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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 8

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Hilgglfluotiam'S LmulsIon S od Liver OiU aT-he Hypophosphites. Tebest remedy for Lung Trouble and *~General Debility. The taste of the oil is so Sdisguised as to make it as pleoCsant to take,.as Sany cougli mixture and iseasily digested. OnIly 35e a, bottile. ilJ. IIGQINBOTIIAI & SONS 0 B0WMANVILLE. Chemists andt Druggists, « No gîf!t tlhat you can send an absent iadu membe 0f yur family for $1 will be__________________ hall as much appreciated as T HE S-eATPnlVAN ifor 1902-52-reminders. I -MA-1LE1 --JAN. 15, -1901, MýethodIst Mgzn and Review for Janutry contains an important paper ILOSOK on "Caniadian Water Power"- one on the late W. E. H Massey, bv Chanceiior Burwasb. Dr. Carman hias a nolte- Revs Butler of the Methodist church reorthy aV mnd eloquent paper on the and Phaien of the Presbyterian, United "Mora l omentum of Methodism," in observing the week of prayer. The ah,,-rt stories, Current Topics, with meetings ere held lu each church on humorous cartçýons, complete, a specially a ternate evenings, with an average good number. November and Decem- attendance of more than a hundred.... ber numbers, given free to new sub- Mr. and Mrs, Stiliman, Cavanviile, are acribeTs. William Briggs, Toronto. vlIstIng fins..,Msrlebr n $.0a year. Sarnmy Pari are home from Toronto ta remain .. .. Mrs. ANvres who went thro' OUR PAST RECORD. an aperation for cysts a short time ago, 's doÎng weil. -.-Our skating rink is ln Professor Goldwin Smith discusse3s "The Public Scbool Question" in the January Canadian Magazine ; Hon. li. G. Power, Speaker of the Sonate, dis- cusses our Military Systein; Arthur Hl U. Colquhoun discusses the Reciprocity situation; Arnold Haultain gives a beautif ni word picture of the Sea; Wilford W. Beaton describes a new Canadian Glacier ; W. G. Ross gives a Hlistory of Street Raiiway in Canada, and Jean Biewett contributes a story. TEETIlNG BABIES. A ¶'rying Time for Mothers When Great Care and Watchfulness lo N~ecesary. There la scarcely any period ln baby's eariy liiie requtring groater watchful- neis on the part of the mother than when baby la teetbinz. -Almost invart abiy the littie one suffers much pain, la cross, restiess day and nigbt, requiring so mucli care that the mother la warn ont, loaking after it. But there are other-real dangers freguentiy accont- panying this period that threaten bah 's, liue iseif, Among these are diarrhoea, indigestion,, calic, constipation and convulsions., The prudent inother wili antisipate and provent these troubles bjy keepin4t bab ,'s stomach and bowels lu a naturai and healtby condition b>' the use ai Baby's Own Tablets, a modicino readîly takon by ail children and whicb, dissolved ln water. may bo given with perfeçt tafety to even a new- born infant. In every home where those Tablets are used baby- is brigbt and beaithv and the mather bas real comfort with is, and does net hesitate ta tellilber noiglibors Mrs C.J.Delaney, Brockvilie, says:-'l bave been giving my fifteen-months' old baby Baby's 0Own Tablets, whenever necessary, for some mon ths past, Sho was teething and was-cross -and -ro -s.Bigums- were bard and inflamed. After using the Tabiets she grew quiet, the inflam- mation ai the gums was reduced, and bier teeth did nat seem ta bother bier any more. An improvement lu baby's condition was naticeablp almost at once, and 1 think there la no botter medicino for teetbing babies " Baby's Own rabiots can ho pracnrod from drnggists or wil bo sont post paid at 25 cents a box, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont. A GUARANTEE-'I horeby certity tbat I have, made a careful chemicai anal.ysis af Baby's Own Tablets, wbich I n'ArsonaIllv nrchased in a dru_- store CARD 0F THANKS. To the electors of the Township of Darlington :-I tender you my sincere thankas for placing me at the head of the polis. 1 shall endeavor ta serve you to the best of my ability. Wishing you ail a happy and prosperous New Year. Yours sincerely,, J. W. MOLAUGHLIib, Hardon, Jan. 10, 1902. TYRONB. -Mrs. T. -Creepor entert&ined ber Sun.. dav sehool cheraýk t tea Saturday even- ing...MKr, and Mrs. W. Manning spent Sunday with friends in WhitbY.