uri~iss i~ a -4ed1 Therýe was a time wheD it was ad!ffleuit maeir Ute ge-a CeefOrt-1 able and perfct fitting Truss, but todya man îs veryfecoisli te suifr dy aterday when lie can get fitted àithel of the latest and rnestderal styles of Trusses at mieh a mede-Irate ,price. Wehave made a specialty, of Truss filtting fer fifty years and if GADTRiJNK RAILWAY. Necagin arts GRAND WA Now ciean up back y,ý ards. BOWMîAt-VILL3I STATION~. Talmagâ's sermon On an ins de~ page. ~~(;AIN WXST. 'Notes and Cmmn% rC Ol?±an inside .~i3 a.fl.I EpreS... B10 a;,i'1page. p..re1s.10 3 Loce.8 150 P.mi Splendid brick residence for sale~e Loaleg...p.pasner. I5 p advt. Exres oe nt o es My. ornfl. ay Of Qulinte Conference meets at STOT&JUR. TnflA vents NaPanee.j une h, S'rÂ'rnMA eNei iw subscrihers 'bal- if &nl4ë of 1902 for 50c. 'Mr. Wesley N. Hloshin, Bthesda, bas BOWMAVILL, AP. 9, 190.taken a Position ini the electrical w3,orksl -ue n her arîir~w Mr, 'M. A. James returned fromf New Eead th liewYorkl Cit.an Wednesday having had a~ aedtend Trotsemel S p2 aat.ist STÂmMANandTornteWord ~ Miss Nellie Pattinson entertained a ArthurBues advýLrtises stOlk 1for number of ber spung friends yery s7ale. pleasantly Friday evening. "Dan Id" e. a ight istarle-tte On- The tol gates have b6Een abolished in anunie ae Hope Towni-ip and the council atre of- Millr'sGri PowersCur.3Sld by fering the telti huses for sale. Sttt & Jury druggists. Mr. E. Galbraith, Brantford, an old Mrs. . . LGaoowin is cllecting fer emlayclee of the Furniture Coznpany, the bijcycle cne path fuind. visited old friends bore recently. Miler's ranules eurc, Constipation. The Story of an Amierican Oyster by soid byStot & Jury druggists. LoweiI is an interesting rticle Jrn April i - l '~w'~ ataewav n umbro cine' aaie ~~~Wqbboe" 6#00qç f n See Literary Noýtes nF sd page.' Z:Report of TruIl Pearl Weding i-on a in.dde page. Mr. Gordon Jury gave a party týe a number of Irieùds'l'iday e',ening. Don't forget the Qu-Lery social iii Trinity school-room noxt Tuesdayeven-. ing. Yen should try a packaoee oÎ Aunt Jemnima's Pancake Fleur. ?ýor sale at MeMurtry 's. Strawberry Plants-two best kinds grown-for sale by C+ardon D. Fletcher, Bowmanville. Mr. A. E. Cebbledic, Oreoias purchased the livery bitness of W. K. TI:omas, Oshawa., Mr.- Thos. AlUin, WUhitby, bas remaoved te the Mclntosh farm northà of Newcwastle whlch he bas purchased . Mr. Robt, Beith, M. P., has been chosen to purchase 2,000 harses for the iiext contingent to -go to South Africa. The Mthedist.Deaconess Home at Whittey is being enlarged. The new building will provide accommodaltion for 70 children and will cost $1.500. Cobouirg Methedist Sunday Sehool basi organized a choir unerth drec- tioni ofM.J dwo.r, is(her, choý,ir- For the next 15 da ys are going to make big re our very large stock. 'This stock was'purchaç and ail purchased in the best markets for spot seling high-tc1assgoods already established; save you money and make you a, continuous h Our China P eductions iniorder to reduc41e bsed ..at a raâté on thIdllar t cash; our reputa-,tion for purchases madeheewl bayer at our store. >'arlor3 LI Â.U ICIK ÏJ1. L ý, L WUY I C,iillU ý LL PJUL ,.'.J ' ..< Pmr'~. ji .J wll be mnade; so corne to u,, last, but if tirne is money, corne to us firsýt. -71ff 14W 7iff 7Ar ?W'FýW -4w,;w 7AW,ýW -4w,ýW -IW «n 1 eawker & Tait i s