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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1902, p. 8

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I Geatest of' the Old Masters by i lara Morris's Stage Recollec-j P. Rýe'fembrandt, etc., their ~~u fMlinte h 1-tnraclQx1 ~ObP ' ,Bateço ,;lontrtRrv th such -Vu-- r uatu u ureeon 1whie tbe j1oes t) you andi vour !amaily. is I <Jur 2c1 faces -andi attenuated torms met witÊ h wlth the corporations nsMed In saud irreparable, we know that the coMUIZn25 lamentable frequency, but is responisible .' a--- mnt anda sllownss ofcompllexion, T ack Tea is the best procurable. i or n eeay, asatheildau' heping IU nCnd.T YTIM band. h retis o ,ur loss thât we fîe! Pit, lveadand ter. Jad&en Martin. Illustrated prospectus, descrihing lu full man ' yather features, -sei jS. S. MVeCLURE CO., 141-155 East 25th Street, New York City,1 ONE miDOLLAR JL"DA YEAF But at any price TEE BEST. Bigin to talk over what papers and magazines you want in 1902 with your famiîv M A. JAMEs wil ho glad tc furnish informdation, i. A j ~ 'iWeek of Winti 1 Çnfnrt (Iii MAK ïlJ February 31t M AKE aq 1902, retura tickets will be the foiîowing rates:- NI Toronto, Mackham, Myrtie, FARM and east tl'ereofinl Canada rogfeuie ~and roturu, valid gaing Febl ýfruit growers, beekeepers, &gniçUl- QEE ADRTR tural students,anhoemkr find ti articles and answers ta Port Hope ta Quebee, returi Belleville to Quebee, return 1 Tickets and aIl informat Agents Grand Trunk Railwas SM. C. DimKsaN, cutiNOMEMAGAINE District Passenger Agent. and HOME MGAZINE 1 eckets and full purticulars m simply unequalled and indispensable. T JURY'S Dnug Store, Bo wu If >iou are not already a subscriber ta the mast heîpful, best printed and I heautifully ilustrateti farmer's paper i published, we inv ite sccutiny of a jJ it free. Addrms: TELEPHIONEI- THE WILLIAM WELD CO., Llmlted, LONDON, CA NADA. [0 0 0 P.S.-The suhacription l ice, $1 per year, includes also the superb Have you tried ci Xnias Number. ----------- Coffee, it is very igood ____Teas can t be -beat. Powder iii 11b., cans,1 EXPEIEiCE 20e per IL, to clear 4 before ,,tock-tahing. FRO~DUCE WAN' MGHS &G Ûve Us Aci AaYave e1 eet edInscription May -kiyasere,. uro: rsewhether an Ou t roabypi u.eCommunica. - --O o -triticonoitie :yon uPatentes0 0 0 & GO,3eîumadway, New ynrk BOWMANVILI al "Lý11 w" un"'y Dw t thêWBST DUUAM IAt*RLULrU- - stôry told areporterof the Suihy Mrs O. vnos $8100 to Mr. BIngbamt, Treasurer I wl of an aisie and Mercifal Reavezly RAL SOCIETY. 1-emn fTdThirdAeuOag- f h anto teAetesie Father, we do earnestly pray that the coin. Hermn, o rdThir AvnueOrage- f- te Hme fr te Agd, he sine fort and salace wbich FHealane cangive, Mt free. ville, carrnes a lesson ta other mothers, b6el hDrged to the Poor Relief Commit- May at this tiîn e bdatybestowed' The djund meeting of West ,n I e adMjs era si: Aot itenurts e bnecl N. Y. is emnad Abu itemnh upnn yon in this heur _of lonely and esd Durhain Agrioulturai Society won held ago my daughter, l<ate, while attending Moved by Coran. Loscombe, second- afflictin; and that while the cioud of orrow tu the Corancil Chumbar Friday afier. tne public -school studied hard. We ed by Mr. .Ieffery, that the thanks af lnsy partially c'er shadow your beiniz utnoPridtA.ECemnnth notied hatsheiJegn t coplan "~thi %Junclhb given to Mr. Gale. Edf- present, niay a God, who is ton Wise ta err, ahair. headaches, This was followed by a list- tand too Rood ta harin, graciously susta* hradu Ceespeene i e le;sness and an utter indifference ta the ter af THE Nzws, for hie very efiient te inad ud n s nlyu as things that usually interest 'young girls, reportea t bis own expense of the pro se that at last when yoD sqhal te called froin part, oongrutulating the Society an the '.4e consulted a doctor, and she took'bat- ceedinge of this Concl for the pont @a th away. vou may have a n abiding