AbOUtÀth I ...House COOKING- PEAS. Peas puddingc hot, peas pudding cold. Peas pudding iu the pot fine days old. This rhymne, accompanied by a slapping of hands, is a famnilia gai-e to most young people, but tew of them know the dish, which is au old English one. This is the recipe: Ptit a pint ai-d aý haif of split peas n water over uight, with a piuch of carbonate of soda. Before beiling re- move auy of the peas that float. Boil the beans until tender with a littie Sait and auy desired flaver, a bit of lemon peel, garlie thyme, or a littie of ail thrce. Drain and rub thonm through a colander. Whea smooth add two ounces of butter, a dash of pepper, and two cgs w eh beatuîî.' 'lour a pudding cloth Or steamer, turu linfthe pudding and bell for an heur. Flncly chopped bacon may be added te the pudding if deslred. As bacon and Split peas imay be kept ou baud, this pudding mnakes a goed dinuer when emiergen- cios arise. Split Pea Salad-Au excellent wiu- ter salad mlay be made witilî ither dried lima beaus or peas. Seak un- tii they are very sort, and hoil in salted wator until tender, buit net mluslY. Drain and cool. Squce- e over the beans or peas the juire et? an enien and add eue or twe bits from a can Of tomuatees,, which mnay be emptied andi saved fer another oc- casion. Wheu tomate is uised a plucli 0f dried thymoe gix os a dli- clous flaver. Serve with a. French or a seur creani dressing. Split Pea Cutlets.-A delici eus disb sold iu vegetarian restaurants, us- ually under the naine of cutlets or vegetarian beefsteak is made as fol- lews: Soak the split peas as for the Pudding. Put inte a double boiler wlth water eneugh te cor t hein and a sprig of thymne. two cloues or? garlic and a green pepper. from which the seeds have been remoed f. Steama unll the peas are tender, drain and partly mash theul. Mix with the peas a littie very inly miuced onion or celery. Fornm loto balls like flsh cakes. Shakeo ouer themi a dash ot? pepper, dtp ilrst jute a beaten egg, and then ini Indian mneal or breud cruiibs and fry. Thoese cutlets are very substautial, and lit- tle, if any, mneat should ho eateu with themn. ]iried lima beaus may be prepared lu exactly the saine w ay, except that a littie tomiate or mine- ed pareley adds greatly te tbe haver. Split Peu, Soup. This is really a hearty meal lu itself. Soak a quart of Split peas over night lu a large kettie. Pour off the ivater and rnu e; cover uith thrce pints of water und Put on the fire, with a Speonful each of sait and sugar and twe dlot esof garîlic. Do't Omit the garlie. Re- momirber the bane of Amnerican C000k- erY is the lack of fhaver. If you have a ham boue or a chioken ýboue te Put lu se muchi te better. ILet the soup' simmoir for several heurs ou the hack of the' sto',C. Thon add o ne or two cups eor milk, n bit etr butter and a dash ot? black peppor and it is ready te serve. Buked Peas.-A delicieus baked dish is made by rubblng a large bake' dlsh with a clovo of garlir. Turu into this a pLut eof split peas seaked until seft. Chop a large ou- ion very fiue and spread ovor the top of the peas Will1u pppor and salt. If' You have loi t er gravy or stock pour it ovor the mixture. If net cover wlth wator, spreadîng oeor al bacon cut luto the thlnnest possible suices. Bake in theo ven for- two heurs and add a little beiling water if the poas get tee dry. This will bie fouud a great iluprot onent ou baked bonus. As split peas are sold as low as 4 cents a quart, theso dishes will be fouud tory economnical. PEOPLE LIICE POTATOES. Te make mashed potatoos specially attractive, dish it up lightly instead ot? smloothlng it deuvn aud grate ever it tho yolk et? a cold hard boiled egg. It is but the o w-rlco 9, mn p S0ME IIINTS. The stocks and ties which are no longer comfortablo, but sott, wrinkl- eld and crushed, can bC done up at home and roquire only a few min- uites' work. Wash