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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1902, p. 6

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[AbOUtthe Tic day -s pasi wben iicabiage wne regnrded as eaiy a coaïrse kiid of focd, fit oîîby for fie pooýreet of peo- Pie. ITf lenow iucwa te lie nef on- ]Y n vabuabîr addition te our ief 'of focd stuffe, but eue capable cf be- îng made inte rnany deicate and Picasiug diclîe. Scalloped Cabbage-Wacli and chop a iead cf cabiage, and ceok if lu hclling salted waîer fer 20 mnutfes. Drain in a celander, put if la a bai- ing dîsi, and peur over a sauce made as fcllows: Met 4 tablespouns meit- cd butter, and suir in gradunlby 4 'ovel fablespoons fleur. Add 1- qi lhx'lk, put lu 6 bnîd--hoîbed eggs ciep- Ped fine, twe tenspous sali, and n dasi cf popper. Sprinkîe fie top Witih rend crumubs and bits of but- ter, and bakte lu r quick ovon for 15 mninutes'. Cambage Cocked lu Milk-Cuf hall a bond of rahbage ia smalb pieces and ceek la boiliug watcr untib ten- don, tien drain, chop fiue, add milk enongi te aearly rover, n bump of butter fie sizeo f au egg, ceasoniug te faste, and let imuier for 10 or 15 minutes. This is' a vory doicate disi. Stnhfed Cabhage--Remove tic enfer Icaves and tiec cmlk frem n flue head of cabiage. Scald if lu bot waf tfer o minutes, maie a boblu tic middle by fie side of fie stalk, and fliiif, and ýetweu aci leaf wltli mincod beed, voni cr mutton, iiglîy senconed. iad if round-neai- y ad stand If lu a ctewpau w -,iii coule gravy, n sprlg 0f tbyme, a hay leaf, 2 carnets and a lump of botter, Let imaier gent ly until donc, ilion Place fie cahbage ou a disi, remeve fie string, and pour tic straincd gnavy around if. Garnisi witi car- rets eut noatiy, aîîd serve bot. Caihage Salad-Cut 1 nalbond cf calibage into fine shrede. Let rup cf viuegan cerne te a boib xiii 1 tahepoon enci of butter and white sugar, and seasoniag te tasto. Wien bciling, add tic' ecinedded cambage, and wien Ai l scaîdiag bof, but nef boiling, neniove if freni tic fine and turu lie a àbewl. Sf ir 2 well beafen egge lanto 1, cup hoiiing milk, rocký until if, thiekeus, but do nef allew if te curdie, tien pour ever fie cab- bage,7and tocs about witli a cliver lOrk nutil wel mixed firengi. Coven amîd set, la a cold pince for a rotXple cf heurs. This maies a deliciene salad. A more qluiciiy prepeî-ed dressing may be mado with 2 mabe- SPous cel or nîeîted buffer, 6 ef vinegan, 1 teaspoon eci cf made inuefard and popper. Work al le well, fie vinegar lest, andI tien beat In a naw egg wiipped ligit. Peur ()ver thc sinedded cabhage anud serve veî-y cold. Ladies' Cambage-Doil 1 cînaîl, f rn, white cabiage in tro 'Waters, and let if gef cobd. Tien chop if faoe, and mix withitif212 well-beaien cggs, 1 fablespoon rneited butter, 3 tctbespcas ici Mili, and season-- iag te faste. Beaf well, furn into a but iened pudding disi, and hake un-- fil delicateiy brown. Serve hot la fie dishinluwhijrb ifwac baked. Cbîopped Cabbage-Cut off stalis and green icavos, and quarter a rab-- bage. Beib 15, minutes, drain, rover witi fresi boiling wat'er ciightby salt-1d, and coekunatil tenîder. Dm-in cbep fine ind drain again. Senson Vi pppen, butter and alittie vin-- ogar, and serve vcry bot. A uitile maiii may-ho used«,insfoad of fie vin-- egar, if proferred, aîîd le decidediy more w'iolosoîne. SUNDAY DINNERS. Most iousewives Prepare only, fwo meale qou S-innday, wfi na lnchinl fie veniing, iiid of course tiey wnnt O c eused was dessert isedo iI~ AfJl~RJT. canned~~~~ fritERVEJJU ~ yj. TABLE ECONOMIES. No wemau can expect te cope vie- tOriousiy witli scaufy dollars ules cie knowe lier business. She muet kuoiw bow te select mattoedecide ou pelry, te detcct pee 11h and stale vec2getý'abies. T is net eneugli te pafrenize ieading and suýppesedly re- s lable dïealers. A houseile, chonid fkneow that bcdf and mutton are the meeot economical meafs, that pork and veal, thougi feefl,,isoe, are, net nenrishiug, that the lattecr le always costly, and thmat f eh and poultry are 1geod food, but require a larger quan- tity te ho saticfying. Of course ne lamily weuld wish te hive wholly on bcdf and mutton; but having a clear1 knowledge of flie situation, tbe clev- or housekeeper knows hoiw te comn- Sbine ber lare so that bofli foode and bille may be satisfactory. Economy, ns well as hoalti, shonld teaci thaf tsoupe which. have a mnilk basis are, tic meet uourishing, and for tint reasen tic choapeet. Ecenomy slieuld aiso e toclitint fruit and veg- cf ahces are constant preservers of henîti, anid so are nuyenes but n wife muet kuow thei epc tive ceasens, and net imagine tint fegg plants are cheap at Chistmas sand parsuipe lu Mnay. On tice ther baud, once tic food nmatenlals are hougit, they shonid ho se cookied fitat they eau bie caten te tic lenet ccraP. Tic cookboeks and press are rf ull of directions for rnaking painta- hicl diehes and for preparation of mnaOe-over disies, and ne eue need go ignorant of liow it should he doue. Tic simpet dishes 'are the meet licaltiful; but unlees n wernn l ceokiug fori iivalids tiere eau safeby ho a bleudiug of dises tint fced tic oye nnd ticeiimagination, feOr we ail of us ont with oui- eyes and relisi according te our whims. Soupe, cal- nde, daiuty dishes, and relishes are tic constant allies of table econo- mies, and dnily variations of tic plainet disies will go far te supply tic lack cf clahorato living. 11T1NTS TO 17IOUSE-KwEEPERS. For n change, try beiling apinl sweet, eider. lVhen appios irgin te got f astelese fie makes n change. ,Tiche etway te take likouf of table linon je te conk fie spots lu mnilk. Put iute cwoot imilk nd lot it Sour. Tic process of souning ceore te neeist lu rernoviug fie spots. Tub fhe sinins lu fie milk ait ito fas curdlcd. Tbey wiii ho- corne faluf, and alter fie piece lias beon wasied once or twice çwill lu al llkelibod vanish oatircly. Mauy womeu suifer wîth chililalus lu wiufer. A sulfoner wnitcc, te n exciange tint sic cured liersoîf by soaking lhon leet iu warm water two on firceeurnes n week and applyiug oil of origuun te affect cd parts. Nover allow geintine f0 boil. Tf yen do, if develope n disagneenile flavor fiat euggests its oengin. One box nunialy weighs fwo ounces and roquirceseue cup of cold wgf or te soak if np, and other quantifies lu proportion. PATNTTNG FITS. Ofdinany faiufiug fits are net el- feu dangenous la fhec basf. «Tioy are causcd by- fie temporary. absenîce of blood fnom tie brifin, causeci by a suddeu frigit or shock of any kiud; even by, a ehîgif affnck ef indiges- tion. Tf you are certain fie nftack ie sirnply oeeoel rdiuary f aiufing, the reuîedy le a ninipie eue. Loîver tie bead*aud11ft fie body nd feet a lifflo hlgici-, ce ns te allow fie biood te flow back te the bead. Loosen flic cleihiug about tic tiront and waîst and alw an abondance cf fresi air te he admit- ted te flic roonu. lDo nef allow many pensons te stand about fie porseu îaiutrng, as fiey exianet fie air. Apply srnelling calte te the nostrils er endinary ammenia diluted wlfb 'water and poured ounftic iaudkcr- chiel. A lit fle cal volatile or twcn- ty drops sweef spirite of lavender lna' COURtTS 0P JUSTICE UNKNOWN TO TIIE PUBLIC. How