A WeII Tried Medicine. 's Colnpolld Syrup of White Pille and Tar. Our preparation is stronger and more effective th an xnost others. It cures couglis and eolds and prevents consumption. It strength- ens thruat and lungs and stops those night coughs. SOLD AT McD ermid' s BOWMANVILI4E. [HE HARIMONY MALE QUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. Il. FRosT, First Tenor, A. E. MCL.ÂUGHLlb4, Second Tenor, Il. J. Kr.uIvr, First Bass, T. E. HIGOLINBOTHAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address ail crrespondence te T E. 1IJGGINBOTHAM, Secretarv,Bowmanville 48-6m Bounsall's Marbie Works .. Good Work, Best Materials, Artistic Desions~ Prices Reasonable, E. R. BUNSALL, 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, GOODS YOU WANJ And We Must Seli. Cutters: Brockvilïe. Brantford and Pafmnerston; Robes: Saskatchewan andi Biehop); Fur Coats: Imitation Lamb, Dgandi Saskatc~hewan; Mitts: Imita- tion Lamb, Muleskin andi dozens of ethers. Only one Sucer anti Pulper and one Souris Grand Jewell Stove, new. In fact yeu cari get almost any- thig you ask for at this store. J. S. RUNDLE, Opposite T. Tod's stoi e BOWMANvirL1. For New Yoars a a Buy early is alwayie a safe plan In the holiday season. Calendars and Xmas cards; a special line of Books, beautifully bounti, 25e and 35e each; the Poets, leather bound, padded, $1,00; latest ,edition of Prayer Books, Bibles, Hyrnn ]ooxs, Albums, Toy Buoks andi all the English Annuals. No better preseut than a nice picture. A great variety et these. A splendid assortment of fancy ehina Ornarnents, Flower Tubes, Cups and Saucers. Inspect and Don't Wait. P. TREBILCOCK, BO WMANVILLE.- NEWS AND OPINIONS OF~ National Impôrtance. THý1E SUNIM ALtorlE COITIi4S EOTI4. Daily by mail - - $ a year iDaily and Sunday by mail, $8 a year. The Sunday Sun la the greateat Suutiay Newspaper in the world. IPricee5e. a eopy. By mail, $2 a year. Adilress THE SUN, New York. BOWMýANVILLE. FEB. 19, 1902 W est Northumberlaud Conservatives meet Pritiay, Feb. 21 te select a candidate fer the Local Heuse Names mentieineti among the "probables" are Counties' Ceuncillers George Mitchell anti George Spence, ex-W'7arden. Both men are pop- ulariluCenservative circles anti have streng dlaims on that party. The World asks Premier Rosa te resign because some ultra-temperance Liberals arc dissatisfleti ever the proposeti Pro- hibition Act It woulti be juat as reasen able lu ask Mr. W. F. M acican to give up The World because a great many Con- servatives includiug the Mail andiEmpire differ frem him on politîcal matters. Rcv. Dr. Ceurtice disseuts, Rev. Dr. PolIs. as- seuts anti approves. Why shoulti Premier Rosa resigu because the fermer disapprer- as? The contention is silly. aye, iutenseiy chiltiish. _______ We are pleasedt l sec that turing the past month Mr. jas Cale has addcd te his already large printing plant a new job Press frem the w cil know n priuting pressabuiltiers, Messrs.V esînian & Baker, Teronte, anti purchaseti a numiber ef new fonts et type. Il la very gratifying te note progreas anti prosycrity aleng any hune anti especiaily se in the publisliing anti prinling business Wi\e cengrauate eur confrere ou bis enlerprisa andt iis numis lakabie ctJtiencc of presparity under Lîb- eral rule. Iu ceusequeuce ef the estahlishment et _%iartiai Law lu aIl South African Ports, British Goverument bas issueti an ertier orohbiting the landing of aîîy passengers in Cape Ce env or Natal, unless a permit bas been secureti from thc War Deparl- ment in Londion, or from the British Vice Consul, aI Portland, Me , or nearest Con- sulate, or in Canada freib e Minister et Militia anti Defeuce, or the Secretary et State Ali applicants wlll have le satisfy the Goveînmcnt that they will bave at least £ ioo in their possession aller lauti ing in South Atrica; aise as te their objeci et geing there. Sleamsbip agents are notifieti fot le beek any passengers te South Africa until sucb permils bave been sccured, anti wblch must be presenit- cd before cmharkation. PROHIBITIO N. PREMIER Ross' BILL, HOW ITS ENACI- MENT IS To BE DECIDED.