) I J i f I ( 1~ a c n h t] a ti ~1 n ai Floradora is the latest producton in STÂTESMAN to new Subseribers ba 'prfme oî a MDrmd'. ne f 90 or50.Plough boots splendid values at The Mi sacs Janet and Mar Gabr.h were I alo h e t r-Froid R Foley. in Toronto ast week. Y ab t Grnules, Sold by Stott & Jury drug- 3 for 25e at Mey-artry , gists. and one ~Miss E,i Mat1hewý of Bfao .Y~I. Our offer of one oidd oneo.cBrocki *** IIeS5 etiMBuffaloLN. Y. new subscriber for. $1.50 tili1 Mo!4§ Miss a rsjnC ryd r a 5 te dngA . EkE. U .~ O oo.ICentral Business College, Toronto. R e d u eWt 0 i X~¶I~ All bi Granles are s mnai; cbiiri' La~ are no higher in price Yo g col. Sm. Hughes as been elet~ 0ffvo u your Spring Medicine at ans. ~A Doe ateflusdays or lav yu s wrnou tat McDermid'a Drug Store. JleadTh Mason Cola new advt. They k er Doo a edonsda's orkleve ouso ornou tht0 Young Gents, M. Ma-ver has a full are having a special Corset sale this * your brain lsaal in a whirl? Does sleep fail to refresh you? * lino of spring hats, caps, and tics, new week. yuwudscsmtig Frte9et1 asaegigt aebi eutosi re ordc Poe th monig fnityo litles ad mbiiones, n nobyand nice. Cali to sec them,please. Ladies, i o oudscsoeh our tenlgear Th gt ak i rdeîosi udrt apoo te orniregkfast a icsndd biton1esyfInfan~te to yugte taxemedicne zay be real fine visit Cawker & Tait's China Orvery lrestock. Tis stock was purcnased at a ra te on the dla apfetie forbekfasta ond to n nergy. cuie l ured of croup, whooping cough and colds by Parlr. and ail purchased in the best markets for spot cash; our reputatio o 'ftisdsrieyorcntin ouneeseqie * srgVpCrsln-h beh I New life for a quartier.' Miller's Comn- selling high-class goods already established; purchases' made herewl tonng p. egeetwhe l ths cndtio isdagerus.~ . Gentlemen, now is the time to buv pound Iron Pilis. Sold by Stott & Jury It is just this class of cases that yield in a marvelously VI 3or Spring hat, cap or neckties. M.' druggists. Save you money and make you a continuous buyer at Our store. sho t t m e to be w on er ul on c a d î vi ora if g i fl enc ~ Inspection nvitec. gerald returned fro m, the W est Indies Maeosuf ne fget' unihn st Mes W . JnsadIo iz ur China Pý-arlor ~~~ of .~ ~ ~~~~~E Be young! It ls only necessary tolatek.slenpho t15to!fe f R ENSNREADBODBIDRrta i e'sCompd ron Pll t ar8 en ewsstleivpotswti h l ofed hetoW n and in this departmenît a great sacrifice o rc ONE BOX (50DOSES) 25c.Sold by Stott & Juryv druggists, are npioos-Theyb made; SO corne to us last, but if tune is roe on ou is ONE BOX (50 DOSES) 25C.Clarke Council have given the contract Strawberry Plants-two best kinds oecm t uf f to Mr, W. J. Devitt, Greenwood, to grown-for saeb odne lthr oxes manufacture a qnantity of Cernent cul- BOwmanviIlebI Gro8D.lece, G.rocery Specials vert pipes in the gravel pit at Orono, Good goods., f air prices and every- Gae 11 S.' ane reppe 5 5 . hnasrepresented ut Cawker & Tait's Nutnpee p. g~~~~~ ~ Rv [I 1 OF[ FR API 0 .aaT.D Witu t T front editorof gocrystore. Te~Canned Tomatoos, 2,5cCnne i Crn, tins 15c theChrstia Herald, oragd e r Good Work Stylislhut and Sure Cand Peas, 3 tins 25e - 6lsgo okn is25 This remedv lias a ishmei Washington, D. C., MaBon Co's store.GeOrPiefo - ' given Our custo m ers Saturday nig lt, aged 70 y ars n.o d t ut ea e~g r t~ i L a r I we will hand back * winter service fromn Boston to aedi. The Mason Cola store. your moneyvtwrthoutnports--Gibraltar, Getioa, vv o re Fre, h e od ~]~ ash paid for al F rm Pr duw if rorent's hesitation Druggists and Opticians. ai Aeadia ikt 7 orecently placed upon the markiet. Ask afvutvteePI 40 I.A -Ms Steamship Ticket your grocer for a package. * andare lot paase 56 inch navy and, black, fine twill t with the result IBOWMANVILLE. * Aepain question: Do you really get serges pure wool: best value we lever ~I '/ ~ . ~ . i .,I _______________the ol Painkiller-Perry. Davis'- had at West End House 75e yd. * * whe yu ak fr t? ettr e SreMrs. j G. Manninghbas returned rom BOWMANVILLE, than sorry. It bas not, lu 6) vears, ckoIlwe absspna **eeee~~eeee*ooeee~~oeooeoo ~ failed to stop Iooseness and pain ln the Hctn I. hr h a pn _______________________________________________bowels. month with ber parents and sister. 0Pynv-Balsam cures ail couglis. ît Parties haviag Force tickets will GRAD fUN RýILWY. sootes, It heals8, il cures quick and car- kindly bring' lusoon as possible and S lioe er's GAND V14N RALWY tainly. 'yyBla alsmr ie try a package at John McMarîry's.________________________ BOWMÀUZVILLE STATION~. ly everY Year. Manufacturad by the MeMurtry's have certainly Soule sy h B3 c ah%~E5; r GreWB.m rpitrsOfPryD'i'Pi lish hats lu their hat dept and for $200 The Home for the Aged and Infirm m .. ______EAT. rOIN WINic .opMrstAl 0nfofery Davi'gPain th2e00 1 ______ Exp5arenss.. r.you get quality eombinied with styleLte e oleslnre Exprss...... - 2 I -oca . S 10 Il M onth after m onth a old etcs, and ue uti s r m sl s r tones new m atron. h The constant Pasne.,.xWp.m.Psger.. irW seems to, tear holes in your throat.Ar beautif ai patteris, aiso uti oe oa .655 P.m. Exprss.-.7 3 r5U5erai ae bending over Express does nt go west Monday morning. you aware that aven a stubborn and and window shades a t West End that of naces- STOTT & JuRy. Townt Agente long-neglected cold ls cured with Allen's Hou se. siya shoe- longer. and besi selected stock of new and sty. mkrmu st akt auadau lt4ttoman Neyer is timae more pracions than Ilsh Christie and Fedora Hats at M. "Ail fa not gold that S do whenlat -when some member of the family is Mayer's. wr.Cme OMNILAR 16192,attacked by colic, dsseutery or any Monkey Brand So&P is' a cleaner and ' ___________où____the___ bowel trouble, The doctor is distant polisher combined, but won 't wash clothes. Shoc finish covers up oak nhe r.H. . Knight spet Snuday in but if errvais' ai nile r i na Mr. A. L. Darcli was n Peterboro shoc value, and throwsle bao n h d-ord onldngrisonede.Friday night assistiag LnaamdtOUbacuu"n ho ont kd oot.. Be $sure vou gel the kind vou have minstrel show ne iecmtio ofzck po so ey.Sunday was too cold forithe sp ring alwavs bl.d-Owing 10 the WgreaidrecipopfMr -Backaclie,milerdsav ularity ofof "The D. & L." Menthol JeHlav lae ek Surely we have had rain enougli ta Fiaster, unscruDulous makers ara put- F. C. Peihick is agent for The Edison The Mateeprice o lae eksatisfy the lhirsly carîli, ting up one like il. For rlicumatism, Phonograpli. Prices from $10 ta $100.