with white castilE soup and thorouglhly rinse lu hot water. Rell lu a dry towel fora few minutes and iron whiJe still quite wot. ýThis miethod ot? ironiul trili give sufficient eispness, but ii nie is desired a little starch trate: mnay be added te the last hot ries- ing water, and a little liquîd blu- ing. Castile soap iili net spoîl de- licate colors, but care must ba takoî net te use trator that is vory hot, Tf enae au comtrtably immerse, the hauds lu it there trili be ne trouble, Silk may be cleaued at home and look ns nico aftor the cleansing pro- cess as though sont te the cleaners, previding the garmnent is te bc re- made, and nîay bo rippod, apart. Coer the lroning board xith au old blanket or double shatri; on top taclý a shoot. Lay the silk smeoth ori tbis shoot sud spouge both sideE wvith eue-hait? cup gail, oeehall oui ammenia, and oeehaif plut tapid wau.er. IRoll the sllk on anu eh 'broom handie, having it pertectly froce frem wriukles. Lot it dry and do net irou. Woolea goods may bE treatod anud rehled lu the saine mari ner. If guoves are kept lunxvnxed paper they trili nover lose clnsticity or sottness. This is, particularly useful whon oeeblas'anu unusuial number on hanid, or for gleves eut et? soason, or those which are liera euly te match particular teilets. ,-late yen oser heem troubled titi goods that is very thin gatheriug up whien yen are son ing? Just try put- ting a strip et? paper under the goods nnd yen will find that it ne longer gathers. The î aper eau easily b( pulled off. Patent louther boots, slippers an-i boits sheuld be wiped oer with a cloth damponced with oi1, and ther wrappod lu tissue papor then net in use. COJIPRESF)MILIC. The, Microbes Are Now Squeezed to Death. Atter aorated milk, sterilized milk, Ppotized uilk, lactateçi milk, and iualted milk thora is newtot be ndded a new klnd Ot? scientlfic hygienic milk, suys the'London Express. This is couupressed milk. Bya new process the microbes that abound in cow's mîlk are squeezed te death-at least part et? them are, for there are about 500.000 germs te every tonspouful et? uuboiled cet's milk. To investiga±r' the eofeot etpros- sure on bacteria an apparatus has been devised which is remarliable for having producod urbat is probably the greatest hydrostatie pressure ovar yat reached- over -150,000 peuuds per square inch. The-particular ebWt otft these ex- perirîntus tus te dtermine thether the bacteria lu milk inight net hi killed by hydvostatic pirassure, se that it w ould keep a longer tinu witheut goiug seur. .- Moderato pros-ures tome first trled, bvt appeared te have noeaffect. Tht prssure was thelî, iu'reased, and.ne- table resuits utere obtuined.' 5111k subjccted te pressures et? 7C te 100 tons kept from 24 te 60 heurs longer without going sour than milk which had net beau sub- jected te compression.1 The degres te *which the keaping qunlities of mllk w are irproved np- peared te dopend as much on the tiino' for w hich the pressure wns maint aiaod ns upon the actual pres- sure reached.- Pressureset? 90 tous par square inch maintnlned for un heur preveut- cd mrilk froni goiag sour for frein foui- te six days. Comuplote storilization et? the miik, however, tas luneocase affocted, av- en at the highost pressures, and, the milk inu many cases acqulred pecuiar tastos ai-d oders et? Looping, indicat- ing that certain species of bacterla tare killed thile others tome net. WALKING THEIR RECREATION Best of Panaceas for the Morbiçi Tendlencies of Authors. ---- - u-- -- --"a.'minute' Waumrîng is tuehea estfpnacens for and the yelhow andfwtile flulhuesa bbheaîombiff leafencies et? authors. Il til hogîeatiy adnîired. lu as geed for renseners as for poota. Wheu potatoca are iaclineff toturda John Stuart Ml i înibed ut once soddennadýs, lmy sleauing insîead et? psychoiogy, politicul aceuemy, aitic baking and, boiling; yeu trilI bie am- a