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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1902, p. 5

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i0 TOWORIK HAf If~ You Take Dr. Dean's * and Blood Builder Ne w Vigor of Body New Lustre of Eye 3 New Hopes New Ambitions New Joy& iNew Hici Red Blood New Vim I These desirable conditions rapidly folio w that most wonderful o! ail modern remelies. O DR, DEA'S HERVE AND BLOOD BI * 25CAM E3X SPECIAL--3 boxes 50c durin We hand baek your money withont a mon tion if yen are net eatisfied afber taking 3 boxe blt * The Reliai Dressmakor's Backache. engaged in the ard us deemak.ing have trouble back audkid- neys. Run- ning a sewing machine, plying the needie in the neyer eeasing stiteli, stiteli, stitch, pressing seams-constant bending ýover-soon telle on the back, makes it ache and pain. 4 No wonder these women often find their healtb fail. The kidneys get on o order, the, back pains, .and -the wbole system gets fulil of poisons whieh the sick kidneys are unabie' to eliminate. No dressmaker should allow ber healtli to slip away, and backaehe and kidney troubles keep ber in misery, wben sncb case, comnfort, freeédom from pain and invigoration of the system eau be obtained by nsing Dr, Pitcber'e Baekache Kid- ney Tablets. AOTED SPLENDIDLY. Miss A. Schwartz, 42 Wator Street, Berlin, Ont., states hier experience with Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets as follows : 1'I snffered frein backache and kidney trouble for some years, which I think was due te sitting so close and bend- ing over at my work. The trouble at trnes was quite severe, se 1 got a bottie of DrOPitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets ab Roos' drug store. They certainly acted 9p 1 endidly with me, for 1 had notoRnished he f1rst bottle until I got complote relief. Price 50c. a box, at ail druggists or byv "al, Tiff Du. Zixà 1"ITCI{EU Co., Torontc. BOWMANVILLE, APR. 30, 1902, Ail loyers o f good music should aend the concert on Tuesday May 6. Miss 'Edna Fielding, Toronto Normai ShoSpont Sunday at home. Good oodflair pricos anid every- thing as represented at Cawker & Tait's groeery store. (Liberal Committee Rooms will h opened to-night over Mr. Davis' sboe store. Non-tariff fire insus'anee companies are getting the renewal insurance in town. Mr. Ai! N. Mitchell, B. A., o! the Manu facturers' Lite, Týoronto, was ln town over Sunday. Seats for the concert on Tuesday May 6th niay ho reserved witbout extra charge at the Big 20, on Friday May 2, tickets oniy 25e. A private letter from New York City says the bee! trust is getting ln its work. We can scareely get any good meat for less than 20e a lb and7 choice ente are 25e. Last week butter was 87e per lb and oggs 25e a doz. A few townspeople who wero in Oshawa on Sunday evening. and heard the Simeoe Street Metbodist Choir, speak o! their singing lu the bighest terms. Do 'not miss this treat, but secure, vôur seat for the concer~t on Tuesday May 6th. A sery interesting social evening was ehjoyed by ail who attended the Epworth League Monday niglit. The Company was -divided into groups of four by mens of quotations and an ex. amination papor o! seven questions on the Bible, League work, hyrnnoiogy, etc,, was gîven oach gronp wîth bal! hour for answeriugý. The examinera had an amusing tlme correcting the pavers, but on the whole they were liatisfactory and no doubt another ex- amination will bo calledl for lu the fntuze. The beague is in a vers flour- 1shingis eondition-ton new mombers ,wre added durlng the Month. = - - I w w -w - - Miss Neltie Smith, violluist, will pay ah tbe conceph ouTuesday May 6. Mr. Loscombe le!t htie Couneil Mon- day nigit sayiug ho would resizu. 