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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1902, p. 3

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The Missing - illionaire. Society-with a capital S-matie mnunisof Mn. Hirai T. Beats. At accopted bis dilnoer invitationis, dran-k bis winos, and .srnoked bis ci- gare (beýti of wbilch wene excellent) sitîs a uereslingly eaisy graco ; andi in croasideifous f ti littie itemse ciseerfuily forgttw-hat, fa otiser c- camrstaat'Os, m it wc-uirSnerha-te for- gike-namlythuit iefeue oddicinl- lionis of dollfnns weci- the rosait of a juclicioum - 'corn-"ilapork renglacer- eci hy tise astute ,Mn. Dents la bis natisve Chicago m)ot inaay ears ho- fore. Witis enîcisan exansple if le nefte he, swendered 1ai tisai sociefy, urus- eut lise capital leiter-paricululy tise section ot if te wiir 1 iluen be- fotugeci--shold trna encloue eyes lan tise ditrection efthtie welfhy Ameni- eaui; and many were tise scisomes set iiimotiomu seiich is n for tiseir end tise audmisie'one'oetf, relieviag 'hlm of 1ýonie et hies suÉerfluous cash. Peueoaa Ily, I potuderedthtie ques- -ion aste hou tissielable con-- summation coulci ho breaglut abeut fou- a long time, atîtil, la tact, I1bnci well-îigh given aýp tise fask as hope- less. At tiafpecise momnent, heue- oser, rof Innela tise tanlkely Sha1pe 0,f Juin Bi-ggs, inater Veaci. Stepplng iute rMy litt fIe sancain one cu eniimg- with tise -mystýenieus heaniîug oet meewho bas irnpom-cat 1i,'-us te cei1,muuiite, lieuwi-e-î 'Gux'nou-, 'n-te ýYoU 'emrd tistolci Bonias is geim' tec Llverpoid;l ! Any- 'eue it's iglît ;ai' don't yen frgit At ! Fouer o'cleek frpim St. Panieras, otop tise tightinl Liverpool, mýn' tae tise Newv York hoat'on tise Satan- day. 'Ows'etiat fer a bit ef noes?" - 'loreus" repliiot, "i1f correct. Bu t ?- 2 C rc 'Eto, look at tisat 1 I'ulýinig an ov,,entnig jounual freim hie poý'ýCt ie ho loltociwitis triumph ant i si iirty toroinger te a paragrapis uisîlr tIselisemdiiug tif Sociefy Do-- lisps," tise pnrport ef wuicuî wms rer- pression on tise paper te enabie me te do'ipiser what isac been wrlttc-n. "Alexandra Hotel, Liverpool, ' it road. "Iloserve roems for me te- nigit.-iBoats * -'Oho," tisougist I, "Isre ls a little iiatter whicis must ho adjusteci slîgbtly." Accerdingly at Leicester I paitd ia huirrioni visit te tise tole- grapisý! office on miy owa account. To tise Aleuandra HotelI wired : - Can- coi wiro re reome te-nigist ; arn re- turning London-Boats," and, isas- ing done se, dispatcheci a bniet mes- sage te Braggs teiliag isimisow matters stooti. Su fur ce gouci. Thece was nut iikely te o caîy iore difficulty till wo rearbeci Lixerpool, andi I relaxeci suffciently te ailow myseîf tise luxt- ury of a riper. Fortune seernecite fa-tor us agait. Whlsea wc pot te Liverpool It was raininp leavily, andi fearfuliy bois- torons witbai, the consequencos 1,e img tisat le-t people wore about. Imnaoiately Mc. Beats descentiec front hie