lovaetfiraika fmemn bis father. azed ah the rasuIt, for a ver-y poor Walking iras bis one rocrealion ; il poIt tu ilu tain ouI quite amoaiy. If savad hlm frein hacomiag amach-a thte steamer is aîr-lîight uleun about arnoke-dnieff peffunt ; andf Ihough hoe tblrîy-flve minutes for good-sizeff po- put foruard the protoxt et? bolanjeai Latoees. Whea ,beiiing, haking or rosearches, il lialpeli birn le porcoit o gteaiing pobalees, plan te baie thul mna lu aeuthing hesides a thorn et? anifemni size, as the anînler moere log.c machine. Mili's gmat Dmes tilt ha uineff tuile wuittîg for rival as a spiritual guida, Carhyle, the langer eues te gel donc.ta a vigomous w'nikor. Oneetf the The objection inany have e Fmench vlvid passages in bhe "Beminis- Iioff petatos rmay bc ehviatcd if as cencea" doucribes bis tnlk wth mv- they araeffained fomn the betuing ing fi om Gasgowv te Drumcog. HIei-e fnl they ara spreaff apon cenubreunu hhey sul omnlte "brour eta peal hag, palier, this absombu ail surplus fnat hile*far, fan away ho tue e utard, ha a tewrmnutes, atter urbimh they oer our bruira horizon, toureof up rnay ho srt cd. Try poInte aoap urhite andf visible aI many miles et? once lu a n'hiie uhen Iired ff tomnate distance a high, irueguhur pyranuid. vegetable aud stock soupa; bell Aitsa Crnig n' aut once guessed, and about six pelaloas, sifI n'hile bot thought et? the sous and eceunu ovean thmoagh a fleur steve, add eue quart yomdr." The vision nalaraliy lbd et? milk, a genereas piècaetf butter te a sohorna conversation, twhich tn5 andf sait andf pepper te tasîe. Chop- au oyant in beth lves. Carlyle la, ped pamsley ýon sliced cold hoileff eggs unaurpassahia la bis descriptions et? addef u thIe at moment haera soeuory ; ftnmthe picturcaetofmoîu- sanrueg, adffs te ils attracirceesa. bains in "Santon Besrlus" le the A snlad fine ouoaugh te gmuce any baIlle pieces ia Fmedenrick. Ruskin, occasion' and eapecialy desimuble bimacit? a goed tauker, is more rbe- serxoff tith cold meut, la peInte loicat but net se graphie. cearnsalad. ,To imaIre lb use oee punI tofbot -,sifled poInte, butter the - PHOVED. aise et? au agg, one-quarlar teaspeon- fui et? mnstamff, hait? a teaspoonful et? Straurber-' Monkton says ha f oh- sant, a litle paprika, and eue egg le-ted yeur affvice about suecuaiug, lightiy beaten, ceam ail togaîher; and lest $4,000 hy il." Ihan afd ithen vinagar on emon, Siagoly-' Did hae ? Weil, I ai- juice. The ernon jaica la abcer if urays kuen haourus a champ." yen have a lnon on biaud; the juicaetf eue srnall eue is abont ight Becently a man urbe haff an irn- for the correct censiabency, but et? padimcul len bis speech -tant mb o a course mach dependa upon the pota- chemlsh'a shep lu the country for boas, very meaiy eues nequiing more sema ipecacuanha mine. At the liquid le giva the uauaff the ighl ceacter sloff the amand-boy, the teuoh. Wbou teul bouton il abouid tas utilizing bis sare time hy ly- be ligit ndffspoagy, baht stiff eneugb ing op pueketa et? anîts. Castomer te spoon eut upon crrqpDuetuuýce eax- (te che-ialt)-' 'T n-ant semae ip-ip- es. ip-ip-" Lrraaff Boy-"Hlumrh --- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - l 1 aaceff Outheiet t? he xi lis ISm u he ay t? hecommission et? their owni bayonets au they entarcd Iu pattera andf quality the p eet another pilaetf humnan akullu and bis crime, and that 'a neeklace haff their homes. Kemnp andfoee hçus -couterpent to the lest article 1 Veu n other res eofjo-jo ighls, andi ou beau habitually t7oma by au intereat- aad Booms, tiho had beau commuai- sea, Ibis 11111e dedge noevermue s t tha right Ils the mat sacrifice-a iug lady sent te penial servitude. It caled iith by bhe garbage-cant drix- affect, and it does't ceaI memo irhite goal, brusaaff up lu the branch- bas been ond !thut nuosb et? Iase ors, wtre te he ln hfding near bbc but hy the lime lhon hirthday coes es