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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1902, p. 7

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FOU L P, 1 was aealed b-ofo(re mvý îre ance- inig la ýwý-ineejy a Hiavana'- Ciga.r ndreading the latest nvl ,Ih , a uig Iti bell an-nouncud a visitor, ahd te xt mnomient a man wais show,-r nt tbhe roomn. I-le look- ed a-,bouut iurty years of ago and w-sdoidedly aristocratie in bis ap- i uaeand seemied ta ho strong ndin the best of lealth. "Good-eveing," lie r.aid. 'I have beda advisEd to coino, ta you over a inatter o! grave- importance by Sir Richard Neville,f or wborn you render- ed somae estimable service ia restoring some very valuable .0wels which bad been sollen. Yly nainie is Arthur Murrey." And ho laid a litte, deli- cale visiling card on thse table, ia the corner ai ;hieh 1 noticed a creat. "If 1 ana be of uny service ta y ou" Ianswered, '«I amn at your disposai. " il"ho sald. -listen to miy strange story, whcafler ail, may CIA only h a coincidunce. But 1 think, YoUÀ w-lu Say that it wvas lune ttio tlîing shiouid ho iavestigated. To look at sue you ý.would îliink I w-as strong and hcatthy, as 1 belie% e niiy- self ta ho, and the doctors teil me that 1 asu in the very hest of health. ily 1wahotoswere as I amn just, oveî'r twvo years ago, and now- bath liWen myv fathier died alma1cst Ibue year 1s ago myl" deaft hiotsrcamne ilit the ouaein Sufl1olký, kua1w-n as tlmsvel M-aar. At that lhie hoe Wasperfcliyhoathy,ý but la just oser ise yia ie died of heart dis- ease. To th Lietate caine, in tise natural Couî'se of ex enta, ta mv se- cond birother, whio was exanied by a edalman aiid proucsunced heul- tliy laà every organ, yet, strange ta relate, h2 o only li-xed eighteen montha ater hou came into tis-eostate, and maoie, trantigo stili, lie diod o! hoart dicae, ta as iny iraI brother isud clonc. 1 arn the only survivisig son. anod 1 go lae tke possessioun of lima- wili ao tis week, but 1 am n laa stat, aif rea ai lest tise fate whiclî 90vertoolk my 1w-o biothers nîay also "Yours la certainly a strango j aory," 1 said, as lie fsnislîod and eank hack lu bis chair lise perspira- tion standing, iin bonds on bis fore- liead, "and if il is a coincidence- il is a very wondes l one, more eape-- cially as heart disease la flot a usai- ady lu comae on auddenly. M uy I asl, if there appeared ta ho anytbing of a suspîciaus nature, apart froua wlsai '.<, have' laid rmc about Iheir deatiisa?' iNo," lie answered; ,"tise syusip- toms w-e-o thase of heart disease, but tise doctors sald tisat bath cases -Ce extsaordiîsaîy and inot unus- said, - Ihat Ibis ougbt ta ho investi- gaLod, gnd. if you wisb, I will couic ta yont seat la Suffolk, anîd try ta lind out wliethcr or ual il la a coin- 'hyou wauld do s," hoe answ-erod "il wouid recliese oMy mimd of a great burdon; tue banse w-lit ha open ta you aI any and ail limes. 1 arn going ta Eliîîsweil tise day aller ta- worraw; could you corne down wils 1 I î-ferred ta myr diary and foundj tisaI 1 had no ongagewtints f or thaI and several succeedîng dates, s0 1 proniised ta go wvith hisb on tise Tisursday oi Ihat stock. and ho tool, bis deparluro. 1 sal for upwards o! an haur Iisink- iug lise circuntancos over. il was ctaiuly st> ange tliaI 1w-o niiCi hiol ae died iii as nîany years from a coinptaiîît like heari. disease, just a! er canu1ing juta a very riîch inherila-nc,. anid afler being pronounec- ed ln sonhealtis hy iisdical mon o! bigis standçing. 1 wonde> cd ta whani tisa atat, would descend iii, tise evisnt o!ý the oly anrviving son On lioi Thýurad1ay mornutig 1 mot yon A iur èJuîrev at Liverpool Strot Sllioî,; 1n w-g w-re soan soeaitedî lualrca cas'> lge and beiag wliie lon)g at fity mulsa an hojur tai the q1uiet litUei village ai Far can imne w-o 6al in silence, and I ui)1abl ta bave a good looki at, muy - /spaiuný Ile appecrcd more sel lied týhan w-bcn I bad seon hlm litaI, and se,,med la have gained alore cnde nd ta be ln tise best o f sprits. ko vr.as selon as I kurledl tlw ceonvrsatioÀn on tise sub- jlet e' tha death Q! is, two brothers kid it deiseanior jreturncd, and 1l eûtildccc tisa ha -a dreading some ilirLT fateý hýiPsÈif. "l h1ave. a !ew questions 1 shoud like ta aa3k yau," 1 saîd. 