compartment, Jirns wio was waitîîsg close by with hie 'bus- bireci for tise occasion at a price whicis effctoaliy riosureri awkward quêtiius-toucieci isshat la truc protessional style, and inquiredi " Alexandlra, sir ? Yessir." Tise millionaire niiode, Jirn tisew open tise door, caapist up tise trowa Gladstone bup while 1 aerended tise box frein tise offside, andcin laes tisais hait a minute ueo were bowling awny et a smnart pare. Witisout tise ieast suspicion Mi-. Beats bat walked lato the trap'set for hlm ;la fart, tise affair cotîlc not hav'e beca accomplisisecinla aater tasiin isac we reisearset it twenty tintes. Thse fitst intima tiýon he bat eof any- tling tinusual was wl _,n we PUile.( up in front of a door lna a badly' ligisteti stréet, instoac et tise Pal- atial l1otel eatîancc lie expecteci te soc ; and bore again tise trench ing ciii and iowling wind proveci valu- able allies. Tise exclamation wisiciu rose te bis lips as ho put foot on tise stop was uncremoniousy sinotbcred by naisand- placet overi his moutis; and betore he quite re-' alizec wisat xvas happening we bnci bundîcc irlmtisreugi tise ready oens deer into the bouse. The wbole -- ~~ ~~ ainaînent e ýYmore surface 'ut-fr snuïiTtwc mny0thilaqu st "tae rettsîg sud iste ty, iut 1 shou-lci like te kîsow te Ille anti, guessisg tîsat if eo ieetr ognsss etn r uhis îdsrhip llesi nc thThk tethe myst-r witb 1 gcç to freqnetttyesîsu--îi-c-il oftithocci ccraiitheniuntut 0fibie le eccesaî-, 1-111WFACE tuANGDD. IAnother ereen wh have laely ne- tise otertainideonI fofic- k ard." ey 'rr ceised a testimen!iel t sxite 1muci. Atîorg tise miscrobes rocOuSiz niny n prend, fastiîliouis -hth anti oMs I nwhe maraFq rousiorwiutWrshil aît n is "ou sel ie yui battemer fajrs hiok tt sul Tii ws inilarond scptss ire tliose fetothoruvise ci:sint1,young '5oitan. neotîs I lass cn a faMs lnwscseiaiaeeii e-ieln way et tackle. Clothes, for ila cou, anti censequenly fr p-wiat I reaci :- 1 ýlîo sas ~ixx -ss urs ete in rconstable of an Oxfodlîr etanice-you'îl waît a dilteretit rip- poiniiintt is Wall Street tise Satur-1 2y De mc Young Ftlenm,-I guiess pis, nsalligiialit occlunt, tettns, teolue uti dte wnsl heri-face properly. yotseolîhstidv fica out front that, you kaow 1 And day îoîînuxx ing." by tise tiine yen rend titis ouu'l tubeculosis andtisopiciacitifa." IIBruisue necuis te ho toitI more tisan - er s.let 2" Tîsis ki e-ks g aloaly offiel rtiu:asitc Iserbape it would ho as well te have -Oh. I shahl, shah 1 ?" ho tlrawl lihave hatl plenty etofoî-otuîtitY te .Snrly tlis is piliusg ap uic n0,11Y tiss The ergaits ef thsis vonderful at-id' ail filîc iwus,,soîci hy aur usew ettînt ini I.ndo.Sosmtr a couple oethtisoboys te nssist in eci,l couienptuonsly. -Look itere, cool loir Iseels a bit ;atîdia ittle a uitile tee higi. WliSoreOt-e woui- body of ours are rciusly loyal teO tieni." urds lue receivec a- case a littie extra porsdasiets ssoulc i istel-, 1 reckons 'on tlink yotur-self ad-tice uue't cermne se niunli