; BICYCLES. We have use for 15 or 20 good second-handBiecyoles and can allow you much better prices now than you wiA get later in the season. STOTT &-JURY, - Agents for the Genuine Columbia and Pamous E. & D. Bicycles. B oWMviANviLLE. pectacle r~, i GRAND IRUNK HAILWAY. BOWMANvILLE STATIONi. GOINtQEAST. GOOIG WIEsT. Mr tresas.... 9 lea. M. IExpress .... à 15 a. m Exrems......10 21 m IL 1 a... 810 Il Passener .... a 51 p.ma. JPasege. 1 50 p..Ii, Local .. 658 p.m. Express... 7 388 Express daes not go west Mcnday morning. STOli' & Juay. Tawn Aizentsk BOWMANYILLE, FEB3. 5, 190 2. Mr. John Lvle, Town Clerk, was in Belleville onlbusiness Priday. Rev. J. J. Rae, Osb aw a, will lecture inTiivchurch in Tuesday Feb. Il Lais requiring hair doue over- should eall on Mrs. Dickinson, King st- Some very special values, in Watcbes are now being offered by' The Mason Co. Our offer of one old and one actual new subscriber for $1.50, stili holds good. Dr. MeLaughlin has been critically iii for several days, but is uow some better. A meeting of the Women's Istitute will be held in Bowmanviile, Saturday Feb. 22. Me's and boy's over coats lu al qualities and ail sizes at Coucli, Johns. ton & Cryderman's. Country roads are badly blocked andj mails are delayed, hence the absence of aur ulnnws uges ý 1 s s s s s s s TH1 1 Nut'Taff y-Saturday only-1Oc. perlb. at Tod's. See our new clubbing rates on an inside page. Try Tod's Zephyr Cream Bread it is a deliclous loaf. Fine large California -prunes 3 lbs for 25s aUcMurtr.v's. Save your coal by using Bome of our new weather strip. M. D. Williams & Son A lot of new Dreas goods selling off at haîf prie at Coucb, Jochnstou & Cryder- man's. 1"Oysters, lladdies, Fresh White Fish and Fresh Frozen Sea Hlerring at Mc- Murtry's. New if e for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound lIon Pilîs. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman will fromi to-day seli aht Ladies' Cloth Coat s at Haif Price. Rev. J. J. Rae lectures at Trinity churcli Tuesday Feb. Il on "Some Anakim we moet." Miller's Worm Powders are a wonder- fui medicine for ailments of children. Salit by Stott & Jury druggists. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with ilypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda 35e per battie at McDermid's Drug Store., Fur Corîts, Robes, Horse Blankets and high top boots are aIl being sold at cost price at The Mason Co's. Sec aur liue of fancy Rockers at 821:50 andl $3 00, Don't miss tbem., They are a ba.rgain M, D. Williams,& Son. Infante too young to talcs medicielurnay be Oysters in Bulk or by the plate at Tod's. Nut Taffy-loc. per IL Saturday only at Tod's. Miss Helena Rare, Brighton, is vWstî ing Miss Marie Luttreli. Mr. Geo. 'Gerow bas bisen elected Warden for Ontario Couity, MNr. Harry James, Columbus, visited relatives in town Iast week. 1 _Miss McGriggor, Oshawa, bas teen visiting Miss Mary Cryderman. I you want the best caffee you ever had at 25e per lb go to McMurtry's. Miss' Mary Wilkins. Bethesda, is visiting ber cousin Mrs. T. F. James. You get ail premiums given with auy paper when ordered at Tnui STATELSMAN office. Second-hand bicycles wauted. See Stott & Jurys advt. orI~ st columu thîs page., Mr. Willis Smitb bas accepted a situation in a Rubber Factory ait Akron, Ohio, Miss Stella Mason was in Toronto last week attending the wedding of a friend. Mr. Wm. ilarlyn bas gone to Lon- don to take a situation in a dry goods establishment, Mliss Edna and Master Charles Corn- isb. Courtice, were guests of Mr. John James on Friday. Miss Edwards of Otaria Ladies' Coîlege, 'Whitby, was guest at Mr. Thos. Bing-ham's over Sunday. Mr. W.E_ Pethick, Ge:neral agent forî -the Home, Life Insurance3 Association,1 -vol s' -i -eyes4gral et- hgh o-r. o teir ,Ane, smarting or sealding, frequeu.t, risiug ?t night, pains ini joints and muscles, ur!e ýaeýîin l the blood, ubcd ivetting 0of capdr ,and ail'n'iey trule f yugand od.Price. 