ploy it cxieusively ini padiing dcli- cats goofle. Probnbly ten' peoplelias-e testef itls mient as a pencil mai-I easer, yet it serves tic purpese ndmsibiy, andi on papsi' et soune textures ottea acte mnore saiisbadienily tisa île ruliber esuser. 1For nienuing andi polishiug glass of any descripion, tmm îlefins bene of a pair e secaceste the commron ' iuw gasJis.s sue- cellefi. 'IAbout tle I...House FAVORITE RECIPES. Boston Brown Breaf-Tirce cups Indian neal, 11, cupe graians fleur or rys musai, 2-3 cup molasses, 3 eups cour miii,, 1 ta 1espeeus tIi-i ,-eai or other elieorteniuig, 1-1 ro uadefi ten- speesluratue andi 1-12 teaspeois Sait. Atter tlsorougiiy mixing the otior ingredieisc, add tic fleur andi meal, and pour ie a tin, coe-c, andi steitsoeheure. Baied l3eans--Souk a bsaping plut disi efthticyeilow-eyed peu beans even niglis or nutil tiey arc plnmp. Pour off tic waer sud put liýte a Lýettie with à1-teaspeen coda; 1111 up n'itli water, andi set over tic fire, stewng until sott, but net liroien. Drain in cois uder. -Put a pinci et greuui mutard lu île boitoinset the beau pet; aise, prepare a pieds of suit peck about tii-ce Incluse 4 square sud put it lan'liti tIc bonus, addlng 1 tahiospeen cuit and n uitile os-cc 2 tabiespoons msolasses. Jusi ces-en 'ih -aber (whici I use lot), andi set ia the evemu Keep filefi witl water until nenriy donc. Indanu Puddimg-One quart miii, 7 inhlepeens musal (net lieupec). 'Saldi thse iilk, iis iet tic isucal nitl ,niik or watec aî.id peur it in thse hot nilk, and add 1 dup molasses, 1 dOp creani, 1 tea- spoi gnger, 1 et innamnandu 1ai omit the crean freintise pudding, and use n sauce et creans, stigar andi autmieg. Puniplin Pic-Taie 1 Pi stcwed pumpkil, 1 cup sugar in wliicls are asixefi 2 teaspoons ginger and Ay ten- epeon cinuanien, a uitile sali, 3 crackees:dried lu the os-on amud tien Pound"d fnc, anîd 8 cusms nl. Mix la ticel-rdec nnnmed. Pacste for Pie-Tires cupesîiefi flie'r, 1 large cup butter, 3 table- spoone sugar, rul inlabutter, sdd miii,anud mix ie oa emeti dougis et mediuma stiffuesse. Liîso greased pie plate, weitie efige wiih ceifi water, luy ou a nurren' strip et roi- led pacte and press it close, thon n'lh th i ret fungeof etlefti anfion )tic outeide, witi tise thumbl and icet ling cerfthîe ethser hinfiouin- side, presloto a rima Fi wiîi pre- parefi punupîlu, aun, baie, in ratiher quici os-enu renslîtotethree-qoac- tons et an heur, or usitil mtislefrmlun the centre. Speuge Giagenlircafi Enf a dOp et butter- or sour reas, 2 d095 meo lasses, 1 eop cour iii. 2 tenepoons saleratus, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 tea- spoon sai. Warin thes butter, sfic f etlein ltuseccier nentioaed. aud iastly acifi51,dupe foeur. Bout liiskly for a minaute, Pour loto a large drippiusg pan andi baeienlaa msoderte os-en. PETTICOAT POINTS. Ail other articles of lingerie pale ino signifirance before tic petti- dont. 'Tiens arc tires prnuciples wlhl uusti lie bsoîx cl lain alinsg h: Firet, it must fit ae pentctly anetus cross skiri; seondf, iLnuseflit close about tle lips sn u ise a great tiare ut fie bottoin; tîird, it muet lie witioui etiîIcuiug. Es-eu ih siceee et f uslimusmuet lie guiltîes et staris, and thse sofi silsis mst lic usof inistead cf tic ruetling taffeta. Tafleta lias seca ite day. Tise oniy wny lu wlieli it is enîployed islean iuiusg for gewns andi tisefthil sebteci vurioty. Observe tises tires noies, ieap yeur petticoat about tIhe foot xiii tiny ruiffles, and yyen will hase whlait ashien deecees as cor- reci. Fou' n'liing andi clou goxns the peiticoat ehould stop aitishe ank- les. If the gewn le of tua nînterjal, it sheuld lbe as long ne ils gewn es-en tnailiug. The Englisi put a grent eyc on thec body cf tiese petti- doute on flic side eean-aud a cor- nespeudiiîg bolk on thei trama, se tintli tIey want .te wuil il his ivien if le incenvenieut but nccecnary telilft tien, it rais lc donc eailhy. Pettuîcets une fuiber uabout tle lips decnnfi- in tiny fliai tucke. If yen are gcttiug a nen' skri gsi n foulard in a plain- celer, n peau d(J oie a China or some othen soft i. ciite match the gewan'lith n'hidl it je to lie n'en. .Suiris cf con- trusiing clere une ne longer bic mode. Altleugi black ekirie dan n'itbs prepmicty lie worn witl uny- itiag