BUSINESS GHR NGE- a,, Laving learned the art of Em- ba]ming and Funer ai Dîrecting -with Mr. B. D,. Humphrey, iche iead- ng Toronto undertaker,and havin g taken possession of the business Iately managed by Mr. R. Katerson ail orders entrusted to my care -%il recelve my promipt and careful attention. A fulll une of useful fuir- niture will also be kept on hand. N. C. Bundie, 14.6m IIAMPTONI THE MOST NtJTRITIOUS« Prepared from the finest selected Cocoa and distinguished every wbere for delicaey of fiavor. superior quality and highly nu- tritive properties. Sold in quarter- pound tins, labelled JAS. EPPS'S & Co., Limited, Homoeopathic Cheri3îst-s, London, Englani. 13REAKFAST-SUPPER. Dr, Mc6ahev's Heave Cure Foi brokeu-winded hoes. 'Thaeuly inadicine Iii tha weld tiat will stop heaves ini tîsea day,; bat fer a permanent cura it reqires frei n e- hall te oaa bettia accordlng to directions, $100 gld $150. Kidney and Acti ConglisPewders, 'O.,c ondition' ewders,25c. Thse fllowileg hava nsa8d it, tliir testlasaîials andd lieasands of ohr:G Milis, Mcriekv ic; T. Warren Keinptville; Il. Relaies, fLiverpîol, Euglaisd Sl by J. Higglnhethain & Son, Bowmaaville Tisa Dr. Mcilahey Madicine Co., Kensptvilla, 0 STRORO AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ cf the Body Toned up and invigcratcad by Mr. F- 'W. Meyers, Kiug St. E., Berlin, ont, A: I suffered for five years with plpitation, ahortuess ef breati, sleeplassnaemsud pain in the ieart, but oue box cf Milbur'n 1Heart aud Nerve Pille icomplteiy- remnosed aIl these dis. tressixsg symptomns. 1 have flot snffered ince takiug ihemn, and non' leep well and feai strong aud vigeruus." Milburn's Heart aud Nerve Pil cure aIl diseases ariaing frein weak heart, worn out nerve tissues, -or watery blood. Be"fS?. ,je- .wcood' Phospboiic ne, Thl, Great Rnglish e enedi. *e SolsI sud rsammendad by aP drugglse Iu Canada. 0uly reli able medicine discovered. Obi p5sacges guarssuteed te cure ail fcrms cSemuai weakues, ail affects of abuse Or excese, Mental Worry, Excessive use cf To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Malled on recelpt 01prc, u package $l,'six, $5. Ose wfilieau, Th wiue Paphlets free te auy addresa. ',Wood Compaty, Windsor, Ont. bWoed's Phespodlue le sold lu Bowmis aivilie by JHigginbotham & Sen, Steit & Jury ane J WMcDer mid, Drùgglsts. Y T KO TES AN! CMMNP A much noglocted and scorly ima- linged class has at last receixod pub- lic recognition. A houevolent Scots- man bhas bequeuthed over $300,000 for a home for aged bachelorg in the neighborhood of. Edinburgh. There are homes for spinsters, for orphans, for widows, for uged married couples but this is the frst timo, se faur as we know, that provsision has been made for the lonely olil age of nmen who have been obiiged to go-through life without the comfort of a hoire or the blessing of childreu. R is neot a!! bachelors that are provided for, but oulv Scottish bacholors with certain qualifications; still it is a beginning. Mr. John Murdoch, the benetuct or, n'as a plumber of Dun- dee, which mnay account for his Wvealth. Though leiving xnuch liber- ty to the trustees, he plans la great detail lu lis will un institution that would have deighted Charle Lamb or Dickens. Landin l the country withiu ton miles of Ediniborou' town is te be hought and ou it cottages built where. Scotsmen will be houscd and supported who are o'.er 55 years of age 'aud "whose lves have beeu characterizecl by sobriety, mor- lity and iudustry," They miuet al have shown practical sympatlîy with [corne branci ofY science. There must be no0 religious test, and ,,idowers as n'el as bacholors aie eligible. Iu