It'sRes ui1t!l How dreadful it is to think ol the numbers who are carried away eaeh year by CONSUMPTION SWhich very often is the resuit of carelessness, in the case of a bad cough. Check it before it is too late. Take the g.old reliable remedy, ONE SIZE BOTTLE, 25c, at E J. IIIGGINBOTIIAV & SOINS E BOWMAIÀVILLI?. DRUG STORE. HAYDON. Mrs,, Richard Ashtoaâ ia visiting hem parents at Bethany ...... Miss Mande Creeper has returned te Toronto. Miss Amy Ford ta visitinz- la Toronto.. ..,Mr, Delbort Brimacombe, Hamilton, la homo ... Mm. and Mrs. Rd Slemon entertainied their friends vomy pleaant- ly on Thursday evcuing. ... Mm. Huhlier ndfamihy intend moving te Mount Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and Cthers wnosc occupation -Ives but little exercii.e, sbould use Carter's Little Liver Pis for torpid liver and bilions- nless One isa dose. Tmy thcm. Public opinion la stron-, ln favor of Pain-Kilior, For ever sixti' ycara the feme-most househeld remedy fer enta, bmuises, a praina, and ail bowel comn- plaints. Avoid Substitutes, there is but one Pain-Khller, Pormv Davis'. 25c. and 50 cents. iN EW OASTLE. The Fiahery dam broke away Friday night. No eiectric iights aince... . Mms. Amnott, mllet of the late David Amnott, dicd et the home o! ber brother, Mr. M. Argail Thursday from a pareiatic stroke.... Mr. Rd. Berrett has bought out the Flour and Feod business o! Jas. Lycett who moves to Senît Ste. Marie ..Mm. Jas. Clemenco, Western Ont- amie, is gnest e! bis cousin Mm- John Ciomence NO YVERIFIGATION NBEDEDÜà ATI 110ME Everybody in Oshawa la Familiar with this Case. Zoe Brown's Wonderful Escape from Death is now an OId and oft Told Story to the People of hie own Town. OSHAWÂ. Ont. Marehll9(Special) Wbile iutereat lu Joe Brown',i case has been mevived by the mecent publication o! the tacts in sa meny papors. Oshawa people are weii acquainted with the whole dmr- cumstance. Mr. Brown's father-in lew, Mr. John Allun, whoe place of business la ri-ht lu the centre o! the towu, bas, howeAver had te auswer many questions receiýtly, but as ho was very close te Mr. Bonduaring the whele o! bis pain- fui experiiences in '97 and '98, ho finIls this au 6asy matter. Mm. Allia io q.B.te as enthusiaatic as Mm. Brown himgelf, and nover 'tires telliig the ster:y of bow Dodd's Kidney Pila conquered di@ease, and saved Mr. Browu's life. He says: "'Wo didn't thin3 ho, wouid ever live J throngh it, let alone getstrong and able J Io work, but the pilla made hlm aIl rightj and wcil lai a short time, and the beat, o! It aIl isthat tho cure bas etood thej test o! time, 'It' must be three and a. hait years sînce and as yen know he'si *trong and hea.rty te day and bas beonj ever sînco Ddd's Kidney Pis s.ent hlm back te the shap."1 There are many ethers lu town whoc haverecently been reminded o! thisk 'woudeîful cure of a seminoely hopelesa case who find ne trouble la *calling up1 the tacets, sud noue are slow to g-ive ail the credît te Dodd's Kidiney Puils, BO WMAN VILLE, MAR. 5,ý 1901. SALE M. The Epworth League will celebrate their tent4 annivcraaryou Wednesday evcning -Marcb î2th hy holding a Unien Jack Social in the churcb. A good pro- gram la being prepamed. Rc!resbhmeats at the close o! the program. Talent frem the circuit, Bowmanyille, Maple Greve. Courtîce, Hampton, Enniakilien, Betbesde and the orchestra from Clarke Union is expected. Come and enjoy a geod timo. Admission 15e, FeusD AT LASr-a liver pili that Is amati and sure, that acta gently, quickiv and thooughly, thet does net gripe. Laxa-Li ior Pilla possesa these queiities, and are a sure cure for Liver Complint, Coostipatien, Sick Headacho, etc NEW TON VILLE. Visitera: Mr. Chas. M case and Mrs. -Moase et Enaiskillen; Mr. and Mrs. E. Osborne with frieuda homo ; Mrs, John Gilbert and Mliss A. Allia, Bowmen- ville, et Mr. W. J. Trenouth's; Mm and Mrs. John