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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 5

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Ail Kinds of Good Spectaclesff.I Beautiful, rimless glasses for the young. Strong cur- able frames for boys and girls. Light, neat, hand- some [rames for the middle aged. lleavy, substantial gold framaes for those more ad- vanced iti years. Ail accurately fitted and 8old at the lowest possible prices.- We make no0 charge for testing sightanct the price of good. spectacles has been redu-ed to about haif former price since we went into the business. > Cali and see our prices and styles. Stott a& âJury,' Druggists and Optieians, Gougils- of lonlg I stalldîlgo For those troubles there is no remedy equai to Pure Cod Liver 011 if prepared in sucli a way_ that il eau be readily digested and as- simiiated.. There are a great many -prepar- -ations of Cod Liver Oil on the market but when ýý1u buy you should get the best. 151 One that is easy to take.- 2nd One that will ot disturo the stomach. 3rd One that is fresh and -of 'full stre-ngîi., Ail these- properties are combin- Iilu our Eînuision. When you buy f rom us you know il lias flot beeu standing around GRAND tRUNK RAILWAY. BowmANviLLhI STATION, GoiNG EÂ5T. Go ING WÏST. eT res r...982 a. M. 1 Express .... 5 15 a. m Express.,...10 27 il 1 Local ...8 10 ti I'assefler .... 8 50 pau. 1 Pasoenger... 1 50 p. M, Local ...6 58 p.m. 1 Express.. . 7 38 . Express does not go west Monday miorning. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 15, 1902. VOTE FOR BEITH. One page of local matter on inside- turu the paper. Don't forget the social -at Mrs. J. J. Mason's Jan. 24tli. lMonday Jan, 27th s e e "Dainty Widow" in Town Hall.1 List of persons buried iuBowmanviile cemetery lu 1901 on luside page. Ladies requiriug hair doue over should caîl on Mrs. Dickinson, King st- Soma very special values in Watches are now being offered by The Mason Co., Mr. Geo. Haines, P.M., attended the fuineral of bis daugliter Mrs. Broad lu Detroit last week. Me's aud boy's over coats ln aIl qualitiesd and aIl sizes at Couch, Johins, ton & Cryderman's. Mrs Alex MeM.Ilan wliolias beeu seriously ili wlth hemorrhage of the luugs is slowly improving. Complaint is made that a bull Oog ln town is a menace to family cats and some people ln the locality where lie is 1kept. D)r. and Mrs. A. S, Tilley and Dr. W. E.'Tîiev ware in Toronto Tuesday at. tending the funeral of Mrs. Tilley's falier, Ladies Manties at ý regular price and Flannels, Blankets. underwear, mits, etc., at greatly reduced prices ai, The Mason Co's. 1We bave some of tlie best weatlier strip ever put on the ms.rkzet for keep- ing out the cold. Try it. M. D. Wil- liams & Son. lWe bave made a big reduction on al Our sideboards for Xmas, Now is tlie time to get one at your own price. M. D. Williams & Sou. Wliy not buy your new suit now ? The Mlason Co are giving verv nice Tweed and Worsted :Suits at 20'/, dis- count Sece their new advt, Miss Lillie Hiscox succeeds Mliss Florence Kenner as organist of Princ~e Albert eburcli. The latter will visit relatives in the Western Provinces. Laugli and grow fat if that is impos- Sible get a bottle of Peptonized Emul. sion of Cod Liver Oil wîtl Quinine. 40e per bottle at Mel)ermid's Drug Store. Auotlier West Durhiam boy lu the front 1 It i8 witli pleasure we learu that Mr. C. W. Cryderman, son of tlie late Wm. Cryderman, Bowmanville. was elected Mayor of Walkerton for 1902. A Parlor S3cial will be held àt the residence of Mrs. J. J. Mason on Friday evening, jan. 21, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of tlie Metliodist churcli. G o o d programe, clice refresliments, admission 15 cents. Everybody welcome. Mr. Andrew Pollard and family wlio moved from Clarke ln September to Cenuralia, Virginia, are, uow perman- entlv and satisfactorily located three VOTE FOR BEITII. Excellent sieighing now. Order your papers to-day. Get us one new subseriber. Morelocal news ou ineide page. A Fine Guitar for sale. Enquire liere., Dr. Talmage's sermon titis waek is an excellent one. Be sure and attend the Social at Mrs. J,- J. Masou's, Jan. 4h Dainty Widow," Town Hall, Mon- day Jan 27th. Remember the date Mr. R T. Stephens, Indian Head, N. W. 