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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 4

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a I- NEW IDEA~ 's - S Peptonizedi Emulsion of Cod Liver 0O1 -1 Ewith Quinine. Knowing of the x aàluable properties of this preparation EIhave' sectired the 'right to seli it inthis district. ,It is a z new idea, becanse besides eontaining- the medicinal value of Eordinary Emulsions, it contains tbose àf Pepsine, and Ç uiinine, which adds considerable to the nutritive and tonic Sproperties of preparations of this elass. E Prominent Physicians Use-It g very extensively in their praetices in New York and Toron- Sto. They edaim it is a thorough system builder and an Eexcellent reme'dy for the after effects of la grippe. 13 (YAANVILLE., A-a ~Sav aitYourFuel. a - Rochester Radiator. * HOW TO DOUBLE THE * t O CAPACITY 0F A STOVE. * Place Rochester Radiator on-. the pipe sclose to the stove * S HOW TO HEAT AN UPPER ROOVI ê S Run the pipe throigh the ceeling. cont- '.11 ectIng mwith Rochester Radiator aboye; * * the upper room wili be as warm as the one below. * HOW TO HEAT AN ADJOINING. Rin the Pipe through the partition walI 2 ~and connect with Rochester Radiator. 0Botli rooms wilt then be heated\alike. Our Radiators in any of thejse positions give entre satisfaction. W.H.D USTrA N. * BOWMAN VILLE ,Z ~eeeeeee,ýeoeee« F~ OR S5ALE-'1wo storey brick hou8e .22with 13 acres of land, good orebard, lhard ar d soft water, and good barn with stone foun-- lsclon. tie property of O. YouNe. Liberty St., M 'l ARMONY "MALE' yQUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. H. FROST, First Tenor, A. E. MaLAAUGF1ILIN, Second Tenor, H. J. KNiGr, First Bass, T. E. IIaBý'POTHAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address ail c ýrrespondence tir T. E. IIIGGINBOTHAM, Secretar.y,Bowmanville. 48-6m. GOODS YOU WANT And We Must Seil. Cutters : Brockville. Brantford and Palmerston; Robes : Saskatchewan and EBishop; Fur Coats- Iinitation Lamb, Dog and7 Saskatchewan; Mitts . Imita- tion Lamb, Muleskin and dozens of oer.Only one Slicer and Pulper and one- Souris Grand Jewell Stove, new. ln fact you eau get, almost any- thing you aek for at this store. J. S. R UNDL E Opposite T. Tod's storeo. BowmANvuiL. f or a 1 Buy early is ilway.- a sale plan in the holiday seaso. calendars anti Xmas curtis; a sp ia ne of Books, beautifually bounti, 2,5eanti 35c eacb; the Pouts, Jeather bounti, putiteti, $,0;atest ,edition aif rayer Books, Bibles, lyxnn Boo,-.s, Albumrs, Toy Bcoks Dnd al! the English Annuals. No btter presunt than a, niee pietuare. A great variety of' these. A splendid assortmunt of faney ehina Onamnents, Flower Tubes,'I C up anti Saucers. P. TREBILOOK BOWM4ANVILLE. Cash for Produce. The undersigned will buy ail kinds of poultry, dressecl in the folowing mnan- uer: Ail feathers dry picked except long wing featbers, pull tail out and bleed in mouth and undrawn, fast for twenty four hours before kîllîng for whieh th3 -highest cash price will be paid for Lyood stock ; also dressed hoga, beans, dried apples. butter and eggs OppicE -Temperance street, south of Standard Bank. JAMES MCONNACHIIE 51-lma. Bowmanville, B1 UTI'ER FOUND-On a public ..higlîway ilu Darlington, ia Considerable quantity of butter, Owvner is required to prove roperty, pay expenses and take il away, l~,m Tu0mps0N, Enalskillen. 2-3w. lTANTED---Experienced Up-to- V!date organi zers, to represent an estab- ished fraternai society, To suo we offer first class Inducements. No other nedd aPpyFol- lies second to none, 0drssPOBox. 