this maie Eden, "the Murdoch Ilest" n'sth nlis or serpent. te dîsturb thoin, the veten Scots wlll puss their declining ycars, in lie nilheaded argument with one ane lier ou tie n'hole fileici of humau scieuce. It is au attractive picture. It is te ho hepeil tiat no 1legal diffico.lties n'il pros eut the oxperimeut from being tried. Iu au ugo of indepenident n'o- men a rest for th omira niess maliy solve some future diffhculties. Time brings its onu reveuges, aud among them is a revvl of theFl- isi question lu Europe. Polaud was dismembereil more thuu a cetury ugo, but Polisi uatieuulity dies hard, and tih e', ivul of the mtter ut Vienuàanad St. Petersburg le as disagi euable as the reap~pearnce of a ghost that n'as supposeil to ho for- ever "laid." In Austria. n'here the Puai mouarchy hus beeu mouaceci by Slavouic elemonts, and the German onthusiasts n'ho n'ould swallow up Austria in the Great (4rmuu nation, the Polisi coutrovorsy le uuwelcôemo. Rnssia lias beou mono leuicut tiat tie other uations ton'urds the Foies, but n'ill net allow the idea of Polish independeuce evor te take taugible shal o, but Prussia bas sufferod most fromn the partitiou of Pola ,, aud hue been lat able te ussimnilate.the. amesint of Polish nationality wiich she su allon'ed loug ugo. Tie Tim'es says tiat the Illsi element bus re- mainedi ltractihie, and that plilti- cul pepsiue bas beeu udninistered iu largo doses, nithout euuhling r',ssia te digest it.' Tie Polos are net yot Pî'ussians lu inuguage, religiou,,bh its or traditions, andl ueither cou- clliatji our ceercien have preduceil muci change, 'Tie North Cermun Gazette, iu seni offlicially defendiug the receut poual meusures enforced aguiust tihe necal- citrant ulilnreu of Polisi parents in the sehools of Poen andl tie neigîs- horinfi districts, andl ugalnst the par- ente thoroselves, points 'ont that se long ugo as 1842 the Prussian Gev- ornnsout hail te take seriouslv ie considerutien the language question iu tic Polisi speakding provinces. Tt then ulloweil eduication te be gis ou in the dialeci of the majority. A generain laIter, just citer the close of ti'c Franco-German W ar, i w as discoverd that tîsis had l'il tu the complote "Polonization of the Gor- mnuciildrn of tiose districts." It w us thought Deceeeary te dran the strings tigiter, and the pressure hue less invalid for six years but suf- fered fro m sciatica lu bis hiP joint for teu yearg. Six boules cured bim coxnpletely and be le now workiug his farsu. This great blood puri- fier is put up in boulies centaifing teu days' treatmeut. Price 50 cents at ail drug stores or The Dr. Hall I&edicine Co., Kingston, Ont. n'ith extrasîe jeaalus, aud tfie feel- ingias heen ifostereil by tic Pan- German campaigu againest fia Slave iu Austria. It le allegod tiat la spitaet fal that bhu e boodoue dur- îng the puet tiirty yoars te streug- tien the Garmnan el emout andl te woakcu fie Polisi olesusnt iun Posou, tie lutter hue not ccaeod te provail. It is even believed tiat if, hue enter- cd the field of iudustry Witi an ag- greseive purpese, andl, auceuragoil by the succose et the Czeeche luBoiemia, hue set boforo it the auim of crnsiing ont "G ermanien." 'Tiese nay ho deulinus, but they -ne n'idoly ha- lie-s d lu Germnuy, and,. from urne to tusse the Gevenument le pussintely caileil upon to isutontero. Econoie roasens for alarsu are addedi. Tie Polos andl other Slave are reck- oned auuong tiec "cheaper races.