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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 3

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il cis dsea er ditsd li Ca.,,,he 0 0 1 Faving 1 earned the ar.t 61 Em- Uaniing and IFun2-,l ]Drectingý Yvi!h Mr. B. D. lHuaphrey, the lead- igTuron to undeirtaer, dhaving taken Possession of the busiiýess la tely mnaged by Mr. l.Katerson ail orders cntrusted to miy care will r:e(Ceive rry Irnpt and carafnI attcîîtion. A fuit uine of u-e-at fur- allewill also bc kept'oiu band. i/ <;m Il A %PTON Dir. M Gallev's Heave Cure Foi- brokeii.w'inded bei-sec. jThe onîr,a efflîcine !i, hîle wc,,id 1hat îvl tup ls f-siilti-e cdîy. laitfoi a pi11 i àmct ri" 1 ~ 'eqiw s 0 e -n c li1I to e ne ottit' s ce. r iii g te lr-'tnt ,5 i wicI$150 hidney ;ccl Acite OC*igli t'e,% àe- 515.. t l-iii Vwî -lt, 1!t. T, e tî Ig lhN ~'-e du. thilr tcstim iffii a îi tf,îl d l{lnllSîl~ I. 1Ohici, .vrirc,'Egland Th5e b- i'bI y Medcne Co,, KIiniî'.lel, 0 Foýr LungTroub.les, Severe Coughs, Coldis, Emaciation, &c., &c. Frew syt,-n's ian ai' ý!aie pure O , but VSc cinlîîîed iii -jilic 1l. &z. '., ih s lei asi Ï,ieldldgetiîve. M il l ,ii ic yoiî il,; N i fi sdd seIhil jiiînda of fleb.î; ti Li Lriag you bsck te health. 50c. and 181.00 bottles. DAVlS LAWRIENCE CO., Linitca. Five àyears ago my 1rboey broke, out, iu white -w"aer-y pimnples, which grew so bad that the suf- fering was alirnost unbearab le. ,1 took doctors' mediffine and varlous remedies fei' two years whenever I got warmed up or sweat the pimples would corne out again., A neighber advised Burdock Blood, Bitters, and .1 arn glad 1 fellowed hîs advlce, for fou~r bot.- ties conriplectely cured me. Thatwa three ye ars ago andi pimple on me since. James Lasiionse, Breehin PA.Ont0 DISTANCE TRAVELLED IN DANCES. Tlhe distance travelleýd in dauces hais lien calculated by soute ýStatisti- cal mind. 'An'averagekvalt tkes eue over about three-quiarteirs oj0f1 mile, w l' araPid gallop wil olige, yen to trae s utot onele It vwill h e scen' that ifi gr evuing, the rcuit is realiy apl ling. Saythere <alretwelve ate -a ftalc average--this clone imak es Dine )miles. Three Êgallops add,-d teýýý this r5akea; it twelve miles, while frein three te, five o4tIer (lances atý bal-a--mile api)ece, brîng ber close upon thir-tee or filteen miles. This ïe.exclusive of theenuI promenade and t"extra-sý." Italy, with 32 mi'llIons, bsas noàw the sn\ýailest pplto of any of the Grcc,tPor sý iting luthe parerlai igit ao ici hewmcli I iovdyul'uF sur yend lt m lcssyeu.' If d l 'cofflidu't si i in tthat il't' lie just 1sat thiere like a stick" .11 G7LS .k.VL> coIlliLfIVFS ttzscd te concilier île bill alsolisbing tise lrartice. The Queens action The conpletion of bbc Bgaisda gave rise te rancb iil-fueting ln bath Ralreadiglathe latest achicivement in 1bouses et Pcrliameust, and therci was the work et icvelopiug tropical Af-1 Coie excited talk ef iispeaching Mr. rica. Exteî d'sg frein Mombusa on Gladstone, wh'o vs-s Prime Minister, tise Indice Ocean te Port Florence' andi thercitere tise cesponsible einis- on the nortisuý.txst ouet of Victora tocý. The usater specdh!ly ii-oppcii Nyacîza, o theset f l 52 miles eilchet0fubd, hlsowuver, un ntingi brirsg -the Ugurda Protecterate. in- beyond a vote of censure? on tise habitcid by 4,000,000 people, within Prince Minister by thse Lorsus ever two or blicei (aye of1 the scia. Cisc- cause et lb, Nosv, aller t1irty yeurs, fonrth ot the inhabitauts are W a- the Eî{eisli are taking stock o! tlîeii, ganda, tise mccl jratelligent and ai- artiveci omners; uni et al uvIso corn- vanced natives le tropical Aflca. muni cuvalry regimînts ani infuntry Their feniai torm of geverement.