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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 1

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- e- t t tei TERMB :.-81.50 PER ANNUM. ~~OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂYTERWARDS.M.AJAEdtoadPopeo. NEcw SraiES. BOWMANVILLEI ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JIJNE 4. 1902, VOLUME XVI o 3 A Carpets__uurtainS We have neyer shown as fine a stock of ail kinds of Carpets as we do now: Union Carpets, from 25o up to 50c. Wool Carpets - from 60e up to 85e SOur best quality 3-ply Carpets, $LiOO STapestry Oarpets, - from 400 up to 75o Blrussels aarpéts, from 75ec up to $1..25 Axminster Carpets, frorn $1 up to $1.3 5 * Crossley's very best Velvet, ' $1.25 Art Squares.4 Wools and Unions in ail sizes. Linoleums. From one yard up to four yards wide. H lundreds of p)airs of Lace Curtains, Iatest designs, from 25e up to $8.00 Cou] BOWMAY per pair. No Better Value Anywhere. à~ Jolilstoll & ryderifali [VILLE. 4î This Week. ýb 4ï '~" Sereens ail filed __ $1 29. ~» SEE THEM 4î A Word About Springs and Mattrasses. 4î We bave on baud aSvanclrg tocke!f Springs sudMatss. ' We wili guarantea cit-SPrinlage sudthe Matt-css lspckfr Sticin8alves, Pnicas from S$2,25 te $15.00 for Mattresaca sud Springs 4î~ fre1m $1.50 up. 4Î Don't Buy Until You Give Us a Cali. 4î~ 4î M'D iIîm on, 4~Undartakiug receivas prompt and -parsonal attention. BowmANviLLE, Night bell on tic foot-. BR EA KF AS TE 1M1114Clrod Efflokol Silgar Cnrod Sinoke IoÎIIZ'5S, Choice Pi CPýTSL fine fiavor, large. buttie Best Turnip' Ho r se To ot h FUILL LINE OF CHOIGE FAMIL TIeL -~criwL&I'0E1 BOYS AND GIRLS, Miss Nellia Ware, Button Schooi, Christchurch, Hauts, Englauf, wites aaying the sciolars lu the Button scioci at-e attulying about Canada-107 child t-en lu tiat scbool. Ticy isb Cauad- ian beys sud girls te write theru telling ail thay eau about tuas country, its aclicols, chut-chas, homes, people, etc. Tiey wisi te know what g-amas aie pla3'ed at acheois lu summar sud wiu- ter, subjacta studued, how many boit- days, description cf locality, wbat tracs gnew, occupation o! people, what la grown sud raised on tic fat-ms, wiat fruit is grown, the pnica cf land par acre te buy, te t-eut, what wagcs at-a paid te meun servants, sud maid ser- vants, tic pnices cf ail kinda o! fat-m stock, wiat vahicles are uscd, wiuat social pastimas anc eugaged lu sud what countrias tic peope cama from sud wiat Toronto, London, Hamilton, Ottawa, Kingston, Winnipeg, Victoria (B. C.), Montreas sud Quaee citicsarate lika. THE STATESMAN gOeeSte al O! thasa citias, se we ask the beys sud gfrls lu ail tiesa places sud in every part cf Canada sud tic United States to wr ite the Burtonu scicol, cane o! Miss Warc, sud give ticm ail tic information ask- ed fer sud as muci more as yen cas think of. Please mention tiat you saw tic raqucat lu THna STATESMAN. Show tilt roquesatote yur teacian, please. QTIIMURR YJflL'DL1V M) AP.TI.. MR. '91.RICKARD, ï, Pl P,, FOR WEST DURHAxV.ý CELEBIIATLNG TIIE VIC'UOI1tY. When tha figuring wvas doue sud tic maguificent msjonity of 110 for Ritokard was asunouncaf deafening wera tic cicars froru a thousaud pain cf lunza. A littia later wheu Mr. Rickard an ivaf from Newcasstle ia waa graetcd with cicers cf victery frein tic doon staps sud shop doons Tic boys mount- ed hlm in an arru chair sud carnied bim tinougi King streetat s accua apro- cession certif ba organiiz,3d the Domin- ion Organ Baud was Feccured, hon,)samen led the crowd sud with the victorious' William Rickard. M.P.P , Robt. Beiti, M P., Dr.J.C. Mitchell, Il W.Rcuwick, Presidant, sud M. A James, Secretary of West Durhamu Refou r Association in tie first carniage suid a lon)g lineo cf vabicles aud people ou foot tiex- parad- cd tic principal streAts, haîts 'hein- made at Dr. MeLaitiins sud Mr. J. WV. Alexander's, Prasident 9 f t ià a Dominion Organ & Piano Co., te sera- nade theru, leturning te the tewu hall cerner nI. Rickard tiankaf tic electors for the