hope sucoesaful arationit of tho ppiat year, tic aftcr bottle of medicine, but with no yer, -and we would at the saute tima that yen ibsill airain be united t, the wifrA and rooommending that better accoin- benefit, Often she would risc in the 8sk hlm if ho wouid, when any matters af your youth and the lawing, faithful coin-motinbpoiedfrhread morning after an almost sleepless night, nanion of your mature vears. oainb rdeifrhre n morin ate a amos seeles igt, of Importance transpire at any meeting C- n e dresdteCu cfl utl, and that mare carte hbeuxerclsed hier limbs alI a quiver aud lher head rccl. maire sfIl and complets a report Cu.PryadesdteCuii in the selection oet ufficersanmd directoris ______ing She would be attacked with spelîs thereof as possible, and he wilIlbe en- In roerence ta the apread af Diphtherîa se tha nytoewi îlorfr of dizzincss, and on the least exertion hier titled te, and will recelve frointii in the north-weat part ai the town. In heineats of th o ety hawIll wak fo heart would ralpitate violently, and wc Council their mont gratef ul acknowledg- conversation with Dr. TilIey, hoehd On Motion, the report was adopted. or were really afraid she would not recover, ment for the saome. Carrled. suggested that it wouid he bath chesper Mesors. A. B. CMemans, H. C. Hbar 'er At this stage my husband suggcsted that Mr. Gale thanked the Conil for the and enfer If the COuncil were ta rent a and J M. Jonen were appointeildade. i wc should try Dr. 1.4 illiamns' Pink Puis, Resolutlon, and expresaed hie willinq- place tyhere the cases could hoaiu once gates ta the meeting, of the Cacadia I O ec. and lie brought home severai boxes. Kate liess ta comply w1th the wiabes of the removed te, and secure a good nurse to Association of Fuire and Exhibitions ln had ony taken the piî is a few wceks, u(3 ,u0fly spssbe attend thein. lu many cases they Toronto, Ftb. 19.h and 20îh. Each to 1. 1 when there WAS a great change for t on sc drse the Couci would have better nurélng and by thusdlgt aalwe 2twreepn bo 1. i etter, She grew stronger, began ta eat In reference ta the piesent condition af isoIatlnu It there wus not huif the dan- dese. aI llwd~ awrsepn isue t tisanstge thase nott lo und se Was the Evuporutor, for which the town hud ger. -,A t prenent the heuda af five fan- The election af officers reaulted ai - again en.joying the be t oflicath and abe granied a bonus. Thera woeaail kinds es eaurnie adsu a r in ows: Prosident-iroh. Stalker, Ptboota resume hier studies at school. 1 might ai rumors gaing about, and ha thaught earning a cent, se that the town was Orono; let Vice- Preaident-Jas Dey- Pti Qbec also tel1 you tIhat these pilus cured my litwuu time thut this Council took saine foreed te suppor':t ail. There Was no mnu, Bwa s'l; 2nd do Hl. C. Hur, te 8 ueil daughter Emma of an attack of rheama. a-stops taea60that Messsn. rtýhisw & doubt hbut that this diseuse hud sopre.ad do., 3rd do., Hughi Greenlees, -do.; a oitisin, sa that you sec we have much Flukia carrled onti their part of the through çiirelesnee, and ibere Wis no 8ecretary Treasurer, M.. A. James, do.; reason ta praise thein, and 1, earnestly agreement wlth ibis town. As yeti nezi; saying where it wouîd end. TJheoharase Dtretors-Bowràànvllle-Archié Tait, %15.80recommend them to ail mothers whose tç notli-ghbdau ~dons. ne ltb aihyfanse5bth .AJms alntnA Cen a V daughters my be suffering a mine did." Te Mayor replîed that many of theoentrating Ihall in one place, the ex ee, Thomas Baker, W. C. Blackburn, ?n, $15.20 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure ail ds-atonesn were wîthont foundationan pensecould h largely reduced. I weW . E Poîlard: Ciarke-Norman Allfa, 15 05 eases that have their origin cither in a _cited one Instance where it was' toîd finsliy decldad ta let the question lay D. J. Qibson, A. Tumblyn. 