'V., is visiting bis father Mr, Jon. Steplieus.< Mrs. W. Barrrett waz, called to Tor- onto last week by the serious illness of ber son Arthiur. Citizens generally will svmpathize with Squire Haines in bis- enforced con- finement againi. Mr. W.J. Dickinson. Toronto, was in towa iast week lu the interest of the York Loan aud Sayings Co. Fur Conts. Robes> Horse Blankets and higli top boots are al beiug sold at éost price at The Mason Co's. Report of Darlington Township Ag- ricuitural Society and Bowmanville Rorticultural Soci ety on an~ inside page. The License Comissioners appointed for West Durhiam are R. Philp,Cadmus, W. F. Allen, flowmanviile, and G. H. Linton, Orono. Modern Culture for January contains a notable paper on ,' Henry George, the Mau andth ie Reformer," besidesaa number of literary articles. Mrs. Ida McLean-Dilwortli, Toronto, will sing at the A. O. U. W , At Home lu Orono Jan. 24tb. Tbey have made a capital selection, Mrs. Dilwortb be- ing a great favorite wîth Bowmanville audiences. The people of St Paul's churcli are looking f orward to a fortniglit of special services for the deeping of spiritual life, about the midale of noît month, Rev. G. C. Pidgýeon, B. D., Streetsville, is expected to assist the pastor. Councy Agricuitural Society! The annual meeting of the West Durham Azricultural Society will be beld on Wednesday, Januïary 15, 1902 at 2.30 p. m., lu the Council Chamber, Bowman- ville, for receiving the Annual report, election ot officers and general business. A. E. CLEMENS,President. M.A JAmES, Secretary. -After au illness of 13 weeks, Mrs. jennie H. Jroad, wife of John Broad, passed away, Sunday, Jan. .th at lier- home, 42 Nortli Grand bouieyard east, Detroit,NMich. Mrs. Broad was bornin Bowmanville, Ont., and is survived by ber husband and two -children. The funeral services will be heid at 2 o'ciock Tuesday alternoon from the home, and willi be conducted by Rev. W B, Jeu- nings.-Evening News. Her father Mr. George Haines, Police Magistrate attended te funeral. 1c The Utica Salurday Globe bas the following kindly reference of a Bow- manville boy wio lias been a membur, of the Scbnecladv, N. Y., City Counil:- Fred D.Cherry is the most capýable man lu tlie city to occupy th~e position of Re- corder, to fil wbich hiewas selecled at-tbe caucus. Ile is one of the most success- fui of tlie business men of the cily, is level-headed and strictly lionest lu every dealing. HIe will bring to the office a great deal of abiiitv and every requisile demauded. Coupied witi t tis article are phiotos of ail of tlie civie officiai famiiy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - E ..tat1ooerry. A CHOICE LINE OF SNOTE PAPER and E ENVELOPES - At lowest priees always on hand at See our TALLY CARDS for pro-gressive games. N VOTE FOR BEITI, -Mrs. Thos Burden 18 very critcaily ill. Miss Mabel Warue, Peterboro, is gueclt of Mrs, John Gilbert. YouI get ail premiums given with any paper wheu ordered aI THE STATESMAN 4Zevs. W.S. Wright, Newcastle, and A. G, Sinclair, Port Hope, exc-hanged1 pulpils Sunday. Members of Court Pride of Ontario attended the funeral of Ibeir late Bro. Kilman on Suuday. Mrs' M. D. Williams gave a very pleasant At Home to a large number of friends Thuesday afternocn. Mr. IL. J. Snelgrove,Governor ofthe