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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1902, p. 4

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FIE HARMONY MALE QUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. H1. FRosTr, First Tenor, A. E. MCLAUGIHLIN, Second Tenor, H1. Jý KNIOu'r, FirSt Bass, T E. IIIG(3rl'oTHAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address al c .rrespondence to T. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, Secretary,Beowman ville. 48-6m Bolllsall's Marbie Works,11, Good Work, Best Materials, Artistie Desig ns, Prices Reasonable, E. R.BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, GOOdDS YOU WANT And We Must Seli, Cutters: Brockvllle, Brantford and Palmerston; Robes: Saskatchewan and Bluhop; Pur Coats: Imitation Lamb, Dgand Saskatchewan; Mitts: Imita- tion Lamb, Muleskin and dozens of' others. Only one-Sicer and Pulper and one Souris Grand Jewell Stove, new. In fact von. can get almost any- thlng you ask for at this store.' JS.RUNDLE, Opposite T. Tod's stoi e. N2W-S AND OPIN IONS, OF~ National lfmportance. TIESUN [lCOfITA14S OT14. Maily by mail - $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mall,$8 a yea, The Sunday Sun les the greatest Sunday Newspaper ini the world. ,Price 5c. a copy. By ýma!l, $2 a yea¶'. <Address THE SUN, New York. J3uy early is alwaya a safe plan mn the holiday season. Calenidars and Xmas céards; a ,-peeial line of Books, beautifully aond, 25e and -35c eaeh; the Poets, leather bound, paddcd, $1.00; latest 'eiinof Prayer Books, Bibles, Hymn Booges, Albums, Toy &oks ,und ail the, English Annualaï No better present than a nice -pileture. A great variety of ,these., A splendid,àassortment of fancy QLjjIma l Ornaments, Flower Tubes, eupws and Saucers. Inspecot anld DO't Waits The Canadian Statesifan. BOWMANVILLIX JAN. 29, 1902 The Dominion, Ridgetown, is a live Couservative journal and some mînn with brains wrote for it a very sensible article on the present condition of bis party from îvhich we take his closiug pamagraph which reafis as folio ws: The quieker theConîervative party nids itseif of a f-w faidsts andi blusterens the quîcker il will regain its lost uuity and prestige in the country. Its poiicv miust te reasoned ont, declared, and promul- gated bv a represontalive convention, and mut left the plavthing of a few irresponisible and not overwise newb- papen writers. It is time for the Consenvatives to get together and find ont where they are at. Aithoughi the annuai meeting cf the county agriculturai society was nol very large[l-v attended Friday the meet- ing was more than usually interesting. Discussion Pnsued on the question of expert judgos and Mn. George Gray wbo acted as judge on honses at a cir-, cuit of nine- exhibitions in the Ottawa Valley added much to the interest. Consitierable opposition was shown to the appoinîment of delegates bo the Provincial Convention in, Toronto, but a goodly nep)resentati 'on is Iikely- to be pIresentailthe same. A"glod ppoint- ment was made lu placing Mn, Arch. Staiken in the Pnesident's chair for 101,2. 'He bas been a good worken on the Board and has earned the honon. Mr. M. A. James, Secrctarv, asked for an inc2rease in salary at the meeting of directors and afler considenable discus- sion it was decided tb combine the offi- ces of Secnetar.'y and 'Treasunen for one yean, sîmilar to many other agnicultur- ai societies, and to pay $60 for the dual offices. Il was dêéided to hold the Fali exhibition two weeks laten than hast yean-making il the iast week in Sep- tembor. The finances of the socicty are $50 betten than hast - car although the gale receipts over $100 le"~. POLITICAL POINTS. Lîberals not onhy captured two seats lu Ontario, but reduced previons Con- servative majority immensehy. Libenals, are z aining ground in one city at least. Kingston increased the Liberal majority from 190 ta, 753. We were astnay lu our figures hast wcek-7 Liberals and 8 Couservatives wce e îurned in the necent bye-el-ect- Mn. Avery, Conservative, was elcl- cd ini Addinglou but Wantman, Liber- ai pulhed the majomity down fnom 529 to 400. Hloonay, but wasu't that a great Lib- eral victory in W.,st Yor? Iu 1896 