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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1902, p. 4

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The galladiail Statesinan, ww,"'oe.BOWMANVILLE. MAY 14, 1902 THE &IERWIN- WIWIAàIS PAINT Ia muade for painting bulildings.. It la trot a 1owprlced paint, but 1t la cheap because the best. it is muade of the purest rnaterll-"b -wear the longest. The colors are bright and hiandeome. SOLE AG4ENTS. We guarantee our Lawn Mowers to give perfect satisfaction. They are eayrunning and siml ucn struction. Our prices are low. Builders' hardware a specialty. Your careful inspection -invited. Phne 66. ho One Door West of Post Office. BOVMANVILLE PORI DRLtI1NGIO RBOR R~~9 NOTICE. Tire anmal generai meeting Ofthtie Share- irotdr itihe Port Darliugton Harbor Com- pauy wil bu irld at the office eft tie CoemPaniY at Port Darlington, Bowmanville, ou Monday, tire Sud day cf June, 1,-o2 t tire heur cf 4 o'clock . 1.SIMrnPJLN, Uf a Man's In Love Tbat's his business. IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, That's her business. IF THEY GET MARRIED, -, That's eue business. Because we know tbey are sure te wallt Luttrell's JerseyCreamBread, Alex. Luttreli. BowMÀNVILLE. Camphor -Balis FRESH. Sponges NEW LINE. Toilet Soap NICELY PERFUMED IFuriturePoli*sh AfÉmooth and perfect cream for polish- îbg and removing stains from ail kindi of ilruituie. A 15e bottin will con vince SOLD AT McDermi*d's .,Drug -Store.. BUWMAN VILLE. (It Pays To Buq At MeDerinid's.) INew. ýWall Paper: WIRELESS TELEGRAPHI Is in the AIR and it is in our SCI-OOL, The -CE[NTRAL BU8INE88 COLLIGE..: TORONTO. We have just installed eom peesets of Wireless Tel egraphy prepared to giveintuion t is iportant sitbject, ete *personal or by Mail. Write for particulars W. 4.S4 W j PRINCIPAL. *yonge and Gerrard 8;ts,, Toronto. BOWMAN VILL1E MARKETS, Corrected by J.IIZcMurtry each Tuesday BrOUit, e 100 loS ........8$1) Si$2 20ý WUEAT, Bail, _ . 0 0O nIlO070 fi SPring.........'i U00 IlO070 lZ ed 1Ffe . .0 00il 0 75 et -Goose O00i O 65 BARLÉY, e bushi, No. 1 ... 0 01 if O 45 il il ni2.,0 40"if0 43 if nfi ......0 25 if031 fi Two rowed O 40 i O50 QÂTS, White .......O0 0 neO040 BYE, Il........... 000"il0 51; BUCKWIIEAT e.............O O0 te O 55 PBAs, Blackeye, P bush_ 0 O0Oil"0O()0 91 Canadian Beauties O 70 le 0 80 nl Mummnev 'o o0OU"i 00 le Smali tn 0 60 il O 65 nl BlueIn 0 00il 0 65 BUrTrbi, best table, #1 lb., 0 0n O17 Eaffl, edoz ............. 000 011l PomronRs, V bush ....... O et0"O35 RAY, & ton ............ 8o' il9 00 "Expcrience without reason is lifte a ship wlth- out a. rudder." The o1ldest Retaiter in a Ot-Y may be "tes cooepetent. Not the Factory, nor the Retailer, but what thecy bave jointytôocf fer. Pive years of Makers' Sad direct repm .11 mtyrto teWearer, bhe dSiater Shoe" JORN ZHELLJYAR. soleLoaAen YOUHSAND BOYS, Between tire ages et six and sixtoon a boy muet haye lots of SH0E S. Ho is gîowing fait and needs the beit. Thnîn's ne botter shoes muade for boys than wo are offcring, !or boti WEAR AND COMFORT. Tlhe,' are ruade te give stsato BOWM NVILEL BOWMANV.TLT-H LIBERAL MEETINGS. Public meetings in the inteîest of Mr. WILLIAM RICKARD, the Liberal c an- didate, in West Durham arc anneunc ed, ail te begin at & p. m., the date, na me cf speaker, and place cf meeting being as followsý HAMr'rON,-Mayor Fowke cf Oshawa, Wednesday May 14. T-YRoSE,-Mr. Sam, Clarke, ex-M. P. P., Cobourg, Thursday Mav 15. NEwiToNviLLU,-Col A. T. Thompson, M. P , of Hald.imand, Friday May 16, BLACKSTOCK, -Mr. R. F. Sut herland, M P, North Essex, Monday May ig. NEWCAS;TLE,-Mr. C. B. Heyd, M. P,, South Brant, Tuesday May 20. At aillcf these meetings Mr. Rickard will speak., H. W. RENwicK, M. A. jAmns, Presid't, W.D. R A. Sec'y W. D.R A OUTLUOK GROWS BRIGHTER. Every week strengthens Liberal hope and adds te the assurance cf victory for Wm Rickard. He is a worker, and his excellent record as councilior anod county counciilor show that he will mnaý-e an ac - tivýe member cf Parliament Two ternis (8 years) is enough for Mr. Reid who has done little more than draw bis salary. West Durham does not want