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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1902, p. 8

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làwdreadflll it -is to think ot the numbers who are carried away each year by E CONSUMPTION Wihvery, often is the resuit of carelessness in the case Sof a bad cough. Check it before it is too late. Take the F old reliable remedy, ~ ONE SIZE BOTILE, 25c, at J. IIIGGINBOTHAI & SON'S_ BOWMA>4VILLLE DRUG STORE. HE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW F REVIEWS Tiscocmmended by Statesmen, Professional men and thousande of urbers prominenr in the wotld's activities, for iLs fine discrimi- nation in siftîng the actuel news frem cenflicting report and the presen- tation et current events in tbeir just proportion. They comment on ite fredom from daily-paper sensationalism. Ail men and women who wanrt t know wbat tbe, world la doing find it su intellectual necessity, te judge from the letters recelved from hundreda. ts editorials are comprehensive, and labor saving te the busy man or weman Its timely contributions on importent tepics are by the best-Intermed writers. its revicws ofot oLer magazines give the best of tbeir best work. IL is profusey illusrrated. These lets will enable ail thoughtful men sud women te judge of ta value Lu tbemn PR ESIDENr 1Ickoon' iL, tlrouglh ILs col. umne views havc been prescnted I0 me tlîaî 1.oîîld lot otberîvise bavej lîad ac-est lu because ail earnest and tbougbttîîl rmen, nu matter1 lion widety tbcir ideas diverge, arc given fiee titteranceiluliLs col. I amn a constant reader et the Revicw uf Reviews,' and appre- riate it very igbly indeed. 1 tbink it a vc ry i mportant part of my library, and prarrically a neccssîîy for une in public life"-,7. B. Foraker, U. S. Sooter, O/tio. PIuPDn.' - Thea<o4re P/oaaçvelt, I is one ut the best and Must ÊX-PRRSIDENT satisfactory publications uftÉte 1 cosidr i a vry alubleday. ' -Charles W.IP'airzank.,, . S I cosîde h averyvalubleSeeefor, Indiana. addition tu my library." -Gove>- Cevland. "I do not have a great deal of It ls a publication ut very great lime t0 read magazines. but I take value. 1 have soînetimes found pleasure in saying that the' Review there very important [natter indeed ut Reviews' is among the number whlch 1 ehoiild nuL uîherwise have which finde a place on my -table Ldiscovered. "-George . Hoar, U. S, eacb monh.'-Yïame.iK. Yone.r. Sesator, Massachusetts, (J. S. Senator, Arkansa.. EbSendî for particulars as te huw ih can be bad -&ith an invaluableset of bouks for 50 cents a tnonth. 13 ASTOR PLACE.,iNEiW YORK BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 19, 1901 DISTRICT DIVISION. The annual session cf Durham Dis- trict Division wili1 be beld at T3 rone or Tbursday Feb 2th. Morning session at 10.30 and afteritoon session ai 2 wher election o! officers will take place. Bro. J. M. Walton, G. S., Kettleby, wiîl be preseni. In the eveniug a public meeting will be held at 7.30 wben a good prograre will be given. Collection taken, BENJ. POWELL, SmrAs WERR.Y, 7-2w D. W. P. D. S. MT. VEICNON. Visitors: Mr. and,Mrs. J. Langmaid, South Darlingten, ai Mr. E. Millson's; Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Allîn, Bowman ville, ai Mr. W. Seuch'H; Mrs Laidlow, Brouzbam, Mr-s.Geo.Argue,Enniskilleu ai Mm. S. E Seuch's; Miss