splendid victi1ny they bad von sud iinvited tlicm ail t go te Newcastle tic naxt nigit te mqeet iim at bils tome. Accordingly' on Friday nzltthe alectors from rowu snd dunrymasa ou the Market Square liera t7 sud headed, bv tee Domini(,in 'kgsu& Piano Co.'s band, formad ltp eso sud proceeded te Nawcastial hîRc ard's home. manshalled by mr î amase Guli mountad on Harny Caltu'a haP îng ciangai-. Alrenma-~ ~eî man on horsaback precatidtiabd sud carief torches A long lin fo carniages sud baud-wag-gon io.dnrade3 up oeeof tic iargest processions s eau iu West Durham i ui uuany va dy. Anothan processionu from ruonui-àm"t tic eue from lBowînanviile sud Datduniigton, aud , roachiug Newc:astle, flldtic att-acta. The fane nesiden casd(rucutic, antira routa wera bniffantly litum.inat- cd, and soe were Zail 'y dcntetee. Almeat aveny dwelliug sud shop lu itie yiiiage was illumiuated, sud Ciluasa lanterna swuug acrosa the treîats Tie citizans certain 1iv did great benjior te their victorinus fellow citizen,. After arsading tic atet- aahaittwApsmade afora Mn, Ric.kand's reidn ywere s tremaudona crowd packef i-c att-acta as fanas voice 'ouldrt-cd i'.TacOreno baud was ou baud sud gavae iant sacections witi tha twubaud'. Short cangratulatory speeches wce-.ru ade from tic haicony by àMatant. D.Bý.SImp- sou. K, C., Robent Beiti, M. P , Dir. J. C. Mitchell, H. F. Hunter, bantistar, sud a rattling good speech hiy Mn. Riekaid himacîf. Lunch sud coffieawas afterwards servcdtote crcnowd, whau ail disperacd after rcusiug- citanrs for tic uaw M.P.P., tic Rosa Goverumeut, Mn. Robent Bcith, sud tic KÏiug. Tic célébration waa daclared a splendid succesa. RECEIVING THE RETUItNS.. 0W UIRIIJ2II fIUiLU flU) LV ~ Great waa the cnowd thât -athàered lu uîmu tewn elaction niglit te jubilate.ý Boti politicai parties i t accrus txPected victeny sud se came in grtest numbera. - Tic fit-st retut-ns announcef asfront A AIf You Are Nervout, Despondant, towu divisions sud loudwerss, Liharal N sicntiug when 44 majority wasý accord- ASicapleas, Irritable or Out- cd te Ridkard, for local workîýrs knew cf-Sorts iunJune, that if ne verv great change teck place iu expectatieus lu the ceuit-y ti tolw Paines Celr' vte settled thc resuit, as Bownianvilie y wasa pivotai peint. Soon aftarwands 4 Rols, -1tic wines toif cf 22 majority for Richard Compound at Newtonvilla, Raid's home division, .1. sud deafeuing were tiec cîeers that W"iil Give You Nerva Force, Frash t-eut tic air. Tien came Newcastle >4 als3Enargy, Vigor and report cf 10 majoity for Ricksnrd-tia langest Liheral majonir lu tiat village New Health. kueuru te us. Fut-tien cleering foliow- ~Ok1Sq -ed. Conservalives wcre feelin,,awflulhy aick at hattby tuis ime, sticket- Juna abouif ha tic banner menti cf wera tbay when thc two Ot-ono, divisions tie year for tiec'amjoymeut cf nature were heard frein-bhu gv quita J PD aud ife. If me nesud wrenuat-anet lange Liberal gains, tic majenities for physicaliy capable o! enjeying thc g-ced Richard bcîng Onono neth 27, seti 20cts. thinga cf nature sud home se bountiful- 21. Our it-st decreasa came frein Maple ly providaf hi' au All-Wiaa Cret-ior, tie Grove wucra the Libaral majenitv feul fauit is thaîr own lu tic majorily eof frein 45 le 43, whiticiwa are todf la 0w- casas, ing le eue votiug at Courtuce -,-o votaf S ee ur~ nervousnast, itsornnia, despond- tiare at iast election, and one man was ~ rflsd forcible ramindens cf iii heasti sud was ne change. Up weiu' Liberal r ~disease. Tiair coutinunuca lu June hopes again, lowevar, wlinMt -Car- means unlbappiness sud miser-y :Ilhiriweli reportcate,9" wi 'ýith i 'Lîbenal banialimant by thc use e! Paina's Celeryrmajo)ritv swrr'l.'21 t 4'. ueal YGOEICompounud meaus euergy, activity, weut falili'wild oïean tus ns si vigor aud full abilit.y te enî.y IHeaveu's sounded like cîf tiras awaini. lampton hast gifla. Thousanda arc uowa - epr carne early witi 2n'letic!