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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1902, p. 6

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Chronological listory of the hity ev Ilonth's Struggle 1899 Boemafontein. B3oers retire o O. -Trne flxed by the JBoers Koostd aho enrlJ for compliance with their "ultimat- Mrc27eahf eri1J- inn"expied a 5 p mbert. Oct. 14-Docis m~arch on3meiy . c 18-Broadwood attacked at Octd Mafeleing. Watenworks. Durig retirernent R. OctMafki- ibrlyisite. lA. and convoy eiitrapped nt Korn- Oct. 25-Kerpsto nTln Spruit. Six guns lost, 350 casual- 11111 captured by the British under -eties. o oylIrs Symons. ~April 8Dtahen f a Irsur Oct. 21-White moveS out force u u iflesa oued Infnti' ur der Frenchi to eject Boers he ronde near eddrsbrg ]landslaagte. Boess routeci. Arl7ClnlDleyioa Oc.2-Yule retires fromn Dundiee nearWeenr W ~ , ~ oct.smthvi22 t.April 15-Cherinside beaves Red- Oct. 23-Death of General Symons dArbritl elee25epnr a DApril 25-Dalgety relieved. Boers wval s snowîng ais înterest in bhis alevf possessions. One- eîelning durfng the sumrner hie was strolling oie-r the farm. Thc grass had be-en cut during the day- a very thin crop-and was lying op. the gronnd te dry. The judge si it, ai d calling bis manl, he saîi "Tt seems te ime you are verie careless. Why havcn't you beea more particular in raking up thi-s hay ? Don't Yeu sec that you baie bel t little dribblings ail about ?1" For a minute the manl stared, won- cerinig if the. judge were quizzing ,,nn. Tlln-n1'.ifltij anakes. For inistance, the whirr 0f thec mowing machine, In,9teafi of scar- ing r.hcse reptiles, as iiglit be sup-ý poSed, se-ems bofh to allure and en- rage t he.n, ai-d they almot invar- iably finît towards it, rearing tliem- selves in front of thle machine, whicli of course, promptly chojis off tue-h beais. Iu six months sýo many as 120 cob5ras alone have thus be-en slaugbtered on one grass far i in TIîdia. MARRIAGE CLSTOM. 'Litf le dribbiingc 1I WXly, mn The Scandinav.inn biidcgi-oom tha's he rop1YMangiies bis betrothled a pînyci-book tlinfs fli crop!,'asd imamiY ofer gifts, which usually A VLUABL BCK mnde a goose. She, in return, A VALTALE BOK. gîres himi, esPecciliy in Swedeîî, a A vcry vainable- book is a le-brcw shirt, andi fuis leie nîariabiy wcars Bible lunflic Vatican. In 1512 flic on his wcdding dav. Aftcrwards lie Jcws frîed te buy itfrfom Plope ays if away, anîdunuder ne circum- .IuiiusETI. for fs weigbf in gelfi. If stances Oh stafe- or poerfy will lie Is se barge- sud heary fliaftire nie-n wear if again whule- abive-, But lie eau hardly lift If.I wears if la bus grave. EX-P1'ýESIDENT KRUMIR, be mrn Wo Was ,prîmarily Respoussible for the War, Ladysmitn repuiseu. Aug. 30-Britisli occupy Nooitge-1 Jani. 10-Lord Roberts and Lord dacht. and release 2,000 prisoners. Kitchener airrive at Cape Town. For- Sept. 6-Bulle-r occupies Lyden- ,wardnov et for relief of Lady- burg. smiti, e.,uined. Sept. il-Kiouger*, fiying froin the Jan. Il Duadonald seize's point on Transvaal, takes refuge at Lorenzo Tu utacfPotgeiter's Drift. Mar.ques. j'an. 1.--Bullar makes second at- Sept. 13-Proclamnation issue-d by te-mpt f0 relieve Ladysmilli. 1Dun- Roberts caliing on burgbers to sur- donald, liaiing crossed Togela, en- renfler. Frenchi occupies Barberton. gages Boers near Acton Homnes. Sept. 25-British force occupies Crossing of Tugela by Warren aand Komati j'orut. Many Boers cross Lyffle-ton concluded.i Portuguese frontier and sa-rende-r to Jain. 21- Warren attacks Bloers' Purtuguese. riglif flanli.1 Oct. -9-De Wct drve-n coste dan. 23-24-Spion Kop capture-f iVaal ont of Orange River Coiony. and be-id durîng 24t1i, but evacuatedi Oct. 19-firuger salis frin Lor en- on the niglit ef dan. 24-25. Ceneral 'Le Marques for Marseilles on Dut ch Woodgafe- fatally wounded. man-oi-war. dan. 