50 cents a box at ail druggist or1 see by matil. TE DR. ZIN FITOWH1R CO., Toronto, Ont. held -at Toronto University, Mdessrs. Jr ames L Hughes, Dr. G. H. Carveli rhaxas Caswellý1, J. D. Keachie, Prof. J ohin Siuair, Dr. -G. Il. Neeieýr, Dr. J'ohn IHoskin, 'K. C., W.Scott, B .. Ar A.Pmitn2J1 1rag BA W. Cury, . C air ter engrs eut, Tise annual ol t hbo apu of theo Durihami Old Boys will bie held on Thursday, February 13 lu the Temple Cafe. Double ticeket $l.25 ; gent 75c; ladj 6Gic, notîng in the wormd equai to7 it for - stOPPing these ticlding coughs ; and -Ta Floria and ail winîer inesot à%' so pleasn, ton. For astbima, southi, vin~ Lehiigh Valley ilroad1, croup, bronchitis, catarrh, and cannectng at Pldeiphi with ail Iwhooping-cough, it's the 'great fast trains of Atiantie eoaas lino and rernedy. .~ SouitheraiiÈlway ta Ashbvil,-,Ch-rles-1 Iton U flotso Pe Lamp, wýhich shouild lest a iife-ime, and a botte cf al Flor-ida po-Iilnts, and Na\1 au F- Cresolene, CornpieLe,. o;extra au pplies (f Creo-lme-tables, maps, and illustroAueliea. ingbacas esioil rýeeupon requesî. -j ue at uRbeS. Lmwis, pesSreng-er CRiES.Lý.E U Co., unFiou St,, New York, U.S.A. agZent, 33 Yonge streibt (Boaard A'f Tîde -Sold by Stotu & Jury. Bo wManvillu buildin, T'Ioronto. 52w iQ. giýsisyo the matery of busilness 3Brith Amne r îc an Business Colliiege,l 'Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto, Ont. D£vir) Hos£ue, C. A,, Principal, Lsc'anan.c î ( Furhe pîtcuar ad friertemeofsae oad and pie Doors-aul gadesad 'lad fenteudrini ottr n h AU BLiNDs a dMOLD-G-G aucttoncer ary 1902. aII col Anotonee. & LAÏ~ ScrAnedwoa-Hard and Soft Soleitrs orInspeCon hInvited-;lPriesResab5 TeTrust;s and GaateCmavLUMP , admistrator8wttbvtueWtiManned aith, r. MCILLN&Co perty ofSmulDnedead. 44 7(i j' 1 A big return for littie money-when vou pay five cents-for The lllustrated Bufialo Express. Loss of Flesb, cougb, and pain on the chest may not mean consumption, out are bad signs. Allen's Lung Balsam loosens the cough and heals inflamed air passages. Not a gLrain opinion in it. "Niagara-The Scene of Perilous Featai" is the titIs of an article in the February Cosmopolitan. No one knows better than those wbo have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief the.y have given wben taken for dyspepsia, dizziness pain lu the side, constipation, and disordered stomaeh. Sir Charles W. Dilke contributes ta The Cosmapolitan for February an article on ",Tbe Naval Strength of Nations." Do flot despair of curing your sick headache when 'van eau so easily obtain C. rter's Little Liver Pils, They will effect a prompt and pernament cure] Their action is mild and natural. The quality of1 'timelîness," for which the Review of Rcviews bas made a reputation, was neyer botter exempli- fid ln the pages af a magazine than in the February number of that wide- awake moxtbly. Digestion Witbout a Stomaeh.-The fact that pe9)ple live and digest food after tbe stomach has been romoved proves that the important part af digestion takes place ln the intestines, Hence it cames that Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are so wonderfuhly successful in curing chronic indigestion and dyspep- sia. Tbey act direetly ontho kidneys, liv'er and intestines, making them Reffilail Eg STORE. li ~arginsAll .uver Jc\NE: