"'t 'OUR -15QFR zxui 0 TOWN AND OOUNTTIRST; TEE WOILDATEW DS M. A. JAMES, Edito n rpitr NWSRE.BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,10 VOLlIMEXVIIN.7 J - - - - - - .w ~ --W, 1 Ooueh, johnston & Cryderman Wil, îin order t6 reduce their stock, seil ail Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices, Ladies' e oats.a Ail Ladies' Coats- new goods-at Half Price. Real Bargains, Great Bargains will be given in ail other Winter Goods-Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Blankets, Shawls, Furs of ail1 kind s and some Unes of Dress Goods at haif-priee. Corne early and secure some of these GENUINE BARGAINS. CoclJolllto &rdoranu Bo WMAN VILLE. GRO~ERI E You want them and that's the kind 1 sel, 'Whyr ~shouldn't we do a good business then?ý Leave yoqur inext order here. It ýwill have prompt attention. Delivery to àll parts of the town. 1 seli Teas. Sugars, Coff ees, Spices, Raisins, Figs, Currants, Oranges, Lemons, Oysters, Biscuits, Canned Goods, Haddock, Clover Leaf Brand Salmon 15e a can, Cranherries, Flavoring iExtracts and'many other articles such as every gooct U-;rocer carnies. MODEL <3itOCERY, BO3W.MLNVILLE. The Designer for March contains9, many attractive features. hn fancy work this numiroris replete,.suggestions for entertaluments are ziven, ,,What Womoîî Are Doing" ha the new and in- terostiug department. Among the special fashion fesatures are many de signe for "Dainty Lingerie." An expert miliner tells how to make two fashion- able Spring bonnets, and tire able writer of "Points on ýDressmaking" instructs amateurs in the makiug o! exquisite, undorwoar. Numerous -savory recipes for cookery are included in the list o! seasonable and valuable items Stand- ard Fasirion Co., 82 West l4tb St., New York City, U.S. Notwit]Istallding the Introduc- >tion of -Iitation and courteifeits the -Sales of Paine's Celer.y Cornpound Haye Yastly Increased. The Great Medical _.rosc ription o! Professer Phelpe, M.D. is tire Onhy Medicine- that Truiy Banisires Disease and Sickness. Shorthy after tire greatest o! modern pirysicians, Professor Pire! p, M. D. ,gave te the science o! Medicine the Most wonderfnl remedy o! tire present day- Paine's Cehery Compound -a host o! imitators sprun.- up. As tire groat public demand for Paine's Cele-rv Compound la every section o! Canada, imîtators become bolder,' and as a. consoquence, tire public lu many quarters are sufer inz from these vile deceptione. To day, no otirer modicine lese largely imitated as Paine's Celery Compound ; thie is due tii its immense popuhaity, Notwitbtanding the introduction o! imitations o! Paino'a CeleryCompouud in Canada tire sales o! tire areat disease. hanisher increase from woek to week and far oxcc'ed the comhined output o! ail otirer imedicines. People insist upon baving the one remedy that maires tirem strong, repaire tiroir ehattered strength,, and that frees them from disoase Onlv a'truh 'v great and effective remedy could continue as Paine's Celery Compound bas done. to ho!d its, unrivalled place lu the estimation o! able pirysiciaus, discerning professional mon audthel heet people o! tire land. If vitou a u lfeand realtir,( do ,e hlestitate t efs te"omtia ut Asi Good" advieimai ici whea de losproent tirem 1te on.Se.e that yen~ ~~" ge h idwtho ire moPAINE'S on! wripperraudbtte COUNTIES' COUNCIL. Continuing thre report from our. lasE issue wherein we loit off alter the War den read hie address. The Clerk read the mites o! Wed nesday's meetings which w ere conflrm ed. Communications -wore read -fron Messrs -J. D. Roddick, J1. S, Moorerait R. Walt, A. Weatherson, Johnotoi Beatty asking appointment as County Auditors. Comamissioner Donaldson reperted ex Wallace Peintbridgýe, about $80 lu re p airs hein g neceasary. Referrod ti Road and Bridge Committee., By-lawg o! which notice had bes givon recoi.ved thetirst readiug. Coun. Riekard gave notice o!, by-ha-e te repoal the horse-thief bv-.law. Coun. Spence gave notice o! by-lae for brushing Rice Lake. Coun. Tweedle gave notice o! by.la-e for brushing Presque Ishe Bay. Coun. Naylor gave> notice o! by-la% for brushing Heoaley's Bay. Warden'e address was coneidered clause hy clause. Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 10 were adopted. Couns. Mulholland Trebilcock and Miller were appointed to look inte the validity o! tire Trea urý er's bonds. Clauses 5 and 7 referreid te Couuty Property Co1mmittee. Clause E laid on the table. Clause & reforred te Road and, Bridge Committoe Clause 9 referred to County Property (Jomiîitee. 1Couin. Rickard gave notice o! bv-law for grant o! -8100 for Newcas-tle bridge, There he.tug a lot of commritteo work te ho done ne session was 5eld Thurs- day evening. FRiDAY MORNSNG, Council met at ila. m. Warden Fisher in the chair. After routine Ex-Coun. W. J. West ington was iuyited inside the rail. Council went inte cemamittee o! the whohe, Con. Trebilcock ir. tho chair, for receiving' reporte o! the minor municipalities. On resumiug, Moved by Coun. James soconded by Coun. Mulhohland, that the reports of valuation o! tire.several imuicipahities besubmitted to a special cmiteto, -wlom 411 matters'relating thereto may be referred in the- xueanîtime and that sai(lcmlte rpr its re-port and subm!it the samÉe atlthe àJuue session, Carried'after lengthy discussýion. Councçil adjoitred tihi 8 p. ni. FRIDAY AFrERN0QN. Council rosumed 'at 3 p. m. Grants ýf $10 each were mnade to Pr,>soners' Aid Associaotion, Sicir Children 1 SHospital aud Ontario iflle Assocýiati, - Bethany echool was contirý.ed as an ixamication cen tre.- Gxaoler Snelgrove was granxtcd $100 a year for conveying prisenewîrs t and from-the-gaol. Hesolutions that Wallaceý Point and D~unlop bridges ho repaired were passed. Owîng to number o! inigente stili vonfined in the gaol Harry Locke was retained as assistant. Coun. Rickard spoke about the comn- nitment o! indigente to tire couuty gaoI. Judge Bonson had decided- that uctigents could not be committod te the g'aol But there are a number [North- umberland 28, Durham 8] o! these indigents now in gaol. Coun. Miller helld that theso poor people were botter lu gaoh and wished to romain there because they were well carod for. Coun.- Spenco did not think we werle keeping the indigente as cheaphy as bhey were kept ehsewhere. Whou we get a House o! Refuge here e-ýîve mun- icipality wonld have to vay 43e ehare Mr. H. F. Hokland gave a bietory o! th case te test the rocommritting o! idigents. If committed fior vagrancy 'y a magistrate it was au invasion o! tho law. A motion te sond one del!egato from eacir countv to the meeting o! Geod Roade Association wae net adopted. Couns. Macklam, Leith, James and Miller were appoictod the Special Comn- mittee on Roade and Bridges. Mr. Platt'Hinman wae autborised te attend AgriculturalCoeg as County pupl.ý Thos. Wark's salary as barotaker o! counties' Offices was raised $80. Property eommittee was instructed boseO Cobourg Council about reduction )f refit o! Counties' offices.' County Court Constables are te wear aniforms in future providecdby Ceýunties. Council adjourned te 7 p, m. FRIDAY NiGrn-, Council met. Warden-,la chair. Moved bv Coun. Crvderip.an,seconded by Coun. Mackl'om. that Mo'ýssrf. Miller, ames, Spence. Danal(d,,on, Carlaw, r tg ti ti ol b ti to of ul bi J; TI Ci r o1 il Ci cc si: t' to b, n oi ir tc C( QI l bridge being that said bridge isCounties' property, -the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee ho authorized to Itmake the necessary repaire, Carried. Coin. Spence and Sheriff were ap- pointed to purchase police uniforme. For brushing Rice Lake $20 wa.s passed; for Presque Isie Bay $I0. Moved by Coun. Rickard, seconded Sby Coun. Cowan, that $100 be granted Newcastle to assist in building bridge over the Main travolled road to harbor, SCarriea. Couns. Rickard, Cow4n, and James aepôke in roference te the bridge and said the village badl several -bridges te Skeep in repai n urged the Council-to support the=mto as the taxes were high now and the bridge was on the way to the wharf and was used very much. r Coun. Mulholland said the people of the west neyer asked for much and v thought they should have the grant.. -Hamilton Jobnston of Healey's Falls y Bay will recoive $15 for brushing eaid Bay. High School Trustees for the Unitedt Counties were appointed as follows: IBowmanville-C. M. Cawker. 