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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1902, p. 6

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active part lu sîl the ciîurdli sud se- 0,uht inito yoluîn irflan ed bis arnisî Scmal lite of the neighboriood. Sie wore anoond lJ ier agan. Yen are. BE I ms at tint time hon husband's the lest moilier a boy lever lad!, sud A Tthdbenaba ave heipod makl j hlmmat lui e 1ii w_1 i en he lad genie forward 4nd I gnosse 1 kiow. liarrv told iine A 'LR -,l Wo rt - aluvavs alost' Wide awaie at lier pro- per hour for bcd. Her nmotî,er, go- ing threughi the nursery to recen- noitre the other niglit, ond hier, as usupal, wîth widceopen eyès. "Oh, Pussy, you really. ought to be asleep." shie said, reproachfllx-r,,l really would go if 1 could, inummy cear," was lier dauglter's reply, "but mry eyes woi't butten." Britain's national drink bill b efqna1 to ail the ronts of all the, houses and farmis' in the United Kingdon. LOST TIIREE CHILDREN BY CONSUMPTION. Al Mother's Letter and Contribution for the Free Consumptive Hospital. That 1"one touch of -nature maltes tb, whole world kin" is being shown by tli many sympathetie and practically hell fnl letters that are being received in n( iponse to the appeal to fnrnish quicit] the new Free Consumptive Hospital, t]: first Free Consumptive Hospital in An-, erica. -A few days since, Sir William iE Meredith, wbe bas ]indly consente: to recoive subscriptions for the hospitai fouind in bis mail a letter fromn a mothç in Hamilton, which reads -l'The eý, closed three dollars is a contribution t, the Free Consnmptive iHospital, beini one dollar for each of the three chjîdre 1 have lest by that dread disease. " _ Al over the Dominion familles ar baing brolten np by this terrible whut plague. N'eed we wonder that those whý have lost loved cnes shonld contribute o their mans-rnuch or little-to brin,, hope and health to others who are suffer ing in this way,- and whose case -maý become hepeless if help does net COMi quickly ? Another, signing herseif I"Let neý yeur loft hand know what the riglit harn doetl," writes Mr. W. J. Gage-" Er, closed find 31.00 for the Free IHospital fi Censumptives. I would like, and if were, able, 'would give yeu $100, c makeeone of ten te give $1,000 each, but arn peer. Though very peor, however, cannot resist ycur special appeal, an! qarnestiy- desire that yen wi1l soon bav ail the cash yeu require.'l The new buildings are oempleted, ai-, tûe trustees are anxieus that they shoul lie furnished with the leut poibie dol]4 OP that respense lie Winadete the dail aud resi': appeals that aré coming t the-m for admittance. Contributions ina, lie sent te Sir Wm, R. Meredith, Chie Jýustice, 4 Lamport Ave., Teronto ;eW. J Gage, Esq. *, 54 Front St. 'West, Toronte or te The National Trusýt Co.,Lmtd r or:t-r in --~-'ai, ail '- " ' '- une w 'v'01.a.coupleof, i inxîs- 'n'n 011c" th ciii you ever îorgî e self. i nder how Jane is ? Per tr la adjoining town, and were mie. 1 nover can alyscîf, ne, neyer," -haps hoe will corne back wlufie oce very accomiplishied \vonu ia every hoe said, hrokenly. mie.- We used to have good times te way; and ieh coulfi net help but ne- "Why, what have I te forgive ?" gether, " and chere was an éager tire the duifference betxveen them and --Everything. Ailoiving y on te look on her face. "Ho nover looks Ihis owa wife, who socmied more n- sacrifice yorsolf for me the Way thi wa,"andi there vas a Sharp barrassedi than usuai, and thecm-tayehvednnfIsebni I - ~ -"Prfaps-l--N- arnorhaI-rritated-rîmhnfIil.e sw it. Mvy peor, poor 1 Tashamed of me toc."1 Mrs. Carter did net answer, but. \ife. I will try to 'indo wliat I can. Dr. Cre i not rotnrn -tintîil agtopltl ay a îîd bul'ied lier Yeu have borne aIl the borden, cand after Jufige Barker liad left, thei face iii lier cenis; and tiien went out. 1, wlat have Iheen te allew it train. "Jim had certainly changefi. te sec if everythilng wold lie all *"Yeu didni't mena it, and do you slHe said that I.shoold roemnber hlm riglit for dinner. She scarcely ate think that I arn sorry ? Why, 1l e o u," lie said dreppiug into thîe anything, but ne eune noticed it un- weuld do the San-le thing al ever seat beside lier. til littie May said : againi. Oh, Robl,1 have net boen se -1 thouglit that lie would corne "Why, main'ma,' yen are neot ina- happy for years," ,sile said Witli a back bore te speak te me," she von- gry one littie bit." sob.