Belle Cowle, Solina, ai Mr.Geo.Reid's: Master Hary Annis ai home ...Miss Ella Rogers bas returned treen a pleasaut and ex- tended visit witb friends in Western Ontarie. -.,.Mrs. S E. Soucb is in very poor bealtb .. .. Mountains cf snow on every band ....Mrs, C. Rogers and son Hlerbert were snowed lu ai Mr. Henry Abrabsens' bt tween two and three days wiihin sight of home. See notices o! sales near Enfield. N9 substitute for "Iba D. &.L." Menthol Plaster, although some unscmu- puIons deslers may say thera le. Receen- meuded bv doctors, by hospitals, by the clergy, by ever.Nhody for stiffuess, plenricv, etc. Mode by Davis & Law reuce Ce., Ltd. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. and Mms. R. R Stevens have re- turned from the West atter a month's vieil with friands... Mr. and Mms. Fred Flintof. Taunton, speut Sabbath ai Mr. John Crumb's .. .. Mr. John Mundy bas a new cutit,. ... Evemybody shonld avail ibero sel vos o! the oppetunit-v of hearing Rev. A. C. Crews' lecture on "Sunehina, or the Bright sidae!fTinçs" on Thîcre- day eveninoe Feb, 201h ai 8 p. m., Re- fresbmants served ai the cose o! the lecture, Admission 15c. A Marvellous Medicie.-Havinz a direct and cembinad action on both the liver sud kidneys, Dr. Cbase's Kidney Liver Pilis will positiveily cure many complicated ailmeuts wbich cannot be reached by any other mediciue, aud hence its axtraordinary success and popularity Bilionanees, liver cern- plaint, bright's disease, derangad kïdnays and stomacb troubles are premptly and thoronghly ovorcome by ibis great family medicine. Oua pili a dose, 25 cents a box. TYRO0 NB. Recent Visitons :-Mr. Ed Rich, Oak- woed; Mr. ArcbCmpal Oshawa, witb friands ; MissB acok Maple Grova, was guasi of Miss B. M. Brenti, Sutiday. .....Af ter a lingerinz iliuetzs Mn. Jambs Byers antared into resi Sunday, Feb l6th. His romains ware itamred in Beibeeda cametery, Tuesday.. , - Mn. James Hodgson. bas pnrchasad the Samuel Dunu asiate ter-$1,200... ..RoBey H. W. Folev, B. A,, Bewmanville. as- sisted in thesci-ameutai services Sun- day....- - emamber the District Division lu Tyrone on Tbursday, Feb. 20.. About 59 new members Wvere recelved ie the churcb ai the recaptlen service Friday evaning,.. . Reeve and Mme. A. E. lemns respedin afew davs in imtwmSHAW'S SOHOO0L. stokso there. ... Mrs, Thos. Wood- 1ey is improving slowlY .... Miss Grace r i EMr. and Mrs. 17. C. Bragz, are visit. Harii visiting with Miss -Ethel AKE II ng friends at ilamilton, Glencoe and Wodley ... Mr. Wilbur Woodley has eturned home frein a pleasant visit witi ~~~St.Maiv's ...Mr. Will Clemence and'rbis friends iu Port Hope. ~ .,~sîster Maude. are visiting friends at I~ I Y~ We]come and Port Hope. The Sufferings of Job-If the ag onie. fIà- N of Job were any worse than the tortures FARM 1ople ch n i rmwhc emn Ten Years of Blessed Wnork and po itcrn pil e igeadmc Progresve stock breeders, dairy- ~to endure. The difference la that there men, plnymr>en, grain, root and i 1)inQ Vîfnial no reason for anyone to endure the ft gwral snd kentn oeaers l lros itrmiseries of piles for a single day Dr. tura stuent, an hoe maersChase's Oliment bas cured tens of find the articles and answers to thousands of cases and is absolutely questions in every issue of the guranlteed to cure cach and every ease Paî e Celery of piles. 