- the but) allons, bbey ied onue cavairymnan kingship vcisîcd in onu famiely front and toucteen infantryinun still on tbe the days- of Quece Elizatetls., the active, list, who bouglut tiseir origlus- Powecful nobles ut bhc heaà1 of th.eI commissions under tise systce varions dcîarbments eti State. 110e w'hich bai produccd George Osorne, in-telligcu-ýe oethîe people,thie 'dem-' iliala Bobtin, 1Iluwdou Crawley sitY ef PoPulatici unidbIhe ferblity et and other fanions ofliccris. tise soi], are' iesrribed ie tbe most bsteresting chapters ef Speke und The purchusesystert gcew ont eh Stonley. Sicrî-rarry Johnston, latie- the manner le wicisthse lirIisnar- ]y British Special Commissiori faiîny had be raiscid oiginully, A the Ugandu Protectorute, calis théi regimeetal commanaer Wonid conS- Wagcniu "thse Japanuse ef Aticu" auni anys tbey atre net oaly capable eof a higîs stute of ,ivilizatiou, but in a fir wuy tô ucquiu'e il. tract te maintain bis regimnet fon a certain soin, making whut lic could cul of tisis, uni eut ofthebcsale cf commnissions. Tise system uvas pur-- nibbcd by Charle Il., but ferbidien In spite eftbte civil uvecs, duc-lu, by William III.; iu 1702ý. isauever, it pairt te tise effortst.0f King Mu nga ucas nerognicici by a juicial deision te upreot Eucepenn influence afte ti'l holding un officer hiable te puy £6t0 Isai won tbc supiport et moe than for bis promnotion te ccsptsiu. Luter Isait cf bis people, aii aiso te bbc vurlous royal commeissions lenvesti- unfortunato .couflicts bctwcen the igtdbcna tter, -bi, especial cefer-- Cathollc uni Pretestcset native t nce te tIse 'oser-reglatiori" puy- Cinistiaus, tbe countryî-yietche cuts, wlsirc. tten exceueictbie pri-- nortberu uni western chorus 0f Vic- ceOcixeby làw. Ie 1705 Lordi Lig- torla Nyauza ha made remsarkabîci eniurs" omuscision reponbci tisai bhe progruse adore tise barberons laye rcguatien pricu for a licutonuîicy of King Mtesu. ltaniy oethue people wcce £400, for a Lieuteuaut-Coloeel- dan ceai and write, meut of thent are cy, giving ncmmand of a îegineee, et Icast nomlnuliy Chuistinns, tIscy bIse prire wae £3,500. A hiunds'cd have bult churcîs edifires tisat hold ycurs later, tIse rugulubion pnire ot a 2,000 persone, ticey read 14eis ciu commission as ensigu wus £450, uni scespatpers anti eeof bbc chiets- tîat of a Lîeuteislzi-Ooloncey o0 use bthe typevitor in thuir business. tise Lite Guaris uvue £7,250. Tîscir progrose le attributcii by Sir tlasry Johr.strn laiguiy te tise cf-, Under the purchuse systcun fsst forts of, the missiona.ries artttise domisisn weeu given te gentt'-- cusigistouued ideas cf thu native chief s mesn wliose nauces were on thuecoin- whlo have givun thuis herty Ca- usaater-ia-dliel's liet, uni te cadets operablon. Se great progrces as tfroîsc the U'ilitucy, Collego at Sand- boum maie newhore elsu in tropical Ishurst, on pussfug tise u xauccuacLous Aficu. But Bgar.ia isludes ooiy 1 anti paying thê&price of bIse cent- cîse-sia th ot the 'puobctoruate, whish misseions; sonu tew appoiubmente exieids troincLuake Rudoif te tise wcnt without isayncust -te distin- Nule ami troit 300 mlles nortb et tise Iguihb efaiets, uni tote isous et ecuator te siaby mlsseuth of et. i.mrotenieus soldiecs. Once commsuis- Nco rapi aivunecmit je ste bu ex-sioeci, un oflinur ginci bis stop îserted cîmbide of Ugamia propur. The eitiier by senioriby 6r by purchaise. Nilobic negroe have, tius far, gis un XX lien a senioîr oflicer retirci, bu