- Tioy are aile, file said, te union- seii Germans lu tie lahor markret, andl thoy, have uniloubtedly pone- tratedi mb miniug aud manutactrn- ing districts, even lu fhe centroeussdj tie n'est, nîsere tiey nero unkuown a ton' ycîrs ugo. They mnitipiiei rapidiy, for tioy nsarny young andl ticy produce largo families. Tlsey1 have oxryn'herc tise encouragemeut1 ouf the Roman Catisolil Churci, ansif ht is remuanlkable ihatn-hou a Polo umarries a Germ-an woman, tic, chilil- ren take thoir bout from tic tatier aud go e to eintonce tie Catiolic auni Slavouie factors in the Germais pop-1 tsiatiou. The Teutenic prude e Cr- usansy le auturally n'ouniod, anilthso miateniai intorests et berntive race are lieid te be isuperilloil. It le uet easy 'to s'e whnaimensures tisat tan ho adoptoil citior by tise Prussian Goveonusent or by the Imipoial Gev- oruusent wsill uvailite bring aient tic objecte hilci tise dastic logiýsia- tien non' in force bac failoil te a- chieve. The more caret nfly n'o consider tie trenty betn'een Essgluud ansd dupais tise mono cleariy must n'e recegsîizc tic magnitude oet us actnai aud prospective sigssifscuuce. It is noeox- aggerutiou te say tint tuis interna- tionsal compact hue rovoluiiouized the situation iu tie Fanr East. Tues le true, nisetier ne look au tus - tect ou tie contructing parties tiernselve, ou Russia, n'bici entiers by it, ou China, is hossfciury, on ons pon'es s bediroctly istoreeted. At a stroke tic treuty relieves Eng- land fnom the isolation wiici, coupled niti the absorption oetlion military neseurces lu Seti Afnrica, hue, for some timie put,. pnaiyzcd lier influeuce in Chinsa, niere it nsedi te ho prepossdoiant. Shonldlieionin- torests 'in tîsat cotutry non be tineateneil, sîs ou'oni e stnossg in the vony -panticniar niere lutherie cie bas heecun'eak, fer througi :lior alliance niti Japan'cie nould bave ai honr disposaI a landl force superien in numnbers-, discipline, oquiproont and afficiency te uny tisai a Europeais eppouent could urray aguinst liser in lie Par East. Eqnally patent is it, tiat tireugi the alliance jusI con,- cludeil, dupais becomos nigity niere she nus but feeble, ansd ne longer bs anytiing te four frem tie cosnhined naval armamonts etfIlussia andl France. ID a word, tic lassd power ot Jupaîsn aldtic sou poe ofetGreat Britaini couspiement oaci other, and. togothor, censtituto a wiole whicîs se localiy irresistihie. Upon Ruseia's planu te acquise a monopeiy etfluanchuria, nicl ulnti- lnatoly muet have led te dominance lirougieut nuort'en Chsinsa, tie treaty icin'eeu Japan and GrenUý Bitain talles ais nxtisîguisher. if Manchisa is te remaja Chinese, tie already partly cosstructed branci et tise Sîbersan Ili-iainy te lPest Ar- thunruili hecouso valuolees fer snili- iary purpeses, insuci us, traveors- ing toreign territony, it ceuld ho obstructeil ut uny heur. The hope, Gormiasy hue been rolutix eiy diînrnd ut PokIu by the troaty heineen Jap- au aud Engiund is tee obviotis te neci dessonstrutioss. 0f luto oaci et thoso powers hue bail great infiluence nuls tic Chinese Court, bocaiise oaci n'as teareil. Iencefontîs iition .Frencshtuer Cerman diplernucy nl babeto exerit aiy pressureuo S ."M.Ba(ele3e China, backeýd îas thiat country \wîll feel herseif to be in the last re,.soîtfr I Mlie' V leen by the *apanese army andl the'Brit- J iii 1H VS* ishnan fleet. No douht, Fanempndr- UIRuIIMillinery Velveteen is made for appearances only, flot Geranywil beperittd, empr-for. wear. S. H. & M,. Bias Velveteen is made expressiy arily, at ail events, to keep the frsitb fr ric slfinhed veivte malterritorial accessions which îîg ero î e ven theyve oi rspctiel i st- BONE AND IIILK PROýjDUCTION. and combies clîirnhtv n'estern Ciina ,ild in Shantung; but iot a stop futier cuis they non' hope te go. Wiat ceuuter-mo'.e can Ruesia make ? Even st cie coulil securo