OTHEFA - FAMILY AND, STOCK. is nâ,o frie nd The children on the farm have thc ______________________ oppo>ýrtun 1ity for good physicai eveiopu1eat ocf any in the worid . It's anjj insidionis efemy- Tbey are s,) situated they cau hava kokit out of your system the thrce most important things3 à; the quickest, safest and which tend to this end, wholesomne surst ayan ou's e- food, pure air and plenty of out- suret wa-an our' de- door exercice ; but in spite of their lay .jiay imean înou1thS Of natural adx antagesteyd-nt s a rule, possess the bodily superiority over city children we have a right to UWATA U w a ta expeet, writes Mr. A. F. yr U a, ~Country children hvesoexnsv jrZ k p aplayground thcy are likely to be tenîpt-ed to talRe too much exercice. 'rc s 1 c Their territoî-y is tee large for Caà i their -,triDigtli, and unless they are checked tlîey ovel-do, and the result rtteatent is the arcli enemy is the samne as overwork in uny. of Colds and Grippe, lung forrn, The denand. on tbeir strength troubles and nervous pros- constantly exceeds the supply, and tratonmd hen t tkes the eflect t a aweakoned constitution traton, -indwhenit tkes and stunted growth. hold it liever lets go until Country parents are, 'ilso, tempted thle last vestige of a disease to negiect the physical defeets in gemis eradicated. their ehildr -n because they are re- Ti- h ex Une eu uspcta cld mote froni bospitals and rmedicai ad- 'xign.Tosadeîeimnals vie(, and co icttie -ýperfections Iyu 1ike t. wite about them. vîhich coul i be asfly overcoinc-, are At ail Drigits-25 cents a box-or alow -6 te grow into incurable dû- by mal fro f rmý si. This is on irreparabie la- UWANTA M'F'G CO-@ Ltd.o juýjry wirh no parent bas a îight to Otta~, O~.i nfit upon bis children. Fat, r ______________________ and inithers ou, th'ir ollspîlitî g the Le-d ysîca deveopmont they con ~~ gi-i.Žthem , and thi îs a fart that is OENDOCTOIES IN PARIS be-'g more and more cmphasized eveî, ar. Any aî a-'er si ol( ib iefau1 not ~ret MjortyAppear to be Rus- to e ý . children th-e o îly scrub Sian Jewesses. thik nOe f arr, for wbxî a thor- Tb.c1aority of lady do-tort prac- (îug'îbrf-d colt or leifer le led eut for' 3' î in, Paris are Russian Je:wessejC x libiLoi by a sia-mblinîg, ~saethe gîeater numbe r of theejflou i\D Si-tO UL1ERE D SON womeu amedical students. hreae tfhe pi tor, cpictur- fý orm-'d pre-5 p,ïm 00 ladies pursu.ng meodicalî is 11(t a pleasýit-g eueG to a tlîologilt- otudies at thee arioos schools, work-! fui obsr Th.'le fariner wl)o )koows igsie by side with tbo malle stu- a ---l oral ieae t1.n- fet.The reason of the invasion of tUeho cil arc liable and Who would lb Jeessis the dsabilities that r- er -l,to'in e îoney to cure a a de-ý bxi ;;lu Russia for those of the f itb fete in a premnisiing animal cheuld 1)f -týeal-disahiit!cs that are bard- net 'C bliJ to hi-, daughte'-s bad tyla,,n in Gernîany, Mereover, ethtl, contracted chest, or poor phy- 1h-n Xists only oue Unuiversty fon sical ievelopment If a good stock wo non in Ru. -sia, and thatisleil St. papr is taken te keep 1dm pi stcd ou ['ctersburg. So-' eof tic women who the propu-r treatment -of animiais, bis iate in medicine do extî-inoeiv sons1 should not bc ailow d to stuat 1rl aftorward, lu praet le. one thcir gxowth xith tobacco, improper Jcwre,-s whn is greatiy in xogUe in! food or overwork, kbc'higbos-,t society lu Paris, ni re- f do net mean that the average 'ted to make 60,000 francs a yarfafemer is blind to the interest of hic i oydoctor, wbo le aiso a, Rusý_- own ollsprng, or that plîysical de- kian subjeef, bas likowise feund a fccts arn-onig.i m tes of the farmn arc -o nflueieceussendCiant. Ibte rUle an d not the exception ; but inifor encegics ludChinant iratbey nre more con mon than with a r11h_- rcsent moment. It av belittie tiougbt con th - subject tbey s--.£ ti îiting th-il- the other lady eed ta ta. We --,ce ti ter than Mile. Chovni-1 Parents should t'eienber that colts ixî. Ptit-is alIso Russlan, ' ile a'-a ,net Uic oflv thilus thnt have 1 ,~ ~ 1TRYING TO MAE O.