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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1902, p. 7

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THlE ROUSE E P C0MX 0NS Il MIERY OD ')ENULANI) WHTOUR LAWM~AXERS ARE NEWS BY MYAIL ABOUT JOHN DOING AT OTTAWA. UL AD IS PEOPLE. 1'LLPCO~\ ANY.Record of Occurrences in the Land Tho Privaite Bis Coinmittee pass- Ta sSpen nteCm e. d thle othSoeoeEaly & Navigation Company bill« The nierdiai World. Comipany proposes to ereet large orvo ccc iv o h pnlp juilîs at Seven Island, in the fell into the canal at Stretford, near Lower St. Law rence, and the capitzal Manchester. is $1,000,000.The Comipany 15 also A drainageo srheme w\hich vilcost KwNEY & URINY enipower-ed to, carry- on aL goneral £40,000, was offilr-ally sanctioned at lumberiig, and imiaiiufacturîng bulsi- Sttingbourne. .0 av and to keep genîcî il stores. At Scarborougli, Bir. 1ly. Eccels, àEEH CMAN. who for many years lived as a re- TI-e Stib-Coir.nuittce of the Senate cluse, lias died wortb £j0,000. VaStorla is Dr. Sarniuel Pitcher's prescription orIfat Railway Coinmîittee dealt with the H R.H. Princess Louise, -Duchess of nClien LtotannitrOiuJorhnue anell imte ds Comay ill Alter -tArgylirOpum 3 an a1 Telpno Condiscus ihe law Charing Chns Hspialece . ieit f er Narcotic substan-e. Itl is a harmless usttt Mis.el l':k stîu~t'ctc( to dtha Ce rosiHosoial.6,55pb 4îs.1,STVEEdgett's Land- clause -orox iding that the question lTehuero aresi iand 4,157 .3er-iopnb- for. Paregorie, Dr'ops, Soothing Syrups andCatr01 irig, N.B,, rites en Jan. 18, 1)0 frts'-lerigo yteGvenr n ,3 iene osl ,ie "In te fal of1899I wa trobled ap, il sot b~ so 0f ie ie cr[tned on te oîeruo- ad613 uesc 0su ic t 15Pleasani lits guarantee is tirty year'ueb inth al f 8q wstrul in uo of a her dhe, 011 thiyorapphe The foundation-stone of the Band Millions of ilotlhers. Castoria destroys Wrm1ad vth a severe pain in the back. IGlonc i1 oh ca~a o h f Hope j ubilce building il, the Old wîchi nmuanicipaIities. The Committko wjh lBai a adb h ord My allayS Feve xshuess. Castoria prevents voiniigSu could scarcely gel Up oottof a3hair ga'tib g , wa wes Wltidnwet thaîL TuyJay TO EE~TTCT ~L1~S 'The old dlock ut Beverley M\ansion Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wiud Colle. Castorareee and it gave Me great pain ta move TR, I 'AIN nr-wihla utbe elcdb abu.1tokoebxofDae U. Sumith, 0fVancouveor, fuiiitnei'0-to-25 Teething troubles, cures Constipation and atecy ducid a bili) auedthie Art 1 e oOfluw co a t 5 curde. Illhad notbee roulted hiloOe inapotation i ,1 ,mrîy Cacars. asimiates the Food, regulates thoSomci Cue.1hv entobe in f a tc Th newposioffie atChaiam as - and Bowels, giving heaithy and natural sleep.Csoi ~it i snc."power o applving the Allen Lalior opcned this ,veek. The building is With it siDCe,ý proved ~~~~~~~that the soil was not utterly Act sbah hoe placd lu the band~s cf 4 h hlleisPneateZ hrsF MAIt1I'H~ AMI hIrl1,ftllftPItOXOad ptu ~algec