tic confons fi-suof et C-nsny as n'eu as France, tic combinoil nasal strengti ef tioce three pers noulil hc iu- adequato te cope niti tint oethedr oppenents in the waters of the Fan, Enat, because the Augle-.Japanese floot, hesides.being ut loet equalinl magnitude, noulil possose inceuspns'- abiy superior naval, bases fis the Japanese andl Chinese iaoos. To enter upoîs stîcia coniesi niti uny prospect ef succesIlussia n'etîd need the lsslp, uet rsly of Cornuuy andl Franco, bust also ti'st ioftie Unitedl States, n'hici wouldl carry niti it thi lu-sulable ri-avai bases in the Philippines. No ielp frem tic' Unitedl Stuate nul bh otcoining for the purpose et distunhing n, situ- ation, nic, as ehupoil by tise non' tuosty, assures the maintensanceofe tie "open door" andl tic resen-sa- tion of Chiiîs's torritory frei dis- membei'ment. THANKING ENGLAND. Curions Reason et a Russian for Showing I-is Gratitude. ýMn. Milioft, by birtis a Rnesian, by uaîuraiizatioss un Englisinsan. b3V oc- Milk le a truc foei, it is said. If 50, it mnuet on~ analysis contain al the esseontial constituenîs te usake aý balauceil ration of aill vertebrute nuli- Mals tromn man down. Tic groat pro- Portion of tiese coustituenie are gaseous, andil tei soul-tiller have not suds sigsiicance as tic min- erai censtitueute icîs muet attraci his attention. Oue tîsousani poude et rniik nl coutain l'o anil eue- quarter pounils et phosphate (bone- lorming substauces). An average mail neigising 15o) posînde contalus in Isis body about igit uni oe-qusar- ter pounde ef phosphate, tie grenier part etfn'ui n-nws consumeil trous chiidôod te boyhooil. Tisese two roînteil asshsie' shy ail animnais tinive so elwhclnen ted ou pusre ussik. :But t te iilk psroduciîsg anismal itseof, if socisetint tic presonco of tuis phosphate or bone-fornsing sub- stance us the soil,aned sun acoulis- tiou nondily assimnilatoil by the plant is tise basic principle uuson ici boti plant anil animsalmsut depeuil lu orgauizisg unndisiîiatsssg the othor undl essential orgauic cosin- poinsud, tiesi sasdil ttforming sub- stances. lu ail cons-entrate3 fod stufie in tîscir naturai condition tise cieunst finde a bigi PROP'ORTION O F PROTEIN. anud ftt satter in proportion te tic pencentageo0f phosphsate prosent. Tuis le pnsrticularly noticeabie in seede. Tise eti'an, sretivciy deficiont iu phosphiate, se aIso edoilciesut iu fat uni flesi torrng (piro{u'fn) suaiter - Tic average nsiik yieli per an..u fromn average cows , if aceumeil as ion' us 3,000 pounils or 750 guloue, noulil consumse Ironstise .5ath tic, equivairot et 33 pounis et dry boue, with style and elega'ce. If'odoetld the let ters Next time you want a s kirt bindîing use S. H. Mï Redfern - a bias corded o h ako isVl~euo rs velvet. 15 Edge Sirt Bindings the>' are flot tie hast. Oe:n't ne,,leet thoise isosrimorat on,,ang of the body, as yoi i eirgretit. RAv yeni iain iin the hacirý, a di ifeigi the region of the kidoays l A trimes yOur Mator cornes frooly,% large qu, ndty, liiht iD celor, wti ne peculiar sensations, -nhile at other uies you do net mko itquite se fra"ly. if b dark iu celor, yen moaea, sosal quantity, anda sort of buroissg seusation ? U suchis tie case give yeur condition imindicte atej tioe r more scrious comnplicaetio'ns will sot ie. 0ur Latest Method Trc'stment gn-ia (ee as a positive cure for such conditis, andl rememaber WB UEYU 1..1 AY. ý If ye's hava tins awf aI dissa yen nre iunanger until comPletely Cnrad; the varieum symptoin i yeunootice cheuid hbcaa rning te take imînediate treatinent. Dont peti1t off innil too lat,,as t ,cntiîos dly gat., se,. If yen have sers tlîroat, porches on tengue