dark, lblack andi white stripes are flic oniy cembinations uiloed in a lptticeuf for strect n'ear. The piaineest petticoute ihave a nacron' Bouglit fresis ad new la packages of a huudred sheets of white and' colored it ceets but little, yet gives n added daintiness, in many wnys. It bi.igîtens bureau drawers, it mak- es apctt wrapping for the smail package tînt one otten fiads it acces- sary te carry, it adds f ar more te the effort of a present than os diaary paper; stuffed la wists and sleeves it prevents wrîakling and cruslsing whon pnckcd. Silk andf lace that aoed pressing are protccted by tissus paper and wriaklcd veils pressefi un- dec it emnerge witli rcnewed fresinees. If oecvannot get ans iron. a gas globe or lanp dinde (net chlmacy) le genrally wihin rendh, andi on its surface onis may smnooth veils and ribliDas witi. tiscue papes between. Chidren can find a fund of amsue- ment lu tissue paper, euttiag littîs deils, holding hands lu "ring arouad a recy" fashion, or mnkiag flewers or dalnty dresses for dolle. Stilianuother use is te bold the tis- suc paper many, tinis and tuck it umdor uaist or cent ns a chest or sisoulder protector ln coid wenther. IN TEIE KITCIE,'N. Te wash rilbeon, lny it on a dlean cloti, take white seap and maie a eudc, thon with a speage or cloti wnsls the rilibon decan. Rinse by eiipplug up and down lu doncr water, slap thse iblion free frein water, tura aniomerntely hot iren on, sud aud drnw the ribisen bnci sud forth over the iroa until dry. If 'ticeniik etraluer seecloggsd se tint the nîlli wlll net rua thceugli rapidly, even thougli it le perfecriy dean la appes rance, put la a siînil laudfui of sait and rub througl iw-tl cloti, w asi ns usual aud sec what a differenco it nias. To raux steve polici, sanie a etreug suds of eoap and wnter, addz n tahiospoonful of usolacees and tur- pentine, sufficient te poliqh youc slove and use la thse usual way. Vinegar rulibed on the liande after tliey have blicoula trong soapsude wilii rerncevetise draw a, eiuy appear- suce and maie tic skia siseotîs and soft, as -inog-ar neutralizes tise lys ini tice onp. For bonis and scalds there is net anulthuîsg se soothing as tise white of on egg wliicli may lie pouced over tic wound. It le sotter ns a varnisli for a hurn tiacollodion, and. lieiug aI- wau s at ianfi, crablie pplied 1 lu- nsediately. It is aisls c coiig tîsan the "swent i! :sud ]coto,, whicls wns forinerly seupp>ed te lie tic corset applicat-lon te allay tic cmnitiug pain. It lqe c ontact with tise air whiun gives tise extreuse dIse snfort experieucea-c frein ordlnury ncerfdoute of tîs ekiud, sud evcr.;ytiiig whici cxciudec air nn.d prv n-, tlausîmation le the b1ettlngte lie nppiid ut once. BROTHIERS COMMIdIT SUICIDE. Svrallow Carbolie Acid and Dit in a Cab. Southamptons strcst, Strand, Lon- lîitain is the prend heirese aine sg don, Englamsd, wae the sece Ot a tic Poers, wio telleslier enions double sicide t'ne otliscr otcrnloon, tint sue lilkes îiens s-cry mnucur, but two cabmien, isamefi Fichardsonu, is "quite able te loeok atter mnyccif, bretisers, taiing poison togctiser 11s uanit yo," înd doesenet beiieve inl eisc cf tiseiî seiuiclos betwesu sliiss marringe. As a resuit ust oethte and four oclock.. Pieoplo hurr-yirg ether Powcrs have combined te sy aiong ticeliuey tlereugsfan ut flic naety tîsiogs about hcr. andi arc al foo ofthestretlitthetîm corl very isalous et ber, sud deligited isardly lave been awaî-c o eti mci- uhen shc ge juite trouble. At tise demnt, foc ivitîuin a few miutes of its saine tins, Brittania could uufold s occurrence tic two nmen, tiecleier et tale, la tic twilight of romandes et whom is anid 'Hrryand thelong age, 'and ovcnnow lins a kind younger W alter (popularly nown te ot notion tînt if ehe gave lier con- île coirades ns "Wallii") were re- sont miono tia eue Continental mcx cd te tic Clsarlng Cros Ioc Power wouid le gind te join hauds pitui, nicre, ou arrivai, the iret witî lier. oiamed was found te lie dead, wliile tic latter suncumbed iithil a quar- BEITAIN AND FRANCE. ter et an lueur. Iu tisses dnys et cnvy, iatred, and Bti mcei, it sconus, lad lieci malice again'st Britain. it seeme cur- drinlrg heavily of late, the younger i0us te reiuember tint wc once liac liasing enly reentiy regnincd hie a siacere lover, and that noue otier liccuîse. On tic day et their suicides thon France icrseci. Wlicn Louis ticy ivere machi the wense fer liquor, Napolecu, la 1851, wns precliamed, andi it le umderstood tint tiers wae at île ewn instigation,. lmperor ef ceins trouble witi the police ou tic Frnch' Europe liegan te once peint et duty, wiihîcmnight have lad moeslolkcii France as a respectable unpleasant conseqoenccc but fer'tic power, andfite hope tint under anu tlniy intervention of ticir rieuds.