a do-notb- ing-nîan any longer. If Rickard is sent there he'il bring some real benefit to the riding. Other couinties get, favors. Why cannot cnrs ? It would please Mr. Reid te retu rn himbut what benefit lu any shape or way can he get for electors cf this riding ? He has accomplished notbing in eight years, wbat can he do iii eight more ? Give Rickaîd a trial and if he does net aecom- piffish more in four years, turn hlm out >toc. We bave no use for mnen in Parlia- >ment who cannot cope with others in >getting fair play for bis constituency. >We simply ask for oui fair share of what is going, but Reid bas neyer got a thing >for West Durham. Reports from the chairmen cf almost every sub division in Darlington and Clarke and some in Cart- wrighit give promise cf gains for the Lib eral. candidate. The Ross Government has done as much fcr this Province in the paît three or four years as any gov- ernrnent has ever done, and electors seen inclined te give Ross and bis cap- able Cabinet another terni. Support the best Provincial government in the Dom ion by voting for Wm. Rickard on May 29th MUSICAL TREAT. We eau sincerely congratulate the Sirneon street Methodist choir of Osh- awa and its capable leader Mi. W. P. Piekard, who assi8ted by Misses Lut- trell and Tillev gave sueh a splendid concert here May' 6th. Waather was beastlv but the Opera Rouie was three parts full and those who braved the elemeLtS were WP11 repaid. It was a varied prograio, mostiy saced. Misses Hansen and Thomas in solos, Messrs- Adamis and Symons lu duet and Messrs Piel-aid Adams, Stedham and Paul in quartet are worthy et partieular men- tion, as were the instrumentalits Miss Nellie Smith, violînîst, Misses Tilley and Loittrell, pianists. Miss 1-oezel- wood was accompanist for the choruses. The set t, sweet blending cf voices, and the correct phrasing was remarked. Mr. P. H, Punsbou's readingi rave ex- cellent satisfaction. We hope te be similarly favored iu the near future, BOWNAN VILLE TO NEW YORK. The beit route te New York and Philadelphia Io via Grand Trunk and Lehigh. Valley, Route cf the "Black Diamond Express." Fast trains and. elezant service. Pullmans Toronto te New York, Passengers landod lu New York up towu near ail first elasi Hotels or down town near ail European Steam- ship docks, saviug passongers for Europe a long aud expensive transfer, Be sure vour tickets read over the Lehigh Valley. Sold, at town and tation ticket offices, 15-tf OFF FOR THE CORONATION, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. MissNay Jeffery, Clevelanud. Ohie, is visitlug her: mother, Mis. H. Jgbte ry, Men'î ýgeooýd tweed suits at $4.50 and blue worsted suits at $7.00 at the ffleht End RIouie---sure fitters and tongh wearers. etbu lf you want te utake 75 cetbu eue dollar's worth cf geods you ean do s0 by reading The Mascu Co's ad and1 cutting eut coupon.1 Haîsh purgative remedies are fast! glving way te the geutie action and mild effeets, cf Carter's Little Liver PuIs. If yenu try them, they will certain- ly please yen. Ike Liddell, got badlv pinched at Bowmanville station Tuesday betweeu the buffers, and the lower part cf his body erushed.ý Do you waut te be relieved cf the bether cf atteuding te vour Insurance? If se, eall and have your insurance doee bore and It will always bave my personal attention. Harry Cann, Ms. S P. Gi, Miss NMary and Mr. John Gi left Friday moring for Brockville where Mr. G111 bas a geod position as coachruan for Senator Fui- ford We are yery sorry te bic sncb good citizens. 11ev Frankt DeWitt Talmage is tak- Îng his father's place in the thousandi of homes where Bev. Dr. Talmage's sermons have been read for vears. Read his sermon on an inside pagee West End House . . Leading Clothiers. Thettels Something aboUt Tbetn VoU Gan't 1elp'Ùike. Monis Zil ltuy Brand We HayerPleased Otbers This Sprîng, le Can Please You ~In buyinig a ýReady-to-wear Satit there is a great lot of satisfaction in knowing how it looks made up. Whe n Mk You go to a tailor to 'select your fabrie, you are flot sure if you will like it when, it is, made, but, it is to your order and you have to take it. The 2Oth Century Brandl