et? a palm Inca aand stamvinig te jeeel~s, heing memeuîy imitations of city. lI he umait and uproar cx- round.agan the incidentist totakly CI death. precions mailsais uuff tone, trouldf pacteff te ensue Ihay-tare le force fergelton." The Lonig Ju-Ju la prohably the fatout next te neoliug if sold la bulean outrance, helpaff hy their friands hast kueun andf meut peterful e- omdiuuy ray . But hy aPPealing bo jfront tithin. Than the tro-r]k etrob- An edinnry ueuff for casting ut h lgieus centrea la West Afrien, nnd is the imaigi30,na o f ihe uorbid lunf hery, plunder, muindar and incandilar- sean uriguma 71b te 141h., andf bas ut vîsited trom hunrîded et? miles hy cenuection ith inîtinals andf crin e iam n'as te procoed trith relanîlasu the hottom et? It a bole filled iritb s, nai'veset? al soutsaund ceadilloni.. they invýa 1j iahhy moai 1ise ýfc-acy prions bot haste, se Ihat it mlght ho lan- tauloî te hriîug up saniples oet? he t l la impossible, ait presenýt, te getli and adff te tua( StuIte axehlequer. jibod, aff the ceuspimters and Iheir se-bottom. g EETJ8I UllÂiI~EJfullUE andîp% ccf u ba RE BeEI3>S PLUT FÂJLEthelles could tly the British troops lu i vogua for cenituýries lu this gîeomy mmîglgt cav ofsaage suersitonfist ITWA COCEVEDONA MST BUT THE PLOT 17AS FAILE 1, ,t CAFTIIRED BY THE BRITISH heenuse thoy are ntaid, and, sec- ad aplnayo h osia LeIN WEST AFRICA. eudly, because the prlests have yet GIGANTIC SCALE. tors have beau laid by the heels, îuîd tte hoe capturod. Eu erytlulng which- later on possibly till b ho hld by the a Fitty Mumnan Beings Annually is sacmificed, sýuch ns cattie, gonts, Details of the Scheute ta Capture neck. Almeady thoy ara followlug Il Sacrificed at the Great Re- fotis, etc.,.mu iehawhite. hThe Iigh Lords Milner and Kitchener thier- nature, in mnklîug haste te gligious Centre. Piest of thýe oale is usualiy eut of adS ohnebr. gîve ovideuce ngainst ahoe, Ifslghtanudadrse the piîgmims iundSakJhnnsug that-tbey miay save their iudividuai ýr The foliowing détails hatve been me- au umipressîve moi(notone, havung proe- ntg frm Kesdp, lî. wretched livos. For somne littia tiime -celv'eçinl London et? the fgting iunvieusly been made eegniznnt of every Bonnet Dregtewrcrepn- Johannesburg has been aflicted wîth L- the expedtion agninst the Ares. dtaili cncerning the supplicauts ont eoufih the tdo an errepd an eutbreak et? political criminial - hecorepndntsasand theîr disputes by imenus of ai violenice. Thora have lîcen assauîts Th Atodatspon decemer 4, 90,te:asot et? ietish freeuuaseiry which sinlnd an1ttempts at wayluying and ns- At troepsol the Euiueampf4- luertanly axtends as far as the limita The coutrasts are as nought, -cern- saulting the police. luoig s with praisoworthy preelsien, roaced et? Southeru Nigeria. It teuld seemn pared týith the multiplieity eof par- n nd bludgeening ara the i-retluîds -the camp at Okorovi'a tarm lun ex- te hoe a faim estimato te p ut the num- allels ln history. Even lu the ex- adopted. Liîtterly, as iu ou il dis- d cllent time,' and jeinod on te the ber et? pilgrlims dotu at about 500 perience eof a lifetime I eeuld cite triets at home, the police altetr dcark )- tait et? the columun. The advance et? annually, alet? thoîn pny dearly for numberleas instances. Te ho beaton, go about fa twes. But a littia thlo 3,Ne. 4 eelumu lun its ontiroty thon tha aduice or decreo uvhîch us vouch- te sufor defeat, lu peisonad bitter- ago a soldier delng sontry-go at the - began. Hait? xay hotuveen our start- aafed te them. Probably the number niess te rat înatures. When a strug- largo ailwiuy gonds station lu the - ig pin au or ojetiv, re-ohhuman saerifices dees net reh gle has, bacoma hopelesa thora is ai- suburb etf Bramtenteiuu, Johaunes- d Chuku, six important ehiets tome a total et? 50 a yenr, tehile about tays a section eof stubbemn savages burg, tas assassinated, and bis rifle