antws. dors, iil the' Larot find dceadly caris otiîcî. If tise ergan le mnable i Ptol tou thiliE lcosig a b ecessary yenueauaru-ange that?" Ipett n a t al, se l'rc, p'r'p ]Ne-st tino nou tiry to cook aisybody (ligeis loî-king net ? to e ortin all te ueork which ile put " Ano o tliihaeuugiv tt 1" - m-ar ,p ps11 a t i en dc reisp c,"n a-k tfg ai 'Cert'niy, guv'ner--a sery gooci toc a lritîsher ; but xsheuî you try îiake sure yot"u- e t tlîerigbt man. ufaiti fo trnsaanclaitc t er-lstObuel n'tn"cndotcs ierutl tog ýsinin'd toc. oý-eg t e hoa peodislu bit tewlsele tinte if vor'd oiily kîewi MIXEP. shai-o as w'll as tîseir oen.Thi~seis I"itncaite o-vsh ue suspects tisat leeaeton -Tisere, foi-'thse nonce, xee separateci. spurigtiier tisas-t îaie-seo ? Wbat yen aux - - o .,I.siepat f e ar ttstei eefetprvsonfrtletdig roet, e ees1 Eight 'clock the ,tîext meîi-jtig, de yen say to that 2"-malice so sr.; Ielnst.e trut, I I "Yoe Sise 15 ingatucis ceaiSpeci iy inform Sretiautd Yard et bis sus-it rusoî t sntecapatuatrytoe-e-oc0f;onpoaî dflichtisfT.tItî ,ntesn lehest fr-L ýiendse uult net picions. Still. tise i(lac i ie isowex or, saw us togoîlsor again-ilsis "TisatIl "1iw as as qrickaslie-,iSal't a ot etiltt-tuî,graitns te trietits at a distance- w ho was nos r lîstenden la tise scîseme of titte as tinseliers to the Mer-e-y sca- ini fait I bai h-en expectiiag coine- I've nsoit et snoaking likiuîg unr irebirg.,,rec.ilat iCtis îttîetebee ianiriitheî a- ofettocay athdcint maxlioruîts ie esie t rmefeaîne por-Lt. eure is ne necc for me te1 tiiîs efthte soit--aisitihe t1wo siit 01u ; an('tI lat's wxiSlI'se tolci 111 message jes tinîcci te at-rixeulust aller ransgemenat. Wiseu it bas lastecl loug atilpo 21î euîya tlrasiga iefu doscribo our cloitîgs tlerce t tedieus I isg hari-ls ciaslied irnutrttsneot u atkpoce t iiyo m. 'rthse ceremnysl otstlduring ite rasti o umi,the Ougaîil or ou-patte liîîg lengtb ; oeugis for-nme te sny tisat, I"Andi if tise truthl's kstow'ît, Mr. j ',ais rni ctstieis hase liantorders I viich -iutilly folows. extra wort brpiiste show sigiis ofetmer v1cerntiîe. hsa-igsenreitise acesnry house Hiratît T. Bo-ts," I saint. îokiuig i-oite'10pay a'-t7'cheque etfuifiC Nou, La dritaitimeus, a lare-go far- tist-tess. Natte e lejuet, as veil as THE POPIN \ýINDUSTIDY. andI settleci varions otiset-matters, I hlm str-tight in thte face, "rnine's wiîic -,vas sigw-Ixitsati'O.O nr ueaottt -t îurid ucikndctalwsstae ol.Oe0 tepcuir-anutis tSXT-W HIeIN metuî-neclte town iwell satisfedciwitb loacieciantI--ours isî'î r slece icitIse uord Beats"-a it îtiefcut slierUs kbeforý o tue ini-trh irc suise a-flals ta s titteift pt-IOn ofisihbas -icntdysrriv Tie IXtaliTus reiCusigts - the xeay tisinge were sisapiag, le-av- Tisore wae a uîiotaett's sece of Mhcli yo e -rme net auare, and iîtoi e isrti iaisrlei.ftmpr l iewtktsa ieîc otresis stiulas s tie 4nv fcteiveaTheIal-tr-t ing Bi-appe in charge et the etiser thiî, seing tit bi i bluff hati taiîci, conscrîuet-tly