60 cents at ail dealers or by à"Mmail fromi Edmanson, Bates & C, Compund- Toronto. f AR M ER'S NDCompond Has Brougbt llealth and New Don't furget t o order FARMER'S B!ND]ip. TWINE. Guneral satisfaction and HOM MAGAI in Ev ery Part of the Civi-_____-t simply unequalled and indispensable. lzdWrd OIA If yqu are net already a subscriber to the most helpful, best printed and For the last ten Sears the work of Mrs. A. L. Pascoe gave a party Wed- beautifully illustrated faruiers paper Paine's Celery Compound bas been a nesday week in honor of Mr. and Mrs pubished, We invite scrutiny of a blessed and cb6-ering one to nmen and S. J. Pickol, Morden, Manitcba Tbere sample cop>y. A post card ivili bring women o! every rank ln society, In no were nearly fi t 'v'piesent and many had it free. Address: one case bas the grenet iedicine failed to bair breadth escapes o! upsetting in benefit, and wbere it bas been used getting there. The roads were bad THE WILLIAM WELD CO., Llmlted, promnptlv, it bas in e%,ery case brought but the Limited Express froin the Base The blessed resuits that spring froin and occupants nearly out o! breath PS.-The subscription price, $r the use o! this Cabada of ours. The from the great speed attaincd ... . Mr per ear "nluds aso he upeb geatlifefflingmedcin ba ben snt no.Reynalds is doing a rushing trade Xmas Number. to everi- quarter of the civilized world, in the beef business, killing froeinete and bas cured the sick, restored the three a week .. .. Visitors: Miss Estelle weak and depressed to bealth and Reynolds at Osbawa; Mr. and Mrs. o __________________________strengtb, and caused tens o! thousands VanNest at Enfleld ; Mr. S. Sbortridge toblve wbo failed to find bhealth in at Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. SJ. Pickel. 50t YEAFIrS' worthless prescriptions, sarsaparillas,' Mordent Man., and Mr Eli Osborne, EXPERIE-NGE nervines, and plils. Paine's Celery Coin. Courtice, at Mr. A L Pascoe's ; Mr. Pound bas curcd when ail other remedies Chas. Werry at Kedron. . .. Mr. Albert failed. Balson is receyering from a sprained It is to this bettcf ail medîcines. ankie ...Mr, S, Sbertridge intends Paine's Celery Conmpound, that we would building- next summner and is making direct the attention toeieerv inan and preparations. . .. Mr T. Baker- C C ex- -w ýoman suffering frein weakness, gen- pectb to renovate and enlarge bis resi- TRADE MARK$ orl'8 debilitv, rbeumatis-m, neuralgia. dence next summer. DEsir.74s heart trouble, dyspepsia. anemia. blond Mr Thos Pascoe bas been confiuod COPYRIGHTS &r- disease. luser cumplaint and kidney te bis bed with a severe eold .... M Vrs. J qnlcky aseertain our opinion freeAnoe whn kec n eg.thr rubl.Theusands o! gratetul letters G, Langmaid gave a party te ber friends invention is-probabiy patentable. Conimuni a a' epured in testifvinZ to wonderful Fridav night. . .. Mr, Norman Miutton sent free. Oldest ageucy for securing patents.adpraetcrs. bas engaged witb IV]r J. W Brooks Patents talcen t Êoulh Muni. & CJo. receive. spei1ntierihut~irg, nteIf is foolish and crimînal te deIaç the Mr. t bas. Brantotn bas secured water S el jeC ,se ol sueh a disease banisher when on the farin of 'Mr. H. F. Werrî cf Kpf,. CI tii others bave se cle'trly demonstrated its ron et a depth of 112 foot. it bîeiDg thu $cudsonelilttd.f le ra1ilr value ; wbon man. of yoîir triends aud deepest well