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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1902, p. 1

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t) TZRMS '-81.50 PiE, ANçUM. OUR TOWN AND COOtNTY'EXEaT; TUE WOEILD AFTZRWARDS.M..JAVEdiradPrpet. NEW sERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARUII 5, 1902 VOLUMEXLIIN10 Stcktain Sle. S tmc, ktanknz Couch,, ýJohnston & Oryderman Will, in order to reduce their stock, seli ail Winter. Goods at greatly reduced prices. Lad ies' E!oats. Ail Ladies' Coats-new goods-at] ilf Price. Reail Bargains.' 'Great Bargains will be given in ail other Winter Goods-Men's and Boys' * Overcoats, Blankets, Shawls, Furs-of ail kinds and some lines of Dress Goods at haif-price. Corne early -and secure sorne of these GENUJINE BARGAINS. BOWMANVI LLE. 'IontGoE W th out seein2g the a bargain we are off ering a yeu in a 5-piece Velum 41 Parler Suite, ail stuffed 4î over and trimmed witli fringe. This la some-.a tbîng that wili give you a lots of wear aud our a price for this splendid a 4î- Suite is only a 4î 'tmiss D-",$3 2 5 O0 4îî Do'tmis tellhan2e if yenL want a servicabie suite. a 3~~m AnM.Williamst ÏMBOWMANVILLE. a p"ýUndertaking receiveg prompt and personal attention. a TYRONE. -BINDER TWINE Don't ferget t o order FARMER 5 BINDI,3TWINE. General satisfaction giVen. PETER WERRY, Agent, Tyroue 2-tf Mm. Ed. Chaunon, Lindsay, la vIît- ing friands here .... Misa Ethel Skinner is visiting lu Caîubra-v...Mr. Otta Saunders bas gene te Winnipeg, Man. Sorry te lose sncb a highly respected young man .... Reception service in the Methodiatchurch next nday momu- ing.... .Mrs. Jas. Byers is stppn with hem daugbter, Mra. Robt. FilaTo- route. The Iajority of Homes and Familles Have Reard the Joyful News That PAINE'S CELURI COMPOUND K'âakes Sick People WIuell and Strong, A House to-House Canvass wouid Show That Thousands Are Being Cured. The mrAfle who have nnt hOftrd in. _____________________________________________________some way o! Paine's Celery Compouud and its wenderful triumpbs ever the diseasos and ailmen, s o! ife, canuet be counled as uewspaper or magazine readers, nrr are lheY ameugat Ihose who are in toucb with the'linedical pro- gressiveness o! the lImes. A bouse te-bouse cauvass (if that were possible) e! familles where Paine'a Celery Compound la being used during G R O ~EI E S these ery spring days, wonla disclose au overwheimiug ameunt o! evidence regardinZ the implicit confidence that la placed lu -this greatest of ail spring ___________________________medicinea- Il would showt4e enormous number o! people wbo are beiug cnred o! seme form cof nervousness, leepless- You want thcm and that>s the kind I seil. Why nsdysýpepîFia,inldigestion. tieurlgia, busines then? eave yo r ler disas hea im es Pine andeer shouldn't we do a gooc i ness then? Laeyu irdsae. Now i tetieth- P ie' elr next order here, It WiIl have' prompt attention. Compound' can. show aatonisbing aud happy resultd te the ick. New that Delivery to ail parts of the town. spig is with us, giving a promise o! finer' weather andnew beanlies, il shonid ~ ~ ->i '-> ~ - ~'.-~ I hnl nroirapemet tethe work o! 0FINTEREST TO RAY FEVER STJFFERERS. Phi3hicians ge nerally recommmended a c1ia nge of climate for the relief of Hay l'ever, where such weeds and fiowers as,; ragweed and honessuckle are xot fin digenous, as these and mnany other tlowers and grasses aggravate 3the disease. Ma:ny localities have b1een re- commended, such a s moiinlairoiis regions and-the sea coast, but generally at these remorts, a great deal dependa upon the vagaries o 'f the wivnd, and resulta are not always aatisfactory, as if the wind should blow off shore, as Ut frequently does, there is noý relief. ln Muskoka and among trhe 80,000 Islands of the Georg-ian Bay ecindîtions are different. lt is of nocosuec which way the wind blows. Thte pre- ponderance of water area to lan~i surface the curative oMors of balpianmtand pine, together with the elevation of n thou sand feet above the sea, renders ha-, fever an, imposible condition in this distr-ict Handssome illustrated bookiet e ntitled "Hlay Fever; how to avoid am-i cure" may be had free by applyiýng