Couûty' Gaol, Cobourg, was lu town Tuesday and gave THE STATESMAN a caIL - i The Illustrated Buffalo Express is unrivaled lu ail that goes to make a first class paper. It cosîs no more than the poorest. Hon R B. Dobeli, member of the Dominion Cabinet, Otlpwa, was kiled at Fowkestone,,England, on Saturday by a faîl from a liorse. From the Mt Forest Confederate we notice Ibat Mr. John Mooreformerly of Bradley's Scbool Section, bas been eiectedfor the tbird year to the town- ship Council of Arthunr. Every lady should see a copy of the Ladies Magazine publislied by tlie Hugli C. MeLean Publisiting Co , Tor- onto. The January number is to baud and lias a fine collection of lnteresting reading suited-to old and young. Price $1 per vear.. We would lîke tobhave ail our readers send to the Rural New-Yorker, New York, for a sampie copy of that great farux paper. A postal card will do. Every issue is worth the price of a year. The editor is aftcr new ideas and new facts ail the time, and lie gels tliem. It is alhoroughly reliable paper. The Materials Used lu "TbeD. & L." Emulsion are tlie 4lnest the market af- fords regardless of expense. Taken in cases of wasting diseases, loss of weîglil, or loss of appetite, with, great benefil. Davis & Lawrence Co , maunfacturers. VOTE FOR BEITU. Miss Ethel Morris is spending a few weeks lu Toronto. 1Miss Ida Nuunu, Coiborne, recentiy visited fiends bere. ' Watch for "Daintr Widow," Town Hall, Monday Jan 27th. Miss Galbraithi advertiàes one of the best farms lu Canada for sale. SWanted-A big crowd at the sodia at Mrs. J. J. Mason's Jan. 21tb. M-s, J. Affholder, Toronto, is visiting lier brother, Mr. S. H. Reynolds. Save your coal by usiug some of our new weather strip). M. D. Williams & Soný Messrs Norman Raipli aud Walter McoMullen, Port Hope, spent Suuday bore. Mri. Claude and Miss Bain, Taunton, were guesîs of Mm. W. M. Joness, Sun- day. Good Guitar, excellent qualilv and toue for sale cheap. Information at this office. Having bonglit a big lot of- Blankets direct from the manufacturers,_ 1we are selling them off aI verv low prices. Coucli, Jolinston & Crydemman. Rev. Dr. Saunders, Cobourg, will preacli sermons lu the Mthodist dhurcit Sunday lu behaîf of the Educalional Society. Rev. Mm. bluffe goes to Co- bourg.. Mrs. A Peters,ýIHampton,Grand Supt Y.P W., Sons of Temperance, recenliy attended an At Home given by Excelsi- or Crusaders, Tor-ontoand aen address. gaen Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, by requost, preacli- ed a serlion Suuday morning lu the Mclbodist churcli on "Cbristian Per- fection" which was a- mosl practical and helpfuli discourse, A Builder-Are You Losing Weigbt?- "The D, & L." Emulsion will always lielp and build younp. Restores proper digestion anid brings back bealtit. Man- ulactured by the Davis & Lawrence Co.-, Ltd. Mr. A. MI. Featiherston, Hamilton, Insurance Manager, and Rev. H. S. Matthews. GraudCbaplain of the Grand 20- 1 Ba rga Iýnýgs Ail Over the House. : * EE * Ladies" Coats. S ONLY il LEFT. 7 Coats, wvorth $10 celi, for $P5 eaceh, Choice of balaùciee for $,0 Girls' Coats and Ulsters. ONLY 10 LEFT, Your ehoice for $,0 The Great Bargain Flouse for Geucral Dry Goods. S Next door to Standard B ank, Bowman-ville. (ENERAL SERVANT WANTED- MISS EDITIL FREELAND at once. Âpply to JOHN MCINURTURY, 15 preparedAnc give music lessons at her home Churcli St., Bowmanvîfle. 2-t i eeeh Avenue, Bowmnaîville. 87-tf W NED TO EXCIIANGE-A car- nae colt risine two vears old for a goo drier apply at THE STATESMAN OffiCe. 1-tf MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Puplo Prof. A.S.Vogt,,Toronto Conservatory of Mnsie, wlwll recelve poiIn Piano and Theo,-y of Moisie,-at ConcessPýion 1. S., Bon ina - 'Ville

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