26-27-Bulier's force recrosses Oct. 24-BuIler sails irom Cape the Tug-ela. Town for Englanfi. Feb. 3 -MAacDonald witbh ighiand Oct. 25-Formiai annexation of Brigade marches ont from Mofider Soufth African Republic, t0 be- styled Rfive-c. Transivaal Coiony. Feb. 5- hiule's third attcnpt te Nov. 6-De Wet delfeatefi at Botha- relieve L-adysmif h comnnencefi. Lyf- villc. tieton crosses Tîîgeia. and delivcîs Nov. 22--Krugec landis ut Marseil- aftack Vaal Kranf z, whieli le les. capture-s and occupies. Nov. 23-Garrison at Dewtsdorpi Pcb. 7-Vnal j<rartz7 evauanted and capturafi by De Wcf. British force wifhdrawn across Tu- N1oiv. 29-Lord Kitchener takes gela. o er saprenie commiiand. Pcb. 9-Lord Roberts arrives at Doc. 5-Dc We-f's first afteaîpt to Mofider River. enter- Cape Colony frustîntefi by Feb. il Frencli, hbaîing be-en sum- îýOx. moned fromi Southerra fiontier lenies Dec. i1l 1ord Roberts salis Iroin Mofider River wifh Cavalry Divisioli Cape Town for EInglanfi. and Horse Artille-ry. Dec. 13-Cleinents defea.fed witli Feb. 13--Lord Roberts at Deiel's 1lîcavy l oss b-y elarey at l\ooitge- ]Drifit.i darlît. Mishap to, Brabant's Iloisei Pcb. 12 Lord Robe-its at dacobs- iat 7'rsfron. dal. Relief ofKmcre.Dec. 14-De Wet andi Steyî escape Pcb. 17 R-Lergliard action between ithrongl Sprinkbnan's Plass. Kelly-lRenny andi Cronje e rout t Dec. 16-20-1Doer Rfafi into Cape Bloemnfonte-in. Foui tb atteMpt to rie-1 Coloîiy. iieve- Ladysinith. Bulci Presses afi-- D]ecý 20 Martial law proclaiimed rance on Monte Cristo R-ili. over Northein districts ofCape Col- Pcb. 19 Baller tai es Rianugwane Ony. Hi.-. 22-Wnîý Office ainnounce des- Feb. 20 D3oîs unoder Cronje, liai- pateli of îeinioiccments to Soutli Af- ing laafc-ced near Paaideberg are rien. bombaided by Lord Roberts. D ee. 28 De Wet fails iu atterapti Pcb. 21 I ýiftb Division crosses Tu- f0 break back into -Ca eC 1oy gela. Cape raidcrs driven northwards. Pcb. 2>3 Baller unnecccssfally at- Dcc. 29-Surrendeci of Liverpools tncks 1la HayJil. ,1at lelietia. Feb. 26-Bulle-r maires fresli pas- 1901. sage cf 'Vagela. Jhan. 1 Colonial Defence ForceCal- FeU. 27 ine surrender.i at Paai led ouît in Cape Colony. debeig. Vieter's 1h11, fthc main Boer Jan. 3-Deieat of bedyguard near position i ctween Ladtçlyiih and tlie Lîndley by Botha, Ture-la, carifd by 11ildyard. Jan. 7-De0termined Bocr aftack on le-b. '28-Relief of Ladysmifli. Cie- Be-fast and other stations on rail- ments eccapies Colesberg. way ta, Lorenîzo Marque.s. Maccli SGatacre occapies Sftorm- dan. 18-Deiaiey's foi-ce defeafed berg. Lir haut agafu dolents aînd near Venteîsha)rg. pursues Boecrs. Overtures of pence Jan. 28-Pîeccli enters Ermelo. made bh' vBoer Presiderits. Sî-nifýli-Dorrien repells de-fecmiined at- Mari-Ch6--ie-ld Force arivies af fack by Bothia. Swceping moCement Carnaion te que-I risiiug iin North- commences lu Sou lb caste-rn Trans- Wes t. vaai, firaliy resuiting in capture of Mardi 7 Lord Roberts defeafs eigiut gues, 734 prisoebs andi large Boers af :Dr-i'cloiitein. qOfftc f ammunition, transport, Mai-ch 1hi-Overtuires of pe-ace re-- cattle, etc." jectefi by Lord Saisay.Pb. 7-* Wmr Office aune unce des-I March :13 Lord Rbrrw;,fcut Patchi of ndlîifinnl,30,000 mounfedt further fi ghfing, takes posss 1ion oo -ps ne-ai- Reitz aud captures-bis convoy. Jane 12 Dis-teter te Victou fans ucar Rinmansrast. dîme 26--oe attacir on hIec-cL lieuse-c along Delegea railwary. July 4.