1Brighton-J D. Mills. -Cobourg-R Cullis. Colborne-Wm. H-. Smith. Campbellford-Thos. Oken. Newcastle - Wellington Foster and Bey. Shaw Howard. Port H-ope-E. A Powers, Commissioners on County offices Were appointed as follows: West Durham Registry Oflice,Commis.- sioner, M A. James-.t East Durham Registry Office, Commis. sioner, T. A. Thoômpson.d East Northumberland Registry Office,a Commissionor, D. C. McDonalda West.Nnrthumberland Registry Ofice, 1 kGaol and County Offices, Commnissioneir,' H. H Walker. No commissioner to - expend more thau $50-, c Commissioners o n Bridges a n d ý Roadways were appointed:- i Hastings Bridge-T. B. Carlaw. 1 Allen'd Bridge-H. Masterson. r Wallace Po-t-WI. T. Danaldson. l PidgeonCreekBridge-S.E.Ferguson. b Narrows Bridg-T. H. Tweedle. ,ir HPort Perry and Scugog Iloadway-J, t( H. Devitt.T Bensfort Bridge-Geo. Staples. ý Douglas Bridge-T. -Leith.,a Auditors Criminal Justice Acecounts: H. F. Hollaod and J.- Miller, J. P. Counties Audtors: J. D. Ruddick and Jolinston Beatty, salary 880 each., The roward for capturînx 'horse in thieves îin the counties wasý reduced I fromn_$40) te $20 on sniggestion oLHight ConstabieJavs Mo1,vedi by Coun. PRickard, seconded by Coun. Cowanà, that a frée P edlis' C, license be granted to R Werry and W. M Andrews of Orono. Carnied, Coun. Mulholland said it would, ho aO groat help to theCounicil if a mnap.was procured sbowing bridges and buildingsT that the counties were ïnterested in. Sc Coun. Trebilcock said it would bo 'very exponsive to have one drafted. He u was in favor of having tbe roads and bridges, etc., marked on a Imap o! the county and thought it would do. ci Moved by Coun. BAker, secondod by b( Coue. Cr derman, that a free pedlar's Pl license ho granied te gym. Lynch'of v( Darlingtoni for 1902, Ctrried, ai te A resolution of condolence was pro. ni sented by ex-Warden Spenco and î ordered to ho forw~arded te Mrs. John ý3 Jackson, Kendal. ai The committee to look into the valid- ce ity of the Treasurer's bonds reported hE that thev had examined them and th fouind them satistactory. re Moved by Coun. Trebilcock, seconded e9 by Coun. James, that the special coin 1s inittee of the Counity Property Commit- be tee for 1901, report the agreement on- YE tered into between said Commîttee and 01 the firm of Fraser & Harvey for the ti] boring for water at the gaol and pro- vc grese made under their direction. Car- al ried.1 th, Council thon adjourned until call of!h the Warden. th nu te Three months for 25c. Mail us your tn name and address together with 25 w cents and wo will give you. a throo sel month's trial subecription te the most beautiful musical magazine publîshed. containing four, new, copyright pieces of music, full size, each month, togeth- hi or with reading matter, illustrations Oli etc. Ev'ry Month Publishing-Co., 1123 ba Broadway, New York City. an Pr ci Re B.ad %Coughs w P. "1 had a bad cough for six p:ý weeks and could find ne rlief tbî o!le.MAPLE GRovE. Ré.A. C. Crewe, General Secretary ofEpworth Lengues, Toronto, will give a lecture on "Sunshine or thre Bright Side o! Thinga" under the aus- pices O! Maplo Grove Epworth League on Thureday evening Feh. 2Oth at 8 p. m. Hofresimonts served at the close o! the lecture. Admission 15c, Everyone - cordially i vt d DARLINGTON. Mr. Jas. Pierce shipped a car load o! cattle te Toronto.,...Mr. E. J. Burk iras sohd a carniage herse to Mr. S. J. Hall town .. .. Mr. Alfred Matn wa8 in Toronto receutly on businesse... A eleigh load o! !riends, from Oshawa apent an evouiug at Mr. Thos. Power's recontly*... Roade are badly blocked with snow. 1They make one feel ae tbouzh ifle wae Worth living. Take one 01 Carter'e Little Livor Pille a!lter oaiting; it *ill reliove dyspepsia, aid digestion, give toue aud'vigor to the system. FEBRUARY WEDDING. COi-PINGLE,. A very quiet wedding took place laat Wednesday, at 5 p. m., at the residenice o! Mr. Thomas Pingle, Liberty , wlîen bis second daughter, Mise Etheýl Blanche Pingle, wae uuitod lu marri- age with Mr. Albert F. Cox, youngoa son o! Mr. David Cox, Bewmauville Rov. W. J. Jolliffe,1 B. C.