410, Winnipeg, Man. 43.I NOTICE. Eleclian talice Bauge of Camm') li of -canada for te Electoral District aoflthe West UIidrg af Durhcam, 1902. Take natice ticat 1, Robert Beitb, a Candidate ia tbis Eleclion, iu pursuance of Section 143, Dominiqun Eleetians Act,icave appointed Wm.F. Allea, Esq.. of lice TownuofI Bowmawvile ilu lie Connty of Duricam and Province of Ontario, as my filancial agent. Dated at Bowmauviile, thce Sixth day 01 J an- uary, A. D, 1902. ROBERT BEITE, A Candidate, Ta S. J. HTALL, ESQ., Rturnlug OflSeer. Notice to Creditors. The caladian Statesni. 1OWMANVILLE. JAN- 16, 1902 The very succcssful series of meetings of West Durham Farmers' Institute in December and again lun january shoulti convince the Goverument of the wîsdom of sendirîg a lady an the delegation as requcstcd by bbc directors. Subscriptions bave been coming in fre ly since the new y ar began andi a11 who -have flot orderet their papers for i902 sbould do so now, se that no break may occun. Paper is ativancing rapidly in price and if il goci much higber, the size of papens muai be reduceti or the sub- sgription price increaseti. It is a good plan ta ortier papers in Decemuber every year. Wc don't hurt the feelings af 'our con- trere when wc characlerize the editorial squihs thal appeaneti in The News hast wcck as twadtile of tbe silliest water The reasoning was ai the amail-bore variety that would ual do credit te the- office devil's liîcrary attaiumeuts Every one of thcmn was as pointîcas as if the editor bati writteu them himself afler a Christ- mas dinner. 0f course. somcthing had te bc said anti it was said. The brilliant edtorials of former days were xvortb reati- iug, but Couservatives ail over the Ritiing arc cursing the News man for bis inf antile efforts in this campaigu. The towu municipal elcclions were- a littie irregular, because of a blunder made in the News office in printing the bis announcing the polling places. The South Ward polling booth, according to by-law passed by the council, was at the tire bail, but the News-man changeti it ta the school bouse. It is about lime the town clerk undertook ta read the proof of cvery piece of printing doue at the -News office, for it is seldomn anytbing comes out of tbal establishment ireceof mistalz es Tbcy bungle thie Treasurer's financial stalemeut lasI montb 30 borridly Ibat il was returneti anti had-to be put tbrough the press the second lime Aller ~that it was ridiculed Sa much that M\ayor Mitchell flnally forbade the clerk ta dis- tribute tbcm and the statement of the treasurer bas flot been issueti yel in ac_ cordance with the statute-anti al Ibis became of the hlundering of the printer. W hile we sincereiy regret the defeat ai as good a councillon as Mnr Foster in the Darlington municipal election, we anc confident- that the muuicipality will be very wel serveti by the new- member, Mr.' John W. McLaugblin of Haydon, who bas that supreme qualification ta bis credut of baving beeu successful in his ccwu business. The very large vote ne cortict for hlm aven the township shoulti be a vcry greal satisfaction, for ual allen bas a larger vote been given ta any can- didate in Ibis juriadiction Mn MUcLaugh- lin muai not make the mistake, howevcr, that the ver-v lange support given hlm was for the purpose af baving the "Law" road openedt t the Scugog Road. We do not suppose he wil draw sucb infenence. But wc are vcny sure.the people ai Darling- tan bad no sucb iiea xvhen marking their ballots for bim. THE STATESMAN Cou- gratulates,'Or. KcLaughin on bis unqual- ifieti success in the election anti hespeaks for bim sevcral years ai municipal service that will bc a credil 10 bbc bonoreti naine. bie bears and a benefit ta the municipaliby.i The result ai the Darlington toxvnsbip election was not asc great a suîrprise ta those wbo altentied tbe nomincation ati Hampton