-May Everett *lover lan New tured te say. "Are yeu net feeling well, Alime 2" York Observer. "Why-we wero se bnsy taiking, hier liusband asked. and lie lad te get off se sool." PDr. 1"11am - oily tîref," ', le answerodfATn1TfT Tl Carter said lisitatiagly. Ho did wth a sad i snilo.BR S im I.jflui net say that hoe hnd no\er thought "Yen liaf botter retire as- oarly as SV ULF te tell Jodge Barker that she wns possible. I have te go downa te on the train. It wns inet douie ia- iflet a comnmittee eofiiniistei's ,te- ITSIC liAS SOOTHIED SAVAGE toationtally, but hoe had becomne se niglt," ho replied. BRIE.STS. accustonîcd te net speaking of lier, "Oh, papa, the Canltons are cern- and she kliew se fow people, fliat ho ing this ýcveniug, and I w antefi yenlijW anl Unpopular Armny Genl- lad takon it as a molre courtesy that te tL-p Oniertain thenn, ' Lillian ex- eral Escaped a Mob.-The Judge Barkei lad wished te lie re-,claimefi. "They will 1 c se disapl- Schcel hhater's linse. inembored. He foit sorry for bis pointefi if yen arc neot îeî'c at ail. Ntloggafsosarye- tlinghlesnosforho ne1thtOf course, yeu wo't rai e te ceaie, eral, wlho waa temporarily und"r a she and Judge Barlier lad unown la, maanona. Papa, camle home reai ilod, s far as his wonted populai'- 1 eaci othor ail their live s ; while he carît, w o't yen ? Anale Carltoni ity is cencernofi, atteudefi a notable 1 himiself liad never mnet liim bofore saîd lier brother telfi ber-, tînt lehootal rch stegeea n their marriage; but lie difi net say hioped yon wonld lie homne."fobl ac.Astegnrlaf se, and after a few goueral remarks Pi'. Carter laugliefi.-1'I na rîhis renswreaot lav h hoe puiled eut bis papol' and loga that I caunot accemmedate mi.. crewd Cerghttai e o tli lnge roading. Roeet te niglit; but I tlîiak, Possy, woulri Le a gofi eue te display their t Wbule sho leaned lackad gazcd yen xvi liebable te consoeohia for iapoa ftowrirsieot out of the car window, but sic saxv nmY alscucee." ato ihrgr oiatr bu without seeiag. The words, "Be is Wlien Mis. Carter eatenod lier rees cio it egrdt natesah % asharnef of lier," and "A stuamhlioci tbat cvenïng, sotetaf toiwbich it is qnito possible fer twe ble," opti'ngig l be ers.aiul ofoo te nir or aui eokefand tho porsens te form t'o diffcreni. opia- î itlom d tha thtrigngi er vrs, ands pae tll fcw the fianie 0fand ions, anthei-yet net lie kiaves. At any i eeed thowras th y. pua rale thi ba' ih fsfrnib sofrate, it is surely îîot geef irnaaaors echedth wodsasthe sunaloaig tr gray larreolect ne. lho te hiss. andi oot an admittediy on the steel rails. "Ashamefi of stndeiutLaiteaitîx for a few mni- brave man la a puie place jnst boe- rne ! W oil, 1 gues lie and the chilfi- utos ; thon cie oeonod a draw ecr u e le h p e s t i a r e w t ron ail are ; and I have triod to do and took ont a pliotograph, it 'anscertainî paî'ty scleies W,711, the gea- the very liest 1 could." of a young girl witli soit curling eral's fnienfis tore afixisefi of the la- "The xeî'y best she celd." Horýis lialr inufi- sniiing tot, a-t-uenlikce taino h at0 etoî was a case oet which thëeoar0pc' Lillla's tliose laugl floated np tho thr og the at of ai-temorofi ahl areund us. froni the parler. littie -boys andf girls, nui they ar- Years heforo whea she liad martried "To thinlk how 1Iaman ond ithe Robi Carter, and setfled down omi the wn y 1 i-of te ol," sue saifi half littiefarm blf t lier by bier fath, b ler aloni. ,"i have tried te do miy life lad leokefi vory briglit te lier. bost, but pcrhaps I n-1id îîot do the O She had î'oceived as goed an educa- riglit ssy. I ,c3e new that it is net f tien as any oftlber acqnaintaaccs. nlght for, a woînnn to gise up every-4 t, oi and was vry fond of bolks and tbiug and nexor tliink ef lierseîf,' but tts lIost fthat at roadîng of evory kînd. Sho teok aui doi't secliew I cenld bave done - -mucli differentiy; but it is tee lato friend gets."