k oncounterod, inhe surreudered uneen- 200 people are seld into slnvery and onger. te ureck and siay, regardless and bandolfer camried off1. n ditienally te thoecommandaunt, and the remainder are allotod te go unhther they lavolva themnselves and An instruction has boan issued te ýs at the anme time ire tome iutormed auvay free. the innocent inu mIn, and transform ail officers w'he may ha abroad aiter ~ tat ho aties t? ro-huk toe - ------the ghest et? their cause into a byeý- dark in Johannesburg te go about p prearothe fortis ofaroî unten e e tord et? contempt. It bas beeuse, armod and te walk iu the niidle of d fght. We feund, hotever, that the TRADE OF' TH-E YUICON. lu the eld tonld and the net, and the rend. Thtis bias been rondern-en- y' totu tas deserted and that the oiai fodigaohrprle essary because of the ruffians lL- - About tuno ueeks ago I hoard of the ing lu doorurnys and 1cinder the bal- I oemery, undor the impression that lVachinery Men Are Qvelooking latest Johannesburg plot. It uvus eeny shadots thut coter înost eft? ie e te tvould go on furtbor than the an Opportunity. conceived ou a more giguntic ceaie pavemenlts lihn erjcj t L- great fetlsh capital, hnd retimed te hsMtrpls o themmaid e? t ad ntmneedthun soeaof the provieus censpir- Mamnmon. rtheelvars. Ou or rriia I Arnt e d-"Thora is îuow' nedoubt uxhatever noies. The objeet tas ne less thun ýr Chke h e vee O ory dra lxao- ttat the Klondike Minas Bailunay is te kili or seize Lord Kitchiener 'and TEBESA RTRA ir ndva-nced eguar ecpidythie frotete ho built, and that construction Lord Millier ai-d their staffs, shoot TEBESA RTRA t aced th teru, tup e otewill hogin lu the near future.1 It Nmiildota tue police and the Baud Bifles, * fce f te twnthemai boy, t ork tenders iii the whele Yukon sot lire te Johannesburg, tayiug it Britons Stili Asking Why They * idý anorin e the t uvn, wihe teas -région, as it uili render possible theinl ashos, anud work as much hnvoc as Didn't Fight. bumu poti onsofote ate mudwheour îorking et? many eomparatively lot-.possible bafoue docamping inte the dispoti onsothnthail eemauefvanc grade propositions, which are îlot mountaluiis. It tvns supposed that Britous altays, have heon much h iptofns tadus the uorth.dvnc haufficapped hy the enormeus such a'blour succestully deait us, mystified by the action' ol the Boera Tey tomaaquckly u iod, the onîy freightimg rates." with Lord Milliter, Lord Kitchener, un abaîîdoniîîg their Capital tlthout ste roturu a very short tinte atter- Mn.* J. A. Christie, et? Vancouver, and others as hostages, tould buegvn ate odn tcuia r ards. Froue wlthiîî-tau heur et? our B.C., and aIse et? the Cunadiau-Yuj- comnpeiled Britalu te sue fer pence. journals arc still diseussing the pro- e occupation the Ares nover left us ken Sut Miii Comnpuny et? Datson, la Se littie do our enemies 1-aut the bleui -uad iucideutally publishing quiet eitber by day or night, for authority fer the above statemeuts. spiritt of the English race. An oten photegraphs te show' that Pretoria :1 lon, they did net advance againat 'Thora are any number et? pro- partial succesa wîould have ouuured iras guarded by setomal formidable i us lu sufÏficienit numbors te make it parties lu the immédiate neighber- the complote destruction et? ail pro- forts, Wei quipped tith arma, a uecessary te sond treops eut te hood et? Bonauza and Eldorado Boom aspirations, ut home as mcli us inter, lectrical uppliauces, etc. ,i drive thora off, they peraiateutly snip- Creeks and aiong the tributanleset? iu South Africa. lu that sense, somo Pretoria sla bsn n ols off the camp, and, uotortunataly, Indian River which la any other eof our nustore putriots regret their than savon forts toma prejeed for iith semae effeet. counttry xvould ha consiffemef ex- total fuilure. Rai-ffas it might have the lot huIs surreuuffiug it. Four WHELON JJ-JJ.tremiely valuable, but