as ta others, for on that day( there were ominous murmurnrgs af dis1 satisfaction over the Law law suit anti the1 expeuses thereof. Vï bat sîruck us that1 day was that only one Lcbcnal gavei utterance ta complaint, while aIl the aIliers were Consenvatives, wbicb circum- stance led us la conclude that there was veny lutile lu the cry mnore than an attempt ta make political capital. But as we un- denstanti the position of tbe 190î cotîncil, tbey tieti evcry honorable anti reasouable means ta avoid liligaîlon, but berng un- successful and bcing matie tefentianîs in a law suit against Iheir will, bhev rightly decid tiet employ the best legal counsel c aValable anti in'doîng so won on every1 count, but tbc cosi was unavoidably1 beavy. It does seem cruel ta us Ibat 1 wbeu tbcy won thre vietory lu the courts the electors shoulti turu ou them anti seek la punish, them fan incurrinig the expense Ibcy coulti net avoid But the position af councillar bas ever beeu a thank cs one. Wartien Rickard wrote the Onono Newsr recently corrccting samne siatements an a Counties matter matie aI the Clarke muhi icipal nominations Wc bave given our readers a large amount af information the past year on Counties' maltera, but Ibis note lu the News remîntis us that Mn. b Rickart is inlupossession af a great many intcrcsting facts from the inquinies anti investigations lie bas matie the past year anti wc led that lie will bc doing the rate- payera a great favor if lie will lu somne way tell them wbere their maucy goca tbat is paiti mb Ibhe Countica' treasury. As ex- Wartien Spence saiti at the close ai In the matter of te Estcde of MARlY ANN WOOLSE Y, late of the town Danger of Bowmanvilie, in the County of r Durham, spinster, deceased. Re N x Do r 'Notice is bceeby given pursuant t h e N x o r vîsied Stalutes aI, Ontario, 1897, Ciapter 129, ticat Perhap it's diphteio ail creditors atd oticers having dlaims against P lice esîste ofItlicesaiS Mary. Aun Woaisey wica scarlet fever. Keep your Sidon ar qabout lte 23rd dyo eoe,91 are reouiredâ on or before daye0f RbTer, OF own horne free fromn the FEBRUIART, 1902, bo send by leller post pre- gerrns of these diseuses. paiSj or deliver tao Messrs. Simpson & Blair of the bown of Bownîanviile, solcitors for lire Preveut your children from HlonorablI,,e John MrisnGibson, Attorney-han eeri frthe province of Ontario. lice admîn- haig themr. You eau do isîrator aIflice praperly of lite saiS deceasedî it wiîh our Vapo-Cresolene. Put duecripliau-s, licefull particulars oftheir daimas someCresolene id uamsadrsean so Iin our vaporizer, and suiemn of Ibeir acconutansd lice nature light the lumip beneali, anti lut the of te se7Uriïies (if Iany) iceldbIy tem. Irfiltesepn rom Ha - Anà ftiter laitenotice thait aleruIst IVaprfltusepn'om av jebae atelice sald dmlîtrlrw0llihehildren sleep in ible roomi every proceed la disîributelice assels ()f lice ngdecfreasedfety aeyt aimong lice parties enliled thereta, h-rngr -nihfrtspeetlsaeytno gtrd- oly ta fle llis fw ici e 3ms icIen a ing l i sgerm eau Li ve in this haenoticî"e and tical licesa;Sadiisrao dses wîll ual be ilabl-for liesaSsss or auiy ipart vapor. Ask your doctor about il.