ha has -,et dug....Mrs culation of aryscientifie journal. Terms.S$3a îê.juhbors have b en made well hyitis Mar, Mutton, Bowiiville, who j- year; four mooths, $1. Soid by aill ewsdealerg.s ê M JN&C9.3618madway, New 11e. Theheahth givig virtues are so visiting her smonim hîre, is quit i;i., ra Wsbigco fl.c~ i an. are prescribing Paîne's Celery for Manitoba about March 1,t .... Mt St i iantto t -teh!cli n<om ound daily for the sick. W H1. pearce'a tamil . Ni (,wtasîlé,, lia.. loti . I. of il fpvnaewe bscali h been visiting at Mr. T 1al,,r's.... M rs . OWSi 4IM YEIPlie. rasp of disease, or simplv feling oui- T. Baker receix ed a telgram on Frida' or-sorts, irritable, sleepfless or despond- el the death et her auntMrs. Hawî berne. t-ý,ý AN ltlWi -.i4od b3u@- enttry one-bottie et Paine~s Celerv of Port Hope. lcrilliiiNS S1'EEI.NG lIRAI- (Yumpo und, and note well the magical Remember Wednesda, ,Feb. 26t11e h î4 'o»iRb Nderestlgftr-effects. the date of Levi Ileattoire's sale. e s s s To FARm=u AND GARDENERS: Wo have decided te put lu counaci- ion with our Evapomator a plant ton the purpose of canning tomatoas sud appe sud ara uow prepaned to, maka con- -tracts for the growiug o! tomatoos. Apply ai Cawker & Taii's store. GBAHAM & FINKLE, Bowmanvilîe, Feb 10, 1902. 7-tf To be f rea fmom sick beadacho, bilions- nass, constipation, etc., use Cariem's 1 Littlea Liven rPuIs- Strictly veg'it4bIa [i lhey goudby stimulate the iver sud troc the stomach treen hile. RAMPTON. Milien's Compound Iron Pille, ouby 25 cents ton 50 doses. Sold by Stoti & Jury druggists. tVîsiiors: Miss Lana White,Poni Hope, ai Mn. R. Kateî-seu's ; Mise Herring, Taunton, ai Mn. B Fureey's; Mn. sud Mme G. Mariow, Nosîleton, ai Mn. E Moore's; Mme. J. Westaway, Brookln, at Mr. W. Mati's.. . -Mme. W. Martin le quito ibb with the maseees. - ..Mr. F. T . Aluin bas raturued troîn a pleasaut visit w ibh friands ai Exeter sud Hensal - , -.m. 1. L. Brown bas beau appoiuted choir leader with Mn. A. B. Crydorman *as assistant. Mn. H. Eillott, Jr., bas msigned, afier 47 yeans connaction with the choir, the greatar portion o! which -ha has beau leiader .... The male mata bers sud adberenîs oe the Epworth, League fumished a very initerasbing social antertiimaut Fridav avonIug. The progrmncensisted cf selections b.ý a choir o! 12 maIe voices sud orchestra; racitation, Mr. N. Rundie; address, "eCaniada'e Public Mon," Bey. F. J. Anderson ; Epwomih Leagne Topic. 'Tempted sud Tried" by Mr. W. H Moore. At the close et the programme the beys donued large white aprens suna sarvad refresbments. Isi course, pop corn; 2nd course, sandwiches, pie sud creani, Although the pnice e! admission was only five cents, $8.09 wa, addad te the church painting tuuLd. OUR PAST RECORD. (hier pasi record et successful catoning to mea wants o! a citical public is the besi guerantea wo cen offer to all wbe are not yot numbered among our por- manant cusîoenere. Please romomber thai we make a special1ty oft filliug physi-j ciens' prescriptions. OuÙr stock ef Par fumes,'Poilet articles, Bushas, Speniges, etc , le largo sud varied. TiBE MosT BELIAIBLE AND POPULAR. Peiue's Celary Compound is the most reliable sud popular family madicine, sud is spociably recemmandad for the cure e! rbeumnatismn, neuralgia, dyspep 1 sia, nervous dis4uasas sud slepls1 ae If yen have net succeeded lu benishin