the Workers fin Englishlil'Ils Take the Law Into Their 0 wn IHands. "To-niglit! " As tic crowd cf rnill-iauds-ef 3wliom T am-rne-peurs tirougi tie big weoden gates jute tic streets at "hnocling-off" finie, n man lu elogs, and witi auniod cloth cap, who lias been waiting ouf sido, tIi-nets a scrap of pprlt o My buwhile ho whispers fie Word I just catch amid fie clatter of mauy foot, says n Writer lu London Aaswers. On fie paper are n couple cf linos, lu fie efliff, awkward baud poculiar te tic average wonkuîiau: "Jury, 8:15 prompt. Old Dick Bctterten's back parler, Strictly pnivate." Te rnnny people sucb a sumimons mligit semi stnrtliag, but te me ifs sigaificance is plain enongli. I ain a >werking mau-n. "tackler"' IN TI-IE BIG MTLL- nd T kaew tint this bit of papor bids me te, acf as a jurer lu oeeof fie courts of justice, of whose exis- tence fie law cf tic land is snpposed te ho unaware, but which ici- ail) tint, exorcise a juriediction se very real, and olton se veîy stelru,as f0 he objects cfdrcad te a coirtain class cf dehiaquelts. Thce rtiedox law, bosides hoing ruiuously, exponsive o tenawhose wages rarely risc abox o a peuud'or se e wccek, is frangit w iii a dclay fiat le siuîply appaliug te workors te wiom flîno is bread. As a recuIt flic workman, wlieu-iiijued, woîild eltener tien neft profer on egrnand boni- it-if ho lad nef bis own par- ticular and strict ly privat e lnw- courts te appeel te. Suci pi-ivate courts tiere are, set up and maintaiard hy fie workers, with more or becs secrecy about thii, perhaps, but desigurd for ther own benefif snd protection. Very fcw-,nîluos, mille or large wcrkshops are witiont eue of these tribunnîs, tie preccediage cf which -vai-y. Tic court may hold ifs siffinge ia a werked-out coal-soarn, fie private parlor cf an iîîu, or tic back-room of a ncnfîal party. Thone is neyer, or raroly, a permnenutu judge. Tic oldest and imosi respectcd hiaude are elected lu turn, WTTTLE TRE JURY is cliosen by lot, toencuure fair play. Non are fie verdicts nd sentences ofteîî queetioaed. Tic wvorkcns be- lieve tint fiese tnibunale of their own ropreseut their beet inferesfs, and if gees bard withny foolisi re- calcitrant, wio thinks inieîf strong euough f0 ludulge in dofiance, siace lie le speedily brougit te is ceuses by discoverng tint tic sceeeof hic efiencos ls being made tee bof for hlm. Evea if ne actuai violence is reeorted te,, fie knowlodge tint ian- drede cf men and wornen bave prac- tically made a pariai of hl n ul- malely beaves tie coudernaed offeuder uo 'othen chire tian te clîuk away. The judgîueîîf of serious cases is aaturally ieft te fie public law, and thie private tnibunals deal môsfly with mnatters whici-wouid neyer, lu tie ôrdia-y 'course, bho-faken iet tic regular police on assizo courts. At 8:15 te fie minute I knock ai THE DOOR 0F THE uitile bouse in n by-stneet iudicafed lun rny sumnmes. I arn adrnitted, and directed te n back reom of sncb mnicrocopie proportions fiat fie judge and jury f11 ift cornplctely, cx- cept for au ordiuary kitchen table, af eue end of whichis a sent for fie accused, wiile ni fie etiier end le left a epaco for proscufors and wif- ueses. There le ne ceunsel for- ciii- or side, and ne spectators. When I take my sent a lamp le on tic fable, and serves f0 show fhe court. Tic firet pricoun ef fie niglit bas nlrcady been brougit te the table, and is a vicions, f oxy-fac- and tesetne.Prap hsoti bunals are filengal il theauhoite chosýe to in1tericre; and also, pe-rhapjs, rthey culdbe converted into levers of opeso and terrorism, if un- s crupî7lously mranipuiated, but they nc D genraily fairly conducted. 