Mr. Tainiage Tries to So1ve the Greatest of Al Froblems. Enmired aecordig to Act of the parlicineîît -f yeu nnswer, "the happiest tie ef Can "da. in the year one Tholsand Nine Hun- h dred and Two, by William flBaily;obf Trontat r 3 Çmy s net iound in the prwesont , the Departmont of Aurieîutue, Ottawakj but in the past. Now I have- riches, a city miansion andi a counmtry Li-er. A despateh frein Chicago tays-Rov Thipoo resuits of inanciai saweese do Frank De W itt Talînage preachefi net briîîg te mne peace of mind and freni the felloxing text:-Mark vinconten-nent. The happiest tinie of i'it "Whaf salli± r , ,, a ,marif ny lue ýwas when a poor young manl MenIn 1 less wealth of his affectýions upon us, his su-ffering children. M__ A NOTED LONDON PRIEACRER ONAACE ~ was deliveî ieg his sermon in an ON T E F-',ý open field. Upon' the outskirts of i s the Page StRudard Il Bar Pence, rmade of "P'age" wire which I twie s. str, g na The auiencetherehaltei the c. ~ ommonwire.The continuons col, inote wavy ïapearance, allo ;s for epniaadr v le ortant oigto Canadian cit. riago of a famous farnily. Lady and have strength of about Mpud. fmreof r us pi t weare aihooc Anne Erskine (for that wa.5 the naine would have a stren h fonyabu p po If o is plcd et c, orzn ,th< polr et g a n tb f l bes. pnd. c lonnogts onmna ees of the occupant) becanie an absorbed CARE OFP SOW AND UITTER. olr etnnjsadaois s an ~ nc e.Lnc.Wi~v .Ol listerier. Sucidenly theuirister turtu- I prefer to isolate the sow early in ed and, facing this aristocratie beau- order te avoid exciting influences tyv, began ýte sellliher seul, as though1 writes Mir, C. B. Barot. Alth (-ugn she was on the auction blouX îýand b uul ecofnehc e cls exclime th pradhr, I an nw g aze î eorcoie hja te a r T h o was the auctieneer. "My brethren," ~ sol aealrultt goîug te hid an auction sale, and JSi tial te seclusion and her shelter________________________ besreak your attentionfoi- a fewislîould ho reinote frorn other hog-1 n'oinentz4. 1 .' v here a lady aidý quariers. Ia sumuiier the quantît y of e have soldi piles of l3OOts the Iast five or six weeks and have lots hec euipae te xpos te pblicsuccuent food is 5uninted, but this1 to d' se Of yet, arnd very cheap-first-elass goo Is at very small ï io snale, but the lady is the principal 1 s1hould also be provided in winter. o anrvsp To an.d the oidy object that 1 wish te _.- 1 _-. - - '1 OICrva r