- empire sic would once for ail threw Accerdîng te eueeofthtise, tic off any idene etfliecomnîisg a repuhuie lirotiers ater this incident wsre lest again. First amoag these Powers siglit et ton a tew moments. Wiems was Britain, wlio, undor Palmsntonî they renppeared the yeunger told tie sud lis succesens, made vicient love euh attendant tint they lad talon te Frncne. The lutter reciprocatefi, oxalic acid ' tegether. Loth tien got and ater nunis flirtation, and ex- into ticeIder mn's cabi and liegan change et courteey, a treaty of ai- esbrading ecdi othsr. iane wae elgued inla1853. by whicli For a bcw mmetst tere wns a tic two pewers joinefi lande ln tic dispesition te trent tise mutten as a wan agninet Fussia. joie, but it waeseeon sesu tiat tic Brituin's relations with France dur- mens were serieuely iii, andi thcy were iag the, war and for severni yeacs af- nemevedfifret te a cotise houes in terwurds were of a pst cordial Maiden mune, where an cmntie was clianacter. The French Empenor sis- administered. Tîcin condition rnpid- itefi us amifi great entisusias, and ly gîew worse, -undi they were ýthon Qucen Victoria sont caverai times takemi with ail speed te tic hespital, te Paris. But n seniescf "tiffs" un- witli thc recuit alrendy stated. i fortunately urose as a nesuit of Harry icharson ws abo t fty Bitan'n policy et iurbei-ing plilti- yeare ef age and a widoer, and.caranfugees, wliich iscluded. coîmpir- had, it is said, a son* in South At- aters aguinet tic E mperor aund rida. Fie brotlier, wio wne littIe France began te bal very leudly over tlsicty, leaves, hit s blieved, nagunt us lun 1859. As n recuit wsle and onee chiid. It wnc etutefi Ditain tormnef the volunteer usove- tint the youngen diallsngcd the eider nient for lier defeace la case ef ju- te take tIse poison witl i hm. vasion. But sic rsnmanaed, gecsrally -4 speaking, frieudly witi Francoe util TOMIMY'S SUGGESTION, thc France-Gernan War, wlien Frit- ain's alistniniug from ielpiug France TIc tnmily wene puttiiig on tbeir lirougut tupon,,1ler th i sls et lier liet airs hecause Juauita's beau lad wrath. wiicli lis centinuefi more or doms te dinner. lesseveer siace, ns lîrituin le now The oid folie were deigitefi ai the known as "la perfide Aioin." Frit. way the young ma wac makiug lose nin's seizune of Rgypt. toc, se mmri- lietweeu the moutifuis. Rihen they tuted France, andi stilI anuays lier, get te tic dessert lic snid, loud l]- 'tînt al lil of s. rcnewal of Frit- ougi te lis isard ail anound tIse ain'e intimnncy witis hem-ofethle litties table :l as "Yen ought te tale semne angel- VANISEIED INTËO TEIN, AIR. cale, yeu'rc se luke an angel." And tic oid gentleman lad just Germiaay is a very constant lever. winled ut tic old lady, andi saifi She hue two bitibul allies, Auetnia 'Ee's gettiug tiers." and lialy, and tlieugli sic caste side When litile Tommy calied eut glandes ut Fusela, shi je voy truc te "You ougit taeaet sponge-cais, ier bonde witl these Powene. Sie las Mr. Smith." flirted often witl Brituin, andi thinge -'Wliy, my hilma?" asiefi Mr. reucised a veny imtereting stage Sith, looking veny sweet. wlen, in 1891, tise German Emperen, "Because mu saye yen are an aiv- visîtefi litr umidet ceeues efthtie fui spenge." grentest enthusiasas, andi pronunced' 1 iimeelf as hec frieud. With tic ex- IIep-grewing hueses greatly la- ception of tînt unfortunats Kruger cnensod lu the lUnitedi States tînt telog-ras 0of 1896, wlicl inflineci mest yeun 240,000 plekers were cm- Angie-German relations te lioiling- ployed te strip 72 million hep vines, point, tic Kaiser andf hie Goveramient b aseco,-ntinuously been Britain'e_ if yos wanut te lnew wliu t your friendes, nd lu Egypt andi e1sewhere fnisundesny et yen ieuabsent, lis- sic l, iiiaseujyefithein a.ctive support. tenL te wint