Suits are made up in the newest of cloths, the lit is perfect, the garments are silk stitched throughout, the best of Italian cloths are used as linings, the trimxrnngs are neatly matclied, the cloth. is shrunk before it is made xw up. The pants are cut and shapel to leg, There is a general air of fine customn tailoring about them, But the Great Difference is Mn the PrIce. Mon's Suits as Low as $3 if Yoll Want T'hem., Sole Agent 2th CenbLiry Brand Clothing, Men's Fine Ring Qùality Footwear. Tooke's Shýir4stàýWakefJIid Engiish HaL8. BUILDING LOTS BY AUCTION. Havinz decided te dispose cf the former Upper Canada Furniture Co's grounds by auction, I bave divided the land into ten lots, the original survey [Simpson & Lockhart] 146 feet by 63 1-5 teîng right size for good building lots. This land is located in the healtbiest part cf the town and îs lu central locat- ion for easy acceis te business section. Date of sale wil be annouuced later. Select sour lot at once. J.B. MARTYN, Bowmanvillo. WA NTED WOO L 5000 LBS, I want 5000 lUs, of Wooi, washed and unwashed, for whieh highest market price wili be paid in cash. J. B. Martyn, AUCTION SALE. WEDNFISDÂY MAx'21- Mausardctae estate ef late Jauet Me Dougaîll, ili be sold at i11 a.m. at Balmoral hotel. Son advt. lu this paper and buis. L, A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. Grand Trunk RaHlway Co., of Canada. Notice is bereby giveio that a map or plan and bock of refurence of tire propoBud daviation or Change of location cf the Gýrand Trunk Railway between Bowmanville and mile post S95i west et Montruai whicir have beau approved bytire Railway conumittecf the Privy C jnclhave tis day been deposlted by t he Grand Tîni Raiiway Ce., of Canada in tire office of the Iteglstrar of Deeds for tihe West »Iddng of the Ceunty ef Drhamn uaccordance with tha prov- isions ettheliailway Act et Canada and that ap- plication wlll bu rade te thre persens whoea lande erprepertî e sruneed for the purp ise of h lie atd deviation aun whlcir are shewn on said plan and brook of reference go deposltad as aforsaid for se much tirureof as May beruguired and that tire îald eompauy will, as soon as tire provisions of tire said Act will permit, prccead under tire provieions of tire Iailway Au? te ac- quire for tira sald devilation, thç 1and ehown ou gaid map or plan aud bock of referane as nec. essarZ fer tire purposes of tire onrpany, ef ail whicirtirese lutarusted are heruby reqnlrud te taku notie,ý flated tis 1LUi day ef May, A. D., 19o2. JOHN BELL, Several persons were at the depot Fr1- and son how ycu like his solution of the DelrS narweGnr l anada. rand o day forenoon te bld bon voyage te Mns,greateSt cf alitfe Pro bleus. G DcrealroisnsHlardwa, eed and. 02 J. . Mrrs, issEdth allndle nd Degren Team cf Florence Nightin- Fresah and Cured Meats, Gardon Seedi. Mr. Russell R. Smale who sailed Satur- gale Lodge Ne. 66. I. O. 0. F., go te BewMvu A.NYI (east end.) day on the Allan Royal Mail steamer Cobourg this t'Wednesday) evening te Tuni"ian for London, England. Mrs. couter the Initîatory Dogm'elu Cobourg ________r_______________ Giladfarnily as oktesm ri lodge. A stoocial rate of a fare-aud-a- for Bîeckville. A long and very interest- third bras been arianged- Tickets nai 7tBUT ing letter is te baud fromMiss Hallandale be obtaiued at Stott & Juiy's. Al posted at Qnebeciluwhich she saystire bretirron are cordially invited. A'.JJd-I v alu eès part had ne trouble at Montreal with educe Pri e thre aggage as it was iooked after by the Tho l4th annual session cf tire Grand 1 N We do net waut yen te accept Our expense inugeing frem Boneveuture depot will meet to-day lu the cit' of Hamilton I laudoti ue torPleîe te the steamship docks, and free convey- lu St. Andîew 's Hall, Alexandra Ar- m and obaintfoid ges. SigPlmersan anewsfnrnished by the company in cade at 10 a. ru . Mi. James Deymran W A11LL P' P 1 TeauHresWo a Rguue busses. They went right ou board and la the representativo heom Bowmauville Dutemrs, Whiffietîeos aud N ekykes wce erirdlunie utie taerorsCouncil No. 968 and Mr. T. E, Higgiu- ais1ther aticflees and cyks in wbich they aIl had lower bertirs. a-betham