Io M. C. Dickson District Pmâssenger Agent, Toronto. ON MAGNET1IC HEALING i Mchl apoken and'written cluring these times about this mysterion method of treatilpg disease. The moat truly remarkable cases of magnetic healing whicli have come under notice of the writer have been those ln which Dr. Chase'a Oint- ment was used This preparation sceemis to have magical power in stopping the dreadful itcbing, burning snatosof Sait Rheum and Eczema, and. when used regularly makes the cure tborougb and permanent. THE COUNTIES' POOR. EDITOR STATESMAN-I beg to caîl the attention of your readers, esipeciallv the members of the minor Mun-icipal Councils, te the matter:of keePig the indigent poor who live in these Cou n- ties. For some vears we have hadl atCo- bourg what we migh-t terni a cijmblined Poor House and Gaol, where odl and infirmn people have betin comndtted as indigent poor. In 1900 the Dominion Government 80 amended Sec. 20)8 of the Crimiaal Code that this conditieýn could no longer be continued. As the.re w ias a difference of opinion among magis- trates in iinterpreting the 111w, the Counties Council made a test case which resnlted in quaEhing theco ý,nvic l- tion. H-owever, k would appcar that since that, some magistrates tontinue to commit, claiming Lhey c~do s under paragraphs A and Lý while' others will flot (1o so, claiming mat it is strainig a point and not in ýý,epingP with the law. At the January session of ti Coun- ties Council, I inserted a casin thei reporto! the Legialative Commnittee, asking the Dominion Goverri,-ent te se amend section 2u8 o! the Criminal Code that there could no longer be any difficulty or difference of opinion in ini- terpreting the law. After thiS report passed the Council. I waa pieased to bear our county solicitor, H. F. Hol- land,, Esq., express his approvai of petitioning the Goverument to do thia. It la only fair that ail magistrates sheuld understand the law and that ail the municipalities should stand on an equal footing. Last year during my terni o! office as Warden, I end'eavored to formulate a acheme to ent;irely eliminate the indig- ent part of the gaoi from the adminis- tration of juèttice, placing it entirely under the centrol or the Counties Coun- cil. I believed then as I do now that under the circumstauces that waa the best thing to do. But the Councillors in their i.'sdoin rule4 otberwise. 1 find that in the beginning o! the present year we had in the >gaol six (6) prisonera and 32 indigents, 8 o! the lt ter from Durhamn and 24 from North- nmberland, aonîe, miner municipalities sending several and some noue. %Vhile thsold people are well fed, kept wamand dlean, I believe it to lie en- tireir wrong to have them confined un-* der criminai law, because tbey are guilty o! no crime-simply poor unfor- tunatei with no means o! support. After carefully leoking inito g2oal sup- plies accounts and criminal law ac- counts, I conclude that we hiave a very expensive as weli as unaatisfacrory ara- tem of keeping our poor in thesea coun- ties. I have repeatedly said lu my addres- Ses te the council, that I am unalter- ably opposed to la3 ing eut aniy large amount of money on t h present gaol premises, either for a poor bouse or otherwîse, for reasons which I cannot for want o! space fully explain here, other than that it il;flot in the best in- terest o! ail conterned. In view o! ail the above and also in view of the fact that I belie%. e that many of the ratepay- ers as weii as the municipal counceils in my own Division and in neighboring municipalities, are somewhat in accord DISTRICT DIVISION. The annual session of the District Division held at Tyrone Thursday wasi fairly well attended. Eight Divisions reported with a membership of 604, a gain of 95 sinice last meetinZ. Trhe new officers elected are: D. W. P - H. J. Werry. Ennisk illen; D. W.A. -Mrs. Wm. Jeffery, Maple Grove: D Scribe-Sulas Werr'ç,Solina; D Treas. -Wm J. Jeffery, Maple Grove; D_ Chap.-Rev. F. J. Anderson, Hampton; D. Cou.-Milton J. Werrv, Tvrone; D Son.-Erntest Benson, Pontyp*ool; D. 1. Y.