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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1902, p. 4

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f HE' H AREMO N Y kMA LE The Canadiau Statesifan. QUARTETTES BOWMANVILLE. FEBR 5, 1902 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F, 1-1, FROST, i st Tenor, A. E. MC LAUGIELIN, Second~ Ten or, H. J. KIaGIT, First Bass, T. E. HiGIND0THAM, SocondJ Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Addres~s al e rresp)ondence to T. E. flIIGGiNBOTIIAM, Seeretary, Bowmanville 48-6mn BoIllsal's viarie orks,.2 Good Work, Best Materials, Artistie Desig n, Prices Ileasonable, E. R. BOUNSOALL, Three parliamentary elections were held last week at ail of which Liberals were returned, Possibly at the coming session of the Senate of Canada the Liberals may have a majority, so fast are the Conservative members passing away. Mr EdmardJ. B, Pense, pfoprietor of The ýN hig, was returned by acclamation for Kingston to the Ontario Legisiaturre, to fil the vacancy caused by Hon Mr. Harty 's e1ection to the Domni.on Houe. On the face of the act, without any sat isfactory explanar ion for it, the action of the Town Council in separating the office of Treasurer fromn that of Clerk and in- craigthe expenditure for civie salar- es toether $1s6o, without any requisi- tions or communications asking for it, seems a rather strange proceedure for the new council. The public naturally wonder, too, that nnly iMr. Percy raised any objection to the increase. Possibly there is good reason for the magnani- mous action, if so, the ratepayers will -certainly wish to know -what for" it wais done. 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, The Bowmauville correspondent of the _____________________________Orono News wrote sensîbly to that journ-, ai as follows: One of the funny tbings in r~ ~ ~ N connection with the lectioni stw uuuDS YOU WAN was the temperance cry xhich a few be- nighted iudi-viduais tried to rise, but the people soon caught on to the fake and.i And We Musi Seil. sat on ituntil it was put out of business. A man bas a . right to vote just as he Cutters. Brockvilie, Brantford and pleases ini this country and when men try Palmerston; Robes: Saskatchewan and to get up the cry of temperance just for lshop; Fur Coats: Imitation Lamb, party purposes, wbeà they have lived in Dog and Saskatchewan; Mitts:. Imita-r town for 25 to 40 ycars and neyer lifted t!on Lamb, Muleskin and dozens of a finger in ail that'time to help the tem- others. Only one Suicer and Pulper perauce or any good cause, the people and onel Stu!G JeweIStove, arcOWf-t en-J 4 -thy new. In faet you çan get almost Lily- told to "go way backadstow" Ihing you açk for -at this store. J______ J. S, RUNDLE, Opposite T. Tod's store. BowmANviLLEn. Ever since our appointment as Secretý ary of the West Durham Agricultural Society the Newsman b -as lost no opp or- tunity, publicly and privately, to traduce us and create unpleasantness. Indeed, he bas scarciy had an editorial in The News since that xvas not directly or indi- rectly intonded to injure us 'in :public estimation. Last wepýký<- - VAment as Secretary-Treastirer he tir.nedj ,wy green witb envy and in throes of anguish 'V y bewails our alleged mercenarv proclivi- ties. It mav surprise the public to learu N 8W oarsthat so agrecable to the Board of Direct-. that the appointment was practîcally un- animous, so, that the "dissatisfaction expressed on ail bauds," rests solely in the Imagination of our euvious rival and bis Buy early is alwaya a safe plan sympatb-izing friends. lu the holiday seasorl. The Newsnran feels desperately bad Calendars and Xmas cards; a because besides making a success of our special line of Books, beaUtifUlly, own business we find time to devote 'botand, 25e and 35e eaeb; the Poets, to other public enterprises. Wbile it is leather bound, padded, $ 1.00; latest true tliatthe people o! tbis towu and dis-. tric t have bonored us with a number of -edition of Prayer Books, Bibles, positions of trust and responsibility, we Ilymn BooiKs, Albums, Toy