-NoT IN FORCE UNTIL 1904. The main pDrovialous et the prohibitien measure proper anti ils referendum ac- cempaniment arc The veling en the referendum wiil take place ou Octeber 141h, 19)02 The question on the ballot papers wil be "Are you lu favor et bringiug imb force 'The Liquor Act, 1902 ?" "The Liquor Act, i902." la the Manite- ha Act; pure anti simple, wilb techoical changesaatping h te oOntanio. If the number et eleclors voting "Aye" on the question exceetis eue half et the total vote cast at the cemning Legisialive elections, the probibitory clauses shahl becorne law by proclamation If carrieti the measure et prohibition la to coen m effect on May ist, 1904 Licenses untier Ihe uew Act le the classes et dealers permiltedt t seli unýder ils provisions riay be issueti aI any lime atr the referendum la taken. TeActjefincs as probibited liquor al termenteti, spiritueus. and Mait liquors, anti ail di ink able j iquors wbich are intx- icating.. Druggists' who'esalc andretail licenses may bc issueti for thc sale et these in specificti quantities - Under a ýWolesalc license alcobol te the quantity et tco galions may bc sold te any person for mechanical anti scientific pur poses. "Liquor" le the quanlity of five gallons te any physician or relail druggist. Unier a retail license a druggist may scîl "liquor" te private individuals untier houa-ff de prescriptions Deiitistfi may purchase one pluit for piolet sional use only, anti velerinary surgeons lu o gallons. C!ergymen are permittedti t purchase wiue te the ameunt et two gallons for sacramental purposes. Alil purchasers et hoquer, witb the ex- ception et clergymen, are requiredti t mali e affidavits A sîck person la aliowed te keep liquor lu his roem, if prascribed fer hlm, but hie muaI net let any other person drink il. Nothiug lu the Act shahl prevent the manufacturaet liquor for expert te an- other Province or a foreigu country, or for sale te a icansee untier the Act Clubs anti secielies are prohibiteti frem having liquor on their premises. Bearding anti lodgiug-houses are de- finati as_ public places, whare censuimptien There wil ha a local inspecter for each electerai district, anti more if requireti. It shalha the duty et inspectera anti aise policemen anti constables le lay lu- formations wban they have suspicions. A clause prevides fer the compahing et Wilnesses te answar lu presecutieus. The onus et preving his right te sl wlll be upon any person accuseti. Whoop! Have you had il in yotir house? It's cougli and cough and cough, and then - that terrible whoop! Don't upset the stomach more by ýI' giving nauseous medicine. Just let the child breathe-in the soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. It goes right ta the spot that's dis. eased. Relief is immediate, andi in a very few days the cure is complete. You can'tsay the same of auy other treatment. For asthma, catarrh, and coltis it's egually gooi. 1 Vapo-Cresoiene is soid by druggisis everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which shouid lasi a life- Lime, and a boule of Cresolene compiete, $5,5o; exîrarsupplies of CresoIene 25 cents and 5o cents. Iiusiraied bookiet coniaining physicians' tesil. montais free upon request. VAPO-CRESOLENa Ce., zso Fulton Si.. New York, U.S.A. Solti by Stett & Jury, Bowmanville No gift that yeu eau senti an absent mamber et yeur family for Si will ba haIt as mueh appreciateti as Tu P, STAT~ismAx for 1902-52 remindeu. A sinigular feature of the announce ment for the Conservative mass meetmig in Cobourg uext Fi iday night la the invi- tation. "Ail frienda ef the Conservative cause are cordiallv invited " te hear J. J Foy, K. C., M. P., Dr. Beattie Nesbitt and others. Friends of the Grit cause are net wanted evidently., 0f course, the Cobouig Conservatives are an exclusive set "If we blow net our ewn horn it shall net be blowed" is a trite old saying, se yeu people who loek with distiain on the '(poor printer" pause and thiuk what are printers ? What have printers doue ? %Vhat are printers doing now ? Printers bave educated the world, or most of it. Printers' books. guide commerce acress the seas, scare ignorance away, make and maintain libertv, elevate mankind above ail its olti leveis, and a cepy may be beught for a shilling Printing maintains law and ortier, printing keeps the frcc man frce, anti liberate s the slave. Print- ing cnablcs dead giants in history and tiebate, dead warriers, dead statesman te speak to us again anti again in their ewn words, giving us the benefit ef their knew- ledge te assist ours, ef their deetis te in- spire us. APPRECIATION AND THANKS. I hereby extenti my very sincere thanks for the manv expressions, through letters andi otherwise, ef very kinti sNmpathy fer me in mv recent misbap; and especially new te the large number I coulti net reach by statemeUt froe .puipit. - B H. HAYDEN. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORONTOý The figures given in the advertise- ment of the above named Collage in this issue,to which we direct the attent- ion ef our readers, net enly strikingly suggest the popularity ef this splendid Scliool but tie increasing desire of our young people for that neceasarx' train- ing in practical business affaira whieh xil! enable tliem te enjey a part in cenducting the steadilv grewin- coma mercial interests ef our country. SETTLERS' RATES WEST. Every day during March anti April, 19G2, the Chicago anti North-western Railwav will sei ene way second class settIprs' tickets at very low rates frem Chicago te peints in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Colorado anti Utah: aise te Victoria, Vancouver, New, Westminster, Nelson, Rosslanti anti otherpoints in the Koetenay District. Pull particuilars as te rates from neareat T icket Agent or B. H BENNETT, Gen- eral Agent, 2 King St., East, Toronto, Ont, -w The Late Jas. I. Davitison. Pickering Township lest on Saturday Feb. 15, lu the deatth of Mr. James I. Davidsen, ex-M. P., at bis beautiful home near tlalsam, enaet the few re- maini;ig pioneera, anti a moat respecteti citizen. Mr. Davitison was ef Scotch descent, anti about 83 vears olti. He took a great ilnterest lnu Uit d estale anti Shorth'-'rn stock raisiog in Canada, beîfig himself a mest auccessful importer anti breeder. Iu eolitics Mr. Davidaon was a staunech Reformer, being electe! a member for Soutli Ontario for -the Dominion lieuse ilu1-891.Hle aves twe gens, Johin and James,' hoth of Ashburn, anti eue daugîiteî', relic, of the late William Millur, Who, with a gooti followingof grantichiltiren, monrn bis bass. JUNIOR BIBLE CLASSES "AT HOME." A very pleasant avent took placelast Wednesday eveîîing lin the lecture room ef the Mthodiat church when the young ladies' anti yonng gentlemen's junior bible classes helti their aunual At Home. Mr. T. C. Jewell acteti as chairman lu a very efficient manner. An interesting progvami was given cen- sisting eft radIations by Misses Della Oshborne, Lois Etiick anti Prankie M, Jawell which were wetl rendereti; soles wero pleasingly sung by Miss Beacock anti Messrs, Charles Allun anti Jabez Mlnum. Morrisou's Orchestra kindly contributedti t the enjeyment of the ev- ening by a number of ehoice selectiens anti were veî'y mnch appreciateti. Al ter this anether part ef the program was introduceti by which the melubers anti their friend s were matie acquainteti with each other. Refreshments were serveti by t'ýe cemmittee lu charge who rendereti excelleDt service. Ail having tione justice te i ha gooti things at the table a social heur was spent at erokin- ole. A moat epjoyable evening,was the decision of the hundred Young people present. The committea deserve greal Followi ngi When several hundreti people have testeti a new remedy, andi founti it gooti, there is a temptation te try il. But when theusantis of men ail over Canada have been cornpletely cureti et Nerveus Weak- ness, Kidney, Urina.ry anti Sexual Disorders by a reliable trealment like that-et Dr..Bobertz, andti ofe gratitude recomrnend this Docter in every way, it seems almost'a duty that every man, who is siriiarly affected i;'u1d at once write te this successful physician and obtain his ativice. Dr. Bobertz' address is 565 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mieb, ORSALE-Two sterey brick house Fan bardtradgo br ihstn on littien. the property of C. YOUING, Liberty St., Bý"WMànvi1Ie. 953 tf Sp~iaIS ettiors' Trains TO Canadian Norti-west Will leave Toronto every Tuesadav during XMarch and April, 1902, ai 9.00o p m. Passengers tra'.elling without live stock '4houfld take the P7acifie Ex- press, leaviug Toronto at 1.45 p. m. Passen.-qîs traveilin.z with livo stock shoulti take the train leaving TLoronto at 9.00 p m. Free colonist sîcepers ilil be attached to triese trains. Borths may be secured on arrivai at Toronto. Tickets anti ail information frem Agents of Grand Trunk Railway Svs- tem or STOTT & JURY, Town Agent, Bowmanville. M - C. DICKSON, District PassenZer Agent. *Please Tak& Notice. *been-Editors and aIlhra-n STHE STATESMAN offie since Oct-* ober last that we av ofun time te square up last year's ac- *counts yet. Dasîrîng te settie al daims î against 'us andti tebave ail ac- ceunts due us settleti, we have* fixeti on SATURDAY, MARCH lst,: *as the date on or before whîch we *ask that ail acceunts against THE SSTATESMAN be prekianted for pay- meut, anti at the same lime mest :respectfully request al! persons ewîng THE STATESMAN for Ativer *tiaing, Job Printing- or Subscrip-* *tiens, te make settlement by cash *or note on eor before that date. * M. A. JAMES,* *Bewmanville. Publishar.