- an srabak Report of House of Commouns pro. neuraigia, etc., noihiug isbeiler. MadeReod60eahr850a doz. Caili ty ste scls Ir arc the bug- ceedings on inside page. -uv y Davis & Lawrence, Co. .Limited. anheritak ponsibility for what isCs tms bers~ asheakrs ~itnc. Mrs. Frank' Pett, Orono, lias beau 'The ouibuildings and contants be- immense assortmertu, Uai T he MasoisCoI's The0 LkJieys get-! cramped and visiting-relatives in town. To'n_0M.NrmnBsEs rm 5,nNwi helm obyI~ ~traied, re uableto filter the Miss Brant, Whutby, is visiting lier Whiiby, were destroyed by tireFrtday and gelt the hast.TheSarSh ' à1lood as, tley ihnLïd-they telliof sisterl Mrs. Thos. Osborne. mrxg Loss estimaied ai t$2-,200, 'h QatrSo" ThePos sas eary eer celarininsured for $1000. Edward Huesion, Begin 10 ialk over wi0 papers and 1&i dsodeedIcodiio b mk-Cobourg was fooded last week. a laborer, las since cofssed 10 setine. magazines Sou wat lu 1902 with yOur he back ache and pain. He.n a u y lc s ds use al isben lodged in Oshaw~a furnil infM to. A E VJ c g a O HN, Tiieýre isn't much use rubbing on in this week's Talmage sermon. Cail ari eiraion'.abrSopadHLYR Sl oa gn mimntsorstikig o pastrs Miss Lillie Martyn, Princli Abert. i la~ hear one of the Genuine Edison Phono- when the, prime cause of the ache visiing ai lier uncle's, Mr, J. B. Mar- graphis. the loudesl and clearest talking BORN' iies inî the-kidîîeys. tyn's. 0' machine lui the world. INRXInPr Perry, April 2nd. the wife IN D The remiedy Ihat is most effectuai Mr. Ed Darcli, formnerly of ihis town Ladies should visit Our Shoa Dept True Bine Association, ofa daughterY'Loa or 'shoemaker's backache," -as died.in Toronto April Sîi, from pneu aud sec the b8autiful uew shapes inD for ail kinds of bacliache and kid- moula, Kiuig Qualîty goods they are showing MARRIED. ne robe i r.Pthel Bc- M A. James is Goverumeul issuar the famous shoe for womeu. The firsi ai the West End House. COWLING-TAf-At Whitehall, Darlington, îeytrobl, i D. Ptchr' Bak-of Marriage Licansesj for 'Durham shipment arrivedl Friday ai The Parlor Dress Good Depi.-44 iiieli lustres in ApiShb e.JS cMleM.iliax iceKdnyTbit.Countv. Shoa Store-They are beauties. riavy, ream, silvr grey and cardina, second danghter of John Tape, Esj,, Long INTENSE PAIR. CapI Jarrold, Port Hope, will bai Mr. William Jordan haviug recenî extra q uality, 65e par yd, nica goods for Sault. comn fteNrhKg gai hs t waists ai West End House. REAT-LA@nER-At 58 Lenox Ave.Ond, John Saunders, shoemnaker, Whtbcoandh o rthina inthi eIOur employ we bava sold the liorse &(uN Y., Match, 27th,byRev.E.E.Smith,MtMlo )nt., gives the ýfclowing evidenc2" isaso. and rîg ha was driving le Mr. George onl yoiir adrhefe F Keat, formerly of Clarke, and Miss Alla Pocured a bott1e of Dir. Pitcher's Back- Hev. T. W. Leggoti, Orono, will -H. Biekeil,,and respectfully solicit for wiil 1doe photos at Tail's Gallery, May Lasher, Oneida, N. Y. aý-ny ta le gav teu~agatreed m- morninte Mda hrc ud h tr. therdan trIlordgerslafey iv op~photonH liandarchot s f rea S-PTTN Wa is t s taton -oisa ha id ey blgsaei=theau tre,,a ind praci l h Mtoia hrcindytM tr. J rpatAi rnaesleat Ougivn oppoited nt o wal enta. MPholos PO yRTeS-ADr.