îvhiclt cannot beau for a time te bave donc with-et? these tomeConpleted and tîve THE ONGJTJJU.haouvoked satisfactemily hecausaetf eut Lord MimDer and Lord Kitchener tome beguit, but the ether huaffnet Aro-Chuku, or, as the natives aIse the coat et? supplies. Thoso must ho -tOe ould prefitably dispensa tith piogroased boyoud the planning. Col-L cuit it One Chuku (the sons ot? God), packeff up noir. and the rates, rua many lasser civil servants, as toîl onel Sciel, te thom the construe- 0consista eof 14 tomas situaute(i îeuu as high as $150 te $160 a ton, as genenals andf colonels for ovr- ýtien tas intrusteff, is saifft hv the "Long Ju-Ju," urhich la under a unherons, with the railreaff bufit, the yet the empire teuiff have mauagoff. gene te Berlitte scure the heat pro- mile trem our presemut camp. The up- rata tilt ha nearar te $15 a ton.' You prebahiy have heard little about feasio nai affvlce. 'Great came tas dens bh h ogýui thichgrdualyhac -O"f the $500,000 naquireff $260,_ the plot at home. Homre grant retie- taLon te iusuu-e seerecy ffuring Ibis dens bus, whch radully ecoies once ha beau malntaineff-quite un- tvork. The laborers ou the satanai d thieker andf thieker until eue arrives 000 has alreaffy heen suhacribeiin uecessarily, I think. Othertrise i forts tome houaed in différent partsI at the outrance et? a deep, ovai- Chicago, and about $40,000 iu Orna- wouid hava wirad. The lateat plot et? the City and forbiodomute cein-1 shaped pit, 70 feet deepi, 60 yards ha, -thile the balance wiiliehasiib- gel "bloiva upon" possibhy tee muuulcute îith other, andf scouts fouît along, andf 50 yards tiffe. Oaa thon scriheff ln Dawson.'! soon. Whether ilt as, strangers ut a distance et? a auille tclimbs dote the procipitena idas et? Taking up another linaetf thoughut.TH IE TAL WO N, frmteots 0the rock into a narrow gorge and Mm. Christie ventured the opinion TRE "INEVTABLitisMN,' fromossesforts r Into ruuing water, up trhich eue that Canadian marchants geueraily, unho ffiseioseff the censpiracy, or theofet the fortifications they fouud thut1 0 rades, pusaing under twe fonces, ýnet ea excepting those et? Van- irata burgher who ivoulff net allot the four cornpheteff forts haff outer1 s____________foi______________hs younig sons teo join the gang, I talla et? masonry înany foot thick,1 leave undeciffod. The Boenbas bois flaakoff by eurthwrks o h i e inuits, but ha is net a bora con- faces. TIhe intoer etof forts WVon-1 s spirator. Ilta amoîugst the foreige derbeem niud Schautzkop tre cern-1 rifuf that the treason, if net balch- poeyaupe rt lcrchgl off, tas, ut aay rate, nurtured. il ou oenginea fon generating poeo,1 e 1la uuderatood thut thora tare, nomi- huge wter- tanks holding emoughi -. inally ut leat, ever 30 freiguers wter te lat thair gari-mious ut ci dgagainm the achema. Oniy a smaîl leat three meathandf un r aumnber tare Boer-s andf burghems, ground bomib-preof magazines. Polh1 - -anf tthiese very foiaeprmnn forts hnd powenful saarchhiglîs, tiîuree e -men. The Net Club here înay have signaling lumps et? 800 cundle petert contributed a member or twe. Any- eachand téléphonie comm-unicationa e. heur, several eof them were umder sus- tt iernihbn.a eia pieieîî, andf I 'beliove thora uaben ith the City, The equipmeît et? -, -an armot la that coiinection.