1The uew Louisine Sitks in ail colore ah Concis, Jeisuston & Cnydenmau'e. Mies Jennie Hooper 13 visiting Mrs. Chas. Hooper, Toronto. Mns. Jus. Bittain Stnabfond, le vii- ing ber sistor Mrs. hR. Fielding who le still quite ii.> Millr's Cempound Inon Pille, enly 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stett & Jury, druggists Do net failtot heax Mn. Punebon, Elocutionist. at the concert Tuesday evoning. Our Ready-made Clthig le uew aud freai and made up lu thse latest styles Concis, Jobnstou & Cryderman. Mn. Albert Chapmau, Baltimore, bas procuned 150,000 speckled rout !rv from Credit Fonke for bis breeding ponds. Mr James Joinsten, Poubypool, was lu town vesterday. We regret to bear that hieseu's heaitis continues vry peor. No gift that yon eau seud au absent member o! your famil'. fer $1 will be halt as muci appreciated as T H E STATESMAN for 1902-52 rominders. Gentlemen, now le the ime te buy your Sprîng bat, cap or ueckties. M. Mayer bas fuil linos o! gents' furuishinge Inspection înviteci. Couch, Jobuston & Cryder mnan bave nover sboýwn as fine a stock o! Dres Goode, Drese Muslus, Chambrays and Pnînts as tbey do this seasen. Ladies o! Board e! Management of Tise Homo for agod purpose holding a rummage sale. Parties haviug old furuiture or lieuse furnisiluge te dispose o! should watch for date and place. Rey. Brandon Groenaway's subjeet, ah Trinity churci Sunday uigbt will ho 'Berees ah home and abroad"-at tise close o! tise pneacbing service tise com- munion service wîll ho heid ah whicb sixteeu new members wibl be recised. Gentlemen w b o appreciatte fi n e Ready-te-woar cioting -net bbe jowisb sweat cloting-sbould ake a look through MeMurtrys' hig range o! 2th Century Blrand of Spring Suite and Ovencoats. Res. Neil MePherson, M. A., B. D., paster of St Paules chunci, Hamilton, bas been grautcd a bhnee menthe' vaca- tion, and with Mns. MePbenson salled by the "Ceitie" frem New York City, for Europe. Before leaving ho was prescnted wti a purseoef 8500 in gold by hie congregation. Apnil gots credit fer but eue foot day, but people ane fooled every day by tbc weathen while tise menti aste. Wbeu bise filbds wene iaugising lu tise warmn sunflames and tise leaf bude ventured eut a trille futher who'd have thhengb tbat a littie aten that foot April day a Marcb wiud wouid ho wening eveny- thiug net builh on a stene foundatien and the laughiug- fields sobenod and saddened te diamal gney frowiug up ah a soddou sky? Lose o! Flesis, ceugis, and pain on the cheet imay net moan conqumptien but are bad signe. Alen's Lung Balsamn toosens tise cougi and beals îilamed air passages. Net a grain of opium lun 1, Tise follewing are bise uew Epworth League officeî's, Honorary Presidet- Ros. W. J. Joitiffe, B. C. L; President -Fred. R. Folev; let Vice--Miss A. Crydenînan; 2nd Vice- Miss FIe0 Mason; Srd Vice-Mrs. Fred, R. Foley; 4-th ice -Miss Franicie Jeweil; Secrear-A. W. Piekard; Correspoudlng ,,Seccnoary -Byron S. Vaushone; Troasurer- Jabez Album; Pianist--Mis Emmta E. Beacock. Representatives3 on ExeenLtive Commitee-Miss M. A. Bunuer, Miss Velma Jeweil, Miss Jenntie MeLoan and Fred G. Jackson. THE KING SHIRT. The Besh U t-p-To-Date Shirt made le the "i".Yeni ask wisy? Because thse front wo't break or push up. The braces passlng unden bbe front don't drag or break lb. Perspiration canuet touci tise front. The cobiar buthon ah tise back e! the cobiar baud is covened. Tise athachmeot ah bbc back keepe the hie lu place. Solid comfort lu weanlnug t. Sases Lauudry. Perfect Fitting. Un- excelod for fuit drees. Once wern ai- ways wern. Tise fat man's nocessity, The tim man's iuxury. Seo it ah MAIIKus MAYBR's bbe up-b-date Men's Furaishor and Hatter, Bowmanvîle, 7,AT TRE CHANGE or LiPE.-This tryiîi g period iu woman's life usually cornes between the ages of forty and ftv years and is marized bv irritabitity, boadache, dizziuess, irregular monthiies. fitfnl ap- petite, forebodings o! evil, palpitation o! the heart and constipation.