-ManveiIr. s.taion warrantadual to wsh oui.a tih t yMe.D.arn Mrhs E A, Iei tlyl assfern ih nese Ms Mli Hm is cete ffc iI eavepoptadcaeuoRarttpeo DeaShrsau agte fMrRb. atn -anl 1ite a feian iioseswith iedse issininMillionery astablishena attientin anrb iledomandarfl as audrskirt have eusellig fsiaid TWT ýtTTF AWTMr. RoMTPatton 3isto in the mouiliand lonss, t appe site. o in iinsiontabli sibnt anin ancodane itlhe a sheasps-0f ha eslndiushe. eeslnasse anOE...Nt.LLf. £.LJJJ.I~J.. Ynderi the o fueh nd sof e ediie ai inaig soifrltyi aie naurcusors e mak te a seiliotfkethe styEand it f helaies LÂW5ENCE-AihCree . W . ac hs quckl disare d ad I fi Bwlll on an isd page ihal ee yfare of ail kîuds of heav.y iaaming. McCLEL- Mr. H. H. Stephans, principal of the 28th, 1902, John Lawrence, agecl 70 years, for- nn. One thing I wish tel say, whle should raad. LN&C. TlpoeN.15) rPceigcolcontemplates moviuig mWîly fo-ni Toront. pr1 1tr inn l .n LAN Co., (Teleplionee wee vry 15.) Piekaohon No.2g.1c- 'ooLSO-InTornestAp goods, inin -thesest o"nesi ever eyl did ahctiornel, ithe e rc erMajor HL J. Snelgrova of Cobourg BceisTlpoeN.2. 1-w ta the Alberta District wherae lias Francis Kerr, beloved wife of Mr. S. Frank ielrntiedicinno tes, n o gs 9briig las beau ofered a position as malo o The annul meeting of the Bowmau- tle offer of ec sehol aI a larger salary. WiI8on, Manager of the Wilson Pblishing Co. rkal!the me I cand I as llaeoin the coronation contingent. Ha wîîî ville Brai of The Woman's Au xiliary Prait's Paultry food,purely vegetable, ork ai thet lime. Ica ertilrecoin- i îikeîy acceapi. and Ladies' Aid Sociaties of St John~s a guarauieed egg producer, ae BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS., h w n jo m n il ,CU, 1kiduey troubhe'or biliousness2' f. The schooners Oliver Mowai, Carvelli Churc opae Mardi 26th when the large fowls, pravenîs and cures ail Prju a ox, t al drggita o-by andJamesonwer thefirt bots o fficars were elecied as follows :-Prest., poultry diseases-for saleo by John Mc- Oorreced by J.Molurtry eaeh Tuesday Prl ieu 1). a bxa Piro4ail 'o, d ruggts ors ad Jaiesonwee heisibot1t e Miss Ravnes; îsi Vice Prest., Mrs. V'. iiry ai, Tn x i A Pri oT r n~ Lieat. h s aon. weleW . Tam blyn; 2nd Vice Prest., Miss 1 Drs. Brimacom be and D vitI hav a FLOUR, e100OIbsg.......$.1si 90 to$2 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a nd_ _ L e u t t. . e pr f B a r ew i e a i y W r h ; H c e y , dTea s . , M î s . î- a t e y i n t r ad u c ad m bin t h e i r o f f i e a n aw W I EA T , F a l , b u s h . . .. 0 O i IO 0 7 0 an l!t atrfo Brie Cp. us-F. Bannatt; Cor Secy., Miss M. M. apparatus for admiuistering Nitrous S prife,... O i070 7 inson laie o! Omemea succeeds lier tu Armour. At a subsequent meeting the Oxide gas for the painless extraction cf ,, Goose ....0 00 0 n65 thOIOR' A1 le 27th corps liera. delegates to tha annuel meetine' cf the taet. Rdel ....0 0 07