tlieysay et otliere ini Dot, nasQiers le ne such affection youur presence, 1 aiefeln between Bitisheris anfi WIIEN THIE NATIONS FLJIRT HOW THEY HAVE COQTJETTED WITH EACH OTHIER. France and Russia Are Very Dluclt in Love-Great Britain Likes Itaiy. European history -is one long re- cord of flirtations between different Powers. But things are flot now what, they were. The Pou ers have grown staid and practical, and have settled clown. One roinantic afiair le, however, stillinl progress, the love of France and Itussia. Tiiougl the Russian suiter lias not 1,et glnddeneLd the lieart of trusting France by uttering that magic word "alliance," they are stili, i... spite of periodical rumiors, on the ineet inti- mate of ternis, and, seem likely to remiain so. it -was a long time lie- fore France and Fussla really took to love encli other, diplomaties lly speaking. In fnct, uni il the last ten years of the nineteenth century, France had neyer seriously thouglit of a match ývitli the fa'-away auto- cratic barliarian. She was a repub-. tbe two countries have becn aliost traditional enemnies, and on twvo oc- casions have actunlly f ound tliemsel- ves !cratching sacli other's eyes ont. once at the instigation of Napolecen ini 1812, and again ia the Crinsean nar. But circumnstances at le-st lirouglit thons together. and lin iR1 things began te look as if an al- liance were imminent. They liad been casting elde-gances at encli oth- er for a onusiderable time bel ore that. France, was then al nione. After her defe.,e,t by Cermany nebody thouglit vecy niocl of lier. Besides, cie 'assuri n daugerous youug lady, aie nys anxieus te scratch ber Teutotnic neighbor, that none of the eligible Powers fancied makiug love to hc. But Fussia lied been giving i(le-glances for some time, nnd ru-. imors got about. -FLIRTS W1TII PUSSIA. Tlitn France sent her fleet to Cron- stadt, and, as a resuit, the two Pow- ers were regardGd as engnged. The Frenchi fleet w-as recel cd witli tu- mnultunus entliusiasm la Fussia, tir' Tsrsaid ail sorts of nice things, an,ýd France went off lier hend over tlie charme of the northern granfise. As years mweut on, the two Powers grew ex on more initimrate. Eusela sent lier fleet to Toulon. and lier sail- ors were received ln thestreets with uupnrallelcd enthusiasm. Frencli nîaidtos vicd w ith each other in kis- si sg tile Russian seillrs, so that sýoon the twocountries got on te eueng ternis uitlicadi otier. Stire, that, the- Tsar lins xisitcd Fracet -acend flicFrench Fresi- dÏlrtla returned tlie cali at St. Peteérsbuýrg, an almost unparalleled ,uvent -fo-r a 1lepublican -President, and altogether things have gene very plo-isantly for both couintries. from the great mnaster of electricity kept hlm silent. Whea the' tou-r c6 inspection wns complo-te, Lord Kel- vin quietly turaed te the fereman ansd usked: "Whnt, tIen, je electrici- ty2'" This wns a poser foc tie man, lwho, soemwhnt sa neconsfecs- ed that ilie Coild net sny. Well, weIl," saïd Lord Kelvin,etly "tint is thc Only tllingabueicrit wliclyen a-d I doa'ikaw, r Oas0 box n'as handef os-en to lis valet, wib, a fen' heurs Inter, Mise Louter openefi tIc seeond, togeIther xvith a curd cntreuting her "te n'enr tiese for my -sale," andi fiscovened th>?i yonng diplematiete flannel tiuingc! Tie story ecen peuetrated te is club, andi, net ai ail appreci- Aigîleinu gister ati lis-expeuso. le, sIicrtly afer aceepted an appoint- ffermans, se the flîrtation between _he nations is purely diplomatie. :Britain is flot mucli of a lover, but iie lias one warmn corner in heerlieart and that is for Italy. It began se long ago as 1854, wliea tic King of Sardinia, afterwards King Victor Emmuanuel of Italy offered DBritain thoi support of his at -vur againet Fus- ciwhicli she cordially accepted. Wlien ltaly becaîneý united under lis roIs, after a successful wnr agaiast Austria, Britain was the first te re- eegnize hlm as a Power. la Gari- baldl's struggle for a free Italy Brit- ain dld everythiag possible, short of ' mnilitary co-operatien, te îeip him.i aud the entliusiasm fer Italy's cause la Britain was, intenlse. Since then, up te the presn dy Britain bas, been on the meet inti- mnate, terine witli Italy. B is fleetï lias olten visited Brîtain, and Brit-j ain'e lias been fetffd. b. hic. Ie 1 lielped Britain la lier fatal Soudan1 war of 1885 by starting eperations( at Massowali against tic Derviches.i Theugli ie do net know cf an actuali treaty of alliance lietween Britain and Italy, it is certain that in tic event ofa Medîterraneani naval wac, the fleets of Britain andi Italy would1 lie on the camne side, se at least Brit-1 an lias eue truc lover left, after a career of many lseart-eufferings.