- Mat-, theai tire forts, tome founff intact, tors, hotrevar, une sub jîîdico, andf andf included n formidaleh armarnenl- * futher comment must ho ffeferred. et? 4.7 inch guns 1-uunteff - The aulluoilies veî-y quietly, irbea READY FOR ACTION. f the giat et? the ,plot andftheonaumes et? the conspiraters hacarne han tt Fort Dapoort aPPareîuthy had heent thîmi, anu-esteff la the Course et? toun- robbef f etis cannon for usa ha the Y ty-four heurs, soe thirty pronfield, uvilie 1Ilermaun's Kraal had net unh e tomaut once examinied andf in- beau equipped wilh ils batteries. The j -~- 'caremateff lu the fort. Sijuca then peculiar thing about the situation e ci about thimty others hava been :udfed tas ln the fuel thut Ihe tire forts i - I te the lisI of prisoners. A toek ugo uith batteries la place e tote f urresîs of others et? the gang tome north oft? he City, w'hile I-Iemmnanu's i -made ut Elandsfonîein, a fet îmiles Kraal, uvhich n'as tititoul guns, iras t eut rom ohanesbrg, on the Preo- uuefte déenduffthe approach troim - brin lina. To-day il is glu non ut the sentît. Il la kueiru the Boom \ thal the trials et? the accuseff tilt Coveu-nmenl boughut a lange numbera \W\l\ egin before a Court. I hava beauetof5.9 inclh Cruesot guns frorn the i told that ulmoaffy themiiitury tri- French nînkema tor the armumentoet? bunl ha adjudicated in eue case, these fortifications. The fucI thutJ and that the prisener ha paiff the they wre mounted on special truvel- 1 extreme penalty for bis crimes. Un- liag carnae, nkîglhmaaila- doubteffiy the consplmaloma are heep- hie for service lu the field nîmlunl- ng up a correapeuudence tith lIme dicate tuaI thoy net u-rouecheff theo U, e 1Booms eut ou commniîdo. The southoma lorI because they tare il sehemofo the pletter tas 11111e short tee gîont dernand for i-ld use. Tho fi eof devliiah. Some eleven hundrefi British think nouaet? limhe "Long2 mtoma lre tha enlistofi, thoso tork Tom's". toma over înounteff lnanuy et? ilt as, upon a gitea signal, te as,- the forts.t sassinatea a lihe aumber eof Rndff hen the enemy opened itis nttuck 1 The Suppression et? "Long Ju-lu' Ri tes hy the Are Expaffition. A humnanRils hteclntoavlueronPtrateBeswr nbdn Sacrifice in West Afrîca. body have heen touit te preceeff te condition tor defence, but thîtt needs dm111 eaumyiug only their rifles. The somo exPlanunion. Somneet? the gunss -censpiratos-irho huff ticLeff off the intendoff for these fonts uvere used t? privuta adffresses et? mosb et? these with gneut effeet in the fighîing ut c util eue finaaiy contas te a pince couver, tome net yet fuiiy ulive te volunlems-delegatoff ene or more the Tug'oha River, but urbea the Booms fi thora the tuter cornes eut et? the the importance et? the Yukon truffe etornmo eec eioc.rtrnefte ifntisuitis unitéf roka lu l istiena,onthich Itis true," ho snid, "that about \Vhea the fatal date, mhich tus te cannons lu the fortifications ut Pi-e- t are to allua, eneinadeffa t mnny 75 per cent. etf the trnde coîumea toe h about the middle et? December, toritL. Inslend, thoy tlmnnsported il truffa guna, sluck muzzle dowruirurdas Canada noIr, and that is a vast !in- ýcame round, the signal fer the timcm te points aiorth efthIe cil-y te a int the greunff and toppoff tith pmevornent on the olff condtions, butl SOUTUI AFEICAN SI'CILIAN dIptthafvneeheeevho shhs te thr tir- daa_-op I-01n rnsn-hyCnaa holf VSPRSyo-fPrto---Te niisloen, 11VMTTI CI À lit h u u Yb wTrf ITTTITTàfr1U PlTT IlAIl HOW THE BUSY11 YANKEE SPENDS, THE DAY, Many Maltera et? Moment and Mirth Gathered Fro'n Bis Rec ords. Non' York eity hallitlaouiyý 36 feet aboya the sea lovai. The average tengavity lanlIme Unitedf States tins 35.2 lu 1900. The ice crop ounlime Hudnlie river la oxpecteff te ha uuusuahuy gooff. Prospect Park, -Brooklya, uxhicu comprises 5,166 acres, lu valueff at $27,735,000. Auffren' Carnegie offeed te give $50,000 for a free llbramy building te Lexington, Ky. The Nen' York Ciambar eof Cer- - merce tus iueerporatef by George III. ou Murcb 131h, 1770. Rubituai dmunhannasu us a direct' cause for absolute diterce ia thtmty- fixe States et? the Union. Squire Sheraher, et? Omaha, n'hose tuaff ivorced hlm, aeteff ilas beat man aI ber mumniage le au- ether. Tacorna, Wash., la 3,209 miles fmom Net York by the sherteat meula, and il takas 127 heurs te gel thora. A report et? the Stale Prison Com- mission shows that n amy et? 10,- 000 yonths ure seateucef le prison mat year. Battimore hua no-t femer than 80,- 000 celoeef inhabitauts, andf Louis- ville feuror than 40,000; St. Louis bas 35,000.1 The nmalanialu et? the Buffalo Ex- position, w'bich tus raeuuntiy sutfft a urrecking eempauy for $132,000, coul ou ci.