- L., ofciated Only the immediate relatives o! the con tracting parties were' presont. Te hrino's costume was a vory becoming dresse!f old rose cashmere with white silkt and lace applique trimming. She was assintod by hier sister Miss Florence b.-inglO *ho was noatly dressed lu a bodice o! similar color with black. skirt. The groom was abhy supported hy Mr. Charles' Dickinson, Foreman o! TE .STATESMAN office. Alter congratula- tiens tue bridaI party partook o! a nics-c ly prepared wedcding dinner The bride ieceived a very choice and useful col- lection >o! prosonts, inchuding soveral t batik notes. The groom's !ellow tuners i in the-Dominion Organ and Piano fac c tory remembered him, handaomely, r The young couple bogin married llfe i vith the beet wishoeso! ahi for a brigirt à ,ad hàppy future WEST DURHAM PROHIBITIONISTS f A convention o! temperance workers net hero, Frihiay when West Durhami È Prohibition Alliance waa formed, witir t *befollowînig officers: President, Robert i MIoment, P.K, Orono ;Vîco Preeident, t j J Mason, Bowmanvil[e;- Darlington, 0. Ruse, Hampton; Clarke, Thomfas r Moffat, NîewtonvLiPlé John J, UoLow, N,3ecocsthe; Catrtwright, Robert Phiîp, b> Cadmus, Secretary, George M Long, r )rono;, Tred-surer,. T. C. Jowoll, Bow- s, Manvi e; Committee on Resohutions, T'homas Smale, J,. R. Rowe, C. J. Hugi- on. The following resehution was passod usianimously:1 "Rteognizing the !act that on two oc 2 cafon- tire sentiment o! the country bas beon uuonistakably recorded lu favor o! prohibition o! the hîquor traffie, this con-. vention expresses ita conviction thatr .ny !urtber roference of the question to the people le both Inadvisahle and ti Lnnocessary. This convention further .ffirms that the Government o! Ontario, ~ by adopting a course o! action in accord- unce with the foregoing resohution, will ommend itsel! to tire entbusiastic and .Oarty support o! the moral forces o! L th country ; that whereas it iras heen 1 repoatedlv suggested through the a eolumus o! the prose that the referendum é' istgbe submitted, and also that Ris l to P ec hampered by unjuet conditions nover 'w 'et roquired on any otirer question lu ai our Province, inasmuch as sucir condi- ions would place a preinmun upon tire ote o! a supporter o! tire lîquor tradilo nd in the samne proportion prejtrdice fesupporters o! prohibition (Wirich is se6 a.voWed poicy o! tire Govorument), therefore this convention expresses ite nuqualifled disapproval o!- any such îeasuro, and its detormination to refuse o a party to sncb an unfair contest, ;at would se ciscriminata againet those w nhe represent luneoemaîl part tire moral th intiment o! the baud." P EVENING MEE rING. th In the evening a public meeting was m ild in the Town Hiall wben, owing to hi ibher attractions severo woatber and ac )d roade there wae only a fair attend- el] ce. Mr. James Gilfillan, B. A., Be Irincipal o! the Higir Scoool, was chosen nc icirman and a!lter einging a hymn ri 0v. W.