'usao. jr theo entf of your death. would ln- herlt the Els e.liaBie?", ~It gouild pas ont of tise direct Un,, ai deacent, 'ho replied, "la a tanlýit relative w-ho la uaw ln In- -1 have a plan," 1 aucw-ereti, trouble as possible, au>! sometimes pie, tise cous-ex aide dow- nlatbew-ate -Iw-Sanahy w- aena cee if tisane usay ta lenva w-ISanut mahing a punchuse cuvily o! 15e cane put a bit o! but- 130 ItmuýtI lu my suspicions, au>! if lhey alle-r lohkiag nI uearly everybhing lu ton, a teaspýloon!fuI a! cugan anti a tien( ~jpros-a correct wý-eny Se abe la ttiesa opý piucb o! grena> cmoi . Nnw - f11 alto I vabis tise £01inîuQr vilains mt-tIse puste avcu tse topail aCrauti t hute>!o. FinaL l o! ah 1 i.oulti l!,ihata Hohs"Ga gracions, Doliba, ant mheina e cape yq;uigisb i,,exunsiine yaur skiui!o mco-iou titi yiou bae&Il your front pressing intie-husRpnt 1h STIhe Ianmeu -sbroug"ilant N. aeau ohnoiet reue oIuai awclho1r1 ca-eniy xaie> lteaknO!f nlove iaIig!il, anti Ibis uourgssln awltti s snooi0adeH -i d c(u. Jsttel gv uexlm-s'1udnaie0 is-rla. ~ts duapsgtun sîita< e cd as w-e drove uplise -splendid drive thon 01 asîanishmeut, for I fan> d 4 b*iolti as thougi hie w-re gaiîsg tfa nprison. what I w-a baoking anr, ans>!w-bat i ý yCook. 1 libîle Iliaugisi.as 1 gaze>! at il, Sa>! scarcely tiare>! tatiik tisaI 1 'W qule Isco monthe, neilisor was 1 prepared aruisaw-ro tiuy pucturos. ual di- -*A as for lise terrible avents w'ich woro ta cornible la tis a ake>! cye, Ibraugis A ha. Iappea ere I1soulti again roluru ta w-icS, hy anme menus, a >eadly but muse made ny bomne la London. ataw--wonking, poison Sa>! heen imat,- iaugnr On tise day fotlowing my arrivaI lad loto tise veina a! Artisur Murrey. -ii Arthsur l'>urey Iook nue round ta lis "Vour woants o! a cewldys ago cn varions fnenda and introducot irnie la are correct. and you aahonElow-- useb tîîem 'as a fi i in ro m ousIwn, -csla îatly iasurdescd." Isu1!.WORTI1 NOIN.FOI lb w-as netutil I had been aI. Elnsa- île apraug froubichir, bu ooti bren>! pînys a very important cupfu uvoîl Mfle>' 1w-o tiystisaI I w-as uble snnk back wilS an exeamlin ! in a saîisfaecny uel ilha-s lisesý la look araund lue lu sap-ch of saine paiu n>!ndclîstehe>! aihbilalebrensi licou n callte> hie e"Savereigu o! tl;,a pecO solution (i tbere uas a iy) ta lise Tis ecitemenb a! th ise momoul Sd kitcison.", It migiIhtb a clle>! tane -a a ur iys'tery o! tise dealli o! my ëien's been to mucis for tis a oened indispensable, fanrlise rajoriîy o! î isen brloth-s. bînrt, butl after a minute or 1w-o Se peopte use il canlinuausly us ans ne- stanc 'Tison 1 w-col al aven tise aid bouse, recovereti. companinient o! tise dinnor, w-balier atmr and a magauicenl place it was. 1 "For pity'a cake, expiais yann- il ha a plain or an laborate one. One w-ns sSow-î, hy Arthur llurrey bisu- self!" lha sas>!. 'lnaw-linane content wiili ponr mov se-Iftise twa rooma la whii Sis un-. Wl, I aaawcered. "I argue>! bread ara satis'içd wils infensor gen- Ionsp fartunate Su oIsons Sud dia>! bolt taI if tisane w-as any fouI play go- anali coakiug, but commend us ta bthe favil tisera was naIiig about lhion tla g on thero muaI ha same msotive, isousew-ife w-ho muaI have gooti bren>! rea>!