$1,000,000. North Carolina la tuking stops le colabrua he uunivemaary et? the landf- ing et? Sir WallonriRaieigh's celony ut BounoeaIslandf. The grat feature et? the St. Louis Exposition tili ho a flying machine coîtteut, for urhieh a prizaetf $200,- 000 l bci hoffereff. <tevernor Shawr, the nour Sacnetary et? the Treaxury, asteuaffed Iota hy mahing public a liat et? 478 priason- o rs pumffoned by bim lit thea mut t-te years. Il is tearaff Ibal the exîmaomdinary heueyuooa et? Capt. Aundreurs and bis bride, irb etot ut te cross the Athlantic in a 13-foot bout, bus iiad a futul aading. Thora is a ureman living ut Otis- ville, N.Y., urbe daims te have sean ,Fultou'a bont, Clermont, muke ils final soccessful trip up the Rudaonî. ,She la 108 years olff. SThe United Stat-es floagresa is said le cenîanoeemembor nihe is op- peaed te ahlo lgislation ou the grounfi that thero are -al-roufy-tee rnnny muws in existence. Ha favors repeuling murs alreaffy exisling. Rbert S. ChilIen, jr., oblteto the, Cenaular Bureau oet? he Stala De- parîmeut, Washiuglo7in, bus tenffored yearu et? govai-rneat service. 'Haeuril take a short reat and Ibmn go fIet business. Mns. Mary Grant Tubmnan la ffeaff aI ber homo ia Chicago. Wheu a girl she urus the daughter et? the mogiaient ha 26th Camemonaans. She -ves bora la Ediaburgh 64 years ugo, Imêr father Donùald Grant, heing a son- geaul eft? he megiment thon atatiomof there. Trhe 581h annut mreoret oet? hçNet York Association fer Irnproving lIme Condition eof the Poor, shotsaun uxpeuditumaetof 5,87for maloîil reie?, the principal t iema heing for food 'supplies, meut, ceai, abees, imeals and leliginga, anfo fr laher il, the soîring bur-eau. JI. R. Sîefdnart, whe lu stamrlng in 'The Bounia Brion Bush," haà imever tppeureff on lthe staga on Suaffays. andf bis Chicago engagemnut, urhich shoulff haie hogua on Sunday aigitt, In. 12, bnd le o bcpetpoeeduntif iIouday. Mm. Stoddamt la a Scols- mlan andf respects the Sabbath Day. The records for Iho ,port et? Net York shon' that 3,353 steamers nd 1,165 saling vessais enteref froua foreiga ports ia the yenr 1901, andf 2,437 stearners andi 6,028 sailieg vessols frem- domesîlo ports. The totlhnumber et? vessehu enlering urus 13,020, or more than a thousïaff a nonth. Aurnirat Dew'ey andf Joseph Jeffer- son, the ncor, are insoparablc friondsata Palm Beuch. They fre- quentiy atroilluinthe a burbu eftheu Floriffa resoî-I, and -the other day vere seau sittiag ou a 'Caca suringi.ng~ thein foot liLe lire aiheel beys, imax- ing a goed, oid fashioneff tulk abot a lot et? inbemesting Ihingas, urlhoul being iaberrupteff. PI-NK AND BLUTE OAK,7. ploiîing a lai-go umuturul aupply et? suct urooff. Some ycams ugo, a geol- ugiat dlsceoîeff sone lhuge legs la tho bed et? a river in South Russia; they haff boomu rcnfereff se bard by hoeebernical notion et? the wter Ibat ho cuiled thora pelmifiad troc tmuniku," caii hoe furtmor rmarhed thut, the -hamical actieunltd net ouly barden- ed, but coiored thern. A concession ras, gmauled by Govermament te the timber nuorchaul n boxe refermod te, andf ho bus imade a goodiy pile eut eof tha immense deposil, although hue is utly workiug it a inthe meut pîlimi- tira, way. Thera are 150 miles et? theso paInl- led hogs; meat oet? ham exceeç 1-00 calt in iengbh, whila the dianeter la îearly t-te feet. It la estiuuatoff thal theme ara stili 15,000 oft? uese legs te be flsheff ap, andf lIe togff is tetcbi- ig a very good priceataIRiga and "De you think it's IfuP every manýi has luis prico ?" ashel thme helmesu;. '-'m sure I ffoa't knetr," ho an,1- n ered, thoughlfîîlîy ; "but if yeno ( wanI a bargain yen n-eeff10kanly