ý J Jolliffe. B. C L , oifiered do )rayer. Miss Gertrude Saunders sang thr sole and Miss Edîtir Freeland phayedtr piano solo, Both were well given and c ore loudly encorod. Iu întroducing di: 3ro!. John A. Nicirolîs, the chairman th ado a few sensible remarirs on tire inl Iohibition question-the great issue o!fiLe e day. Prof. Nichols spoki, for an Ti OUR BUSINESS HOME. M. A. Jâusxs Buys TEE STÂ.TESMAN BL.ocm. Not in a boasting spirit but with con- siderable satisfaction we announco to our readers this week that we have he- come the owner o! the double three- storey brick block in which this *ournal has been published for nearly) fifty yoars. The present publisher has heon a tenant in the building for n.gh unto twenty.four years, during the former bal! o! which our landiord was the late Hou. John Simpson, Senator, and a botter landiord no person could. desire. Since hie deceaso Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., bis son, bas transacted the business o! hie father's ostate, an&- we have found bim likewise a consider- ate and obliging landlord. Liko the young bride who begins- housekeeping in a home of her own-, we- !eel a masure of pride and independ- once in being foi,- the first time, the- owner o! our business home. On the death o! the late DavidFshor,. Esq executor of the Estate of the late, Sena'tor Simpson, the Trusts and Guar- antee Company, Limited, Toronto, by consent o! the heirs,-became Mie exec- utors o! the Simpson Estate and by tbemn this property was placed in ther market and on Dec. 21st last was sold under the auctioneer's hammer to Mr. W. Quick te wbom we have since paid asemal premium, and thus. boconie the owner o! what has for several jears bieen known as TEE STAivsmAN Block, Nos. 24 and 26, King Street, west. The west end 'was for many year& tho Bowmanville post office, but has since been fitted and used as a phoito studio. The second and third storoys are fittnd fora residnece the roome being ,argoe, with high coilinge, conveniot 1 d well lighted and are now offereýd to 'ont on favorable terme. The firet and second flats in -treý east block are oc- iupied by Tis 5vÂ'rESMÂ1 PUBLIASRU housE and the upper storey iii vacant, Many visitore to town bave remarked- hat we have one o! the neateet and nost convenient prin ting offices in the country and with some slight improve. cents that. we have in contemplation wo hope to make it stili more attractive and comfortahlo. It las not nocessarv, p z rhae, tetoell our customners that we shall require a feW hundred dollars on Marcir lot to cake considorable payments and as, 'levery dollar helps,' soud to-day thé dollar you owe, klnd reader' to show he truth o! that old adage 'la friend ila need is a friend indeed, for -we confeass that a few hiun-dred dollars paidi n this rorth will be most acceptable and will net romnain long iîn our possession. Sif your owni subscription is paidp or- hape you, cais seud 50 cents for Tmsý STATESMAN to ho sont te a new eub- sriher te end o! 1902. LEFT TWO WILLS Heirs o! Cornelius MeGarrlgle, ot. Bowïnanville, who died a year &go laat Lugust, leavinz an estate o! 812,000, are drvided as to which o! the two willsg I the last and valid one. The firet was ated December, 1898, and the eecou« >ecemher, 1899. Two months later he ras declared insane hy the court Now ho heirs, who share more liherally in ze firtit, are asking the court to have- tat one doclared "the last and valid- nu"" Chie! Justice Meredith bas grantet, awyer D. B Simpson, o! Bowmnanville,. Wbo iB the oxecutor o! the second will,. commission to Ireland to take the 3vidence o! a number o! witnesses o! the, ?Iaintiff and brother, John MeGarrigle, 'ho seeke te have this latter will set- tide-Telegram. THE CARIE 0F BABIES,' LGreat Responsibllty Rens on AIl Nothors-Baby Should Âlways b. Brighst and 'heerful. Babies that are well, sleep Weil, eat' ve, act well and play well. A child bat is flot llvgly, roey-cheekod'and ay!ul, neode icimediate attention or e resulte may ho serious. Prudent othere should ahways, keop ready at end a safe yet effective medicine te Iminister te their little ones as mergency arises. - Such a medicie is ;ahy's Own Tahiets. These Tâbheta de ot act as thre so-called "soothing"v iedicines du. They do not have a eadening or stupofying offect, but on ie contrary go right to the sent e! tht* cuble and, hv removing it cure the ild and preveuts a recurrence of theý iOlcuhtvy. Ail mothers who havs used l'o medicine praise it and always keep, the house Mrs G Baines, Six Milek ake, Ont., savs-"The Bahy'e Own, 'blets which I ordered came jut ini AL