ILVT1ES A4D1) VUV2' The appointmeint of a royal com- mission to invetigate the immigra- tion et-il in England is the resuit (9f a very active agitation amiong Brit- ishI workingmen. But, if, as the Lon- don S3tandardl says, the pu1rpose of the2 Goverumiient oesno frhr than the exclusion of cririnals the people box-, and dusting bis rufile aîter the dust lias reached thenstls Per-1 biaps our- denmocratic age(, does not miss this delicate art, bu t it mnust have been a pretty 0mie la its day, and that day is not yet remnote. Some of us can remnember grand- mnothers with beautiful caps and stil, more beautiful enamnelled snuff boxes. A sIender old band witb something AManchuria and to ceaýse iieddiing in' Corea. That, for the present, at ail events Eussia wili obeyj the admonition seenis probable, but, to save lier dignity, she niow pretends by the joint note that sIhe bas intended all along to follow the course prescrib- ed. The signaies of the joint note PACKETSiý- C.wlri s E ED s '~~~~~~~s e ie PLM~ combloatlon of Rye, VIE B I UE5f. 29 4. E irs La-d10 t. »Wheet and rty Ram oar-1 swea.t have oefeto with Kureka Ha-e ness Oil. It te- lis tde dansp, keepa tse leaths e soft iand p * a . S tehe9 do not break. and cut. Thse barnet, .mot