-Train wrecked by Boers near Naboonîispi alit. Juiy 5-Iu rcply te Botlia's en-1 quiries about ending war Kruger tel- egraplis to Ilotha te continue fight-1 ilig. daly 13 - B-oadwoczd sîurprise.s Reitz and captures Steyniis crues- ponde-ne. Narrow cscape o! Steyn. duly 14-Frencli drive-s Seheepere' commando wîtb be-aiy bIont Camdeboo Mountains. duly 20-De-afl of Mrs. Kruger. duly 30-W. Kitche-ner captures oe guni, 32 prisoners, from B. Viljoen,,1 ne-ar Middelburg. Aug. 1-Kitchcner ireports slâootingi of native prisoners by Boers.1 Aug. 6-Proclaîîîation by Lord Kit-1 chanirof permanent banialime-uf froma Southi Africa of ail Boer leaderstaL- e- n uarms site-r Septe-iiber 125. Aug. 8-Commandant de Villiers1 E SPR1SD F In W sc-Iad Rctcte at's Scouts.la rrneeletbant pt mnuch time iu Engiand but was nam- Sept. 26--Bofha'c sttack upon ed for the Prince Concert and was a. Ports Itala and Prospect, on the favorite of Queen Victoria. Zîmbu borde-r, re-pubaed with se-vers The Crown Princeand Princess of lSe. 29Ponafo iaud t Denmark have been frequent visitera Sep. 2-PrcJaatin isue atat Isandringham and Marlboroughi Preforia, pioiiding for S'ale of the flou-se, since tfli day whe eu liérown prope-ities of Boers stillinl the fie-bd, Prince wifh bis parents and i accordance Iwith pie-viens procla- brofliers took Alexandra te lier wed-. niation. ding at Windsor. The Orown Prin- Se-pt. 30-De-larey's attack upon ces l the only child of the late Kekeichs cmp t Medwll eatn Ring of Sweden. This couple will off witlî le-avy boss on bofli sides. undoubtediy be the favorite guectEro! Martial iaw extendefi thi'oughout flic Ring andi Queen. Ca902.ony The Crown Prince andf Prince-ss of 1902.Sweden are aise popubar wiflithe Pcb. 19-Canadian Mouaftef Rifles royal îanîiiy of Englanfi. The Prin- arrive lu Durban. cees is a giaîîddaugliter of Empe-cer Mardi 7-Capture of Lord Methuen William I. by parfy of Boers ne-ai Klcrksdorp. There is a ramner fliat tlic Duke Mai-cii 31-G all ant stand o-f Cana- and Dachesof Cumberlandi will at- flans in charge of the baggage at tend flic coronation. The Dhiie-, new Ilact's Ruver. Caniadi.ans hled their King de jure ofh Ranover, is à prince post, but lest ele-n kulled andi fer-of fthc Britishi biood royal and his tyf-cwounded. In one section e-r- wife- is Que-en Ale-'anidia's sister, qo ery nn a s cither kiiie-d or wound- flîcir weicome wouîci be a hearfy one cd. This brai-enactionen licitsmach but flic chances are that tliey wili be favor-able comment. ce-pi-esent e-c by the-ir son, Prince Ge-orge, andi their danghter, Prince-s Max oh Baden. The Dîîke of Saxe-Cobottî-g (Jotha, I ounigest of Gecmany's cule-is, will re-turu to hie old home for fli cocro- nation andi wili be nncoiiimonlv gbad te get thee- os any prete-xt, for r-u- nier lias ifthat lie is a homesick, thengli conscientions sud lEXlMPLARIY'YOUNO- RULER.' Ilis sister, Prince-as Alice ef Albany, ani bis moflier wiib bie wifb lins. The- ief la îît complete and mnore prospective soeereigus may be- added tote icollection. t}ossip naines flie ge-niai ihuke of Opoî-to, brother o! ftie Ring of Portugal, as Portugai's re-presentafire, but Servia snd Bal- gaia are uuknown quantities; andi, unîes the Boer War e-nds spccdily, Roilanfi wiib donbfbess send only an amnbassador. The accomîmodaftion of se mach roy alty la giving flie royal liet some- auxieus maments. London lias - ne sucli nssortmenf eh colossal royal ~~; - palace-s as mirrof oheflc ae-afEure- pean capitale. Marlboroughi I-buse andiiBuck.inghiam Palace wibi nef bofige coinioi-fbly any cave fhe pri- ,/9îvileged close relations of flic Ring andi Que-en. it la saifi that a large bote-i ne-ar Buclligliain Palace h as be-en taLe-n foi'thflic ig's gacat s, and flînt se-ierai nobismen have placed j f liu London lieuses at Ring Ed- ward's disposai. 4y Aiter flic coronafion week many of ' 1 flic royal guests wiii riait Windsor' and Snndringham, ouf certain oeh île great countr-y homes of Engiand; sez inigbty pre-parafieus k-r plab-chc1,ra etitainimîg arc bclng wnth brouigl- euit the liengtl sud -breadtliofh flie bad aeueil ns in London, ïtud fie 'N17 S EYN,î aniioun f o moue-y that wibb b lieos- Termia tion e teVispitably spent cMriuîg the îaad - beyond ocfinary oealicatioîi

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