- P. W -Miss M. Pascoe, Solina. The officers were installed by Mrs Alvini Peters. G S. Y. P. W.. Hampton Mr. H. Argue, Solina, acted as Grand Conductor. There was a lively discus- sion on Prohibition Referenduma. It was decided to hold a District, Division picnic during the summer. Neît place of meeting will he Maple Grove. Inj the evenine~the following prog-ram was1 given :-Openn.- ode of S 0. tP,; Chair1 man'saddress, Mr. H. J. Werr%; lIn- strumental, Miss M. Pascoe-, Chorus> Tyrone members: Quartette. Solina mecmbers; Address, Rev J.S. McMuIlen; Song, Mr. H. Uollacutt; Instrumental,1 miss E Stewart; Recitation,> Miss E L VanNest; Duet and Choruq, Solina members; Recitation, Mr. Oswald Pol- lard; Song, Mr H. Collacutt; Recita tion, Mr. A. Abrahams; God Save the King. SILAS W.ERRY, D. S. COUNTIES EQUALIZATION. The Equalization Committee of the Counities Council sat for two ddys last week at Cobourg discussing the import- ant problem 0of placing a just and equit- able value in every one of the minor municipalities in these united counities. The importance of tbis procedure will be seen when we cunsider for instance the township of Darlington- which crn- tains 6$,605 acres. The value per acre as given by the valuators appointodJ by the township counceil in December1 is $35.54. The value at whicb it has been placed for several vears on which the countiesý rate has been levied is $45 per acre or on increa>e overlsaid valua tion of 89.46 per acre. or an increase on the whole townshiip of $647,003 80, which ;it oue miii oni the 8 amounts t,> $647.00. We dont suppose for onej moment that the taxpayers of Darling- ton want to pay more into the counties' trieasurY' than i their just right in coin- parison with the real value of every ather municipality in the two counties We have claimed since our election and as soon as we got an insight inito coun- ties matters that Darlington is rated altogether too high for courities, pur- poses and in consequence that the rate- payera of Darlington bave for years1 been paying more than their just share1 into the counties treasury, and nowi with our colleagues1 are goir'%g to strive1 hiard to get a fair and- correct adjust-j ment of values. -We publish herewith some informa- tion that we have collectled f or, the sake of a proper consideration o! this import- ant question. The figures unider , per acre" is the value ascertained by the valuators appointed in each township or otherwise obtained and sent to the Counties Clerk. 'l he second coiumn is the population of each municipality. As the towns and incorporated villages have imot sent in a valuation, with one or two exceptions, the valuation given is that of the assessors. DuRFiÂm. per Total Pope- acre value lation.1 Cartwright --864 $ 973.195 1702 Clarke-----25.20 1,725,458 3610 Darlingtou . ... 85.51 2,434,350 39561 Manvers-...16.95 1,186,992 29331 Cavan--------..28-00 1,731,800 2418 hlope---------..33 02 2,110,993 8250 NORTHUMBERLAND. Hamilton -..829.00 $1,826,C69 3758 Alnwick------..21.56 388.755 991 S. Mouaghan - 37.32 686,680 855 Haldimand ..., 20.03 1,535,493 3862, Cramahe-. ..23.67 1.043,838 2418 Perey ......... 21.20 1,091,276 2907 Brighton ...28 44 1,183,701 2434 Murray........ 2400 1,168,225 2708 Seymour._..... 18.11 1,309,880 3042 TowNs AND VILLAGES. Aisss- Pope ment. latta.u. Bowmanville .......,S 970,900 2,728 Newcastle............. 173,064 495 Port Hope.......... 11,266,855 4,091 Millbrook------------..174.880 900 Hastings. «............ 161,57o 803 Cobourg ............. 1,250,000 4,349 Colborne-------------2. 88,250 1,023 Campbellford--------711.819 2,504 *Valuators' tatement. "Mywife hadadeep-seated cougb for tbree years. I purcliased two LProbably you know of. cough medicines that re-, lieve littie coughs, al THESE UNITED COUNTIES, Mr. Win. Rickard bas complied with the request made seime time ago to write some articles on Counties mat- ters. fils article is exceedingly timely juat now inasmuch as the Inspecter e! Prisons has condemned the Cobourg Gaol and it is demanded that the Counties' Council make provision for the erection of a new eue. Whiat achemers Cobourg people are -tbey want the earth. Tbe other centres of refinemeut and intelligence- Po rt Hope, Bnwmauvills, Millbrook, Newcastle and Orono are, to them, unwortliy of cousideratlin. The Post referriug to the.