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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1902, p. 2

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IResidets in London xvho arc lu- te2cs-ted lun their place of residence, its com)Dplicated social problcms, and its vast. population, to wlîicli so niaiiîy foreign nations miake contribu- tions, find the latest Biue Book rela- tiveo to lest yoar's census e. fascinat- iag study. t is a Inost intimato documnent, althongli its tables miay haiefoi bidding appearance. it '01,; of every Londouer's place of biti, age, occupation, and condi- tion, and even records tlic nucuber of husbauds, cnoic eue baud. and the wive s, on flic otîxen, whose speuses weîoe absent ounflie niglit on whicli tue returî we.s made, tieugilihe Re- gisiran-enerinlnîîtiug fliat thene 5o' 47,310 liusbards nifeless, eand i,05wives husbandless, doos not sgst flat ail thesecuioass repre- sontod,! donîcstic tragedies. Ncarly two hundned pages of fects foi Londoners ane' sot.forth la effec- tiivc contrast, and ho who will, may fiom these pages learn uchi.~ of thie bustling city. If is noîeîan rity, or ratier administrative county. t comprises:- Seven t.y-four tlîeusand, eiglit Iun- dred and tlîirty-nîne statute acres. Fiffy-ciglît Parliiennary constitu- eniclos. Twentv ic-ht metropolitan b<>n- flic last namned of 40,824 since 1891.11 110W LONDION LIVES. IThese cousus figures suggest flic question:-' IIow 'dees London live?" And-flic offliciai roply is'nef without iuteî'est in view of fhe iucroasing de- rnand for lieuses for thc working classes, a.nd is ree.ssuriug, since theno is e. decline lunflic luddliug togethor of peer people in single neonîs. It la sfaetd:- 'The tote.l number o! sepunate feu- emieuts, whicli lad been 937,606 lu 1891, rose te 1,019,546, the increase being equal te 8.7 per cent. Of this total flie tenemieuts containinig five or mîore reoins increased from 307,- 037 te 347,516 equal te 13.2 per cent., while tflic eese of those wif b lese flian fiye roomis wus fromn 630,569) te 67-1,030, and idl îot ex- ,ceed 6.6 per cent.. The rate of lu- crease lanfthe larger touements we.s, thocrefoî'e, cxactly double fliat shoîvu in flic sialler tfecîeut s. Stated lu aîîotber way, flic tenemeuts with ivbe or more roois iverc equal te 32.7 per cent. of tlie total teneuxonts iu 1891 and te 34.1 per cent. at flic ne-- centcousus, while tlie lircoufage o! fhelc cimonts ,,vifli less thaîî five remuai declfnod frein. 67.3 te 65.9. The neducion in flic iiiuber of flic latter ckces of tenemieuts ivas înest MUFFINS A'iD ROLLS. with a soft sponge or cloth, will re- move theln. Celery la saud parsley mey bc dricd and used for flavoring seups, etc. To kèep pies or cakes from buru- ing on the bottoui, sprinkile sait on oven under pans. One teaspoonful ecdiof tartar cmi- etic and ssugar iii tbrce tablespoen.- fuis of w htrpac lere the ants will drink of if, will drive themn away. Eveny liousewîfc delights lu"lic se . 1lia kbreoin te dean eut making of liot breads. The soto e lcsiik, a rew scrubbiug brnsli te cooli, aboie ail ofliers, is fumnons ifer dean potates, a iicw toofli brusi fliese deli.cacics, îvhiriî are utillzcd te dlean celei y aud flic nilk strain- as e. breakfast, lunclîcon and supper on. A scrubbing bruslî is flic best disli. he necipos gix on icre have tlinîg f laf eau lie used te washflic licou tried wifli success. uîilk aus witli. Use cnîery poîrdor liolicieus P'arker leuse RIlis-To a.nd ker-osene to cdean flic nickel ike reilisfiat will liferally mneit lu trimiîîiugs on flic steve. flic meti aud-are bofli delicate and To remex o tai' frein ceo ton goods, toflîsome, scald one plut of milk, rub witlî lard befere wuslîing. add te if oeelîaping tablespoonful A simili woedeîi box filled witli of butter and an evon teaspoonful of limie, kepi ifinececllai', paîîtry andi satit. Thon stand uside unt il luke- closets, iili bsorb tflicdumpîîoss Wvarmn. 1f t eue quart of fleur into andi koep the air dry and pure. largoe ertlîeî bowl, mix wiflî it a Use liquici bluiug anîd yen ill îîet fablespouful o! grniulated sugur, be troublecl fî'en rest, on your and eue cake comnprcssoht yeast dis- clef les., solved lu a littie warîn watcn. Stir To î'oîî putty wifliut iujury te tegelior flic fleur and flic waruî mîilk flic glass pass e. bot selderniiîron addiug more fleur as requirod te over if. Thli lieut of the iren soft- muko a stitili dougli. Cover tiglitly eus if, and peu'mits ifs i'eiuox ai wîli anîd let stand iu a wurn, net liot, a kuife oî' chlsel wlfhout tr'ouble. room over uight. In flic uoriîing kneud flic dougi tboroughly, tien CIIEATNG- CTIILDRETN OUT 0F niake lut o snal turniover- relis, and JOY. let stanîd lu a warn place until very A writer alludes te flhc habit of lîglit, hnbkinaqikoefr paintinîg tflfuture too brightly te fiffoon minutes. childr'en and faiiiîg te lay stress up- Soutiieru Egg Bread-Few nerf b- ie wîi are thelîs alone. ornons kuow or appreciaf e Ibis deli- 'nie.