ce-- me encouragemient, te. uissicoary et- ccix ci bise rogulabion prire freinbbe tort. Il is L'gauda tisat. for yeard jGevernîneuunt, ami tbe oxer-egultion 10 camne, %,cil louep bbc main bonefisi prç&fronubis successoY-. e tf b be s e t a i t a n d i e l e c t i c i c o u s s s u n ic a - tioiis noue establisli witb tIhe rest et tise worli. Tliougls tu'e ciuutry le a British possessioun, tise trasic, up te Ibis tSse, bas ben largely le tIse Isnds ot Ces-mais rme ierans'- bb perler- age syisteun b tise lake Ilîreugîs Ger-- mec Rn ast Attira isas beon better organizci aed tarc eeapertu'bi Ia tîscoughu Bitisb Est Ifrica. The ralîreai ',ill, et dourse, do awa-y1 witbh te sexpeusive systeut uni Brit-- iiss, Qrmnan and Indian firme arc1 planning te have a sbure in the en-- largei traie wlsiclc je expecci te tol- lesv the oencing of bbche ai The1 Wagnniu, fuliy niai, mre tbe lai.gest conasers in tropical AIs i-a et dot- Ion dîoti.s aud are gooi eusu'bomcice toc m'aey otiier teceige prometus. TIse entine protectorate- bas idis uni -vuieci eas-s'os Wlet, oua aT lîarley tlnis-e on bbe uplumis ands otser cereals ounise loulamis. The ewampy valys are adirabiy udapt- cdi fer tIse cuitivation 0f rire. 'TIse Brities Coînîniseloner le cf-the cpm-- ion bIsat, witlt railconi buun pertaý tie, ne part ot tropical Atmira will be uable be cotepebi- wibli Igaindc as a! dotsc-growing country ;soie dis-- tinsîarc perfedbîy udipbcifoc Ih taisittg of cocoa mcni boa,- ami sugarj le uîmlescdy manufactureil for locau use. Rutiber uni tlibet' are import- ant resoorces, bIse cleplucnt abounis, -.-sr-i-xi s-hprepo- lcs-is-s-uctous iveny may bce smade a permianenit ro- source. Tise stop! wc'ut te tise senior qualifici officer of tise 'I-ewer grade le bbc negineet Who was atble uni willing te purease it. An oflîcer Who could net ufford le purchssurose until Ise becanue senior of bis ranIs, uni lucre cenisuieti un- tii a dmath vatcancy, or et'ter "on- purchasu" step gave Iiim hîs proino- bien. Pjircbusc dii net obtain le the artillury uni engineers, or except lu cegiîsseulal orgaîuizutions. lb pro- bably dii lEss banni te bbc officers than weuli sen; for tIse systein stimiulutei preuseticî s, by wiici- tIe ncn-purcliuse officcir prolitud, undii lue blosta yeac or twe lain roi+~tioe bu saved nmany Ibeusuni pounis,. Atter lastlng ueas-iy 200 yeacs, bbc systout wus ubolisier by Qîseen Vic- tooia, wbe feu'nsally caucelîci the war7rant issec by Quecin Am~e le iSisions was legalizei, unidcclas'ei tîsat ne connaiissions souli bc sold afttur Nov. 1, 1871. As a naýtter e! lat, bIse ifust.commjnissions u.udur bbc uesv systei wece issuei on Oct. 28, 1871, ibree d(aya lu aivauce ofthbIe apimoinîci bine. A board wae up-- poined ite psy bIse offilcers deprived ofe'fc rigit te s'lilthuin commissions suminjecomspcnsation toc tiseir lost prix'ilege, uni tIse imeomne tax vvas rui is y bwe pensce to produCu tise neessary îmoniey. Tise board stili existe, but wheu the luet et Isep will. chose its acrouebe.uani tise pur-] cituse systein will become wlclly a thing of the past.1 TIse Gouge Railceai bue pai dlvi- BSEESB IS dende ou bbc capital inîvestei, from.nseEOE B IS tise finet yeur oe tus îses-tion. We Ire front oethtIe town etf Yionutir, n shuil sec ,jetise n,-xt,-îe-v yeare, litthu po-rt near T'unis, lbIse isiani whebhî' tsie Imgc ami aclao0f K,riatle, upos tise rocky toiumia-) Iwhethe this atuon ot farsoreIsialilghtliousebas bIciu ýoethy utbeî-pribýe la ?ust Africa wHsrce. TIsiakusper, isouvver, las. be a ,godbusiness ,vùe;mnt tas baia ad )ýrricade lus (ber against weî a a pobecît.fader in bite de, Ilbbc&ibtun>sab of a number 0,f 7s'vinci s-lOinntettie uk rgin. Si Iwbihis en ccsalloe d te nutl ofunsi eii.utbe hla.