ý' anouse tiese ligitset. suspicion. Tiîoy sud lise auy passible motive that A certain w-amen Sud tise reputa- At- uvre ohln utlie saune wing a!flise nnyoue coul>! hava In gottîug, nid ailtieofa! msing tise veny hoat anti relist banse, anti w'eî-e sphtaditi1 specimena you would ha fan tisa sake o! huheil- finest bncud isono coul>! comparc ie - osf lise ad faslsioncd osîkenbedroonîs ing tise esînle. WSaa yenu lId aie uith hens, sa swet, tender ad ligîsi forp of a couple of centur'ies ugo. I tld tisaIiu tise eveut o! youn deuti tise ycî mast porous ouough-in texturepIesl, am1y client tisaI 1 coul>! nait fsn> asy- estale w-aul>! go 'fa n(distant relu- oen, delicale and isantisome. From are lising la four, andti îougltisaItishe tive w-Sa w-a!lu lutin 1 matie inquin- aIl tise cauuly fuira she wns sutre leaupple braIons, nish have diicd, as lise doc- les usto lise cîsaracîci' o!fliis rein- w-luthe a higista prizo. Cassiug per or-- al torshSa>! cal>!, af hennI disease; bu' lise. butlcoul>! discovern oIisin,,. nanently oway w-e persua>!ed lhon t0ala hoe waul>! not let use go bnck la Tison I roferne>! ta an ol>! book tIsat give ns tise secret o! hien deiluesus took London, sHP sait ieho treade'>!disais- a fieuti a!mine passesses on pois- bnend. lta smore cnslly sinae ba a-i ten of came sort as soon as 1 shoulti ana, an>! discoveredti iat a c-rtuîn .'y the cid w-ny: tieseu'osmleusfnrat leave Elmauvoîl Maison, anti ha heg poison ivas use>! su iodla uvisie superior. loto 1w-o quarts cf aifte>! anti go>! uie ta sîay, andti >!me Ilsat usoui>!protince syuîmplamna o! diseuses Pour rmb ana lar-go spoonfut o! fine, wlint anytiig tisat 1Imigisî Iode bv leav- tisaI wuaît puzzle motiscai unen: but etear lard, lise sanie o! fine agn ing my w-rk la 10w-n lie woul>! more lise poisons ia! ad hoeiîjeîted witS a an>! a scanty spoonful a! Salt.. i- -isow- I mati tisan uako Up ta me. Sa I urote tla avnlge, anti1I argue>!tisaI biis uas salve anc bai! cake a! compressa>! iuy assistant andti lt> Iini lisat 1 impassible ta do wIsanutt lIm person yeast in wanm walan,1 > nougii ta i uvas ataymng, on at Elmuswoîl for an knasvîng it, se I tisanssse>! tise mal- niake tisefoeur inoaaat! uIe fle indp.finîîe lunme, andtie ido tieheal stternf ousmy mid toutil I santhie Caver, an>! let tIIsrisc,avnigi-fae Isii Sehocaul>! util .I.sisonîtireluna. squares in tise ceilinga andi liQse alnîl Jolisensrning, Wrkin~lu uoii * , * punctures la yotur W-isand>! anus.1tla mont>! up, usiag a 111 s gv 1 Sa>!ber a lnYweu aanfo hniave been inoculatedti wlItIislih'e, un>! havaejI rce (fions tse cc a monts w-ln is wlnor or srpoisonunabelcioçun la yoîîmaelf. Butiliscudaan>! kuea ntoil verys;nrotis. ý,liîsnr--sliowed signa af! hennI dis- 1 believe there la yeî lime tla cave Ilta splenIi!ully kuending the tough wîl cas Io lb' ira lie, nt lIe felyou. lWhat I iuîlent idi hO ide biaI makas tIse bra>! fine Value>!. cae frta sue ike t dtis-k adî.h as uin your bedroom an>!waI.tch. yuAIIow- il t rîse inu a w-arrn hiare tilt Whi hi'.,tlIsn, like bis brotisera, te e ofulîl aleep tIsane as usual, but I prom- ligist, un houn or more, Ibmn divi<le tistt tbis awfui mala>!y, ai wiich, aàusonutis ise lisat you sal nol agana hoin- loto :tw-loaves, tîanduing us litîle 10 a anti igitly us passible. u'rd put, in brisi beorse, lihS>!sown o sn?- oculatti wiîh tise poison," baking pas titi liglît, w-SîcS may ho sanit 'la saY tisaII was asteniaseti Sp Iuleiso>!. Far îisrce successive nigis s1I ay bal! an Saur or mare, lu a w-rn mari suoultibeho to mii>! a terns. Iwas iidten la tise btirooUji, nursing a ne- Place. Then, wilS a koife, score tise pure 1sinîpiY tisuicrstrsîck. 1 wet my-- volver an>! w-uîcîing tise square lu top o! thisauves, te prés-cnt crack- Paint sAl! ans>! ntcsviewedt' is ldoîlar, w-ha the ceiling, but notbing isappeni. Ing ut. tieseides, anti Sake anseIasur Oxisi tld me tSat lb %vas a casa similar l j -ninlsefuns ih.tia ieexaclly, ln .a uodoratea ven. M l th ieg andr respect la Sic 1w-o brotiiers, finish oi tise îrngetiy, ccunre>!. removeti tram the pana, stand ou-tise pulli ais!ie gave but 11111e Sape of bis B en en rate aPn ide ta cool. fIahoulti ha tiepti sn aisalc recnvory. lHe sent te Landonaund t3 SiOiunîso lir apn in brou>! Sox, tlsaw-lllkeep viist talso conslte a Se4CiliS, Whse vrd o>!edta faîl into n seini-sîunhanr, but 1I ogtm.Ti aonmksrai conslte> a aeciliat w-hse vrjî i W1sudtionly nuvakeneti by beaing a a ln ie iî nan ae o> ivus tieseanme ns tisaIa!rlise famil slilgisIclich in lise riling. 