- H.1igh winds foilowing Saturday's h-eavy snow flu have made the conces- sion linos almuost impassabe .... Leag- uerswho attended the Rally' Tuesday declare it a succoss and feel inspired to increased effort lu ail church work... Mrs. Margaret Walters is spending a f ew weeks with her daughtor Mrs. A. W.Yborn, Caurtice.... .The many friends of Mrs. F. WiIbur wish her a speedy recovery from bier painful prostration since the operation of ber foot Tuesday. The newly elected officers of the Sons of Temperance are: W P, Albert Moore; W A, W. Hoskin; -F S, T. Creeper ; Troas., -M Werry; R S, Am- brose Thomyson; A R S, Ray Wilbur;' Chap, Jas. Bingham, Con, AlmaPoilard; A C, May Byam' I S, C.Stapies; A S, J. Burgess; P W P, Jas. Souch. CHRjISTIAN UNITY. Br MRS. MÀTTH.EW -ROBINfON. "Now this 1 say, thât every one of you saith, I ara of Paul, and I of Apollrs, and 1 of Cephap; anid I of Christ. Io Christ di- vided? was Paul crucified for- you? or were ve baptised in the nanas of Paul. "--l Cor.- The waek of prayer whlch lately unîted oome of the Chuehes ln Bow. mauivIlle was doubtleao frutil of much good,, but It seemed, nevertnelens, ta emphaose the need of more combined effort amongat the different denomina. tions If they are ever to accomplish that regeneration o! the world which la the soie end and aim of Chriattankty. Lt la à good tblng frr brethren ta dwell tcgether inuoiaty, and much more ao for those who are unlted ln the great IRE MASON Co., 8OWMANVI LLE., The Waverlev Magazine waves for ail. It la a weekiy, publication replete wtth the iatest fctian, poetry and many usoful and spicy articles interesting ta thase wha are fond of reading. Pub- iished by the Waveriey Publishing Ca,, Station G.,Box 23. Boston, Mass. 84 per year. -SenàI for sample copy ire. A CARD. We, the undorsignod, d o heroby agree ta refund the maney on a 50-cent bottie af G reone's Warranted, Svrup af Tar, if it-faifs -ta cure- your cough -or- cold. We alsa guarantee a 25 cent bottie ta prove satîsfactory or money refunded. Sold bv, STov' &r ,uny and J. H-IGGINBOTIIAM 8& SON .NEWOASTLE. The Misses Dineman, Bowmanville, spent Sunday uit Mr. W. H. Pearce's.. .Miss Winnie Hlenry visited friends' lu Orono rocenty . . .. Mr, Colin Walls, Michizan, ha renewing acquaintances bore ...Mr. Lou, Barrath a gone ta the North-West . ... Mr. Frank Rickard will attend Ontario Ag'ricultural Col. loge, Guep ... . Mr. N V. H Creeper, Haydon, was guest ai Mr. J. Douzlas.. . . Mrs. Patch died at Mr. W. H. Chap- lin's Sunda>' week and 'was interred at Bethel .... .St. George's cburcb Sunday school gave an entortalument lun the schooi Monday week ...Mrs. Asa Otton sang at the Methodist cburch concert, Newtonville, New Year's Day .,Mr. Richard J. Colwill died at bis residence, Snnday, Jan 4th af stomacb trouble. The fuerai Mondav ai ber- noon framn the Methodist cbu'rch ta Bowmanvilie Cemetery was largei.v at- tended. The Sans of Engiand attend- ed in a body à eceased beaves a % ie and three smail chldren ta maurn the -isof ai-a--kind- husband--and--Ioving f ather. ALMOST A, MIRACLE WROUGHT IN THE CASE OF A CHAR- LOTTETOWN LADY. Ber Jioctor Said She Was la Consnmp- tlon and Ileld out nolHope of Re- oery-To-day tshe is Weil 1Strong and Active. 1 - 1 AilWiner ouds- A, few nice articles left that must be sold Furs$12.00 Caperines for $7.50; $5.oO Gaunt1ets, Fûr's for $3,25; $5.00 Storm~ Collars for $3.00. IOther articles. will be sold at similar redactions. This week we offer 10 Ladies Coats for Ladies$1.00 each, original price, wa3 %rom $4,00 to Ladies $8.00. Another lot at $2.00 each, being less than price. The balance of our coats at one Coats haif regular Price. We believe this to be the~ Coats best Ibargains in Ladies Coats ever offered in BoNI manville., Extra heavy wool Blankets reduce& to B ak~~$2 25 a pair, Nothing we ýhave ever yet shown to compare with it in value. IWe are selling a lot of Suits and Over.- coats just no-w, and no wonder eith'er, at the prices.losoSut are 110w offer ed by us at less than they can be bouglit for wholesale, as we are anxiç)ug to r&liuce sock t-or ,-, wt

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