- Pearson's Weekjly. PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of interest About Soinsl Promineut People. The King of Itàly lias successfully1 passed hie examination as a Lâotor-i car driver.1 A humnorous frioud of King F<luard recently gave hlm a silver stethe-1 ecope as a present-tic point lying la tlie net gencraily kuown fact that Ris Majesty lias been gix su diplomasý as a pliysiciau and surgeon.* T1he Grand Duke Paul of Fusela is se, tail that ne ielel bed is long enoughs f or hic cornfort, and lie las oes built la sections, uhici lie car- ries witli lis luggage ex ery-wliecre. The lied is put up by a special me- chaule ulierever thc Grand Duke goce. 1t is remarkable tilat Voresclingin, th'e Ruesian painter 0f battis sc'-ee, chould de sucli capable work wlicn eue remembers 'sow terribly hic rit liand lias cufsered. A leopard bit off the tliumli, while a ridle bail struck the mniddls dusger during a battle, aud the rest of hie fiugers were bad- ]y semashed in a cledgs accident. Mazzautini, the xvell-kuown Span- Ii buli-figliter, wac a raiiuay porter liefoce lie found hic present occupa- tien. Growing weary of hie humble work lies aid: -I muet maks moes, In Spain tiers are oiily two svays- te lie a teor or a buil-figliter. 1 cnn't sIng, but I knlow I can kill a bull." I-le begnlu a em-ail way, sud ceeu because the grenteet bull- killing artist lu Spain. A wealtiy ma holding a bigli po- sition la America once wrote te Mark Twan, who fa led te answer hie lettcr..- The irriter. uho ivaitcd a cousiderable tim e for a reply, et lsngtli became se exaspsratod that lie cent a sheet of paper and stamp te the author as a remainder. Mark Twain instantly. rsplied on a post- card; "Paper and stamp îecelved. Please focward sus clope." The new Ameer of Afghanistan sots aside eue day lu the use entireiy for the considemation of nsilitary af- faire, dsvotîng a second day te in- ternai affaire, and a third te execu- tive works. Every niglit, from ciglit tili twelve, uniss urgent biueiess lu- tervenes, tihe Ameer studies forelgu affaire. An Oriental teucli is lent by the rleidity svitlî which, ou Fridave, frein early merning tili late at niglit bis Elighnece 'sits lu tise assemhiy of the learued Mullahs of Afghianis- tan, and discucces witli thora ques- tions of Mohamrmedan law." Sic Il. MI. Stanley keeps in a large cees on the greund floor of lis lieuse, a private museum of lis Af- riean curiocities. One of the'quaintý est items le a pair of cearse, heavy boots, the pair in whidh lie marched acrees the Dank Continent. Net long ago they were takea eut of the glass case la which they are usually kept, la erder that tlcy rmiglit lie plietograplied. Wlien the mari wlth the camnera arrived tliey were mis- sing. The explorer was alarmnedi and anuoyed. It uas oniy after an ex- tended searcli that they were diecov- ered in the liasement, whitlier the servant liad removed tliem, la order "te pelieli themn ready for maàster!" Dr. Andrew Wilson uns once tra- velling la an'Englieli railway car- rings te a town wlicre lie was te de- liver a Gilclirist lecture, In the car- niage witl i 'lm Was an elderiy gen- tleman, wlio, observiug the juenile PJIN ON TUE IEÂfl 8EA THE SOLITÂRY HOME 0F A THOUSAND MONKS. Tihe Hîstory et the Menastery Dates Back te the Fifth Cenltury. The meet awcseme, mest repeibant dn'ebliug place lu tle worbd is thc gris tortreess monnstcny et Mur Salin on the Dead Sea, wherc tloneands et meules lis-e in grlm andi mclancloly austerity. Tlhcso nonks anc the meet rigerons ef ony in the Greci dhurci. Tîsir lises ars passed in apenaude, n'itl ne lope et pienenre tue side oetihe grax , su ad muet oeehecrfni incident te liriglten tiseir existensce. Day ut- tcr day, ansifigioomny surroundings- tînt wotîld dmive meetminumelan- dhly îssd, tiey go tireugl tle saine rnvarying r-outine, ndf yet sur- reunding