failed te obserse taL b. itîg a vailcaial,ise telt i dorse by the liver,tise k idtie'ns or oh-e s tiaincusi et1ghode ar'hicislok vtsability o enion end. lie lot bis amciidrop te bis side. tîtat pice 0f paper hatast n hs salii e otlîti nov t oc- rgasii isuta î'îOiet ac wo oar fs cmbnei ha tsInaiti, itiie fft ss îs we Tise only fear now wns lest ceaie- "Say, soîsa," se saici-ausci1 took I Arrose tise pond, yen sec, sce autimi hi a iýa di c in i - lk 11(1ronstitues se surfaes tadt1l ise ea oer, xsiseî it ses fe'unl. se signl et ~ttessialtieocm eflimes cartheresurfacess milesfi-on tbîng sisonîni transpire te pestpoae if as a complimsent tisaitisere was a pate tisssont of titg antd pro-' The bsuiili, boiîtg ai-t ecowutomical sloxmes roughiuss ancipipiies)W. -wo tei rrprt h i Naples. lIer isusisamliauenda tise uillionaires jeurney ;_anci I different note ini hie voire- I pues I vide ton it-only titeî'me a lot enri- mati. coasinýeCi tise twe faie antI A yuuag weusînusasisanuen of luer corns ron iionar t. Tis led eiiksbu d muet own stisat it Ws nwsitis a s1gi I macle a slmgistmistake w-len I tolk er overt- iere. Ilere's iuîrk, sonty !tise hîappsy hnicegrooim eceixoci tisecoisîipiexiotussoulc try tîbe effect o!yaste i et relief I emue tise pottly figure tisat yen ifoc a grenn'un, eh 2IYou're fot hbil a hac sott, atnd fellewlig' scsag jst aibey nýaji ti'iisg more water and -ý;tiiiig lees !l-Dublins, hecauso they axer la tise wyerstiey hivet e eux a 1kaew se well emnenge lei-tuiely front "r'reen anlgoltl, sir," I repiieti, tour whisky unis imastieis. AD'ire sat dounvrite dituimnet' .- rany, pi-tii-tphou- digestive orgatu Iiis citl tht teb-in sote qh nuai- bora te tisent fifty-ih tts o o suresngliTegbe-t aies. Eleven difectttisl te boeking-efllce about a quarter o e etiusly, -'amy ho an excellenî diigy gs "tîuo i ýl are ast.oLetsiersal îsouougîat ,brilliance and pormarience e ofoî ai'ne mstil ewr e ,aîio IfPtmi day. ef view ; but lu my -troessionu yen 1 petusedthfis ueînarkzahle oc- It is fuýil-te 1, cuce i;;at tise telle- suashinýg lussoft sater, aeing oee btbsntbe taiidfu ifrn ca Mu-. Fente ialted_ at tise bookeîiilseldeai fil-i this associnteti. The mi--t ttwice ;tison it st ruck ai fhît Igas alneiu cutas uuri.the geocialîd soaps f eicorhre- wu-ro announceed, andioc icewn to purelînsso snte papers,; ; tison tîsrn- hotu- is, îuoweveu-,getting lato. tise adîniration exjeset b Ar u-tiicat;ýiiu t tîe a 1enutldgruss aeuovseaayefu. Lot heî- ne bncibeen hiigbrhmc oi osac il et into the telograp,4 office. 1I isai su'voldIsuppo-t, xitis mlciao deleî-- IBeate n înua.Totssda siott n tir'ltniî its 'l ie iais lny u rsl i' au oi fts eeig A oe-eci- an inspirtmtion te 10110w; anci lur ec,'ia 1 'e anits yu earihmmem x-eiîl fr ..then wafnb thee peci imapros-ouiiont a disepositionts eree it witiseut 'Jucliiîe-"I eara httleg h ueas tisat i ciici se. ~ e.