- old gaol being con- demned says, perhaps inuocently, that the old building could be utilized as a bieuse of refuge and thus aupply a long feit want. The -preseut building is situated too f ar from the centre of the town and is incenvenient antd expensive for the counities to provide conveyance for carrying prisoners te and from the gaol. o f course. the building is good enough ter the purpose, but is peorly fitted and equipped We would suggest that the Council purchase the lot south e! the market andi erect a new and more modern institution. A much amaller building would answer and stili have ample accommodation for ail the evil doers et the United Counties. The cost of ru:ining a uew gaoi weuld be considerably less than the present institution, The heart of the Sentinel-Star man in Cobourg bas been touched too and ho likewise grows enthusiastic. Hear hlm: We think il a shame and disgrace te a rich munîcipality like Northumber- taud and Durham that the poer and heiplesa withîn its bordera should [Le sent te the common gaol te be cared for j's prisoners or allowed to perisb f rom cold or hunger. Ouir County Counceillors can speak ou other subjerts in a stateamanlike manner and can occupy days lu going over the question of cqualization or the $10 repair o! some unimportant bridge, yet they cannot arise te the dignity and man- hood which a Christian country demanda and prepaî-e a home for those who, with or without their own help, have hecome part of God's poor. The question has heen dfebated many times in the Ceuncil and seime of the members have been willing te build a flouse o! Refuge, but a few o! the camiera, who are afraid to spend a !ew dollars, bave kept back the more progressive eues who would erect the euilding and care for the destitute> The coat would flot be feIt by the ratepayers and even it should, who laso stinigy and se inean, as to refuse to do a kiiid and manly act and help the- poor which we have always with us? We trust thia Couuty Couneil will net go ont o! existence until soeine cheme bas been perfected for the erection of a H1ouse o! Refuge The World han yet te be heard from,. The gaol at Cobourg- la not the only eue coudemned by the report of the inspecter o! prisons and reformatories o! the province which was laid on the table of the Legislature the other day, the gao'a at Cobourg, Kingstou,Barrie, Guelph, London, Sarnia, Woodstock and Perth are declared unsafe fogr the custody of prisoners and' improperly equipped iu other respecta. Impera- tîve measures are recemmended te compel compliance with the statute in the ceunties affected, This la the itey- note for the articles in the Cobourg papers. Of course they wouid like te see the counties build a peer bouse or new o'aol, but before that is doue we shall'hear' many appeals more. As a resuit of an agitation for better heating and ventilating arrangements for the Counties' offites and chamber in Cobourg laet week the Property Coin- mittee o! the (oun3ties' Coeuil and the membera o! the Town Council met in the Counities' Council Chamber te hold a confereuce as te -a new lease for the County offices and te decide on semne method for htîating the building. There were present Ceunty Councillors Thompacu, Wal kerCryderman, Cowan, Na3 1er and Macklam and Mayor Huycke and Councillors Field, Ferris, Ewiug, Mitchell and Wilso n. Mayor Huve-ke was chosen chairman. After considerable discussion is wes decided te employ an expert and have him ex-amine the building and r eport as -te the best syatem o! heatiug and the, cest. The mnatter e! the renewal e! the lease of the offices was, laid over for a future meeting. Another joint meeting will be held as soon ns the report ou the heatiug is prepared. Advertisemeuts 1 have appeared in Cobo.urg and Port Hope papers f ir tenders fer supplies for the-Counties' wouid be soute expense te this method, but the resuits would far outweigb the amaîl outlay. Every person should have justie doue te' him and at the. samte lime every single individual should be given bis juat portion There should be favors te noure. When the assessmeut la based below cash values ne ene wisbes te complain o! the equal. ization for fear bis ewn asseasment might be raiaed., TOWI'I COLJNfIL. Pegular meeting Monday nigbt. Pressent:- Mayor Mitchell presiding, Conu. Percy, Galbraith, Jeffery, Bur- den, King, Loscombe.