-si, wlsuue thcy l-LmryM. taney ueliv-i 10 urîsisav,,acomî , oc ev-ilýcr sccp ot lIetba tsse woiugcdauvocgetatiouni esecy Lhua(i 0fgaine. lsim ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m(r fste er gwsnb as Te cr t-iclryfond of rab-- bites iiuoc boecion 'bIse tisaI bIsw-nkes ouid > ij i ecito iianid. 'Isfto-!eUply faiag, tboey bIsesi by a raiiroad within aqaus- deloiieiakt.oerociuy wbirb bastsac ter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tlei etacaui i rpcr us15 dangeroue te thse igîsboec coe rue: and the Geran, . .~ keepen. aasd tîsciuiexteiabc a Iy, to adi aseoîi lIeuw:Liin thie linit fxcii. -il! uelle rerrsersbcned by reailema Ot ,"ývntFaim" that.oui Osborne V1lef by will to M ascjr ISobiin "suri a sui ais nsaybusufliciei.L 10 pu rchase IiscotssonaaLiutun-l- O'nul"uitu ao 'i n Capt MaMuro atalui beirpro- mssaking tue0 rylwaran -t o d Conumption 2rj Gurant edte uraSo, Cure sl -nmnlý8Pl' nouuis TIse Century for J unuury opens the noe year attrartvehy. it continues 1 thue "year et Amnerican hsustior- be-- guu so wcllinl Novecsibcim; its meet important articles, hossever, arec b lu tbis iepartment. Anouguese mtome wortby comribtieýns cusy bu namei 11h e. Lihlie 1Ilumiltou i"is-enci's 'Soute of Our Wise Vit-ginsq,"Jamss Grant Wilsqn's accont ot"Tac' e- ay is the UniitdStates," Enie1reun Rlougl's "Scttleînent ci tise est," undIlsaac N. lF etd'e Es ti rn sit ie London uni Parie." Tise prîze contributions by collego graduaites of 1900 are prntei iss bhe uou numsier, and are ligIly proissmg. le Scrib ncr's Magazine for Janu-- amy Fraunk A. Vaederliî, laie Assist-- unt. Secretany oethbbc Usitei States Treasîîry, hues un intercisting illcntmatei article cm "TriscAusericaîs Commisercial Invasion of Eus ope.- Senator Lccilý- shieuke witb bIse high-- est acîthuoiby uhen lic wiites le this nitier esu-Th'rircaty-Mkimjg l'eu-- ers 0( tise Senatu. 'lIse story efthbie returu o i a rtisut rous Paris1te the. "PoýnaniilLe" i-jet uofKIenucky Mosti anisiugly andi even pa.tlsetitol- ]y describei by 1,uva;nItcpsre. Tl'ise illustrations by ICelar usel'e- produced in colon. Anotber attrac- tive color eclueusme is a suries ot dru-i muabin pictu, us by Ileîsry lluti, ar-- coîîpuuyisug "A Cbistiaas MJasque" by. ilargusoite Meing-ton. 1-. C., Cirisby's illustration te m ac-- compaa;Ly a suory eofctsut - Tise lWooden Indiln," 55 also mr,,,ioiucdi in colore. Glackeas lbas socîcle cic- tise iiHlustrations (et hIe on a rUtî- sip arràý(ompanyieg- a stery of Airthun Rucil, calci "'T lueCa1tilusîn Wlso l)ii'"- Jesse oLyncýih '0ih1iaýnisa(an-- tIser cf "The Stolen Stcny" ý ceetri-- bobos '" The tiarveet." P. Ilopkiason Scscth's sceuilgi-vos "Oliver -lor's" expeniences whilo hookieg for a job in NwzYork. Artiste cf istincrtion furnieh illustrationss foc niauy of tise articles. Aimong lisern arc Waltc'- Appleten Clark. Ottoe Barber, Roee Leéloug and lVill Il Loue Peixotte furiebes beauubiui illustrations uc-- cempuuiyiag bIse rsi cof Mca., Edibh Wbarten'e cburmsiung artiches on Art Impressions of Italy. This eue is about Parma. 