3The iasýt case we try to-night is that _of aý hulkiug ruffian, on the charge that lie bas, as the resuit 0f a bruta, prctical "joko" disabled a girl in thj, iii1. There is no ques- rtion 0f, the prisoner's guilt, or that bis victilr will bce unable te work for Iunts.T the police court the probable recsuit would be a paltry fine of forty shillings, or something liko it; iii the back-room court it is rather differeut, since'the accused is curtly fnformcd that he must pay the mother bal bhis wages until the girl recovers. 11e wili do it too-huudreds of watchers in the miii wili sec to that. And T feel that I have helped in a good night's work wheu- the ashils knocked out of the last pipe, and the judge extinguishes the lamp, lu token that the court stands adjourui- ed. HEAVILY INSURED. Reniarkabie Policies Taken Out by Rioyalty. Few People are able te take eut a file policy runuinig into six figures, though tb te lives of royalty are ai- ways very heavily insured by thoim- selves as Xwell as by their subjeets. KTing Edward,- for instance, values bis fie at three-quarters of a mil- lion sterling, whicb represeuts the aggregate value of his pelicies'. Wilst Prince of Wales bis iusurance steod at $2,500 '000, but upon bis accession bis life became more valu- able and the premniurns were immiiedi- ately iucreased. Of al R7uropean menarchs the Czar le the greatest believer lnufile insur- auce. Withiu a wcek of the birth of bis eldest daugliter, tbe Grand 1)uch- esc Olga, the littie mite was insured for $2,000,000 with iRussian, Brit- ish and French companies. The Czar himseif le insured for $4,000,000 but a million dollars represents the value 0f the Czarina's lii e. Tbe beaviet hf e insurauce on re- cord was that held by the late King iHumbert ou himiecif, wliich le said te bave represented a meuey value of $7,500,000. But if this statemeut le iuclined te exaggeration it le kuowu that the uew King of Italy je insured for $8,500,000 and thc Ger-. man Emperer for $5,000,000. Pro- bably only one prince of royal blood lias ever insured himsell againet as- saseination solcly, Prince Henry of Prussia. baving donc se te the cx- teut of $900,000 prier te leaving Gerinany te, take over the, command of the ficet in Chinese waters some yeare age. Apart f rom Royalty, Mfr. George Vaudrbilt made a hold bld for the distinction 0f payiug the highest premnium' on an individual insurauce policy. Someo yeare back be insured the 111e of Mrs. Stanford, the found- er of thc Stanferd College in Cali- f ornia, and preseuted the policy val- ued at- $1,000,000 te the college. Tbis baudsomne donation ceets the famous giver $35,000 a yenr. But net te bc eutdone, a Clilcago mil- iionàire ceeun fterwnrds camne for- ward and iusured bis own 111e for $2,000,000, tiereby eclipsing the re- cord. Few companies will take a risk of more than $50,000 on a single 111e, but. an incurance compaay of New York negtiated a policy for $1,- 000,000 on Mr. Vandenbilt's 111e wlheu ho undertook bis tour round the world. Hall this sum was di- vided ameng Britishi offices, but the cempany reserves' $500,000 as its owu risk. The same cempany was also cliosen hy 1Mr. A. T. T-avemney- or, tie lamions sugar king, when ho wished te lusure five members of his family recently fer $57,5,000. Amnong ethe or iuvy Amnericen policies must he mentioned tint of 1Mr. Chaunceyc Depcw, which stands at, $500,00Ol, while Mr. John Cerbury, tic Phila-, deiphia millionaire, is irncured for a] PERSNALTIT-EITS, Notes of Intenest About Soine Leading People. IT lenef gecrably kuowu tint cx- Presideut Sf eyu's