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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1902, p. 5

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LICE ON CATTLE.ý At this partieular season of the year cattie are always sure te be troubled more or less withliceEvery weil informed farmer knows thât cattie cannot thrive when troubled with these pests. The demand for a cheap and effectuai powder bas led us te ex- perime nt aiong this lino and the resuit is that we have prepared a remedy that is cheaper than insect powder and much botter. Perfectly harmnless,easy te use, clean, economical, reliable. A trial will convince you that this is the best article on the mark- ~et for Cattie and Poultry. Fii'st time you are ti town get a 15e sample. f1011 & JURY, The Druggists, LUIMP JAWe. We guarantee te cure for $ 1.00 or return the meney. BOWMANVILLE. You Should Neyer Cugh When yen. firat feel symptoms of "Itaking cold" use our COLD CURE. If this is doue you shako off the ~cold before it setties 0o1 the bronchai tubes and you do not get GRAND MRIU'K RAILWAY. BOWMÂEVILLE STATION . G01KG EAST. 001KG WEST. lCypresB ....9 32 a. M. 1 Express .... 5 15 a. M Expres...... 10 27 'q 1 Local ...8 10 1 Passenger .... 3 50 p.m. IPassenger.. i 50 P. M, Local.... 698p.m. IEXPreS8..- 7358 ' Express does not go west Monday morning. STOTT & JuRY. Town Agzents BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 19, 1902. Mtr. n'm. Warder is visiting friendS Mr, F. Wimbles 1s thoe110w postmast- or at Baltimore, Miss largaret Young i s visiting friends in Peterboro, Miss Rose Robinson, Linsday, is visit- ing frieads in Onono. Ladies are invited to give a trial to T, H, Knight's fine Teas. Miss Florence Allia, Whitby, bas been visiting relatives la town. Miler's filon Toic Pis and Grip powders at McDermid's Drug Store. -Ladies mquiring bair done ovor shouid cail on Mrs. Dickinson, King st Our off or of ono old a nd one actual new subscriber for $1.50 stili bolds good. It costs $6,000 te emovo surplus snow fmom Toronto streets after the groat storm. A meeting of the Womeu's Institute will be beld lu Bowmanville, Saturday Feb. 22. Mr. Thos. Greenwood, Orono, bas taken possession of the Scott botei, Stirling. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Burk and Miss Eva rocently visited Mr. D. F. Every, Pi,:kering. Dr J. A. Fife, one ef Peterhero's old- est practioers, diod Fob. b2th alten a pro longcd illness. Men's and boy's over coats ia al qualities and ail sizes at Couch, Johns. ton & Cnyderman's. Mrs. W. Il. Pearn, Quecti St., was At Home te a large number of friends Thursday afternooýn, New York Central Raiiway may build a rival boat te mako the daily trips,,te Cobourg and Port Hope. For a bargaîn in Furs cali at M. Mayer's fur stcre, Tho goos got te bc sold te mako room for sping goods. Fruit Inspectors visited Brightoa,i and imposed fines on sevoral dealers1 wbo wero net complying witb the Act. Mr. John Vipond, Brooklil, receutiy1 soid a span lof Draugbt herses te the1 Dominion Express Company, Toronto, for $350. Another week cf The Red Ticketi Sale' at The Mason Co's. Sce theiri new, they have an entirely new list ef Bargains. We have some of the best weatheri strip even put on the market for keep-j ing eut the cold. Try it. M. D. Wil- liams & Son. 5 c. Embroideries - McMurtrv will Miss Ida Trewin is home from Toron- te Pitch-holes are tee -plentiful for pleas- ure driving. Butter a nd eggs wanted la any quan- Mrs. Mary Allen, Chicago, Ill., is guest cf ber sîster, Mrs. I. Tabb. Don't forgot the Red Ticket Sale at The Masen Ce, See their new adv. Save yeur ceaI by using soe of Our 110W weather strip). M. D. Williams & Son. M iller's Worm Powders, the medicine