Bujoks bave sougbt only a very feu' of them, and ail the English Annuals. and-we defy the Newsman or any other person to prove that we have ever neg- No better present tban a nice lected any duties entrusted to us or been pieture, A great variety of these. turned out o! office for unfaitbfulness or breacb of confidence. May '«e be per- A splendid nssortment of fan ey, mitted to suggest to our jealous confrere 41u11a j Ornaments, Flower Tubes, that lie concentrate al bis talents and 1'energe to the managemeto i w Cupa nd Sacers.business for ayear or two- or- until the i m'r daims of his creditors arc satisfled, then Inspect and Don't Wai lie may be ready tbereafter to take on some further public duties that we are now performing-.if the public see fit to entrust him witb their confidence. 130WMAVILE, Referring to the deiay in getting the h new evaporator into operation, xe are inr NE S A D PNO S a position to state on the authority of Mr.y OF being defeated, it was too late to get to work in the proper season after the by il National Importance. lau' was carried. The Clarke and Warren e, apple evaporators were purchased by u 1 U ~Grabam & Finkie to handle the a-pple à, business, and the crop was handled so Y toO~Egetaspio eeals xetI tnrnip, and tc e Belleville firma had about t' GOT4TIMIMS 3OT14. amany as were needed to meet the de- fc mand The market for evaporated veg- im Setables became so quiet,too, that the Bel- ýo »aIy by mail ô $ a year leville evaporator was closed down. Just si Daily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year.. as soon as therc is any demand the firm a] *** ***wi11 complete the plant according to m ,.greement. Meantime they are arrang- fr T~~? h Su d y S n mto put in acanning plant to put up o. The î un rJa y Ô U ), toiatos an aplesthe coming season ft la the greatest Sunbday Newpaper in an"d whicb will be installed thc coming th tbe world.1 Spring. The firm bas invested in Bow- ar 1manville over $88oo, soc that if the citizens hâ Priee 5e. a copy. By mai]., $2 a yea*. , wilî have patience. they? promise to do al e Açîdress THE SUN, New York. they agreed to and more. Co hoel keepcrshc av votcd with the temperance people and if the temperance people are opposed to the News' candi- date who lepresents the Conservative party, does it flot look (by the News) as though the hotel keepers have disgraced themselves by voting with the Grits ? And if the Grits- are disgraced by them are they a credit toý the Conservative party ? _ Will they accept in their ranks such characters as. these ? Surely the News will neyer stoop so low as to admit them back. Then the temperance men must be Liberals . Now in our country each voter rnîa record his vote as bis conscience dictates and if in the past, th 'e hotel men have been ashamred of their conduct and wish to redeem their wrong doings, can the temperance people pre- vent that? It the hotel keepers have changcd th lcir views, 1 cant sec t1ldt tem- perance people have By the News tem- perance people should be opposed to the hotel keepers. WT7iIl the News tell us if there are any temperance people in the Conservative ranks ? If so, how in the past have they liarmonized ? I Mr. Thornton.the first Prohibition candidate the Conservatives ever had ? WIho is now responsible for the hotel keepers' views ? COUNTI ES' COUNCIL. Judging from the reports presented at the January session on the important question of equalization of the several municipalities, there is a strong probabil- ity that a pretty satisfactory result will ho arrit'ed aL in june Members expressed satisfaction wîth the progres%, being made and especially xi tbe uniform character of the re.ports brought'in. 0f the towns and larger v illage-, Port-Hope is the only one wbich has made a valuation as they are apparently satisfied with the valuation now plaeed upon them. Among the rural muiiicipa ities, the townships of Carke, Cartwright and Darlingtodî presented very compiete and we 1 prepared reports. We realîze that the members of Councîl will have to give and take a litte and not be too stubborn in their opinions, if