£A&t TERMS :-41.50 PERE ÂNZqU. OUIC TOWN "ID OOtNY PIlRT; TEX WORIM ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoanPopet. Nc =is-BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APTRIL 16, 1902. VOLUMEXVIIN.1 A TALI WITR GIRLS * ~ How to Obtail Bright Eyes and A 1- Rosy Cheeke.ý A, 's -- -- Il M I A Il ~Pale, Anoemic and Easily Tired Girls N * - -Often Eall a Prey to Cnupin c a rP e t DU I EU Il n young girls we look for abundant sNI.Ls.health and strength, rosy chbeeks,-bright eyes, firm, plump flesh and constant Scheerfuiness. How oft« ten.hoever, we-, meet youug girls who seemn premature- We have neyer shown as fine a stock of ail kinds of Carpets as we do now: iritable. These abuormal and danger- ness of blood, and should be cured just '1W' iur +r~ fliias promptly as possible or thei whole Union CapeJs, f"m 25o > ix) 0 ife of the patient will be ruiuned, if, in- 1w 4,.,doed, decline and consumption do not 001 WC a rpets, - rom 600 UP W.>850 speedily follow. Dr. Wil'im'Pn SO r es q allity 3-ply Carpets, 91.00 logical and sure cure forvv-eak girls. 'O rbetq These pills e rich, red, biood with __ nyCapt ro 0 p o7 eevesadope. he tew-hoen ther n Ta esryCapes, - rm_0e ±~ t_ C _eýr'eyct dose. the v ýy stn ndh DENNIS FOUND'GUILTY. William James Dennis, the Rose- neath merchant over whose arrest Chef Jarvis displayed such bravery, was found guilty at Cobourg of obtaining money under false pretenses from hie late partuer, Daniel O'Leary. He was also found guhlty on the charge of steal- ilg a quautity of siik fram L. F. Clarry, assignee for the benefit of c.red. itors, and was senteuced by Judge Ben- son on these two charges, and on the charge of stealhng goods from the assignee, Dennis was sentenced tol nine months lu the Central Prson on the firat charge and on the other charges to tbree months, the sentences to run concurrently. A SIJCCESSPUL YEAR. The annual statement of the Western Bank as presented to the share-holders at the annual meeting on Wednesday week le one reflecting credit on the management of this popular and grow-, ing institution lu our midst. The net profits of the bank have exceeded $50,1 Bowmavillein the Fifties. No. 2. In the earîy fifties the only meaus afforded the public for travelling was by boat or stage, the Grand Trnk Railway flot being bulit until 1556. A A hune of stages running from Toronto rto Belleville icarryîng the mails and gasseugers was owned and conducted y Wm. Walter, and Wm, Glover, "an executive character, "the father of our, IMr. Wm. Glover, the livery stable keeper, was the stag-e manager in Bowmanvil[e. The arrivai or departurel of thie stage usually created a littie excitement lu the village. The principal portion of the merchan- dise, both iinported and exported, was carried by boat and during the season of navigation ist of the merchants' doiug business would be compelled t0 lay in sufficieut stock to carry on their business until the openinX' of navira- north side of the road and immediately under the hILi on which is J.C.Vanstone'iî dwelling, a pottery was conducted by two brothers named Bâiley. Edward Silver owned and conducted a pump factory on Silver St. on thie sitti of thie piroperty now owned by Perey family-s A furniture factory, situate on thie site of thie late Upper Canada Furniture Co,, was owned and cotiducted by F.- SY. Cowie, Samuel Mason and Richard Philp; Thomas Manning and Mr. Free-' man each couducted cooper shops on Scugog St., employing, a number of men making barrels for trie mille as at tris time the flour was exported ln barrels, lHarvey Soper owned and operated a saw-mill near thie site of John McKa 's oat miii. Thie village also boasted of having two distilleries. and one brewery. The brewvery was situate on the propertv now, owned by