ÏSEMEN IN SOUTHI AFRICA. b, Wlat a British War Correspondent ;j* Heard on the Veldt "-Rid- Bene urieigh, the war corres- podn, writing to the Luný aiyTeiegî-aph, says :-'very trooper lu the British army remem- bers the riding master and our bard riding schoel. and the Imperial Yee- inanry aîd imouuted iufautry know tlem, to their cost and loe. Th five shillings a day of pay, given to - colonial; mounted troops, attracts - - many curious creatures. careiess, be- cause ignorant of whiat is required of - those wlîo seeli prefermient upon a htorsc's bncl, nuaknowing sublime -equitation . I is better than a flrst-ciass circus for the onlookers, - te see the new sections being driiled. - Ilegutlar as the clock the camp, or ns ~iimich of h. as us allowed te, turas -ff, ",/seut te, roll and rock till their sides and heads ache at the fun of the tg g Lu e t'îem, but sorenese that is the bitternese of despair aatd deep-seated loss te, the recruits. A hard, stern riding-niaster or regi- mnentalý surgeon-major is worse than a fiery dragon, and more terrile than, death, to the terror-stlrickcr beginner. I have been out to qe- the recruits drilled for a certain well-knowu colonial tnoop. I eusesq te be a mnarvel that, after soch disc!pline and experieuces, cav- alyaaid'iuouiited troops should bc hardy, bi-ave and wlth a smuiilig contempt for pai and wouads. lere is a faitlîfui esript of what J. saw and truly beard upon the vtildt rid- ing sclîool tbis week, where a score of unpremising naterial for troops )O NF E C THIRf> MARQUIS were being trained. And the ln- SiURîY. srector was net peculiarly basty, were sîmîarl empeye, tethe wordy, or ill-tempered, as "-iding weresîmlar-ý.emplyed tothe masters mililary- go ia Ihe-e parts. E,eaerations ag-ClGadstoae.Ile were is row of rlbbons witiî solflierly dignity, >îdsewy aî carefuliy told the recruits a goodl P'eceý', 2x12-x14 fee4, foi suis and cc'al they ncver knew about a horse, plates; '30 pi-ces, 2xy6x12 f,ýt, for how to saddle it, and bow te meunt. inner stîids; -"Vye e-9, 2x6-xl2 feet,, Anld le cbafed theim not by banc- f or Ilip-raftci-s ai-d collan-beainîs; 38 backed eýxercise. lie sbowed themi nOeces, 2'x4-'î2 fOct, for outer studs;j how to jump loto the snddiee witb 20 pieces, 2x4>x1-2 f-'ct, fo~r rafters' and without the help of a stirri-u. and the ventîlator. 750 feet siding, NO WOND,1ER WAR GOES ON.T 14 feet long, 12,000 Ice î-commeii boards for sfr'atiiing floor, r-oof, etc; The scorie wene mountea and the 24 pieres feucing, surf nced, 12 feet stirrup-iî-ons were placed out of the long, foi- corner boards, etc; 80 yds Wa.Y, crosswise, over the caddie. I-iow building paper, 3,000 common irrespoîîsible thoîr feet dangled, as silingles. those of loose-jointed doilies. An elaboî-ate sti-ucture le unet ne- "Walk, mnareb," then "Tr-r-r--ot 1", C5in iiorde- to Preserve a good roared the sergeanl,; aud whilst csev- suPPly 0f icC. îî of rough boards, eral groped and»grabbed at their and ce simiplein its construction1 saddles, bebiod and befone, like Gas- Iliat any fai2-r'wlbo 15 mn the îeast Pard the miser at bis gold-pieces, skiiled fa the W" of tools eau maRe! two camne incontinently to mother it. wiiil ans-unr the pn'-poc, provid-1 artb. '"Who told you to get el IT ing the esseutial rules Previousîyl sbeuted the sengeaut, and the ve gîveîî for 1-t,,suÀccesful construction1 tiras tiiriiei meek, swimnung eves nleon s ýYaiiowed to thlnk l h army atre generais--nothing less. !But keep you-lr cars open. And you cal! that riding ? Oh 1 ch ! flere's rnorm. arms and more horses, for the Loers, T-r-r--r-rot out 1 You're, ail asleep. MVy 1 my ! poor borses, how thosie feiiows bumip and roll about upoa, thcm. You'd ail bc arrested *for Crueity to animais if there was a inember of the cit within a thousand milesofyu. Now, brace Lup ! be soldiers and arn your five shillings a day, Wby don't you hoid ou to the saddie with both bands; one is not enôiigh for you. R-,. let go 1 1 want you to guide the rhorse, and aot the horse guide you about. Yc.u w tgtyu dis- >charge, mmid, even iE you caa't ride. W e first reduce your pay.* That's the new order from Pretoria. Money, or the want of it, lias been thc ruin of you boys. Yeii, that's it, dig vour spurs weli inte him, and get a good Lbold on the flesh of lis fianks, then you can't tumbie off. Turn your tocs in. You are the warrnest lot ci er pa:raded. You mnay be missed, ibut noneof you %-îll ever bc wanted. -That xviii do; dismiss, and write homie and tell them von oare dasbing troope-e, careering upon fiery, un- tamed steedes." CIIAFF, ROAR AND B.ANTETi. S-io, ln this oid--fasbloneci style of LChaff, roar, and,,banter. the sergeant seeks to m-ak-e horsenmen in a tbree- weeks' course. The svstem bas its advantages as welV as draçwbacks, for it wariis the soidier-novic, tiî-tt his first duty fis to endure great physical and mental sti-ain without iniurmiur, «and yet keep lis Par s open and his' Ibrain working. A speli of n-uch rîg- !orous training makes evea the iindif- ferent callousý to fatigue or nleath, suîel- t Open S-ores>, Bruie, Stiff Joints, Biltes and Stinga of Insects, Coughs, Coîds, Contracted Cords, PRheumatism, Neuralgiae BroncbItL-, Croup,< Sore Thecfat, Quivsey, Whoopjn1, cougL and aslPiflSelns A LARGEÉý BOTTLE. 25o. 1 Ti S l,