- îm niticheqtie, andI ueoslali base just aire soing isii'dml-odos'itBt ie nc wacihsiec1 ideu.tiin ai i seatrsad oraqtIVpr t110 îo -u~. huat wli cottie. askitsg the momentous qulestiîon sie yout-aetyu av egtts lieba ot isfom ndtine ftrwrd aquetsuperii) 1 0ý 1On tise oison b anni, eroi'iof et e, s_ esi, quite casually, 0fctepreperties n eltiser ieofy boeucieciitote tv ise pator, I (wbo tnîgethr-befere 1I bave.-OGTT EEOGILT 11 Causirsloi1ins enn ilae gotdboseel,ýs, inunfficiett batliajg b îdutudtstgoi ae saeat o ietcsn e bld cupen headaettpartition lic pasve a persîliar . s1Li'î. "al ia Cili er ci oo"Teor- auiam useîuidbdooni wouid ou approv~ai arcoetrcidpotiyu asget " oxy-aiy ontpeeroe.ms ,eiing a wtt-e) it's île finettineauxoiio'seeo- Do tel mll, Mrs. m, it "s'i)aso 1n ît1uosri' e-eoi 5is ts cmlxinefacrn lia fmte iîybaehenielia o- nugs M ie eaueeetonst toroeoef tienxtLbetfrein tisepati drümwýet a bencd osme, sonny, atdtise î'oung imOthor, ,let l'ontwho-wiils13aci laid itsttua tsOgick1oitssCsiaue.ti eits ttne2 aualm itîitrpmsts inGog lwiiiclu ho l;idtI ueci;1!1(icram,ýmed i htlist I on kiîi lut our lmet clai0iu - i eersesîil o- ay" ayiftsefo)e ccdcracI+---n.h apctecof tiattieMyad aetie oýîsot, I ý' 'tl itiBbts hastilyi at aî pecef.ou ;bru I rckos its acasetiîs "Hli, saii Ms. ]auktss,'blni xii line, htlclusflicmu itia tie' "rttl'ons'r teeyetttg,' ponnici ie s'itsouttis mskmsg bano,"Il-reysatcbsotse hne. iit mintepltu'uek tenst tse bt diyn1m ou ne.ipndlu ts luli I s'eaPoputt-e uebt eieraec bslse aiies stoio. N liiacilfleJbsaebc ietIat slowl eutfrei sînier ise ig acs- ae 2 gooi, sreng benusy abyantiieuide af n sLîpt', tpslsiît isesionri ma1 - bfurehti ii(,e umtiy sîtuiintie ail fi,- Iuis ý],ý, cd ~ ~ r(n rof n- ai i petmit 'h ae ifoft îii t ausiI'igs un br Oie taiiuldessesagpttcaus-Isl fcîî. h" adts lti oaiîsaie oaai ats Hllbily1 eraielts 10eaie i um ienptn'saoas rul, md asn îsi u ido ei ei n bite..Tise iniuileu esaspeddcrn ties 0 :ibet 'm ,OsUPo-i.I fc ,0 rt ute p'nlgbnd tg-s ets m eye. s astcipf~, ît brdluttie riin maonal. li a erinrybLy so int ; 0 nedrou'ssîc-snudts Ieuîu ttî ues'iymuc bcitn ud ip fer f liseile o wtn-,ac ethusoerbny lefe. " iedotbotI' peci nc ati! taliintln c eanyoso. ,n rwcozi unii."we iuaiiti get ttiisisi. mt- ionawek" 'aooo ot rntbset snmi. exiimr ts Sd lintc om- "P'r'aps a peg btter than som'e, W0NDEE '_"TJL IRE .LNSAE, ILSZE NARC FFR. sonny ie h0flashed baek, asho tns- -LNSAE<LFESZ.Ji AK0FFR. JOp IJNTlYW NP1 ed the cheque over. 'LilXecliharity, PoueGnn os Wi nIglfonster Camnera Owned Dy a West- Experience Of a Youn - ILan in A it cos ors a multitude of sins. ' the Fan to Boil It Inl. eruii ailroad.Irry anTetr.RIE WIC IBA AS D 1 smiied at his pleasantry-I could A camera almost large dnough t oigoth rr ae nTheatofre.ds ou TWII EWIBftERSS I afford to Le geoci lunsored mi No doiitt OOeryotiiO wulcl consider si-o salvî.eo Ths lteyalue cndcii ter, nting -ofios n TIINES placed the prenions slip of paper In11 it a great boon to have a treetubeeconstructeci andi put to practi- rat; nte sMn Oes o my pchet tie~ hck arci n shic e cv ne a~up~slung hai0 udreds of gas A "Anpc nowbrngontîheïrngonbeiîîgapped eci a ib e rai ycml use. It is, iiodeed, L anat ainong bîurnets, with a drop of ninety loc; AYoung Lady-sTtn fes o inaineras, Li;pe ýýLand requfires a corps of 1benahii in xeldc h arriage.