c 1jjlmB5 ntO(lt thrc wilI of the hale Ais. Bari- Castoria., Castori anne Ilay, Crboltonhaîntorlais an excellent niedicine for "Casterla is so welaatdh lide H ~~ ~ ~ DEATET apyaar erdWve TAt 0 TEthe{ sijblwoend o ya r t e- n'nns ,lisole d viipmate son a chaiitics benefll 10 othe exîîmt cf z.iidreil. Mothers have repeatedly told iûe that1 recommeud it amsro t ss at the trcoes nd sbrubo 0£c0,a00t. Use WELLS, RICH-ARD13ON & COIS 1wero. geuieraihv speakiing, doing i cry lpe u on ho iaietiao iegeul Tieleat fSr Jhdradc f i oDR. G.eC. uon their chlenas.Il ." rpio nonto aî." Ni, "TMPROVED BUTTER COLOT" from -1u6beron rcs and Lves LoI w t.Aboulat ]e y-flieperetos',fm-iimo(lml'lut ori lmeAr aîta, de- a ouceîî, SirwJohnrlwacf onou Ra.C tcnLniMu .A RCEM l ro~n yesr te year 'ibcause it gives the most - Saler slaetdea i oela thepiicof Condition.Evi- port iiproper cases. lvaîmIsone ir Jo82.nTEwas liorn aINAT satisfactorv results. In every part cf SbeIin.WOOiiIOBii i <id'oi ILLS PAS1_SED.laasoe ii182 Canada, richly flavered, golden tinted 'The report of the nîariiosection af douce of the effectiremîcss of the trces 11Besîîerîug the Mîîîiîî al, Ot-lhamm'a Mr. John Cooke, borough i eîgliieer btîtter is seen on every farmer's table the Departuient of Mai i l-anmd Eishi- ni amii-ting tlue ,disorg. iii(IOîiWOi onU eorgin hBay CaiuhCoinîlianh cf Lancoaster, lias received lime ap- -i-buýtpS that is good enough for royalty. cries, receatly issued g'iessonie in- Uciimdma mImrn Ilm aI(ri'ucu m lloo.puaîmîtc oogîeîiera WELRICHARDSON &,COIS "lm trsig dlts ccac(eriigliminptil.lcetag the C-mma hi mi Pcifi Cape 'foxv. Tho salary is £1,500. PROVED 1BUTTER COLOR" dGes the 1 'ranches of public wormc iînder the l----- Viui-oxC.-Mr. Gthi W. P. Ciriti, Of~ 180 Forte Street, gooi work. Askc your dealer for it. supervision of lime departmneant. CANVLG"SAR,'Lt e, pool iîp-the Lake Chtammplain Edumonton, was su'mmoned the othor Refuse substitutes rThe anîcunt exîemmded oni thee ý- coU St. T 'umrmuîoe Ship Canmal Co. i day for sclling Canadian harn as Ir- ions branches of the pulie sorvice epcil 1,ýdoisBy adshbinwt nett efu. in tmo ontai c ths dpurment 100,000 Philippearis llave Iorished Rsptig fudoms ay adSlhîiitltet1dema. dinge nrlasfi uisa ear i S Sne ieA'riaiCm- No-th-liost1 Railmas Ca.I Tfhenumrses ait'footing Ilamle for A P A S O V R V A PR g the last fiscal year -as To'fa hîmorporahe Udic NorthiShoreo the Agod anîd Immirm are te, lic-pro- A Fâ6.A S 0_ r1 ý ýL 'lettlnrbe fprosilIu n i hoosanci lihai,ýLkil, 31 -ir. McCartby. 15 10 leimade at ie workieue siiccflmmîaioranciri.icll- of the Provinîcc ai Bataigus, Luzon, '10i'otpoahetu Cnaiai Mc- Asa mmuicpa u-dc -Yiu Alex- hiç i S cew niMarine and fmbr aie pcrishmed ny mar, oisease ac tor , eesC-ti.Dmis. aîdra Palace and Park, London wî ateiliersS s1,4.starvatroî i sncelieAîicirorj 'lEC'TE(lADBL. naIahscf1206dr the _____________________CO"________C____Y_____L_ Clna da's rU,ustocel nîcantîle quest cf the Phiîlippinecs, s5ds