& bnoticne rsoot n ersans a I)se Vapoý-Cresollee ais raid by drîcggisrs everywihcer. dais nlic s allua hae bau ecevedbyA NVspo-lZresoteune oîffi, iacldiuig liceVaporizer anid hlmi ailice tinte 0f suIcicdistiIo.Lamp, 'wbiclicsicnid lasýt a 1e-ime, asud a borrie aI Dated lice 241h lday af Decem.ber, 1901. Cresolene, complete, $.5;extra supplies nI Oreso- SIPSON & BLAIR1, ilenessreoltsand 5,,rnts.llrtaebokecni- Sailcîors for bthe jing picysicians' test!imonials free upori rea uest. VAPO. a~sînîtrtoraIlic prpeîy arox1 ECo..,120 FFulton EL. New lYork, U.S .A. 32-4f t he eaid deeeased. SOId. by steîl & Jurs, Bowma auvull c .How ofteni a publîsher's good intentioný arc miisunderstood Two week s ago w( sent remittance blanks and addressed cen velopes to our subscribers for eonveniencc in senditcg by mail their subscriptions and to our great surprise a subscrîber secý in tbis act a 'chceky piece of business.' If any other subscriber feels insulted be 3cause we furnish the paper and envelope we wiIl accept his dollar just the samneî hie uses fis own statîonery. It is a pit3 that our actions are not ai w ays appreciat. ed, but TEE SFATESMAN stil goes briskly et $1.00 a yeair and every subscriber haý the priîvx.ege of grit nbling at his heart'! content. Town (ouncil met aqèdorganized Mon day with l ess fuss and friction than usua and we were pleased to hear the member assent s0 hearîily te Coun. Pery's de- claration that "Econiomy", is to be th( watchwojrd thisý year Ex-Mayor Los combe and ex-Reeve Burden shou, d be.i towcr of streiigth to this council. Th( Standing Comnîittees were struck in Comi mitnce of the Wthole and a spirit of fair ness and friendliness obtaîned throughout not a single kick being made, and we ar( free to say that a better distribution c: members co)uld hardly have been made- the right men are in their right place. Il is to Le 1hoped the good fellow.ship thai charac-turizîed the first mieeting may coný tinue throuughout the year. We bad nto- space or fime last week tc comment on the resuit of, the municipa. elections TIn town an unexpectefi turc. tcok place when Councîllors Spiy and Tait retired and three olid membeis offer. ed for re election in the persons af ex- Mayor Loscombe. î-.x-Reeve and ex- Treasurer- Burden and ex DlJej.uty-Ree%, Jeffery. Ali three were elected and Mr Rich. Worth was -"short" of votes Thi combination leaves the Southi Ward withi out a resident member in the Council and g ives the North W %ard four and the West thre This unusual grouping of repres entatives may not be an y disadvantage tc the SouthWard,but we fancy if some sort of legislation had beeri introduced lcy last year's Council to dejirive them of thejj quota of c epresentatives, there wouic have been a tremendous hoivl raised, but in this case the SouthwardeWtîave theru- selves to biame andi therofore w iii bear the resuit ithout complaint Our observ ation during nearly a quarter century in journalism bhas convincecl us thal everv public, man wbo takes, a straight-fc;rward and conscientious course oni ail public mnatters cannot avoid mal-. ing enemies. So far as we canj .udge Mr. Richard Foster has made an excellent councillor, He is cautions 10 a degree, very economical, well educatefi, a mani of clear foresighc andi good judgment- qualities whichi are requÀite in a success- lul pub-lie man, He bas been very pros- perous in the management of bis owýn business wbich is another importanit qualification. Afler serving the town- ship most acceptably for seven years as councillor, hie was fairly entitled to pais tbrough.tlie Recve's chair as bai been the custom, but owing to the death of bis only, daughter a few week s ago hie feit so very keenly the affliction tbat in bis deep grief lie shrank fromi the resjconsibilities and decidefi to cither continue as councillor or retire te private life, and at nomination lie at finIt declined to accepitbte double nomination given bhim but afterwards under pressure of the solicitations of several pro (minent electors, consentefi to stand fori-.oiuncillor. On tbe pleathathe shoulfi ha, e advanced 10 the, position of reeve, bowever, miany electors voted for others and hie was a few votes shy as a result. Mr. Fo5ter fairly earned the highest poiio -nthe council and il is ciey ewill