Pescoe, Soine, et Mm. Thos. AlIen's; Miss Beatty, Kenîdell, et Mr. S. Arott's ; Misa Gertie Meeso, Mari. pose, et ber mother's;- Mr Alex Staples, Enniskillen. et Coi. Johu Hughes'... Open council R. T. o! T Friday even- ing noxt.... Miss ste ples is li .M.S. SArnott visited bis fat hem who ;s very sick et Bowmanvilie. -... Mm. and Mrs. Gee. W. Joncs ploasantly entertained a largo perty o! frionda Tueaday even ing. The essentielliuag-hoaling principlo ot the pine tree bas finaely been succeas- fuly aoparated and eflned into a perfect cougb mediîcine-I)r. Wood's Nerway Fne Syrup. Seld by ail dealers on a guamantee of satisfaction, Price 25 cents. BLACKSTOOK. The comfotable home oft Mr. S. Swaîni, Cartwright, was the scene e! a ver' picasant surprise gathering on Satumday, Feb. lSth, fais betng Mr. Swatn'a birthday. The gatbeiing had intended te assemble on Feb 2nd this being the lüth euîîiversary of Mr and Mrs.Swain's wedding day but were dis- appeinted by eason of the impassible roads. A geodiy nlimber o! the !im- mediato relatives, with- the pester o! the circuit and bis wi!e, found their way te Mr. Swaia's and teck the family com 1- pletely by surprise. Rev, Mm Butler requested Mr. and Mm.Swaiu te occupy seets in the perler. Thon ou behel! -o! their relatives they wemo asked te ac- cent a very beautif ni famiiy Bible, Mm. Swia la mouving expresaed is sin- cereat-thanka for their groat thought- fuinesand kindaess te himn and bis !emlly. Thon the com ast down te a sumptuons repat, wieh was thoro- nghly enjoed by aIl presont and aîter a very social eveaing dispersed te their honme3., Mr. aud Mrs. Swaiu are de- servediy popuhar ameng thoir many relatives and !1iends ln Cartwright. Pyny-Ba!sïm cures aIl coughs. It, soothes, it heals, it cures quickiy and cetainiy and certainly. Pyny-Balsam sella more widoiy overy year. Menu- factured by the proprietors o!f erry Davis' Pain-Kilier. LESKARD. \~ Ix ///Our boys atteuded District Division h 'l eld et Tyrone Thursday-...Mr Brooks, father o! Mrs. Thos Brown et this village. diod o! cancer la the -' stemech; bis romains wemo intermed et '91 McCrea's ... Mm. Sam. Seunders, petb master, bas been vemy diligent la epen- igthe oads. .. . Mr. end Mrs. Frank Bradley visitea Derliiigton, aise et their son's, Mm. Jas Bredley. Buketon.,. Mass Mabel Chembers bas been witb ber brother Sem cf lete helping hlm to a eminister affaira eof e bacholom.. Misa Ruby Seundema la home frem, a ______ pleesant visit with ber ceusin, Mr. l sa-r.r-x<' Edgar. Hancock .... Miss Mrtha Hem- WiT~~a vey ta la the city.... .A number [rom tbis vicinity attonded the "«At Hiomo" I '0 'IL' givea by Miss Lottie Cobbiedick lest TakII u Ch ice6ý ,iek.... ,Mm. Walter Cornisb bas ou-i gaged Mr. Frank Adams, an oxper-1 - oïaoere-ar m&ny-st-ytes-y oi uu1,i - kofOeme. ..Pkea&8d- and finisbîng. We waut yen te teke inZ the protrected meeting3 eonducted thet which suits yen beatý The qnelitY by Reva. Messrs. Loggott and Cregg, la equaiiv goeu.. Yen chooso the style ... . Mr. Geo. Wilson- andi Miss Lena and wc furnisb yen the beat photo- Ilodge, Raglan, yisited Miss Emma grahs ou oul ge an plce.InCornlsb mcceutly. . .. Mrs. Wm. Coram graha ou oul gt ay pace ilu out agalu afttr sufferiuL from a1 posiug. rotoucbing sud fniaiug we severe cold .. . .Miss Ada Trui i' visit-1 promise % ou tho best that c e ho dne. ing frionda out north.... - Mm end Mrs.1 We give no promiums witb our photos, H-oskin, Damîington, visitod et Mr. but givo yeni your money s worth la Crarm's recently. qu'alty eery üre.Month after Month e cold sticks, and qualty eorvtilL. soma ttetar bobes la yeum tbroet. Are U. P. Freeland. l -elce odiscrdwt le' JKOStu lo oele door weRt of STATESMAN Lung Baem? Ceugb and wormy ne 4jIfice, Bowmanvi]13, !longer. NERVOUS TROUBLES NIAKES LIFE A SOURCE 0F CON- STANT MISERY. The Sufferer? is donstantly Tired