egraphy which is as flos a Literary N'otes. actually writtejk by the wolnderful girl herseif is, oniy uad by the remarkabie literary ineqt of lier Ainsee'sMagai or A-.rUl con- pr-oduction. Thýere is a delightfu1ly tains an,, articleo r startýlîng im11- proa ril about "The Presi- portanc,"Divorce and(tthelC.Fail [y- cdenti's DaugIter,- accorpaniea by a by Rlev. Percy ýStickney Grant, one h!ijithertounuise picture of Miss of dte mlostiluita picpllioet, a)duba nd a pretty story-of the clergymnen in New York. "ln the siniging of E-aste'r carols ln aNe PEARL WEDDING.GIATG DYR S1G Thuirsday eveinigupwards of 200 re- latives a-d frends o?,,r, and Mrs. Casey Grand Trnnkl Arrangees Plans for' Truil, Darlingtoni, wededthiay rcir ixsb to "The Grage t uite wtthem in clebratin.- the tiritieth anniveirsr ofý their wedding C1d0o eryvstos TUE ZCO0YV'eRS TIES WEEES. anxious to do honoto , the occasion offer-1 ed their heartiest cngaulton nd Tbu ' h rand Trunk Railway TUIE 11011E OF U0IO~INS IAT OUR LAW14MAXERS ARE DOING AT OTTAWA. C...TAX EXEMPTIONS. Mr. Sifton told Mr. Oliver 1that 9 1 4472acres of land were patnte PLAST.R..FA.LED Liniments, Qils and -M3any Other Mediines did no Good. TiýV1s of