-The Peasant will you 2" he saici. coocîly. 'n supply of fresh ani ucusillOj able-bodied ie louo its operation. Ai raeimory of sxhîi stili niakes 2/1r. ïa',d the Lion. coafoundedly hujpgry, ani, that's a Ual to anadaî-ot in-d;i.'îîngui ,lIblh'mss frainework is substituted for rnlI'rrludr.'hoccsm fact." rorn genuint cn ]Il i)îlk'W lthru t ia tripo d, andthe l e ngative w luth it s8tances areo toi lanthe Si1 rand'i_111 -g- Ta anu utainmlin The next thrco quartcrs ef an lieut mxn feair of acult-eratio,î trous' Ul, ý tai os mieauros eighr foot by four ý azilie: aire, the lie ir. Tsn n o passed piilesantly rnougil A'r i w îth thc iron buai." ani e-ehallfooet. The Metropolitn DeBfor e theo day of edctcirlights t1ines accusued 0f beîn 1g e2: Close- Beats appeaded te regard his enec ' g "ie eis Cinjoed by tii- Magazà:ie descrihes it ns folloxss: Drurv Laie Theatre was illuminatedi fistud. ButLa raii y i0w11onY ed captivity as an excellent s tiabitaiits of 'SnutLi Atuerica orati This niarvellous rnîne'a 0wes its by ta great 1gatsolier, ePii ton fe't 1te Ilinseif tht he;grudged,!le luxt- certainly boadnet spoileci bis tfIbeithe tropical parts O'f if., Whef"- arvljuscreation to the catorprise acre. tLe base. It liung 0o1 stoutl urtls swealth niight haseought. tt-aihdandI jokeci free]î, ci tuecow-trce tuxhicl lias heen graphiîl fthe 1gerieral pnssoniger agent oi a chainIs twoe fo og iciwsl oohesh ol o r eeo lied toad e,ýToohrsh oidL ,i (os delrdafter tc second gis ss ,;illy descriiw-d by Ilusnlîldt.) grows jWestern railroac. It w ns desirc-d , 'by ie ouu dw beguaOn oe occasion 1-to ofoiecd'a frize of whisky that I was a capital foLlcv utic i thi oi>ests. Ail that 's ne- inake a pictute of the comnpatî nnhl i heciig (ls-w'.O ete on ay h ol and thalt it was 'a cdownîighit pit'fcesxye t ilefw iniiosin5 ii liniteci Flyer ' for exhibition pur- thismnianhole w as ka circulnr t, u aprovo hersoîf the bL-st cookç and I wns only a Bi Fhe ']rom which, lt runi land the ixiik 105fi'e(1yposes, nnd, aise te take soine of theof but ners; a lairge circle cati toîtaihIouIsellcI Iancger ln tise district resnk t il o atseei ha te î ftrhc- rube cig euiec e-picturest1ue scoies aloug tise roaci on.ttbotî of the chandelier; arfttj) arounc Mis lhomse ouDarling Ihowns. whisky, or sonîething cisc, bnciex- 1cclii Io holci a boul. or other rcep- l very large scille, but the goîtoral atio, bses fei: t-u hocnptdnduyc~ 1 n erciseci a decidedly soothing ellci on1 tacle for it te, ruali iti. it is in tise îas-senger agent coulcl net flndagtueiaittrasboth l\e-t pze mnaard.0cuse Mr. Beats' feelings. Oae-rly mornitig tîat the luire floWs suitabie can-etra anyxx bre. opda ntrasaottethe priesut1 vas A t parting lie siîoîoiy ]land