be asked yet ta stcp imb municipal harness again te finish bis course with honor We Dispense Drugs or Standard Strength andi Purity. Our reputation in the drug business is established on sounti and lasling princîples. We give Our customersjust what tbey ask for, and guarantee ahl our drugs to be of standard purity' This meaus much when yoar doctor's prescription,; are to be filled. Buy Your Perfumes, Toilet requisites, Soaps, Brushec, Combs, Atomizers from us. ' Oua BEST SELLER, We cali special attention to Paine's Celery Comnpound, our best selling med- duie, It is a true bealth andi strength restorer for weak and rundown people, It giy'es thRt buoyancy, of spirits and nerve energy so necessary for the es-m tablishment -of sound health. Paine's ielery Compound stands far above ail Cther medicines.' Sold by J. Higgin- botham. & Son, druggists, Bowmanville. DARLINGTON. Messrs Jno. Meteaif and Erastus J. Burk were in Toronto lasÈ week buy- ng borses..' . ,MrsA.Truil and daught- er Mrs. Griff, Columbus, have been The New Year s number of the Womian's Home Companilon is f ull of interestilng features end eu)tertainiigi tories. "uiu Marriage Customs in Persia anti Australasia." "MIidwnte, t Val)e'y Forge" anid -"The Society of A.merican Women inu London." Pub- ished by The Crowell & Kirk-patrick Co., Springflield, Ohio; one dallar a B ar; teu itCnts a copv;ý sample copy SJanuary sale Continues. Big Bargains this weejk$ Ohoîco -of Wrappers 121cPRNT $I.28. 17297 per yard. 179yds of Print, worth 12ýc yd. to We hati a Wrapper sale a few weeks clear at 7c yd. We have just that E ag andi solti lots of Wrappers, but we many yards of 12ýc Print left and te doonot want to carry a Wrapper over want to get tbem out before the spring E tnsweek. Taxe your pick of- any Prints arrive. Corne early, you get M Wrapper in store for - $1.28 better choice, per yard 7C'e I F UR S losi'ory alldIJldorwoar e SAt Big Reduetions.j9 S Al Purs that are lef t 'tili be sold19 regardless of profit. 5 doz. beavy ribbed andi plain woolen S Caperines, worth $3.50, for 2.90 Hosiery,,ail sîzes, extra value at 25e S Cïaperines, worth $23.50, for 18.50 pr, thîs week -- 19c, Grey Lamb Caps, worth $3.00, for 2,48 22 Ladies' Under vests, winter weight. Electrie Seal Ruffs, worth $5,50,,for 3.90 We have solti dozens of them at 25e each, this week's price - 190 2~2 ard RîbonBlankets andi 5oper yard. Coémforters, Wehv ikdotail our entis of 'Ol ýComforters, worth $1.00, for 79o -Rb 1ns he lengths mun f roi yard Only 5.Comforters, îvorth $1.50, for .$ 1.09 up 10 6 yards. Every piece of Ribbon 4 pair Union Blankets,worth $2 pr, for 1.59 on sale is worth from 7e yd up to 15c. 39 yds. Grey Flannel Sheeting, worth This, week's sale prie pur yard 5C 70o yd, for - - - 48e """"" ~ 79 yds. -Cream UKlanneettè -Shueting,2e [flTrort 35o yd, for29 390 per pair. LII[LI S All our broken size Corsets will be&9 ne solti at 39e pair this week. We may ü9 , pe pair., nov have your size lu every make, but 52 pair of fleecy kinti of Flannelette Severy size will be hiere, in the lot and Blankets lef t. We have solti thum al every pair'a bargain. Price par pair 390 season at 75c par pair; sale price 59C Remnant Sale. We have sold piles of Remnants this we- k, but there are'lots more to seli. A per,3on can pcik up some bigo snaps amongst. them. Therod are DresLengths, Skirt Length, Wdi-t Lengths, Wrapper Lengths, Dressing l- yard up, AT BIG REDUCTIO-NS. adje bu n eghfo Saturday next-23 yards of Our Leader .5c, Flannelette for $1.00. "Stub Proof" Rubbers and -"Mýaltese Cross" IBrandi Rubbers sold here. __BEST MADE. John Mcl«urtryLf Bowmanville. S Dry Goois. andi Clothing. Groceries. Boots anti Shoes. iiThu Man From Glungarry" is with- ont donbt, the