christi Vi.ew of Death as the Entrance. to a Tuiler Life. CEne~'d acorjngta et ! irlment fi the spiendors that' the infinite Gcd NrdaiTu yWijmB i ne Hraî,a-inlaal the ages has been able to in- the EW»ar:ment et Âgiaufture, Ottawad vent.Vcor A despatch fr om Washington says THE IUN OT THE TOM B. -Rev.- Dr. Tal1mage preacheti froîn j This view, of course, makes it Of! Teinnent liveti to write what. ho helad seen wthile his sou1 was gone. THE FINAL VICTORY. Andi so Mhen the world's last Easter morning shal] con)-e thh' soul twill descend, cryinig 'X'here is my bodty?" Anti the body will sed saying, "Where is my su? Anti the Lord of the res i i rrteci o n wil! bring them together, atiJ it wilI be a perfect soul in a perec b-' dy, introduced by a perfet Chist into a perfect' ileaveni. V ictor ty! OnIy theý bati disapprove, of thie re-' surreCt, i. Ah, there wi11 be more to rise on that day than those-whosc crimes hav e ne ver beeni repenteti of ,vili want to ',ee! But for ail others wvho alloived Christ their par-1 :ONIHEEAR4 <C1'EAP SOIL FERTILITY. one of the highly important of the leading elemients in soi f ertility 'ii nlitrogen. while it is onie of the miost expensive of the three leading ingredienýts of a properly cotapounti- cd formula, it is also thea most vola- tile.TInc<inseque~nr'e of thisfact it is liable to be lost by improper trentment. It is a well-kcnown f act that nearly f o ur-fifths of, the atmlos- PAGE METAL GATES are àn lu arie no ene.can a to use wooden ones. tihtsd a trong enough to su ort a havy Ma on teedwieh swings arond t ccle wîthfont cauSîng them to sag. They are nealj i appearaiice will Ia alfetime. wilnotseagnor get rickety hey are supplhad with latches wh±oh allow tmlobeopeny 0ad aither way and are self acting. Thae only od ma taigat that ia low eo" in priee for general farm purposes We also make ar dOramental Feues.Pý POultrI'?ettrNg, Nand ss taples. The Page Wir5 Fones Co..Limltcd*Walketvjiir 1nt The Beaver Bplock SaleU We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six week3 and have lots to dispose of yet, and verv eheap-frst-elass oodsk at verv smal1 nriceq'. Fnin LL~ T ~