTe,,ntoü g anl acoutf hi, trip te îlrny and 7oJid Tti roa eyinteýreating instructive.., Mthdîst cbobr gave sin enjï Ulhe seng ser>vi-e Snda eeniî, eal cogegto.. . ThIe imlu 1 i..s~aes %Iss lMiut H adaspnldsaew erras that yug ay sejeýyIn healiit.- The breath offthe pinies- a ie bec 0f ut e te the conaumptïve. Norv Pine SyruýPcOntainus tche piRe virtuesa cuires co;ýughS, CONS, bronchitis, boai neas, and ail thro!at and iung troubl which, if noýt ttended tû, iea.d te sumnption., The Outlook l isa awekvrewspa and mOnthly magazine àa oneaiu one sbcito rc.IaMg ANumber for Janîuary lbas eight 11kmstr ed articiesý, two ator;eS, a carof written hIIStOry of the w-,eek 'a dOînga11 e many book reViews; Ise a Most e 1 ts-îning instalmenut of Edwvardi Eveià Haie, ',"Memrilýes o01a 1Hundred Yte The Outlook Comipanly 'ForhA New YorkCty 1piersons uniteýd with the' Thurehes on this i Tyronrecircuits. -We wish tt'than il ont-I nueosfrienlds ai patronïs for their 3ItheralY patronage during the p ast yea(,r ,an(ito;extend Of our best wishes that tey many have c Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prospýferous Newý Year. W. M. WoroN £he Peopl' Soe A CARD. W'e, the undeýrsig-ned, d o herebv Pi agree tn refund the In-,oner, on a50cn fu botti'o reesWratdS r;p f f Taif it iifaIs to c Vr mr colgh or wi otetoprove satîsfacZorv 0!r moxî.ey i retudtd. Sold b* STOTT S Junv an J. l1,lGt I0TAM &SON B il Il 1-

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