cleverest story before thre Amuricanpeople to-day, andi the bust of it is that it la pnrely a Caniadian story, by a Canadian author-Ralph- Counor (Rev. C. W.Gordou, Winnipeg-). It, has hati a phenomenal sale amangat thos e who eau puy high prices for such books, but the Family feralti andi Weekly Star, of Moutreal, bas done the rigbt thing fer Canada by purchasîng the rigbt tb pubiisb it in thal greal paper, andt hu first chapters arc aunoncti for jan.29 th issue. Family Heralti subscribers will enjoy tbis great story, anti its pub- lication is sure to atit thousands af new readers for Ihat wouderfui family papur. This story alone la worth the year's subseription priee (orie dollar), nult t speak of the three hantisome pietures that are sent to eacb subscriber. Seud Time and Harvust. A goodt ime ta tbink moal seriously af the harveat is seedt ime. Tbe decisian y ou malte tbemr will determine the value ai your cropa later.- The growing eorn- petition lu seeti selliug lanauinereasiug temptation 10 unserupulons dealers ta make extravngant dlaims for their seetis, bath lu price anti praducing qualities. T1he wisest larmers are thoie wba are influenceti Most by what exiperience bas proven ta bu gooti andt tue. Thons- antis ai seeti sowers lu aIl sections af the country sow Ferry's lamons seeda year aller year, anti have the satisfac- tion of gooti harveats ta justify their continneti laith lu the Ferry firm. They pya few cents more at seedti ime, but reahize mauy dollars lu better crops at the biarveat. The natural consequence alibhis confidence ie an ever iueèreasinag busiess. D, M. Ferry & Ca. sent ont hast vear more seutis than auy ottier seut bouse lu the world. 'The 190 2 catalozue of Ibis bouse is, nowred anil iiLbe founti a useullgiel selectiugl the ehoicest seetis tor the farmier, the truck gardener. Il la ,sent free3 ou request. Atidrus D. IM. Ferry &Ca., Winudsor, Ont, Mv fri eutilook bure i you kowbo -weak anti nervausyurwe is, anti you know that Carttîr'sTrou Pulis wvill rel1ieve her, uow wby rnul bu ,air about il anti huy ber a box? ORGAN ISNAPS, Clearing out sale af second baud orgaus. 1 wanl them ail ta go before Christmas Onu six octave organ, Dominion, 7 ft. bigh, 13 stops, pneu unew $175. for $70. One Dominion fi-vu octave, a gooti organ for $30. One six octave piano case. Doberty, neyer be useti, rugular pnie $1D0 for $60. One five octave, Bell, bigir top, a gooti organ, would be cheap aI $50. for $35. A stool gous witb uvury argan. Enquire at Big 20. J AMES DEYMAN, Agent Dominion Orga'n & Pianos, Bowmanville. Easyto War~-Easyto, pay for We have a confiptete stock NEW YEAR. for the1 Goudsalal Fresh-Styles ail Newv- Pnieus are Moderate. Parlor Shoe- Store, FRED R, FOLEYJ 111ORSES FOR SALE-Young te3am rising 3 and 5 years oid, sired by In- grami's,îleir and Archer. Quiet and good1 work; 800nd as far as known'. WiIl take 10 each to make quick sa le,ý Also 1901 filiv by Archerin six crosses, lthe makingof avaînable brood mare. Apply oný Satnrdays to J. L. MIITCALF, lot 18, B F, Darlington, P. 0. 1-3w. FAMFOR SALE-126 acre.. more oA.r less, best kutown a s the property' of the late Mrs Ru er Galbraith,. of lot 3, B. ý., Dar- linglon, 3 miles S. B, from BowmanvIlle; in ex- cellent state of cultivalion sail day oam, one of lthe very best farms lnu hie eounty, splendidly sîtuated overiooking Lakte Ontario. Flall plow- inur done, Terras easy. Apply to MISS MARY GALBRAÏITu on thce premises or-b Box 139,,Bow-- manville. 50-tf. IIUSI ci We have. ail the 25c muisie printed on good paper. Sent to any addressp on receipt :~ ~~1 opre. if lot in stock we will procure thiem "SIG 20," * OWMANVILLL. NMw Years jýý 1

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