and Depressed, Will Startie at the Sllghtest Noise, and is easily Irritated. There is ne torture more acute and intolerable than nervousns. A ner- vous person la -in a. state o! constant irritation by day and sleefflessness by night.. The sufferer starts at every noise; is, oppressed by a feeling that something aw!al la golng te happen; is shaky, depressed, and, although in a constantly exhansted state is unable to sit or lie stili. If 3 ou are nervous or worried, or sufer fromn a combination o! langour and constant irritation, yen need a nerve foed and nerve tonme, and Dr. Williams' Pink, Pilla are absolutely the best thing in the world for y- Yen will'find after taking :them Lüà,,yonr f lnso distress and worry are being r=pily rplaced hi' trenLyth, confi- dence and a feeling that you are on the road te full and \omplete health and scrength. Get rid of yonr nervenaness in the only possible way-by building np strong steady nerves. Miss Ina Doucet, Bathnrst, N. B,, says. "Words fail me te odeqnately ex. press what I owe te Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. 1 was attacked by la grippe, the after affects o! wbicii the form of ner- vous, exhaustion. The least noise wonld startie me a nd I would, tremible for some tiîne. I nsed several mcdi dunes, but tbey not help me, and as finme went on I was growing worse and was 80 nervons that I was afraid te remain alene iu a reom. I slopt badly at night and wonld frequontly awake with a start that would compel me te scroam, The trouble told on me te snch an ex- tant that mv frienda feared fer my m e- covery. At this tinie my aunt arged me te try Dr Williams' Pink Pilîs, and after using eight boxes I was complete- ly restored te health. I feel that Dr. Williams' Pink PuIs saved mi' life and I sincerely hope my oxperience will ho- nofit some other suferer. " These pilla neyer faeu te restoro health and strength la cases like the above. They make new,' ric'.i bloed with every dose, strengthen the norves and chus drive disease from the systom. Dr. Williams Piniz Pilla are a certain cure for rheu.natism,' sciatica, partial paralysig, St Vitus dance, indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, and the ail- monts that make the livos o! se many women a source o! constant misery. Bright eyes, rosy cheoks and an elastie step ls certain te !ollow a f air use o!' this medicîne. Se sure that the fuit name IlDr. Williams' Pink Pilli; for Pale People," is on every box yon buy. Ail others are imitations. If yen do net find those pilla at i'our dealers they ,vill be sent post paid at 5ý cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressiug the Dm, Williams' Medicine Co., BrocîKville, Ont. HAMPTON. Visitors: Miss Annie White, Port Hope, at Mr. R. Katerson's; Mr. J. Broek, wife and son and Miss Eva Clarke, Oshawa. at Mr, J. Clarke'si Mr and Mrs. F. Wilbur, Tyrone-, at Mr. W. Doidge' s; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Joness, B3owmanville, at Mrs. W. H. Rogers'.. .Pleased to see Mrs. J. Robbins out again a&fier hier severe ilines.. .. Mr. W. Doidge, sr., is growing Wenker.... The snowball At Home given by the young ladies of the Epworth League was a sulendîd succesa. Miss Florence Stewart occupied the president's chair. The program consisted o! choruses by the ladies, recitation by Miss M. Bate. readings bv Misses F Galbraith and I J. Allun, violin solo by Miss M., Bate, scripture lôsson by Miss A. L. Ashton, and topic«"Joy o! service" bv Mrs. (Rev) 1. J. Anderson. At the close o! the program Rev. F. J, Anderson iiuvited Mr and Mrs. H. Elliott, jr.,to the front. Miss 1. E Ellîs read a. nkely worded address and Miss G Creeper at the pro er- time presented Mr. Elliott with a, beautiful fur lined overcoat and an arm chair and Mrs. Elliott with a handsome rocking chair, as a ýtoken- o! the congre gation's appreciation of Mr. Elliott's ffrvices, as choir leader during the past 27 vears Mr. Elliott fittingly replied. Re!reshments were then served consîît- ing o!