* Sold in Bowrnaiville'by W- T. ALLEN, "'Bigr 20." On the Track TELEPHONE 57. Have you tried our new Coffee, it is very good. Olu Teas canIt be beat. Baking Powder in llb. cans, u.sually 20c per 1b., to clear at 10c. 01f Good Shoes. 1 before stock-tak%-ing. Wlien yeur footstepa are directeti tewarti The Parlor Shoe Store. Nolbingr disaproiutiug about the Footwear we st3!l.It is mnohsnfp in nrf.', but posses footwe. Heayy1 Bowm PRC'DUOE WANTED. Give Us A Cail. saIl the zoooti points of expeisive ýa Libe aI IDiscounts in IMen's ki4M Rubbars and S-ocks. 1 VITE A L 'BROSt FPred. R. Foley. 'BOWMANVILLE. ltA'.jILLE. lAM~~eilSvigSale.' We want to reduce gur stocks bfr l the Spring Goods core n a ee is a chance to save money on articles for the women, men or boys. I 1,23-2- Flannelette for 1 Oc. $1 .25 arid 1.00 Kid Gloves, 33c pr. That seems like a big eut, but the reason for it-the Most of the people know what a big range of Flannel- Gloves are slightly spotted, but perfeetly sound. There are ettes we carry. We can surely suit you for this sale means only 29 pair, so first corne first served. ~Z the choice of any-pattern in the store, dark or _______________________________ ___________________________50c and 40c Dress GoodS, 25c yd. If a lady wants to buy the makings of a eepSkirt or mi Dress now is her chance. Ail of our Black Figured Lustres, "hl.75 nd 1.50wraper for$1.0. orth 40e and 50c yard, just eut in haîf, 25e per yard. We have sold aý big lot' of Wrappers this year, but we 35c TWEED DRESS GOODS, 19C. Sdon't want to carry one ovor if we can lielp it. Take your 6 different patterns. Makes a good Skirt. While they ehoice of ail our $1.75 and $1.50 Wrappers for $100. last at 19e per yard.I Biggest Clothmig Reduction Yet . Glbeo avCal'%SîI$ 09 Men's Frieze Ulsters at $4.90. J 0 0%It will pay you to buy one now at ti euto n We will posîtively give you the choice (this week only) lay it away tili next year. Choice of our Ulsters for $4,90, of any Suit in ur store for $ 10.90, including blue black that is less than a five dollar bill. and colored Worstcds. The present time is a good chancefo Sto buy a Suit, gentlemen. Remember the price for 6 days Bo S 3=piece 5uits $for8 t~'onîy is $10. 90. A eharm for the boys. Every Suit in the store goes at this reduetion sale. No matter if it is $5.00 or $6.00. Take g1en's $3,50 MoPherson er King Boots $2.68. your pick for $4.18. losWe gave the ladies a Shoe chance last week and sold Boys' 3=piece Suits for $2.28. ltofBoots and now cornes the men. Choice of any of our Yes, every 2-piece Suit in store goes the sarne way as Sfine J. D King or MePherson Union-made Boots, that were the 3-piece ones at a big reduction. Your ehoice of ail our S$3.50, for $2.68. $3.00 and $3.50 Suits for $2,28, S ASKit'eATC1 _ 'H EW AN BUFA àkLO'.ROBES. Only 3 lef t. We don't want to carry them over, worth $8.00, for $6.90. Johnl Mlti lrtry, BOWMANVILLE. DRY GOOI1)S. GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES AUCTION SALES., WEDNESOAY, MARCEL 5.-Mr John rmsnEnfield, will seli lis vaiu- able farin stock, implemeuts, etc, This is an important Salo, far-mers Mark th, eite'. Seo posters for partic ulârs. L. A, W. TOLE, auc. WVEDNESD-AY, PEB. 26-Mr. Levi J. Reattoire, Lot 26, con 8, Darlîngtj)n, will seli his 50 acre farmi, boulse and lot ini Enfieldfarm stock, irepiaments, etc. This la a big sale. Go odrly' andi secuire barg'ains. Everyýthing must'oe soid as the owner la going- te theU S. Sce large posters at ali P> OIS Sale at 1 p. m. Sharp. T.SWAIrt, anc. W%ýe wish every reader ot this journal who can enjoy a realiy excellent relig ions weekly woulti senti for a f ree sample copy te The Christian Work, 90 Bible House, New York City. The Sunday School Times is becom- !ng mmr' valuable as an up-to-date journal cotaining articies-of practical value to ahl classes of readers. Sorne of the very best wi'iters contrieute weekly to its columns on subjeets ef vital importance. The notes on the Snuday School lessons are very helpful also. Published at Philadeîphia, Pa., at Si per y ear. Advice Worth