a h3,11- Lanaater's bllI tao cîmepel lIme eughu. motomîls eîding Decemmber 31. steamlishiîarao uii îeIasmntî ls'tl lGiiil alwaysta pramideoefficienît catile, At least fime Indian Rajahis, oach - . PasI~ ~foiy-fxc.Iilus imale t catig ofergînrds muas dlscuussed fori- oalwith brilliamît and extenmsive stuites, 'flecgm-cs tonmo'g' ersîme îîra ie rmmclumpr t Pinrs 'his reasui-e camie bt aaeexpecteul ta visit Londonîtua t Che 1,860 steaiushipls imspecteul by 1lt'h hippîine Ccniaîissioi, tue hie flotuse ficm lime Ialu'yCoin ear esîuii ue crod tî ios Ca îadian inspectors uggreognfs25 poil of whiclmbciekow e-mît 'arîmîmjui b> rcamae- 37tnas ogailist 226,170 tons t erdnay. hfcore ,hie A, creic D diiutia i alfi-Ierpo- L for-lime previons euer. 1pation aiflime provine tlimre micro yEle n ohrlde x ta rasiemît li thl docculed dutiegpresenîm es-tendefimheir support tb algontleherimxg 'flictotal im'mnaber af casiiaities tl300,000 perons eidei tepr-a oim. Nc. Blair, ham iîmg proamisefi ta helfi at Exeter in ceichratji c I 13itl and Canadian sca-gaing ves- ince, and nnw lucre are cuuy twc- hon otf thtc- n ime p scn anirar ftuerlec so epcrled ta the Dopai Imient of thirds of luis nunlier. The acting pcpî-aî îcisahlîthex serelieifa ofti~î admari waters, and tb CanL,-dlir îmi-eos- ci loyal sentimeont, soys ___________________ seis in uater chIer emat i o f ci "1 lime v îîtha ucas en tît~îi îtagl-emu tlthis arranîgement. aid(' known resilent of Leilto, Suln Canîada, during ltme tiroli onîths once existed. Oi late,-liy measou i .sp ofca-lolyri ca.3t mesfouinfi nspendefi froîmi a capo i cîdd J amie 30, 1901, wns 136. 'fils tîle pcoîiducti t cthetrooipe, sucit as mihuile miia11cr.bis Icdcconi ly hile soi, wlîa lix osi WEWNTMIIîpreselited a tonnmageofci47,181 loui; the e'rtensiie bunaiag cf the lbarrises i , m- Wilfiitd. tueiifcfom Ccm-dei-ncxn.andccc.s ty luV)ocf theso cas~ualics oce-rre ro iy so Iliat nsurgeluIls g_1cannot oc- ilc lI. Ai uinmct njconpany disobeyed lime haw by allaw- F nin ae8"U EVEY EEKDA. rgitcm ml'md I ~m~ 78. fui- u l~iîg o ay -se l tîe oui rmîîîout - yM-r.aedlie îrnîsetmrhe 'fng Load back Brihtaa.uPunthd S Cmae Ilth 1000 ME--;\VANTEDto av thr on iuiamd mwaters, anid about lVo- cupy i;t he tcrtucimig cfinaties hiy, mioe ~M.Ietesnt IeIii til lc uo u issue UuHhUbsLudeb h inesrefo Filani t er Sitsthethirds oi tiieso muro destrcoed by s aldmc.r neudde eiliecol 11aIthe ERilmuai CcimmitteecOf froinione cf their locomîotives. 'f ey Oshawa XVîre Fence Co., Limited, DO bemaieUpii vrylaee syl atifi ire, demioistratiing timti, ommi iaîaîîd Ilofs, in ci- er th, cml i hiPi'vC'iîîiisgudseet u vreiumd£5anid costs. guea'ted.l' mae e<'sani ovs valr I 1es, tire is ly tamimmore ncm; thue hi rsmitonofoinaies efficint Cattie guard, andi tle rail- A wyI ioimîkeesueue fincd OhwO suls equal te any and ppuces Iower than destructivemo 10 ipipiiig tlîaa mlal 1guecralli maid tietfailliteOfa ieipe îy1s shlîalhhcoiumelhed ta put il iornimal sîlus for seîlng 10cr uvitlm-j jI inanu, BrinZ us your wrinkled clohes and gale combincîl. c irflaloly appoiiîted lieuitenanits in P AI il, 1903. 