of- iiist frc-iy-just tise time wlsets it is Enlisting an expert te aid V 1ii nritîs.te publishedi, iot only Tise bey w-ho liglîteil tiis glitfering ' ta the local paliers, buýt îail over f usively, repeatîng 1oudly tbat lie reqired. a fact that wilho cinly ap- the project, tise railroaci man Lent mass of lots andi flash n rseAuistralia. The result-for itie young wouild net hase imisserl tIe ad-ton- Ptociatted by tise servant-girl wiso IS his energies to the task of rcprecluc- wa Freokatker, a yutb ofs e-t-andi pretty wîntir-was alnîstdi- tefor worîcis. liknd o ei- sluîîîbors -to te- ing evcry detaili ettise îîost apprev- tecîs., As ne autoîîîatice park haci astrOus. From ex ory quarter- of thse "Mini yeu, senny,-"lie acideci, ceive tise matutinal visit of thetis ilk- ed type of canmera on a seiale soeon- thoen bei-n devised, tise metisoc of isl.ind-continient came letters fruin -11eclselyhotornorî-o00,,C l k- is b.l gaealy sen y hetircly bhonc tise ordîîîaty tbat Ui, lightiug was a prinmitive otle. Fatrk- xoulc-be Benedicts requesting ber precsel tomorow.IN' haky-Thebows gnerllyuse bytheoptical company wisich receix-et the or used te go itîto the garrot above phetograpis or tbe pris iloge of writ-, pagky ~ natives of Souths Aneric. te coliect contract for the lensos han estts elîgat ral ot irubîî or boing introdured te lier. 1*t*setthe ellntisde prenons tiseh.111 z the preciousboyerage are th "cale- up speciai miacbinory for- their% pro- the inanhole with a long- polo, at Many, indeeci, sent proposais of mtr- >My subeequent emiotions weîe a basiss peculiar te ftopical America. ductien. tis enoa f ,viic was a -spirit terris. nage. It s0 happenoci tiat tise re- qucr ixure0fexltaio1 atI m-'rseoare noîliing lse but naturral Tise best lurnher vasseccureci for lancioing this lie had to ehovol-y caro- ofiet thte millionaire's choque patience. Tise long night jo urney pots anîd pans,. TIse troc tisat slip- tise walls of tise hugo box wisicb fui net te break any eft he glass Was already engagocl to hoe mar- seemed interminable, for 1 was tee ples tihe calabasis growe wild, but it ferais the dat-k chamnber ofthtie ram- pondante. wbirh, if loosenieci, îigist1 rioci. This fart she wae comp,-eileci to exrited te catch even a wink et Slep18 aise cultivateci. wiso it pi-educos era, aîîd llrst-ciassý cat-poaters, rub- under tise great heat drop off during explalîs by letter te sorleiiagi-1 lika and wisea at lengtis we t-oled in-te, larger gourds. Tliese gourds, tiseber workers, andi painters were cm a performance and kili semeeone ins tiree bundreci different correspond-. London la tise grey dawn I1isad per- ifritlth ie tte,t-lie of ephericall ployeci to buiid andi put'it aP, toge- tise pit. ents. Siso ronsideý-s that bier $500 forcec te curb îny haste for seme 0S Oval 9shape, ani eten mor-e tisais'tiser with tise- groat bellows te ho One nigist, as Pai-ker- reacheci down asell hsaetrnecibytie itail( wisich ,-bursloner untl tse ank epusei. fot la dîiansoter. Tise outer seeli usocinlasecuring a feras. t iitts oo -nee ilt i ii etrwiigetic px 1Pualctuaiiy at toit I etooci before is extromelyir, se tisat tbey are, The ciotis for tise beiiewe was se- andl tisehasket lusterse, lie knockcd ber m;t illl, tise blg stone-faci -dbuildingoat wiiu netoaIy nabrakabl butwill aise lerteciwitlh Ui tmot 'rare. la os- tisepole againt a string cf glasstFreinofa nc-e cres un amusagflo Mc.