for chifldr(n Soid by Stott & Jury drug- A lot ef new Dress goods seiiing off at hait price at Couch, J ohnsten & Cryder- Mr. Arthur Bonid, Oshawa, was guest of bis cousin NIm. Norman S. B. James Sunday. Miss Pearl Pearce, Newcastle, was Sundav guest of her .grandmother, Mrs. H. Pearce. Miller's Werm Powders mako the chîldren healthy. Soi-I by Stott & Jury druggîsts. Couch, Johnston & Crydorman will from to-day selI ail Ladies' Cloth Coats at Half Price. $ 3-50 Boots fer $268 &t McMurtrv's hi s week, not plug stuif but J. D. King's and McPherson's fine footwear. See our lineocf fancy Rockers nt $2 50 and $3 00. Don't miss thom. TI ey are a bargain M. D, Williams & Son. Couglis. colda, lucarseness, and other tb.roa'o silments are quickly relieved by Vap)o-Creso- lenetablets, ten cents 1per box. Ail duggists. Mr, L. B. Davidsen. Newcastle, me- contly soid te Mr.John Wilson,Oshawa, bis jersey yearling "Buller e' New- cabtle " Capt, and Mrs A. W. Crawford, To- ronte, were called hê'ro Saturdiev on a(ceunt cf the sonlous îllness of his mother, Miss Florence Mayer gave a birthday party te a number ef frieads Tbursday evening. The compaay bad a royal good time. Mn. Thes. jeftery, Foreman cf the Compesing Departmýeît, of The Globe, Toronto, gave us a f iendiy cail on~ Saturday. Master Frsink Cooiey. son of 11ev. J. W. Ceoley, Milton, is confined te bis bed, suffering from a severe injury te the kuec-Reformer. Gertie, the 7 year old daughter cf Gen. Holnbeck. (Cobourg, fell off a bob- sleigh and was dragged some distance broaking tien tbigb. Ladies! If vou would be strong and hoalthy and bave geod complexions, take Miller's Compoundbren Pilîs Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Our-ready te wean clothing is ail new and made up in the iatest stylo and as cheap) as any bouse ini the trade. Coucb, Jchnsten, & Cryderman. The Mason Ce are sellin.- a lot cf overceats just now. Winten overceats at big reductions and spring and flu overcoats al very reasonablo pnices. Mrs. Smith, Cobourg', breught action aîaust the town - fer înjury te trees Poanut Crisp-Saturdlay only -i0c per lb at Tod's. Mr. Jos. Monkloy, Treaton, was in town this week. Mr. Wm White, Qakwood, is visitiug is sister Miss E. Wnite. W. C. T. U. meets at Mrs. W. W. AIlea's Thursday at 8 p. m. tA f ull une of Ganong Bros ceiebrated "G. B. Chocolates" just arrived at Tod's r Mrs. W. P. Prowder was At Homo to a company of friends Fridaý afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. McLaughlin, Oshawa, 3weî e guests of ýMr. J no, Potter Sundav. You get ail premiums given with any paper when erdered at Tins STATESMAN toffice. Mr. lhos. Paterson bas gone on A few months' trp to, the Bermuda Is- lands. 3 Cobourg Post approves of Bowman- ville as a location for an epileptic 3hospital. Messrs. J. J Mason and T. C, Jewell are attending the Prohibition conven- tion la Guelph. Ever.y dollar paid into TtnE STATES- MAN office this month will receive a cheerful greoting. Lice on Cattle-See what Stott & Jury say on this subject on top of ist columa this page. 11ev. Neil McPherson, M. A., B. D,, Hamilton, was rodent guost of is sister Mrs. J. N. Lawrie, 12âc. Flannelotto for loc. at MeMur- try's this week, not a lot of old patterns but the pick of the stock. Me, Thos. Percy received a very handsome dog collar and chain from a friend in Chicago last week. Spning moving will soon be bore. Ask M. A. James what mont ho wants for the residence over Freeiand's "Studio. Mrs. W.M. Joness, violiuist, and the Harmony Maie Quartette will assist at the recital Friday evoning in the High School. Mr. James Gale is ropresenting Bow. manville Camp,, No 54, Woodman of the World, at the Grand Camp at Woodstock. The Dominion