1I sna y--1w-o or lbnco boaves. ily, dclar, an>! he returnedte la l2msuveli -o ' 'îsg l i ai donkon wan>!rbe uvilis Ta asake tise genuutuaBoston hrow-n u thse niosl depresseti anti aisenal redl eta ubl iea îay MO tise door. mal ajar, sufi-ientlv for me be> aula rulsneu nu Mualusnlise caunty. t e goiveu-a'lieciing. suppose, anti tise Seat tamatie a!f(555 '1 Sellas-e," liesai>! te me ouie day t e odve f teclwtr e îk Mxtr ull rhp ab1oîtly mifIer bis teturus froîn ron- 1lay liera uitis îy cycaglue>! taew-ner, uurandione Mix1w-ofcupula a! sapi dan, "Ilsat tise diseuase is lise moal tise 11111e square, whîici w-as saolavyryfeuam> ancuulo ycos'dî Imbslrleiîsg draw-n back, onil i 1lot acorunîcial, a>!>!ee ieapiug leuspoon- les' peuatg ntise w-art>, or blini I1aIsole im thse cailing ithaut bal! a foot fut e! suIt, un>! a Soapingloapoon- 9goos, bigslasvly uîr!orstc" sure rful o! bicarbonate o! soda, dissolve>! it w- ",Stow-ly nîuri-e-dt" Tise w-ants alae i res ider net ya cupful o!fmals-sesrule, seeie terig i m cas ll aysospe somtiglialre spîing euvatla Iiscal>! w-nIer te a mise rmIera es seem>! a rig i loyour aIldayon a piece o! tin abi! itir.Butthnngsl n> long. lVns auelsEn tbing possible isiltl alstvdoua on te lise bed. Il w-it 111 oî au ean chooaiîen isndor Ilie ninoteentis cenluny? I wldiausfinsae Cnsst,'>!hedui tise itea was ppotrn. -levwna aterribte lookimsg thiug, about balrasut aa aiîssîfcslongs Ih w-eas listeos.fowvte sire a! a ma's han>!, wilissix bte hudh fmdu tfns 1wssoan ta necalltSe w-ants an>!lgs lah ti.lut il wa too ne-_ooy, for corn ment 5wella by Cook- aus-, taO attac> a Ïuew- nseaaimîg tota îeus. lcgsacal-boknhle souha în ring, anti if toa tIl! lise bren>! w-ont>!pursu aflr l atbe-u utElaueh Ita cra side>- or asmy living nimtal. Asor le hrrd un>!unsalisfachory. Put ila anyq One ufîouooou, laie in ise autusnnan spidbuloereti pl.inmaanimtisa top1 or for atamst luso moalhua, 1 was in bieut ecnd>hb te awi tîighie bra>!w-il a w-eh kuife.Caver st> botnosa >0wbicb Artisun Munney iaIsule, ndeetyi ocsoibs eau>!stearn ut loatfour banna, liseuiin slepl, anti I sat tousn in tise bay osuîocd ta mnose aven tisa dry off fiftacu mfrnmîsites is e avcn. Sl'ugï window- an>! baSe>! ou nt btlie beau- -îounîeu-panc As t nnuIe>! aven 'Ibis ,emount makea ana gooti i.>! n> ilful park aioftise lsînnreys, wiiis tah>!Icu>isnctllos'lieloa. Unholteti rve us tise hst, but efiili tisugîî -'vs S aan 1 g laa ds-buzzîng ai w-Scla, whiicis about evory w-heu uat ta ob ati, rye foeur 'w-lu stoP reoult ave sn>! epgo teua dis- tlîinîy seconds aloppe>!, w-len tise fig- do oi nanielaiw-ouI>!pssou o steand stili, and!.1 tisougislt iug nslanchaly frameof ai fla>. I ha>!tisatIbis was Wheu tise liquitiw-oui>! a! Gruaam flour, ouie--balf pinI o!f re haen at Elmsw-el foi- s'verni Se hoinjeceet iuo tise velus o! tise Manuhai lar napo o ukta a rn!t.e lapaot ie -Who w-as lu thised>. -wotfor n ito nl, oo l andteni i apere lkew-acte>! 1 aduiredtihie noerve s!fArtisur freas oggs, thes yolks onîy, an>!onanoct -timne, for w-bates-or 1 tii I bIt sure Munney.île w-as uel-auane a! w-iaî Ieaspaoîs!ni o! saIt. faut nl lare,,- -c tisaI I coul>! uat pros-ont tise aw-futwasgoing on, as lho Sa>!ha>! noatiser vory snothly anti 1aslly Pa>!>!tla i fute su-iicisthrcen'-n th niur Munre3, -aic wchatmaists u th- -ie w-ites, healon toa a ail!!fretS. 