- Dr. Chaseca Norvo Food is above ail a woman's medicine because it holps ber safely througi tus tryiug poriod It onriches the bîood, strengtbeua the nerves, rogniatos the functions of the feminine organs and toues and invigor- Mes thb, whole boay. dl '-tona dseaer «eqirs-aco inonal trea- ment. Hall's Ctarrh Cure is taken lnternaliy, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur- face. off the system, tleeby destroying the foundation of the disease, and givlnq the patient strength bly building np the constitution and assisting nature la dolng lis work. The piro- prietors have. se mach f aith lu its curatiye powers that they effer One Hundredi Dollars for any cas,- that ht fallu to cure. Send for litt off tetmoniale. Âddress, F. J. CESSES & Ce., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75C. 31alSU&FamlyPilleIarS0the best. sNerve f2 w h ueo ng prio r te Dugge of Big sale of Mili ends of Pillow Cottons at West End Ilouse. STATESMAN to new subseribers bal- ance of 1902 for 50C. Mr.Artbiir Morris o! the RoyalDental Collage, Toronto, 18 home. Mrs, H. Mullon is visiting ber daugh- toer, Mrs. M. Prontt, Toronto, Miller's Granules cure salbow ski n Sold by Stott & Jury, drnggists. Remember concert Tnesday May 6. Look ont for further particutars. Mr. James Jarvis, Toronto 1POlicQ Force, 1i eodnlg a vacation at horné, lkngreal watt too. Miss Id811 Rogers. editress o! The Worl, Cob our1g,ý was guost o! Mrs. M. A. James, Lorne Vilta, oser Sunday. Our offer o! one old a nd one actual new subseriber for $1.50) stili hoids good. Conchi, Johnston & Crid.erman are doing a big business lu Carpets, Cur tains and Linioleums Youngi Gents, M. Mayer bas a fuît fine o! spring bats, caps, and ties, new nobby and nice. Caîl to see them,ptea8e. infants teo young to take modicine may lie cured off croup, wvhoo-pinig cough and colds l'y using Vapo-Cresolene--tbey breathe lb. Our Ordered Clothing i.3 wEfilcnt,, Weil mad'e always zivosý the ntmost sat- isfaction to the wearer. Coucb, John- ston & Cr3 dermnan. Mr E. Davov who bas been 'witi. Mr. Thos. Ted,, baker, during Llhe past wintor, bas acepted a situation lu Trenton. F. C. Pethick is agent for The Edison Phoniograph-. Prices from $10 to $100. Records 60e eacb or $5 00 a doz. Cal and bear it talk. For Gooid Work, Stylish Cnt and Sure fit cati on Wilt Alexandler over T he Mason Co's store. Miss Ethel Jýewell, Toronto, was guest of Mr. W. Trewin Sundav. If you want an up-to-date cnt, lease ýour order witb Will Alexander over be Mason Co'S store. Mr. W. J. Ormiston,, Enfield, bas bongbt from Wes. Lamb,,Port Perry, the Clydeedate staltion Puritan. Ladies witb pale faces and bloodtess tips! If sou want to change tbom pro- cure a box o! Dr. Normau's Biood and Nerse tablets a t McDermid's- Drug Store. More Cotds are cured by Pyny-Balsamn than any other one remedy. lb cures quickly and'certainly. Bronchial affect- ions give way readily to it. Manufac- turdd by the proprietors o! Perry Davis' Paiu-Killer. Mr. J. T. Nunu, Coiborne, boasts o! being first to bave spring chicks, ho having a hon tha t hatebed a fine brood on April lst. An impossible tiîing to find is a plusteî' equaled to "The D. & L." Menthol, wbich is beîng imitated. Got the g=uie For side aches, back-acies, sttces uthiug equas it. Made bv Davis & Lawrence C.o.. Ltd. Miss E. Burnham, Cobourg, who bas been visitiug ber sister, Mrs. 1). J. Gib- son, at Newcaltle, bas returned home. A 15e bottle o! our Furniture polish witl removo ail stains from your furni- ture and wiil make it shine tiko new- sold at McDermid's Drug Store. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Misses, Eva 0 and Grace Trewin attended the Convocation exorcises at the Dental Cotioeo. Toronto, Tbursday uigbt, Mv friend, look bere! you know bow weak and nervous yonr wife is, and you know tiat Carter's Iron Pulis will relieve bier, now why not bo fair about lb and buy ber a box? Sec The Mason Co's uew atlv this week, sovPrat special lines are being offered at reducod prices. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherin have re- turned Irom speuding the winbcr witb thoir son George at Essex Centre. Trousers ready-to-put on, made up lu imported worstods, geod trimminszs, strongly stayed. Prices 82 75 to $5.00 at MeMlurtrys', tbe leading Clothier. Mr. Reuben Cox who bas beon with Messrs. Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderman for the past two yoars, bas accepted a situation lu a dry goods store in To ronto. May success attend hlm-be deserves it. A weman wbo is weak, norvous and sleepless. and wbo bas cold bauds and foot, canuot feel and act tike a well person. Carter's Iron Pis oqualize tbe circulation, remove ntrveusness, and givo stren)gtb ,and rest. Mr. W. S. Gison, propriotor of the Miilbrook Reporter, has been elected reeve o! Mitibrook, bv acclamation. Congratulations, Broi Given. SKeep your eyes open-and ho sure that when you ask for Perry Davis'Pain- Killer you get just that and nothing else. Use lb promptlv ta cure cramp,, diarrboea and ait other bowel com Miller's Grip Powders Cure., Sold by Stott & Jury, drnggisbs. Mrs. W. Stemon bas'roturned fromn vtsiting friends in Toronto. For biliousness, try Mill er's Granules. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Navy Bluîe Worsted Suits any size for men-or boys, special 'value at The Mason Co's do not fait to s00 them, Tait's photos are no higher lu price than others, quality equai te tbe best. Sick beadaches are cured by Millor's Granules. Sold by Stott & Jury, driîg- AnobbY lot o! boys veste suita bave arrived at The Mason'Co's, suitable toi, boys fromn 4 te 8 yrs otd.' .Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, dangiter and son. Btackstock, are visiting at her father's, Mr. John Beaeck, Y-Z (wise iead) bas an advanbage oser other soap powders inasmuch as lb aise acte as a dîsinfectaut, The best cure fer Eczema is Milier's Compound Iren Plîts. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Ladies, if yen would see sometbing real fine visit Cawkor & Tait's China Partor. Seo the uewest style lu photos at Tait's studio-Artist's pros.-Tbey are nobbv. Strawberry Plauts-bwo beat kinds grewn-for sale by Gordon D. Fletcher, liowmausilie. Another large sipment o! M 'Cread.vd shoos bave just been epenoed ont at The Mason Co's. S pring Bats arrised- The iargest and best selocted stock o! new and sty- iish Christie and Fedora Bats at M. Mayer's. Caîl at. Pethick's Barber Sbop and bear eue o! the Geunine Edison Phboue graphs, the loudest and ctearest talking machine lu the worid. Your photo ouyonr handeiief freo with 1 dozen photos at Tait's Gallery, opposite Town Hall otranc e. Photos warrauted net te wash ont. Mr. W. Sbaw is offering bis brick rosîdenco at Port Bewmauviibe for sale. Port Bewmanville is the nieest and mest boalthy summor rosort on Lake Ontario. Witt Alexander haviug reuted a reem oser The Mason Co's store is prepared te do Custom Tailoring lu its leadinz branches aud at prices consistent with good work Those liltte black pitis for stemach aud, iver (The Perfect Liver ?111) are sold at McDermid's Drug Store for 15e per box or 2 for 25c. Mens Bats botb stiff and soft-the lateet Englisi an'd American styles at Couch, Jobunston & Crydermau's. "King Quality" !ootwear bas stood tbc test lu West Durham for mauy Yoars..Yen takeonechane lu buying Goodyear weited "King Quaity" foot- wear- For sale at West End Bouse, Mr.,A. W. Windatt. Wiuuipeg,Man., wio bas jnst returned !rom a trip te Pbiladeipbia, Pa., was guest o! lis mother and sisters bere last week. If yen are nervous or dyspeptie try Carter's Little Nerve