they wish to reach an amicable conclusion. A tive from each Divislion was app .ointed tc go over the reports and when completed to prepare a full report for presentation at the june session, The agreement entered into iu reference to the Bowmanvilie Bridge-w as briefly discussed, but as there was not time to gc fully intu ail particulars at this session, the cousideration was postponed to the june ses sion. It Ras Sayed Thonsands Frron The Graye. ýd ýe vy ro i PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUNI The Great Disease Banisher ie Now Reeommended by Able Physicians and its Virtues Extoiled by Prominent Clergymen. Sicklv chiltiren, weary '«omen, and tired, brokendown men 'flnd in Paine's Celery Compounrd beaitti strength and happiness. For ail diseases wbicb are really the result o! weakened nerves, such as dyspepsia, beadache, sleepless- ness, rbeumatism and kidney and liver troubles, Paine's Celery Compound is the only remedy that absoluteiy cures. It bas done more good for hnmanitv than any other medical diecovery o! the past fifty years, and well deserves the beartv and gratelul praise of thousanda wbom it bas snatched from tbe jraws o! deatb. Rev. John S. Micbaud, Bisbop o! Bur- linjgton, Vt., one o! the most Prominent priests o! the Roman Catholie-Chuirch lu America, writes aà follows: III have been asked why I recommend Paine's Celery Compound, and 1 desire to put on record frankly my reasons for this indorsement, hoping that my words may inspire those readers who need healtb and etrengtb ivitb faitb to try Paine's Celery Coin- pound and prove to tbemselves its worth. ',At the Fanny Allen Hospital, an nstitution in wbicbîl am deeply interest - ed, Paine's Celerv Compound bas been used nsost sanees!ully The Sisters of NIerev at Mount St. -Mary's Aeademy on Mansfield Ave., rely upon Paine's Celery Compound as a tonie and strengtheuer. n my own hous-ebold one o! the domes- des bas taken Paine's Celery Compound fr liver trouble o! long standing, and sas, "It bas done more good thari any ther medicine " Several priests bave 3puken to me in praise o! Ib ils remedy, nd 1 believe ut bas the confidence o! rny assoeiates, Even did I not know -om nersonal observation of the wortb ýf Piine's Celery (7ompound, I sbould ý,el like praising it for thee simple reason rat it i;s prepared by the W Mel4is&ich L-dson Co , a firm whose members 1Iï iave known for: nearly a quarter o! a ,ntur 'v, and in whom 1 have perfect vafidenc»."l 'Ic fUI- %> Overcoats. $15.00 Men's Overcoats, reduced to $1 2.00 $10.00 Men's Overcoats, red-ueed to .~90 $8.50 Men's Overcoats, redticed to -6-25 $6.00 Men's and Youth's Overcoats, reduced to 4.90 We ean surely fit you and suit you among this bateh of Oveicoats:nd at such prices we ought to clear out Jon MctlurtrlY, BOWMANVILLE. MýAEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S FOOTS SOLIN A. Mr. Wm. VanNest bas a new Birant ford Winid Mil.... Mr. Chas. Shortridge visited at Enield ... Miss Ettie Hiaill Enfielil, is guest of Mrs. A. L. Pascoe's ...Measles, scarletina and t,,nsilitis are prevalent. Mr. Taylor's fainilv suffered most. Mr. and Mrs' Thos. Pascoe viEâted at WhiLby ... Congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Arnot At home on his farm north of here. Miller's Gî'ip Powders Cure. Sold by, LESKAIID. Many citizens were at the Workmens "At H-ome" au Orono and report the roam satisfactory ...%r Frank Adm, Omemee, bas been visiting at Mr. Jno. Cornish's .. . .Our mail bas not been very reg1ular owving t o the sisted Tyrone Division on Tuesday nigbt in render»;ng a program at Ponty- r uindley and Inch «30k part... , Mr. A.I Grey. Preston, an old Orono boy, isi W9oDSTOCK, Ont,, Feb, 8 (Specia)-' visiing his uncle Mr. S. Billings lie, Medicai mon are mucb puzzled over bas a good position with the Furnîture the case of Mrs..Wm. Rowe of 311 Dun- Company of Walkervile at a salarv o! das Street, this city. about $800. . Miss Iva Billings assisted F"or-.vears [twelve or morel she had Orono League with their programn at sufered with what is ordinarily calledl Bowmanville Monday week ..