1frasa oserlaking hia. Sepsnew a aetedso-Havae the uebl huttereti gem, pans haIt J had am talie nomla olcroflthe puncunes. only in thieday- vem-y bot, andi bake la a quick tîreos. brout 1rosund>! la ee- if tîere was amyosySi- bnetbed as thougis ho w-cie asîoep. ilice Breadi-This mabtzesan vanîeîY bel>! lility o foul play, licti, sarnehos- Siîw-ly thse terrible, poisonousfo the breakfast. Take ana plut ( a ilhi meei>d.tehe oing w-s!ce> on i., spier-macbiae matie ils w-ny ta--welI boite>! rie,bal! a piut o! l<mîm, 1-a mind Th celin wa ofcared ak arda tise san suppose>!tla ho aslCeep.lise yohks o! foui- ogga, 1w-a spoon-> souse -antiwas very heaulifui, but 1flo- antiw-as jusl laucising bis lin>!w-bon fuis o! malteti huIler, aise pirt o! la nt lime han oInabecul on t ans e-e hr tasse>! asy'revoilveu'anti fine>!milS, a litho sait, au>! Ona lange be alti. r Tliia w-oui>! u ad e een ougi tisa hale in the ceiliag. spoon!ui o! sugan. iUeat aIl Iisre in- Sta: notiace>! S anh pessms oul two ntve '. n A sabîuof aipain follaucdti ts abt, grerlieuta 1111 s-ery susoatis, andti ien Opý. notce b oe eronou o tenyandthie littîe amacinewas jenhetioffa!!t>!tlhe fraISaie>! biles o!ft»e four broui but ta lise eye o! tise eective ' isebd u!la utieIoor n it egsBake la sbaltow- pana antiushih *w-auid atarI a train aI tlîougst bthelit w-d a on1tevafiug. sors-e hbtlThsse 1w-a hast neeeirstq clos wchmigist ion>!ta sounelbing aIse. bInitthel-scanfaton anti nequire iso a bling pautier, tise mggs teu-ia As, 1 lookGd up aI il 1 su>!tieisy tisorden. Servanuls camue ruasing toarase sufficient 'nsteati îettî starteti, fan 1 rememnboredti ta I Sud lise noom, anti 1 matie my w-ny wils A Nice- Breakfast Reliis-Cul a îo s seehngaothnssw-et Mutoff in - lus-oo! Ie ht men servants totahie lrap qunmte'la a npoun>! o! cheese lu lb lu u>'ns ceilng n E'nisell ano inprocise- doon w-hich cornîntcale>! w-IS 1te alices, put lun afïying !paný, an>! tuntla lyth osn weS tie It easoun h>!0apanment aboya lise hedroarn. aven il a cuplul o! 8w-ot aiS : add ausseve rooWn cnusSe>!.uthesîti mamsenaur w-ny gooti pincis eueS o! sýulh, eppen ant iebd duo>!. t te apat w-h nmaeu-elie urgsî w-uyfoudry mostanti, an>! n psoce a! butter dow Goati heavens! was there auything streausiug lisougit fraus the raam be- liai! the size o! ait cgg, atir tise sîix- haut ini thora fateful w-ants-' 'aIaly imUr- îow, al une constally. Roll four soda firai fdore>!?" Wnqsosme tiabahical plat Ouitise faoon lny the body o! a mais crackers very fine, anti oprnahe inmOa! b Seing huttci d w-bse antiw-as tise sisotthIraugis lie bond-lise body eti graduaîly, thon turo mbt a W-armnaramz dealis o! the 0w-uer o! Elunssel ' ree ihadsreatoc.go Manon? lise man w-ho ha>! nlready muriot ihsadeveaongo î mtieusyw-n tatis ~Iierha>- -w-amess anti so aeariy a third.W'e Carna frillena are uiulfier breakfast ece rous, la seci tise ceing thora Sud Plieketýiunsup anuitcanna>! iim tistheiiss, easiiy anti quiekty mate, au'>!the E Sea linte! a lie oîse tu tît edroonu helow-, but he w-a quit, cucli foods as eau ha quichhy matie 'Il Soin. Ireaciseas thise som a>!o ak- ten>!. nea!y for ltme table seous ta have an bret L ee. w-lI auaprehsenave exandelooky Arthur Murreir ideutified im: usas tise utieti attraction. To ans plut o! tisa r4i lth n aprelensie epectn relative frous lutin, w-Sa w-ult have danne>! sweec ornadattona anti eue- int -for tise square 'in ltae celiig, s>!iat e>! hwl sal~aiIi al!pinla a!fusiik, oaa leaspoonful o! donIhrtd Lmwl sae1dbi sure enouighit ilw-a tisane. A paeti-1- lt ucedt.saiti hesa ame o!fsîganr. Now-maSs ndt 1the Muies of the apples as they k.A hall hour or more in a rk ogen la required to bake tbem, 7should be delicately browned. Luce is needed for our dumpling. îrd sauce is proferred by sonie le of oqual parts of butter and ar rubbed together and flavoredl hnutY»eg or vanhlla, but a soft ei la iked by other-s, whîle some btnot had. r adplair ac take on&ý lu of granuiated s.,ugar, adda 'ai PIOCO of butter, hall a: tea- onful of sait, and ovor this pour upfui and a hall of boilingwater: n ierd one teaspoonful of corn rh in a little ereami or milk and into the boiiing sauce. Cook moment, stirring constantlY, re- ve from the lire and Stir in one spoopful Ecf lemon or vanilla ring, and the dumplings are av to serve. ipe sauce is often the poorest of hes, because poorly made. This i, like every other, is for botter pains taken in making it. Ap- 3,nerely stewrd and sweeten"d. flot very good. Simmer the es, wliicb shouid be tart, Ilvelv a few minutes. stirring often. tilt are weil coaked through, titi they kas if straîned, thougli the pro- slI entireiy unnes'mrly. Noiv. in a genorous plece of butter. sugar to the taste, sait It somoe- t, and flavor with nutmag. ITt 1be a inatter of, surprise to flnd vdeliciaus even apple sauce can hie le. in plates lined with, a gond paste. I ihthia "apple sace" and -ifuilIy ornamonted wîthsrca f. e, lnstead fo!1an uppe crs!, us a uil hage aînd lpro ve NTEP, THE GRIEAT TONIO. 