tiens are the rensaine of si, ' jdue ro.ssances as ouly medine- v- Lims reulfi produce. Mar Sabis leaithe end oethticbar- ren W ody ea Nor, or Kedron Valley, asar tic Dend Sou, and ius s-ery lo- cution is seougi te seafi a chili dowu one'e spias. It le tic only oasis la thse wildernece cf tbie région, a destroyed strenglield ofthtis Cru- sadere and tIc ,teinb t) fanaomnd dliottain, tnt t ofSieik Messiaf. The wearic'd tm avelier is glafi te beliolci thie fortrese bile ple cf tic asidieut asasonry way down in tiec durk val- loy, es-eu thougl le experlences a pre- sentiment ef sonie isiddeu danger burîiug in tint ferbiddeu pince. It is the mesi nomanticnily situa- ted moaastery, the oldest amîfi un- doubtcdly tic mcci grtoeeil the worbd, says a receat writer. It is buili ou thc abrupt terra-c eto a diz- zy gorge, ut the bettoîn 0f which, 600 f"'ci belon' îhe torrent Cédron seethes ia winter. Tic rock falîs au ny se porpendiculurlv tînt luge f1ying huttresees lad te lie conetruct- cd, mu erdem te ulbord tic vc'ry imodemr- aie space eccupiefi by ticesnennstery. A LIVING TOME. Ia tic carly part et the liftticen- tury if n'as inliabitefi by thc Sain- ites, an enfler et mouls et wliom San Salas n'as tIc supenion. and ivie ai- se huilt tic grenier portion efthi monustcry. San Salins ias hemn about 439 in Cappodocia. sud ut 8 ysams et age ie enteref tliic mosse- tery, which nas originnlly foendefi by Futhymios. As thc reputatien et San Saine foc eoneiy increased lie n'as jeined by n great nuinser of un- cloietes, ail oet ivisceuicinet linfi eheiter lu lie sennetcry, and if is suid tint 10,000 efthtise lely mou n'ere living lunronk caves lu the nueuntuanepuosite. 1 Tieusande of cas-es iniehlted bly tîsose lersits look frein tise side et tic msountain, iisuy iuving necame ficers sud décoratios upen the %vails, andi tic eiery lias es-cny semn- blanceofettruti. About 4,000 mis iuliaiited tic mnasterv propor, and lu the ses-cutI Century tic Persianl hordes ot Cliceroes reîîted tien îll and pluîdsi-ed tic menastccy, sud fer centuricesitswealtli uttmacted nar- audons et ail luide. Tiche at tise it n'as pillaged wnas la 1832 andi 1834 hy Bedonîns. Atter île very firet attadît h n'as fertifleci. juet as it is to-day. Two cachelt-lue towers whini serv e le hatilements are the first ex ideuce tIe tmaveber las ofthi existeunceofthtI living tonli. One et the peniderous tcwcrs le of very pic- turceqine hues. GTXIIDED DA-Y AND NIG ET. The fair m'Espress udoxia bli la erder te lic close te lier idéal et nunhoed Eutlymnius n'as notefi for lis sauctity, tîrosugieut Palestine, sudhie leanna sd great moral su- dowmients uttruciofi tie emprese. She loeefimn with great devotien, but Euthymiuc, tr-uc te lis trust, me- fusefi te sec lier. Wleu iser dévotion to ini did net ceuse, le lied te tic Moubite, déert, icycaci tic Jordan. Tic Enuprees watdied duily freitic toer for luis retura. Af ter mach persuasion lie wus drngged bacl te tic monastcry by lis cempanien, Tieciestus, and tic ompressu'cpt wif i jey. Sue nernainefi tiers a bon' years longer, during n'hici tise sîs caugit oeniy a casual i.nd infrequent glimpeseofthte eliject ef,,1er'love. I'inally she lot t thc place witl lien court attendants, never te netun. Non' tic tower is usefi ns a -look- out" sud a watchmau les stationefi there day andi aight, wise scane the nountaine ndfivalîcys far nd iwide te see wietler nny danger tireutens thc moncastery. LAKE 0FPEITRFUME. i- The Kaiser was eueeofthtic irst te succumb te tic fascinations et piug- Qulte recentiy, wiea thse Es- peror tonîned. the principal guet ut n innting purty, lie 'as doncpidoouc, as he uiways le, la pres-idiîîg enter- tainusont utter dinuer. One evening le grnvely jaformefi tiecocmupany tint his md n surprise fer tIsas, andi lefi the nom, returning a bew min- nies inter with a box under hie arma. Hestien preceeded te open it, au' i îeveaied a ping-pong est.' TIers it is," oxcinimed ir11eiaesty: "a pncscnt frein my undie, King Ed- n'ard. It's a ieaut.y!" 11 reaiiy cnn't afferd more thân eue flewer la my lut," sicenifi te the milliner. "Very weil," replîed tint n'enthy lady, "where will you have h ?" -Let nme sce,' cie au-, sn'ere,,-JInIvnniably sit lu durcI nitl ihe wall on my igit, se I tialF'ilgsi yon te pot hon ths Lide