ý Minutes o! last regular and oee peciak meeting read and coufirmed. A number o! communications were read and dis- posed of. The mirug men applied fer a rebate for the use o! towu hall for two dancos. G. P. Fletcher, J. M. Brimacombe, R. A. Treleven, Geo Dowuey, Charle&, Mannlng, Jue. Babcock and R. R. Les. comboe aa4ed leave te cnut down trees, Re!errod te Roada and Streets Cern. with power te act. Ro er Fishleigh asked for $100 salamy as il, ier of fire engine Fire Comn. Cli ' 'i Jarvis reported that certain degs hart been diaposed of. Finance. cern W. Bagnaîl reported 12 interments ii cenieter3 lu February. Filed. J, Lyhe, clemk, reported on bis pay- able ai pavement accounits.' 1 Court. Burden, was net satisfied witil. the repoert and a "scene" eccurred b.. tweeik hlm and Mayor Mitchell that looked for a speil as if Chie! Jarvis' ser- vices weuld be required. Whon the "aqïuali" had subsidect Court Loscombe presentedl the Fire Comînittee's report and Chie! Engi neer Haines' report. The first was adopted, the offher biled. Chiairman King preseutedl the Publie Property Commîttee's report showiug expe4ditnre. Adopted. Chairman Percy presentted report o! Pnrchasing Committee for Fonndrv, showîug exptuditure o! $365 70. An- other mouth allowed for final report. Con. Percy aise requested anether monthite report on Evaperator matters stating that a mu ually salis! actorv and amieable adjustment o! the matter wili in all Iikelihood be made. Coun. L0s- combe endorsed the statement. ChairmanPercy preseuîed thel>iuance Committee's report recommeudiug pay- mient of the following acceunits: <1 Jas Elliott, gasoline---------..8 21 6P, Juno, Feremnan, supplies........ 7 (3 EetiLigbt Ce.............. 290, OQ te e -3864 Freight on Machinery,*Éoundîry. 3 84- Clerk's acceunit---------------..4 64, Northey M'f'g. acceunit repaira , 10 7à S S Edsail, special audit ....... 5 O T. H. Vaun, et .... 6 W. Sleep, cleaniug cleset-------.838S W. Shaw, teaming and gravel.- 58 60 M. A. James, priutiug... ...... 19 55 MeýCleilan & Ce. ceaI and wood 9 5& Electric Light Ce ............... 3 51 JelMcWain, labor ............ 1 26 Heai Bres. supplies........,.. 1 45 Cawker & Tait, supplies.... __ 1 0$, McClellau & Co ceai and wood 24 77 Dr. Jas. Colville, attendauce.. 3 50ý McCiellan & Ce., ceai ....... ... 6 25 Jaes Gale, printing------------..6 25 W, Fîhleizh, Fire Dept ........ 31 76 Rice & Co. R. and S. account.... 90 di Fire Departmeu ... . 7 44 si Public Property-..6 O(> W. Kerr, labor ................I 2.5 A. Veal, labor............. 125 Jes. Fletcher, lattor,-----------.10 62 Jno Hamblyn, labor........... 10 6U Geo. Lyle, ........ 1 25 Thos. Lyle, 64...... ,CG B. Dillilng, l ..... 1 62 Jue. Mackay, de-----. 2 50, 1 50- M D Williams & Sou,furmaralHull 12 OU 66 9 J Solway 12 OU le 46 M JHuill12 00 de d, Freeman 20 0S Adopted. $8 < The auditors' report o! extra audit was presenled and referred te Finance comn. Chairman Burden presented the re- porte!f expeuditure enRoada andStreets, Adepted. Chairman jeffery presented the Poor Relief Cemmittee's report, showing- 8137.51 expeuded. ,Mayor Mitchell requested that a re. port of Local Improvemen: expenditure be publishred wben il iras moved b't Percv, seconded by lieo'seombe that the reportbe published lu detail lu both. town papers afler beiug referred te the Councel. Carried. A previons motion by Court. BurdenL te publi.ih witbout reference te ceunceil was lest. The taxes e! two wide wa were remit tf- - j .i~2w7 ___________________________________ ~2-'=~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~-' -~'~ - ---'~t ~ ~ ~ ~ '~r ~ ~ - _____________ ________________________ - - ~ ~ .,-, - ___ ~+~4'~ -~-~ ________ _______________________________________________________________________ ~ -Î'-~~t _ __ _________________________________ ~ -.--.--=~-.,.--.- ~ ~ -- -. _________________________ - - ., - - -. mZ22'.VrVfl~ ____ _____ _________ _______________ ~ . .. ______ ~ ~. ~ ~ t 1- r- - --- . ~ - -~ -f-ý

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