Pis. Dyspepsia makes vou nerveus, and norvousness makes yen dyspeptie ; eibber eue rendors you iniserable, and these littho pille cure both. New Corenation Ilats. _New Coioned Shirts, New Neckwear, Neýw Faney Sox, an.d swell King Quality !ootwear -j.ust lu at the Men's Stono--tho West End1 Bouse. The Wm Jamieson, loadefi with ceai for Bowmauvillo, was fonced toecati at Port Bope Friday uigbt ou eccenut o! theî heavy stonen. Thse schooner bad a very rough voyage 3 big suaps lu bhe Grocery Dept- Lombard Plums, 2 pound in for 10c; Tomato Soup,prepared with beof stock, 8 lb tin for 10e ; Pearl Tapioca, ulco uew goods, 5 Ibs for 25e, at tho West End lHonse. Pourteen members o! Florence Night- iugale Lodge weut te Oshawa Sauday aftorneon and atended service wibh their brother Odd!eilowa. Ros. J.J, Rao gave bhemn a flue sermon. Simeoe Streot Chuncb o! Oshawa, under the leadership o! Mr. W. F. Pickard, assisted by M1r. F.B Punebon, eiecuionist,aiso organiet o! St.George's churci, Oshawa, aud soute local talent wili give a concect lu thse Opera Bouse, Bowmanvilte, on Tuesday, May 6th. Miss Nellie Smith, vieinst, w-iil assist. Tickets 25c. Seats reserved at the Big 20 witbouit extra charge. Plan open May 2nd at neeon. We cougratulate Mr. Oco. E, Gilfil- lau on baving succe4sfnlly passed the fluai examination lu Deutistry. In ad- dition ho muet have speut an active yoar, as we notice tiat ho bas hold tic position o! Prosideut of the Foot Bal Club aud lie Hockey Club beiug eue ol the teain that wou the Jnnuiug's cup lu hockey for the Colege. B e was aise 2 only, NaVy Bine Chd-viot, silk trimmed, sizes 32, 34. reghlaî $15.00, for 12.00o BORN[ ThOees-lIn Clarke, April 14th, to Mr. and[ Mrs. W. P. Thomas, a son. MARRIED. GOODMN-SCOTr4n East Whitby, April 23, hy 3ev. J. J. Liddy, Helen Edith Scott and Chas. F. Goodman, 'Jshawa. )MCCLUNG-PARIKF-ln Owen Sound, April 23rd l'y 3ev. James Ardul, Mr. Frederie W MýcUlung, Wes't Chester, N.Y., and MissIsabel e Kaie, Yofngest daughter of Mr. S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. PAIiaEIi-NOTT-At Weicome, A~r1 23rd, l'y 11ev. R. L. Edwards, M r. Michael Elford and Mrs. John Nott. RUSSLL-POPPE In Toronto, Aprîl 19, Mr. Gen. Itusseli and Miss Bertha, eidest daughter of Mr. Wnm Pope, formerly of Orono. DIE06 WITHE1UIDGE-In Toonto, Aprjl lth, Mary Saunderm, widow offlice laie Geo. Witheridge, aged 89 years. STAC EY- Neer Hay don, Satur day, April 26th, Emma Grace Broad, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. T. Stacey, aized 42--yearS, 21 days. WULS-In EaSt Whitby, 20th April, Arm Colwii. the heloved wiie of William Wilis, aged 75 years. &1RDER-At Oshawa, April 18, Albert Edward, youngest son off Jas. Rider, aged 1 year. NANCEKIVEL-At Columbus, April 13, Esther, Arn Hayes beloved wife of Edwin Nancekivel, egedl 62 years. LOSG-At Pitlsburg, Pa., Louisa M. Waters, wife off Samuel F. Long, Cleveland, 0h10, aged 51 years. BRIGHT-In East Whiby, April 2th,William Brigbi, aged 68 years. Paine's Celery Compound Is The Only lvedicine That Cail Promptly and Perinanently Banish Ail Wasting anid Dangerous Diseases. It Restores Lost flealtb When Physicians Pronounce Your Case Incurable. If, in springtime sieiz people-young and old-act with promptness, wisdom and decision, suffering agony and mieery would never be carried into the summer months. To delay the work of banishing dis- ease, regulating the nerves, purifying the biood and restoring perfect digestion is a serious mistake. When the blood is sluggish, impure and poisoned, when the nervous system is unbaianced, when digestion is deranged, and the appetite poor and variable,beo assured your condition is critical. and catis for instant attention bof ore the summer months bring addi- tional dangers. At this time the use of Paine's Ceiery Compound will do a marvellous work for everv