î_ good ing ruggad heati sud uuoa ant 10 at ast e&ertTti n r nter tireugi %li e use o!, Paiuc's Celery Coin- great hearty LuhRai cacar want Pound. ÉThe biessinga of bealti, ftome ri nping' down Kiug St wlias the Mll~IY PTROCER. and nature wili ha youn pet-ticon if yen i eanfllOws' tut-n te clicer y nxtsd wîsaiy use thc great m1edicluta thls ucuti. Jtbey sent up a router wieun n:isk iil ean It trnly malts i,?I)lewell, sent forth tiechcilliug msaeGrit 1 . 1 RICKARD ELECTED MAJORITY 88. nîajenitv raduced tromn 35 te 20. Dr. Mitchell fait luke crawling under a barn juat about than snd wheu Eufiaid saut hlm word that the Libarais had dcoped thea i r (formarly, Bradley'Is 0c1c Houte) fienui 57 te 51, sot having beard the gccd news frcm the front bie started te bide under a hed, wa fancy, We thiuk lha was beard te mcsn lu bit sgony cf daspair, 11What confidence can ha put at élection times lu men's word'? XVsI net fig'uring on 30 or 32 inajoritv' sud hera wa ara down te 2). Oh, the disgrace ! But the cloud waa soon iift- edI as the word raachad hlmi that Rick- ard was aledîed sud light baarted as a bird--ha sped te tewn te joiin thé Liberal rejoicing. Later :ama the Leskard report sud what terrer muat have saized Bre, Jue. Davav when hae fouud the ConHervativa majerity cf 19 had beau wbittied dows te a square 4. Thare was chance for another Ceuser- vativa chear wban Kaudal raportad sa gain cf 4 for ±teid-bis oniy incneased- majority lu the ridiug se fan as is kîuown at tbis writiug-. But hy this.tîme faw Couservatives wara te ha, sean sud the rasponsa wa a feabia. Anothar Libenai shout went up wban âMeffatt's grand taily wasaraported-Consarvati e maj- ority raducad froin 55 te 83-a clear gain for Rickard cf 22. This is very signifleant, Well doua, Mcffatt's Intoxicatad with dlilght ware Libarais wheu the gocd uaws ircm Cartwright came. The great Conservativa major- ity droppad fnem 278 te cuiy 233. This was a crushar te ail Tory hopes. Tie asat vestige diaappeared n e w sud silence reigned in tha camp tili the verdict in Toronto reached liera wheu the faw nemaining veices sent forth a about as il it camne frein 9 calar or a wel, AFTER THE BATTLE. As 3ou wena Rossansd Iiikard. Now let us ha friands, Bravo, West Durhamu This paper told you se. Weil dona-88 majority. Now for thec referendum. Wiat an ail round victory. Wliat is gaiued by sîsudar? It's eut- turnute about again Tories wera scarce Fniday last. Election raturus for 1898 inside. Compara 1902 sud 1898 figures. Tory managers are awc-struck.- XVc have a. Liberai ttam again. Elacticu returus os insida page., Lost-thle split in Libéral ranks. Ra,ýad Premier Rosa' appreciatien. Rickard will "smash the record", West Durhamu remeunharad Rosa. l'Young Electon," you're the stuif. Say, that demenstration was fine, liectors have muade a wise choica. Consarvatuves dont own thus tewn. Dec ila ccounting for the laudalide. But-ytha hatchatsasys Mn. Rickard We have a wonking member again. Write it W. Rickard, M, P. P, ow. Mn. Rickard stcod campaigning wahl. W. H. Raid has seau bis poitical fin- ish. Tbe canyas made Rickard nuany friands. Watt Durhamn is still Libaral lu a fait fight. Daar News,-Drop that M. P, P. now. -W. H R. Guets Premier Ros can Build Up a working majority. What a lot of affective work tie Hilliard Scouts did? Kingston la the oniy'city constituaucy lu the Libenal columu. Raid's only majinicreasa 4 at Kandai It was a gionlous victony. Tha Indepeudeuts ara weicoma hack a gain. Thay won the day. Watt Durbam Tories orne casting about now for a naw leader. Libarais ware higbly intoxicatad Thunsday night-witi victery. Politica waa the chief topie Saturday when a big' crowd waa lu town. That I'Grav Haired Grit" was but-led lu the !and alida Thursday isat. Lets ba çc our spali of "jlliying" thani hury tie hatchat sud ha friands. " Our Member" looked slick lu ils siik bat sud buttouaira Friday niglit. Clarke bad two sons called William. The youuger now bears the honora. Rickana 's grand victcry is a rebulka te tha gang wio did "détactive" work. Halle, "Youug Elactor." Tell the Orono sud Clarke electona tbey did nobly. Next week wa shahl publiai the many telagramsansd extradas frein lattera cf congratulation receivad by Mn. Richard. At the WhtnAu meeting RAidsaid: Casarea... ... Nestieton............ is nidiuug at md at tlis 29 62 49 50 49 Pa 76 78 47 61 58 836 308 3578 .44 82 25 77 i4 95 47 104 82 75 1118 351 233 121 28 105 59 73 31 87 64 87 67 99 59 103 52 .675 360 315 66 64 43 42 45 4ei 87 85 79 52 53 57 28 611 42 64 79 55 Majonity........90 48 NEWCASTLE. East Wat-d........... 40 42 41 37 Watt Ward ........... 45 40 43 37 ,85 82 84 74 Msjority............. 3 10 Trotai Majority ...... 12 88 CARD 0F THANKS, To thte Electors of' West Durhram: GEN'TLEMbEN,-I dasine te taka tic firat oppertunlty of exprcassing te yen MY moat haarty sud asincerar thanka for your lîharal support, resnlting lu giv- ing tic splendid -Libarai. majorlty cf 88 lu tic conteat on May 29th. 1 tiauk avcry elactor whi luauy way coutnibu- taf te tilt succeas. Wicn ah 1did se excaedingly wl I1 cannet particulaniza but 1 must make spacial mention of al tic active workars in the campaign who se truly sud loyaliy atood by me, ft-m ing a huiwark cf atrengti that waa aimply itraesistibla. To evarvone I owa net onîy my sincare, ttanks, but aise a dcbt o! lasting gratitude. 1 sisenaly thank ail wio assistaf me a t public meetings -ou tic plattorru aud oticnwise lu tilt respect, making specel mention o! my truc sud loyal friand, F. L Fowka, Eaq., Mayer of Oshawa, wbo (netwitiatandiug is cx- ccc dinghy husy lita) made it possible te give us un Watt Dut-bain fiva meetings, and lu aveny case bis practical, choquent sud mastariy address was very hlghy appraciated sud provel vary beiptul te me. 1 appreciate very bighly the liber- ai sud iaarty support wbicli I recaived froî tire Independent electors, cvary. oe cf wiici I siucerely tbank, Special mention mugt ha made toc o! tic very many young men wbo se fnehy and nobiy ralliaf round me, giving very affective support. To tiese mautîoued sud alothers I tender sot cnly mins- cane tiauka but ae my hast wishes for thair future happinas ansd prespanity. In conclusion, I sinccroly hbetiat net oeeof my many supportars at tilt clection will aven liaç e cause te regret wlat haelias donc in haipingz te maka me West Duriam's rapnasaulaîiva lu the Ontarioe Lagishature Ail tic ne- ward 1 can effet- is te strive te fait hfnhiy serve my constituants sud r.onstitueucy te tic hast cf mv ahility. Tbankiuùg Yen again lu ticenucat bearty martin for your support sud confidence, I ne- main, Very gratcfully sud faitifuhiy yenrs, W31. RICKARD, Newcastle, May 31, 1902, The Toronto Daily Stan is verv antan priaing. Its New Ontario edition la oua cf the hast thinzs cf the kiud aven publishaf hy a Canadisu papar Lt prascuts witb ail the typograplical neafuasa possible tic rasent-ces, sud developrucut uew geing ou, lu wbat lias coma, te ha called New Ontario, Whatevar tic Toronto Stan undentakes it carrnes throungh lu thc very hast way. 46 110 21 87 Majority ..............278 DARLINOTrON. Providence...........22 32 Tynone.............. 102 65 "ale Grea......... 81 36 HalmpPton .. ........... 83 73 Enniskillen ........... 98 63 Centice .............. 91 70 Enfilif..............1091 52 689 891 Majority........... 298 CLARKE& Newtouvilla ........... 72 68 Brown's S, HH......... 41 4-2 Lockhart's S il. ...... 47 40 Kendal..........._.. 39 83 Orono, nett..........8&) 64 Leskard.........«..... 48 67 Moffat's S. H .......... 19 7,1 Starkvllle ............. 49 61 Onono, south.......... 