'lise neelesuces ot nilitary parades ats pruparubioma for reu]war ise dîsciuesei lby Dav'iB. Murgowau-wi thisllustrations Imuni n great Ruseian parade. TIse Jaeuacy nueiser efthîe Ladies' Horne Journal le a neguhar 'store-- bouse et intcrestitîg laceuane gooi fiction, and in peint of ilustrations ,W one ofthtIe most beauAtifusi issues ever gisen tbe public, lb opcens witb a page sbowing couicet MIliss Broe-- neli'e artistir photographe, tison tulas ."Moue Uucle Suos Gît-s 1lis hMil- lions,-" uni pi-es-abts M1r, Kipling's uctual capenience le "raising" a-baby lion-a reuhly reniurkable piere cf sriting. Cardinal Gibbons contri- butes a tearîss article on,"Tise Reet- les Woma," uni 'laines Whitcomnb Rihley's "Ilome Folka" are desribud uni picturci. Plan,, for "A $6,000 1-buse uni a Garde'?_ n isn n Wili Bradley shows the diniug--oemr ot "Isis bouse." Thse oditonial page le gis-enu p toexctracte froisusixby- eigîsI lettens rulatjusg ho the "crans- ming" systeîm lu tIese alîcels. It le patlmutic-a,hy poecrfni. lunbIse way et fiction are tIse second part of -"The Itussuillinl Chicago," tIse conclusien cf Miss Proctor's 'A Gentleman et tIse Blueu Gr'ss," uni ef Frcdicrk M. SmitIs's ieleuitful romance, "«Clisistinu," unci "Thse Iisioni et tIse Pove," a dle-uc short stony by Lilian Brooks. Tise pirtoniai teatuc- es as-e heaici by tise second part ot The Journu's picîturc stery et "Wbab, a Girl Does ut Cohiege, wbicI.sheoes bIse utîsietir s-i eof col-i luge'lIte, uni thuce are tu-c pages de- vôlci te pcetty urai senes "Along Country Roade," ElgIsI pagesaranc gis-en cîp te the new feehion'depart- ,meut umiir tIse eçitorsbip of Virgin- la Louis Ralston, uni al et the- me-j -guistr--edUos'tsi eprtintmtgsg'e cc-- celient. By tIse ,Gurtis Publishing Company, PH'laielpbia. One dollar a year; tee cents a copy. TIse Internationîal Menthly begins tIse ncw yuar witbi a number, es'en greaterthumu usual, of strcng uni ut- bractixe articles, ail,- for tIse tncsb Part, icivotei te tise lurger tisemes and iluterus. Associate ,Justice1 Brc.ser of tise Uniui Siatus Supreusse1 Cousrb, lu au admirable stuiy et the "Jury,"- pronouanres unequîs-ocaiiy ln tas-or of cebaînieg tbe system. Bd--i moisi Kelly, ln a vigorous contribu- ,i tien on "Thinges Municipal," (ini Niew York)> iccares thut. if thse receut iiassent, good goveremeet muet bu maie te appeai more diret cy, le tise wuy et puactirul benciit, te bIse, aver- uge man, who le as yet hbut too lit-- tue sensible osf tie disgruce of a cor- rupt muniIcipul administrati on- Thc toreign rontrilWuciouuls te thIse numeber are esperiaîly eclln. Germn Teodencle" by Professer George Sitîssel oet tise LUnsve'sity wt Berlin le a very valuable buy.AdeipbFunt-- %vaîiglur, th,,gruat arcaeologist (fouies c) a cioolgisos arnm- iug icontotse"ssvFnsa tiens auAgna" rsBrnr lioneunqet etuils se debli thecon- di ons 0f t]isesckn omul GEgland; uni M. Cei îciMulair, tIse ueli .knowu Pnisan rt cribir, ronibzee a brIîma suestri of -French Impressionisutn," - bbeury, istumy, amdirjinfuc. 111etriMlte te Vi bstier mst prove cf epecial interesttho ali Auericun readers. Ainhcia Mgnat-iifoc Janumar-v ishowsanuew dpurnmr thebbccover, wbIsch le besuifullaiscape p«t- iag. TIse lali article lu tise m iag- a-,ine fis ent itlc .eon IePl bra Miilet, n easun ot-sn csaabr tiy eth Mou1,rkDitrc Attoisciy, who by t ive jshotognmpiîs. "The Training cf Wild Aulmals," by Harvey Suthser- land, like ail the articles by this ccci r ýiter, te fulof wisions and isumor, ucud ttsrevs a nesv lisht on %vhat ri!ighbme calîci tbe romuntic side of Ithe business. "Thse Uses of Weeis" le a veuy- interesting colIbri- nubien relutlag te bise cesults uchiex- ed bythUntd Stuate Gover citent in aý,î,iaptIug peiseno,_us unicbcc tive weed e usulusfiji jpurpeses ih~ artile cntaie so e vry tnxeb glic subi . Lord Strathcona hy Burn Causpý ji iScott. is tIse -e- muntir cstocy of Canida's nichest ,ni iluost distinguisised cîsîizen, ilcistrat- ei