your troublas, comas te us for a botile of Paiue's Caleny Compound. lt will net disappoini you. Soid by Stoti & Jury, Dnuggists, Bow- manvilla, ENFIELD. ASBESTOS' MANY USES.Vý lIs Peessiar Propsi-ties MleIt Dourabl- in Diveers Ways. Asbestes tsa.a physical paradox, yet one ut nature's muest marvolous prc- *ductions. It has been called a mine- ralogical vegetable; it je buth flbrous and crystalline; oiastic, yet brittie;a floating atune, which can be readily earded, spun and woven into tissue. In Gemmgny it je known as sein- flache (stune f1ax>, and the minera of Quebue give it quite as expressive a name--pierre coton (cutton atone). The asbestes mines of Quebec are the mest famous in the vsorld, yielding 85 pur cent. of the entiro output, Italy being the enly comipotlng coun- try; and thore *ho lndustry je declin- Ing. Although Charlemagne lae eau te have had a tablocluth uf asbestes, whIch ho cleansod by thruwing into the fire, It was practlcally unknown until 1850. The Italian minerai was then experimentod îvith, and soe years late- put on the market. In 1878 the firet Canadian mine was opened, and the product stcadily in- croaed until 1890, whcn 9,860 tons, wurth $1,000,000 were mined. Thone has since been a dccline ln value, the ameunt for 1896 being 12,200, Worth only $430,000. Asbestes la flexible, non-comibustible and a nenconductoA of heat and electricity, and un thesa properties its increaeing use depende. It le spun inte yarn, from whlcî cloth. la woven for drop curtaina ir theatres, clething for firemen, aeid workers, etc. It is miade into lamp- wicke and gloves for stokers and roes foir fiee escapes. It je fulted in- te milîboard, to ha ueed as an insu- lator in dyxnamos and as a fireprool lining for floors. Ila is ud te insu- la.te electrie wires- and as a covering to provent loss of hoat trom steanm pipes. Mixed with robbei', it la used te pack stoamn joints. story .,f' a J;ac1kife. More than 70 years agu a man ownod a jack-knife, which hoe sold for a gallon of rumi, and by retail- ing it by tbe glass made enough te buy two gallons, and by solling that hoe wae ablo te increase the quantity ho purchaed. lie gut a barrol, thon a cask, and at last a large stock, and having a tumu for business a.nd industry lho bocamo mch-and when he died left $80,000 te hie threo sons and une daughtor. The daughter married a man who spont hier mioney, and she died. The sons entored jute telly and extravagance, and two died ot dissipation and lu povorty. The last et the fatnily lived 1er many e ars on the charity ut those who ad known hlm in hie prespority. Ho died a short timne since, euddon- [y, In a barn, whore hoe laid hinieoî te take a drunken sloep. On bis peekots boing examinod, all that was, feund in thom was a string and a Iack-knife. So a jaclc-knife began and endod ,the fortune ut that f lmily, This is a true story;' and the tatb- or who buugbt and eold rum, nu doubt had plenty et it lit hie bouse and uhie table, la' givirig and recemcnenîting it te others, his sono .earrned tu like It. They wore like the littie boy who 4 I I. s a THE làMASonefGo BOWMANVI LLE A nother we ek Sof Red ýTickets.p' s We have had a big sale eodsidering the time o! tho year and thi- *stataet the weather and roads wiii boili be bettar now, and we expeet na stUIi greatar sale. COME E.