nexi tote econgregation.,ý" lnaaitefi, and 1,046 building, a pepuintien et 622,372 (308,958 mal-. e ad 313,414 teniaies), 55 pensons 'speaking Guelic enly, andi 14,436 speakinli Guelic andi English. Dyspepti-' 'This fruit cure's a fraud. I have tniefi fruit ut es-eny meai, withont ,tic lensi improve- mient." IEearty Ma-'That's edd. Wliy, lool ut me. I sulil entirely upon fruit." "Wliat linfi et fruit ?" "Tie fruit et ny ewa indnetry. I iaven't licou ilI n day." Tivvet-' Dld yen leur et tise dreadtui reveuge Frotlunghnnteel on Mise Dimling wlien sic nefused his proposai ?" Deeýr-"Wlat was it ?'f. Tris-vet-' 'Emnrried hier motier, wle was a wmdow ;nand now lie we't ici n man doms tote shoue te sec île etepdaugiter." T1we péeeple muy lie suid te li Il-ittsid wheu tiey hve auunen staninirg hetweea thim. BEAUTJEULIfE FUR KIHU R[iI BONNJE SCOTLÂND WMERE MIS 2IAJESTY WILL NOTES BY' MAIL"FROX R ERI PASS SPRING SEASON. BANKS AND BRAES. Magaificent Palace on the Riviera Many Tisings Happien te Interst Placed at King- Edward's thse Minds ef Auld Scotia's Disposai. Sons. Among tise, many estates offered The King will go te Scotiaad fOr, hlm, King E dward liasliîsally fixed a rest after tise coronation. bis cheice on the Chatenu de Thorene at Cannes, Soutlieca France fer hie It is propoed te epend £325,000 residence duriug hic stay on the Fi- in impreving the sheiter and acces- viera la Mardi. It blsonge te Lord sibilîty et Lcith I-onde. Rendel, and is ceasiderefi the moet A joiner named Wilson, and hie beautiful demesmîs on ail the azure wife, -were sufe cated by lire iii their, cenet-leaviug la the siade tlie grent loue at Kinkiiael, Ayrshire. estates et tic Grand Dukes of Fuecia. Lord Fincasie, V.C., son of Lord Lord Feadel lins lisen la the board Duamnore, le about te maise a meu\it- of management of tic famous Arm- ed corps for servie-ln South Af rit~ strong iras, and lias a fortune esti- It le undcrstood tînt Lord Kelvin miated at over $50,000,000,., Frein le te lie offercd the position ot next 1882 te 1885 le was Civil Lord Of Lord Rector of Glasgow. tic Adnirnlty. A laadeiip eccurned recently at While Prince of Wales, King Ed- Foseland, Castîs, wlieu sevorai tree3 ward- was sevecai times a guest ut and an adjacent bridge were carîed Thoreno. A few years ago its was wy rîmnored la the Englisi circces ataay Canns tnt le hd ofere tebuy Wireless teiegnaphy is te lcie nsti- Ch aces tit le md Loredte liuy -tuted between the mainlgnd and tise theing plc, u that Lmor ad Fendel, ne-lannan Islands, off the west Coast ou making a prescrnt 0f It, thc thea tLws prince lad te gis-e up the idea. . TIc market cross of Curloss le bec- îng restoed liy Sic James Siveý- SEUT IN BY STONE WALLS. Wrighit, et Tullilallan Castîs. Tise Thce125-acre park surroun dlng the cross dates frein 1588. castie is. entireiy ebut in liy stene It le propesed te taie frein Locli walls clad ln 1v-r Énd heney-esucile. Anilet an additioal water supply et The avenues and munes nggregnte 12 1,000,000, gallons per day ber the muiles. city ot Glasgow. Wlica, la Faglanfi Lord Feadel îivee Durng lmet mentI there were,491 lnanuetier superli country place, emigrants shipped frein tic Clyde. Hotclans, a GuIfod. H spndsAil but ten oet tIse headed for the five or six menthe a year ut Cannes, Uie tts sud lias anuther lias resideace ut It lis bossudeedf te ad-rtise Posilippo, asar Naples. the vncnncy in the Chief-Coastable- Lady Fendel lias long been reaown- slip of Glasgow, Thesaslary a ed fer lier exucting fustîdiounese as lissa ralsed frein £900 te £1,000.> regards the keepiag of lier gardons. Luet yenr la Glasgow thons wnsan At Thoron she lias -90 meu deiag sucrense et 800 army recruits, undla notising but îooîing atter tîem, two Ediaburgh lics number wns six times foemenanad a squad cf experts for as sony as it was lu 1900. the greenhouses. Tie avenues nions Tic, North British and Caledonîàix previde work foir se-rcl linds ev- Riulwny Coaspanies lntend maiug ai eny minute efthte day-net a fallen încreased effort te popuinnize Loch lest, burat match or toctprint is ai- Leoaod as a holiday resont. lewed te romain on tic caud. Mn. A. Blgold, M.P., for tic Wick As the poil liesou a hiliside, tise Burghs, hus seured a furtier granit aged Lady Feudel nover stroeus et £l 0,000 frein tic tnresuny for the tîcougi it, exccpt lne-a tiay chaise, Diugwall and Cromnrty Liglît Rail.