-.. Mr. S. "Female Trouble" or "Female Weak- Chambers visited Peterbor -ecently... . ness." She had consulted and bad been she bas secured a position near Oshawa but tbey failed to do bier any good and ..Miss Gertie Giibanks bas been ended b y the discouraging announce- home, ment that she need neyer hope to be __________well as bier disease was positiveiy in- curable. !,YEW0ASTLE. Howeyer, Mrs. Rowe was persuaded as a last resort to try a treatment o! Mr. and INrs. Ernest Rincb visited Dodd 's Kidney Pis and to bier great Mr. and Mrs. M. L,. Argaîl, Osbawa.. surprise and the joy of!lber family and -.Miss Dora Diekson bas returned from friends she began to show signe of!iM- a pleasant visit in Bowmanville .... Miss j provement. This change gave bier a Eva Riekard is tbe guest o! Miss Leah1 new hopeand the treatment was cou- Hlutebinson.... -Mr- and Mrs. W. G. titiued 'tili at last she was completely Bryans gave a very enjoyable sleigh- eued nd retored.to the greatest good ing part-y Monday evening' week, ... beailh poýssibýle to vigorous womanhôod Rev. C. W. Barrett, Vennachar, preach- 1Tbe case o! Mrs. Rowe and the hope. ed very aeceptably in the Mthodiat le'e vrdict o! the doctors badl become cbureb Suinday evening .... Miss Anîjie widely known and as a consequence Douglas was guest of Miss Ethel Ric- e satisfactory restoration 'to good ard over Sunday....- Mr. Lorne aud bealtb bas created a profound sensa- Miss Pearl Cobbledick entertained their'tion with tho publie and flot a little friends very pleasantry Thursday even- confusion among those physicians who ig.. Mr. Tom Douglas and Miss bad s o positively pronounced be r nnie ouls and Miss Arunie Creeper incurabl1e visited at Mr. W. Jackson's last week Dodd's Kidney Pilîs have proven ...Mr. WValter Riekard entertained the tbemnselves an unfailing remedy for ail Methodist choir at bis home Frida 'y diseases peéculiar to womanhood and evening wben an unusaliv pleasant thousands o! grateful women are rimýe was spent. . ... Mr. Mat Uglow -bas testifving to the futet that this remedy a Situation in T, N. Rickard's jewelirv bas saved tbem after everytbing else store. Bowmanville. . ... Citizens o! New- harT failed. castle are highiy pieased because the Mrs. Rowe says: 11 sufered. as only pf Counties' Council, tbrough the rn weak women do suifer, for over tweiveE fluence andrepresentations o! Mr. Wm years. The doctors told me I could Riciard, Mr.1R Cowan. and Mr M A. nover be eured. I tried everything but James voted a grant o! $100 towards aj could not get any ralief, Dodd's KXid- much needed new bridge on the Wharf ney Puis eured me and I owe my life road. and bealtb to tbem and nothing else." An article on Marconi, a new ýseriaI and other note-worthy features, make tbe February. Canadian Magazine deeidediy attractive,1 Professor Sbortt writes of the Imperial problem; Hon. J W LongleY traces Canada's Religions De"eloprnent. Norman Pattersoa de- scribes tbe famous tidal bore at Monc- ton ; W. D. MeBride bas a piofusely illus trated article on passenger coaches, past and present, and M. O. Scott writes of the chaîîging aspect o! Sable Island. A Woodlstock Lady. For a Period of Twelve Years She Suffered. Female Weakness Made iler Life a Burei-Ph'.sieians Ail Assured Cure-Dod's dne Pui Mae Repr a Well Womon, Sold in Bowmanville by T- T., ALLEN, "ù.Big- 20." On the Track TELEPHONE,57. Havie you tried our new Coffee, it is very good. Our Teas cant be beat. Baking Powder in llb. cans, usually 20e per lb., to clear at 10c. of God Shos. jbefore stock-taking. When your footstepe are directed toward The Parlor Shoe Store. Nothing disaprointing about tire Footwear wo soul. It le maoderate lu price, but possess aIl thse good p oints o! expensive footwear. Liberal Discounts inu Men'si Heayy Rnbbers and Soeks. Fred. R. Foley. BOWMANVILLE. BOWMANVILLE, PRODUCE WANTED. Give Us Aý Cal!,, -O-O-O- 1HEL BOS. ni s ts- - -14 Lç 1 - L ý --- - - - -- oUr app()Int-l-- __L i - - - - - . - . 1 Éier 'I'liat ý bhe Uould Never Bel 1 -1 1 1 IGLUW -0-0-0- - 1 --«:t-l Pu

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