- FAIT wii lieas'now for me,' and she leaned lierRahr ge to wiYOUbRas boad on fie table. R t___ie o treug as THPiesoatly an arm much tha too ittl ours if yon try--..- iher. Stobe aroundlitl I <*~~ I W b1, manîma ! wliat is wreng. 'Y' Ic iJ r and Tom's face was p'-essed against vle hs . k -Dos your had atee? W liat M k r , for t so W h loe pinta hncs l akrvobrand arnta ur o rfnd boyîsli fa tce lient oxer lber. "Don*I Ifree trial1 bttiç J yen write orit. Tommie," shie said, pulshing bpriCI SHiJOOHO coit,,,25 ceuts sdwIi cure Coli- his bair, "e se1haego-i I umptio, neoi, Bcditscalnl 1ad fdd n a-tfe inCaadte rvu ei eut,hom otiog strangors, n(,Idn' Ttis en en these tIhngs for f50 yearc. lilrne -,ou for' l oingah f S. . ELSCod.,. Toronto, Cn. me," d t1, bn si i er Kar'sClve RetTe crrct ficStiilcI ~~fID~l~UVA SleLoal'Xon Machine welghe 17 pouinds. It lemore wofl- _. 5eL 55ifl1 E S aO derful tihan a sewing machïne, jua mach"ine and outfl as durable, and hlgher speed. We wish te secor e tfe services cf fam 1 ocs te do, lviti ng for us iu their homes. Our method le thecsame as adepted lu England. We are the introdocers cf this plan and the langeet knitting ceucenlu Canada. Atter long expenience, we have3 been able te prodocee au Automatie Machine liy whici ail kinds ef seanesa ituit- tiug l.s uow doue y or Famiiy- Machine,' thereby dnabIlngý anycue of ordinaiy intellig;ence te. quickly learo te do the Work from the Instruction Guide. Ail we reqoii'e la that yen use tic machine sccondiug te directions. The Machine being made expresly for this purpose. and tic operatien se simple, it cannot pessibly make a mistake lunis work. The grat demand now le for Bicycle Stockîugs, Wood- moe' Socks, and Motermeu's Mittens, and as wo are un- able te sopply fie denaufi, have taken this metiod et ad- ventislng for more hein. Tic large expert irade te the Neî?tiwest Territonies, British Colombin, and tic British Colonies, funshes an, nu iimited demanfi for our goods, and, wlth the combiued ce- operation eofthfe many families we are empleyiug, tegethor 'wih the large amon f e knltfing ire aie able te fora ont, liy whidh we save rente incurance, Interest ou capital, etc., enabies us te undenseli Auy manuacturers of tbis clpas et goode, and we bave sale for ail the knittinZ wO eao lave torned -ont. Tic price we pay for1 fiuisiod bicycle aitockings i*s $1000o per hudred, or at tie rate ot 10e per pair; woodroen's secks, 5c, and mofci'mcn s mittene, 12e a pair. Ail etior ,work lu proportion te size. The machine can lie operated by any oeeoe a family, aund at oun prices ae ungetie family ehenid lie able te sustain themscîves cemfontahly, aud lu time lie a source of Indepeudeut comfon f. Our plan Is te send ont oaci machine te beginnens with a soec or steckiug partially knitted, and nemaining in the machine ready te lie ceutinned, and aise enengli yante keit cne pair ef sample secks or stockiugs and 9a simple and complote Instruction Guide, siîewhnghow the work le te le doue. When the sauîples have been finished sud 'reluned te us catis factery, we send a quantlty et ynrn, ,whlch yen luit-and reten likewise--when--finishuec.- -We prepny charges ou ail work eue way,, aud 0cr v,'orkers pay returu charges. The wanl, ns we have ctated, le simple aed raidly doue. the machine having a capacity cf tee thon- sand stitohes a minute. We have mny pensons uow lu our employ who can luit frem tweety-tive te thinty pairs of scks on stoclinge a day, sud where the time cf a faîuuly le devoted te the-werk, Yen can readiy sec that $1500 lon V0.00 nen weev cen hé easily earned. WVe turuish aur wenlens ail the ma-teniais, yare, etc, free, and everything tint is uecessary fer the work. We are furnlshing tie machines enýly fer flic exclusive use et those desining te tale employmeut with us, who must, in orden te beconi' a memien, coud us tiis Centract Orden Iî'enm, pnoperlv sigued hy thcm, aud at least oegeod refer- ence, sud rnemittance acengly, te give us the uecessary asonance that the quantities ef vainabie yan ie may coud fnom tIne te time will net bocstastofi or miiappnopniated. 