or snenth, evoollon glands, hair taller eout, blotches on body, itohiîig akin or otier signe of this awtui disessoi cali on usi. We giva yen 'a wrstteu gnarantec te cure yen by our LATEST ItiE'IHOD TREMAMENT vv!Lhout Marenry or Potassium, aud ;jeu PAY WHEN CURED Veeounespsy nothing until yen ara cenvincod that a thorough and ceopletsecureaia ben eqiohi jshed. It makes ne diflarence who has faled to cure yen, cali nscelus.;a we will givo yen a thereugh axaminatien free of charge and may hactise reaus et saving yen years of suii'ening. Emoh tirne you cal! yau see Dr. Galdberg personally. le bas 18 dipllemas, cartificates, etc.. wbich tasüity te bis standing anil abilities. Tie -number of years we have biüe s-shished in Detroit and the curas we affected hava ranked nus te renssispecialists o et iacountry. Wa cau give ne sLrongerguarantea o? 0cor abilities te cure yen than tisa tact tiiat yeni nead pay netbiîîg until cured, OUR LATEST M1ETI1OD TREATM'ENT GUARANTEED TO CU-,[' Vaniceceleqsnd S tnictura without cuttiisg, Stretching, or los etturne:. lse Bloed Poisen, C'hron-"c, Norvems. inootciiey, Kiclney, Liver, Blsddar, Stemoch, Fomai' and Rectal Troubles. CNSL TINFRE1 ECallor write for ilank fo onimarcatmanii. BOON FREE. Sundays, i0a.m,te 8 i. AU itt,sdiines for ('auadiasî Patients Siipped f"em Winidsor, Canada, 208 WOODWARD AVE., 7- DETROIT,1MI-MH. d _ c. L",- 4)7,ntrance, ~wilcox stree. i cupation a tobaccouist, bas1 a grato- or 40b)peunde os cousinon nosse niea&!. fui minil, suys the Londlons Duiiy Tuis uuut couso frontu tie sei Ir ise f~1~1T TTAP1? dispiny as the "sîssaliesi csow on Mail, abut a ceneervative estinuato te allen IYUJ.1FUflJ.bX UIJ ul±Snju±Ju ati."- Sosuue et hie ite. urbwicti le appenreil ut Cierkeneli Sos- oeeton ot boue reusoveil anssu siiy Iboasi et qusie a numnber ot pioce, siens rocentiy as prosecuton in a fron tsce sou for cvery 50 head ofl HIOUSEFTJL 0F FURNITURE IN are keptini suci. curieus uni minute charge ugninel a pisoner of brcakirug stock, lu tic ligut etftîsose figures AMTSELreceplacies ne nuis and cherry ston- int hie usureliouso isu Consmercial it us easy te undenstunil niy Pasture A - L. ese. For iustance, in oue cherry S~treetsuand tookasoîr nst.sinigiian at- landes ru dorsu, becosue ssc5-E-grown, siono toee ie a ira-service, uni ttRuie niti regard to Aie case. unhalunceil nn'eedy. Tic applica- Ail Englishmnan Ras iVada tihe twcnty-one epos, assi 1 anotier a Tic prisonc's cotnsesol e o ns tien et hene-mecal ussier stici circulau- Miost Unique Seot of Mfodals horizontal eugiiue smade osf tnonty- instructed hy tic prosec-uter te ask stances socuisete ho tise oniy nainrai in the World. six pioces. Iu an aissondsi hou na s!,e ton înorcy on liche flioring ciniguis renieily. lu th imik andilcicedis- M.C . iilleiei, s îasushere oildlirevolver is ceuntoni- grouds. Mn. -Miliofw-a aRussian trfcle et Europe, uni particsilurly in MranGi, busc aeiai sounteesbigl ably enscoucci, wnile tic intenior of by biti, anil îiirîy Mers ugo hoe Cheshire, Engiaîsd, usade tsouse by teissosi usniq'ue set otfuvorîkiag nie a pluin stonc afforils sufisciont le- causse te Eîugiaui, prosporing very uts Cheshiroe cea, il is a nelI e- dois in tise swol. Tise onooertul cimdto o aro re grcaiiy in business. tailisici custorn te top mress the 1e e asse iiuprosseeiniti fiheuo- grass uni pastuse lande niti boue suisiatares, nîfoîs are fasîlonci in 1leJadiug pistole. efit whch iad eenconerre upn mal.Two ear ag theCandia cuver and gohl, are nuade te n'ont, But theo sust wndenful item, uni hits bycnii ia encutraied E up o mai. nisile ofur ug tisefCuBo-landnihave îecss preducci utter yen nsoea