wife is living at Sydeuie.ni, Euglaud. Mre. Sf cyn lias several of !ber cldrnwithliber. Tic eldeef boy le geinýg tirugli a Lcourse at tic Crystal Palace Electri- cal Scioeb, au,1if is salýd, shows manked ability lu hic, studies. Wioiî Lor-d Curzon, fie Vicereyef Tudia, f raveis, lie le usually aecom- paaied by Lady Curzoîn and 120 at- cendauts. Great precnuticce arc taken te mesure his safef y and every- fhiug le doue for bis comfont. [l Soutienîî Punjai fie railroad bine is watered te bny the duef. Af hie des- tination hie is rcoived witb exinnor- dinnny cerernony. Dr. Moorieuse, Bishep of Manches- fer, le prohahly fie witfiest racon- teur on £ho Tfpisçopab DBenc2u, One cf is to îes s of a u o d lady w ho. grcatly starfled a rnisciounny bishop Who bappeued to e hecfaying af fie Manchestec' Palace, by tic qncry, put in perlgcf goed faifi: "Pray, rny lord, is if nef truc thatinlu Tdia you eaul emale couverts zeneaauad maIe couverts banans?" An iuferestîag liii le incident oc- curred wiile the Kaiser mras travel- ling in Norway basf Juby. Durng a drive frem Gudvangen f0 Sinhheini a gold ring slippcd ofclis 1eMnjesfy's -fingennobserved. It was affer- wards picked up by a stable.-boy, wbo iaudod if tte eotel-keeper, who lu ton resosied if tte eEmperor., On trewardiug tie stable-boy lus Majes- ty said: "T arn se extremely glad te l'ave recevered fie ring, ýfor if was rny engagement ring." The late Duke of Rutland lias a ne- triever uacîod Prince,, aud fie King and Quecu wene île gueste wheu fhey worc Prince and Prncece. The Pria- cees carne up te his Ilrace at n sieoig party and fouud iim pick- îag np fie birds. "-Tlow is f ie Prince getiig ou te-day?" sic asm- cd, nd tic Duko repbied: "Veny bmd- ly iiudeed ic won'f pick np fhe birds. Tf lie dees nef bhave hirneîf botter affer incheon 1T cmli seud hlm home." If was neftutil tee late tint tie Duke disu'ox red tint tie Princess md been askîîg of lber iusbaad aud nef cf hie deg! Th'e baie Mn. Green, fie chief Ven- ger of Sf. Pnui's Cathedral for miany yeare, wavs quito autocratie wieu nything coîîuccted with his e oved chîurci was coucorned. le is said te hFm.wo heen fie enly, man wie even ttvwarted tic German Emipenor. Hoe aaEd fie Emnpreess md beon worship- 1w ai matins coemoruing af St. Pi',and wene going eut befere tiec eebrtioa. -I should lbue, snid fie Enîperor te Green, "te ccc fie tomibe cf Wellngtoni cedNelscîî before I go."" Yeu cau'fsir, -was tic repiy. "Service le going ou lu fie choir." Dr. Robent Coliycr, fie colcbrnted minister of fie churcli cf the Mes- cmai, Newv York, who lias jusi roia- pletedl hie scveufy-eighth yenr, and is kmîown ane li1"Dacîcerniti Prenci-, er" was boru and bmcd'lu geed old Yorkshire, but lic weut te fie Steates iu 1850. T was euly r6ectly that hoe visifod the ceues of bis yeuth. Wbou flic doctor's motion heard lîim preaci for tic firet tirne at Leeds cie said, as sic proudly walked frern tie churci with lîim, - "m. not dure, lad, tint T uaderstand f hy sermon, and i'm nefo sure thaf I would have helieved if if I 1mhd; but make sure, lad, I believe in fhee." Mn. lReid, leader of tic Fedenal Op- position lu Australia, is oeeof those meni whom n sferny public meeting nlwnys secs at hie bosf. Fiudlng biieif not long ago lu fie face of a dangerons cnowd of Proteciioniste asseînbled te give hlm rougi baud- ling, Mn.,IfReid pluugcd ie ohie euh- jeet as follcws: "Weli, boys, wc'ro geffing ou. Last nigit T was speak- ing at - (a ctroug Profeetioniet conter) and fiey tlinew bage of flour at m-co, as you may notice, bit me lu fie cye. I wae giad and pneud cf fis; if juet siowed