0",,r tnet are mutuai, and tisi coutidence mnst bo ce- tn-lse fw r esucceed. We guaTauf ee tair dealiug and prompt paymeut ton wenk, se do no£ sel os te deviate fnom cur t erme as we caunot mnaIe a diitinction with oe and net anotien; besides, ire anc deing an' extensivçe busi- noi, sd uetlegevenî'd by bnuespnincioles. The nufactuned price et the machine is $15, and posi- tlvely wili net le- eeld te o.uy etiens than tiose Who- mli agree te de knitfing ton os. 'If at any tluîe et ter You, commence, and have doue, au amontt orwerk eauai te ticL punchase price, sud wish te disoninewe will tale bacl machine sud retend fie mrutpald for came,, ,atten deducting rosi utfon ex- 'There i, a I.atrge-Demand ly île Tnade. for tbis class if monl. O n rlers eundepenuon it ye7 n utten yeer, sud ~ ~ it iye enae liius (miele on spare fi me) se li keenyensoopiedwith, wonl as long as yeo i aîfc lonlv orns nd et'ruitprocmptly. We cuAtruef our 'ecrI- P "IF tv-'eoui setvluai oyan.aud as we gîve1 rrefereuces a; te or houesty and integnity, me must asie ye e ote ceiluorder that e may kuow witi whom we are dettiing. We have, in as bniet a manner as possibl 1e, oendeavored Lte show von irbat our monl le, sud me simpîy say as te the miachine, it le lest whaî me nepnesent ih te ho, and wmliipoil- tively, do evenythiug we dlaim for it, on retond fie money. Enci machine, eecunely packed with an ottit, lesset Op for wenî, theonghly tes ted, and aà sock on stecking partiale luit ted befene boxiug Lsud shippiug. Sieuld 'yen decide ý'to engage vi-iflius, i i ho bc 'ccssany te coud ns Cash Cen- tract Onden Honni, pnoperiy signofi by yen, sud ai least oee geefi nefernce, fegether miti vie remittauce, accordiugiy, upon receipi cf wiicî we mil terward machine and outfit ready to commence. E.espectfuily yenrs. GLASOW WOOLLEN CO., 37 Melilnda Street, ToRont Our 19pf*'erences&-Eîxpress Compaccles. B.%iks, or Teroiigo iu ilessIlieu[sts. If ron mi te examine fhe machine and cee the mn- tonial be'-'e unedenfaliug fie merle, yen dan do se hy sending $300 as e, goanantee et geod taiti, and te dotfray expense et chipping, ced me wîli coud everythiug te yonnr neareit ex'press cempany, leaviug a balance et tweive dollars te psy the agent and 25 colite ton the retoru charges ou fie money te us. We are se tneqoently and unnecescarily asked if oee an learnc teluit muenot a tendher. 'ce say, Hec; if roqoires ne teachen; any pensen et endinany intelligence mie can reae tie Instruction Guide cen icîn f0 luit ai on,.e. --ORzDER 33'OR1NI $15.OO Cash Contract Order Form. To fie Glasgow 'Wooiou Ce., 37 Melinda lSt., Tornto. Genflemei,-I c1'sire te do île wonl as descnrihed in tues advertisement, sud enclose $15 te psy for eue Anfeiiatic Ruittiug Machîune, tegefien witi matenial, instructions, aud ovonything necaîsery tor tic wonî, the came te lbe sent to me-by Exp)ress, CIIARG.F.S PREPAIDO. if is uudersfood and agneed tiat any tinoat ater T lave Idoue ce amount off morî euni te the pendisse pnice, $15, ansd widi te discontinue, fiat fthe Glasgow Weeleu Co. wiii taIe lied tue machinesud cettit, aud atter dednoting theil expeese, refend mie tic amount paid ton came. _ Sonder or head et tamily (if Possible) must sign here: Fulnl name, ........... ...... ..... ...... ..... ................. P. 0O..... ................. .............. Street................ Couuty . ... ........... ...... ..... rv...... ............... Neaneci Express Office le at ........ ....................... For reference. I name fie felloieng person: ..... ... ...... .. .... ... .................. Be cure teouse itus fonm, hen cpeuding youn'remî-iit- tance for fie machine aud outfit, which ,yeu nmuet tfili lu sud have sigued hy a' least eue god reterence lut the proper place. Tean off sud retoru te us, sudlal tt bore hem muci time yen can devote o t île wenu; a!s hem yen wici te ho paid, welly, mouîhiy, or as yea ceu4d lut the weî'i. Send roon remittance by Express, Mony rOdoer, Iei. tered Letton, 3n Peet-Office' Mouoy Ondený,sudwewfll proîuptly forward machine, outtit, aud simiple guide ter deung the work. This l i he et ffon ever maný1deohr henefit et Canadiaus mie wart te wenk and maIe imoney a: huaie.

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