15.20 poor or watery condition of the blood or thpt Messrs. Grahamn & Finkle bhtd not'oe atil the unet meetn iCuol t - O er n etI R of C o u n il . H a n o rsry d ire c tars -- R a b e rt B e ith , temdkushattered nerves. [t is because they make paid for matertal and lbor. Ha found1 On mnction. Councli adjourned, until 'aing Irom rich ccd blood and strengthen the nerves thut thaîr accorant had beau paid ln the first Monday ta Februurv. M.P.P,, Bowmaaviîle; WýH. Reid, M. run rmwith every dose ta they cure such fl.,____ P., Clarke; D. B. Simpzon, Q. C., truls1saae90cnsmton2 t Bowmanville; J. H. DavItt, ex War- trulsa nena osmto nis Mr. Losoaanbe thougjut we lied not as Clarke District L. 0. L. dn îcsok m ikrWr tion framt carly stages, nervous headache, St Vitus' mc ad ihtemay h ~ Tenalmeiga ireDsdon, BNecl; J.iB. MIcheII,Muyor, ay Systi.dance, rheumatism, partial paralysis, (Meaers. Grahamn & Finkie) bhid paîd ThctLoyal mrang ofarks e Dsdeut ewastlie; J.nBMars. J afr, kidney trouble, indigestion, etc. Ordin- out, ai seeîng that they wera carrying Oro lO rangdey ultenonanhed us J.W. alndgMssr.Bowmuvle evi ary medicine me reîy acts tapon the symp. n tercotac.Teyso l haveo-Teda ftrno'J . rigBwavi;Lv att thTOTT toms of theetrouble, andewheansuch anvife. tomdcs aedocnfne the trouble, n hnsc had the business running lui Novembea1r, ana of the hast meetings held for a Skinner, H. J. Werry, Jas. Leask, S. manvlle meicins ae dscotinud te toube ndthoa wn n aig ofIt et.long tîme, Worsihipfraî Master Bro. Snowdon, jr.,, Dallngton; Gea. Gray, retiurns oftcn in an aggravated forai. Dr. u& hn u sg i~Yt A. Tait prned. Ail the Lodges i John Duvey, J. L. Power, W. E. Jaw. Wtilliams' Pink Pis ou thc contrary go tha District, :Wîth on exception, lae otClarke; J. D. Canrscadden, A. Eng. à%ld direct ta the root of thu trouble and cure Many Sco Chlre re potd hiiase' eotso s lhC artwrlght. Pink PuIs ectht hfor l P aie ee"usbalance on hond. On motion it aras deoided ta hold tha "Dr WllamsPik ill fr alePepl" ale, Weak and Nervous.a The WshpîM aund- Brother 1,11 Fair on Thuraday und Ficiday Sapt. yudelrdcnthaethem scnd ans aWr appointed a Commiit- 25und2, agneea y ta any krrange. 7 direct and they wiîl bc mailed, post paia, V)ellit*ted and jExhausted tu MIU* ta the tamily af the lota Brother J. fteOnda ar n xtiiin at 5o cents a box or six boxes for $250, a Body-Dr. Cýhaesea erve' oOd Jackson. Association. by addresssin- the Dr. Williams' ikcdi. la Surprtisinaiy B1enefliaIL for r. .F aneBwmnil It was dacidad taunite with the Dur. due o.,BrokvileOnt cieiden.spake I reference ta the lote Brothet itngtoa Township Society and Bow- The severe and ever-increasing strain N.Clarke Wallace and puld a hihtnb nvîlle Horticraltunal Society for Ex. iur new ~iL.of campetitive exaniinatîions comflig a, atetah. eioygudonm trihahîbîtion purposea. a time when every boy and girl tteheemrado motion aiiM 1. Ou is MîloBitonvsiedOhua13 undergoing trying physialogical waa ials!ructad ta prepare a PtBaolucicln On moinO r. W. E. Polîund,tha frizîd reealy. , Mr ad Ms. G hâhzes dosmuch tawards making CO ho placad on record la the minutesa-fThoowing ocistyaaiovs frens eenly.. r.an rs WG mental and physicai wrecks of echool of the Lodge. u1 dopred: Ta heSceyupoe Baking Jones, Mr. À., Mitchell and Mr C children. Rua dawn in health. wIth It was decided ta hava Bro. Dut!, tha af the suggestion of Mn. F. W, Hod- Moase are visiting in Mariposi...Roads the biood thin and watery and the ner- Grand Orguniz,3r visît the District ai, a mon, Dominion LIve Stock Commission- usualy wre o badly blocked WeuEllesday we vous systemt exhausted, chiidren havedaeuiblteimo.oroth fctta algiutrlex ha edo without aur mil T e n chance ta escape the many il'àthat dt urbet isl.e otee!