'fuis uvas oppos- uînt immaslriig it, aiîîîaugîîIlhe qtuan- J. Ô. U fund e, te l preuedand ari lîk a ew sitLIVItS .osT. oumc.imaminmmg posts o UNIsigisliil ie-leU ly lime GC-ci ei.t, mnd wit5 tity gimen mmas coîmiderably amer the -tAgnow nvleT E. We kcep seaples cf clolli-prif-es riglit One liuidcd amdui tmiomy i -iic es -iihPse who ai-e fieidll umd 1mmtod clownm y '75 ta 8.Immoion aniomîlîl ordered. JoisT.ANI, the fashionable tai[or, m-i etiihis iscs fit lmose iumflidly, aime ta ra ir lmIli ouuile ts lonpllhahem-a notablc ceiihîmri.a in nealy opposite SASrraUîAN office, Boucc heenfîlnatc oid hcr mmive us if le xxeue, msuehuollo-rcm mnd nerried hi -C7 îrm h' lible lite lias e-xîied Lut Wrlton -n- 'lis nIanville. 45 f goese in frstualir. oildth~jntam'cuume.theaîiuirE p i'EClI C. Tînmes, in Johin1Cimnppho, mdc, Las a co oibnq0.compOUa nialîor iestemi, îckbaud ucaI -fic-h e sntiimentîabove ietccreuît Mo. 1itzpalcick inimtodiced a 1111boy, seud the mewspapers vuliioiail- , Is suceesfuiy usedîmothly byover _______ rorst f Cumad clai mcd ic îlaol- lain eiîm fat Pstioed nfiaI l aueudhe 1'eliLioumî et IiglilAct. nuncedlime victtry of Waterloo. 1,OLde.Sfefeîa.Ldies ask R Coatf______ youre dre liuggl t ssbeg as dsitofornd ILC otton Root Com- NY REME iii' as a sacrifice. 1 i009 hahi-rdteuvard ns c'im4tedeced. il gies lime C-oirnui Gm .eal tue Middlesex lias the sinallese uropor- pen. Take no lher as all Mixturs, pîls ard KO As cîîîprodwmth lie pmî mIf those tiîlge îîeed le donc, they 1rc im. ta requirc frirruv, pctitmoier iii lion of pauporisli cf aîyBritishi imitationsare daogeroms. Frice, 14o. 1, $1 peu 5ABT Il ~ ~ ~ r'~~~Acas oprog it i cathe do- i1hîud Ltst ha donc by native Iroops. cetiatiîîcase iotî-ity for costs. Mr. coummî< oîîy 15 pei- 1,000. Dourset- 'S oOA BD--ssrngr$5eho.No thIrgst-m ltonged- i1o Iorte eule.flhmai tel>li/paoin xpnicdthl ppir sirouas42 or1,00 ud aanshdr . sisdonmerip c pic emdîw &en. -A L..DV I muas cOuisîmeurîllx iii ~stap. eCe on~ idsor, ont. . ~ TR îl uoiifi AS a îeuC~ tales uvilimot be rcdited liîerc mýicîi sfor fdats aro frecjuuntly maude ith 1-eefrcî-U.iirr Ilhelargest nîmi- eNos. iend2soldancrecommendedbyall eýz- - r ]leocsoe ytedssesof iwîlA iost mmithOuît exception, ini Cases muhici appeor mc haie mmc ber-. rsosbeDugssf aa l~iO vosniirl h stlîîmin Pll. sîmîiers, aid asmanîîî cers l'e mcii, lut the ietitiouiers regard il Declors are c cc-rein Deonosmhire. Nol mod2aresoldin Bowmanviil biy Slett& F USe EOO 10 tsmcha*stal nr orati-vos fa their lireseîce us as il l iardshuîî if smurlifdats ai-c mefus- A salary cf £200 aiLyemi- lias iailed Jur, J Flgginhotlan & Son and J W NeDer El5I -oU is rlee.b s fte The lightmauses uuid ollor aide ho i- grs 1 nd ltieS are ] c;": I e Tis hilprom ides tu iin uh 1 t ti-car us limeo t te iï"drrugists. eclhouh sgreatly elvc yueoth sale îna vigation tilractgnoct