FOTES AND COMMENTB hiammiedan countries. Einissaries sonie tne endeavoring to secure the and missions have been reported as cession of a harbor at the south- Ijý,evey tW11 The all toami by he urksh assig btwen Cnstatinpleandeastern angle of the Corean pe4iùn- I ] vr O fýTecalt ra-yteTuks asn ewenCntniol n sula, anîd, aithougli his negotiations F! ,and village 5 0I-overrament of sone ninety thons- th uslan communitieq in ail have been ostensibly disavowed by ma e a. and irregulars, h. s a speial signifi- parts of Asia, soine uf tlira, even his Côvernient, it i: believed 1that vouaE owriCHOIEL BW MAIL I'OSTPAID.