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~o ea raace hibuiisursttiectc0ffire, mi(lci]ai-eUseci opry part oft tise wotk every ipossible pinwilî carne loese a iect tr taneaoi eprws anti atter allowinig a few mintesfrtikaiesb iedesat prvison was inado te seaie tistat wn lw, upreio yinto very 10w water wben ila a 5mai! grnce la per tîsat 1 migist net jho negrees 0 f Idere io stroegoth wisiclî sbould ho a asnî oprwîe town ticar Rouen. By way of et-ý Ibslutely, tisefirt Cutomer, I T.1IOPICAL AMERICA. guaî-antee 0f maitîtaineci shape aîd Tison lie reeniirecithe worcisof tiectlg binsso affoe.aothed rzta swutsg epen tise huge door andi malk- All tisat is necessary ie te saw tise adjîîstments, suris as motel cor-ner- tse manager-: " If aay oethtie ci-ystals Wodbitarli.hepzet eîcîldy ptth oitrfriinalad scoopotth puîp baesadcennerting-rods. Wtr corne loose, br-eak tisota loose at ail hetefns east la bis po.xses- Tise rasisier glanceci at tise cheque, it ceetains, wi stîcri half ternis a proof and liglît-proof conditions ceets. Tboy are dangei-ous." Sion, a made tise stereetypet inquiry as te sessel wisici oaa ho useni eit.ler as a were obtaineti by tise use ef forty1 Se Pairker, witlîout isesitatiots, HANDSOME AFRICAN LION. lieue1 wouid take it, and was about bouel or coe'kittg-pot. Thse gourds, gallons or more ot saucerieir cornent. climbeci dowa tisrouglî the manisele Ts ikt oe~efac pee to coltat eout tise notes, whea sonse- wiseanet used for cookiing ai-e ettet Tise conîpitet camlera cao. ho ex- upon tise inteclareti redis and bt-ares The ticktsneî-WaS a feungcsuttryman tbing fresis seemnecito strike bis oye. cars-ecior paitton'witis astistir de- tendoci te a length ef about twentyo techandelier, whicis swayed Tw was p ainuly ernsarraitrywheu Ho scrutinizet it a secnd tiase, signs. feet, and tisere is ceoniii tise cisamn slowiy aîiose tise blak lut. proeseuteci te crewd as tise lck~ thon walkod a yard or twe away te Tise tree wisich yuelds thte milk is a 1 ber. preper foi- two mon te st and up As hlo!t immsf cown tiscomgis tise Y ronsaît a colleague. Tise action was near relative oft tiat wlîiciî produces h n nxeaotwtetitreigioep of ligis whirh formiecitise top ta d ia o soliti bis significant, anîd for onîce my rsual tise India-rubbeofetcommerce, wbicb 1wîtiscris esr. . fQettise chandelior, his lamp ratight tflrilie shn,,d .ae,------ piresce o f minci forsook me. Thiak- Isleothing moi-e thisatthe cozillt-i l'Tise twe banses witb wbic. his4-1 rz bre h,--

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