Lino has a superb winter service from Boston to Medi. terranean ports-Gibraltar. (xenoa, Naples and Alexatidria. Ticketsg@75 to $400. M. A. JAMES, Steamship Ticket Agent. Song service will be given in the Mothodist church noxt Sunday oven- ing by a choir ot ladies Public cor- dially invited. Gentlemen roquested not to put on ovorcoats befome Benedic tien. Dr. McGahoy of the McGahey Medi- cine Ce,, Brockville, was ia town Tues. day and appointed Messrs Young & Ce. agents for tho Condition Powders ad- vertised on an inside page of THE STATESMAN. Adjt C. A. Perry will deliver a lec- ture entitled "A Tragic Ending", il- lustrated by fifty fino colored steroopti- cau views at the Saivation Army Bar- racks on Wodnesday Feb. 26. Admis- sion 10c; cbildren 5c. Don't fait te r Trv Tod's Zephyr Cream Bread, it is a doudcous loat. 1 Rev. W.J.Jolliffe preached in Whitby Tabernacle Sunday. Peanut Grisp-Saturday only-1Oc per lb at Tod's. Judge Chapple was guest of his moth- er at Newcastle over Sunday. 1 Mr. Ernest E. Macklin, Cobourg, spent Sunday with friends in town. Tait's photos are no higher in price than others, quality equal to the best. Miss Leali Chapliin, 'Newcastle, was guest of Miss Maggie Tait over Sunday. See the newest style in photos at 1 'Tait's studio-Ar tist'î proofs.-They are nobby. M, A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherin were in town this week on their way fromn Pet- erboro to the West. 3lrs. W. W. Tamblyn is visiting hier daughter Mrs. W. H. Greenwood, 47 Bleecker St, Toronto. Miller's Worm Powders cure ail ail. ments (.f children like magic. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Mr. and Miss Rickard and Miss Leah ilutchinson, Newcastle, were guests of Miss Stella Mason Sunday. The surest cure> foi- coughs and colds is Syrup of White Pine and Tar 25e a bottie at McDermid's Irug Store. Mr. W. H. Chaplin, Newcastle, at- tenaded the annual meeting of the Cani ada Biscuit Co. in Toronto this week. Save mý,ney and buy your clothin-- at the West End bluse. The choice of any Man's suit in the store for $10 90 this week. Miss E. L. Macklin, Cobourg, wh,. was returning from a month's visit with relatives at Sarnia, was guest of Mrs. R. W. James on Thursday. Your photo on y our handorchief free with 1 dozen photos at Tait's Gallery, opposite Town Hall outrance. Photos warranted flot to wash ont. British Troop Oil Liniment is without exception the most effective remody for Cuts, Wounds, Ulcors, Open Sores, Rhoumatism, Bitos, Stings of Insects, etc A large bottle 25 cents. Colwill Bros, Newcastle, have done a vory successfal business in Tamworth hogs and Short Horn stock. Mr A. A. Colwill intends taking a 1bad of stock to Guelph Stock Sale on 28th. inst. Hie has some very superior animais. On Sunday ovoning in Trinity church. 11ev. B. Greenawav brought the sub- ject of Home Mispions beforo the con- zregation and at the close of the scr- mon made an appeal for $100 for that objoct. Almost the encire amount was guarantooýd and the smaii bo forthcom- ing by next Sunday. An unexpected pleasuro was the singirig of Mr. Ilarry Alexander, formorly of this town, but now of St Andrewý's choir, Toronto, who more than delighted the congrega- tion by hus masterly rendoring of "The Ibi ity," The roadinZ of "The Portfolio" a paper edited by membors of the Epworth League was the program at the mneet ing l4onday evenina' la the Methodist MÎ4 Thi THEek. CapesLceCutin, loran T-bl Ol Clohs Ldis'ShTOweR, lnE.et DhrtCsTblDines'adQpkn,5ik Thits'Fri Ioîths, ies' WThitUnerwear, Flannmelets ~ Shirtins, ale ockes and ONeapkis, ik. Grea Gingarn s o ee Dryss G oodsyet. 4 Next oor o StadardBank BOWMAVILLE

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