àkRLY. WhaeGents' Furnishilngs. W haeplaced out a big lot of ties-4-in-hand, Cuffs, Bows andi àthase were sold at 50c, 40c, 35e and 25c. Your choice while they las- 2 for 25c. Men's all-wool Shirts and Drawers, 60e and 50e liues, for 4Oe, Men's fleecy iinad Shirts and Drawers, 60o and 50e lines, for 4ffl. Men's fieeey lined Shirts and Drawers, 75e linos, fer 500, Men's fleecy lined Shirts and t)rawers, $1.25 and 1.00 lUnes, for 75c. Any fur Caps lefi, wa are offering at j prica. COME QUIOK, Men's linad Gloves and Mits ai slashing reductions. 'Phare are scores o! Red Tickets iu this dapartment. CLOTNG A good choice of Cerduroy Vests ware $1.25,$1.35 and $1,40 for P,0 A good choice of heavy Tweed Vesis were $1,00, and $1.25 for. cP Men's heavy iined Tweed P>ants for s81.25. Bine Beavar overcoats were $7,50 fer $5.00.- Boys Pea Coats were $4,00 for $2.25. Now is the urne te buy suits, $2,00 off any of them. [DRY GOODS. Only about 6 pairs lafi, haavy ail wooi Blan1cets, Red Ticket Price, $2,25. Thara are stili some chances in Ladies Manties at ý price. Wa areý intonmcd on good authority that tha styles are correct aînd will ba in damand naxt yaar, Somne Great Bargains in Remnants Ail Kinds ofGoods, One pile drass goods ail double fold, regular 75e and 50e, Red Ticket SPrica 25c. Ona lot Ribbons ail good shadas, former pricas 5e and 6e par yd, your ehoica Red Ticket Price 4e par yd. We ware never more in eanest in our efforts to elear ent our winter goods and the price we quota in our Ried Ticket sale is a proof o! that, fact. 300TSM ND SHQOS About 30 pairs of Ladiles' Dong Boots, very spacial Red Ticket price. About 20 pairs Ladies Fait Slippars ware 50e for 35e.- Ladies lined Boots regular value $1.40 for $,0 Dntfail te attend the saleata Levi. n's zollowing uts 'ather thruugh a Cblid rans Fait Slippérs, yoult.ichoice o! balance for 25c. Detont',WdnsaFe.2t. field ot Potatous. The father several Betîim's WdusdyFa. 6i. times cautioned hie son net te tread dli _ Visitns: Messrs J Banie and O. on the potatoes. R iC MR M Heatlie, Brocli; Mr sud Mrs.S Piceal At laet the boy said, "Father, 1 loiaeydyw r ahngsgrb h ari ahv Maiioba; Mr. sud Mis. sud MIS-SIamn walking oxaetly lu your foot- Ams vr a eaesligsgrb h arl ehv Pascoe, Solina; Mr.E.Osborue, 2eountice steps." the Quaker Brand of Tomatoaes, Corn and Peas. These bave the reput- ...The Division is iucreasing in mani- Let every tether ask hiikelt, "Do ation of beiug the best goods put up in Canad a and oùr eustomeïs are de- besip. The cystar supper was wolli1 wish mv son teo ivalk in miy foot- lightad wîth them. attended. Prospects are good fer a stops?" and let evory boy ask- his funthar increase .... Miss Williams its father, "Do you -,ish me to walk ex- You will find many articles in our Grocery Depi having Ried,, holding' spetial meetings heme . ...Mr a.tly in your foutetepe, futher?" Tickets and being money savers. John Ormiston, jr, sold i1s stylish drivair fer a gond figura racauilv . . .. The panî'y A Little ilint for George. given by Miss Nellie Alexander lest LE ...I ~ E E~ M U~ waak was uiucb anjoyed .... Mr Fred A business man hue a daughter and Gniffin eutetasinad a large party Thurs aise a conidential clerk, and thaTEoA S O o day week... New efficers o! S o!f-T. gufidentinl clerk ha for seine time are: WI. P., Albert Nidderv; W A Miss been, attentive fe the dau-ghter, but __________________ K Rose; B S, Frank Campbell ; A R S, jho asu îot-or liud not a menth ugo Miss M Hoalv; Cbap, Mark Soucb; Con 1 -sufficient courage te coma te the E NSILN COURTICE. ZW Coomb; A Cou, Miss A Hubbard ; Oý point, though the yuung womn t ias S.WLoask- I S. Mise Barbera Mackie- neyer done anything te scare him off, Milbnmn's Sterling Headacl.a Powders Millan's Worm Powders cura fis in, P W P, F L Bray ; Organiet, Miss i for hlie a first-class felluw in ex ery centain neither morphine, non opium. cbildren. SoId by Stoti & Jury drug- Ashton .... S O. E. now officers ara: P respect. Tje othor evoning ho was Tboy promptlY cure Sick H-eadache, gists. Pros, Benj Powell; W Pros, A A Beach- makcng a callîl ad about 9 o'clock 'Naumalgia, Headacha, ,ileadache Miss Bonnie Richards sud Mie~ Eva, V Pros, C Prior; Sec, S Bray-; Treas, F' ber father caziie jn, o! Grippe, fleadache ef delicate Courtice are visiting in Toonto .... .Miss. Griffun ; Cbap, C Younug ;I Guard, LI "Ah, George, " ho eaid, "buw about ladies sud IHeadache from ni y cause Bundle sud Mrs. Buzidle,, Brook, are Reattoire; O Guard; G Cochranie; Coni , that deul we were talking about thiis whataven. Price 10c. and 25e. risîug velativesharo-....Several F L ray W vor, WKnap, ohnj ateenun9PhdYOt se flc prt"?" Mn and1 Mrs, Briggs Haro, St. Cath- youug peoplo froni haro will attondRev. Avery, Joseph Avery, W Sînte ;Aci "Yes, sir," reploîl George, "and 1 aines, bave beau guests of Mr. J. J. A, C. Crews' lecture ai Maple Grove, Lrb eattoire, W Avery. B.EPowell; a-octd o 5 oti this avoning aud Virtua-....Mn. A. N. Mitchell, B. A., Tbunsday night ...,M.GoAni !calEte e, DAsJonW itc u;eMl-.te"Myou r about the heTononto, spont Saiurday lasi ai homo..- sud Mr. W. B. Courtice, ana atiauding ice ExminrDr C itceb. "y dar, sid he athrtumu- ..Mn. Wm.Herriug bas purchased the the E. L. Convention lu Deseronto ihis- _________________________ ng te hie datîghtcr, --ill you retire nesida'nceofo!Mn. N. Bvens sud will taka woek ....- A very iîîterasting coutesi was- for a few minutes? George ivante te possession March isi.Farmers, ai- givan ai Mt.Carswell Division lest weeIx speuk'hbusiness for a whibe." tond thoetc sb i oiRoaitoime's, a pnatiy busy boum was spani rea5j-It.ng- Dr. ~ !nten jThadagh Oose up, but hçsl- Enfiald, on Wadnesday, Fab. 26th. inua dacîston fer' Mn. J. Mortîw' s side. A Fod fo theSkIn tatWhy do I have te go?", she ask- ed, doubttuIlby. r ,A WT Au ÂwrtisextIeHealer-Whlcb Prompt.-j Because, dear,- smibcd the father, ÇJ~ I ~ ~ I ~ liI1 ,4I U ly Alisys ItIcling anàd furaing -you are net iliterested, Why do'you O S A TA «a I RA L and horoghlycýzr»- EeryWant te stay?"1 axdThnugSyhe " vry Bcblushed und startcd out. S ýmXL I MD " Form of ItchinZ Skin Diseane. "Because, Papa,", she twitteredI X LI E. If theexroday vaine of Dm. 'I'd mther like te hear George tulle Chase's Olinment were thoroughly un- bsnesjust once." How a Remarkable Casaet Paraly- woud nt e afaibycu Thon George got red, and the i asCrd dmsodteefather looked at thene both sigînifi- ssWsCrd Canada that weuid ha without it lu the catlY and the girl fled. hotise for a single day. -In the fret 'Place It ln a food sud The Us'.. icr beautîfier fer the sie; n;sd la se pure11Em a1N RST G and plasant te use that no lady will A besson in artistie and commer- TEV S NEETN deiay lu applying it. it