- coffee, cake and lemon tarts. The ladies presented quite a charming appearance cach wearing a tissue paper snowball in her hair. Over the presid- ent's chair was hung a large artistical- ly formed bell aise trimmed with snow hals.... .Rev. F. J. Anderson, Messrs E. Hasting, C. N. Ruse and F A. Cole attended the prohibition convention in Toronto'.Ir.'Arthur Noble has gone to, Monticello, Minnesota, U. S., to ac- cept a responsible position on a& stock farm. Rheumnatio-warped Limbs, Pain and Sufforing.i Net a Trace of Rlaeumatiom Left After Tlsing Dr. Ciasme'a Kidlmey. LIVer PIS. If yrou are e sufferer from mheuma- tlsmn it is possible that yen have trieti mnany memedies without reaping much, benefit, Judgîng ýfrom the numbor of cures that have been reported, Dr. Chese's KidneY-Liver Pilla must be about the best medicine ebtainable for rheumatism. It cures the'roughly, by ridding the blond of unec acid poisons, Aibecause-orei4t~~at ee- body pains. Mm. S. Menu, StittsvIle, Carleton Ce., ïOnt., wrltes ; "I was afflicted with mheumatism, hati severe -pains in the kuees, hip joints andi acrosa the back. Rheumatlsa remedies titi not help me and I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pilla, which have sîneL complote- iy cured,,me. There la flot the least trace of rheumnatism left, ant It am no longer aubject te biliousne s, beadache and atomach alckness, whi'ch formerly attacked me frequently." Dr. Chase's Kidncy-Liver Pills have a larger sale by fan than any similar remady. Tlacy cure whenotiiers dis- appoint. One Pil -t dose, 25 cents a box, at aIl dealers, or LEdanionsoa, Bates & Ce.. Toronto. The Twenty-Ninthn Annual Report Ontarlo Loan& Saving--s Co., FEBRUARY I9TH, 1902. T HE Twenty-ninth Annuel Meeting0o!this Company was heid et the Office of T the Company on WEDNESDAY, F BRUARYI9, 1902. The followiug Share.* i holders were present :-ME-ssRS. W. IF. COWAN, JÔHN COWÂN, W. F. ALLEN, 1 SPHLUXE,, Wm. READWIN, JOHlN CARTER, T. H. McMILLAN, J. A. ÛInsoN, an ters. The President occupied the chair, and Mr. T. H. McMillan officieted as Secretary. The Annual Report, embrecing the transactions of the Company for the past year, was presented by the Chairman. DIRECTOR.S' REPORT, VEAR ENDINOI DEC. 31, 1901 Your Directors have the pleas ure of laying before yen the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Comnpany for the year ending 31st December, i901. The amount loened on mortgage, etc., has been $46,41g.59 during the year, and the repayments on boans have been of1 principal $62,731 .84, and o! intereat, etc , $43,958.32, or in ail $106,690 16 o! repayments. The accrued Inteîest and Principal on mortgages has been p aid with commend- able promptitude. During the year the Company disposed of several properties which were on their bauds After the payment of ahl ascertained loases, the writing off of ail replacements, repaira, insurances, and- taxes connected with properties in which the Company is intercsted, the carnings for the year have enahled us to pay the two baîf yeariy dividenda te the Shareholders, and to write off a considerable sumn on deprecietion account The Contingent account now amounits te $25,o0o, and the Rest account to $75,000, andg rosa asýets to $946,888.35, being in exceas o! any previaus year'a state- ment o! the Company. For further detailed information I would refer you te the atatements juat placed la your banda, in whicb the financiai position of the Company is clearly exhibited OSHAWA, i9Tit FEBRUARv., 19002. W. F. CQWAN, PRESIDENT. R1ECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. 1901. Jan. i Dec. 31. 1901. Dec. 31 . 1901. Dec. 31 . 1901. Dec. 31. 1901. RECEIPTS. To Balance............... .......... ........... $ 4,942,09 Repavment on Loans............ ............. 62,731 84 Intereat on Loans............ .......... $ 38,953 04 Intereat from Banks................ ........ 975 8o Revenue Account, ....................... 4,029 48 43.958 32 Deposits Received..................... . 257,627 03 Debentures Issued............................ 198,000 0 $567,259 28 DISBURSEMENTS. By Deposits Returned ...................... Debentures paid ....................... Loans on Mlortgage, etc.................. Intereat paid ......................... Dîvidenda Nos. 56 and 57.......... ,... Expense Account........ ............... Ontario Bank. Bowmanviile .......... ..... Western Bank, Whitby.................. Western Bank, Oshawa . ............... Leas cheques net presented ............... Cash on hand..................... PROFIT AND LOSS. CR. By Interest earned duing the year .,........... Revenue Account ..................... ... Banlk Intereat received.................. DR. To Interest paid........................... Dividends Nos. 56 and 57 .... ..... ... Expense Account including Commissions on Loans and other chargea, Govemnment Tax and License.......... ................ AS.SETS AND LIABILITIES. ASSETS. $239.932 o6 192,000 00 46,19 59ý 20,336 50 14,()72 08 5,792 27 4, 116 c98 41,896 91 S8î163 34 39 i41,862 52 1, 0,15 65 $567,259 28 $ 36,095 57 4,029 48 975 8o $ 41,100 85 $20,336 5 0 14,972 o8 5, 792 27 $41,100 85 THEMASON Co00 BOWMANVI LLE BritishGUOoods Are here and'a're'operling, out to Our entire satisfaction. A large number of huge boxes and bales packed in the moat careful manner and the valabe contents lias arrived herIe without a trace of injury. These gooc -u were bought direct from the manufacturers and were bouglit a~s low as any wholesale house can buy them, eDnseqently we can save you money on ail these goods,. We are very busy marking them off niow and shall have them ready for inspection in a few days. The-following list mentions a few cf the lines: Black, and Blue Clay Twill Worsted Coatinos and Suit- ings; Plaii, Grey and Faney Worsted Coatings andi Suit- ings; French and English Dress Materials, bot t ancy and plain; Carpets and Rugs; Oilcloths and Linoleums; Bleached and Unbleached I)amask Table Linens ard, Colored Table Linens; Huck and Creepe Towels; Glase and Crash Towelings; Black andi Colored Satins and Velveteens; Saxony andi Fingering Yarns and Shetland Floss; Linen, Lawn and Lace Handerchiefs, an endless. variety; Mushuns and Laces of almost- ai leading varieties; White, Lace Curtains and Erubroideries;, Swiss White Quilts and Twilled Cotton Sheetings; Black and Colored Ribbons and SUk Waist -Materials; Cashmere llosiery; Silk Gloves; Tapestry Table Covers; Colored Roman Sateen LininQrs, Lituenettes, Selisias; an immense supply of Black Farmers' Satins anci French Canvases; English Flannelettes and Flannelette Shirts, etc., etc. 1 Corne andý see these goods and 'scores of others, al passeci under the new preferential tariff, SWe are also receiving loti of goods fromn our Canad.. ian manufacturers. We shall open out over$1 500 worth of Spring Clothing this season aîci shall deciddymiti o-Ur aed in this department. Call and see us, we aim itu please. TH E MASONO.m Miss Allen, P ontypeel, gnest et Mr. S. Alexander...Hfer mauy fermer f ionda wiii regret te heer et the deetb ia Iowa, of Mrs. Stephea Bradley, (ueo Miss Julia Argue) siater o! Mm. Gee. Argue... Se many snow bleekedes and imPassable oada from suddeu thaws have nut boon seen la this part for a quarter centurv......Attend John Ommiten's greet there.bmed stock sale noar Eufioid to-day, Loas e! eppotite and Geueiai Dobiiity are quicklv ovemeeme by the use et e Dec.-31. By Nlortgages and other Securities,. $887,68î fCd i57u Mnfcurdb h Office Premises ..... .................. ..... i ,ooo oo Davis & Lawrence Co , Ltd. Office......................................... 