tint my Free, NEW MEITHO0 O URIG TRE WAZIR TRU The British PForces Apae H-all a Doze n r- p c e A DIREFUL HORSERACE. A ]EMpe's Ride That 12 Said to Have cost canada S23,o00,000 in 310noy and 3,000 Lives. For thc benefif of the old-timers we reproduce thc felloiovng romance: A. R. Empe wns a rider in the Most expeusive herse race ever run. No turf event lu hicfory bas ever had such tragic consequences as tis mnemerabie eue, vwhich, more or lese, lndirectly ceet the Dominion ol) Can- aida $23,U00,000, lu moneyad sorne b,000 lves, te mnkç ne account of the destruiction 0f fthrcc mllitary posts. The race was rue October 19, 1884, at Qu'Appelle, Canada, be- tween a scrub herse from Winnipeg te Victoria as iReynard, Rouge, and an old therougibred, 'Black Dia- moud, Who had, Owing te bis age,, been turned ont on the grass te die some years belore. iReynard Rouge was tic preperty of a syndicate of bni-breeds, and won cteadily lu tie Northwest for severai ycars. Finaliy Ticynard and Black Dinmond were mafcied. Black Diauîond belenged te Morris Gifford, wie mad been Co- lonial Secretary te Gibraltar since 1887, and te A. R. Empe. lie wae 17 yenrs, old, and had lu bis yeung- ci- days made severai rernarknbie re- corde, but, owiug te cracked beefs, hnd been takeu off fie turf aud turu- cd out te grass. Siuguiarlyenough bis cracked hoofs tien camne off and were repluced by perfect hoofs. The hall-hi code had got an iukliug of fhe rejuvenation of the old skate, aiid ou October 16, 1884, corne eixty or seveuty of tbcm came it Qu'Ap- pelle with iRcynard. They loafed arouuidntil nightfali, daring fie monnted police aud ote- white peo- ple te get eut corne fasf herse ficci aud huck if with capital, Empe hurited up Gifford, bis parfuer, and flhc latter tint night backed Black Diatuund te rua agaiust iRcynard Rouge lu three days fer $500 - ail the mouiey they bad. Empe's Version of the Race. In telling tie story reccnfiy, Empe said. "For 200 miles around rua- ners were sent eut witli the news, and lu tl),e rmorning and cnrly alteor- noon of the third day a string cf people, white and half-breed, poured jute -Qu'Appelle, accempanied by a crowd of Mounted Police with tirce mntli' pay te put on Black Dia- moud, Fully 8,000 people wec pre- Sont, and hy 4.30 tbe tewu was jaimed with uew laces. The half- breede tieuglit If was a sure tbing, and gave us the solection of tie course. T was te ride, weigbing 152 pounds, while Ticynard wnc te o b riddeu by a boy weigiug 80 pounde. W1e get away about even. Black Dia- moud took tic lead, grncefuliy flu- ing iet the came long strîde tint had won fer hlm the Queeu's PinteI at Quebec ten years befere, At thec fi-et quarter IReynard came up. and we raced side by side te the haîf. Then fleic ian boy quit laughiug and began te ride Reyuard for bis 111e. T hadu't touched the Diamend, W e reached tie foot of the clope bond ndbead. Ahove fie clîoufing 1 heard Gifford yell, 'Tilt hlmi, Enîpe! For tlod's sake stick tie books into hlm!' In went the spure, cnd Dia- moud like a blue streak chef past -Rcynatrd aud fired us both uuder flic wire n goed lengti nhend of fie liail-breede' herse. -1 can't describe the scene after that. T was simply a bediam of white joy aud half-breed dîsgust. They had made more bets than thcyî could pay, aud lu cellectiug tiese wegers a figit broke eut. A hall- breed nanied Pierre Castor refused to sette a bot with Duck Daviden, ai white man, and lu the flght that on- sued leur half-breeds were killed and several wouuded. We drove them eut of fie valley before dark aud put Ticynard Rouge iu our stable with Dlnck