Hlou, Clarke Wallace had 4,063 majority and now Archie Campbell,, Libenal, woni by 141. West Hastings is an oid1 Conservative stroug hold but an aid Bowmanville boy, John G. Frost, neduced the major ity from 842 10 496. E: Gus Porter ivas the winner. North Oxford nomination is to day. Hou. Jas. Sutherland may be rcturned by acclamation. This election i s brought about by bis promotion to a Cabinet office-Marine and Fishenies.' Liberals have ln Hon. Geo, W. Ross a leader of whom every Canadian can be justiy proud, and in the policy of progress and the devclopmnent of the marvellous natural riches of this great province- cvcry Libe-ral has a cause which should inspire hlm. to victany. Ar-hie Campbell, Liberal, receivcd only 42 more votes than lu 1900 in West ork, whilc T F. Wallace, Conserva- tive', recieved 778 less than his brother Hon. Clarke Wallace did. Consenvat- ives simpl3' abstained frcm voting,Hon. Geo. E. Foster stumped the riding, too. Good adylce that given by Mn. 1Hi11 at -the banquet given,10 Anchie Campbell at Weslon. H1e tld> Libenails to take thoir voters lists -and wonk fromn now untîl the Provincial election in order that they may repeat the victony of Jan 15. West Durham Liberals may take the advice toa. Parhiament opens at Ottawa Feb. 18, for a short session -probably. The Senate will meet about the same lime. Four vaeancies exist ln the Senate. Whon these are filled thene wilh ho 43 Conservatives audci88 Liberahsbut as some of the former are vely oid anda feeble tbey may ual be able ta attend, sa that ou a straight party -vote tbis session may see a Liber-ai majority. Since, the Liberals camie into powe r lu 1896 thirty Senators have been appoint- cd, companed with 41 duning the 18 years of Conservative mule. Newtonviile. .. Brown'sS. Il . Lockhart's- B. H.,. Kendal....... Orono north... . Leskard ......... Moffat's 8.11.. *-». Starkviite ........' Onono south..... 68..- 55.. 72.. 68 39..- 48.. '41.. 42 41.. 29.. 47.. 40, 87.. 88.. 39. 83 85., 56.. 80. 64 47.. 63..- 48. 67 19.. -74..- 19,.74 44..- 63.. 49..ý 70.. 50..- 78.. 61 450 536 473 563 Majority ............. ... 86 ...90 NEWCASTLE East Ward..... .... 32.. 47.. 40.. 42 West Ward......... 42.. 41.. 45.. 40 74 88 85 82 Majoritv .............. 14... .3 Total majority ......... 4)... .12 If you had. takzen two of Carter's Little Liver Pis before retiriDg ' ou wtould flot have had that coated tongue or bad taste lu tiLe mouth this morning. Kecp a vial with y ou for occasional use. THE BOWMANVILLE VOTE. Conservatives are doing, much howling about Liberals bribing the electorsý in Bow-1 manvilie and Newcastle to obtain the majorities accordcd Mr. Beith. in these municipalities. Like many other election yarns. thcrc is no réal foundation for any such charge. It wiil surprise many per- sons to learn. that in the Beith-Thornton lection of November 1900, Mr. Thornton got 311 votes in Bowmanville and-in this lection he got 308, Cr onlY 3 votes less. It is.known that three men have died since then who probably voted for hiîn, and others have gone away. The same thing haî,pened in Newcastle where in îgoo Thornton received 88 votes and at this lection 82, death having made in- roads on his supporters there also. luI Bowmnanviiie Mr Beith received 309 votesin i900 and 387 in, 1902, but over 5o of these were put on by the court of revision whiie «Conservatives got on 4 or 5. In this élection it is no secret that both factories supported Mr, Beith because he has used bis influence to sec ure some Government contracts and other advant- ages for these industries. Surely when he bas helped to put bread and butter in the mouths of the employées, those who have votes would be very ungrateful if they voted to k eep him ont of Parliament in returu for his good offices. So that with the 50 to 6o votes added by the court and the extra votes and chaikged votes in the factories, Mr. Beith's increased vote is fully accounted fôr The change of a 5few votes in Newcastle is well understood by both parties and needs no explanation, further than to say that a haîf dozen Con- servatives, the best citizens in that village, decided that they would rather vote for a man who has, decided pinciples and stands by