- drawn liy twe white doniksys, and wny. twe men with cakes follew ut n dis- Messrs. Viekers, Sous & Maxim taise te effare the traces efthtî anucunce n furtier issue te capital tc wîceîs ut once. nequire a hlai intereet la tic business et Messrs. Deandinore & Ce., of Glus- COLLECTION 0F EXOTICS. gow. Wht lias attî-ncted tic King te tîe Col. North Daîrymple Easilton, Cixtesu de Thoreno sacre tîsan any- tic Unienist candidate for Midith- tlsiug ese the wondertul collectionma, was lis crtrait ot exotie plants and dlowers. In tic at n gutiering ot lie political fricude grounde tic flewerbeds are nover per- in Pnthiead. mittefi te centaiu anythiug but At the thirtëecti anan meeting plans i ful boom.As oonasnf the Scttisi Provision Trade, those are A~' point et fading tic iold la Glasgow, the reports sulimit- whlie bcd is spadefi up duning the ted sliowed the association to blinlua nigit andi resct witifliowcre about flouriehilig condition. te opta, whidi have boen lept in ne- Thechcilef offirer et the Glasgow fine serve in reusote fields or speciai foec- brigade repente tîsat ln 1901 tiers ing lieuses. F'rom îsssny îofty peinte were 1,447 calis ons tic brigade, ad tic promena der discovers cntîrnîîing tlicecetimntcd lese by lires within vlews of land sud sea. tic city was £189,000, Lord Feudel's daugliter, Muud, la a lettei queted ut n meeting et mnrried Herbert Gladstone, sud lie- itic Young Scots Society, Ediaburgh, sides other curiosities, Thorono Cas- iMr. John Morley refercd te tic de- tle osssse th roon te geattermination oethflic oclety te insti- Gladstone himnecîf used te eccupy tt ldtnaldy ieac tiere fori- a menti nîmeet cvery win- FUeplyissg te a Scottleli tomiuic tor.Ia pnrticuluniy pidtureeque deputntion ilu E dinburgi Lord Bal- noock, facing thc sout anud tic cea, bour urgcd retorsofet ticecnsiug au- thero le a cîunsp et olives trocs set tioritios, and said a separate bill fer out y th Pric f Wales witus hie Scotnd ivas îssnrly neady. out liy tIcmPre -hnf enya Presiding ut the anuamemeting et cwa ademr -bnfits years L1ieste the Piencsili Soldiers' age. _____Home, Ediaburgi, Generai Sir Ardui- lirld Euuter spokaeofthte iumnanizing CANCER RESEARCH FE'ND. influence et suchinlstitutions. There le a proposailinht Settisli Outlines ef tise Schse e f la- iawycresichulfi udopt somte dietiuc- vestigation. tive sort et drece. A close-up waict- cent is a part of the sciense, wiic The sehemne ot insestigation loto le suggestive of econoîîsy la laundry the causes, naturc, and treatuseiît et wori. cancer, for whiel a tond of £10î0,- At a meseting et the directens et tise 000 le rsquired, ineludes, according Scettisi Protestant Alliance, wiich te the British Mediral Journal, tise wns hld in Gagw a rcsolutîen tolexving propecals :-ceudcmnatory et th- e Geernumeot for Fire 't-To previde, equip, Muains- permitting Jesuits te lecate la Scot- tain or endow labematorles te li e-5land wae pasecd. voted exciueively te cancer'resenircl. At tic anutal meeting cf tic quai- Secend-Toprevide an honocarlurninled ceutrihutors te tise Glasgow for the directer ef cancer- nesaroli. Royal, Asyluns for Lunatice, Lord Third-To prends puid assistante Provost Chisiolm presided. Thecire- te the director and grants lnanid of port stuted tisat ut the commence- cancer research withiu the LUnited meut ofthti year the asylus .Co n- Kingdema or in any part efthte Frit- tuinefi 422 patients. leli Dominions lieyeud the sens. A silver nuedul *le to lie given teO Fourth-To asslet ln the develep- the liet singer et Scottiel songe ln ment ofi tic cancer rcsoanch depurt- suri et the public scîele la, Dunde,, ment et the Middlesex Hospital and and luter in tise year the silven msd- of uuy otior lespitul wieî-e a specil alists wiil compete for a geid modal, cancer departmnent may lic previded. tise final conteet taiing place ut' a listi-Te provide fer the investi- public concert. gation of auy metliod which mny lie Miss Mary Stewart ef Gebsicinîli, suggested frein time te time for the Ardnansunnbun, las juet died ut thie preventien, treatinent or cure Oft1ugeofe 100 years. Sic manged te cancer and to arrange fer tIhi test- live lun eigns cfý George III.. Geoe