with nsuany Isanisenie pictus-es. These Cores iu Ainslee's for January nepaî'tirularly te 'tiecoceemended. "Tise Flag Paraîniunt," by O. lHen- ry, is a picturcoqoe stoi-y ot a Bu- nana I-epîsblic, ieunded on a very or- iginal ieu. "es by Jarli Lons- don, le a strenuons lite story ofe the Aluekan Incliane. "The Bneapected- nes cf Bîscle flrius," by Josephi C. Linroln, ile t11l ef humer ansd Iuman nature. "A Pennîyworth of R- msance," by Mlarie Mansning, leaa pretty love sbery. "The Mku' ol Abecl flore," by Eugene Wood, is a deligistfol Minora Ouater etory. Top-- ire ofthbecTbcatc-, as usua isleillus~- brated i uvblniccny of bbe latest pho- tographe ot wll-koown theatre pea- pie. (Street & Smth, Pobuishere, iNoe Yor-k. An article whicli will prove of the widesb intel est te ait those esgagd in teaching or iv-ho cnay bp ,eïenertd lnu cation, le onse in the J euuaryý Cesînopolitan by Elielia Bon .aiq Anir-ewe, cx-Pisiient ef BrownLU- iccýri'ly, wuviso for bbc iret tlnse, lu a ieaiing mgaIn, as bai tise cour- uete ssow bbc ,gruau civils resulting freoin tise is iate coîtruni scisool- book- systein-eicctionul .ofliciale corruptci, scbool-booke often bbc peerest selected, uanc the prices puid by bbc chihiren theinselveciaof the higbest-un anneal ta goieg op la-- te bbe millions wblch couli lie very eaeily uvoided ,if tise preper erguel- zation werebrougltit nto tItis effort. Thse Junuary Atlantic opeus with a pceunibie Un Reladiung tbile 'ACýas Clseefuly; Pu'oicssou'Jchu 11.-Cl'ark, viofollnibia University, conrbutes a notable cîbjdleIiiýthe "Looking I iachcai d" vola. Wiliai-aM. hacter discusses the, question, Whabt is tise lissai Eismanciisamun ci Wonsan, andi %Vmhunrop Md. Pantis, in Dlivination by Stacïsties, nuIses what is usually consierci a duli topic, briglt uni eutertainieg. R. Bnimiey J ehason c Lutter front Feglani introduces muny sucent undinsteeting bopice in a geus-al sommai-y oethbe resutits uni Isappuningis of the yeur ilu Englai. LIari-e15pencer Scout sopplice, wlbî5 tivey coixsuuseit, :Soîsse lnpubiislied Letters cf Southcey, uvicili ccuuais uuueny iithertoueknown uni nuprnt- ed- cstinatee isy ilat faious pet, cf hie -reeotenspor-aric s. Miss -Jelsnsbou's Audrey concunsusi witli ever incrcasiug powerauss in- turest. John _ilucliaci srpps7s. l Outgoing ef the 'lie, a caeny aniý ssucanny Scotch tain, uni other shoi i stories are contributei by tise laut izoslruuid El. Robiinson asd E. Wbel- or. 'rerseandipoeîns at- Coentribu- ted by Robesrt Bridges, George Cabot Loige, àni Grace Eilery Chsanning. The Conributore' Club la brillilnt as al-cys, uni bbc literary revluws rover articles by Bradford Torrey ce R. L. Stevenison' by H. W. Boynton ou Books liecee uni Ohd, aise ce- views of 1Hewlett/s Canterbury Tales, uni ether, books. Maurice Maeterlinck, bbc faus Belgian drumaulet, uni eseuyisb, op- euns bbc'North Anserican Izevîew foc Janoacy witb a profouni uni faesusn- atiug discourse ou "TIse Mystery et Justice." Carroll OD.'Wright, Unitud States Comîmissioneî ef Labor, wnit- e of tlie rise uni ,organizu tien oi -"Cou !litdLubo," and argues that, sinre labor-unions muet lie ce- garici as permanent institutions, ln bbecnommnon interests et laisor uni capital. Yvce Guot, the Frechr econoiet, describes the present sit- nation et "Tise Sugur Question i n Europe." M. J. Magce, a uteesier cf bbe Irishi Board of Agriculture, bells a~ utet pieasiug uni bopeful ete?y et "lIeland's Industniai Revival" uni the 'means by which il hus ee-n brought about. P. T'. McGrabh oi- fers soune nweIuinformtatioss about "The Asglo-Fi'ench-Aiuerirun Shonre" the western shoruetfNciwfundlani, regucding whîch bbc French by their claiuM§'have causci se mrueh trouble to tise ,Britishi Geverument.