'ben il la goneraiiy uuderstood tevery dlisease, from a slighî. coid t virulent cancer, or frornia .ng indisposition to violent in- ity, is morety an indication of s- or tess impure biaod, and that eair, aI or hetow the frcezing t, is the heat btaod purifier in 3ence, we shail wetcomo wioter as' grand annuai oppartunity for ing ourselves in the best physi- conditin. Very cold air being a poworfuI tonie, affords the, iest means for building up vital- after the exhausîing drafts made ýit during the hot mouths. est busy womon take tittIe exel- durîng cotd iveather, oxcept liei'- ,a brisk watk in the direction o! aIo, shop or other place o! Lusi- 3 This ta excellent as far as it sand wouid hoe more excellent if vent farther. The breathing, as a ýis rapid and shallotw. If the[ estrian wouid inhale deeply îvhile ing five stepia, and exhale slow ly ing the foilowing ton stops, hier ,s would be completeiy aired, and alk of from twvo to four mites sued on tiiose lines would cure ordinery case of cold, hea>iache 'tii cd feeiîîîg."'1'The iwomon wlia lorm coniulain of fatigue invar- jy possosa large. weli-airod chests. ggishness, indiges~tion, boredoin pessimism are symptoma o! ini- oent habits of brcathiug. If the lai very euick it rnight bc botter ihale wtile taking seven or ten s, and exhale during the follo%%- 14 or 20 stops.- 'Ih1s rnothod of athiag gels an enarmnous arnount pure air juteIthe lungs, and it la acconîpaniod by the dizzîness eh o! len tro'ublos those who try breathe rapidlv and deeply. 0oW exhalations are infinitely te thas protracted holding of the 1th. 'lhe brcath Phould nover ho dfor more than a, !ew seconds at nme. If, duriin'f the moment or lui which breathing ia suspended, e particular oniergelie movement made, a ncw sensc o! vigar Nwill vividly foît. To iliestrate: ma on the porch or before an sn window and inhale as full a rtl) as the lunga will hold. Thon le holding the air, mnake the mus- sof che'iI, or back, or arma, ae, se and bard as possible, before ing the breaîh escape. There is surer way to give fresh life to the ves and great strength and sire the m~uscles. Any invalid, flot in >îre pain, can pracîce it. Let the 1hle roilecl close ta, an open Wi- Y, and w hile hrlefly holding each ig breath, lot lier flex in au.ccessio]R ;the muscles of ber chest, thon tho w-niaI, thon of the hack, thon ns, thon lhighs, thon calvos. One )d big breath of freezîng air for i w-ill distrIbute now Ilfo aier owtire debiiitated body. rhere lr. an endiess fascination irA thing exorc ises. We ail know it there la henefit waiting for us the outside almosphere, but w-e 't bogin to ronlize what an extra- .naýrr amiit of beneflt ii con- mioul, cavera tise stonsaci wils ai protocliva- coat, and nolleves tisa pain1 o! inflammation. la hIuopa10 oltnt o!evory 1,0011 peo,,ple arie living ont of their 0wv-n; contyinAmrîa137 oI !M v 000Ausraiau w-rebora fla somýe! CUBIlES IN TRE'KITCIIENRI1 VALVABLE 1EINTS. IN CASES or, EMYERGENCY. Every Kitchen or Storerons Con- tains a Number o!ftJseful Rensod.es. So far as medîcal science bas dïis- covered, tise hest all--o.uud cwu for. dyspepsia la salt-aîid-w-ater. You put a amail leaspoaisiul ai Sait lu a lai-go tunibler us hol as you eau swailow-, and drink it li an hour or tw-csty minules hoforo cacis meal. Tisis wlasises ont tise stomach tlisr- ougisly. Alanypeople Itry tise plan o! drinlting bot water as a cure for stomacis complainta; but as Iisey Omiltise sait tise