îcihueasevoked tic pruise et hissuhy bcosig anfuraltze f Eng- of ies, ise etheuinying, Pof. BeIs etpatient labor, says London Tii- net ouiy f heusanils of asteuishiei thelsisu nd aionby tiehfre hdu een isupbiîti eui theBits. epecintons, but et the King uni se- tioulu ui diu isnihomi o- EnglishiInvestigations, uni reporteil1 verai nuombere of fie -loyal Famiiy joed fis ibis country comparoil niti tint land ircaieti niti phsosphsate Thaitite nuodeis isuve uttracted i aclu urnuuu nisut leisnjo-ysd, in bis nanhior îays cupporîci inice tenuisuher et stock mono ibun ei'dinany attention may dniug rcelonasuot i cha. in Ilussin, tisatieho anîte c hoien uani aci aninsal nmade double the be gaugeil ror tise tacstith neDt drcing-oi a suiteofanmh chairs, ioe sos-ne tansgiblec ten hic gratitude te gain lunoigis in cosmparative pas- muny mosis g i ne x i- 1uni tîrco ornamenîs, piano said tisis nation. titre field teste. Slonkmen sheuid d itiessi botore the Kiug andl a tus- stool n'its laily playiuig, ceuci niti As heprionr as hefirt ng gie heissuproeonent of puetures tnuse pariy ut Susiningiai.n. isic n o a r us fe fr asugseive sfis e itrs,-o h iisguTh el ue itraý. lady itting upea ht, gentleman on a lisnn nîo biteverobgelnie se an sto~5dci ndy ioie inelyfrsîis et nir i e e Qec ic tnoi e also chair rcnding a book, lady osn chair evente itepi o ri lins hode-stoi~ ui suor iagel fe îîînsîv-mun eiiretuitfierseciuodes ir niti tumbior in hanil, natter nitîs sirol tise court to deai îenienîîy niti h'r es.îi iineeia lsrtayuitrs ubirtbent uh an t Windsor Casile. 1niy n tmîre adi docane, tabla tise nuan. TAeD IaeEtnenty-sixdistinct sets, nithiota-service uni foot-stool, iCi- isc pnictd, nieai eent opron N IEROSS mnny oet tise sets coutaiuiug a room suite, boil und i pio', dresiug forusixyconictes na en oprsn Tîsus is tic soason of tie year nien dozen on more sopurate piece'. As table nis mew ornunueunts, lady forsi musis -the fariner cheu give cossue attoen- airoaiy clabeil, ticîs are nronght un dressing, %uvashestuni, jug and basiu. Of 10 ilintion te sioring ime for nexi cains- oior-golil or sclve r and, nondnfuuh cssali table niti tumbior ttndilglass. 0f 00 uliionPasscngene by scu mer's use. Buitin' on ewfnrienrs us ih mauy Scl, are ail ussaie i i ny, tnebalssi al ail ic onll oer,.0 loso thoir issaîe any atteîsupt te ido se. ,Ansd hanil, nitiont castinug or nid eta itihoue ren ul-pos lives. ut the causefluiniber hy rail, yet ion' saiusubida litlie secdurn- gins. ir l suitîo oo otuteaspoournsukutae-n ools, tic hot susssmou ususnis, unide- imeuve couîinining 220 piocos. AI- uni gnnvy spoon. AIi-hese nume(-r- llrfiaiu's total trade nili Africa pecialiy su io 'tic dainynuon uni the tisoughi h les ssali yoe aispince ous items go in one huit of ticeusut! luet year n'as oxven52 îsillions, un grener etfssilfruits. ih in the palm of your Lndilani incroase of tvo uillions on tie ycar AnOfIes heu h siie close it nhthotît tise leusti lîcoesr-r hetere. neol, anulwiteie lethe lenet objec- icîsce, h le au exact suodeliniD OS ry REASONS F011 ROTATION. tionable of au colons. Tic massue panticulur of a1t uîîy equippeilen- 'lineoufr ttngcopar sieuld cslci D p on tie iside 'igiusc. TeraosfrXttn r r lenet a totîL fronustich outsitic, ansd Tiene are aise a Liiiputinn lessu., as folleuve: Ail plans do, uei dran' thesPae fll ennil awust. fSan--isuuver andi me horizontal engîn ~te an equai exbcut upsu thiunîn- mest eiousî uot ho puat hetneen tic Tiene are ne tener tusan 384 pienes cai iis'reenofot he soiifre t del outeide uni theo me as il w iii be-lus tic formunr. 