themn and who is respected by the Government in-power,than for a man1 whose prineiples vary with the years and who would have no influene and no re- spect f rom either side if he got to Ottawa. Were we so iuclined we could with as good reason charg e that Conservatives bought up a lot of votes in Cartwright, where Mr. Thornton's vote was increased from 336 to 384-a gain Of 48 votes-while Mr.Beith's votc was increased from ioi to io6 or a gain of only 5 But weknow very well that thebe votes were put on by> the assessor and court of revision, several of them hein g disqualifled from being under age and it, is said some persons came in fromn Manvers and voted. When 1the facts are ail knowa it is no secret whiere the extra votes came from. In any case it comes with very poor grace from Conservatives to, charge Liberals with brîbery in the face of known facts about the last five or six campaigns in West Durham At lea5it one man in Bowman- ville bas been openly charged, with. re- ceiving a considerable amount of Tory campa;gn funds and Mr. Thornton was unseated for proven bribery at Orono, where it is believed there was consider- able money paid for Thor nton- votes. In the face of these facts, Con servatives, doni't shaut bribery to Grits. The Baby SikP pà Then probably it's.a cold. Býabies catch cold so easily and recover so slowly. Not slowly, however, when you use Vapo-,Cresolene. Then a single night is ail that is necessary for a cure. You just put somne Çresolene-in the vaporizer, light the lam p beneath, and place niear the crib. Whl aby sleeps lie breathes- in the healig vapôr. Cold loosens, inflamed membranes heal, and all trouble ceases, It's a perfect speciflo for whooping-cough and croup. 8 Vapo-Cresoiene is so14d by druggists everywhere. A Vapo-cresolene autfit, incInuding the Vaporizer and Lamp, whist, should last a ife-ime, and a boule of Cresolene, complete, $i.5o; extra suplies of Creso- lene 25 cents and 5ocents. Illustrated booklet contain- ing pbysicianse testimoniais free upon request. VAPO- cR£soLuiii Co., z8ç, Futton St.. New York, U.S.A. Sold by Stott & Jury, Bowmanvillej Thoilsallds Fon of Our Canadian [aye Fonnd the True nain of Realth. Pairîe's WEST DURHAM ELECTITON. * State of the polis ini West Durham in * ~ anci1900 and 1902. Quinine a*lBOWMANVILLE ......1900., 19C2. A valuable addition to Emulsions Of* * Ood Liv'er Oil Soth Ward, suth.. 43_55L. 62.. 47 Southi Ward, north., 33.. 56.. 40.. 581 Pepinisthe most> popular digestive agent West Ward, south... 55.. 28.. 64., 29 1esni West Ward, north... 46.. 47.. '57.. 49 knuow-n to the Medical Profession. Cod Liver Ou * North Ward, south.. 54.. 56.. 79.. 49 *andi its Emulsions are ha.rd to digest. therefore pep-* North Ward, north. 78., 70.. 85.. 76 ;Usin is a valuable addition.* 309 311 887 808 *Quinine aongwtth Hypophosphites t * Dort ..ïARLI ,NGTON .2..7 Sthe system, inereases the appetite and disguises the Providence ......... 118.. 833.-122-. 32 of he od ivr 01 tat he Tyrone..........10.. 68.-102.. 65 disgrealetaste o heCd0ie Ols'tatte MapeGrove ..... ..78.. 37.. 81.. 86 most dliate etomaeh cani take it. * tampton.... ....... 83.. 59.. 83.. 73 ~ ote.,,Enniskilien ......... 94.. 56.. 98.. 63 1~Courtice ............ 87.. 69.. 91.. 70 *PEPSINIZED EMULSION Enfield....... ..... 103,. 44- 109.. 52 *of Cý-od Liver 011 and llypo [hosphites of Lime and* 663 366 689 391 *Soda with Quinine. Per bottle .............. 4o* Mort........297. 298TWIGH Blaekf;tock........ 22.. 76.. 25.. 82 EMULSION of COD LIVER OIL Devitt's ............130..1,10 Cisarea........... 41.. 90.. 46..110 Swith Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda,........360.* Nestieton....._.... 25.. 70.. 21.. 