is alternate and District Deputy s 0 te'rilsa uavwaî a'bovely bright day and S~t Grand Regent Mr, M. A, James, sal w teStLwrne at h nm Pat logent, is a ruember of the Cred- erous Frenc , villages was much enjoyed. ni Cm te adwlsurve Harneis, Twiue. Atoteewsieon deck lu tihe mcmn-th Press reporte. an a d Implement Emporiumu, Opposite ing as the sun rose hîgirer they found it By tirs old favorite Alian Lino steami-, tT.,Tcd's store, Bowmauville. pleasant on thre south side cf the Tunis- or, Parisian., sailiug froru Mentreal inch Border to match _________________ zan. They irad met several nice people May 8, M. A. James, boeked two old ic per yd. Miss Halandale says they had quite a froru Par kdale who set eut together te 1 -O EGGS FOR HATCHINGI swell dinner cf several courses. A gun visit frîiendsilu Englandiaudlte U was fired at Montreal as a parting sainte promunt at the Corenation. Thev sent à BUFF ROCKS. In ciesing her letter sire wîites: Here we word back hem B imouski, Que., saying ~-~PuHae y"METR2d rn are at Quebec iu full view of the Plains thev had a very nice recru te them8elves PI ien Fetno a ds, N"ew YUork. eld f of Abrahamus and the paewecMn. italeebrtearwefaring Wings and Tai, mated wlth seiected heu., gomery feli, tire cli sare very igir and weil and wern as cerfertable as could 18 inch Frieze to match S. Ce WHTE LEHONS wonderful. be. We bad rmade special arrange- ,S C W.Pe eae b 1iICLEHORS ,t"'Wn We are expecting a letter for publica- menti for their corufoît on the voyage, i'fàrper ydaileu H e i ade y'irs hOL oS i. nde tien from Mr, Smale later. asked the agents lu Motreal to eent rc m uso. efrît i te Fail if airs, er so n audote theru and look after theru and their L1D 11 tI IIui cnn iehig r nralpointe aShow;e baggage whieh the did- We a lso ROOM IVU_ý !LIJIIND G in ciass at tePeterbeitmlWn hw A AD rote eur age nt inLiverpool te meet theinr e nfl u for ml with thre crearn oft tPe province. steamer at the Landing Stag-e, findi the, segu sairois5ttingsý[1sj 81,50 and $2.00. We, there undeisio-ned, d e heroby old ladies a'Id rd vide- theru with ae. -e Address: rgmgee TohVrUtidth~e inone - ou a 50ý cent icamme aM tile lu that citv and s-e KAWABL'IA POULTRY YARDS, bottin of Greene's Warraiîted Svrup of themn off oýn therain for Lord.r hmUkeiiOt 1'ar, if it faisto cure yonr cou--h or persous who wisîite cross ithe taîi h cold. We aise gnarairte, a52 cent frein auvprt Canada or the IJnital refunded. Soid irs, STOYT JcUv un Ia,, . Jamejic th eýir comfort and wlaeIweIIý1 .H OxDRotntepoestsarovo oe tae budbe hi ikt roiM1ýA.,~b'tkn uec IISR' J. HraaGiTUrr& SSm will receiv o>jui best attention. BIG 20, Bowmiàanivil11e. ivotdr 5û., 3 for loc.. 10 for 250. MISS EDITH FREELAND la prepared te give music luisons at lier home len eel Avenue. Bowmanville. 87-tf Youî Attention ~ For a I¶OffeDti If yen are building or repairing we cau perhaps help yen te solve sOrne of the dificuties inciden tet the under- taking. For instance : CEMEIrrS-WO have Battle's Thorold for concrete walls, cattle stables and cellar fleors; English Portland for pave- mients andý'cistern8. BILL ,STUIF-PIne and llernock Jotats, Seantling and Boards. riKsER-Pine a xi d Cedar Square Timber and Sleepme. FLOOP.INQ--EO and White Fine and White Mapie, CrUIN~G and WÂÏswrn-Pa!nt(ed and Grained, Beaded and Y-Joint, ~ SiDIýNa-Boeield, Coye, Shiplapped and Clapboarding, g I5MXrLus-Aîî grades, Nati-ve," Pke and Cçdar and B, 0, Red Cedat, .DooRs-Gilmourspatent lumber,hard wood and pilue Doors-ail grades and prices. SÂURn, BLINDi and MOULDINGS-Gi1. mour's and Rathbun'a Manufacture. Sait, Plaster, w ooa and Beit Cl-is Screafied Coal-Hard and Soft, Inspection Invited. f Prices Reasoniable. MOCLELLAN & Cc., 27*6mBowmaDville. Tea A offee The very best Chase and Sanboru Coffee, for something good it can't Uc beat. We have a fcw Speeials for this- week-Pure Maýple Syruip, Canned Pineapple, Cor , Peaqs and Tomatoes, the very best, Have you tried 'oiýr Sj:pdi1 Baking Powder, it ean't be beatu 15o per pound. Wool Wanted. TELEPHONE 57 HEAL BRUS B'~WMAI VILLE 19-aw - 1 ei' (tam w E), 0 9

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