- In tise sericis on "~The National Pebts of tbbc efth bcRussiais Miaister ot Finansce, doscnibes "The Riussian Delt," uni Mr. 1lcueulîs examines uni charucter- izee "Somse New Volumes et Vrse" PERSONAL GOSSI?. Notes et Interest About Senie Leadiug People. Lady Hllleessai te poseus e Mst valciabie violin n lstIse wsu ccii.l uS a Straivarius whlich formssemely be-- lciugci te Ernst, und'i, i-aluied ut 0l, On0. Tihte -Kiug of -tali je muklmgus-e cf a nevl nie.u o ~fnc gIle s saseiniathon. WIsYeu lie drives lu-ic>is surrociie by six or cîglit bicycli>ts. At revices the King's rarrsge is et s'îcrotuiddisy couetcid gouirds ha buï lequite invsible.,- Thse German Emnpr'es s bs the !cýet peari nerklare in existence. l coms--i bains tîsmeciworli-tamoue ehics Onei et thout formecly blongei t,,)bise ex-Qucien of Naples and nte nidomaedthetisImage of tIsevgiofe Aah.TIse cntirce klce i a tec, bu worth $0.00 tlefu'e utcrng tse ay Qu. Si rnas.facacers Tconocured perma. nonly sy oly'aLiquied ozone. Ifl you ai'e troubled with coatec ton gue and bad taste in the mouth in the nlorning, sick headaches, stomach pains, flatulency or sour,.waterbrash, taeurwley is .iquifiTec Ozone. Ade.x. Lang suffered exceeding, he teils abouthis cure- 'lie OZONE COMPANY, Etd., TORONTO, ONT. Gentlemen: About two years ago my stomRch cornpletely gave out. 1 was in a w.tetcbhed condition, and ny life was anything but pleass'1re. I tried se er.i1 prescriptions frontxny denIer, and also oether remedies which I saw advertist d for dyspepsia, but I was getting worse aIl the limte. I mighlt say that at the sanie time I had a bi-eaking out omyface and body, wiiich gave niegrt noaceNoemdI tok could relieve me of tis vexations disease. At last 1 was advis-d to try Ozone. The fit-st bottin gave nie relief. I took about ten bottles altogether, and I aetanfiI eau report to you tat I amn complet,-iy cured. I can cat aaytbiag new-witliout the least uneasiness; aiso the itching eruptions, which I believed were g erma ien wy blood, are al goe.e,1 also lise Ozone for Ely child7cn when any ailieài overtakes them. (Signed) Ar Ynx. LA, 67 Smnach St., Toronto. ShipperP ryeîg&C. okMfsTrne Thex e is nothing like Pwe' iufe Ozonle to cure stomacli disorder, Thecoceedo gn is most e.fficacious; àt makes your 5'ood diest thioroug,.hly and toues up your entire system. Write outr doctors abou~t your case. Tefl 15cm just howyou feel andhowloni'yon bave been sick Tiiev'li make a stndy of your ca-e and give you ailvice aq to treat. men, saoîtîlvtrie.Addrscc the Consulting Departiment of The Liquld Ozone Coiapaay, 229 Kiozie Street, Chicago, 111. Ao Sospse oandî andver eh atit Druasts.o1 tvr mtlni $100. Me' HECaif Nd O.OvnFilORO, TOweI ad ITteD, frn$1L o $2.O, wrîh 2.00 Toont. n Chlreas[ion n.ia2e he ii e li-of wht the tck s la eaorhsixde6e's apave th tod ipose of'-ertfn e Theple is invied to ispeet ur s,1 tck; $2.ouble t $.00g1oi3-.5e.do i wiîh-eas uttoI'randlîl Hag,,3,tc50% 7.ýhw Stra50, -5and 10. ïs' y' anplin I)esiug te 1rv13' thaeau beon ouglit. Chellp trashrasingtsh earit i in a ancthe boots pai .pplk- ed to. Rtepairing donc iu ail ita braaches in first-eia3s style. Fine work made to orcier, -sure lit or no sale. Thaîiking my et1sýomers for pau favors and hoping for a continuance of the anle. WV:beg ta Cal yonr attesitie-, il a new a4ig lndispisussb articlei B arclay' s P'aten t Att1 aclifflnt F )R TRE CURE 0F i. 