rameves pîm- - ejal honesty'comes te us from Japun, pbes, bbackheads, and ail sorts et dis- froni one w-hum we would ha quicl 'A A a5meabe ad dafinrig dm d~oaea.te terne a heatb on. An English mer- Iln In the sevaeet casas et aczcma, sait chant, interview ing Oka, the great rheum, fetter, scald head and other modemn Japanese carerutvoisJsahBonAtat Atein tcng km euptions, Dr. Chases sal ohm."h of yo uteteJsp rw tta teto intment affords instant relief by ai- - yd our ioo avn houdrpr, ofPyiiuSeetss n bayiug the bUrnlng, stinging sensations,'Yu in ncrigteudrpr, o hscas eetss n aud wiîî pemmanontiy cure if appîjeci Which je nex or seen9 Yeu coubd w erl regularly. much quieker and mk onytmSiek People. Dr. Chase's Ointment la theI standard mr ujdyi o ov htpr I oitmeut the worbd uver, and j omr plain."' And the carver answered: Frein The Mail sud Empira Veblousby succeesfuî ns te far surpase Co, avho gave me esuad titate, ail rivale. Aek your noighburs about if. eau 500 the uider part. I dame nutl O:.HAWA Ont., Feb,17-Joseph Brown , Thora je nul a singlae mmuuity in lcea it uncrv-cd" whose case was tullv repomtcd in The Canada but hue coine cases where thiss That is Oie epirit in w'ieh the Mail aud Empire soe dais ago. seeois nemcdy hus worked remarkabîa cures. Worbc 15 done in far Jupan. Small l ho the Muet talked-o! and writien 60 càont a & box , To erontor Ed ondc.r Ilit it excels in ibbaiuty aud ahbout man in Canada Ha is lu eceipi manonBats &Ce. Tuunt. ldividîcalitm 'hejlv idf mauv latters freen ail ovei the --____________D minien Phssiciaus sud scientiste, Send 2 centele B. H. Bennett, 2 Kin,- i pus1à t ilik-mýai, webl as sick people. wriio hlm, sud East, 1'onnto, requesîiug s con% .,,ft Lute fuît chicIec s s1lot.Idld ý puehed inaisuad ofîcu amusinz queostions ana JOSEPH BROWN, the 100"and -Ou will gei a beautifu' fortvtrd b- ov'0r\ h sked.l'o ail Mr. bmrowîî auswers: "I copy o! Califompn Iellii-trated. ofthtb ) Oîtr-, tia05.0 gixon mv swrn siatoment. sud it Seventy fi-,e poncent, cf ail nervous and* rup bac .tiîll bete lara-5 v erery Dudd's Kidnev Pll1 diî. ssparalyeis sud braiu tr-oubles ls aARD. co e furIn 'a.e, sd'afior 1 had been parai dirt'ctlx canqed bv waak kdnyslsow. A bird ba, rittffthe V.zr'Iatt.unable te move for over four iLg violettpoisons tle escapnje' hrougIh We. the uiidersh'nad, do hpn'h% a nd t oJfu t nioritràe, and given up b: mauxý doctrîrs."iltuie s%. stemi o dot-ange sud do4lstroyý. gree to refuù. il hie î«es o)u s 5 l t .t the "fOb î the XIiixpeor Il, liv'. e bean puzzltîd as lu Dodd's Kidueç Pille, , b.ce-re-ciug- :the ,,ttia ,f 'aape" mrnt qxrut-, f Et o -tblt anthis ihow a I idue' niedicine cin cure paraI- action o!the kiduays, envourage tbese 'gr if i lu i., bu i'cura mr ur - n i o, es f - ca. h .i-s This i,;onsilv nndoi-etood wheu it naturai flions of the bloned to extnae old XX e aie uamu a s 25epo rat s ,, gO eI ombemt-d that the kidîîev poison, anti expol the poisons, thus l(ýns'meing otti te p n' rITnaJoRY motja , w t e ise of twhiîh 1i; the direct requit (if kidnev the eausetfmany of these ;dangeron -.-tntd.' oi h ~TiTT8 unvaîîl bt -.,a'n jwIeakn(tus, iii mosi destructive te ail ailinews. which are notgeneraî',vysoken iHrnolINPO-ruT .i & SNthi îi wl it tto the w heltba.isue udnoofutas kidney diseeses. r 2 j 4.

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