~iia i giutaa x a 10,Templars held an open ouncil Friday beset afeeble body-. There la no treat- ARusolution Won also pasurd ne- hibitioaq stiouid be made more educa- at, 0c.evenîng ..Master Clifton Whittaker nient known to science that se natural- questiLg the County Lodge te foyerna tîve uloag agnIcura in n. has returned fromt a visit lu Coiborne.. ly and thoraugh.ly restores strength and (Ouuty Celebrution on the coming 12th ,M. Go. Gray, by request, gave un .rFakadMs eseStanles "îtahity ta the nervous systein as Dr. of jUîy. <- accoui ai hie experience et the Eastern à;ýsilse ...Mr FPrand 'liss essi Chase's Nervu Food.. It rnakes par- The foîîowtng were ail re-electeid au Associations circuit af fuire, as expert au sîîl ick Mc Pery Ewarseata bappy by bringing back the color tifficurs for th~ aun er Judge on hanses, and raoeived the ITED. AI n.Ptik jr.,Toronto, was el14aItYtethdbodies ofthi pale, BCO. A. Tait, Bowmanvile; D).M, chunka ai the Society. home on a vist.. .. Nc, Paterson and puny chfldren.11 Bro. E Morton, Oiano; <Jhapian,Bro. Moeîlng udjouraed. fmil iss C m teli P r hain soon,.. Mrs. S. DempPOY, Aibury, Ont., M. Cowuu, Or&;no; se' Bro. James At a arbequent meeting ai the Dl-. MissainpellPorHope. is givkîag Wrltes:-",my littie granddnughter, nine Gaï,. Bi.wmnatuîlîe; Fêun 8,c., Bro. E rectone, M A. James applte4 foian n-a music, lesbbons hece ...Mrs HackellYears aid, waspaie and wenk, she 1-ad A MeLean, Newcastle; Treais , Bre). creuse or salan> ais Secretar>', end at îort Perr', iii visiting NMis. W.Wiliiaîus no appetite andi seemedti t be graduaiJ- 1tiat einotecobnethe Noso .Fhe nsraîatio, o!effitrs o New ~ grwlugwes~rr. D. Ch~e'a erve. t-W<nvile; ir. o Cen Bai as dcîdDrta cmbin the ifies o intlltono (fiur o ew ood praved luvaluabie lu in caii. e-Bert RR îd, New v' e;Lc B,.TSecraîary and Treusurer and puy huma .~'I ..,.r li'~'-~O B.~ ookplc.e'-<'rrzhoilt and calor andi making G7.ôô, Ký.d,.i. elr f$0 ~ riloq -P ..Wîtian '~ litin1 ur trangeu,.d weli." The efficens were Installitby Pas ogRvoda ucesi rn P., l u11 ïa TJulow; V P , Charles Fit cent ai box, at aIl dealeras orMaster Bro. J. Davey, eàfzer whih h u un a russiswei* i 11îcct-1Caue 1 Wr 1njurtir Mec, EmnoBaeLoa, oat. bdge adjourned to imeer ut Bii,,111e. bowei cospiaiatsis held bi Pain Kilier t Waae : ,'20d, 'M. Z, t'and ; 8r4'P vle utcfn!Srr iJn. -over 6o yeurs. Avoid substitItqs, 4 t BPpi, IG W.tîs- r Iýs?. uo eiset'eritbld The County Lod«e mta a- Bto.sm-n- thdce is but mePi-ilr er LE. oui' OG ,i. obujea, YitPtausatase AI itaies, ville on the fibt Tuesda>' an F,.trumry.- Davis', 25c. and 50c. The regniar meetine oaibtis Preshy. ten>' wuS held in the Preebyterian churah, Oshawa, on Tueêuday. A fual atteadance ai the necibors was pros. ent. Rev. J. Abrahuam wus electea Mideruror f jr tha yeaz, Rev. Mr. Cooper pres.ýnted the report ar the committee on rema. ADaunîmated disuzitan look placu ou -the question ai a tarin o! service af lIre yeurs ai the Eideriship. The cownrirtee report. ed that the aventure be ni e ustan e Rer J. aogesspolie strongi>' la iaq- aif the nemI,, btthe uandmaent pro. posod b>'hlm wus defeatejd by a msj'ir. lty of une. The remit on Suhbafh 8Sohool MWs sionariea wus not sjustained. Most en- couragnq reports on th, MssonwoI'k oi the congregations wusc preaented. The Presbyteny adjoburned ta mentinla Si ,Aeudnew's chunoh, Wàîtay, the ar4 Traenay lu April. A CARD. We, the. undersigned, d o liei agree ta refund th6 moner on a 50-1 bottle ai Greene's Warraated Syrip Tar, if it fuils ta cure your coug cold. We also guuraatee £a2fi bottie ta prove sa tistucta)rv or mo refunded. Sold bvý, ST 8r&JURY J.- HuGGINBOTIIr &So BINDER T WlN 9. Don't forget t o o;rder FAnai BINDR i.aTWINE. Guantv 1 Satisf&C given, PETRus WnaaY, Agent, Tyri 2 4 lule A Oood'r roquire intellilgent treatinent duce Che efforts vou çnesire. V~ how ta obtala the best eff orts 8 iaay depeboo us for a plid %hat is artistle, litelike, beautif have just received a lot of t latest st-les luon ts.Ca - sce aur samples,.- Stuîdro next doir tuo rv'Ai BOWMANVILLE. We have the

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