ý cousoquent habit of anticipationi clous breakfast disi. To lie made luewihto uli e ut ifs b,'st tlie goîuino soullin elteu iîîîee.dite palWuiî sliould be uscd, but eveji f tîa.t is fdî'oppio la)Ierii lfe ndglte peace- INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE WORLD'S rIETROPOLIS. IN YiPjRiýY GLUfLÏEMlANfl NEWS BY 1XIAIL ABOUT JOHN B'ULL AN~D HIS PEOPLE. Record of Occurrences in the Land Thiat is Supremie in the Corn- mierdiai World. An Fufieid juiryman was fined $2 for refusiug te view a dee.d body. 1The lieuse of Lords comprises 590 peers. Twcnty-two Dtikos sit lu tlie Ileuse ef Lords. Thone are 670 mnembers 0f flic lIeuse of Gommons. 'flic peaker offlice BritishlIleuse of Coinions reccives £5.000 a year.* The inuer basin of fthe Royal Dock- yard at Woeîiici is soon te bç. lilled up. Wifhiu flic past fliri'l.v eurs British Ports have guined 24,1 million tons of sliipplng. Lendon's 25 thleatres xiii seat 28,- 600 people, represontiîig a îniglîtly earnlug 0f £6,000. The late Sic Archlbald Smitli, Mas- fe o 0fthle hoils, lias left penseulty of the neît value of £94,052 8s 10d. The Gurdeners' -Magazine declaî'os f bat thie rose will l e lcoconation floirer uften ail. A H-igli Wyconîhe tobeconiist-nexrs aetwas fincd for Sunday trading Linderflic act f0fChla ries 11 The Englisli Baptists are sf111 seme £50,000 or £60,000 short e!flice £250,000 whîlclî fley are aiming te maise. The Ilukeofo Rufland, wlio receîîtiy clebrated lus 83rd biî'tlîday, is euee cated by' kissing the Bible" mfter repeating the e.tli.1 Mfr. Cecciiliodes bas becomo a.uý English le.nded proprieferi. lHe bas purchased, - at ox'u' '£100,000, tli Daihain I-lu ostate, near New.ar- ket. The preperty extends te 31475 acres, and the annual incoîne frein il. is about £4.000. The cerenatien of George IV. wasi the înest nagnifWcent ceremeony evor wifncssed iu Britain. Qucen Victor- ia's corenation cesi. £69,42-Lls1s,0d, and William the IV. 's £42,298 3s 9d-a stariling drop frein the ameo-int ef £2413,000 spent on George IV. An anonyinous gentleman lias offer- ed £1,000 for a ncw lifebe,1r fer Cisobut theofeuer bas liad te be declînefi, as Sir W. Beaucuhamp bas alrzad y offered te provide a new iE Bury brandli of the Queewu Vic- ter-n.Jubile e'IiiîstiCiute la receli c,-dau anonynieus donatien e £Q1,0)00 te stant au endowmaent fond ln nîcmeIIry ef the late Queen Vic- toria. 1 Tu "le new fish market and coaiing stage at the Prince of Wailis' dock, Swansea, which hlas beori oustrncted ut an outle.y of £20,000 were for- maliy opencd by Mr. Griffith Thomnas the mal or. It is said tint tihe eldest man lu London is James AlcNaliy, of South Lambethi. wlîo on Fcb. 19 was 105. 'fie wais boru iii Kiug's County, lie- land, and wus ah flirougli the Ain- enican cliiivar. Se fui uccordiiîî tote icWest EnOj boeuse agents-ici'y lew Ilises have been takýeilfer the ceronation sea- son in Lonîdon, and those that have been lot lhai c clanged bauds 0on i ry niod erate -- ecmi s. 111 fROPED 5igO] FEET SEINSATIONS QF AN AM~IATEUR PARACHUJTIST. Tic Glo rlous Éceling of Soaring, Through Space-Herrors of The Descent. -Riding flic beg" is net irimt t nuVs lu mY finie, suid a, retired para.- chufist. NPIowudays a man begins te, work thle lever as SOOn as lie is wcti clean 0f thle buildings and fnee-foea and lias f o-îd e. nice soft place te uligif on; but li n y dava,, ai dnot se long ugo eiflier, only a uettrof foi,, ccii yeans, wlien a na mfean uscenL t'Ifwas sometlilug 1lik auji as-, cent, and lie neyer flieuglîf ef cutitiug lîimself adîi-it outil lie lied put nean- ]Y hl aife.mile befîvon hîsef iîd tonna-firme. 1 shulli oembon lusinst f ail frnm fixe dlouds until my dyiug day. Ilt camxe about by an accident; iu fact, 1 iad nîlmoi-c fliught of tuking tai parucliutiug as a livclihood thaof beçoiug a King. If iras ut flic fine wlin flic Union ]Pacifie railroaci teoan te boom flic Great Sa-lt Lake in Utuli us e. loliday nesort, and my partueî' and 1, irliewceegyninasfs and trupeze ponformens. irere ameng flhc artistes uttî'ucfed le flic place. Onîe (ay, as I wus sittiug itih my pui'tunrut lunchinlua down-tewn res- tauirant., we saw a fiuîiug placard anuounding a series o! parachute as-. cents by flic nenownod Van Tasel, aud, iientiouiug e. fa.bulouis sum f lihat w'as paid tote c -inîg oicheAir", for bis per-for-mance.1 I1 se.id iu flic co ursc of conver'sa-

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