'Tihocolionusalto sani hedilienenst o ient dactin couse daîsup uni rot tftraîne uýid nian haela cesssprsuveniacio a year on me the building usd11 oet TA-EVIEAND '1RAV rpiltecosiusccf en ensis are neotse. A roof tint xii iel s nus nindetoet' ieepny pn-e otatiog cosisc ntis ani kcep ont thse cune raye is on- r (,efrousu uneepnn iec oee pt te ho dispcrsed. Fnu ough l'o araovethe ce houd Fonthse salut i quntitY of Etii',er a disoass say aise lbe snatcniaiiy ne- ougi.dr ha ir ob ovo utc ie enltoust rack, uret, jug, .stand, andi1duced Weotds are more noadiiiy ohm- hoirulaini t e e sssmil kpin tray have bfecu dvol\ 01. Mention iuatei tise soul is naintausuci lu ciruluien Twe emal nn- ssY aise o bnuadeofethtcbe-p gool tilii, tIse huilsus oupournde of dow's on siaiy sies nilllaccempîsuy iceinliiasOOlias bthreesu iou uraoui iesoke A CROUND FLOOR brleins- ngu îog tetic ta n ore easiiy dietribsutel. As ansinstance otfusat nai hoAnv schine et rotationus souli have I Babies and ýchi1dren need f is thse bosi fleor for an i-lieuse, pro- triadefo triu rne tireo peusny Pioce rie gnon îng, e t a bnieole legnusin-, '5 idodilihas a usturni eevatien or 1tiero e in aesupibee cofie-sernvice unid es nropilu us plan.'By u mn prope lood rarly evr me is fislîcdinj ceougîs te uroep- srface Itrny, ahisuclioneil eut oethle susali largo gaiseoetnitnogen isuy be tmade cine. If thy do ot th~v teratrnny frein tise(sides and te lestcoOin ofethfe recflus, wiule Out ohffrous tise air. Pobash anti psospîsor- 1 terlodsmtig provoni w-nier fronst nisiisg toe i e tirce suscluceusen-;aton service anui muet le suppiieil hy comercnial feon- enIerfo-smtigi romuboneailsticth surface. A thin tray hue been lsade. On one occs naiule lrayl iec- coating ot-oat chah or eau dusi on Sienls tir. Sbaiiui n s i iliors. lu ticaedyete oor wrong. They need a littie 'tic ,îoos is citisai is necesanî. spoone, audsil tisouugi ho se-a,,erdior onsouil le uc-iet lvi-sabin tor, scsses Lhelp to get their di estive In tulissg aus ude-house theo liret lay- it w ithitn iscu rtusI elontici lightfteil- tIse crop s uless tic manuro le ne-' 19 or sienl recuvo a gossd dal of ut- e o itnil day Ise aisnoxene.d luinedi intil -atunir stabLe et utiliiy machinery working properly. tcntion. Thee me sieuli ho cul truce the inssesng article utuder biss lnger hueasbecu roacheil. Stock-rnisissg, anulpatirilelod niclose. lVill in sînil, niseno it bailnrennaineilail duirvisg and pouitus raisissg une pro- six on eighst luches betneen tic ice . ight. iable linos et agiriculture te carr u ni tiec sues, paelnk i nly, se tic The collection lsecxcccdingly cn- ru lu a ceie f on improving tise cakcs caîsuot ussovo, andti isn hoxci off piete, alist o ev article mn lnliv fertility etfîuoon soils. tic untce nti n nz diingailuse hcing iuîrded su ut. Tîscre are a e racîre. Sprnskie ounuruter ansd frce -ghuia ive iyre90u.hs"s 0F il eul, u ayste saili io h ýanice ntaine .102 pioce. '1Th' eNO ULL-STOP IN TEL7Gl'AiMS. COD LEVE GEL rîite col xather, ns hledrte ease elrni cltr tinu & c. Tic foluou'isg stery setllha ~W7lfYPP/OP/IEof,/# S elsui uidnhoiuîcibie. ui iiclseinbnge-4 Ild5businiesunau cf Msuciesier, Eug- air icos anc loftItihd air nuil, as i Ti-ero us an nuircha _re is 'I'l land, w'îe nitc, dung is absence, gois col, cette the hoîtousu asi-i picces. Tise tue narringe nreuPist lesrri te buy soutue lace vahuci ut I wll eneall corec ths arifuer air -xx iii tuoxov. Thrershinul lu golil deccix e a passing roeensue. aboutt$200. Tise cssin sas large, T ~~~~~ho neosioe ecst ofair, a perfcectcx- ,'u aret iic ogu 1 ris , assi atiglstise 1 ly knen' beribuse- Sdifficulty. pulsion et ail air, andilthse nearen oise 55 mndc cf eigity fi-se pioce. T bal's geisesosi'y, sc dociel