78 61 AUCTISÇ SALES. FRIDAY JUNE 18~-Dr. J. C Mitchell, Euni#kiiîen, i8seaving the village and wviil sali bis horses. carniages, robes, two -ood cutters, double and single carriage haruass - ad other. stable utensils; parler organ, parlor, sittiug room, dining room and kitch- en funiture and furnishiugs, ranges, refrigeratoi, carpets curtains, crock- ery, glassware. Cutlary, pots, pans, and 100 other thiiugs tee0 numenous to mention. Alil must bo sold Terms- 4 mouitis' credit foi ail sums over $10. Sale begins at 1 p. mu sharp. Go eariy as this is a large sale. Aise one acre lu orchard. See bis, L. A. W. ToLE, Auctioneer. For ail Kidnay snd Bidder Troublas try Miller's Kiduey and Biaddar Pis, Soid bv Stott & Jury, d ruggists. WEST DURHA1V'S MoDEL FAIR. Our farmers arc ebinDg pt on their metai by the anueouncement iu THEu STATESMAN of the prospective rivalry between B&wtnnnvifle aud Xhitby fait tains. This is right. We hava held the prestige for seçeral 3ears and can do it still if thev bes:in themseivi's in spite of ail that Solith Ontrio can do. We have tha stock, we have the men, we have the pluck and we ask every farmer, farmer'ts son, wif and daughter and cun townspeopla, tee, to gel; to work at once to prepare for next. September's modal exhibition. To make it an ail-round success averv department must be up to the standard. At the Directors' meeting last April qualified men wene appointed te ravise the Prize List It wil halp these men if othors who hold practical ideas will mnaIk suggestions te them te improve the list. Wae want prograss of the age shown in the nespectie departrents- keep every brandi up-to-date, Mn. F. W llodson, Live Stock Com- missioner, Ottawa, threw out soina new ideas or old ideas inaw form the other day in addressing the Carleton county directons wheu lie said that it lias beau ddcided te introduce a numiber of naw features in conaction with tha Whitby Fair. 111 baliave farmers spend huudrads of dollars evany year buving sead which is enly of doubtful quaiity. If, instaci thev would csrefuily select from their ewn cropa the seaid froin the best and earliest maturng stalks and save it for sowiug by means of a good fanning. miii thav would thenebybc hable to in- crease the ,field of their crops by as much aus from three te fvabusels annualîr. Ini this conruection we want te teacli tha chiudren how to select and save such seed and at thea Wbitbv Fair this faîl prizes will ha offerad te the teacher ard pupils cf a public achool section makiDg the hast sud hast an- t auged axhibit of grain ini tha- straw thc grewth cf the current yaar. show- in- stooîs, branchas, sud part of noots, censisting cof six complote plants of ascii variaty, with net moi-a tian threa varieties cf esch kind cf grain. "Great harru is aise sunuaily doue our cropsansd erchards hy injurious insacts, snd 'aithougoh there are hund- rada cf these pests the average boy aud girl only knows ene or tweocf the more cemunen variaties sncb as the potato bugs. "This 3, car prizas will ba offared to the chilîdren o! a school saction making the hast sud hast arnanged collection of beueficiai sud injurions intacts, mounted and proparly lahalltd and arraugad in groups according te their habit. or the fruit, grains. etc,, wbich thay attack. "In this connactton 1 hava arrangadi that spacialists will vîsit the Whitby Fair, judga the differeut axhihits sud aftarwands giveaua addrass on tie dit- fanant subjects "Next yoarI hope te ba able te ar- r..ng se that the couuty agricultural sociaty wil ha able te cifar bronze madais in eaci township for tic best managed fanms. The nait yaar a silver medal eau ha offorad for thc hast kept sud managed farru in the county, te ha foilowad the succeeding year by the offaring of a gold modal for the hast farm in a group cf counties. Each yaar the priza wiuning farrus will ha wall written up and the methods cf management dascrihed. 0f course ne farmers could compote in such a contast unless thay wana mamibars cf the couuty agricultursi sociaty. " "That good farrus compctition is a splendid idea ail through" Noflair?0 ýj "My hair was falling out very fast sud -1 was greatiy alarmed. 1 then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and Rasuitcf thc vota 'lu thiý the radent bye alaction au ciection West Wand, south...64 West Ward, north .. 57 North Ward, soutl,...79 North Ward, uerth .... 8,5 Senti Ward, santb .... 62 South Ward, norti .... 40, 387i Msjority ............ 79 CAPTWIRIGET. Blackstock ............ 25

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