aperalion is not al- ways satilaaclory. T1hîe plain waler la rather irrilating la a delicate stossiacli, but the addition a! sait provents tise irritation, and couverts tise dranghisto a paw-erfui stomachs stimsulant, says a w--iter lu Laqndais Answ-crs. Peppor, proves cqually VALU AIlLE IN EMElIGENCIES. Suppose oua bas a pain la tise abus- ach), or a sinkiug feeling, lucreas no- tising btter than a amaîl qunuiity ai Pppoinlu aglass ai bat w-nIer. Vith lthe addition of sugi4r l forma a pleasant asid stimulaîîing drauglit, good for a cold anti ail sorts i o pains. A Icaspoo)nful o! pepper put înb a twoouc oltie aifstrong w-sike orrusa ivilli uiak tie air grOwýý."Af.- tif a hatl, also, il la an exl!lent tIling ta tub juitatise bekid-or, la fact, ail over tise bd.If anc la at ail blue-aller bis inorning tub a li- Ile of tisahomeusade lisse ure poured iii tIsepains ai tise and anid briakly robhed ta tise body w-l produce a wxasns glow, andl prevent chili. Mluslard lias nîany valuable uses. As a plaster on tise cist il draws tise hlood froiss lie eangested longs 1<) tie skia, and in tise faot-balis it druw-s bbc hlood Irons lie lunga ta tise feot. But il la atili more valu- able as an emetie. lu tise days of tioned fooda w-e rua considerable riali of poiaaning-ifnet o th ie disaIS aI lealta lishe point of very groal discomnfort. A spoonful o! inustard in a largo glass of warmiV ater lb a splcssdid renîedy in sncb cases, and it alsa stlnsulates. Sugar cannaI ho hoalen as a cure for coid lu tise bcad. Il mnuaI ho s ery finely pow-deted, and used as a sauff. In sooew-ay iltIsoen acta as an astringent, and, if used in lime, puta an end ta tise cold. In cases a! poisaning tisore are maay simsple remedies at band. For istance, suppose, as so O!lton hap- pons, rilric or sulpisuric acld la sw-ai-j lowed iii mîstako for saise heverage1 or lise othor, thiscai la uessary aI once ta NEJUTRALISE THE ACID hefore il bas lCime ta corrode thse stamacis. This is donc hy imenus o! an aikali. BIut tisere is no tIsse ta aend ta tise clsesist's, and lise bhathlisîg la do la la acuape some imorlar aIT tise w-aIl, st ' r il up in ivater, assd muake tise patient sw-allow- il, If lise pois- on happons la ho alkialine Inaîead 0f acsd-cautîaic soda or asuna, lai' insaaice--tsn you hsave tIse reiedy at isaîid lis e cruel Gîve tise vie- lins a dose of vinegar. - Suppose it la an irritent poison, sucis as arsenic, or a sedatixo, sucs as opium, youn muai. iînediately give a large quantity o! muatard- assd-waîer as an emetic. But Ibis la net sufficient in tise case of aplaui poisaning. -irow-sisiass camnes an, w-iich may ho fatal. Theci-ore you bave ta dose tise patient wilhstarang black coffee. If you gel a cultishaI will nal stop bleeding, tisere la nolising like cold w-nIer. Do't bandage lise bhnd. Aud il yau w-lis ta avoid biood-poisousng don't dream o! using lise ancienî re- medy-a cobw-eb, but isold your isan<t ahove tîhe bond, aîîd pour lise coidest w-ter pi-ocurabie aver if. Tise w-au-t case a! hieeding wili usnally yieid te luis Ircaînsent. l'or aigist burus, 100. tisera la no- lling like caid w-nIer, ansd keep it Ibore for five or Ion minues. lack currant jasa is ana o! tise nios1 agreeable and effective romodies for a sore Ibroat or cougis. Put a tstblespoonfni la a tunîbler o! hot water, and you bave a deliciaus ha- verage, as w-cil as au excellent cure. Applos cura warts. Of course, tise perfect reînedy for warts and cora la salicytic acid; but, failing tIsat, an applo rubbed on lise place frequnaly w-ileffeel a cure, hy rmen. ofr ti malle acid il coutains. Cold ton ila a 'very aId and lried romedy for re- tisaItishey are not wbiiing t1 pay titae hasitulon la syingsir, ta oa wifes nrvon fis aie ocnsia k;y yen' tayng ont So ble evcrfy thiem. Tise. èff art hes beon made reac -a -w-rock in 240 feet o! oer. Trhe accouaIs oInte that at f eet thée divor began ta expce- nce Serlous trouble. At 200 feet, er suffesing terribly, ho