400 00 Cash in Bank................................ 46,161 13 MAPLE GROVE. Cash on hand................ ................ 1,645 65 iios isEaSnes saa $946,888 35 Mr. and Mrs. ELwood Lick, Harmouy.. 191.LIABILITIES, . . We sympathize .wlth Mrs. Depew in death of hier mother Mrs.Scott who was Dec. 31. To Capital Stock.................... ............ $299,441 85 an old resident and mnch respectedl by Depositors.................................. 297,646 50 ail who know lher .. .. A few from here Debentures .................................. 249,800 00 atterîded District Division, at Ty rone,, Cotiet Account............................... 25,000 00 . Mm. R. Stevens is under the Dr's care RestAccunt...........................7,00 00.... The anniversary o! the League on $9468 __Thursdav evening was a grand euccess. $968835 Rev. J.- Ward occupied the chair. T. H-. McM LLAN, After solo,3 were, splendidly sung by SECRETARY-TREASURER bar. J. Allum , Bowmianville, and Mr. We hereby certify that the above statemncotisaoreteps . C. H. Snowdon, the lecturer o! the even- met onais crrctrereentation îngwaitou ýMany from town of the affairs o! the Company as shown by the books December 31st, 1901. W ehave and Oshawa came to hear Rev. A. C. examined vouchers and securities and find the saine correct. Crews, s0 well and favorably -known, J. P. OWVENS, lecture on "Suîîsbine or the bright side Oshawa, February i5th. 1902. PERCY H. PUNSHON, Auditors. o! things." Neyer have we seen a finer nigat, or a more attentive and satisfied audience than was present. The lec- The President moved the adoption of the Report. The Vice-President seconded thro a ughly ej nd iAtrutectren the nmotion, which was carried. hruhyejed'Afrtelcue W. FCown, ecodedby M. Radwn, ove tha th su of$î~ bethe ladies* served coffee' and cake te M.WF oascne yMr. Rawn oe httesmo îob which ail did ample justice, The ladies paid to the Auditors, Messrs Punshon and Owens, for their services for the past o! this place are noted for making geod year, and that they be appointed Auditors for the coming year. Carried. cakes. Proceeds ever $18, it pays te Mr. Carter. seconded by Mr. Readwin, moved'that a vote of thanks ho and is advertise in apaper read abroad. *Rev, hereby tendered to the president, Vice.President, Directors and Secretary -Treasurer, Mr. Crews was guest o! Mrs. C. Power. for the very satisfactory manner in which they have conducted the affairs of the Public School- Report for Februarv: Company during the past year. and that the sum Of $30o-be presented to the Presi o.1-eleCx eleSodn dent, and $200 to the Vice-President, for their services t o the Company. Carried. Lola Snowden, and Russell Power., Mr. John Cowan, seconded by Mr. Gibson, moved that this meetinb- do now Jr. IV- Mildred Collacutt Sen). III- procced to elec,'y ballot, seven Directors to fil the place of those retiring,1 and that Pearl Snowden, Gladys Snowden,Shirlie messrs John Carter and Wm Readwin he appointed Scrutineers for said e!ection, Snowden, Myrtle Mc Reynolds, Mabel and that the poili remain open for one hour for the purpose of receiving the votes of Cox, Mannel 13ellamiv and Edna Adams. the Shareholders; but that shon.ld five minutes elapse at any time, without a vote Jr. IlI-David Hanilîton, Hlarold Power having been taken, thepoil shah be cloaed; and that the said Scrutineers bc paid and Elva Snowdeu. Sen, I1-l-A'edra- the sum Of $2 each for their services Carried. McIRevnolds, Herbert Hopkins, Ethel Chair resumed, the Scrutineers reported the following seven gentlemen, who Adams, Norman Woods, Merci Power. weme dulv eiected Directors for the ensuing year-W. F. Cowan,Esq , R S.Hamlijo JI. II-Frank Hamilton, Arthur Charlos Esq., W. F Allen, Esq , Wm. Brien, Esq , J. A. Gibson, EsJF oaE Norman Judd. Il-Maboi Depew. and Thomas Paterson, Esq. q..r. pt Il-Elmer Cox,' Edna Snowden, Ccieffery-Hael P'ower and Evai A vote of thanka was tendered to the Chairman, and the meeting adjourned. Cooi' ICouAdmsHRbsi At asubequet metg of the Directors WV. F. Cowan, Esq , was unanimously FOIe n ebr efr' ET elected President, and W . .Allen, Esq., Vice-Preaident. eJI andOcehrbet. fer. E -tNOC,éahr COURTICE. Mrs. J. W. Potherinzham la gueat ef Mrs. J F. Brooks.... Mr. H. Gav bas propared plana for a uew housefo Mayor Fow-,ke, Osbavua Wben anv- thing e littho extra is required -they oel on llammy..