ttelo- Ilyou ili pu from cosus to it tise les niilho tte loss corulil usiîîlu e drawn y a ly.There palsuuntnuisasin boru If ou IIIputfro on- y ieltng.Thesecnd ayrnioupistolens ndsesolsshat lu tatteuynlierrepytoilir graunai lort o al tasonlul be punkel sirooth cule lowniiand thue yen cou dpince n score of thie inuscausse use answor, "No pnine îoo long side oethile cako uc s~yu iiotpco i e 1DO ugi," nieneuspon she pronecded tu tin baby's bottie threc or four a unake us tcsv cracks at the cile ns tsce thoi esu iogls, tise sinaulet anis- btiy net oîsly tic lace ubhiel site iuad posibe. daou tie uaîr irosausdicie, pnobabiy, hbnp lcî us o, in sisii, brut other gois te tic t imnes a day you will soonscec fil] cracks sith line coldry poe lry t ho troiltetnsc suuofs-gran. e aured ntet 80. W bsifshowisusani sun' tint n ili rnsdoun andqatn tagcDieune n i 'f hwe is Ia marked improvemnent. For] s IT IS IN1 TW ELVE PIECES. lser puînciuases hue aehked te 500 tise tei- ,arerchlden hllFILL AISPACES. \WhouMn.Sibiahl cxiiite 5515 suc- egnaun nviihscie haireceisýel. IL largr cildrn, rornhal to Potin on-n'atc anti frtezc seid; keep lois lue appropriately refers io tise nue sosneîhng et n surprise te îsiîn, a teaspoonlul, according to outil fuil Sandust le the besi mna- b~~"iutlie smii ssuthisg. Wha iueho d jeia frpkiganutke dtier h rsuis%,a: N.Prc ooh age, dissolved in their muRk, j ttr, btid toi is, aisd tise mis-ti Grip=Quinine Tablets l'is pnetty story le tohd ot a dis- il ~~ desire ?Will very f ake etof tLsrouxing auay thue olI, unu-tigtshlnoeit.R iuhixr ifyen se-ee tTh es ex.'Ile sueuris i- (HCOÂECOATBED.) ntc nuiiednsoci gaend, is c tîs sonso f retnuih ile te tenune uCInI heatasocacouac, sriiieer t soonshowits reatnoUr S abic 'o ernasuentfane baltukse uwi 0fare devoi of any nupleasatteffetquestion 'Mas discrîssoul:-" Who If1theti ba teotheriltaenprto mpfiicranunatopes NtX o ld you ratier lue if net yeurselt?' ing pwr fte - ters it undis le cbeet for sevoral yerse. pop n eti natin laatt i ieasked Isim for bis neply ie I~~~~~~ mThde ntnuih lcI e bettoîi must et hausoiuteî-v air take, cheaper thon other Quinine pro- tic questiosn.,HIe pnomnptiy ansnoned: r ilkde o or h tigit asud have ne drains on air pas- parutions. Cure Gnip, Colis, Cougis, "Yeur seconsd inchanil, dean." bab, he e~s ficemnul- caexsu 1t. Acsvn ' 55l- Soretiroot, Neuralgia, oui ail cli The average uge of thse J'1itieh mii- choc deep tof sanduet on tiche tioni ete opane eifi oe ini'snol auletnu 2 sion. It wiII show an elfeef ansd 'elles, xvi tbthelayons soliily wahrcmlit.Rle nadsloarswode atya a,71 froLen, sssakcs ai air tigit nnd tiere cure in a day. They are useful at aIl et tioe ni diel in 191)0, 74ý at once bolii upon mother xiii heo se sting. TIse cos'Oing on tmes unidoan occasional dlose null main- yeue Baronu Arsnsireng, ue 0 and child. Itie top sisouillue o wfneteci tick, tain the health-"Just whiat 'yen have nus tîseouest. ail dsusgglss. jsnd lept dry ut tic srface. In tise b enloi for." Ah idreggists sali it, Tsceloe ro nuisig r SCOTT & BOWNE, ot, Canacfi. nrssing inysmlel ve andl ail air- at 25 cenits per box. - nis conk. This us the rnnrsh anonýia liole fileilte koep ail air-tighut. Sel by F-. Rogers, Enniekiien. tounl lu Braz.i. Frein Cspt. F. Loye, Police Satien Ne. 5, Monrea: Il 'a freqnssly use PEssev DAVIS' PAs -iK,.1 fer pain s, ntse siens- ar/s, sheu -.smu aOffnes, frest btes, chl- blaiels, crSyase, s sddal ssifi5itieus shiels s befali nenan lsouetuc)S ion. i have ano hasi- tation lis nuyicg 1 ti tPAi, -IsLE s te iS be8t reînedy te hava near at hand" Used I Itarially aind Exterseally. Twoe Siza,, 25c. sud 50c. hettles.