e con- ousnessand was hauled. up, ivr inol work much below -100fot COMI-ADES. Experiences o! Sharpshoolers în Souths Afria. Tise rougs give-and-take and fr'ee. aud-easy comradesisip of army life are pieasantly illustratedinlis ennie Slcxonsoa'a book -"bruisRhode- cia," --brai c bs s ,n ! Ie ,x periences o!1asarpsboaterra la So;uths Afnica. O'n tise marcis, ho says, vre hati aal- w-ays gi-cal ditt'sculty lanlimsding tIse spot w-here w-e iad loft aur saddles. AI nigis we rntad thiseu for pillowa, and allen anc watsld bc rudely awak- ened by a gruif voice ati. ii car, "1M-re, ssift! Ihis la muuy dti' "i sii't your satdîsc." "I. isn'b,>' "Itlela" "iVell, even If il !S, I'm Dot goins ta ahi> t aI lis time of iigIt "Aren't you? We'il sec about lisat." Tiso nlatise moonligst '1wo forma w-ould te'encusîrugglisg, naw amang tise- isrses and again fniuiag over, Ilseir coîsuradea. Tise fray eontiotîed until ona or the allier 'unan w-as victorieus. Tisen tise 1w-o gossleraliy -sal dowa andti irew reuaarks a aIcrisotiser: "WeJI, cocky, yen tisaugst. yon'd pull me off tisaI saddle, did y.ss?" 'Oh, it's ail very w-cil for youl You issvem'l lad loves'. lait titi you gel it, and liese o if yau have amy, strenglis left"' Tisen. lise w-isle argument wonl4d pîoaently end thkua: "etgoati agbl, maîcyl L'au% "C oad nigisî, latit 1hope auer row w-aîîi't bring bnck lise lover. 1 didîs't knaw yau eltlise affects of Il sîll, i'd hava givon back lise satidle at once If I'd knowu, You ana have Il 110w if Yeu vWant." " No, lisanka, l'u ail nîglit as à nam.' 'Sure?" "Voes." 'Gooti nigisîl" "Gooti lgist!" OLD ENGL>SH ENGINE& Loenmotlves Thlat 1Have iieen un tse RB for -Many Yeari uxid Ai-o tili .ffeutiye Tise faoeus "No. 1- Cre-it, Nqrth- cru cngiîîe recan-tty eomspftctd ,ils four sîiiaulis usmile. Il was built in, 1870. It las îll regularly ocm- pioyed an express passmîger. work, ays Tise Landau Daily IdaîLt Turning isese faits ovin lainbis mmnd a Daily Mail ropresenativa w-a3 led 10 reflect tisat, after ail, perisaps tisare rmugislbeassci.îtiug goodte t ho said o! tisa unuci abused i>iial locomotive, aînd ho set ont on a voýy- age of investigatiounishicsetrad liraI o! aIl, the companty's bouma"e- tîve warks aI King's Crase, "Oh, yes," repîsedth ie srmperlaten- dent, in asser ta a quer3r, -ez have a nuniber o! englues ol t.ii elass rnîing aver aur sys.em. MIa1- Snjg pasasenger trains? Cartim niV, andi excellent lune îisey kcep. m- enican locomotives? IVe don',,tus aur passenger trains ta 15cm, -W. keep tlsem for 'mninerais' ane 3z-iljem w-ark, Caod cuguses? IWei;, t nay ha; w-c realiy liaven't beu ru!ir ning them long enougs te foa a dccided opinions." 'Tis edîtur o! tise LocomoltvgMn- gazine w-as more explîcit. -"The ]3ritiss-bisýilt angine," Se snld, "11h. lise Britisîs-bulilt bridge ild ie Britisis-corslructod ies-manL.sit ay la donigned la 'stay.' "'lêc e e4rg pionîy ofegfinssesrunining -ds DNâ BDritiss railw-aya-ayc, aif!ou n- lissanlal ones too-isat w-are o structeti 20, 30, 40 and aven mr yenî s ago, and w-bicS are atl ier- fectly rel'able fa eveny w-ny, "Ainerican huilders can show nu. tiîng es-en remotely akia taeit Tise 'life' o! a Yankee 'loco' mnsay ho as short as Ion yen> s. It. %-uld ý cotninly bacansideroti ae cdaU 15.1 ,And Issotîltimausgine Lthere îaranu abase a score o! 20-yea-ol4lca motives in tise w-iole UniletiStta tIsaI ai- e nglanly eng':keda in Isef passeager ser'ice o! anLy o ie s-I cînass timea. Tisa Amrneiýcan encer docs nol oven pretoî t t builti hls locomotive 10 'Stay.' l, Furtser iuaiuiry revealedth ie fact tisaI tise"No. 1" ailudedte aboya la not lise eldest locomotive rnn-. ning passusgor trains ti Grat ri- tain. 'Tbis isonor la clairnetifer au angine but hy Messrs. r, q ry , Curtis & Kennedy, o!eý Liverpool, in 1845, w-hicS a sth i al use on tise Wanr!rd nti Tramer.. ra.lw-ay, iilihese canîhenttof Ire- land!. Tise railway on wieh Il ruae la

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