-Mrs Jas. Cou'-lico la spondiug a week witb relatives in O -hawn .....vesma S S. Brooks and Bake Courtice are buisv buving fat cattie and veal calvesý and klihig for market ... ! John J!1-er",&-.Port Perry, la visiting Sqire liindteo... . Mr. W. R Courtice e 1te ',lite Epwortb h d League Covnto t Desemonto, WEDDIWVG BELLS. Under a canopy of carnations and ami- lax and surrounded by their many frienda on Wednesday evenîng, Feb i9, at the eidence o! the bmide'a parents, 146 Sydenbam Street, Toronto, Melvina May, eldeat daugliter o! Mr Henry Nokes, becanie the bride o! Mm. Hiram Bateman. Rev Tý R O.-&eaa, B. A&., tied the nuptial knet. The bride was at. tended by bier sisters, Misses Aggie and Nelhie, Mmr. j-H. Bateman being beat man. The bride was gowned in white silk witb veil and carried roses. The bridesmaida iooked, cbarming in pink and white organdie and each carmied roses. Mms Lamne McWiliams pmresid- cd at the piano and ber rendering of"Tbe. Wedding. Mach " was superb1. 'Tli groom's pr eseut te the bride w as a peami pendant and te the. bridesmaida, eatmichi ruifs The presents wvere many and ex- ceptîoneliy handsome The guesta fmom a distance were:, Mrs J. Cayley, Csha,-wa7 Mrs. W. Doble, Lindsay; Misa EstelW Nokes, Uxbridge; Mm. J. Sedgwick, Hamilton; Mms. j W. Knîgbt and Ivm. T, H. Kuigbt, BowmanviIle, The yeung will reside at 22 1 Sumach St., Toronto. Saturda' News item. gvaroli is -a Fayorite Ilonth For Ruine Dleing. In aIl well regulated homes ln city or cuntry, the work el home dveing l& largely 1done in March The a.resses, 1 skirts, caps, jackets. blouses and other articles e0 wearing apparel used and wornl a year ago, but now dingy and faded, will be brought out, -arefu.lly looked over and re-dyed with some newy and sty lish -color for this season's wear. With such aids as' the popular Diamond Dyes. it is folly to spendt money for new materiah, and garments. The Diamond D.yes'always make old and faded tbings look as good as new. The best as well1 as the hum blest famlilles use the Diamond Dses succossfully and profitably every spring. Have ou decided to make np a pretty and stylish mat or mug rom your rags and' waste materials ? '1here, is a pleasure in being able to point to -yonr homemade mats and rugs. Send your address to Tne Wells & Richardson Co, Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montrel, P Q., and you will receive sheets o desigas for yonr inspection. BADYp 0O R E T TL I. lh g-sl ic~es, a -endsome C' e 1d1 ie Wts, b ait lu Vioal, L-d, C, e ts etylg.1 , ha ,d 5per 0 uss Il ci-pia d wae Woase r nar a o f h~sad tpr-unt ,dvetio au hoa sud igodo and lavery h i ast peraoa avis salis anly 20' jksgse t a wo Sead (tose re iC oa skownas t15e ao s atsra, 111 Clluetiyckh d f.r their ejasis growia,. batflclroaS fu ,niag qaaite)wi ecel,, onr goerofe . ihel.g, ihgaoBcro wt a hnao Cl ltS Wih 8 lcar,.5 obeSiirpltdTs îonoIBlra eodSla inf oS5, a hhwih ,i's beeac' l-cfr aui onta eu M.efi Meto nSpdk To TflE SOVEREoIGN CEE» ROUISE sisdprosenlo aud tbey are moi beastiful. I bave -1 Dear airs- aa,0 i rrpoei u r aibo il hs. Ti7aea aie0 got your Siweralont. beautifuL I wil continue le work for you as 1I Ced you do a. you 1ise StEL5oK WHTE, Ot'aw, Ont j IEtaI MQU, PlnC_ Ot âddrea plainly, The Soveroign Soed Houme, Dept. eîn4i Toroento, Ont. I 1