'î~,Balking and Kicking Iiorse,%, ,~ WII coutrul îîyile kuwmmtishorme. IiivalUîthle fer .' uaed withaîy "mues eisl rliplueu ot "~-'-. îe~î~~itrusel sud Ior.eunun 11,15 at rie f5 :' ,î\\ROBERT HOO)EY, 88.1 yr BLACKSTOCK, ynghere was invalicled hoine. and e tiniated te the clu'prit that fie fine narwymissed the VO, lie succe-sd- the optien ofet erec snding iii blý ed iu gaining a fcw years later as a papeiis or teing csieeandi the cavalry efficer lu tihe Imian Mutiny. unlucky subaltern choese the. f orimer A story told te illustu-ate tbe char- alternative., ]3efore he had lime to acier of Sic Ibedvers Bolier le wortls do se, bowever, the Czar heard, el repeating. Ducing the last Nile can-: the atfir, cend without a mioinent's paige, whilci on board a river steai- delay deîuned bis coloiuel's uniforut QI er escedig crnedaneres wî,r b regimeuit in question and, san-, ie oane of the hîglier cataracte Sic teriiig out 0f bis palace, hailed 'a Redvers ineed jte a discussion tram, and, enteriîig it, sat calmly wvith Lord Charces i3eresford as te down tilli tetppeci in fe of tht tIse preper channel that shoulci bu barracks. He desired tlehe ecs to t-jc---Each - elytsaraty--- dit-b-u-ld --a whvsln-thc-e-ae~ býis ewn course, but lu tise end that bled addressed theru thus: 'Gentle- which Suir edvers recoinmended was men, 1 have juet ciden fcrn ýtIse pal, adepbed, with the resuit bliat tbeac-e in a tram, and 1 wish te know steamser .,got threugli 'vithent acci- if yeu desire me te send inu my pap-ý dent, -"You sec 1. uns.right,- said ers, 1 presume I have disgraccdid îny Sic Itedvers, trîuinpiiautiy; "mine ouna ri.-"Sire," .replied -tIse M.- was the preper ,cisassuel. ' -'That jer, nerveusly, "yeur Majesty COUIC4 was mine tee." coolly replied Lord umver do that. -" "Then,'l replied the Char-les> "I only cecmeîncded the Car, with an amiised smile, "as ]- otiier becausci 1 knew yeuçvsould go have ntdegcaded the ussiforixi, against whatciver I aaid."ý Lieutenant D.' cannotbave doue sq5 King Edwacd lvas eight yeacs old and w'il, thus retain lus commlission hbno esaw bis fsst pslay, aud tbe ini ibis regiiecut, evený if ne, li.ke riQý cvient is r'codIed uni a Royal diary daces te ridei a ami of the thiss. ',aud i,,' a - 'o uigt,' ret tu ateDoheisof NAT!_IE ShS!ï zTIION Tc. "The tear saswlla, - îies tcyli o frtve ranrged, and the ecraten and supersWtinlNu Guinlea wb7iIch la lpsqulte wodrcsly nanaged. caunshng thLie sacrýice tinueal ,me( 1oreie _)iretapeasciciat 1iv(155. lceeesthat wopn- the ~ ýn piyu i te twe obeys wore ce-h was itodciby tw wite their kilts, lise bwo little boys/had childi'en and eprei wi tlu learîniré, ou , wit e satin, with pink bows and pidity. It lirsbsvp b ost andl sss. Princess Royal wears ber tý_en ravaged the lo1tschr. A s thd Isair le a vecy becomning mnner, ail, natives hold bluat deatli frein whlaJ- twi'sted up uiefi a large curi, wlisicbever cause us ulways cmaadb la7 tuIýcked hlbo a dack blue or bluck un unknown euemy only dseeal silk net,,lwhich keeps lbal vý,erytidly tbroogb wibchcraf t, w evra /i>- and Êet ~0 lic foust-chitrcu wbeluge, le attaekud vsih choping.- langbed tht ightant "Box aend ceug.çli a sorcerer lecosnte.Tiàe Cox,~~' only onci lving no', ceý- ad he lattekýr ivrul einbsaole ceige oer bc Etiiei Epire vilag or rib as ho uippteu?- A i hr ceitetc fbi idiltmsaree uetSp Az,' (ov el tp licby lis ben so s obloues ge!ing tise ounds tS. eebr lael. crti leuennt wb ittî i ilii- g(4~ . a vu waslea erpbul tae e ipeun-Mc Slîade M. elfnae wh e Aý lul - ,j- 1- T, u -r -t Eeaver Block. Powmanville.

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