ItheutCanDo-t i -ccmuiîm rei lme o-tû endershanri iuimul tie mmmd mig- cases, isecurity fac cashs is given, Tiiertmi uosîîutru, uvhmre the lmanamge- mno eoamnsee ythis lne- ger thefilat umill lc is-smed as acmmatter ci meniiliasmeleîm cluigef ta engageo hwcrso rel ocs LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE PÀmn niicru i f S-maior Pattecian, of Culurufi, corse. lady. Seroi, dca1 i coosod natt iCuommiaes sosmoradvsala ~i578,812.72. e-i's limaI lume ropots of îuie actinig 'zr r ,04ale i eel Who pr-ofesses 10 lcIoîrificri aI the !expenses, not te, exceed$10eda.ted Yeu rch your customier in a few Svm udei ii iIllglit e rîor cf Iluamîgas uand MajorMtr. Fishmer iatroduc-'ila liill -iTO oumîîway open for truffmc ii he Ring- sloîchimg, 1cau.ul-sliciers, hulîde-n-epomn ego, oetrsa e.N house keeperm careo-mmlyeil ut sahl- Gaî1-rcleiuor, civ.il goîcrîmarciof ayabîs ue(t1cFitcas rriage '1 It î~ ~~wîicî eecl ie-mperîebe edful. Write frfl atcuau ieconds and Imuelacan be aceomp- le-, aggropating $213,896.67 inhen mlmmeda cîdîin iaai-arsonditinonuiamscufo fmdcaiîgle111,7.06.aiu>lîolTHEi 1c-EMoPIREm" ueEPIE EOCID O. ouon Ot Iished at cost of littie time and iîîg the hnmps trimîîîîîod anîd barii.g -as appmlihîg. clearl hî tthîe persom cresponsible lier of pnsseîîgers carmicdlu~ 1901 The fartthlaI certainmi menîbers of trul.imi703 lighthicses ilîccugliaut ihe "Tjulese reports and liIchanrges tor ýlie P. 1cliiig Oet tume fruil n thîe vas 1,198,226,758. tle Irish Parliamntiary party have BOB'S 1-OTPACE tobe-Dominion. made by Maijor Waller agialost Gei- perou ciimmhse uamcsa appear on Orders haie heeîm issued cah Aider- applied fou tickets of admission la 'Fluehosalaries cf liiese Gaierîirienl or-al Smmithi stubish tii- a i t e- the package.iCFruit l uit hIe i-st qurî simol ifo- the for-mationi of Ilîremore Westmîinster- Albey le witioss tle Il was lu a countryvlaeIa Bel Teephne o.ranige ah the way frein plaramlo stateocf affairs oxists i h il riley ooainla dsutdiaye- h wi a rp Beli-m-anis Co.11v le id le bc nrhîokd -'XXX,' fruit cf batteries of -Royal iliAtlry ooîlc h-sdscelîanc-lesauldprpsitm-Iebd thlchy b cîîoe tiocuad dollars a Philippinie,- lie said. Tec I"flore liasX-fui ftidwihwlibi-te oa ipt 5 reemmes fteUntdIih ftevllg eu va.More than îoehîmindmed tliions- îcee siînpîy a caouuîvaî felalloferîdc1mchl XX' futcfIir llO viibnghe tll tT 10h-remels-iflieUnlranid flmevllg eal a adhe yeur, Ol lit "-." xxlo~it package isbateries, oxcliosv cif Ime depol bal- League. It les stti thàtan aycm- sccssful n ha aîidof I --d -los -1 il - - - - qnnahelity Te-arii ia ethrber aîtenriing ,viil e expelleri from paim. H a ogiIeeîae of Caîada.i i aîi fot000citinf-ntP iats hamhaete ot falsely mmarhedtl itis falsehy tories.o s Heiite aicîlitaly ielrigad ubo lîynastt _____________£),_______________ uvit110 quartier. inmelector pwecî ak t"falsel-' It san igm bce asth lmoîîe flu aoei ee thoeeare lovrai tightsiuips imain- I -1T R0VLCL ININý) aLei tag ih c e h oeo