Diamroud. Beloro tie hall- breede bIft they sîvore thaf for every eue of their number kilied at Qu'Ap- pelle 500 whiteo mcn weuld die before spring. They scattered firouglieut the mouiitauis,, aud lu March,, 1885, the rebel.ion, headed by Louis Riel, breke eont. They kept their threat A eeîn rep onden;,lu writlng to ticL on o hoiie lon S as says W nziri tr u c lias u w l c o luttle oveî twevo mete a,ng een form aly iu(>r,,dou De-. cember 1, 1900. Tirougieuýjt the blocknde, flic tnibesmeîî avenet ccased te raid whenever oppnnfnuiiityr Pîosent ed utsd1, and laftery i- Lese raide assumned a panticnia-ly'dariug chanacter. A menti or- se ugo we lest a number 'of negular soldier9ý and, wiat fie Wazinis esfeem mncb more higily, a qnantity of rifles and ammunif ion. -Tf wns fil asf allair wbich fiually dccided Lord Curzon fo sanction rofabinfory measuies. Doub-. lese wifh a certain amenicfn- luctance flic Viceroy recoguized fiaut tie bleekade sysfem, te wiichi ho had resoived te give a pat"ien1t' trial, would bave te be abaîîdioned(, or, ratier, romîîiued wîtli a syctemeof~ eouater-raidin)g on our part. In sancfiening acef ie esures, Lord Curzon wnc caroeful te etipulafo t Lint tiey wcre Dmot te o 0f f Ile regula- tion froufier tpe w i asgenl1en- nbly proved* o e iff le avail. Tihe- slow and ostentations rnehili7zafion of n large force ou fie fromtior, foi- lowed by eaniliifary pr end ibrongli fie eaeîuiy sceuufny,in always given flic fribesmen ,iplenfy of urne to deéan nway tbimicati le- and sucli etier valuabice ns _ fe have, togetien wifi iheir fnifs te corne place of safety beyond our renci. If ires a wicc and statesrmanr- luke dccision te abandon tis eumjr- brous kiîîd of expedition, nnid n ime was lest lu puttîng if info effect. SECRE T PREPARATIONS. "Aillfie prcîîanatmens wene imade- lu absolitp scrcer, and ver'y feýw, even of tic hlockading force itself1, were nîvare flntnuytbing eut cf fieý cr nmcn was about te take place. T was decided te coud four miobile' coburns iutoflic Malieud, conuitry, witi instrucionîs te infliri as miuci. danînge as possible, and retire again before fie euorny coubd assemîble at- any one spot in sufilcient force. Tç- ensure inchility, fie columiîs were withont cithor, guas or traiisport, and carried flic wioleocf their focd and antruniiiou. "Ticre is nef the sligiteet doubttint ticee peraficus teck fie Mabsuds aisoluiely hy surprise.,The arrangemnts werc meet ckilfuily plaaued and caînied ouf. Tic fact, cf tic Tori celuiun eufering ibi country frcrn fie near aatnrazly cansed fie tnibocmaca, on boarinig of ifs advauce, te ýmovo lu thnt dirc- tien lu corne force. Nýo sooner had tbey -doue se flan fie otier roi- unrrs eutercd ou uder 11annd rear, and every mnomnt fresi reports umisi, have ncacîied'ihoir leaders of fimc ap- pearauce ef oun mou in bail a dozen toi ally uuexpected quartons. Tbese ccnflictiag stories and fie comiplets- soddcnuese of if nîl were aifogether. tee mucli for fie Malîsud M\alikes and, hcfoî-e Itey could gatien in, force atý any eueý spot, our celumuas wero safehbny u in hir ewu hii4eo. Tic opeîntiens, whiciî îoflect fie greatesi possible credif ou ail con- ccnd, wiil ndeubfcdly have a, iesi excellent cifect, net euly cn fie Maisuds fiemseivcs, but ou sorne of* the ueigihe ng fnihes as wcll. Tic eperafione xviii prohahly 7he con- tinued ntil fie rercli1at rmbes- mou have hocu cornpletcby brougilit fa- ficir kuces." VERSATILE RULERS. The Hleadc cf Thrce Great Nations' Are Ail--Round Keri, Emperer, William of Gcnîuýaniy ne- ceutly surpî-îsed auinsitt of naval

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