87 * AT* 101 839 106 381 e 'M8joritY .............235...278 Celery Comypoun'd, A Sure Baniisher ot' lls PeculIar to Womenl. Dr Phelpqe famo us prescription, Pain's C-e 01-nopouud" bas been and is Inow f reely prescrib3,d by many of our ableast phx sieianâs for ills peculiar to women. They bave found theweonder- f ui remedy to bc exactly what i claimed for it It h)as been proved again and again tiat a'tsOce Compound us the one great cure for that. form of nervousni's5ý peculiar to women and zives to weak, rundown and. snffering- females, a perfect and robust -woman- hood. Ail women who ouffer from irregularities,bysteria, nervous prostra tion . anaemia, liver and kidnes' troubles or blood diseivetse sh.iiid at once give Pamne's Celr-y Compound a trial. Its cures are h,-pp;:v aid permnanent. Miss Jossie M Rsi Quyon. Que., says: "It affords me much pleasure to testify to the great good titat Paine's Celery Compound has don e for me. I was compltels' mudown ln hcalt'i and and a victim oýf lea wcaPknessi, andi after usii)g three botties of Paine's Celerv Compound I was completelv cure.d. It is the beât blood purifier i know of." HOTEL KEEPERS ASSAILED. The Bowmanville News pulls the hotel men into the report of the Vi est Durham election and says "ail the hotel keepers worked against him (Thornton) because he advocaied prohibition," a statement in which no one bas any faith. But a stili more amusing, statement is thîs "the ridiculous part of the wholc poceedings" t asthe News, "w as to sec the a' tivity displacd by men who bave hitherto posda sincere tempemance workers, who also put forth every energy to defeat Mr Thornton " This is tantamount to saying _ýIr, Beith is in league with. the Licensed Victuallers and opposed to pro- hibition. This insinuation is a great in- justice to Mr, Beith who bas ail his life been and is now justas good a temperance man as Mr. Thornton. Further,we neyer' heard-before that Mr Tfiornton advocat- cd -prohibition in bis campaign. One would imagine, too, that the News nover knew of hotelmen taking sîdes be- fore., Wonder if the iMvitchell Reid con- test bas heen forgotten when the wholc liquor interest was opposcd to Dr Mitchell. It is lovely whcn the hotelmcii support a Conservative candidate, but when they support à1r. Beith agaiost a man who was born and reared to middle life a Liberal.. then ruîî for parliament as a,,Patron, and twice niow as an Independ- cnt Conservatîve, they are held up to criticismand singlect out as helping to persecute and defeat an honorable, ui-,, right man. But, ail the f oi e zýoing is of minor im- potnecomniparcd with the knoc -dlown th otelmen-emin .ithe conciuding part of the article, aftcr telling of- the com- bination as' he saw it . "The hotel keep- ers and the temperance men ail working for the same end!" and mating an whole- sale sweep of condemnation against "Men who practice such arrant hypocricy" and saying they "should neyer open their mnonths to presch temperance again," The News article insinuates in a way too clear to bc misunderstood that the Liber- ais of this iding have falien into terrible disgrace by associating with and accept. ing the v(tcs and assistance of hotelmen in this clection, saying "It must be a maost discouraging contemplation for the lead- ers of the grit party when they review their past history and compare it with the present condition of aff airs in West Dur- 1bam."l Why the editor of the News who is the Secretary of the C onservative Association and in this article no doubt voices the 1views of the lea ders of hs political party,' shouild byunmistakablc imnplication make an attack on the boitelmen for voting as they chose, surpasses our understanding. Whenit suited the News man to leave the Liberal party and ally himnself with the Conservatîve party, no one question- ed bis right to mak e the change. Why have not hotelmen equal nîght to work as thcy please, use tbeir influence as they sec fit and vote as they choose ? and why should they be singled out and beid up to criticism and ridicule any more than the doctors, the butcherYs, the dry goods men, the grocers, the bakers or any other class of business man w ho, irrespective of for- ,mer alliances, supp orted Mr. Beith in this election ? t a down rîght piece of im- pudence for the News to presume to dictate to the hotelmen how thcy shahl vote or shallflot vote. To the credit of Bowmanville we have oniy two hotels up town and these wcre neyer better conducted or bad more re- spectable and intelligent gentlemen as proprietors than the prescrnt ownems, s0 far as our knowledge goes, and traveilers endorse this. statement, so wc feel free to say ail we have said without doing any violence to our own temperantie principi- es.1 Ailmenareequl a 1th -balotbo We have neceived "'The Navy and GENERAL SERVANT WANTED- .Army illnstrated. Commander C. N, at on ce. Apply to lonx MCMURTRY, Robinson, the editor,, has elaborated a Ohurch St., Bowmaiiville. 2.tf novel plan bv which mon cf both services -in ailÎ parts of the British Empire wba have made friendships luin~ South Africaz, but who have no know- ledge of the wbcreabonts of cnmradeE. .may flnd wbere their friends are. He proposes that anybody desiring to com- municate witb a friend should send a short message which will be printed. Address ; Navy and Anmy, 20 Tavisý tock st., Covent Garden.- LondonW C., Enzlaud. The, Best Evidence 0f Popularity is the Ever- Increasing Demand. The ever- increasiug demand for the Diamond. Dye Mat and Rug Patterns is a sure and certain indication of their popularity. The fascinating art of mat and rug i»iakiug lu the home is now cultivated' by women of ail ages and classes. The Dlamond Dye Mat oud Rug Patterns combine beauty and sim- plicity. Afler securing one of these pattemns, any1 lady can easily hookilt and produce a realiy valuable and attractive room ornament. The manu- faclurers of the celebrated Diamond Dees are prepared to send to any address froe of any cost -sheets of, pnelty a 'nd suitable designs 10 enable you to select from. The Wells and -Richardson Co., Limited, 2oo Mountain St., Montreal. Mý A. James Is G<îvernmnent issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham iCounty. Sh oes for the Rising G en eration. are considercd an important part in our stock of Footwean. -5.SME SNAPS lu Boy s' Iîcckey Boots, Fine BoxCaif, J3uff and Pebble Leathers. Marvels of STRENGTH AND, DUIRABILITY.1 Equalhy good, values in fine and coarse Shoes for Girls. Pat4o±iShoe storle. Fred. ýR. Foley. BOWMAIqVILLE. > Pri-ces Whi*ttled Downi to Smaýllest Point.' SSpecials for Wednesday, Thursday, Fri*day and, Saturdlay. 223 yds. of Towelino, worthSeyd., extra value 3 yds. for1e 118 yds. good, strong Tweed, just the goods for Boys' Kiuickers,worth ~ 25e and 40c per yard, for --190, 89yi.Pure Wool Serges and ilenriettas, eloths-,i green and bon 89worth 75e pel' yd,. for bow 43e 123,yds. Grey Flannel, pure wool, extra value at 25e yd., light anct 98 yds. Tweed and Plaid Dress Goods, worth 35c and 40e yd, now 17p, 19 Travellers' Sample Shawls, 20'/. discount. A good, heavy Shawl, 98c Ladies' BMeady,-to-wear Skirts. I Ladies' Skirts in fine grey eloth, well-lined and well-made $3.50 Ladies' Skirts in Bîue Cheviots, brush binding and well-lined 3.00 ÏK 9 only, Carpet Door M1ats, fringed ail around, this week for 25e G(ent's Furnishings at Wee Figures. S15 doz, Gent's Tarn Point Linen Collars, worth 15e eaeh, 110W 4 for .25.e, t~27 prs. Men's lleavy Leather Mitts, wool and fleece lined, worth 50el pr pair, for 37o 69 Men's lleavy Tweed Peaked Capslef t, pull down at baek, worth 50e eaeh,-for 33e ' 9 only, Men's, Sha-ped-Muffiers,, reversible, extra value at 25e pr., for 19e 28 Men's Fleece llned Shirts>, only worth 50e and 60e, to elear at 35c 29 Mien's lleavy Knit andTop Shirts, travellers' samples, as low as 39e lVen's lPants., $1,98 buys, the pick of our $2.25, $2,50 and $2.75 Pants, this week $1.'98 Laie'Ladies' Fur Gauntiets.- LdeOpossum Gýauutlets and Eleetrie Seal, redueed priee $3.25 Ladies' Persian Lamb Gaui-tiet s, extra finc curi, $10 pair,, now for 7.90 Ladies' Astrachan Gauntlets, good value at $4.90, now 3,75 -ALL OTHER FURS RUEDUCE).- For QuiliMaking CRESCENT, and PEARL BATS kept here--BEST MADE. John, Mctluýrtry, Bowmanville. W A TE TOEXOHÂNG[E-A car- ae otnsing two years old for % goo drve, aplyatTEE STATESMÂN OffiCe. 1-tf ici Wel Slatest S< S25e muç :good pa any add :of price. we will fryou. i*BOWMÂNsv LiS' have ail ongs in 10e sic printed «per, Sent dress on rec If not in st procure t] NALLE 413IG 20.11 IILLE. 1 the and on t to eipt: ,tock: ýhem v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvw'vvvvvvwvvw 1~MDERMIDDUNUGV ;TQR Ieew Yoars m a r. IflDI IJIjj IMILBURI'S STERLING HEADACHIS JPOWDEUS are easy to take, harmiess in Bo Wt,.Z VIIE.action and sure te cure auy headazohe BOWMNVILE.lu frolà 5 te.29 linutes. I Il 4 1'

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