i -GlIllBl' res eadn Chinese sawniill and tle peculiar iiendti ed le stophuhoiaei- Suîz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tLIICi IeruloannRve îlte condumelct flime mmar i Scatîeî fu auouneîliieîe epae iLaweca tainr îe rllmi 1h0- - 'GnemalIhuls rdhe -eamiug EW AimeinS icx"mm-txrPl-jumauner in muici lime work is acoOm- qniry comcelning hieste YT4 Luveneutcchcrctporeirîmnîîg show tm-mo r iansheiidiree îist tilt',lacis aumd, mnclîîn plisimeri. Itconsiste et ea log limat "Heilo, thce, Bolbl h d-? Wufl it IS nOtl pi m lime thonmsaiids. - ~ ZOîieed hat fn0in lm io fail-()011 7lmiaautcardiitteuati t~îs boen iewn sqaare andi pîaoeui "e, el Bh vt va 'flic exteîîde onnetchee cf Cahedof rI taeproorîî<ît'eucasariIî aupon uîîspports, on whiclî a cingle breathlie lieiar leit,"îyea'so is good adylcthe ummei.cnmugreaut lakes ,mad f-icmd.'Thiis mu-rs -iliceîîee ha tie immiuGiemieiti îu cîiY"Chiliuamanan eaîly iaketi stands and lire andil'in going iwl rn h irurgo ~~a icitmouips sent onmt o xpedi- sm-ha i ogto ufnseimîiula tes a large sraw, uvhich village belle." lagnainie aofau uorage hcah ti in;teladbin fiTirty days Ipai-wl otsclls. The i r iiiîîu htîîed comprises the motive power trth ~tam.Whn hespin crns tnd Uin-îs 189 iu9.,oi.Goardeau, 1cI 1 e lm uecisxWOî, ITUAL (dU'IA If your Grocer cachot supply, write o REDU flic. syse jetohed pw in oevs), ucv -iim-c nrne ic -U1jiaving rmnged aIl leî deils con chaires 1U ~ PRAETV LEVER BROTHERS LlMlTED, Toronto, th-at thme ishanr w-as Iceceuse eilmocgl uinfront of her-, she sang and diaimed 1 sending the camne and address of your siuggisli blood; you feel tired, lIme alcndaiml gîuîm h ci'seat grass mi ll aihem-, heurt. %Vhul î I 1 0 Geoean rilsmpeo Snih weary and listies and tliat ail- - uonsu pýLIUo iniuds oi hem performîanmhcu-ernîctîmer Il ft trý eef S1 roap will be sent o free of cecI. EXPENS e nine cte rrefmnd appcr , mmid mm-elo -nta and Alonî 'CI G g ne, no-aimbition feeling takes and. ouA$ ' C u r s is se îronug we ja c m uue y S n-n mu l pýossession of you. If you take CI 1e s fe tiihîreJyn rt or rîiessed' ly lieu- voice. EBmt her- rsI j TEGNUN MAN'F'D BTo er ie S11h1,Oi{'s cots?2ltents audwilirenCm- îmîîî1auen-ne us ilIeug fwashîngs warthe lnnless Burdock Blood Bitters it wilI fis setirtathedi e sed uption, Piuennnia, Bronchits aad ailsi ,l 'os nîyAI ;lULrý/MJ > pari til dtiowr g j Troubles. i, i i ure a o oUnmo-l nucr amOîrlasu~ us yIpo-mn co ugli porc>-coclerd than one washing with impure soap. afe yoi'urîlescu , put il r: in a dey, andtatus pneu-nt seniotis remumts. Sr ounî, om-vermîe'rae-,bcius reghl1 'lU illo 1s fe - pi ageuiopi drrpiags l lb,. lulias heemu dotîmg these lmingabar Ciyeumrm. ltme stmtgc oith do clair fci tunt.C.c -L & CO., Toroîmi1e,,, __ mt'n -lcmîhoîiiian fI~cmc s o h cao a cou -ieition and make yo'î feel briglit, C.m a %me ummi -n VE ALSforthe____ cmBa hap QdvgorouW, ORii-SALoEurno --mdBu u. tuingli im0e-,ai

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