ruudown, sick and diseased man and woman. Its lifegiving work first commences with the blood, wbich is made dlean and pure; thon the nerves are quickly set in order, digestive vigor is fuily restored, the appetite is made naturai, sleep is refreshing, and the desponding heart is made light and joyous. It is well to bear in mind that Paines Ceiery Comnpound owes its origion to the most distinguished physician that this American continent ever produced, and bis marvellous prescription is publieiy indorsed by our best and ables physi- clans. If ail sufferers who have been disap- pointed ln the past will promptly start with Paine's Ceiery Compound, they will be astonished and delightod with the speed with whichi this wonderful remedy is able to caîl a boit to wasting and dangerous diseases It is now mak- tons of thonsands weil and strong, and fiting them to enjoy the summer months which, to the welI and strong, are pleasureable and happy. TAVERN LICENSES. Messrs W. F. Alleu, Robt Philp and G. H. Linton, Lîcense Commissioners, and Robt. Knox, Inspector, met bore Wednesday and decided to renew the foliowing licenses for the coming v ear: Bowmanville-JohnDarch, E C.Burton,, John Brewer. Newcaste-Frank Bennett. Orono-Jno S. Greenwood. Kendai -Peter Blne. .Blackstock- Frank EIlawken. BOWMAN VILLE. pR PRTY FOR SALE-Ah Court- A. ee acres off land on wvhici there is a gneîhroom lieuse, stable and driving sl'ed. A ricasWeill f ae n os ehoice lot off fruit irees. Creek nuning jthro-,ugh the pro- perty, Near chnrch, loo and stores. Kinown as the Miller pro pery. For partieulars appb,,y te »i. F. RiCHADS;, Courtice. 14-tf. MHE HARMONY IMALE QUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. I. FROST, Firet Tenon, A. E. MOLAUGHLIN,, Second Tenor, B. J. KiiGHT, Firet Bass, W. J. S. RIcKARD, Second Base. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address al correspondonco te F. H. FROS, Mic(alO Director, Bowmauville. M48-6m Next door'to Standard Bank. ImOïA0NuMfaEN TSr. Good Wocrk, Pest Materials, rtistic Dig1 ns, Prices Reasonable, e R. BOUNSALI, 15 BOWMAN VILL, ONT iss GALBRAITVU, Teacher of Piano, 0rgnItarmony àaud Theor I Galhrit ~ 15(. on sio t4 W.. Biwnaneille rerme muýderate, 9" (2we JeTi a o h et1.asaegio oiaeb4,ieueil@i rlrtjrdc a u eylresok hssierwa uca4e tart utedla an lT o ________bstmrkt frsptcsh urrpuaio o 4 For te maet;5aso re oing latomebut ig euci oiine ore to reduce 4 * rery la,5 rgpst ckaghsetckws uchaned t a rate nth1 dola * Cannd oaucaethe est arktforsp t C;orrepttinfor * saned nghih-eass gotins aye stab lishd prsesmao d e h 2erew >l Ge Our hinr uar yPh arorel Is he alkosh twnand nthordeail mntareatsarifice pic wil e ae;socrn t s as, u i tre s oey cr e sfrt BOWMAVILLE 2 oniy, Fawn Venetians, extra stylish, size 34, regcular $16.00, for 13-'00 1 only Medium Dark Oxford Cheviot (natty) size 36, regular $20.00, for 15,00 Huse Furnishings.ý A f ull assortment of Lace and Chenille Curtains, Damask and Chenille Table Covers, Floor Oil Cloths, Blinds, Carpets, etc. SEE OUR GOODS AND'IJ SAVE MON EY, wu. W.ASON&SOunN..a The eope 's tore. The balance of our Ladies' Taîlor- made Suits at Wholesale Price. CLE.A ' i7 only, Tailor made Costumes in Homespuns, Cheviots IIand Venetiansi, from 32 to 36 bust measure. Thiese are without doubt the most stylish and up-to-date gar- ments ever shown in Bowmanville. 1 only, i)ark Oxford Grey Homespun, size 26, regular $9,00, for $7.00 3 only, M.edium Oxford Grey Homespun, sizes) 32, 34, 36, regular $9.00, for 7,00 3.only, LIÀght Grey Homespun, sizc~s 32, 34, 36, re,I)ular $12.00, for 9.00 1 only, Navy Blue Homespun, size 34, regular $12.00, for 9.00, 3 only, Black Homespun, sizes 32, 34, 36, regular $12.00, for 9.00 1 onfly, Blue Carnel's Hair Cloth, size 34, regular $12.00, for 9.00

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